Nazi Social and Economic Impact

Nazi Social and Economic Impact
TASK: You need to make flash cards from these questions and answers or a mind map or
any other way you find it easy to revise and retain knowledge. You must revise this
knowledge for 10-15 minutes each day and it will go into your long-term memory. You will
be tested on this two weeks from when you receive the HW. If you have completed the
task accurately you should be getting between 15-20 correct.
List SIX German social groups affected by the Nazi regime.
a. Nazi Party members
b. Ordinary people
c. Women
d. Youth
e. Opponents
f. 'Untermensch' (Nazi name for ‘Inferior humans’)
In what year did membership of the Hitler Youth become compulsory for German boys?
a. 1936
What was the Nazi Youth organisation for girls called?
a. League of German Maidens.
What organisation did teachers have to join?
a. Nazi Teachers’ Association – trained in Nazis methods. Children had to report
teachers who did not use them.
What happened to books by Jewish authors at universities in the Nazi period?
a. They were burned.
What FOUR things did the Nazis expect of women?
a. Support their families.
b. Have lots of children.
c. Cooking and Cleaning.
d. To stay at home – but by 1937 the shortage of workers meant more women had to go
back to work.
Who was Martin Niemoller?
a. One of the founders of the Confessing Church who stood up against the Nazi’s Reich
Who were the ‘invisible unemployed’ under the Nazis?
a. Women
b. Jewish people
What did the Strength Through Joy programme provide German workers with?
a. Cheap holidays and leisure activities.
What did the Strength Through Joy programme provide German workers with?
a. Encouraged factory owners to improve conditions for their employees.
Why did the Nazis begin their rearmament secretly?
a. It was breaking the Treaty of Versailles.
What does ‘Autarky’ mean?
a. Self-sufficient.
What was meant by Volksgemeinschaft?
a. A perfect community of people working hard together towards the same aims. (This
was attractive to a lot of people.)
Why does Nazi propaganda give a false impression about the depth of changes German
society went through?
a. Changes were not always deep but propaganda made changes seem greater than they
Give THREE reasons why some people may have felt positive about Nazi changes to the
a. Workers’ schemes made Germans feel important and 1/3 had been unemployed during
the Great Depression.
b. The value of Germany’s production went up: 1932 – 58,000 million marks by 1937 –
93,000 million marks.
c. Class differences were reduced and small business owners were able to advance more.
Why did some Germans have to retrain in the late 1930s?
a. To do jobs which would help the war effort.
What fraction of workers were employed in the war effort at the beginning of the war?
a. 1/4
Which Nazi was put in charge of the economy in 1936?
a. Goring
What did Goring’s Four Year Plan, stating in 1936, concentrate on?
a. War preparations.
Who did Hitler put in charge of the war economy in 1942?
a. Albert Speer.