Dallas County Program Commitment

 The Commitment – Dallas County Participating in Leadership ISD requires a significant amount of time and energy. Applicants must be able to fulfill program attendance requirements in order to graduate. If selected as a fellow, will you commit to attending: Two-­day Orientation: Friday, July 29, 2016, 6 -­ 9pm Saturday, July 30, 2016, 8am -­ 5pm One Friday seminar per month from August 2016 through May 2017 *Each session runs from11am -­ 5pm August 19, 2015 September 23, 2015 October 21, 2015 November 18, 2015 December 16, 2015 January 20, 2016 February 17, 2016 March 24, 2016 April 21, 2016 May 19, 2016 Graduation Luncheon (dates and times TBD -­ not mandatory, but strongly encouraged) Completing all pre-­reading and pre-­work assignments for every session. Pre-­ and post-­work assignments (such as selected readings, reflections, written responses,) should take no more than two hours to complete. Committing 5-­10 hours per month on a campus-­based practicum project. Every fellow is required to participate in a practicum project that is typically executed in partnership with a school leader. The time commitments will vary depending on the scope and timeline of the project. Attending at least 3 hours of a school board briefing. A schedule of meeting dates and times will be provided at the start of the program. Attending at least 3 hours of a school board meeting. A schedule of meeting dates and times will be provided at the start of the program. Attending at least 4 school site-­visits. A minimum of 20 different dates for campus visits will be scheduled throughout the program year. You will be required to participate in 4 of them, which are generally scheduled on a weekday before noon and last about 1.5 hours. Tuition Leadership ISD is a tuition based program with the fee structure listed below. Historically, employers tend to pay the tuition fee for fellows as part of their professional development, however some partial scholarships are available for individuals in need of financial assistance. Scholarship applications are sent out after we have selected our cohort. • Tuition is $1,500 • Reduced tuition of $750 available for individuals employed by non-­profit organizations. 