Creating a Photo Essay - Mr. Little's Grade Seven Classes

Creating a Photo Essay Tomorrow we will be starting to create a photo essay in class. Please come prepared by reading the following steps to create a photo essay. Come prepared with some ideas that you might want to explore as a topic when creating your photo essay. Don’t worry, we will have a class discussion and see some examples before you begin!!! Photo essays use photos and captions to tell a story or highlight a theme. Because the photos often personalize the material, photo essays allow viewers to more easily connect with the story or theme. Steps in Creating a Photo Essay 1.) Think about what you want your photo essay to do: tell a story or highlight a theme. For example, your theme could be “The World’s Biggest Mysteries.” 2.) Gather a dozen photos that reflect your theme or story. For example, photos of Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster would be perfect for “The World’s Biggest Mysteries>” (It might be hard for you to find real photos). 3.) Spread your photos out. Decide which ones you’re going to use or if you need more. 4.) Decide what order the photos should be presented in ­ sequentially, randomly, or some other way. For example, from the photo with the most impact to the one with the least. Your theme or story may influence your organization. 5.) The colour and content of the photos may also influence organization. Experiment with where the photos are placed. Overlap some photos, place others on an angle, allow some photos to take up a whole page, or crowd lots of photos on a page ­ whatever works best. 6.) Write brief captions that highlight your theme and help the photos tell your story. Experiment with fonts, sizes and colours. 7.) Have someone else view your photo essay. Ask: “Do you understand my theme or the story I’m trying to tell? How do the photos make you feel?” Make revisions and create a final draft of your photo essay. Some photo essay’s can be created online. Here are some websites that you might choose to create your essay on: Rubric For Photo Essay Assignment: April 2014 Success Criteria Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Main Ideas & Supporting Details No clear main ideas in answer, no inferences are shown throughout the answer. Somewhat clear ideas, using mostly relevant inferences to support details. Clearly highlights main ideas and using insightful inferences to provide depth to answers. Clearly highlights main ideas and effectively uses main ideas in great detail to provide a wide range of inferences for the text. Format Little understanding of writing format, frequent spelling and punctuation issues. Mostly effective use of writing format, mostly consistent spelling and punctuation throughout. Effective use of writing format, proper spelling and punctuation throughout. Exceptional command of writing format, proper spelling and punctuation is excellent throughout. Oral Communication With limited effectiveness communicates orally in a clear, coherent manner, using a structure and style appropriate to both the topic and the intended audience. For some of the presentation communicates orally in a clear, coherent manner, using a structure and style appropriate to both the topic and the intended audience. Effectively communicates orally in a clear, coherent manner, using a structure and style appropriate to both the topic and the intended audience. With confidence and clarity, communicates orally in a coherent manner, using a structure and style appropriate to both the topic and the intended audience. Media Does not identify an appropriate form to suit the specific purpose and audience for a media text they plan to create With limited success produces a variety of media texts with some complexity for specific purpose and audience. Identifies an appropriate form to suit the specific purpose and audience for a media text they plan to create Produces a variety of media texts with limited complexity for specific purpose and audience. Accurately identifies an appropriate form to suit the specific purpose and audience for a media text they plan to create Successfully produces a variety of media texts with some complexity for specific purpose and audience. With great effectiveness identifies an appropriate form to suit the specific purpose and audience for a media text they plan to create With great success, produces a variety of media texts with some complexity for specific purpose and audience. Media Question: “What makes this form an effective way to present your message to this particular audience?” ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 