Updated 29 Jan 2014 Springdale Primary School Information Booklet for Parents Primary 2 (2014) 1 Updated 29 Jan 2014 PREFACE Dear Parents It is our privilege to have your child be a part of the Springdale Primary School family. As we serve the community, the work we do needs many helping hands to make it happen and we look forward to working with you in nurturing every child who comes through our gates. As a school, our purpose is to add value to the lives of our pupils through providing a holistic education that strikes a balance between making learning fun, building the character and ensuring that every child is equipped with skills and competencies to navigate the future. As such, we have prepared this Information Booklet to allow you to have a better idea of the guiding framework, content, resources and programmes of the respective subjects. We have also included some information on the Holistic Assessment (HA) practices in the school. Information on the weighted assessment items will be given at the beginning of each term. Looking ahead, we believe that it will be an exciting year ahead filled with many opportunities for learning and growth. On behalf of the staff, we would like to wish all our parents a fruitful partnership with the school as we strive to give our best for our pupils. Yours sincerely, Mrs Lee-Koh SC Principal 2 Updated 29 Jan 2014 CONTENT PAGE English Language .......................................................................... Page 4 Mathematics .................................................................................. Page 8 Chinese Language ...................................................... ................. Page 12 Malay Language ........................................................................... Page 15 Physical Education ....................................................................... Page 18 Art Education ............................................................................... Page 22 Music Education .......................................................................... Page 25 Character & Citizenship Education .............................................. Page 27 Holistic Assessment .................................................................... Page 30 3 Updated 29 Jan 2014 ENGLISH LANGUAGE AIMS OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE EDUCATION IN SCHOOLS The Primary English Language Syllabus aims to enable all pupils to: 1. Listen, read and view critically and with accuracy, understanding and appreciation a wide range of literary and informational/ functional texts from print and non-print sources. 2. Speak, write and represent in internationally acceptable English (Standard English) that is grammatical, fluent, mutually intelligible and appropriate for different purposes, audiences, contexts and cultures. 3. Understand and use internationally acceptable English (Standard English) grammar and vocabulary accurately and appropriately as well as understand how speakers/writers put words together and use language to communicate meaning and achieve impact. ENGLISH LANGUAGE FRAMEWORK The overarching aim of the EL Syllabus 2010 is to develop effective language use. Pupils’ language use will be affected by the purpose, audience, context and culture and their proficiency in language use is assessed by their attainment of the learning outcomes. To achieve the overarching aim of the EL Syllabus 2010, a two-pronged approach of building a strong foundation and providing rich language for all will be adopted. Pupils’ language use is reflected in the following areas of language learning: • • • • • • Listening and Viewing Reading and Viewing Speaking and Representing Writing and Representing Grammar Vocabulary 4 Updated 29 Jan 2014 SCOPE OF LEARNING Besides STELLAR (Strategies for English Language Learning and Reading), a structured programme is also in place to help our pupils develop and master the various language skills. The strategies for each language component or techniques for each task will be explicitly taught by our teachers to ensure pupils have a strong grounding in the fundamentals of English. Language Skills Listening & Viewing Components / Tasks Sound Discrimination Pupils will have to listen and pick the correct pictures based on the beginning or ending sounds of each given set of words. Picture Matching Pupils will have to listen and pick the correct pictures that best match the given statements. Speaking & Representing Reading & Viewing Reading Aloud Pupils will read a short passage to demonstrate their ability to read accurately and fluently. Reading Aloud serves as a logical extension of skills from Running Record. Stimulus-based Conversation Pupils will demonstrate their ability to provide a response to a given stimulus by sharing their views and reasons for thinking so. 5 Updated 29 Jan 2014 Language Skills Writing & Representing Components / Tasks Composition Writing Pupils will demonstrate their grasp of the narrative genre (orientation, development, problem and resolution) and ability to organise their ideas coherently by writing a story of at least 3 paragraphs. Language Use Explicit Skills Instruction Besides STELLAR learning sheets, pupils will be supplemented with other learning materials so that they develop the necessary foundation skills for language use: Grammar Word Order Reading Comprehension PROGRAMMES STELLAR The STELLAR programme aims to strengthen children’s language and reading skills as well as promote a positive attitude towards learning in the foundational years. Age-appropriate materials and research-based teaching strategies will be used to engage children in the learning of English. The key strategies used in the lower primary classrooms are the Shared Book Approach, Modified Language Experience Approach and Learning Centres. Shared Book Approach (SBA) There are two parts to the Shared Book Approach. First, the teacher introduces and shares a Big Book with the pupils. In the second part, the teacher teaches language items, structures and skills explicitly, including concepts of print, phonics and grammar. There is a range of follow-up activities such as drama and art and craft for teachers to select according to their pupils’ learning needs. Modified Language Experience Approach (MLEA) In MLEA, there is a shared experience that is linked to the Big Book that has been read during Shared Reading. The shared experience provides the context and content for the pupils to think and talk about, using the target language structures and vocabulary they have been exposed to in SBA. With the help of the teacher who transcribes the pupils' input, they will come up with a piece of class writing. This becomes the basis for group writing, when the pupils work in small groups, before they go on to individual writing. The whole process is scaffolded for success and pupils also learn about cooperative learning as they work together in mixed-ability groups. 6 Updated 29 Jan 2014 Learning Centres (LC) The language skills learnt in both SBA and MLEA are reinforced in the Learning Centres (LC). In LC, activities are planned and differentiated for the pupils in three main learning centres – the Reading Centre, the Word Study Centre and the Listening Centre. Pupils have the opportunity to re-learn, revisit or extend what they have learnt at their own pace and in differentiated ability groups. In-curriculum Speech and Drama Programme for all P2 pupils Our in-curriculum Speech and Drama programme seeks to develop pupils’ confidence, speech and performance skills through exploratory fun and multisensorial experiences. All pupils will be engaged in a series of activities like tongue twisters, poetry recitation, scene dramatisation and creative movement. Through these activities, which are highly interactive in nature, pupils will develop critical language and communication skills like the use of correct speech patterns, clear and proper pronunciation as well as voice projection and inflection for emotive expression. Certification of Language Skills by Trinity College London Pupils have the option to sign up for English Speech and Drama/Communication and Presentation programmes and earn themselves the internationally recognised certificates when they meet the requirements for each grade level. This programme is conducted after school as an optional enrichment programme. Learning Support Programme for English (LSP) This programme provides learning support to Primary 2 pupils who have been identified for LSP at the beginning of Primary 1. The pupils will be equipped with basic literacy skills so that they could access learning in the regular classroom. RESOURCES USED 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. High-interest storybooks STELLAR Learning Sheets Grammar Smart Text P2 Conquer Comprehension Book 2 School Supplementary Materials 7 Updated 29 Jan 2014 MATHEMATICS AIMS OF MATHEMATICS EDUCATION IN SCHOOLS The Primary Mathematics Syllabus aims to enable all pupils to: 1. acquire mathematical concepts and skills for everyday use and continuous learning in Mathematics. 2. develop thinking, reasoning, communication, application and metacognitive skills through a Mathematical approach to problem-solving. 3. build confidence and foster interest in Mathematics. MATHEMATICS FRAMEWORK The central focus of the framework is Mathematical problem-solving, that is, using Mathematics to solve problems. The framework sets the direction for and provides guidance in the teaching, learning, and assessment of mathematics at all levels, from primary to tertiary. The framework stresses conceptual understanding, skills proficiency and Mathematical processes, and gives due emphasis to attitudes and metacognition. 8 Updated 29 Jan 2014 SCOPE OF LEARNING Content Chart (A) Numbers to 1000 1. 2. 3. 4. Components / Tasks Counting to 1000 Comparing and ordering numbers to 1000 Number patterns within 1000 Odd and even numbers (B) Addition & Subtraction within 1000 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Addition without regrouping Addition with regrouping Subtraction without regrouping Subtraction with regrouping Word problems (C) Multiplication Tables of 2, 5 & 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Showing multiplication Multiplication facts of 2 Multiplication facts of 5 Multiplication facts of 10 Division facts of 2, 5 & 10 Word problems (D) Multiplication Tables of 3 & 4 1. 2. 3. 4. Multiplication facts of 3 Multiplication facts of 4 Division facts of 3 & 4 Word problems (E) Length 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Estimating length in metres Measuring length in centimetres Measuring and drawing lines in centimetres Using appropriate units of measurement Comparing and ordering lengths Word problems (F) Mass 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Measuring mass in kilograms Measuring mass in grams Using appropriate units of measurement Comparing and ordering mass Word problems (G) More Word Problems 1. 2-part word problems (H) Fractions 1. 2. 3. Introducing fractions Comparing and ordering fractions Addition and subtraction of like fractions (I) Shapes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2-dimensional shapes identifying shapes and making figures Copying figures on dot grid and square grid Making patterns with shapes 3-dimensional shapes Making patterns with solids 9 Updated 29 Jan 2014 Content Chart (J) Time 1. 2. 3. 4. Components / Tasks Telling time to 5 minutes Telling time using a.m. and p.m. Drawing hands on the clock face to show time Duration of one hour or half hour (K) Money 1. 2. 3. 4. Counting money in dollars and cents Converting money Comparing amounts of money Word problems (L) Volume 1. 2. 3. 4. Idea of volume Measuring volume in litres Comparing and ordering volumes in litres Word problems (M) Picture Graph 1. 2. 3. Picture graphs with scales Drawing picture graphs with scales Solving problems using data in graphs PROGRAMMES Sustained Support for Mathematics (SSM) Pupils learn Mathematical concepts through a series of activities that are scaffolded to develop conceptual understanding. The programme hinges on the principles of early success, strong basics and steady progress. The focus is to provide pupils the experiences to learn from the concrete stage to the pictorial stage and then to the abstract stage. Learning experiences involve the use of manipulative, songs, storybooks and daily experiences. Pupils will be working with concrete objects during performance tasks so that they are able to make sense of their learning. Authentic Learning Programme Through authentic learning experiences, pupils will be able to appreciate and apply what they have learnt in Mathematics in real-life contexts. It is through these experiences that they are able to reinforce and connect what they have learned in the classroom to real-life applications. Heuristics Programme Non-routine Problems Pupils at all levels, starting from Primary 1, are taught the different thinking skills and heuristics to help them solve non-routine questions and higher-order questions. Pupils will go through investigative tasks so as to apply the heuristics in solving problems. Routine Problems Pupils at all levels, starting from Primary 1, are taught the fundamental skills related to problem-solving and these skills will be cascaded in progressive developmental stages which are tagged to the topics taught at the various levels. 10 Updated 29 Jan 2014 Speed Sums Programme At the foundational levels, basic operations and number facts are emphasised. In order for pupils to be both accurate and quick, they are assessed formatively and regularly through this programme. Learning Support for Mathematics (LSM) This programme helps Primary 2 pupils who are weak in basic numeracy. The pupils are identified through the Early Numeracy Indication (ENI) instrument in Primary 1. The identified pupils will be taught basic Mathematical concepts and skills in small groups within a conducive environment. RESOURCES USED 1. Targeting Mathematics 2A & 2B Course Book 2. Targeting Mathematics 2A & 2B Activity Book (Part 1 and 2) Written by: Dr Eric Chan & Daniel William Cole, Star Publishing Pte Ltd 11 Updated 29 Jan 2014 华文 小学华文课程的目标 1 2 培养学生恒久学习华文的兴趣 。 让华文成为学生的生活语言。 课程框架 小学华文课程中采用了新的教学方法,同时实 施了单元模式。 • 新的教学方法具体体现为四条指导原则。 多听多说 这四条指导原则是: (1)多听多说 快乐学习 有效识字 读写跟上 (2)有效识字 (3)读写跟上 (4)快乐学习 • 单元模式主要是配合学生在小学期间的需要与能力: 在单元模式的框架下,大部分的学生将修读占授课时间 70%至 80%的核 心单元。入学前少接触或没有接触过华文的学生在小一、小二阶段可以修 12 Updated 29 Jan 2014 读占授课时间 20%至 30%的导入单元。这将使他们在学习核心单元之前 有个良好愉快的开端。那些既有能力又对语言感兴趣的学生,则可以修读 深广单元。 对于那些大部分修读核心单元的学生,他们将有相应的占授课时间 20% 至 30%的校本课程。 第一学段开学的时候,学生就被分成导入、核心、深广等组别。校方通过 以下的条件分组: • 学生的课堂表现 • 学生的学习态度 • 学生的学习成绩 单元模式旨不在将学生分流。单元模式的设立是为了让不同能力的学生能 单元模式旨不在将学生分流 以最适于 最适于他学习的进度来学习华文。 最适于 教材的活动本将结合作业与习字,并通过丰富有趣的方式,让学习脱离操 练,从而变得更富有意义。教师会在教学中(如:语文游戏、课堂活动等) 使用字宝宝,以帮助学生巩固学习的汉字。 教学内容 第一学段至第四学段 课文教学(第一课至第二十二课) • 核心单元(阅读/语文园地/听听说说/识字写字) • 导入单元(听说训练/核心单元的字和词) • 深广单元(拓展阅读) 13 Updated 29 Jan 2014 活动 阅读计划(第二至第四学段) • 通过有系统的阅读计划激发学生的阅读兴趣,让学生养成博览群书 的好习惯。 弟子规(第一至第四学段) 弟子规(第一至第四学段) • 利用《弟子规》培养学生良好的文明礼仪,并提高他们的口语和书 面表达能力。 欢乐歌谣我来唱(第一至第四学段) 欢乐歌谣我来唱(第一至第四学段) • 利用有趣、琅琅上口的歌谣来提高学生学习华文的兴趣;帮助学生 掌握正确的语音、语调;增强学生的语感以及激发他们的想像力。 小小打字员(第二学段) 小小打字员(第二学段) • 训练学生利用键盘正确进行汉字输入,以提高学生的识字兴趣与效 率。 母语双周 (第二、三学段) • 主办为期两个星期(十天)的母语活动。(例:戏剧欣赏、唐诗朗 诵、文化营等),促进母语学习,希望学生多接触、了解华族文化, 感受文化之美 。 文化随意门计划 (第二学段) • 安排学生观赏校外的文化表演,让学生通过不同管道去欣赏中华文 化, 培养学生学习华文的兴趣。 教材 1 2 3 课本 活动本 字宝宝 14 Updated 29 Jan 2014 MALAY LANGUAGE MATLAMAT PENDIDIKAN BAHASA MELAYU PERINGKAT SEKOLAH RENDAH Kurikulum Bahasa Melayu peringkat sekolah rendah adalah untuk: 1. membentuk setiap murid menjadi individu yang mempunyai ciri-ciri Arif Budiman – insan berilmu pengetahuan yang berbakti kepada masyarakat. 2. membolehkan murid mengenali dan memahami bahasa dan budaya Melayu sebagai sebahagian daripada masyarakat majmuk Singapura. KEMAHIRAN BAHASA Kemahiran Bahasa merangkumi kemahiran mendengar, bertutur, membaca, dan menulis. Pemerolehan kemahiran bahasa ini merupakan teras dan penguasaan bahasa baku. Huraian bagi setiap kemahiran bahasa murid darjah 2 adalah seperti berikut : Kemahiran Mendengar merujuk kepada keupayaan murid mendengar dan memahami teks antaranya arahan, pesanan, dialog, cerita dan puisi kanakkanak bagi menjalankan tindak balas dan memberikan respons yang sesuai terhadap sesuatu konteks secara lisan atau bukan lisan. Kemahiran Bertutur merujuk kepada keupayaan murid bertutur dengan jelas menggunakan sebutan baku, intonasi dan jeda yang betul serta mengajukan pertanyaan dan menyampaikan maklumat, pendapat, perasaan, dan idea secara lisan dengan jelas dan berkesan. Kemahiran Membaca merujuk kepada keupayaan murid membaca dengan kuat dengan kelancaran sebutan baku, intonasi, jeda dan kelancaran yang betul dengan menggunakan pelbagai teknik bacaan. Murid juga harus memahami maklumat yang terdapat dalam bahan yang dibaca dan memberikan respons yang wajar. Kemahiran Menulis merujuk kepada keupayaan murid menulis secara mekanis dan membina perenggan mudah berdasarkan panduan / rangsangan yang diberikan. Murid juga dapat menjana dan menyusun idea untuk membentuk teks dalam proses penulisan. SISTEM BAHASA Berikut adalah aspek tatabahasa yang akan diperkenalkan : (1) Tatabahasa • Sintaksis • Kata Kerja • Kata Nama • Kata Seerti • Kata Tanya • • • • • Kata Adjektif Kata Ganti Diri Kata Berlawan Kata Berimbuhan Penjodoh Bilangan 15 Updated 29 Jan 2014 (2) Kosa Kata • berdasarkan bahan pembelajaran dan lembaran kerja yang digunakan (3) Sebutan baku dan Intonasi (4) Ejaan (5) Tanda Baca • tanda noktah ( . ) , koma ( , ) , tanya ( ? ) , seru ( ! ) , sempang ( - ) PROGRAM Kurikulum Berasaskan Sekolah Pembinaan kurikulum berasaskan sekolah ini diadakan untuk melengkapi kurikulum nasional dalam membina pelajaran yang direka khas dengan menggunakan pendekatan dalam pengajaran dan penilaian untuk memenuhi keperluan pembelajaran pelajar yang berbeza-beza. Aktiviti yang dijalankan di dalam dan di luar bilik darjah akan melibatkan pelajar secara aktif. Pelajar juga diberi peluang untuk meningkatkan kemahiran mereka dengan berinteraksi bersama rakan sedarjah. Kemahiran Mendengar Bertutur Aktiviti Pembelajaran Kefahaman Mendengar Murid dikehendaki memahami dan memberikan respons yang sesuai terhadap sesuatu teks yang didengar. Berikut adalah beberapa contoh teks yang akan digunakan : arahan, pesanan, dialog, cerita, seni kata lagu dan puisi kanak-kanak. Sesi Bercerita Murid harus menyampaikan cerita yang dipetik daripada buku teks atau semasa latihan menulis. Murid digalakkan membawa bahan maujud sewaktu penyampaian. Pembelajaran secara kolaboratif Murid akan melakukan tugasan secara kolaboratif. Sewaktu aktiviti tersebut dijalankan, murid dapat berkomunikasi dengan rakan sedarjah dalam Bahasa Melayu. Membaca Bacaan Lantang Murid diberi peluang untuk menilai bacaan mereka secara kendiri atau berpasangan. Murid juga akan menggunakan bahan ICT untuk mendengar suara rakaman mereka supaya dapat mengecam kelemahan atau kekuatan bacaan mereka. Proses ini dapat membantu murid memperbaiki bacaan mereka. 16 Updated 29 Jan 2014 Kemahiran Menulis Aktiviti Pembelajaran Ejaan Murid dapat mengenal bunyi huruf dan suku kata yang sering digunakan. Mereka juga dapat memperluaskan kosa kata yang diketahui. Penulisan berdasarkan gambar Murid akan didedahkan dengan cara menulis secara bertahap. Sebagai contoh, murid dikehendaki menyusun ayat secara urutan berdasarkan gambar rangsangan yang diberikan. Kemudian, murid dikehendaki membina beberapa potong ayat berdasarkan gambar bersiri yang diberikan. Dwiminggu Bahasa Ibunda Program ini adalah untuk menggalakkan murid-murid yang mengambil bahasa Melayu supaya menggunakan bahasa tersebut dalam situasi autentik. Murid juga diajak memahami dan menghayati budaya Melayu sebagai sebahagian daripada masyarakat majmuk Singapura. Program Saya Yakin! Objektif mengadakan program ini adalah untuk murid dapat berinteraksi dengan lebih yakin. Program ini disusun dengan memberikan murid perancah supaya. membantu murid mengekspresi pendapat atau perasaan dengan menggunakan bahasa baku. Murid juga akan diberi banyak peluang menggunakan bahasa Melayu semasa pembelajaran di dalam dan di luar bilik darjah supaya dapat memenuhi objektif tersebut. BAHAN PEMBELAJARAN 1. Buku Teks Mekar 2A & 2B 2. Buku Aktiviti Mekar 2A & 2B 3. Buku Kecil (4 Siri) 2A & 2B 4. Buku Latihan Saya Yakin! A4 5. Lembaran Kerja 6. Buku Ejaan A5 17 Updated 29 Jan 2014 PHYSICAL EDUCATION AIM OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION (PE) IN SCHOOLS The Primary PE Syllabus aims to enable all pupils to demonstrate individually and with others the physical skills, practices and values to enjoy a lifetime of active, healthy living. PE AND SPORTS DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK The PE and Sports Development Framework is designed to guide the delivery of PE and Sports within the school system. It is an inclusive approach whereby each individual values, participates and pursues physical activities and sports of their interest and ability in order to enrich their lives, be they for recreation, personal challenge and achievement or national honours. A strong foundation anchored on fundamental motor skills and core values form the bedrock on which the building blocks for learning, participation and enjoyment in a wide variety of physical activities and sports rest. Such participation develops broadbased physical competencies which provide opportunities for exploration of interest. From broad-based development, all individuals are able to continue into recreational participation. Those with interest and ability to participate at a higher level can specialise and commit to sport-specific training. Having acquired broad-based competencies, each individual can choose and change physical activities and sports most suited for them as physical ability and interest change across an individual’s life span. GOALS OF PE The PE Syllabus seeks to equip our students with competencies to engage in a wide range of physical activities and sports. PE seeks to develop in each student the ability to: Goal 1: Acquire a range of motor skills to participate in a variety of physical activities. Goal 2: Understand and apply movement concepts, principles and strategies in a range of physical activities. Goal 3: Demonstrate safe practices during physical and daily activities with respect to themselves, others and the environment. Goal 4: Display positive personal and social behavior across different experiences. Goal 5: Acquire and maintain health-enhancing fitness through regular participation in physical activities. Goal 6: Enjoy and value the benefits of living a physically active and healthy life. 18 Updated 29 Jan 2014 SCOPE OF LEARNING The 7 learning areas that facilitate the organization of learning experiences in the primary schools include: 1. Athletics (from Primary 3) 2. Dance 3. Games and Sports 4. Gymnastics 5. Swimming (by the end of Primary 6) 6. Outdoor Education 7. Physical Health & Fitness At the lower primary level, the focus is on the teaching and mastery of fundamental motor skills and concepts. These skills are applied through learning areas such as games and sports, dance and gymnastics. The upper primary level builds on pupils’ development in the lower primary with further refinement of their basic movement patterns, and the development of combined skills to help them move with increasing complexity, variety, and versatility to solve more challenging movement activities and tasks. Assessment Rubrics Learning Areas Emerging (1) Pupil seldom demonstrates the learning outcomes Dance Express by varying qualities of time, force and flow in movements a range of moods or feelings. Games and Sports Throw using the overhand movement pattern, an object towards a Developing (2) Pupil demonstrates the learning outcomes some of the time Achieved (3) Exceeding (4) Pupil often demonstrates the learning outcomes Pupil consistently demonstrates the learning outcomes • Sometimes demonstrates demonstrates varying varying qualities of qualities of time, force and time, force flow in and flow in movements movements • Shows • Tries to difficulty portray a portraying a range of range of moods or moods or feelings feelings • Often • Consistently demonstrates varying qualities of time, force and flow in movements • Adequately portrays a range of moods or feelings demonstrates varying qualities of time, force and flow in movements • Consistently portrays a range of moods or feelings • Seldom • Often • Consistently • Seldom demonstrates proper technique in the overhand movement pattern when • Sometimes demonstrates proper technique in the overhand movement pattern when 19 demonstrates proper technique in the overhand movement pattern when demonstrates proper technique in the overhand movement pattern when Updated 29 Jan 2014 stationary partner, at least 6m away, who will catch with one or two hands Games and Sports Dribble a ball with hands without losing control while moving over a distance of 6m Physical Health & Fitness • Understand that good eating habits and exercise are necessary for healthy growth • Understand and practice good hygiene to prevent spread of illnesses and diseases • Recognise the importance of developing good oral hygiene habits to ensure that the teeth are healthy and well maintained throwing throwing throwing throwing • Seldom • Sometimes • Often • Consistently successful in accurately throwing the object to partner • Seldom able to catch the object • Has difficulty cooperating well with partner successful in accurately throwing the object to partner • Sometimes able to catch the object • Tries to work cooperatively with partner successful in accurately throwing the object to partner • Often able to catch the object • Usually works cooperatively with partner successful in accurately throwing the object to partner • Consistently able to catch the object • Consistently works cooperatively with partner • Seldom • Sometimes • Often • Consistently demonstrates proper technique and close control when dribbling with hands • Seldom able to stop the dribbling task with control demonstrates proper technique and close control when dribbling with hands • Sometimes able to stop the dribbling task with control demonstrates proper technique and close control when dribbling with hands • Often able to stop the dribbling task with control demonstrates proper technique and close control when dribbling with hands • Consistently able to stop the dribbling task with control • Shows little • Shows some • Shows • Shows good understanding in the respective PHF areas understanding in the respective PHF areas 20 adequate understanding in the respective PHF areas understanding in the respective PHF areas Updated 29 Jan 2014 Participation Active Participation in PE lessons Not Demonstrated • Seldom participates in activities • Does not demonstrate listening behaviour Demonstrated to some extent • Usually tries to participate in activities and tries to learn some new skills • Responds when prompted • Attempts to listen 21 Demonstrated adequately • Gives very good effort in all activities and attempts to learn new skills without prompting • Generally listens well and able to follow instructions Demonstrated strongly • Consistently gives the best effort and strives to improve on learned skills • Listens attentively and follows instructions well • Asks questions for clarification when necessary Updated 29 Jan 2014 ART EDUCATION AIMS OF ART EDUCATION IN SCHOOLS The aims of Art education are to enable every pupil: 1. to be visually literate • pupils are able to observe, understand and make meaning of what they see • pupils are able to communicate their ideas by using and creating visuals 2. to appreciate art • pupils are able to see the value and recognise the relevance of art in their lives ART FRAMEWORK The Learning Outcomes of the Art curriculum are organised by levels in 2-year blocks and according to the cognitive and artistic development of our pupils. The objectives of the syllabus are achieved through the framework of Seeing, Expressing and Appreciating. The three behavioural domains of seeing, expressing and appreciating take into consideration the cognitive, affective and psychomotor dimensions that pupils are involved in when learning art. This ensures that pupils are provided with opportunities to observe their environment, generate ideas, create artworks, discuss about art and value the role of art in society. Seeing In Seeing art, our pupils observe their surroundings & respond to what they see by asking questions & creating artworks. This heightens pupils’ sensory awareness, arouses curiosity & encourages imagination & generation of ideas. Expressing Appreciating In Expressing art, our pupils generate ideas from what they see & explore ways to communicate their ideas, feelings & experiences. Pupils communicate through the various art forms & media as well as orally & in written text. This cultivates pupils’ spirit of innovation & experimentation. In Appreciating art, our pupils acquire skills & use appropriate art vocabulary to discuss & interpret artworks. They understand why & how artworks are made & value art in their lives & society. This heightens pupils’ aesthetics & cultural awareness & raises the value of art among them. 22 Updated 29 Jan 2014 SCOPE OF LEARNING Learning Outcomes for Primary 1 and 2 Seeing Expressing Pupils will be able to… • identify simple visual • share their qualities in what they see imagination, thoughts around them & feelings through art making • be curious about what they see • use selected art materials & media Appreciating • enjoy looking at & creating art • talk about what they see & experience Based on the syllabus, the school has customized its Art programme to focus on the following: Primary 2 Lesson Title Learning Objective Aspect to be assessed Term 1 (Drawing / Painting) Module: Drawing and Colouring Pupils will be able to: • apply basic colouring techniques and strokes in art work • handle colour pencils confidently • use all art materials in a responsible manner and clean up art work space after use. Term 2 (2D / 3D Artworks) Module: 2D and 3D artwork Pupils will be able to: • apply simple cutting and pasting skills • create a 2D/3D artwork with appropriate materials • use all the art materials in a responsible manner and clean up art work space after use. • elements of art (shapes and colour) • colouring techniques with colour pencils • elements of art (colours, space and texture) • use of materials to create a 2D /3D artwork with different texture 23 Term 3 (Clay modeling) Term 4 (Printmaking) Module: Clay modelling Module: Printmaking Pupils will be able to: • apply basic clay modeling techniques (e.g. rolling, pinching) • complete a 3D clay artwork with the application of different elements of art • use all the art materials in a responsible manner and clean up art work space after use. Pupils will be able to: • apply simple printmaking techniques with computer software (digital art) • use all the art materials in a responsible manner and clean up art work space after use • elements of art (lines, shapes and colours) • application of basic clay modelling to create a 3D artwork • elements of art (colours, space) • application of simple printmaking techniques with cut-out foam shapes Updated 29 Jan 2014 Primary 2 Assessment Objective Term 1 (Drawing / Painting) • to identify simple visual qualities in what they see around them • to apply colouring techniques Term 2 Term 3 (2D / 3D (Clay modeling) Artworks) • to apply simple • to apply basic cutting and clay modeling pasting skills to create a 3D artwork • use selected art materials to create a 2D/3D artwork Term 4 (Printmaking) • to apply simple printmaking techniques with cut-out foam shapes Assessment Rubrics • • • Grade A Able to understand and make use of the particular skills taught with little prompting. Able to produce unusual, original and expressive artwork and to express ideas in artwork well. Able to use materials confidently with little guidance. • • • • Grade B Able to understand and make use of the particular skills taught with some prompting. Produce interesting, original and expressive but predictable artwork. Able to express ideas in artwork simply. Able to use materials confidently with some guidance. • • • Grade C Little understanding of the particular skills taught despite constant prompting. Artwork is copied and lacks originality; unable to express ideas in artwork. Unable to use materials with much guidance. RESOURCES USED Teacher-created resources: Unit Art Worksheets based on the different modules 24 Updated 29 Jan 2014 MUSIC EDUCATION AIMS OF MUSIC EDUCATION IN SCHOOLS The aims of Music Education are as follows: 1. develop awareness of and appreciation for music of various cultures and the role of music in daily living; 2. develop ability for creative expression through music making; and 3. provide the basis to develop an informed and lifelong involvement in music. Music Education is offered to all pupils in primary schools. It contributes to the quality of pupils’ holistic education and plays a part in nurturing them to become informed audiences for the arts. Through creating music, singing and playing instruments, pupils learn to express themselves creatively in different modes. Listening and appreciation skills enable them to respond and engage with new music throughout their lives. Music is also an integral part of society. It is used to convey cultural and social norms of different societies. Hence, learning music helps to enrich pupils’ social, cultural and historical awareness. SCOPE OF LEARNING To fulfill the aims of Music Education, the syllabus is organised around six objectives that describe the music skills and knowledge pupils should acquire: O1 : Sing and play melodic and rhythmic instruments individually and in groups O2 : Create and improvise music O3 : Describe and evaluate music through listening O4 : Develop understanding of music elements/concepts O5 : Discern and understand music from various cultures and of various genres O6 : Understand the role of music in daily living Pupils develop music appreciation and understanding through direct experiences in 3 domains: listening, creating and performing. The 3 domains are not discrete entities. They overlap, leading to a holistic music education experience for pupils. Therefore, singing, listening, creating and performing skills will be observed and assessed through varied ways to reflect pupils’ progress in music learning. By understanding music in its socio-cultural context, pupils will better appreciate the role of music in their lives. PROGRAMMES The following themes and components will be weaved into the School Music Curriculum so as to contextualise pupils’ acquisition of the music skills and knowledge. Term Term 1 Term 2 Theme / Components • • • • • Musical Experience Appreciation of Chinese Culture Musical Exploration Appreciation of Filipino Culture Keyboard Playing 25 Updated 29 Jan 2014 Term Theme / Components Term 3 • • • • Term 4 Musical Creation Appreciation of Malay Culture Musical Exposure Appreciation of Indian Culture Assessment forms an integral part of pupils’ learning. As a holistic part of music education, pupils will be exposed to the domains of Listening, Creating and Performing. The 3 domains as mentioned above are not discrete entities. They overlap, leading to a holistic music education experience for pupils. Therefore, singing, listening, creating and performing skills will be observed and assessed through varied ways to reflect pupils’ progress in music learning. The following table illustrates the general skills and knowledge to be acquired in Primary 1 and Primary 2. Music Skills Singing / Listening / Performing Listening/ Singing / Creating / Performing • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Listening / Creating • • • Musical Behaviour Sing with correct phrasing Sing with accurate pitch Sing with a good posture Sing with a steady beat and accurate rhythms Perform as a group cooperatively Sing in unison Sing in canon Sing in tune Create rhythmic patterns Improvise by making changes to a rhythm / lyrics in a song Make the sounds using household objects Choose the appropriate instruments for performance Perform on musical instruments/ voices Perform as a group cooperatively Identify musical concepts by listening to a song / a musical instrument, such as pulse, rhythmic patterns and tone colour Relate to music qualities in terms of tempo, dynamics, melody and mood Able to interpret and improvise Assessment Rubrics Grade A Has strong musical aptitude and skills and participates actively in musical activities Grade B Has fair musical aptitude and skills and participates adequately in musical activities RESOURCES USED • Perfect Match Music Primary 1 26 Grade C Is able to work with guidance and participates in musical activities to some extent Updated 29 Jan 2014 CHARACTER AND CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION AIM OF CHARACTER AND CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION IN SCHOOLS Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) aims to inculcate values and builds competencies in our pupils to develop them into good individuals and useful citizenships. There are eight Learning Outcomes (LO) which state what we want our pupils to learn and attain: LO1: Acquire self-awareness and apply self-management skills to achieve personal well-being and effectiveness LO2: Act with integrity and make responsible decisions that uphold moral principles LO3: Acquire social awareness and apply interpersonal skills to build and maintain positive relationships based on mutual respect LO4: Be resilient and have the ability to turn challenges into opportunities LO5: Take pride in our national identity, have a sense of belonging to Singapore and be committed to nation-building LO6: Value Singapore’s socio-cultural diversity, and promote social-cohesion and harmony LO7: Care for others and contribute actively to the progress of our community and nation LO8: Reflect on and respond to community, national and global issues, as an informed and responsible citizen SCOPE OF LEARNING • CCE lessons These focus on the teaching of values, knowledge and skills for CCE in Mother Tongue languages. For pupils who offer the non-Tamil Indian Languages (NTIL), namely, Bengali, Punjabi and Urdu as their Mother Tongue and for those who are exempted from taking Mother Tongue Language, CCE will be taught in English. The lessons are progressive and developmental, and covers the following domains: Self – being whom I am and becoming who I can be Family – strengthening family ties School – fostering healthy friendships and team spirit Community – understanding our community and building an inclusive society o Nation – developing a sense of national identity and nation-building o World (Primary 5&6) – being an active citizen in a globalised world o o o o 27 Updated 29 Jan 2014 • Form Teacher Guidance Period This focuses on the teaching of social and emotional competencies and reinforces core values to enable pupils to apply them in specific contexts. It includes lessons on Cyber Wellness and Education and Career Guidance. It is also a platform for building teacher-student relationship. • School-based CCE This includes activities that complement CCE lessons, and could include assembly programme and other values education talks. • CCE Guidance Module This compulsory module, namely Sexuality Education (delivered through the Growing Years series), addresses issues associated with child and adolescent development. This will be delivered only to Primary 5 ad 6 pupils. • Values in Action (VIA) This refers to learning experiences where pupils put values into practice within the context of real-life situations in the family, school, community, nation and the world. Pupils learn to identify and understand their community issues, initiate action among peers to make a difference and improve the lives of others. They will then reflect on their experience, and how they can continue to contribute meaningfully. • Programme for Active Learning (PAL) PAL broadens the learning experiences of pupils through fun and varied activities in 2 broad areas, yet allowing pupils to put values education and social-emotional learning into action: o Sports & Games and Outdoor Education, and o Performing Arts (Music and Dance) and Visual Art ASSESSMENT Assessment will be formative and includes: • Teacher’s assessment Teacher provides feedback and words of encouragement to motivate pupils to learn and improve • Self-assessment Pupils reflect on their own learning through self-checklists and rubrics • Peer assessment Peers give feedback to one another for improvement • Parents’ feedback Parents affirm pupils’ effort through positive comments RESOURCES USED 28 Updated 29 Jan 2014 • • • • • CCE Textbooks and Journals FTGP Journals Teacher-created resources for PAL Teacher-created resources for VIA Teacher-created checklists and rubrics 29 Updated 29 Jan 2014 HOLISTIC ASSESSMENT Assessment is an integral part of the interactive process of teaching and learning. It is an on-going process by which teachers gather information about pupils’ learning to inform and support teaching. The main purpose of holistic assessment is to provide meaningful feedback on what pupils are doing to achieve specific learning outcomes at the end of each term. It monitors pupils’ progress and identifies their strengths and weaknesses so that a more focused and effective remedial assistance can be rendered. This form of assessment also helps teachers to monitor pupils’ learning and their performance in different aspects of the required skills. Quantitative feedback in the form of grades and marks, and qualitative feedback in the form of teacher comments help pupils learn about their strengths, weaknesses and steps they could take to improve their learning. 30 ENGLISH LANGUAGE Skills Term 1 Listening and Viewing (15%) Listening Comprehension Sound Discrimination Picture Matching Spelling Speaking and Representing (10%) Stimulus-Based Conversation Practices Term 2 Listening Comprehension (7.5%) Sound Discrimination Picture Matching Spelling In Context Stimulus-Based Conversation Practices Term 3 Listening Comprehension Sound Discrimination Picture Matching Spelling In Context Stimulus-Based Conversation (5%) Term 4 (SA2) Listening Comprehension (7.5%) Sound Discrimination Picture Matching Spelling In Context Oral (10%) Reading Aloud Stimulus-Based Conversation Reading and Viewing (15%) Reading Aloud • Accuracy • Fluency • Expressiveness Reading Aloud • Accuracy • Fluency • Expressiveness Reading Aloud (10%) • Accuracy • Fluency • Expressiveness Writing and Representing (15%) MLEA Group Writing Composition Writing Composition Writing (7.5%) MLEA Group Writing Composition Writing Composition Writing (7.5%) Language Use (45%) Mini Test 1 (10%) Grammar (MCQ) Vocab (MCQ) Grammar Cloze Word Order Comprehension (MCQ & OE) Vocab (MCQ) Grammar (MCQ) Grammar Cloze Vocab Cloze Word Order Comprehension (MCQ & OE) Mini Test 2 (10%) Grammar (MCQ) Vocab (MCQ) Vocab Cloze Word Order Comprehension (MCQ & OE) Language Use & Comprehension (25%) Vocab (MCQ) Grammar (MCQ) Grammar Cloze Vocab Cloze Word Order Comprehension (MCQ & OE) Total (100%) 10% 15% 25% 50% No. of weighted assessments 1 2 3 4 31 MATHEMATICS Topics WHOLE NUMBERS • Chp 1: Numbers to 1000 • Chp 2: Addition & Subtraction within 1000 • Chp 3: Multiplication Tables of 2, 5 and 10 • Chp 4: Multiplication Tables of 3 and 4 • Chp 7: More Word Problems FRACTIONS • Chp 8: Fractions MEASUREMENT • Chp 5: Length • Chp 6: Mass • Chp 10: Time • Chp 11: Money • Chp 12: Volume GEOMETRY • Chp 9: Shapes, Solid Figures and Patterns DATA ANALYSIS • Chp 13: Picture Graphs Total (100%) No. of summative assessments Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Mental Sums Mental Sums Mental Sums Mental Sums Journal Journal Journal Journal Diagnostics Worksheet Diagnostics Worksheet Diagnostics Worksheet Diagnostics Worksheet Mini Test 1 (10% / 30m) (include word problems) • Chp 1 and 2 Mini Test 2 (10% / 30m) (include word problems) • Chp 3 and 4 Mini Test 4 (10% / 30m) (include word problems) • Chp 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7 Semestral Assessment (50% / 100m) (include word problems) • Chp 1 to 10 Mini Test 3 (10% / 30m) (include word problems) • Chp 5 and 6 Mini Test 5 (10% / 30m) (include word problems) • Chp 8, 9 and 10 Mock Mini Test (30m) (include word problems) • Chp 11, 12 and 13 Performance Task 1 • Chp 5 and 6 10% - 20% 2 32 Performance Task 2 • Chp 9 20% 3 50% 3 CHINESE LANGUAGE 四技比重 15% 第一学段 听 总结性评价 听力理解(5% 听力理解(5%) 5%) • / (听句子/短文 简短对话 / 指示) 35% 说 50% 会话 第三学段 形成性评价 形成性评价 听力理解 • / (听句子/短文 简短对话 / 指示) 形成性评价 • 第二学段 听力理解 • / (听句子/短文 简短对话/ 会话(10% 会话(10%) 10%) • 复述故事(10% 复述故事(10%) 10%) 形成性评价 读 形成性评价 5. 朗读 (读段落) 10% 写 50% 语文应用 -汉语拼音 -识字/写字 朗读(5% 朗读(5%) 5%) • 形成性评价 6. 朗读 (读段落) 形成性评价 7. 看图写话 30% 总结性评价 • (读段落) 形成性评价 看图写话 • 总结性评价 看图写话(5% 看图写话(5%) 5%) • (提供单图/词语) (提供单图/词语) (提供单图/词语) 总结性评价 总结性评价 总结性评价 小测试一(5% 小测试一(5%) 5%) • 小测试二(5% 小测试二(5%) 5%) 指示) 2. 口试 • 朗读(5% 朗读(5%) 5%) (读段落) 看图说话 • 10% 1. 听力试卷(10% 听力试卷(10%) 10%) (听句子/短文 简短对话/ 总结性评价 • 年终考试 / 指示) 总结性评价 第四学段 • 小测试三(5% 小测试三(5%) 5%) • 看图说话(10% 看图说话(10%) 10%) (提供图片) 会话(5% 会话(5%) 5%) 3. 试卷一(5% 试卷一(5%) 5%) • 看图写话 • (提供单图/词语) 4. 试卷二( 15%) 15%) • 语文应用 -辨字测验 -词语选择 汉语拼音 汉语拼音 汉语拼音 -词语搭配 -写音节 -写音节 -写音节 -短文填空 -音节跟词连线 -音节跟词连线 -音节跟词连线 -完成句子 识字写字 识字写字 识字写字 -组词成句 -硬笔书写 -硬笔书写 -硬笔书写 -组句成段 33 总合 (100%) 100%) 评估次数 -字宝宝识字 -字宝宝识字 -字宝宝识字 -理解测验 -辨字 -辨字 -辨字 -理解问答 -部件组字 -部件组字 -部件组字 -象形字猜一猜 -象形字猜一猜 -象形字猜一猜 10% 20% 20% 50% 2 3 3 4 34 MALAY LANGUAGE Kemahiran 15% Mendengar 35% Bertutur Penggal 1 Penggal 2 Penggal 3 Penggal 4 Memahami dan memberikan respons yang sesuai terhadap sesuatu teks yang didengar (5%) Memahami dan memberikan respons yang sesuai terhadap sesuatu teks yang didengar. Memahami dan memberikan respons yang sesuai terhadap sesuatu teks yang didengar. Ujian Kefahaman Mendengar Memahami dan memberikan respons yang sesuai terhadap sesuatu teks yang didengar (10%) Sesi Bercerita Menyampaikan cerita yang dipetik daripada buku teks atau semasa latihan menulis dengan pengucapan yang jelas, tersusun dan difahami. Penilaian Bercerita (10%) Menyampaikan cerita yang dipetik daripada buku teks atau semasa latihan menulis dengan pengucapan yang jelas, tersusun dan difahami. Ujian Lisan Membaca dengan lantang teks yang diberikan dengan kelancaran sebutan, intonasi dan gaya pembacaan yang sesuai (5%) Bertutur dengan jelas menggunakan sebutan baku sesuai berdasarkan gambar yang diberikan. Bertutur dengan jelas menggunakan sebutan baku sesuai berdasarkan gambar yang diberikan. (10%) 50% Bertutur dengan jelas menggunakan sebutan baku sesuai dengan situasi autentik yang diberikan. 50% Bertutur dengan jelas menggunakan sebutan baku sesuai dengan situasi autentik yang diberikan. (10%) 10% Bacaan Membaca dengan lantang teks yang diberikan dengan kelancaran sebutan, intonasi dan gaya pembacaan yang sesuai. Membaca dengan lantang teks yang diberikan dengan kelancaran sebutan, intonasi dan gaya pembacaan yang sesuai (5%) Membaca dengan lantang teks yang diberikan dengan kelancaran sebutan, intonasi dan gaya pembacaan yang sesuai. 40% Penulisan dan Tatabahasa Membina ayat yang lengkap dengan rangsangan yang diberikan. Membina ayat yang lengkap dengan rangsangan yang diberikan. Membina ayat yang lengkap dengan rangsangan yang diberikan. (5%) 35 Bertutur dengan jelas menggunakan sebutan baku sesuai dengan situasi autentik yang diberikan. (5%) Ujian Karangan Membina ayat yang lengkap dengan rangsangan yang diberikan. (5%) Kemahiran Jumlah (100%) Jumlah penilaian yang diimbang Penggal 1 Penggal 2 Penggal 3 Penilian 1 (5%) Penilian 2 (5%) Penilian 3 (5%) Mengeja dan mengenalpasti kosa kata yang disediakan. Mengeja dan mengenalpasti kosa kata yang disediakan. Mengeja dan mengenalpasti kosa kata yang disediakan. Memahami sistem tatabahasa yang dipelajari. Memahami sistem tatabahasa yang dipelajari. Memahami sistem tatabahasa yang dipelajari. Memahami dan menjawab soalan berdasarkan teks yang diberikan. Memahami dan menjawab soalan berdasarkan teks yang diberikan. Memahami dan menjawab soalan berdasarkan teks yang diberikan. 10% 2 20% 3 20% 3 36 Penggal 4 Ujian Bahasa (15%) 70 minit Mengeja dan mengenalpasti kosa kata yang disediakan. Memahami sistem tatabahasa yang dipelajari. Memahami dan menjawab soalan berdasarkan teks yang diberikan. 50% 4