Why Join FCCLA? develop career skills and learn to balance career and family responsibilities x strengthen home and family life x prepare for community living as responsible citizens x experience the connection between career and technical and academic skills x improve self-esteem x practice and apply creative and critical thinking x understand yourself and your relationships with others x develop a personal leadership style x identify concerns, make decisions, and carry out activities x experience the satisfaction of helping others x observe Family and Consumer Sciences related careers x gain recognition for accomplishments x build supportive relationships with teachers n a less formal atmosphere x achieve established performance standards and competencies x Join FCCLA! For more information visit our website at WWW.FCCLAINC.ORG or contact your local advisor. Local Advisor Contact Information: Emma Boman: 435-841-7364 losboman@gmail.com WWW.FCCLAINC.ORG What is FCCLA? National Programs National Programs encourage members to en- FCCLA is the only in-school student organization with the family as its central focus. FCCLA is a career and technical student organization that functions as an integral part of the Family and Consumer Sciences education curriculum and operates within the school system, and it provides opportunities for active student participation at local, state, and national levels. hance their personal growth and build leadership skills. ,QYROYHPHQWLQ)&&/$·V&RPSHWLWLYH(YHQWV programs offers members the opportunity to expand their leadership potential and develop skills for life necessary in families, communities, and workplaces. STAR Events (Students Taking Action with Mission Statement To promote personal growth and leadership development through Family and Consumer Sciences education. Focusing on the multiple roles of family member, wage earner and community leader, members develop skills for life through: character development, creative and critical thinking, interpersonal communication, practical knowledge, and career preparation. Recognition) recognize members for proficiency and achievement in chapter and individual projects, leadership skills, and career preparation. STAR Events offer individual skill development and application of learning through the following activities³ x Cooperative ³ teams work to accomplish specific goals x Individualized ³ members work alone to accomplish specific goals x Competitive ³ individual or team per- formance measured by an established set of criteria