Mark D. Ellison - Divinity School

Mark D. Ellison
738 Huffine Manor Cir.
Franklin, TN 37067
2013–present: PhD student, Vanderbilt University, Graduate Department of Religion, Historical Studies area
Major: Early Christianity. Minor: Late Antique Art and Material Culture
Advisor: Dr. Robin Margaret Jensen
Dissertation topic: Portraiture of married Christians and marriage iconography in early Christian art
Projected graduation: May 2017
2003–2004: study of New Testament Greek, St. Petersburg Theological Seminary, St. Petersburg, FL
2003: M.A., Religious Studies (Bible and Archaeology track), University of South Florida
Advisor: Dr. James F. Strange
Thesis: Encountering the Shepherd of Dura: A Re-Examination of the Good Shepherd in Early Christian Art and Texts
2001: Archaeology Field School, Bethsaida Excavations Project, Dr. Rami Arav
1998: M.Ed., Educational Leadership and Foundations, Brigham Young University
1990: B.A., English, Brigham Young University
The Routledge Handbook of Early Christian Art, edited by Robin Margaret Jensen and Mark D. Ellison
[forthcoming, 2017].
Up Close and Personal: Intimate Devotions and Everyday Objects in Late Antiquity, Vanderbilt University Fine Arts
Gallery, May 7-September 4, 2015. (Nine catalog entries on individual oil lamps.)
“Paul and James on Faith and Works,” Religious Educator, Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Religious
Studies Center, vol. 13, no. 3 (2012), 147–171.
“The Setting and Sacrament of the Christian Community,” in Go Ye Into All The World: Messages of the New
Testament Apostles, The 31st Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium, Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham
Young University (2002), 145–66.
“In That Day Shall the Deaf Hear,” Out of Obscurity: The LDS Church in the Twentieth Century: The 29th Annual
Sidney B. Sperry Symposium, Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret Book (2000), 90–108.
“Signs” (winning essay, graduate division), The Restored Gospel and Applied Christianity: Student Essays in Honor
of President David O. McKay (1998), Center for the Study of Christian Values in Literature and the Religious
Studies Center, Brigham Young University (1998), 1–12.
Selected Lectures and Presentations
“Adam and Eve’s Labors and Marriage Ideals in Early Christian Relief Sculpture.” Society of Biblical Literature
Annual Meeting, section on Archaeology of Religion in the Roman World, Atlanta, GA, Nov. 2015.
“Religion and Late Antique Material Culture.” Guest Lecture and Art Gallery Tours, DIV 6700 Formation of
Christian Traditions, Vanderbilt University, under direction of Dr. David Michelson, August 26–28, 2015.
“19th Century Responses to the Challenges of Evolution and Higher Criticism.” Guest lecture, DIV 2750
History of Religion in America, Vanderbilt University, under direction of Dr. James Hudnut-Beumler, Feb. 25,
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“‘Joined’ in Life and Death: Marriage, Identity, and the Sarcophagus of Catervius and Severina.” Society of
Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, section on Art and Religion in Antiquity, San Diego, CA, November 2014.
“Using DIMLI to Create a Digital Catalog of Early Christian Sarcophagi.” Parthenon Lectures in Archeology:
New Techniques for Age-Old Questions, VRA Conference, Vanderbilt University, October 16, 2014.
“Theory and Method in the Study of Early Christian Art: Two Case Studies.” Guest lecture, HART 207/DIV
2712 The Art of Pagans, Christians, and Jews, Vanderbilt University, under direction of Dr. Robin Margaret
Jensen, October 6, 2014.
“The Sea Monster Kētos as Jonah’s ‘Great Fish’ in Early Christian Art.” Brown University Religious Studies
Graduate Student Conference: Beasts, Monsters, and the Fantastic in Religious Imagination, March 1, 2014.
“Work and Glory: Jesus in Early Christian and Latter-day Saint Art,” Association for Mormon Letters
Conference on Depictions of Christ in LDS Literature, Film, and Art, Utah Valley University, March 30, 2013.
“Understanding Paul’s Epistle to the Romans” (4-lecture series), “The Four Gospels in One Week” (4-lecture
series), Brigham Young University Education Week, Summer 2012.
“Understanding Paul’s Epistle to the Romans” (3-lecture series), “Archaeology and Early Christianity” (3lecture series), Brigham Young University—Idaho, Education Week, Summer 2012.
“Paul and James on Faith and Works.” LDS Seminaries and Institutes of Religion Scripture Forum, June 13,
“T. R. W. Longstaff’s Evidence of Conflation in Mark, the Synoptic Problem, and the Historical Jesus,” “Birger
Gerhardsson’s Memory and Manuscript: Oral Tradition and Written Transmission in Rabbinic Judaism and Early
Christianity and Tradition and Transmission in Early Christianity,” “Archaeology Field Work and the Bethsaida
Excavations Project,” guest lecutres in undergraduate New Testament course (the Gospels) taught by Dr. James
F. Strange University of South Florida, Fall 2002.
“Modern Latter-day Saint Practice and Belief,” guest lecture/question and answer session, University of South
Florida, Mormonism in America course taught by Dr. Danny Jorgensen (several occasions, 1999–2003)
“The Setting and Sacrament of the Christian Community,” 31st Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium, Brigham
Young University, Fall 2002.
“In That Day Shall the Deaf Hear: The Restored Gospel and Deaf Latter-day Saints,” 29th Annual Sidney B.
Sperry Symposium, Brigham Young University, Fall 2000.
Scholarships, Awards, and Grants
Fall 2015: Travel Grant, Graduate School, Vanderbilt University (for travel to the Society of Biblical Literature /
American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting)
Fall 2015: Research Grant, Nibley Fellowship Program, Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship,
Brigham Young University
Summer 2015: Summer Research Grant, Graduate Department of Religion, Vanderbilt Univeristy
November 2014: Travel Grant, Graduate School, Vanderbilt University (for travel to the Society of Biblical
Literature/American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting)
2014–2015: Nibley Fellowship Graduate Stipend and Research Travel Grant, Neal A. Maxwell Institute for
Religious Scholarship, Brigham Young University
March 2014: Travel Grant, Graduate School, Vanderbilt University (for travel to Brown University Religious
Studies Graduate Student Conference)
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2013–2014: Nibley Fellowship, Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship, Brigham Young University
2013–2018: Harold Stirling Vanderbilt Honors Fellowship, Vanderbilt University Graduate School
2013–2018: Vanderbilt University Graduate Department of Religion Scholarship
2003: M.A. Thesis approved with honors, University of South Florida
2000–2003: Invited to membership in Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society
1998: Winning essay, graduate division, David O. McKay Essay Contest, Center for the Study of Christian
Values in Literature and the Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University
1983: Dean’s Scholarship, Drama Award, Brigham Young University
Employment and Teaching Experience
2014–15: Teaching Assistant, Vanderbilt Divinity School
Fall 2015: REL 6700 Formation of Christian Traditions, Dr. David A. Michelson
Spring 2015: DIV 2750 The History of Religion in America, Dr. James Hudnut-Beumler
Fall 2014: HART 207/DIV 2712 The Art of Pagans, Christians, and Jews, Dr. Robin Margaret Jensen
2014–present: Historical Studies Bibliographer, Vanderbilt Divinity Library
2014–15: Co-convener with Drs. Robin Margaret Jensen and David A. Michelson, Seminar on Religion, Society,
and Culture in Late Antiquity, Robert Penn Warren Center for the Humanities, Vanderbilt University
2013–14: research assistant, Vanderbilt University Graduate Department of Religion
1990–present: LDS Seminaries & Institutes of Religion (S&I): instructional designer, teacher in secondary and
post-secondary religious education, supervisor and trainer of volunteer secondary and post-secondary teachers
2012–2013: Adjunct instructor of American Sign Language (ASL), Department of Languages, Utah Valley
1990–2004: Teacher and Session Director, Continuing Education programs, Brigham Young University
1987–1998: Instructor, ASL, Brigham Young University
1986–1988: Instructor, ASL, Missionary Training Center, Provo, UT