FCCLA Member Guide: Welcome to FCCLA

FCCLA Member Guide: Welcome to FCCLA
The reproducible pages in this section provide a brief introduction to FCCLA for young people who have just become members. They are
designed to be printed or photocopied back-to-back on 8.5” x 11” paper, folded and stapled, as shown in Illustration 1.
Illustration 1
Sheet 1 Sheet 2
If necessary or desired, either set of pages (Sheet 1 or
Sheet 2) could be used alone, as shown in Illustration 2.
Illustration 2
Sheet 1
Type in your
chapter name on the
front and back covers
before printing.
© Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, Inc.
Sheet 2
Be the Best
Welcome to
f you are a typical FCCLA member, you will expect a lot
from your chapter. In return for those experiences, your
chapter depends on you to participate. Here are some
ways you can be the best possible chapter member.
■ Make an effort to know other members.
■ Speak up, share ideas, and encourage others to do
the same.
■ Contribute to chapter project planning—and then use
your knowledge, abilities, and talents to help carry out
the plans.
■ Take part in committees and carry out assignments.
■ Help evaluate the chapter’s progress and suggest
■ Attend meetings regularly and on time.
■ Meet the financial commitment of membership by paying dues or participating in projects to raise money for
■ Help meet the chapter’s financial commitment by participating in chapter fundraisers.
■ Show pride in the organization and look for ways to
build chapter image.
■ Invite friends to become FCCLA members.
ou have taken an important step toward being
a leader in your family, career, and community.
FCCLA: The Ultimate Leadership Experience
is your chance to—
get to know other people
plan and participate in fun chapter projects
turn your interests and concerns into action
explore careers and develop skills you need for
the work world
earn recognition and feel good about yourself
have tons of fun!
[Insert Chapter Name]
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America
1910 Association Drive
Reston, VA 20191-1584
© Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, Inc.
[Insert Chapter Name]
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America
© Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, Inc.
The FCCLA Emblem
The Ultimate Leadership Experience! Your school has an
FCCLA chapter that is part of this national student organization. You become an FCCLA member by paying dues and/or
participating in chapter fundraising efforts. Your teacher will
explain exactly what you need to do to join the chapter and
enjoy all the benefits of FCCLA membership.
■ FCCLA is part of the Family and Consumer Sciences
education program. It is the way for students to turn
classroom topics into real-world, youth-directed action.
■ This nationwide organization has approximately
220,000 members in more than 7,000 local chapters
in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico,
and the Virgin Islands.
■ It is the only in-school student organization with the
family as its central focus.
■ FCCLA is open to all students through grade 12 who
are taking or have taken a course in Family and Consumer Sciences education.
The FCCLA emblem shows that FCCLA is a dynamic, active
organization bound for the future. The dominant collegiate
lettering articulates a focus on education and student leadership. The swooping arch embodies an active organization
that moves toward new arenas. The color of the emblem is
one of the organizational colors—red.
FCCLA Motto—Toward New Horizons
FCCLA Tagline—The Ultimate Leadership Experience
FCCLA Colors—Red and White
Red suggests strength, courage, and determination—
personal qualities leading to happiness through a positive
self-image. White symbolizes sincerity of purpose and
integrity of action, qualities that will help individuals build
a better tomorrow.
FCCLA Flower—Red Rose
This symbol represents a desire for beauty in everyday living.
To promote personal growth and leadership development
through Family and Consumer Sciences education. Focusing on the multiple roles of family member, wage earner, and
community leader, members develop skills for life through—
■ character development
■ creative and critical thinking
■ interpersonal communications
■ practical knowledge
■ career preparation
We are the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America.
We face the future with warm courage and high hope.
For we have the clear consciousness
of seeking old and precious values.
For we are the builders of homes,
Homes for America’s future,
Homes where living will be the expression
of everything that is good and fair,
Homes where truth and love and security
and faith will be realities, not dreams.
We are the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America.
We face the future with warm courage and high hope.
© Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, Inc.
© Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, Inc.
The FCCLA Mission
Make it Happen
OU are the key to FCCLA success! With other chapter
members or on your own, you can use the five-step
FCCLA Planning Process to—
■ identify concerns
■ set a goal
■ form a plan
■ act
■ follow up
The FCCLA Purposes
1. To provide opportunities for personal development
and preparation for adult life.
2. To strengthen the function of the family as a basic unit
of society.
3. To encourage democracy through cooperative action
in the home and community.
4. To encourage individual and group involvement in
helping achieve global cooperation and harmony.
5. To promote greater understanding between youth and
6. To provide opportunities for making decisions and for
assuming responsibilities.
7. To prepare for the multiple roles of men and women in
today’s society.
8. To promote Family and Consumer Sciences education
and related occupations.
© Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, Inc.
Give Yourself a Break
with FCCLA:
The Ultimate Leadership Experience
any “lucky breaks” are not luck at all! Instead,
“lucky” people recognize a great opportunity and
go for it. FCCLA gives you lots of opportunities.
It’s up to you to grab hold of them and create a “lucky break”
for yourself.
You can do it! Here’s how.
1. Be active in your chapter. Share your ideas, speak
up during meetings, participate in projects.
2. Express yourself. Find a national program, chapter project or individual topic that’s important to you.
Then, turn it into make-a-difference actions.
3. Try a leadership role. From classroom helper to
national president, FCCLA experiences prepare you
to share in the leadership of your family, career, and
All these steps are important, because they will help you
now and in the future to be a strong leader in your family,
career, and community.
© Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, Inc.
It’s Your Choice in FCCLA
Here are some of the FCCLA benefits you might discover.
Exciting Experiences
Take a stand as a positive youth leader.
Bask in the spotlight as you are recognized for your
Travel to a district/region, state, or national meeting—
or even to Japan!
Terrific Teamwork
Lasting Leadership
Family Focus
Learn about the habits and skills that contribute to
strong families.
Help families celebrate their strengths and work on
their weaknesses.
Build skills to be a strong leader in your current and
future family.
Personal Progress
Find your niche and earn recognition for your unique
creativity, commitment, and abilities.
Turn peer pressure into a positive. As an FCCLA peer
educator, you can teach others the information they
need for the decisions they make.
Learn a process to turn your personal concerns into
© Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, Inc.
Build your confidence as you gradually learn to take
the lead with friends, at school, at home, in the work
place, and in the community.
Try a leadership role at the chapter, district/region,
state, or national level.
Discover the rewards of helping other young people
reach their leadership potential.
Real-World Readiness
Be part of a chapter team that plans and carries out
meaningful projects.
Practice person-to-person skills you need in your family, on the job, and in the community.
Stand tall as part of the 220,000-member nationwide
FCCLA team.
Learn about a variety of careers related to the topics you study in Family and Consumer Sciences and
tackle through FCCLA projects.
Make connections with people—guest speakers,
Alumni & Associates supporters, chapter sponsors—
working in careers that might interest you.
Develop the “right stuff” for family, career, and community success—commitment, teamwork skills,
leadership, character, experience, family-and-career
Informed Involvement
Receive Teen Times magazine, the FCCLA national
member publication that shares information and
action ideas.
Research a topic that’s important to you, then turn
your knowledge into an individual or group project
that makes a difference for your peers, family, and
Apply the things you learn in class to real-world
opportunities and challenges.
© Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, Inc.