THE CELLIST OF SARAJEVO “There is no feeling, except the extremes of fear and grief, that does not find relief in music.” ~George Eliot (1819-1880), The Mill on the Floss, 1860 EDMODO WEBSITE & GROUP CODE: ____________________________ The Cellist of Sarajevo, written by Vancouver author, Steven Galloway, explores the persistence of the human spirit amidst the conflict of war. Based on the siege of Sarajevo in the early 1990s, Galloway centers his tale on the impact of Vedran Smailović, the renowned musician who played for 22 straight days in war-torn Sarajevo commemorating the 22 lives lost when buying bread. Despite this inspiring historical attribution, the novel is predominantly fiction as it follows the perspectives of three Bosnian citizens in their attempt to survive the unstable conditions of their homeland. SUMMARY OF EXPECTATIONS: For the purposes of this class, we will be exploring The Cellist of Sarajevo through Jigsaw co-operative learning groups (which consists of both expert and sharing/learning groups) and “blogging” with an emphasis on quotation selection and literary significance. Please be aware that your independent reading and active participation are essential to be successful in this unit. “NOTES” COMPONENT (TOTAL 50 MARKS): If you have ever searched for a summary of a book, you may have looked at Coles Notes, BookRags or SparkNotes among other online competitors. Though such books and sites are perhaps helpful starting points, they are not reputable in the literary world. Until now. You will be asked to create your own version of “notes” for the book, The Cellist of Sarajevo by exploring the plot development, characters, themes and stylistic inclusions. Here’s how. BREAKDOWN OF TASK: PART A: Once you are in your Jigsaw expert groups (attached), you will each choose one of the following sections to complete for your group “Notes”. First, your group will choose an original name for your “notes”. E.g. SharpNotes (reference to music & intelligence) Then you will write one page (12 pt. typed) on one of the sections below. Each group member will sign up for only one of the following: TASK DESCRIPTION CONTEXT Background about author & Vedran Smailović, History of the Sarajevo conflict (Research and MLA citations are required) Trace 5 important themes, symbols and motifs and explain the significance. You should also include an image/visual for each. Include a brief description of the characters in the text and explain their importance. Create min. 3 comprehension and 3 thought-provoking questions/discussion topics WITH detailed answers. NOTE: Quality questions will be used on the self-created quiz! Research 3 texts (e.g. newspaper article, book, critic’s review etc.) that coincide with themes/plot in The Cellist of Sarajevo and explain why they are worth reading THEMES, MOTIFS, SYMBOLS CHARACTER LIST STUDY QUESTIONS & DISCUSSION TOPICS SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER READING NAME (Sign-up) NOTE: The above is completed independently but submitted as a group via the assignment section on Edmodo. You must include your name on your completed section and hand in one document. Otherwise, you may wish to combine your information with your group members and submit a hardcopy booklet to me (See exemplar). (10 marks each) PART B: IMPORTANT QUOTATIONS EXPLAINED (A.K.A. Literary Significance): In groups, you will be focusing on finding significant quotations in the section of your assigned character. (For example, if you are Dragan, you will look for quotations only in the “Dragan” sections of text.) The quotations chosen must be significant to the development of character, plot, theme or style as per your Literary Significance handout. Although you are responsible for finding quotations for either (a), plot and theme, or, (b), style and character, you may do more than required. You will have the opportunity to find these relevant quotations on Day 2 with your specialty group. Everyone in the group must have notes about your literary significance information as you will divide and present it to members of other groups on Day 3. You will have 5 min. each to explain your quotation’s context, analysis and significance in the text to other groups. On Day 3, you will also need to take notes on the information you hear from other groups as I may collect notes at any time. This information is also a major component of your unit test and possibly your exam as well. (20 MARKS) Additionally, as a group you will be responsible to create 3 comprehension (in multiple choice or T/F format) and 3 short-answer questions (with answers) that may be used on your self-created quiz. These must be completed by April 25th at the very latest, but they may be handed in sooner (Chps. 1 & 2). PART C: RESPONSE: After presenting the information to one another and having 10 min. of question time, you will choose from the list of journal topics below and submit one on the Edmodo wall to share with members of the class. The critical response/blog should be about 150 words and in paragraph format (topic sentence, supporting points, proof, concluding sentence). Be sure to be coherent and clear. If you do not finish in class, you will need to complete it at home or at a library. (10 MARKS) PART D: After the quiz on Friday April 27th, you will have the opportunity to respond to two other entries from your peers in the class using Edmodo. Each response should be between 50-100 words at minimum and should be a critical analysis of the original. (5 MARKS X 2= 10 MARKS) PART E: To assess your understanding as you read this novel independently, please expect some short comprehension-based quizzes/questions at the beginning of class from time-to-time. Your teacher may or may not provide you with notice so it is best to keep up-to-date with your daily reading. PART A-D RUBRIC TO FOLLOW JIGSAW EXPERT GROUPS GROUP (DAY 1 & 2) 1--DRAGAN 2--DRAGAN 3--KENAN 4--KENAN 5--ARROW 6--ARROW RESPONSIBILITY CONTEXT+ LIT. SIGNIFICANCE: PLOT, THEME CONTEXT+ LIT. SIGNIFICANCE: STYLE, CHARACTER CONTEXT+ LIT. SIGNIFICANCE: PLOT, THEME CONTEXT+ LIT. SIGNIFICANCE: STYLE, CHARACTER CONTEXT+ LIT. SIGNIFICANCE: PLOT, THEME CONTEXT+ LIT. SIGNIFICANCE: STYLE, CHARACTER NAMES SHARING/LEARNING GROUPS NEW GROUP (DAY 3) A— NAMES NAMES NAMES DRAGAN— KENAN— ARROW— B— DRAGAN— KENAN— ARROW— C— DRAGAN— KENAN— ARROW— SCHEDULE DAY 1 Independent Reading (Some class time to catchup/review text that was being read) THURSDAY APRIL 12 CHP. 1 & 2 TUESDAY APRIL 24 CHP. 2 MONDAY APRIL 30 CHP. 3 & 4 DAY 2 Analysis (Context & Lit. Significance assigned)+ 3 comprehension and short answer questions each, with answers WEDNESDAY APRIL 18 (P. 9-110) WEDNESDAY APRIL 25 (P. 111175) TUESDAY MAY 1 (P. 176-258) DAY 3 Group sharing (5 min. Max per person) & “--Notes” work period (Responses due the following day at latest) FRIDAY APRIL 20 (PART A) THURSDAY APRIL 26 (PART B) WEDNESDAY MAY 2 (PART C) OTHER IMPORTANT DATES: Self-made Comprehension Quiz (Chps. 1 & 2)-- Friday April 27th Part D (Response)-- Friday April 27th Review & learning consolidation—Friday May 4th Unit test (Lit. Significance)—Tuesday May 8th **IMPORTANT**Novels must be returned by Friday May 4th to be given to another class NOTE BEFORE: Because time is of the essence and other classes will need the class copy of our novels shortly, you will need to read at an expedited pace, which is not unfathomable for a senior level English class. In fact, in university, you will be expected to come to class weekly with your readings complete. You will be given one class period per section (Day 1) as a “catch up”/review day for the section of pages you will analyze on (Day 2). You will need to have read the section of pages outlined above for (Day 2) or marks will be deducted. Please keep in mind you will be reading your CPT novels concurrently, so it is highly recommended you use your class-time wisely and read ahead whenever possible. I have outlined one possible way to manage your time on the updated calendar attached. There are also a number of audio versions online and at your local library to help you with the reading process. Please see me or a librarian for more information.