Chapter 10 – Growth and Cell Reproduction/Sexual Reproduction

Chapter 10 – Growth and Cell Reproduction/Sexual
Reproduction and Meiosis – Test Review
Know the three stages of the cell cycle and what happens in each – which is
o Pg 198 – Interphase, mitosis and cytokinesis
o Longest – Interphase
Know how cytokinesis is different in animal and plant cells – pg. 199
o Plant cells – cell plate forms
o Animal cells – cytoplasm pinches
Define chromosome – pg. 197
o Structure made of DNA and protein in the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell
Know the phases of mitosis – PMAT – what happens to the chromosomes in each
phase – be able to draw the chromosomes in each phase (pg. 199 in book) –
Remember interphase and cytokinesis are NOT part of mitosis, they ARE part of
the cell cycle
o Prophase – Chromosomes become visible, nuclear membrane disappears
o Metaphase – Chromosomes line up along the midline of the cell
o Anaphase – Chromosomes split – each half pulled to opposite side of cell
o Telophase – Chromosomes cluster in the center of each new cell, nuclear
membrane reforms in each new cell
Know what happens to the DNA during interphase
o DNA doubles/duplicates
Know the two types of reproduction – sexual and asexual – give an example of
asexual reproduction – pg. 202
o Asexual – one parent
o Sexual – two parents
Know what homologous pairs of chromosomes are – pg. 202
o Chromosomes that carry the same genetic material (equivalent)
Know the difference between body cells and sex cells
o Mitosis occurs in body cells and meiosis occurs in reproductive cells to
produce sex cells
Define mitosis, define meiosis
o Mitosis – stage of the cell cycle where the nucleus divides into 2 cells
o Meiosis – cell division that produces sex cells with half the number of
Know the phases of meiosis – PMAT I and PMAT II – what happens to the
chromosomes in each phase (pg. 204 in book) – be able to draw the
chromosomes in each phase
o Prophase I – Chromosomes visible, nuclear membrane disappears
o Metaphase I – Homologous pairs of chromosomes line at midline of cell
o Anaphase I – Homologous pairs separate and move to opposite sides of the
o Telophase I – Nuclear membrane forms in each new cell
o Prophase II – Chromosomes are still visible, but DO NOT double here
o Metaphase II – Chromosomes line up at midline of cell
o Anaphase II – Chromosomes separate and move to opposite sides of cell
o Telophase II – 4 new daughter cells are formed (each with haploid number
of chromosomes)
Know the final result of mitosis and meiosis
o Mitosis – 2 daughter cells – genetically identical to parent cell
o Meiosis – 4 daughter cells – genetically different from parent cell
Define fertilization – pg. 205
o Union of egg and sperm to create a new organism
Know what haploid and diploid mean – what is the diploid number for humans
and what is the haploid number for humans? – pg. 205
o Diploid – complete set of chromosomes (Humans 46)
o Haploid – half set (Humans 23)
Be able to complete a table comparing mitosis and meiosis – we did two in class,
the blue sheet and green sheet
o Review pg. 207 and sheets given in class
Know what cell differentiation means and give an example – pg. 206
o Process of cell specialization
NOTE: When you draw the chromosomes in each phase of mitosis and meiosis, start
with Prophase where the chromosomes have already doubled (not interphase)