84527_cover 8/24/98 1:06 PM Page 2 Why CFC Free? Chlorofluorocarbons, or CFC’s, have served the air conditioning and refrigeration industry for more than 50 years. One of their primary attributes ... stability ... has been found to be a cause of harm to our environment. And, therefore, the international community has agreed on regulations to bring about their phaseout. More recently it has been found that CFC’s are powerful global warming gases, Figure 2. Although CFC’s make up only 0.0000001 percent of the volume of the atmosphere, they contribute 21 percent of global warming. Clearly, the message is to quickly reduce and eliminate the use of CFC’s. Figure 2: Global warming gases. CFC’s are the primary cause of the ozone depletion. Contributions to ozone depletion, with CFC’s making up more than 70 percent of the man-made ozone depleting chemicals in the atmosphere today, are shown in Figure 1. What Are The Alternatives To CFC’s Figure 1: Stratospheric chlorine (Copenhagen agreements). The primary alternatives to become CFC free in chillers are shown in Table 2. Extensive testing has been completed and all three are available globally. Critical Questions The international community has agreed to phase out the use of CFC’s, with schedules for developed and developing countries, Table 1. 5 What is the status of global warming regulations and how will it affect our industry? 6 How do we evaluate the combined effects of ozone depletion and global warming? 7 What is the future of so called “third generation” refrigerants? 8 What are the best practices owners are using to manage the CFC-free transition with the least possible cash outlay? 1 What are the alternatives to CFC’s? 2 Are the alternative refrigerants safe? 3 How can microprocessor-based technology be used to reduce refrigerant emissions and improve safety of all refrigerants? 4 What is the status of ozone depletion regulations and how will it affect the long-term availability of all refrigerants? Table 1: Montreal Protocol CFC phaseout dates. Date Developed Countries January 1, 1996 CFC Phaseout July 1, 1999 January 1, 2005 January 1, 2007 January 1, 2010 Developing Countries* CFC’s capped CFC’s reduced by 50% CFC’s reduced by 85% CFC phaseout Table 2: Alternative refrigerant choices. Existing Alternative CFC-11 HCFC-123 CFC-12 HFC-134a HCFC-22 HCFC-22/410A/407C Are The Alternative Refrigerants Safe? Proud. The dictionary defines proud as ...“having or displaying earned self-respect or self-esteem”. Using this definition, our industry can truly be proud of its accomplishments in handling the safety of alternative refrigerants. Clearly, in the early 1990’s, the safety of alternative refrigerants was, at first, questioned. Today, after years and years of testing and experience, we know that …for the HVAC industry… the alternative refrigerants are actually as safe or safer than the refrigerants they replace. * Article 5 countries. ©American Standard Inc. 1998 3 84527_Body.p65 3 8/24/98, 1:00 PM Table 3: Comparison of various refrigerants. Low Pressure Acute CFC-11 HCFC-123 Anesthetic Effect 35.000 ppm (10 min) 40,000 ppm (10 min) LC50 (40 hr) 26,000 ppm 32,000 ppm Cardiac Sensitization 5,000 ppm 20,000 ppm Pressure at 72 F 1.5” Hg vacuum (liquid) 5.6” Hg vacuum (liquid) High Pressure HCFC-22 HFC-134a 140,000 ppm (10 min) 205,000 ppm (4 hr) >300,000 ppm >500,000 ppm 50,000 ppm 75,000 ppm 126 psig pressure (gas) 74 psig pressure (gas) Definition of ppm: parts per million. It’s important that one understands what the phrase ”the alternative refrigerants are safe“ means. The position supported by every major industry organization (ASHRAE, ARI, U.S. EPA, all federal and state agencies and all of the code writing bodies) is that “All refrigerants, both traditional and alternative, can be used safely as long as two criteria are met: • Safe handling refrigerant practices are followed and • Equipment rooms conform to ASHRAE Standard 15-1994 requirements.” Today, this sounds so logical that the question may be “What was the problem?”, especially for some of the first alternative refrigerants, i.e. HCFC-123 and HFC-134a. After an entire lifetime of highconcentration exposures to both HCFC123 and HFC-134a, only very late in the life of test animals did a higher incidence of benign tumors develop. However, when people heard benign tumors, all they really heard was “tumors.” And when “tumor” is the only word heard, it’s human nature to think “cancer.” This simply is not true. Benign is the operative word and benign means nonmalignant… noncancerous. Clearly this is good news for our industry. With more and more tests complete, there is more good news. The tumors that were discovered have shown to be relevant to the test animals, but showed little or no relevance to man. Quoting Dr. William Brock, senior toxicologist at DuPont, in the August 1997 issue of Building Operating Management, “…the tumors that occurred with HCFC123 have little or no relevance to human beings.” Armed with this information, DuPont (the leading manufacturer of the alternative refrigerants) has raised HCFC123’s acceptable exposure limit (AEL) to 50 ppm. In addition, DuPont’s move follows the recommendation of the American Industrial Hygiene Association (a totally independent group) to set HCFC123’s workplace environmental exposure limit (WEEL) at the 50 ppm level. Figure 3 The significance of this move is that HCFC-123’s AEL was 10 ppm. With more testing, it was moved to 30 ppm and now, with even more testing complete, has moved up to 50 ppm, Figure 3. In over 20,000 machine installations, the industry has proven that equipment room exposure levels can typically be held at levels less than .5 ppm. That is over a magnitude lower than the 10 ppm AEL set in 1991. The move up first to 30 ppm and now to 50 ppm increases the difference between typical exposures and the established AEL to two magnitudes. Or, said a different way, exposures are most often over a hundred fold less than HCFC-123’s established AEL of 50 ppm. However, with all of this good news, it’s imperative we don’t miss the most important point; the principle concerns originally raised resulted from lifelong exposure testing. While lifelong exposure concerns may be appropriate for a worker working in a chemical plant that has an inexhaustible supply of material, it certainly is not the primary issue for the HVAC industry. An HVAC service technician or an operator simply cannot not be exposed to lifetime refrigerant limits. There simply isn’t enough refrigerant in the machines to sustain a lifelong exposure at the concentrations of the established AEL, let alone the concentrations used to expose the test animals. For the HVAC industry, the issue is not one of long-term exposure but of shortterm exposure. If a service technician or operator is doing what they have to do by law today, recovering the refrigerant, exposures are extremely short-term in nature ... typically less than five minutes. That is precisely why, for the HVAC industry, the issue is short-term and not long-term exposure. And, from a shortterm exposure standpoint, the alternative refrigerants are less ... not more ... toxic than the refrigerants they replace; a fact confirmed repeatedly in a number of industry and U.S. EPA. publications. Table 3. There are three key indicators of short-term exposures: • Anesthetic effects • LC50 • Cardiac sensitization. In every case, HCFC-123 exposure ratings are better than those of CFC-11, the refrigerant it replaces. Anesthetic effects: This is the ability of the chemical to cause drowsiness in the test animals. HCFC-123’s 10-minute anesthetic exposure level is a full 10 percent higher (less toxic) than the CFC-11, the time-tested refrigerant it replaces. 4 84527_Body.p65 4 8/24/98, 1:01 PM Figure 4 in less than seven minutes and, without mechanical ventilation, could fill a space 25 by 30 by 7 feet with 1,000,000 parts per million. Now, if it can get to a million parts per million in less than seven minutes, how long would it take to reach the 75,000 parts per million cardiac sensitization threshold of HFC-134a. Not long! This is precisely why mechanical ventilation of all refrigerants is so important. The point is, there is a lower risk of getting to the lower exposure numbers with a lower pressure refrigerant. From this perspective, lower-pressure refrigerants do have a safety advantage. LC50: LC50 stands for the lethal concentration at which 50 percent of the test animals perish after a given period of time; in this case, four hours. HCFC-123’s LC50 exposure level is 25 percent higher (less toxic) that CFC-11. Further, to put these values into perspective, HCFC-123’s LC50 is 32 times higher (less toxic) than what the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) defines as toxic and over 320 times higher than OSHA’s definition of highly toxic. Cardiac sensitization: Of the three, industrial hygienists frequently agree that cardiac sensitization, which is the ability to cause cardiac arrhythmia under stress, is the most important. In this case, the exposure level of HCFC-123 is 400 percent better than that of CFC-11. In every category, HCFC-123 short-term exposure ratings are higher, better, less toxic than the time-tested CFC-11. However, when compared to HCFC-123, HFC-134a’s numbers are even higher. Therefore it would appear HFC-134a, from a short-term perspective, is less dangerous than HCFC-123. That is not necessarily true. In fact, in case of an accidental release of refrigerant, such as a crack in a sight glass or a line breaking because of vibration or a valve packing failure, one will typically have a higher risk of getting to higher concentrations with HFC-134a than the lower concentrations with HCFC-123. To explain: HCFC-123 is a low-pressure refrigerant, which means that if there is a leak the air usually leaks into the machine instead of refrigerant leaking out. HFC134a, however, is a high-pressure refrigerant in which case the refrigerant cannot only leak out, it can rush out. To demonstrate this point, imagine using two cylinders. One cylinder is in a vacuum while the other is pressurized to 35 psig (HFC-134a’s pressure at 40 F). The evacuated cylinder simulates the operation of a low-pressure machine, which typically operates in a vacuum. The pressurized cylinder, in turn, simulates the operation of a high-pressure machine with HFC-134a; even at its lowest pressure point, the evaporator. Now imagine attaching a balloon to each cylinder. When the valve on the evacuated cylinder is opened, it will simply try to draw the balloon/air into the cylinder. Similarly, if a leak were to develop on a low-pressure machine, air will typically be drawn into the machine instead of refrigerant leaking out. However, when the valve is opened on the tank that has been pressurized to 35 psi, it can be compared to a tire blowout, Figure 4. A high-pressure refrigerant will not only leak out, it can rush out. For example, a 500-ton HFC-134a machine uses three to five pounds of refrigerant per ton. Even at three pounds per ton, that’s 1,500 pounds of refrigerant. Essentially, the entire 1,500-pound charge can exit the machine through a 1-1/2” hole There is also a second, and perhaps more important, safety advantage with low-pressure refrigerants. Ask any experienced service technician. They will tell you that one of the single greatest dangers of all halogenated refrigerants is asphyxiation. That danger was underscored by an accident in Anchorage, Alaska, where an installation used an ice making machine with somewhere between 2,000 and 4,000 pounds of R-22. A young assistant rink manager, not fully trained on the equipment, walked on the job that fateful Monday morning. He had been told to change out the core on the filter dryer. Because the machine was making ice, he was afraid to shut it down and he didn’t know what the valves did, so he was afraid to shut them off. He took a wrench and started to back out the bolt. When the bolt got to the last land, it blew… so fast that the 24-year-old assistant did not make it out of the equipment room. Further, because the room was not designed to today’s ASHRAE Standard 15 requirements, the refrigerant escaped engulfing the skating rink and the swimming pool, injuring another 34 people. 5 84527_Body.p65 5 8/24/98, 1:01 PM It is not difficult to understand why asphyxiation is one of the greatest dangers of all refrigerants. All halogenated refrigerants are heavier than air. They all displace air, which means they can displace oxygen. And that means a person can asphyxiate ... or drown ... in refrigerant just as surely as they can drown in water. The point: If asphyxiation is one of the single greatest dangers of all refrigerants …and it is… is there not a significant advantage in using low-pressure refrigerants? Remember, with lowpressure refrigerants, air will typically leak in. High-pressure refrigerants will typically rush out. If the young assistant in Anchorage had been working on a low-pressure machine and backed out the bolt, when the bolt reached the last land he’d have heard the air being sucked in and would still be alive today. Low-pressure machines have two safety advantages: 1 A lower risk of getting to the established exposure levels and 2 A significantly lower risk of asphyxiation. Does this mean that one cannot safely use high-pressure refrigerants? No! Refer again to the position held by ASHRAE, the EPA and many others. Every one of the alternative refrigerants can be used safely, as long as safe refrigerant handling practices and ASHRAE Standard 15-1994 requirements for equipment room design are followed. How Can MicroprocessorBased Technology Be Used To Reduce Refrigerant Emissions And Improve Efficiency Of All Refrigerants? One of the key questions asked today is “How can microprocessor-based technology be used to reduce refrigerant emissions and improve the safety of all refrigerants?” ASHRAE Standard 15-1994 requires refrigerant monitoring for all refrigerants. The key question is, “At what level is the microprocessor-based monitor able to detect refrigerant concentrations?” Only with a refrigerant monitor that can accurately measure low refrigerant concentrations, in the range of 1 to 3 ppm, can minute leaks be detected. When detected, the monitor not only can activate the necessary alarms; it can also automatically alert the appropriate service The point is that “minutes of operation” can be used to indicate whether a machine is “tight” or not. company to the potential of a refrigerant leak so it can be fixed. Monitoring can provide an inexpensive means by which trained experts can constantly oversee equipment room operation and have the ability to respond quickly; even to very small refrigerant loss, providing an excellent refrigerant asset management tool. Monitoring also allows refrigerant concentrations to be documented, providing a number of benefits: • Helps employees know they are working in a safe environment. • Documents via printed reports that refrigerant concentrations were consistently maintained below the appropriate AEL. • Generates automated reports providing unquestionable documentation that even minute levels of refrigerant concentrations have been monitored and recorded. This benefit is especially important since EPA regulations for reduced emission levels may increasingly include requirements for verification of operating procedures that control CFC, HCFC and HFC equipment room emissions. • Provides an extra measure of safety for all refrigerants. Oxygen deprivation sensors were required by ASHRAE Standard 151992 for “A1” refrigerants and were typically set to alarm when the percentage of oxygen was less than 19.5 or 195,000 ppm. By monitoring refrigerant levels with highly accurate sensors, it is possible to provide an extra margin of safety for all refrigerants. For this very reason, ASHRAE Standard 15-1994 was revised to require refrigerant sensors for all refrigerants. • Detects even the minute refrigerant leaks so they can be repaired quickly. Another good idea that has come of age deals with the purge unit. There are purges on the market today with essentially zero emission of refrigerant losses. For example, Trane’s purge loses less than .002 pounds of refrigerant/ pound of dry air or, on a typical 500-ton centrifugal chiller, less than half an ounce of refrigerant per year. This purge also has a secondary advantage: It incorporates a microprocessor-based run-time meter that displays operation in minutes. The key is that you can readily tie the purge’s run-time meter into a Trane Tracer® building automation system to log, report and, should the controller start to log excessive operation, dial out an alarm to the service company alerting it to the fact that a leak is developing and needs to be fixed. However, the purge’s run-time is but one of a myriad of “good ideas” listed in ASHRAE Guideline 3-1996. This document offers a number of good common-sense ideas and excellent examples of how microprocessor-based controls can be applied to improve the refrigerant asset management of all refrigerants. As refrigerants become more and more expensive, they are essentially becoming an asset. Ideas like tying both the refrigerant sensor and the purge to the automation system, as well as other refrigerant asset management strategies outlined in ASHRAE Guideline 3, are becoming standard practice. This is especially true now that both the purge and sensor can be factory tied into the Tracer building automation system using nothing more than a twisted pair of wires. 6 84527_Body.p65 6 8/24/98, 1:01 PM “ Near Zero” Refrigerant Emissions Chiller As early as 1993, Trane made available a “near zero” refrigerant emissions HCFC123 centrifugal chiller, Figure 5. This is a technological breakthrough that produces, through the use of a total systems approach, a more than 50-fold reduction in chiller refrigerant emissions when compared to machines manufactured 15 years ago. Figure 5: Trane “near zero” emissions centrifugal chiller. Trane’s total systems approach not only includes improved construction. It also radically improves purge unit efficiencies, modified leak testing technologies, improved refrigerant handling and recovering techniques, and the use of a low-pressure refrigerant design where air tends to leak into the machine versus refrigerant leaking out. This total system concept means that the chillers can be operated with “near zero” emissions during all three phases of chiller operation: 1 Normal operation. 2 Minor service. 3 Refrigerant transfer/major service. Figure 7: Trane Zero Emission™ purge check. By examining each of these three phases of operation, one can see how these new technologies are used to produce a “near zero” emissions centrifugal chiller. Losses During Normal Operation “Near zero” emissions Trane chillers have unique early warning systems to detect and warn of chiller leaks. These controls alarm at the first indication of unusual purge operation. They directly monitor the presence of refrigerant that has escaped from the chiller. The loss of refrigerant due to unnoticed catastrophic leaks can virtually be eliminated. Leaks: Leaks have historically accounted for over 41 percent of the refrigerant loss; and flare fittings have been identified as a major contributor to these leaks. The “near zero” centrifugal chiller has over 85 percent fewer flare fittings than machines produced just 10 years ago. However, flare fittings are only a part of the over 200 design changes included in the “near zero” emissions chiller. The “near zero” emission level is made possible by the low-pressure chiller design. In the only section of the machine that is pressurized during operation, the condenser, the pressure differential to atmosphere is over 20 and 30 times less than medium-pressure and high-pressure refrigerant, respectively (Figure 6). This is significant because pressure differential is the driving force of leaks. Combining the substantially improved hermetic integrity with inherent low pressure characteristics of HCFC-123 is critical to obtaining the “near zero” emissions of these chiller designs. Another major factor in the “near zero” emissions chiller design was the development of a Zero Emissions™ purge, Figure 7. This purge has refrigerant losses of less than .002 pounds of refrigerant per pound of air, which equates to within two significant digits... a zero emissions purge. Figure 6: Leaks are pressure dependent. This means that, on a typical 500-ton machine, the loss from the purge is less than half an ounce of refrigerant annually. These improvements mean that purge losses have been virtually eliminated as a source of refrigerant loss. 7 84527_Body.p65 7 8/24/98, 1:02 PM Losses During Minor Service Minor service for centrifugal chillers is characterized by procedures such as changing purge and oil filters, etc. The “near zero” emissions centrifugal chiller is equipped, as standard, with a complete system of isolation valves to allow evacuation and extraction of nearly all refrigerant from the filtration system, Figure 8, reducing emissions during minor service to near zero losses. Loss During Refrigerant Transfer The “near zero” emissions chillers are equipped with special valving arrangements that allow refrigerant to be added to the equipment and recovered with virtually nonmeasurable losses of refrigerant. Low Total Loss Rate – Prove It In the largest study of its kind, a study involving nearly 3,000 machines of which some had been installed for nearly a decade, Trane did exactly that… proved it! Results of the study indicate that not only the leak rate, but the entire loss rate, was less than .46 percent. The results shown in Figure 9 are outstanding for two reasons: First, the rate was nearly 10 percent better than the .5 percent rate claimed. And second, these values represent total “loss” rate, which means they also include accidental losses through rupture disks, etc. This study provided formal documentation of the fact that these machines loss rates are so low they are essentially a closed system. Figure 9 These valves are specially designed to be used with high efficiency recovery and evacuation equipment, also manufactured by Trane, that captures over 99.94 percent of the refrigerant charge of the machine. This means that if a typical 500-ton machine were to be opened up for major service, such as motor repair, less than 0.5 pounds of refrigerant would be lost to the atmosphere. Finally, the key to designing the “lowest” emissions chiller is to turn to the technology that inherently allows for low emissions. This statement simply acknowledges the fact that the driving force of leaks is pressure differential to the atmosphere. Figure 6 illustrates the substantially lower pressure, i.e. low potential for leaks of a low-pressure HCFC-123 system vs the higher-pressure HFC-134a or HCFC-22 design. Figure 8: Service isolation valves reduce minor service emissions. Why A “Near Zero” Emissions Chiller? One question the reader may be asking is “Why did Trane spend hundreds of man years and millions of dollars developing the “near zero” emissions chiller?” Clearly, there are major environmental benefits in using an essentially closed system. However, one of the additional benefits is that it provides a sound answer to a concern raised on the long-term availability of the alternative refrigerants. Refrigerant Availability: Economic Perspective Many times, refrigerant availability is viewed from an emotional perspective when it should be viewed from an economic perspective. Consider the following: An obvious statement is “If a chiller never lost refrigerant, one would never have to be concerned about replacement refrigerant availability.” Said another way, “If one were to minimize emissions or, ideally, reduce them to zero, the cost of assuring replacement refrigerant availability would be very low indeed.” Therefore, the fundamental task is to assess the replacement refrigerant availability/emissions risk and to weigh it against the cost savings generated via improved efficiency and lower maintenance costs. This effort to reduce refrigerant emissions is one of the major reasons why Trane developed the “near zero” emissions centrifugal chiller. To put a 0.5 percent emission rate into perspective, consider the following example: A typical 500-ton Trane CenTraVac® chiller, assuming two pounds of refrigerant per ton, has an operating charge of 1000 pounds. At a 0.5 percent emissions rate, this chiller would lose only five pounds of refrigerant per year. (1000 pounds of refrigerant x .005 emission rate = five pounds of refrigerant per year.) In a 30-year lifetime, the chiller would lose only 150 pounds of refrigerant; an amount that can be contained in two six-gallon jugs, Figure 10. (Containers shown are illustrative only. Proper containers must be used for actual storage of refrigerant.) And what would be the cost of this lifetime supply of refrigerant? Today, the cost of HCFC-123 is about $4/pound. Therefore, 150 pounds... or a lifetime supply of HCFC-123 for a typical 500-ton chiller... would be only $600. In fact, one could buy a complete charge of refrigerant for $4,000 and put it into a properly constructed vessel or put it into a refrigerant bank. In a worst-case scenario where the chiller would lose a complete charge, something that is unlikely to happen with a low-pressure chiller, a lifetime of refrigerant plus one complete extra charge could be purchased for $4,600. Figure 10 Compare this cost to the operating cost savings for a typical HCFC-123 chiller. Today HCFC-123 centrifugals are frequently five to 10 and, in many cases, 20 percent more efficient than their HFC134a or HCFC-22 counterparts. Trane centrifugals are selectable at a 0.48 to 0.49 kW/ton or better at ARI conditions, from 300 to nearly 2500 tons. 8 84527_Body.p65 8 8/24/98, 1:02 PM HFC-134a and HCFC-22 centrifugals are typically limited to 0.54 to 0.60 kW/ton and higher. Owners and designers can easily prove that this efficiency difference exists simply by taking the different centrifugal chiller manufacturers for an efficiency test drive, at both full and partload conditions. Ask the various manufacturers for their best efficiencies at the job’s specific conditions. One will find that, indeed, HCFC-123 chillers are typically five to 20 percent more efficient. What’s the point? The point is that the efficiency difference is worth a great deal of money. Amounts not only many times that of the cost of a lifetime supply of refrigerant, but frequently more than twice the initial cost of the entire chiller. Life-Cycle Costing It is a sound idea to perform a life-cycle cost analysis and, clearly, the best way to perform life-cycle analysis is to use credible energy analysis programs such as Trane’s TRACE® or System Analyzer™. These programs can account for full-load, part load and ambient relief factors on an hour-by-hour or bin weather analysis basis, respectively. We encourage the use of these programs whenever possible. However, an equivalent full-load hour analysis provides a close estimate of the operating cost savings; and the beauty is that each step is simple and easy to follow. Consider a job with the following characteristics: • A 500-ton centrifugal. • 2000 equivalent full load hours (EFLH). • 0.50 kW/ton HCFC-123 centrifugal compared to a 0.60 kW/ton HFC-134a centrifugal chiller or a .10 kW/ton difference. • $.10 kWh energy cost, including demand. 500 tons x 2000 EFLH x 0.10 kW/ton difference x $.10/kWh = $10,000/year x 30 years = $300,000. That $300,000 in energy savings is five hundred times greater than the $600 lifecycle cost of the refrigerant consumed by the chiller. Said another way, an HCFC-123 centrifugal chiller with a 0.10 kW/ton efficiency advantage will provide more energy savings in one month than the replacement refrigerant would cost throughout its lifetime, which is $600. Finally, because the chiller’s first cost is approximately $250/ton or $125,000, the $300,000 represents an amount over twice the entire initial cost of the machine. This means that the chiller could be retired a little over halfway through its life and an entirely new machine purchased with the savings. Why the efficiency advantage for HCFC123? First and foremost, HCFC-123 has the highest thermodynamic efficiency of all alternative refrigerants, Figure 12. Figure 12: Efficiency comparison for various refrigerants. A way to visually internalize the importance of life-cycle costing is to review Figure 11. To understand the relative differences between the cost of refrigerant, the cost of the chiller and the cost to operate the chiller is to understand why efficiency is so important and why focusing solely on what refrigerant a chiller uses is simply inadequate. Figure 11: Operating cost comparison. Energy Efficiency Is The Key One cannot simply concentrate on the ODP or GWP of a refrigerant. The key to environmental responsibility lies in energy efficiency. And on the energy front, there is good news. With 1998 as the base year, Table 4 shows that in just 20 years the industry has made more than a 50 percent improvement in efficiency. Table 4: Chiller efficiency progress. Efficiency kW/Ton Year* Average Good 1978 .80 .72 1980 .72 .68 1990 .65 .62 1991 .64 .60 1993 .63 .55 1995 .61 .52 1997 .60 .49 1998 .59 <.48 *1978-1998…over 50 percent improvement. Today, HCFC-123 chillers are leading this trend and typically demonstrate a five to 20 percent efficiency advantage over chillers using other alternative refrigerants. Specifically, Trane’s HCFC-123 Earth•Wise CenTraVac can be selected at .48 to .49 kW/ton or better across the line, from 300 to nearly 2500 tons at ARI conditions. Second, and equally important, is the inherent design of the Trane machine, including: • A direct-drive design that eliminates gear losses. • A multi-stage compressor design to optimize the efficiency and maximize the operating range of the compressor. • The use of a refrigerant economizer cycle. • The use of low condenser and evaporator approach temperatures (leaving water temperature less refrigerant temperature), results in more heat transfer surface. However, the .48 to .49 kW/ton is at full load conditions. Via the use of patented inlet guide vanes or an Adaptive Frequency™ drive, the part-load performance is even better. One only has to compare the applied part load values (APLV) of the various chillers to see that the Earth•Wise CenTraVac is not only more efficient at full load, but even more so at part load; differences that can be confirmed via factory witness tests. This efficiency not only significantly reduces operating cost, it has a major environmental impact as well. Consider this example: If every centrifugal chiller in the world were a .48 kW/ton vs a .56 kW/ ton, it would mean annual savings of over 17 billion pounds of power plant generated CO2, 64 billion grams of SO2 and over 27 billion grams of NOX. In CO2 emissions alone, this is the equivalent of taking over two million cars off the road or planting nearly a half billion trees. 9 84527_Body.p65 9 8/24/98, 1:02 PM What Is The Status Of Ozone Depletion Regulations And How Will It Affect The Long-Term Availability Of All Refrigerants? The headlines of the September 22, 1997, issue of Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration NEWS summed up the outcome of the Montreal Protocol Amendment Meeting on ozone depletion, “Montreal Protocol meeting retains schedule on HCFC’s.” The article quoted Clifford H. (Ted) Rees, Jr., president of the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (ARI), “This reaffirmation of the HCFC phaseout timetable gives equipment owners, manufacturers and government officials certainty they need to assure a timely and successful transition.” Mr. Rees’ statements underscore the fact that regulations are stable and that owners can be assured of long-term reaffirmation of the “ This HCFC phaseout timetable gives equipment owners, manufacturers and government officials certainty they need to assure a timely and successful transition. ” availability of alternative refrigerants. This is clearly good news for the HVAC industry. And, to understand why this is true in the case of HCFC-123, one only has to examine the details of the 1995 Vienna Amendment to which there was no change during the 1997 Montreal Amendment Meeting. U.S. 1989 HCFC Production Data Compound (ODP) MM lbs (ODP weighted) CFC-11 185.42 CFC-12 382.57 CFC-113 177.27 CFC-114 12.58 CFC-115 10.54 CFC Total 708.38 708.38 x 2.8% = 19.83 ODP Units U.S. 1989 HCFC Production Data Compound (ODP) MM lbs (ODP weighted) HCFC-22 * HCFC-141b * HCFC-142b * HCFC Total 14.76 Total 19.83 + 14.76 = 34.59 ODP Units *Individual breakdown not available from the producers. Year 1996 2002 2009 2014 2019 2029 2030 Percent of Cap 100 100 65 35 10 .5 0 To put this ODP weighting data into perspective, consider the 1989 United States CFC and HCFC production data in Table 5. Clifford H. Rees, Jr. President, ARI Table 5: U.S. CFC production data. Table 6: HCFC production allowance (developed countries). HCFC Regulations As a result of the 1995 Vienna Amendment to the Montreal Protocol, the phaseout of HCFC’s uses a cap, or limit, based on an ozone depletion potential (ODP) unit concept. The base of this cap is determined via the following formula: 1989 CFC production x ODP x 2.8% + 1989 HCFC production x ODP = total ODP weighted cap. Table 7: HCFC production allowance (U.S. Clean Air Act). Year 1996 2002 2009 2014 2019 2029 2030 ODP Units 34.59 34.59 22.48 12.11 3.46 0.17 0 Table 8: U.S. Clean Air Act phaseout schedule. January 1, 1996 Cap at 2.8% of 1989 consumption of CFC’s plus HCFC January 1, 2003 HCFC-141b: 0% January 1, 2010 HCFC-142b: 0% HCFC-22: 0% (new product) January 1, 2020 HCFC-22: 0% (service) HCFC-123: 0% (new product) January 1, 2030 HCFC-123: 0% (service) HCFC calculated cap: 1989 CFC (ODP weighted) = 708.38 MM lbs. 708.38 x .028 = 19.83 MM lbs. 1989 HCFC (ODP weighted) = 14.76 MM lbs. Total cap then equals 19.83 MM lbs. + 14.76 MM lbs. = 34.59 MM lbs. With the total ODP weight cap as the base, the phaseout schedule in Table 6 defines the maximum allowable for all developed countries. Using the total ODP unit base previously calculated for the U.S., this phaseout schedule then converts to pounds of ODP units per year shown in Table 7. Of special interest is how much HCFC-123 the onehalf of one percent limit in the years 2020 to 2030 converts to in pounds of refrigerant. Allowable quantity of HCFC -123 from 2020 to 2030, if it were all HCFC-123: 0.17 MM lbs. of ODP units ÷ .014 (HCFC-123’s ODP) = 12.1 million lbs/year of HCFC-123. (The .077 kilogram/year, referenced in Figure 13, page 11, can be converted to pounds by multiplying by 2.2; .077 million kilograms/year x 2.2 pounds/kilograms = .17 million lbs/year, the value used in this example.) So far we have only discussed the UNEP regulation for developed countries. What does this mean, specifically, to countries like the United States? Here in the U.S., the key is to understand how the U.S. EPA regulations have been changed to comply with the Vienna and Montreal Amendments. Table 8 provides the Clean Air Act Amendment’s phaseout dates, dates that have not changed since 1992. Impact Of HCFC Cap With all of these numbers and phaseout dates, what does this really mean to the HVAC industry? Will there be sufficient volumes of HCFC-22 and HCFC-123 to meet expected demand? 10 84527_Body.p65 10 8/24/98, 1:02 PM In answering these questions, it is important to understand that the U.S. EPA carefully calculated total HCFC needs and the agreement will allow the U.S. to make full and effective use of these important refrigerants. of 2020 and 2030. With reclamation and recovery, HCFC-22 and HCFC-123 are projected to be available for another 35 and 45 years, respectively; far beyond the lifetime of the HVAC equipment in which they are used. To demonstrate this point, refer to Figure 13, which overlays the U.S. EPA’s calculated HCFC usage on top of the UNEP cap limits. Because the scale is so small for the year 2020 and beyond, it is critical to remember that in the years 2020 to 2030 the one-half of one percent cap would equate to 12.1 million pounds of HCFC-123. The question then becomes: Is 12.1 million pounds annually enough to service the HCFC-123 chillers in operation at the time? Consider the following. • Assume every chiller in North America, all 80,000 plus of them, is operating on HCFC-123. • Assume the average size chiller is 500 ton with the average pounds of refrigeration to be two pounds/ton. • The average charge, per machine, would then be 1000 pounds. Result: The total installed charge would be 80,000 chillers x 1000 pounds/chiller or 80,000,000 pounds. • Now assume a total loss rate of 0.5 percent (the field tested and proven loss rate of Trane “near zero” refrigerant emission Earth•Wise™ CenTraVac® chillers). • Then, the annual service requirement would be 80,000,000 pounds x 0.5 percent leakage rate = 400,000 pounds per year. In developing world countries, HCFC’s are not scheduled for phase out until 2040; again sending owners the message that they can move to alternative refrigerants and be assured they will be available throughout and beyond the life of the equipment in which they are used. The bottom line, as demonstrated by these calculations, is that over 30 times the necessary volume needed for service is available, even if every chiller in North America were an HCFC-123 chiller. And, the Vienna and Montreal Agreements makes this more true than ever before in that it reserved the HCFC production from 2020 to 2030 solely for use in air conditioning and refrigeration applications. Figure 13: Weighted U.S. HCFC use and Montreal Protocol HCFC consumption cap. What Is The Status Of Global Warming Regulations And How Will It Affect Our Industry? The headline of a December 22, 1997, issue of the Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration NEWS provided insight into both of those questions. The article also gave details of an agreement that said, “It (the Kyoto Protocol)... could change the HVACR industry even more fundamentally than the Montreal Protocol.” “...could change the HVACR industry even more fundamentally than the ” Montreal Protocol. Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration NEWS December 22, 1997 Details of the Kyoto agreement include: • More than 160 countries agreed to a legally binding protocol on December 11, 1997, in Kyoto, Japan. • The protocol calls for an average 5.2 percent reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by the 38 participating industrialized countries. Emission reductions of 8, 7, 6 and 6 percent were agreed to for the European Union, the U.S., Japan and Canada, respectively. These targets are to be met by the fiveyear emissions average over the years 2008 to 2012 and are compared to the base year 1990. (Countries can choose to use 1995 levels for three of the six regulated gases: PFC’s, SF6 and HFC gases.) • Six gases are covered by this treaty: carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (NOx), methane (CH4), perfluorocarbon (PFC’s), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) and hydrofluorocarbons (HFC’s). Clearly there are sufficient quantities of HCFC-123. But how about HCFC-22? Figure 13 illustrates that there are sufficient allowances for HCFC-22 use, with the understanding that its phaseout date is 2010 for new equipment and 2020 total production ban. Further, just as CFC refrigerants are proving to be available for an additional five to 10 years, via recovery and reclamation, HCFC-22 and HCFC-123 will be available for an estimated five to 10 years after their respective total production ban phaseouts 11 84527_Body.p65 11 8/24/98, 1:02 PM • The protocol will be opened for signature for one year from March 16, 1998, to March 15, 1999, and will enter into force after it has been ratified by 55 countries representing 55 percent of the total 1990 emissions for developing countries. • Currently, developing countries are not covered by this treaty but will be the focus of future meetings of the parties. What impact will this treaty have on industry, including HVAC? Again, we believe the headline of the December 22, 1997, NEWS article said it best. This focus on highest efficiency and lowest emissions is precisely why Trane has focused on using the technologies that allow the design and manufacture of the Earth•Wise CenTraVac, which is literally the world’s most efficient, lowest total refrigerant emissions machine. To substantiate the efficiency claim, one only has to ask the various manufacturers for ARI certified selections at both full and part-load to prove it. Is it wise to invest in this efficiency? Owners are encouraged to invest in what’s called “no regrets” opportunities; investments that are good for both business and for the environment. And further, while no one can foresee the future, investments in efficiency are starting to be seen as insurance; insurance against potentially substantial increases in the cost of fuels. True, seven or eight percent doesn’t seem like a tremendous reduction; thus, one might assume it should not be hard to achieve. Be careful! Those reductions are from 1990 levels. In the U.S., for example, Figure 14 shows the full extent of the reduction required and the various major market segments that are impacted. Figure 14 Global Warming: Higher Energy Costs? What makes you think that the global warming threat will bring about higher energy costs? It already has. Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Finland have already enacted carbon taxes ranging from $1.20 to $24.20 per ton of carbon. A recent U.S. Department of Energy study concluded that, in order for the U.S. to return to 1990 emissions levels by 2010, an “...aggressive program of targeted research and development would be required, along with the equivalent of a $50 tax on each metric ton of carbon.” It is not unreasonable to believe a primary market driver will increasingly be efficiency. How Do We Evaluate The Combined Effects Of Ozone Depletion And Global Warming? The international community moved swiftly when it recognized the magnitude of ozone depletion being caused by CFC’s. More recently we learned of the threat of global warming and saw HFC’s included on the list of controlled gases. Now the questions become: • How should one evaluate the combined or total environmental impact of alternative refrigerants? • How will this affect our choices of refrigerants in the future? These critical questions are being raised by the scientific and regulatory communities. In a recent article in Science magazine for example, Professor Donald Wuebbles, a leading atmospheric scientist, and James M. Calm, renowned industry consultant, built a scientificallybased case that the use of HCFC-123 in chillers would have negligible impact on ozone depletion. Further that, because of its inherent higher efficiency which in turn offers the opportunity to reduce utility generated greenhouse gas emissions, HCFC-123’s phaseout date should be carefully examined. The article states, “Phaseout serves no purpose for compounds that have indiscernible impact on the ozone...” and “Chemicals that combine short atmospheric lifetimes with the potential for energy savings, as shown for HCFC-123, offer benefits that outweigh the consequences of very low ODP and GWP.” revision to the Montreal “...a Protocol to allow continued use of HCFC-123 in closed refrigeration systems would have negligible effects ...on chlorine loading. 12 84527_Body.p65 12 8/24/98, 1:03 PM ” Dr. Donald J. Wuebbles James M. Calm Science Magizine November 1997 “ It is probable that HCFC-123 and several other CFC replacements would have survived the ban if the global warming regulations had been implemented before the ones for ozone. Figure 15: Chiller emissions of HCFC-123 have virtually no impact on atmospheric chlorine levels. “..indiscriminate elimination of classes of compounds, without regard to offsetting benefits for those of low concern, may force less desirable compromises. R-123 is a clear example. ” ” are many other “ There chemicals that also have special uses, small impacts, and where the replacements for them would cause other problems. In such cases, it might make more sense to consider current policy and allow the continued use of some chemicals. ” Dr. Donald J. Wuebbles James M. Calm Science Magizine November 1997 The question of whether the HCFC-123 phaseout date should be considered was raised by Dr. Steven O. Anderson, director for the U.S. EPA, in a September 1997 ASHRAE Journal article when he stated “...it may become appropriate to ask whether the environment can best be protected by reconsidering the phaseout of HCFC-123. HCFC-123 appears to have a technical advantage in energy efficiency and, because it has a low atmospheric pressure, it can be virtually contained and recycled indefinitely.” Dr. David A. Didion James M. Calm Trade-offs in Refrigerant Selections: Past, Present, and Future In Figure 15, the fact that the yellow triangles (representing no HCFC-123 phase out in centrifugal chillers) are directly on top of the red circles (representing complete phase out of HCFC-123 in centrifugal chillers) demonstrates the lack of any measurable effect by HCFC-123 on the stratospheric chlorine content. Also in support of continued use of HCFC-123, Dr. Sherwood Rowland, Nobel Prize winning scientist and 1974 founder of the ozone depletion theory, said in a 1993 speech before 600 ASHRAE members: “I do have the view that the Montreal Protocol is working very well, but could perhaps be improved by allowing the use for an extended time of HCFCs with short atmospheric lifetimes such as HCFC-123.” “...I’ve always felt that there are some HCFCs that have lifetimes of on the order of one to two years and there are others that have lifetimes of 20 to 25 years ... “...So, I am certainly in favor that HCFCs should be divided according to their lifetimes, and the [HCFC]-123, for instance, has a short lifetime. I don’t see the sense in including it in with the very long lifetime molecules, because most of it is not going to make it to the stratosphere.” “...If the world’s governments had asked me for my advice, I would have divided (chlorine-containing compounds) somewhere along the line of lifetimes shorter than five years. I would put them in different categories and not be worried about them for the present time.” A similar message was heard at the October 1997 NIST Conference. The presentation paper titled “Tradeoffs In Refrigerant Selections: Past, Present, and Future,” written by Dr. David Didion of NIST, an individual internationally recognized for his research in refrigerants and heat transfer, and James M. Calm. It is not just recently that the question of balancing ozone depletion and global warming has been raised. As early as 1990, the EPA published a report showing that as long as refrigerant emissions were below seven percent, use of HCFC-123 in centrifugal chiller applications would have virtually no impact on the stratospheric chlorine content. 13 84527_Body.p65 13 8/24/98, 1:03 PM Table 8 provides a list of atmospheric lifetimes, ODP’s and GWP’s of the alternative refrigerants. U.S. EPA Support One of the major reasons the U.S. EPA has supported HCFC-123 and, in fact, uses it in their headquarters building in Washington, DC, is because it offers an excellent balance between all three major environment issues: Ozone depletion. Direct-effect global warming potential. And energy efficiency. (Figure 16.) Further, it offers a technology where refrigerant emissions can be reduced to near zero. Table 8: U.S. EPA supports HCFC-123 because of its balance of critical environmental factors. Atmospheric Life Ozone Depletion (Years) Potential HCFC-123 ␣ 1.4 0.014 HCFC-22 12.1 0.04 HFC-134a 14.6 0.0 Global Warming Potential 90 1500 1300 Figure 17: Galaxy vs. solar system phase. To underscore this point, Figure 17 is one of the charts used by a U.S. EPA spokesperson at a CFC conference. The point made was that it was originally chemicals such as CFC-11 and CFC-12 that were the targets. That was a galaxy approach. In the solar system phase, where the issue is today, if 0/0 on both axes is the most environmentally friendly, it’s easy to see why chemicals such as HCFC-123, HFC-152a, HFC-32 and HFC134a are being looked at favorably. The Future Is In the Balance Does this mean that HCFC-123 is the only alternative refrigerant of the future? While HCFC-123 is the most balanced alternative refrigerant, it is not the only alternative refrigerant of the future. Today’s owners and system designers have good choices: • HCFC-123 for low-pressure machines that have run in the past on CFC-11. • HFC-134a for medium-pressure machines that have been using CFC-12 or 500. • HCFC-22 continues to be a good choice for high-pressure applications. Figure 16: HCFC-123 is the most environmentally balanced alternative refrigerant. Trane believes it is time for the industry to stop the infighting that has characterized the CFC free issue to date and caused confusion and skepticism among building owners. Clearly, while this publication focuses on HCFC-123, the message is that all alternative refrigerants are acceptable; a position actively supported by the U.S. EPA in a technology brief titled Choosing An Optimal Chiller In The Face Of A CFC Phaseout. “The key point is this: building owners should not choose chillers based solely on one criteria - for instance ozone depletion potential or lowest first cost. This is an arbitrary decision that is not necessarily the best for the overall environment, and may also lead to adverse long term economic consequences. The optimal choice is to consider all alternatives as acceptable, viable alternatives, and to choose those that best meet the criteria and produce the highest return on investment.” Understanding that, we would caution owners, engineers and contractors not to miss the forest for the trees. In the rush to make refrigerant decisions, we must not overlook the basics that have always played an important role in the selection of large water chillers. Chiller purchase decisions should be based on life-cycle cost plus the criteria that has always been used: • Reliability. • Efficiency. • Availability of local service and parts. • Sound. A chiller represents a major purchase decision. Because of its environmental balance, HCFC-123 is the right alternative refrigerant for low-pressure technology. More importantly, the Trane CenTraVac centrifugal chiller is the right machine. Of the 46,000 Trane machines built over the last 50 years, at the start of the CFC-free transition over 92 percent were still running. A track record unmatched in the industry. 14 84527_Body.p65 14 8/24/98, 1:03 PM What Is The Future Of So-Called “Third Generation” Refrigerants? Until now, this publication has addressed the second generation alternative refrigerants in the marketplace. However, we are frequently asked, “When will we see the third generation alternatives?” Table 10 is helpful in understanding the traditional refrigerants, the commercialized second generation alternatives and “potential” third generation refrigerants. It also raises a series of questions. 1 Will HFC-245ca and/or HFC-245fa replace HCFC-123 and will HFC-152a replace HFC-134a? If so, when? 2 Is HCFC-22 still a viable, high pressure alternative refrigerant? 3 What are refrigerants 407C and 410A and what kind of nomenclature do these numbers and characters represent? Will HFC-245ca/HFC-245fa replace HCFC-123 and will HFC-152a replace HFC-134a? If so, when? Table 11 highlights potential “third” generation alternative refrigerants that have several interesting physical properties: HFC-245ca, HFC-245fa and HFC-152a. As one can see, the advantage HFC-245ca and HFC-245fa have when compared to HCFC-123 is an ozone depletion potential (ODP) of zero vs. .014. And, the direct-effect global warming potential (GWP) of HFC-152a is approximately nine times lower than HFC134a, i.e. 140 vs 1300. So, at least at first glance, there appears to be an environmental advantage with these potential third generation alternatives. When might we expect to see these alternatives in the marketplace? While no one knows the future, the most likely answer is never. Why? By today’s test methods, HFC-245ca and HFC-152a are classified as Class 2 flammable refrigerants which imposes, via codes and standards, vessel sizing (tonnage) restrictions on equipment designs and a host of equipment room design requirements. In addition, most chemical companies, HVAC manufacturers and end users in the U.S. are not likely to accept the greater degree of risk associated with the use of flammable refrigerants. For this reason, it is very unlikely these refrigerants will replace the current second generation alternatives in the United States. HFC-245fa, on the other hand, may well be a low-pressure candidate in higher tonnage applications; typically 1250 to 2500 tons and above. Unlike HFC-245ca, it will not be rated as a flammable refrigerant. However, pressure characteristics are such that it would require ASME pressure vessel construction. Further, in the case of HCFC-123, there is a question of “in the balance”... does HFC-245fa offer an environmental advantage. While HFC-245fa does have zero level of ODP, its direct effect GWP is over six times higher than HCFC-123 and its theoretical cycle efficiency is less than HCFC-123. Because of the significant impact that efficiency has on chiller greenhouse gas emission, this efficiency difference could result in increased power plant emissions of CO2, SO2 and NOx compared to a HCFC-123-based chiller design. Therefore all indications are that the low-pressure and medium-pressure alternatives that will continue to serve the HVAC industry for the foreseeable future will be HCFC-123 and HFC-134a, respectively. Is HCFC-22 still a viable, high pressure alternative refrigerant? Absolutely! To understand the reasons behind that answer is to appreciate why the answer is stated so emphatically. 1 The total production of HCFC-22 is currently not scheduled for phaseout until 2020, which is more than 20 years away. And HCFC-22 is expected to be available for at least five to 10 years after its phaseout via reclamation and recovery. When we consider that the vast majority of HCFC-22 is used in unitary and residential equipment with a projected life of 15 to 20 years, we can understand why we say HCFC-22 continues to be a viable alternative. 2 It’s true there are some European countries calling for an accelerated phaseout of HCFC-22. However, the U.S. EPA, ASHRAE, ARI, Australia, Japan, Canada, the vast majority of developing countries have all called for a stabilizing of the current phaseout dates to allow for an effective transition away from CFC refrigerants; a message underscored by both the Vienna and Montreal Agreements. 3 For refrigerant-in-tube designs, like unitary and residential applications, the industry is working on developing alternatives. With over 43 million HCFC-22 units in North America alone, as these alternatives start to replace HCFC-22 in refrigerant-in-tube applications it will be available via reclamation and recovery for HCFC-22based chillers where a direct replacement, minimal capacity loss chemical may or may not be available. Table 10 Traditional CFC-11 CFC-12 HCFC-22 Low Pressure Medium Pressure High Pressure Second Generation HCFC-123 HFC-134a HCFC-22 Table 11: Refrigerant environmental properties Atmospheric Lifetime ODP HCFC-123 1.4 .014 HFC-245ca 7 0 HFC-245fa 8 0 HFC-134a 15 0 HFC-152a 1.5 0 15 84527_Body.p65 15 8/24/98, 1:03 PM GWP 90 560 820 1300 140 “Potential” Third Generation HFC-245a HFC-152a 407C/410A Theoretical Efficiency 7.43 COP 7.40 7.31 6.94 7.20 What are refrigerants 407C and 410A and what kind of nomenclature do these numbers and characters represent. In 1991, the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (ARI) initiated a program called the Alternate Refrigerants Evaluation Program (AREP) to study the potential alternatives for HCFC-22. As Table 12 shows, there were 18 alternatives considered; a consideration that analyzed efficiency, capacity, material compatibility, flammability and safety. Currently, there are two leading candidates to replace HCFC-22 in refrigerant-in-tube comfort cooling applications. These refrigerants are not referred to by this chemical formula but, instead, by their ASHRAE nomenclature 407C and 410A. Here is a more detailed look at each of these two chemicals. 407C is a ternary zeotropic blend compromised of HFC-32, HFC-125 and HFC-134a, with mass compositions of 23, 25 and 52 percent, respectively. This blend has zero ODP, a GWP of 1700 and is manufactured under brand names like DuPont SUVA-9000, ICI Klea 66 and AlliedSignal Genetron 407C. Why these particular chemicals and why this specific mixture ratio? Because the blend of these three chemicals in the ratios listed produces a non-flammable blend that closely mimics the pressure, capacity and efficiency characteristics of HCFC-22. How close? As early as 1995, Trane displayed a four-ton HCFC-22 rooftop unit running on DuPont SUVA9000. The capacity and efficiency were 101 and 97 percent, respectively, of the unit’s HCFC-22 performance. And, the good news is that the traditional seals and gaskets are typically compatible with this new HFC blend. This means that the seals, gaskets and hermetic motor will not have to be replaced, other than for normal wear or maintenance, when switching to the 407C alternative refrigerant. However, the oil will have to be changed from the current mineral oil-based lubricants to polyester-based (POE) oils. In many current unitary and residential unit designs, removal of the oil will require the unsweating of the compressor and physically turning the compressor upside down to remove the mineral oil. Table 12: Possible HCFC-22 replacements. HFC-134a R-125/143a [45/55] Propane (R-290) R-23/32/134a [1.5/20/78.5] Ammonia (R-717) R-23/32/134a [1.5/27/71.5] R-32/125 [50/50] - 410A R-23/32/134a [2/29.4/68.6] R-32/125 [60/40] R-32/125/134a [10/70/20] R-32/134a [20/80] R-32/125/134a [23/25/52] - 407C R-32/134a [25/75] R-32/125/1345a [24/16/60] R-32/134a [30/70] R-32/125/134a [25/20/55] R-32/134a [40/60] R-32/125/134a [30/10/60] NOTES: Refrigerants are not listed in any particular ranking order. Compositions are nominal and do not include deviations of charged or circulating compositions from nominal. All refrigerant components are HFC’s except R-290 and R-717. Further, here are several examples of why testing is required, application by application. • In some compressor designs, the lubrication system took advantage of the fact that, in the compressor, the mineral oils foamed a good deal. This foaming, technically called splash lubrication or misting, was used to lubricate components like piston pins. Unfortunately, the POE-based oils do not exhibit this foaming action, which means that selected compressors will have to be carefully tested and certified to run with the HFC refrigerants and POE-based oils. • 407C is a zeotrope. Zeotropic mixtures do not evaporate at a constant temperature as do pure fluids. A temperature “glide” of eight to 10 degrees occurs with 407C. Evaporator designs need to be able to accommodate this difference. For example, water-source heat pumps would have to be designed to accommodate this glide without freezing water in the evaporator. • Superheat and subcooling sensors may need to be changed to accommodate different leaving conditions from the evaporator and condenser. Inadequate subcooling can occur due to this glide in the condenser. Unstable expansion valve operation can also occur in such cases. • Condenser fan staging settings for aircooled machines need to be changed (compared to nominal HCFC-22 settings) to adjust for the different temperatures and pressures in the condensers due to glide. • Air-to-air heat pumps will have different frost and defrost patterns due to glide. Defrost cycles must be carefully tested. New defrost sensor location and defrost logic change is needed in most cases. These are examples of why, while there are good alternatives, testing will take time; time afforded by the current phaseout schedule for HCFC-22, time to ensure tomorrow’s products are as reliable or even more so than today’s products. 410A is a binary, near azeotropic blend of HFC-32 and 125 with a 50/50 mass ratio. An example of 410A is sold commercially by AlliedSignal under the brand name AZ 20 or DuPont’s brand name SUVA 9100. This blend operates at significantly higher pressures than HCFC-22; approximately 50 percent higher. Condensing pressure at 100 F for HCFC-22 is 196 psi and 410A is 336 psi. Therefore, it certainly is not a direct replacement for existing HCFC-22 units. Then why is it being considered as a future alternative for HCFC-22 products? The major reason is because it functions as a near azeotrope, minimizing the potential for fractionation. An additional benefit is that units may be made smaller because of the higher pressure. However, the cost advantage of the smaller unit will be somewhat offset by the need for stronger, and potentially thicker, materials in some parts of the unit. Further, the industry will not only have to totally redesign the products. It will have to retool factories to build the new designs; a task that represents millions and millions of dollars of investments. So which one will win out: 407C or 410A? And in what tonnage sizes? It is unlikely that there will be one solution for all applications. Rather, both will have 16 84527_Body.p65 16 8/24/98, 1:03 PM their appropriate applications; potentially, one for new equipment (410A) and one for replacement applications (407C). While progress is being made, it will be several years before equipment with these chemicals will be commonly available in the marketplace and service technicians are trained in their use; once again stressing the importance of the continued availability of HCFC-22 under the future Montreal Protocol Amendments. What will be a likely alternative refrigerant for HCFC-22 for non-in-tube applications such as flooded evaporators? It appears that because of concern over fractionation, 407C will likely not be the alternative refrigerant of choice for flooded evaporator designs. Instead, the nod will go to HFC-134a even though, without redesign, the capacity losses would typically be in the 25-33 percent range. With an optimized redesign, the industry can minimize this impact on the ultimate cost/performance of the equipment. Further, extensive testing is and will continue to be done to determine the efficiency/cost performance potential of 410A in select applications. Today we do have viable alternatives. Viable alternatives that will be around throughout the lifetime of the equipment. Alternatives that include HCFC-123 for low-pressure applications, HFC-134a for medium-pressure applications and HCFC22 for high-pressure applications. And, for tomorrow’s refrigerant in-tube applications, 407C or 410A. What Are The Best Practices Owners Are Using To Manage The CFC-Free Transition With The Least Possible Cash Outlay? It’s very clear. The HVAC industry must work together to effectively manage a CFC-free transition. It will take careful planning to meet this challenge with the least possible capital outlay. Regarding this important planning process for chillers, we see owners in one of four phases of planning even today, years after the phaseout of the CFC refrigerants. • Ignore • Containment • Retrofit • Replacement The Ignore Phase Unfortunately, there are still a number of owners who are in the ignore phase. However, let’s be clear. They are not ignoring the issue. What they are ignoring, because of uncertainties and a host of conflicting information and even some misinformation, is the need to take action. The number one suggestion is to move to the containment phase, at a minimum. The Containment Phase In the containment phase, there are certain things owners will have to do; there are other things they will want to do. Examples of the “have to do’s” include: • Technicians are no longer allowed to voluntarily vent CFC, HCFC or HFC refrigerants. • Service technicians must receive the appropriate training and must be certified. • Appropriate refrigerant purchase and use records must be kept. To aid in this record-keeping effort, low-cost, computerized refrigerant management programs are available from Trane as well as several other companies. If these are examples of the “have to do’s,” then an excellent example of “want to do” is to replace older purge systems with new high-efficiency purge systems and to implement the state-of-the-art containment ideas found in ASHRAE Guideline 3-1996. At a minimum, today’s owners need to be in the containment phase. Each and every one of these alternatives will play a major role in one of the most important and difficult challenges this industry has faced: The transition away from CFC refrigerants. 17 84527_Body.p65 17 8/24/98, 1:03 PM The Retrofit/Replacement Phase Clearly this is an either/or phase. Owners who advance to these phases will either choose to convert their machines to the alternative refrigerants or to replace their machines with chillers designed to use CFC-free alternatives. It is in this phase where some of the toughest decisions exist. Why? Because it is in this phase that the major expenditures are incurred. Hence, the need for careful evaluation and analysis of the options. The evaluation process frequently starts with categorizing the machines relative to their age, efficiencies, service and maintenance expense, ease of replacement, leakage of refrigerant, etc. Of these various categories, one of the most useful is the ability to bracket based on age. Specifically, it is useful to bracket the chillers into three age categories: ages up to 10, 10-20 and 20 years and above. 20 Years And Above: Chillers in this category are frequently good candidates for replacement. Why? Because the chillers may be beginning to reach the end of their useful life. And, new chillers are much more efficient than the chillers of 20 to 30 years ago. For example, a late 1970’s version of water-cooled centrifugal chillers would have had efficiencies in the range of 0.7 - 0.9 kW/ton. Today’s water-cooled centrifugals can boast of efficiencies in the range of .48 - .60 kW/ton or better at ARI rated conditions. Even in a typical office building application, where operating hours are much less than a hospital or process cooling application, this difference in efficiency can result in a three-year payback or less. This is extremely advantageous because, even with a three-year payback, the entire changeout chiller installation can be financed and the monthly interest and principal payments can be less than the monthly energy savings. Therefore, from day one, the owner will experience a positive cashflow. Obviously a positive cashflow alternative is very attractive for the private sector. And it also makes sense for public sector installations. Up To 10 Years of Age: The chillers in this category are typically good candidates for retrofit. Because these machines are newer, they typically reflect the improved efficiencies of today’s designs. In addition, these machines inherently have much of their useful life remaining. Especially in this category, planning can save capital expenditures. One prime example of using planning to conserve capital is to plan to do retrofits at the time of major overhauls; overhauls that are recommended by all major chiller manufacturers every five to 10 years. Consider the following reasoning. During an overhaul: 1 The seals and gaskets are changed, providing an ideal opportunity to replace the traditional seals and gaskets with ones that are compatible with both the traditional and the alternative refrigerants. 2 Normally the motor is analyzed and, in some cases, sent to a motor rewind shop to be inspected or rewound. This is an excellent time to replace hermetic motors with ones that are compatible with both the traditional and the alternative refrigerants. 3 While the machine is open, if required, the gear/impeller sets can be replaced for gear-driven machines or the impellers can be modified for direct-drive machines. By doing the retrofit at the time of a major overhaul, owners can realize substantial savings. Experience shows that owners can save between $10,000 and $15,000 on the retrofit of a typical 500-ton hermetic centrifugal, if the retrofit is done at the time of overhaul. The key planning advice to owners is to use a computerized spread sheet or other planning tool to schedule and budget, year by year, for future major overhauls. And to incorporate the retrofit at the time of the overhaul. 10-20 Years Of Age: This category was left for last because it is frequently the most difficult age bracket of machines for which to decide appropriate action. The owner must choose between the more expensive, but more efficient, replacement option and the less expensive, but less efficient, retrofit option. Experience has shown that a valuable first step in making this difficult choice is to contact the original equipment manufacturer (OEM). From chiller records, the OEM can ascertain the original performance characteristics and then run computer programs that will provide the capacity and efficiency data; not only on the traditional refrigerant, but on the alternative refrigerant. In addition, information can be obtained regarding the cost of reaching various capacity and efficiency levels. Once the cost and efficiency numbers are known for both the retrofit and the replacement options, design professionals can use computerized life-cycle cost analysis programs to provide information such as simple payback, internal rate of returns, cashflow or other valuable financial data to allow the owner to make an informed decision. To put this decisionmaking process into perspective, a retrofit typically costs 20 to 40 percent of the total installed cost of a replacement chiller. However, depending on the efficiency differences, the entire first-cost difference may be paid back in a short time period; a time period that can be determined accurately and dependably. 18 84527_Body.p65 18 8/24/98, 1:03 PM Total Systems The Message Is Clear One final message. When owners are making decisions in the process of becoming CFC free, they are encouraged to look at all aspects of the chiller plant system. This includes items such as the cooling tower, pumps and controls, and to examine all options: electric, absorption, ice storage or a combination of all of these. Today there are answers. Today it is critical to become CFC free and to plan to improve the overall system efficiency in the process. The key to the future lies in products, systems and services that offer the environmentally balanced solutions combined with the ability to deliver the very highest in energy efficiency with the very lowest in total emissions. In the 1990’s, and beyond, focus on improved energy efficiency and multiple fuel sources, i.e. hybrid chiller plants, will become absolutely critical. This message must be understood and internalized. Because of the focus on energy in the process of becoming CFC free, owners are encouraged to actively search for ways to improve efficiency by addressing all aspects of the system rather than focusing solely on the chillers themselves. Trane has the expertise and tools to aid in this system approach. If you would like additional information on any aspect of the CFC-free issue and/or assistance with your planning efforts, we encourage you to contact your local Trane commercial sales representative. 19 84527_Body.p65 19 8/24/98, 1:04 PM 84527_cover 8/24/98 1:06 PM Page 1 Worldwide Applied Systems Group The Trane Company North American Group 3600 Pammel Creek Road La Crosse, WI 54601-7599 www.trane.com An American Standard Company Printed on recycled paper as part of The Trane Company’s recycling program. Since The Trane Company has a policy of continuous product improvement, it reserves the right to change design and specification without notice. CFC-ARTICLE-1 July 1998 Supersedes CFC-ARTICLE-1 April 1996