July 14, 2013 - Notre Dame de la Mer Parish

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1500 Central Avenue
Suite 100
North Wildwood, NJ 08260
Phone: 609-522-2709
A Letter from Fr. Field
Dear Friends,
Can you believe we are past the
Fourth of July and on our way towards
Labor Day! I hope each of us is enjoying
each day and finding some time to relax
Pastor Team
Rev. Michael J. Field
x217 and enjoy the gift of God’s creation. Life
Rev. Joseph D. Wallace x215 passes so quickly and it really is good for
Rev. Gustavo Agudelo x214 us to celebrate and be grateful for all we have. There’s a
bumper sticker that says “Have an attitude of gratitude.”
There’s a lot to that simple phrase that is key to
Deacon Joseph R. Pierce
recognizing and celebrating the many blessings we have as
a people of faith.
Pastoral Associate
Seniors’ Ministries and
Sr. Rosaline Walters
As we move through the summer, I feel tremendous
x221 gratitude for so many in our parish who take the initiative
to try to bring the Good News to the faith community.
Chaplet of Divine
Mercy and Marian
Devotion every
Saturday at 9:00 AM
for Pro-Life in St. Ann
Mary, Refuge of
Sinners Prayer
Group Wednesday at
7:30 PM at
Assumption Church in
Msgr. Kelly Hall.
Fraternity of Divine
Mercy welcomes you
every third Sunday of
every month at St.
Elizabeth Seton
Church in Absecon.
All are welcome. For
more information call
Tom Stephano at 7296284.
Life-Long Faith Director
Every time someone receives a bag of groceries at Lazarus
Religious Education
House, I am grateful. Every time someone comes forward
Ms. Anna Mae Muryasz
Mrs. Sonia Ford
x218 to lead music at Mass, I am grateful. Every time someone Knights of Columbus
Music Ministry
Ryan McAteer
Office Staff
Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Maryann Friedberg x211
Mrs. Anna Landis
helps in the sacristy, I am grateful. Every time someone
volunteers with our Religious Education Program, I am
grateful. Every time a parish staff member consoles a
hurting parishioner, I am grateful These are just a few.
Yes, with an attitude of gratitude, many wonderful things
can happen.
In the week ahead, if a complaint is ready to surface
in you, turn on the gratitude attitude and see how blessed
x213 we are and how much we should be grateful for in our
lives. Besides, grateful people are more fun to be around!
Parish Secretary/Volunteers
Mrs. Pat Manning
Monday through Friday
8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Or anytime by Appointment
Closed for lunch
11:30—12:00 PM
Closed for Religious and
Civic Holidays
Our Lady of the
Rosary Council #2572
Meetings are held the
2nd Monday of the
month at 8:00 PM at
the Council Home,
206 New York Ave,
N. Wildwood.
Forever Young meets
the first Tuesday of the
month at 12:00 Noon
at Kelly Hall for lunch
and program. Will
resume in September.
Enjoy the week ahead! And thank you for all you
do to bring Christ to the world!
Legion of Mary
Monday at 11:00 AM
in St. Ann Chapel.
Fr. Michael
Our Lady of Fatima
1st Sat. 4:00 PM
rosary for world peace
in St. Ann Church
On the recollection of so many and great
favours and blessings, I now, with a high
sense of gratitude, presume to offer up my
sincere thanks to the Almighty, the Creator
and Preserver.
Adoration is held
every Thursday after
the 7:00 AM Mass
until Noon at St. Ann
William Bartram
Prince of Peace
Prayer Group
Tuesday at 7:00 PM in
Chapel at St. Ann.
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“Filling the Darkness with Light”
Our Mission
Feed those in need, house those experiencing homelessness,
and empower individuals to achieve independence.
Our Vision
Transforming lives...one person at a time.
Youth Opera of South Jersey Presents:
Our Cantor and wildwood Catholic student, Fred
Spiewak, will be performing at the Ocean City Tabernacle,
550 Wesley Avenue in Ocean City on July 23, 24 and 25 at
7:30 PM and July 24th at 2:00 PM.
Stewards Do Likewise
“…go and do likewise.” Luke 10:37b
This was Jesus’ simple command to all of us at the end of
the Good Samaritan story. How do Stewards do “likewise?”
By sharing our skills. By reaching into our treasure when
financial help is needed. By taking the time to help when we
are needed, not when it’s convenient for us.
Your Stewardship of Treasure…
Your gift of treasure to the parish the weekend of
June 29/30 came to $25,277
Last year’s totaled $24,819
Your gift of treasure to the parish last weekend came
to $29,812
Last year’s total $28.334
Thank you for your generosity.
WCHS / CTC Annual Car Raffle
Lazarus House
Thank you all for your kind donations to the Lazarus House.
Let us continue our commitment each week to share with
Win a 2013 Mustang Coupe
our neighbors. All donations to the poor box , cash or
Tickets are available in the back of church or on the
checks, go directly to the Lazarus House for the food pantry.
Boardwalk at Glenwood Avenue. Tickets are $5 each or a
week, please bring cereal and small cans of soup.
book of 5 for $20.
We are in need of a few more volunteers. If you are Containers are provided in the vestibule of the churches.
available to help us sell tickets after Mass or on the boardwalk, Thank you again for your generosity!
please reach out through phone or email. Thank you!
Youth Mass
Mrs. Pat Manning - pmanning@notredamedelamer.org or
Mrs. Julie Roche - roche@capetrinitycatholic.org
Mr. Kevin Quinn - k.quinn@wildwoodcatholic.org
Donut Sale
We will have our donut sale
after each mass at each location on
Sundays during the summer. The
proceeds support Wildwood Catholic
High School.
All children can learn to be cantors at Mass. If
your child loves to sing, please contact Joanne Spiewak at
jspiewak@notredamedelamer.org to find out how your
child can sing for the 10:00 AM Sunday Mass at
Assumption. All are invited!
The weekly bulletin
can be viewed on
our website at
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Summer Religion Program
2013Kingdom Rock
Notre Dame de la Mer Parish Program will be at the
Cape Trinity School Site from July 29 to August 9.
The program will run Monday to Friday for two
weeks from 8:30 AM to Noon each day. A snack will
be provided daily.
Cost for the program is $125 for parishioners per
child and $200 for non-parishioners per child.
Payment must be received before the start of the program or on the
first day of classes for students to take part. Non-parishioners need to
provide a letter from their pastors giving permission for them to take part
in the program for credit toward the year round CCD program at their
home parish.
Confirmation 2014
Children who are baptized Catholics,
and who have received First Communion and
Reconciliation, and who will be in the 8th grade
in September 2013 are eligible to receive the
Sacrament of Confirmation. They need to have
completed a preparation year (Grade 7) and be
currently enrolled in the Religious Education
Program (Grade 8). Diocesan requirement states
that the child must complete two consecutive
years of formal preparation for the reception of
this sacrament. Please contact the Faith
Formation Office with any questions. 609-5222709 X218
First Communion 2014
Children who are baptized Catholics
and who will be in the 2nd grade in September
2013 are eligible to receive the Sacraments of
Volunteer Teachers and Aides Needed
Reconciliation and First Eucharist. The children
Volunteers are needed as teachers, aides and snack preparers for the
need to have completed a preparation year
Summer Intensive Religious Education Program. The program will run
(Grade 1) and be currently enrolled in the
from July 29 to August 9 from 8:30 AM to Noon. The program will take
Religious Education Program (Grade 2).
place at Cape Trinity School—entrance on 16th Street in North
Diocesan requirement states that the child must
Wildwood. Please call AnnaMae Muryasz, the Life-Long Faith Director
complete two consecutive years of formal
at 609-522-2709, extension 218.
preparation for the receipt of these sacraments.
Please contact the Faith Formation Office with
Faith Formation
any questions. 609-522-2709 X218
Children who will be receiving the sacraments of Confirmation or
Holy Eucharist in the spring of 2014 will need to have attended two years School year Religious Education
of successive Religious Education Classes in preparation. (Example- If
Religious education for the school year
receiving Confirmation, students will need to have attended 7th and 8th
2013-2014 will begin on Tuesday, September 10,
grade classes. If receiving Holy Communion students will need to have
2013 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Classes will
attended 1st and 2nd grade classes. Any questions please call the office at be held twice monthly for 90 minutes each time.
609-522-2709 X 218. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
The classes will take place at Cape Trinity
AnnaMae Muryasz, Life Long Faith Formation Director.
Catholic School. Applications for these classes
will be left in the back of church beginning on
Bible Study
August 1, 2013. Please be aware you may also
A Bible Study has been developed to meet the spiritual pick up a registration form at any time from the
needs of all ages. This will take place on Tuesdays at
parish office.
Kelly Hall at 7:00 PM during the summer. For more
Summer Intensive classes and the
information, call AnnaMae at 522-2709, ext.218.
school year classes will be covering the same
faith based material and asked to complete the
same faith activities as a family beginning this
Female Celebrity Impersonator Show at Resorts in Atlantic City year. Pastors of Notre Dame de la Mer are in
agreement and pastors from other sending
on Wednesday, August 28 at $30 per person.
parishes have been apprised of this change in
10:30 AM Bus departs St. Ann’s (small parking lot)
10:45 Pick up at Shop Rite (behind Arc store)
11:00 AM Pick up on Parkway (Oceanview Rest Stop)
On own for lunch at Resorts Casino
3:30 PM show at Resorts in Superstar Theater
5:30 PM Depart for home
Trip includes—transportation, show admission and a $10 slot play
This is a casino package for adults only. You must have a Resorts Casino
card or photo ID to receive $10 slot voucher. Trip must have 40 people
and is subject to change or cancellation. Refunds after August 12 will be
made only after 40 people have registered for the trip. For more info call
Leone Tours at 856-797-1888 or Joe Tighe 609-522-3362.
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We Need Your Help!!
If you have ever given thought to hosting an
international student please call WCHS and
let us talk to you about this opportunity. Students come from Europe, Asia, and South
We love to brag about the success of our former students.
Please notify the Guidance Office with any news that
you would like to share.
We invite you to learn more about
Wildwood Catholic High School
College Preparation in the Catholic Tradition
For more information call 609-522-7257 or visit at
Beef & Beer Fundraiser
Ryan McGinty Memorial Foundation presents a
Beef & Beer Fundraiser on Saturday, July 27
from 8:00 PM until Midnight
Movie Tuesdays
This will be held at the Anglesea Volunteer
Firehouse, 201 New Jersey Ave. in N. Wildwood. There
will be a donation of $25.00 per person. Proceeds will
benefit the scholarship program at WCHS. Food, draft
beer and music will be offered.
For tickets, please call Jim at 215-805-1369 or
Marianne at 215-805-3751 or WCHS at 609-522-7257
WCHS presents Movie Tuesdays. Two
Did You Bumper-to-Bumper Today?
movies—G Rated Family at 6:30 PM in the
Auditorium. PG-13 at 8:30 PM. $5 Donation
which includes one free small popcorn. Snacks
The parish reminds those
will be sold.
using the parking lots to pull up
Movie Hotline—609-849-8077
bumper to bumper so others can
park also.
We have new lanes
Spiritual Gift Center
designated for handicapped
The Spiritual Gift Center is open after daily
parking only. There must be a
and Sunday Masses in the rear of the Assumption
display on the plate or in the
Church. Come and browse.
window to use these lanes. And please pull up so others
with disabilities can get in too.
The local police departments may ticket anyone
This weekend, the Spiritual Gift Center is selling ALL
lanes or using handicap spaces without a
Christmas items at a 30% discount. Come in and do some early
Christmas Shopping. Along with the Christmas in July Gifts we handicap sticker or plate. Park bumper to bumper and
avoid a ticket.
also have many other discounted items. Take advantage of the
We also will have a parking area, outside St.
GREAT deals. For more info, call Betty Katz at 675-5146
Ann’s Chapel and behind Assumption Church, for
bicycles. Bike racks have been installed. Riding your
bike gets you a close space, and fast get-a-way!
Every sixty seconds you spend upset is a
And, we do have an overflow parking lot at the
former St. Ann’s School on Magnolia and Pacific. It,
minute of happiness you’ll never get back.
~ Unknown too, is easy in and easy out!
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Liturgy & Prayers
Marian Devotion & Chaplet of Divine Mercy
9:00 AM
4:00 PM
Intentions of Alice Whelan
4:30 PM
Bernard Walsh r/b Brother, Peter
Joseph Dukes r/b Rita Coram & Family
Josephine Catinella
r/b Chris & Lisa Visalli
Michael Parson r/b John & Linda Winsett
Giuseppi DiGuiceppi r/b Wife, Eva
5:00 PM
Katherine Viviani McKinsey
r/b Aunt Carmella & Uncle Bob
Ellen Clark r/b William & Eileen Clark
8:00 AM
8:30 AM
9:00 AM
9:30 AM
10:00 AM
10:30 AM
11:00 AM
7:00 PM
July 14
Al Donahue r/b Dominic & Catherine Garofolo
Albert Borelli r/b Charlie & Harriet Feeney
Clint Warren r/b Jack & Joanne Warren
Albert Colubiale r/b Lois & Frank Leone
Ann Whrle r/b Joyce & Howard
Michael Penny r/b Family
Paul Noto r/b Josephine & Vito Tyrone
Edmund Pawlowski r/b Family
John “Chippy” Whalin
r/b Fred & Mary Ellen Schweikert
Robert Trapp, Jr. r/b Family
George Botto r/b Rita Coram Family
Diane Nangle r/b Jack Hennessy
James P. Owens (3rd Anniv.) r/b Wife, Virginia
Pete Visalli r/b The McClain Family
Joseph & Nancy Masi r/b The Masi Family
Allan Wade r/b Family
David Nelson, Jr. r/b Mom, Dad & Sisters
Donald Dudics r/b Raymond & Laraine Borolla
Madge DeLosso (1st Anniv.)
r/b Elena, Ron & Angela
7:00 AM
8:30 AM
July 15
Jim Williams r/b Wife, Jeanne
Michael Penny r/b Family
7:00 AM
8:30 AM
July 16
Theresa Triollo r/b Jim & Rita, Bob & Carmella
For Our Parishioners
7:00 AM
Maggie Donnelly r/b Joseph & Muriel Brophy
8:30 AM
For Our Parishioners
7:00 AM
Katherine Chismar r/b Dave Callion
8:30 AM
Marcella & Steve Kanya
r/b Dolores & Hank Bischoff
7:00 AM
8:30 AM
July 19
Anna Marie Bucher
r/b Jeanette & Ken Clemente
Ann Lebato r/b LettyRobinson
9:00 AM
Marian Devotion & Chaplet of Divine Mercy
4:00 PM
Intentions of Alice Whelan
Lonnie Peditto r/b Joann & Paul Roberts
Thomas Quertetti
r/b Betty Katz & Family
4:30 PM
Bill Repash r/b Joe Werba
Eleanor Breary (2nd Anniv.)
r/b Husband, Albert
Gregory DiAntonio r/b Dad & Yali
Joseph Kurtz (1st Anniv.)
r/b Wife & Family
5:00 PM
Fred Miller (5th Anniv.)
r/b His Sister, Dottie
Edward Rudd r/b Mom & Dad
ARE ILL—Baby Colin Joseph Amori, Lynn Amori, Peg
Armand, Albert Bendis, Hank Bischoff,
Jacob Bouren, Jake Broadbent, Bernie &
Katherine Brill, Jack Burke, Betty
Campbell, Kathleen Cantwell, Robert
Catellese, Augustine Cerrone, Maggie
Chase, Stumpy Countiss, Jean
Cunningham, Angie Dabbingino, Kathryn D’Amico, Mary Lynn
Danze, Jack Dever, Tyler Dodson, Patricia Driadon, Dorothy
Dzwonicrek, Ryan Fahey, Sharon Fahy, Jean Feketics, Rita
Frankowski, Rose & James Futrell, Linda Gallo, Michael Gallo,
Maddie Girard, Ron Gorski, Lee Grace, Florence Griffith, Betty
Hamilton, Maria Harrington, Bruce Heagy, Davis Heckman,
Dorothy Hillyer, Eileen Hoffmaster, Eleanor Kimball, David
Kipp, Mary Jane Koehler, Bea Korzeniowski, Jean Kottea,
Jerome Lambe, Amanda Long, Charles Long, Jack Mallwitz,
Ada Manson, Joe Mazzafro, Mary McCall, Patsy McDermott,
Maryann Metzger, Janet Meyer, Helen Mihal, Glen Miller,
Kathleen Miller, Kathie Mongelli, Marie Murphy, Frank
Musselman, Tim O’Leary, Sr., Madison Pagliaccetti, Brittany
Peace, Karen Prendergast, Kimberly Prendergast, Mary Lou
Rapp, Mamie Reed, Marilyn Ricci, Tony Robinson, Pat Rooney,
Luigi Rovar, Matthew Ryan, Michael Ryan, Noel Sanesac,
George Schiffer, Baby Tommy Seibert, Carol Seibert, Michael
Schaefer, Kathy Shmidheiser, Jeff Silver, Eileen Simone,
Catherine Simone, Lorraine Sirianni, Joe Stella, Tom Stephano,
Ray Thrash, Frank Tipton, Sr., Luke Trask, Frank Werba, Dawn
Herman Williams. To have a name added to the sick list, call
the parish offices. Also, anyone who wishes to receive
Communion may also call the parish offices. Names will
remain on the sick list for three months.
Pray for the Deceased: Christina Tolomeo, Matthew
Ryan, James Curran, Mary Ann Nevin, Kate Crean
Welcome to our Newly Baptized
Serafina Grace DiAntonio, Alyanna Abrero
Marx, Evelyn Mae McNicholas, John
Joseph McCann, Dylan Robert Zuccarello,
Salvatore Vincent Nils-Viola
Sanctuary Lamp: The Sanctuary Lamp at St. Ann
Church is lit this week for Albert Donahue r/b Lorraine
Celinski & Family and at the Assumption Church for Fred
Eichenhofer, IV r/b Family
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