Glencoe Science Chapter Resources Cell Reproduction Includes: Reproducible Student Pages ASSESSMENT TRANSPARENCY ACTIVITIES ✔ Chapter Tests ✔ Section Focus Transparency Activities ✔ Chapter Review ✔ Teaching Transparency Activity HANDS-ON ACTIVITIES ✔ Assessment Transparency Activity ✔ Lab Worksheets for each Student Edition Activity Teacher Support and Planning ✔ Laboratory Activities ✔ Content Outline for Teaching ✔ Foldables–Reading and Study Skills activity sheet ✔ Spanish Resources ✔ Teacher Guide and Answers MEETING INDIVIDUAL NEEDS ✔ Directed Reading for Content Mastery ✔ Directed Reading for Content Mastery in Spanish ✔ Reinforcement ✔ Enrichment ✔ Note-taking Worksheets Glencoe Science Photo Credits Section Focus Transparency 1: (t) Royalty Free/CORBIS, (b) Dwight R. Kuhn; Section Focus Transparency 2: (tl) William Hamilton/SuperStock, (tr) Animals Animals/Lynn Stone, (b) Animals Animals/Bates Littlehales; Section Focus Transparency 3: Yann Arthus-Bertrand/CORBIS Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to reproduce the material contained herein on the condition that such material be reproduced only for classroom use; be provided to students, teachers, and families without charge; and be used solely in conjunction with the Cell Reproduction program. Any other reproduction, for use or sale, is prohibited without prior written permission of the publisher. Send all inquiries to: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 8787 Orion Place Columbus, OH 43240-4027 ISBN 0-07-867094-2 Printed in the United States of America. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 024 09 08 07 06 05 04 Reproducible Student Pages Reproducible Student Pages ■ Hands-On Activities MiniLAB: Modeling Mitosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 MiniLAB: Try at Home Modeling DNA Replication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Lab: Mitosis in Plant Cells. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Lab: Use the Internet Mutations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Laboratory Activity 1: Modeling Cell Division in Early Development . 9 Laboratory Activity 2: Examining Models of Chromosomes . . . . . . . . 11 Foldables: Reading and Study Skills. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 ■ Meeting Individual Needs Extension and Intervention Directed Reading for Content Mastery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Directed Reading for Content Mastery in Spanish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Reinforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Enrichment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Note-taking Worksheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 ■ Assessment Chapter Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Chapter Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 ■ Transparency Activities Section Focus Transparency Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Teaching Transparency Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Assessment Transparency Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Cell Reproduction 1 Hands-On Activities Hands-On Activities 2 Cell Reproduction Date Class Hands-On Activities Name Modeling Mitosis Procedure 1. Make models of cell division using materials supplied by your teacher. 2. Use four chromosomes in your model. 3. When finished, arrange the models in the order in which mitosis occurs. Analysis 1. In which steps is the nucleus visible? Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2. How many cells does a dividing cell form? Cell Reproduction 3 Name Date Class Procedure 1. Suppose you have a segment of DNA that is six nitrogen base pairs in length. In the space below, using the letters A, T, C, and G, write a combination of six pairs, remembering that A and T are always a pair and C and G are always a pair. 2. Duplicate your segment of DNA. In the space below, diagram how this happens and show the new DNA segments. Analysis Compare the order of bases of the original DNA to the new DNA molecules. 4 Cell Reproduction Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Hands-On Activities Modeling DNA Replication Name Date Class Hands-On Activities Mitosis in Plant Cells Lab Preview Directions: Answer these questions before you begin the Lab. 1. Why should you examine the root tip under high and low power? 2. What is the root cap? Reproduction of most cells in plants and animals uses mitosis and cell division. In this lab, you will study mitosis in plant cells by examining prepared slides of onion root-tip cells. Real-World Question Procedure How can plant cells in different stages of mitosis be distinguished from each other? 1. Obtain a prepared slide of cells from an onion root tip. 2. Set your microscope on low power and examine the slide. The large, round cells at the root tip are called the root cap. Move the slide until you see the cells just behind the root cap. Turn to the high-power objective. 3. Find an area where you can see the most stages of mitosis. Count and record how many cells you see in each stage. Record your data on the next page. 4. Return the nosepiece to low power. Remove the onion root-tip slide. Materials Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. prepared slide of an onion root tip microscope Goals ■ ■ Compare cells in different stages of mitosis and observe the location of their chromosomes. Observe what stage of mitosis is most common in onion root tips. Safety Precautions Root cap Zone of cell division Cell Reproduction 5 Name Date Class (continued) Stage of Mitosis Number of Percent of Cells Observed Cells Observed Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Total 100% Conclude and Apply 1. Compare the cells in the region behind the root cap to those in the root cap. 2. Calculate the percent of cells found in each stage of mitosis. Infer which stage of mitosis takes the longest period of time. Communicating Your Data Write and illustrate a story as if you were a cell undergoing mitosis. Share your story with your class. For more help, refer to the Science Skill Handbook. 6 Cell Reproduction Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Hands-On Activities Data and Observations Number of Root-Tip Cells Observed Name Date Class Use the Internet Hands-On Activities Mutations Mutations can result in dominant or recessive genes. A recessive characteristic can appear only if an organism has two recessive genes for that characteristic. However, a dominant characteristic can appear if an organism has one or two dominant genes for that characteristic. Why do some mutations result in more common traits while others do not? Real-World Question Follow Your Plan Form a hypothesis about how a mutation can become a common trait. 1. Make sure your teacher approves your plan before you start. 2. Visit the link shown below to access different Web sites for information about mutations and genetics. 3. Decide if a mutation is beneficial, harmful, or neither. Record your data in your Science Journal. Goals ■ ■ ■ ■ Observe traits of various animals. Research how mutations become traits. Gather data about mutations. Make a frequency table of your findings and communicate them to other students. Data Source Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Visit for more information on common genetic traits in different animals, recessive and dominant genes, and data from other students. Make a Plan 1. Observe common traits in various animals, such as household pets or animals you might see in a zoo. 2. Learn what genes carry these traits in each animal. 3. Research the traits to discover which ones are results of mutations. Are all mutations dominant? Are any of these mutations beneficial? Analyze Your Data 1. Record in your Science Journal a list of traits that are results of mutations. 2. Describe an animal, such as a pet or an animal you’ve seen in the zoo. Point out which traits are known to be the result of a mutation. 3. Make a chart that compares recessive mutations to dominant mutations. Which are more common? 4. Share your data with other students by posting it at the link shown on the next page. Cell Reproduction 7 Name Date Class (continued) 1. Compare your findings to those of your classmates and other data at the link shown below. What were some of the traits your classmates found that you did not? Which were the most common? 2. Look at your chart of mutations. Are all mutations beneficial? When might a mutation be harmful to an organism? 3. Predict how your data would be affected if you had performed this lab when one of these common mutations first appeared. Do you think you would see more or less animals with this trait? 4. Mutations occur every day but we only see a few of them. Infer how many mutations over millions of years can lead to a new species. Communicating Your Data Find this lab using the link below. Post your data in the table provided. Combine your data with that of other students and make a chart that shows all of the data. 8 Cell Reproduction Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Hands-On Activities Conclude and Apply Name Date Laboratory Activity Modeling Cell Division in Early Development Hands-On Activities 1 Class Every person starts out as a single cell. Cell division is responsible for the development of a baby from the single cell. As the single cell begins developing, cell division results in exponential growth in the number of cells present. Exponential growth is growth that occurs at an everincreasing rate. On a graph, exponential growth is represented by a J-shaped curve. Strategy You will model how cell division results in exponential growth in the number of cells in a developing human. You will determine why exponential growth cannot continue indefinitely during human development. You will infer why uncontrolled cell division, which occurs in cancer, can be so harmful to human health. Materials uncooked rice paper cups (11) graph paper Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Procedure 1. Obtain a container of uncooked rice from your teacher. Each grain of rice represents one human cell. 2. Place one grain of rice in a paper cup. This grain of rice represents the single cell that results when sperm and egg unite. 3. Label paper cups 1 through 10, and place them in a row next to the cup containing the original cell. During the first 10 cell divisions, the cells in the developing human all have the same cell-cycle length. 4. Place two grains of rice into cup 1 to represent the number of cells present after the original cell undergoes the first round of mitosis. Record the number 2 in the table in the Data and Observations section. 5. Place grains of rice into cup 2 to represent the number of cells that will be present after the second round of mitosis. Record the number of cells in your data table. 6. Repeat step 5 for cups 3 through 10. 7. Using your data and graph paper, make a line graph that shows the growth in the numbers of cells. Label the x-axis Number of cell divisions and the y-axis Number of cells. Cell Reproduction 9 Name Date Class Laboratory Activity 1 (continued) Growth in Cell Number Due to Mitosis Number of mitotic divisions Resulting number of cells Number of mitotic divisions 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 Resulting number of cells Questions and Conclusions 1. Initially all of the cells in a developing human have the same cell-cycle length. After the eleventh round of mitosis, groups of cells begin to have different cell-cycle lengths. What step of the cell cycle is likely to be longer in cells with a longer cell cycle? 2. Could the type of growth you modeled with grains of rice continue indefinitely in a developing human? Explain your answer. 3. Cancer results from uncontrolled cell division. Using your results from this activity, infer why cancer can have such a serious effect on human health. Strategy Check Can you describe exponential growth? Can you graphically represent exponential growth? Can you describe how cell division results in exponential growth? 10 Cell Reproduction Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Hands-On Activities Data and Observations Date 2 Laboratory Activity Class Examining Models of Chromosomes Models of the chromosomes of the imaginary Leksak bird can be found at the end of this lab. The dark bands on these chromosome models are genes. Most cells in this bird’s body contain the same number and type of chromosomes. The importance of genes to all living things, and to the Leksak bird as well, is that they control all inherited traits. Chromosomes are important because they are the carriers of these genes. Strategy You will cut out and pair chromosome models of the Leksak bird. You will determine what type of change occurs in the number of chromosomes when a cell divides by mitosis and meiosis. Materials scissors Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Procedure/Data and Observations 1. Cut out each chromosome model in Figure 1. 2. Fold each paper model in half along dotted lines. 3. Match in pairs as many chromosome models as possible. A chromosome pair must match in length as well as in number and location of genes. The lines on the chromosome models represent genes. 4. Answer questions 1 through 4 in Questions and Conclusions before proceeding further. 5. Cut each chromosome model in half along the dotted line. Make two piles of chromosome halves. Put one half of each chromosome in one pile and the other half in the second pile. 6. Compare the chromosomes in the first pile with those in the second pile. Cell division includes a process called mitosis that occurs in most living things. During mitosis, a cell’s nucleus divides into two nuclei. The cutting of each chromosome model and separating them into two piles is similar to what happens in a living cell during cell division. The two piles of chromosome models represent two new cells. (Each chromosome duplicates itself and the two halves then separate.) 7. Before proceeding, answer questions 5 and 6 in Questions and Conclusions. 8. Place all identical chromosome models together in separate groups. You should have six groups of models. 9. Take a group of matched chromosomes and separate them into four piles. Take a second group of matched chromosomes and place one chromosome from the group into each of the four piles. 10. Continue this sorting until all chromosome models, including the unmatched chromosome models, have been separated into the four piles. Each pile of chromosome models represents a sex cell. A process called meiosis occurs in some living things. During meiosis, a cell’s nucleus divides twice so that one diploid cell divides to produce four haploid cells. Each new cell produced by this process is called a sex cell (egg or sperm). Cell Reproduction 11 Hands-On Activities Name Name Date Class Laboratory Activity 2 (continued) 1. How many chromosomes can be found in each of the Leksak bird’s cells? 2. How many matched pairs of chromosomes are there in each cell? 3. How many unmatched chromosomes are there in each cell? 4. Do the genes on each matched pair of chromosomes also match? 5. After separating the chromosome model halves into two piles, how many models are found in each pile? 6. How many chromosomes are found in Leksak sex cells? 7. Do any chromosomes match one another in a sex cell? 8. Male Leksak birds have six matched pairs of chromosomes and one unmatched pair of chromosomes. Female Leksak birds have seven matched pairs of chromosomes. Were the chromosomes in our bird taken from a male or a female? 9. Are all cells produced by mitosis exactly alike, chromosome for chromosome? Gene for gene? Explain why. 10. How does the number of chromosomes in sex cells compare to the number of chromosomes in cells formed during mitosis? 11. Explain two ways in which sex cells differ from all other cells. Strategy Check Did you cut out and match in pairs the chromosome models of the Leksak bird? Did you determine the types of changes that occur in the number of chromosomes when a cell undergoes mitosis or meiosis? 12 Cell Reproduction Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Hands-On Activities Questions and Conclusions Name Date Class Figure 1 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Models of chromosomes for the imaginary Leksak bird after duplication in the interphase period of the cell cycle. Cell Reproduction 13 Hands-On Activities Laboratory Activity 2 (continued) Name Date Class Hands-On Activities Cell Reproduction Directions: Use this page to label your Foldable at the beginning of the chapter. Chromatid pairs line up in the center of the cell. Each day, cells in your body wear out and are replaced. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. The chromatid pairs are visible and the spindle begins to form. The chromosomes duplicate. The chromosomes separate. The cytoplasm begins to separate. You grow because cell division increases the total number of cells in your body. Cell Reproduction 15 Meeting Individual Needs Meeting Individual Needs 16 Cell Reproduction Name Date Directed Reading for Content Mastery Class Overview Cell Reproduction Directions: Complete the concept map using the terms in the list below. metaphase telophase prophase interphase mitosis ends, the cytoplasm divides, and each new cell enters a period called 1. Meeting Individual Needs mitosis begins, 2. chromatoid pairs are now visible, leading to chromosomes have separated Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 3. anaphase pairs of chromatoids line up in the center of the cell Directions: Use the five terms in the concept map to identify the steps of the cell cycle below. Description Step of Cell Cycle 4. Spindle fibers start to disappear, nuclear membrane forms, and cytoplasm begins to divide. 5. Chromatid pairs are fully visible, the nucleolus and the nuclear membrane disintegrate, and spindle fibers begin to form. 6. Chromatid pairs line up across center of cell, the centromere of each pair attaches to spindle fibers. 7. Each chromatid pair splits at the centromere and separates to opposite ends of the cell, where they become identical chromosomes. 8. Cell grows and makes copies of its hereditary material. Cell Reproduction 17 Name Date Directed Reading for Content Mastery Section 1 ■ Section 2 ■ Class Cell Division and Mitosis Sexual Reproduction and Meiosis Directions: Study the diagram. Then answer the following questions. Prophase I Metaphase I Anaphase I Telophase I Meiosis II Meiosis I Interphase Prophase II Metaphase II Anaphase II Telophase II of meiosis I? 2. What happens to the chromosomes of a cell in order for meiosis to begin? 3. Meiosis I is the same as what other reproductive process? 4. Meiosis I begins with one cell. How many cells are formed by the end of meiosis II? 5. At the end of meiosis II, each of the haploid sex cells has only half the number of chromosomes as the original diploid cell. Why is this important? 18 Cell Reproduction Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 1. Meiosis begins with one cell. How many cells are formed by the end Name Date Directed Reading for Content Mastery Section 3 Class ■ DNA Directions: The mRNA strand shown below is preparing to make proteins from amino acids. tRNA molecules bring the amino acids to the mRNA strand for the rRNA to use in making proteins. Circle the tRNA molecule that will attach to the mRNA strand. Remember that cytosine (C) pairs with guanine (G), and adenine (A) pairs with uracil (U). AA Meeting Individual Needs AA tRNA C U G C U C A G A Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. mRNA Directions: Study the above diagram. Then answer the following questions. 1. How did you know which tRNA molecule would attach to the mRNA strand? 2. Suppose that one of the bases on the mRNA was changed. Would the same tRNA molecule still attach to the strand? Explain your answer. Cell Reproduction 19 Name Date Directed Reading for Content Mastery Class Key Terms Cell Reproduction Directions: Select the term from the following list that matches each description. asexual genes RNA chromosome haploid sexual diploid meiosis sperm DNA mitosis zygote eggs mutation fertilization 1. Many cells in your body grow and divide every day by what process? 2. What structure in a cell’s nucleus holds the hereditary information? 3. term for the joining of an egg and sperm 4. the sections of DNA that contain instructions for producing specific proteins 5. What are male sex cells called? 7. the term for any permanent change in a gene or chromosome 8. the type of reproduction that produces a new organism; with identical chromosomes to those of the parent organism. 9. the process that produces haploid sex cells 10. an organism grows and functions by following the information in this code 11. the term for female sex cells 12. Cells with pairs of chromosomes are this. 13. type of reproduction that requires the joining of two sex cells 14. This type of nucleic acid carries the information needed to make proteins. 15. cells that do not have pairs of chromosomes (sex cells) 20 Cell Reproduction Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 6. What cell forms when an egg and a sperm join? Nombre Fecha Lectura dirigida para Dominio del contenido Clase Sinopsis Reproducción celular Instrucciones: Completa el mapa de conceptos usando los siguientes términos. metafase telofase profase la mitosis termina, el citoplasma se divide y cada nueva célula entra en una fase llamada empieza la mitosis 1. 2. los cromosomas se han separado los pares de cromátides ahora son visibles, llevando a la Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 3. anafase los pares de cromátides se alínean en el centro de la célula Instrucciones: Usa los cinco términos del mapa de conceptos para identificar las fases de la mitosis. Fases de la mitosis Descripción 4. Las fibras del huso comienzan a desaparecer, se forma la membrana nuclear y el citoplasma comienza a dividirse. 5. Los pares de cromátides son visibles, el nucléolo y la membrana nuclear se desintegran y comienzan a formarse las fibras del huso. 6. Los pares de cromátides se alinean en el centro de la célula y el centrómero de cada par se adhiere a las fibras del huso. 7. Cada centrómero se divide y cada par de cromátides se alinea en el centro de la célula, donde se convierten en cromosomas idénticos. 8. La célula crece y hace copias de su material hereditario. Reproducción celular 21 Satisface las necesidades individuales la interfase Nombre Fecha Lectura dirigida para Dominio del contenido Clase Sección 1 ■ Sección 2 ■ División celular y mitosis Reproducción sexual y meiosis Instrucciones: Estudia el diagrama. Luego responde las preguntas. Profase I Metafase I Anafase I Telofase I Meiosis II Profase II Metafase II Anafase II Telofase II 1. La meiosis comienza con una célula. ¿Cuántas células se forman al final de la meiosis I? 2. ¿Qué les ocurre a los cromosomas de una célula para que se inicie la meiosis? 3. ¿Qué otro proceso reproductor es igual la meiosis I? 4. La meiosis I comienza con una sola célula. ¿Cuántas células se forman al final de la meiosis II? 5. Al final de la meiosis II, cada célula sexual haploide tiene sólo la mitad de cromosomas que la célula diploide original. ¿Por qué es esto importante? 22 Reproducción celular Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Satisface las necesidades individuales Meiosis I Interfase Nombre Fecha Sección 3 Lectura dirigida para Clase ■ DNA Dominio del contenido Instrucciones: El filamento mRNA que se muestra se está preparando para producir proteínas a partir de aminoácidos. Las moléculas tRNA llevan los aminoácidos al filamento mRNA para que el rRNA lo utilice para elaborar proteínas. Encierra en un círculo la molécula que se adherirá al filamento mRNA. Recuerda que la citosina (C) se aparea con la guanina (G) y la adenina (A) se aparea con el uracil (U). AA Satisface las necesidades individuales AA tRNA C U G C U C A G A Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. mRNA Instrucciones: Estudia el diagrama anterior. Luego contesta las preguntas. 1. ¿Cómo supiste cuál molécula tRNA se adheriría al filamento mRNA? 2. Supón que se cambió una de las bases en el mRNA. ¿Crees que la misma molécula tRNA se adheriría al filamento? Explica tu respuesta. Reproducción celular 23 Nombre Fecha Lectura dirigida para Dominio del contenido Clase Términos claves Reproducción celular Instrucciones: Coordina la descripción con el término correcto de la lista. asexual genes RNA cromosoma haploide sexual diploide meiosis espermatozoide DNA mitosis cigoto óvulos mutación fecundación Satisface las necesidades individuales 1. ¿Mediante qué proceso muchas células en tu cuerpo crecen y se dividen diariamente? 2. ¿Qué estructura en el núcleo de la célula lleva la información hereditaria? 3. Término que define la unión de un óvulo y un espermatozoide. 4. Estas secciones de DNA contienen instrucciones para producir proteínas específicas. 5. ¿Cómo se llaman las células sexuales masculinas? 7. término para cualquier cambio permanente en un gen o en un cromosoma 8. Tipo de reproducción que produce nuevos organismos; con cromosomas idénticos al organismo progenitor. 9. el proceso que produce células sexuales haploides 10. Un organismo crece y funciona siguiendo la información de este código. 11. término para las células sexuales femeninas 12. células con pares de cromosomas 13. Tipo de reproducción que requiere la unión de dos células sexuales. 14. Este tipo de ácido nucleico lleva la información necesaria para producir proteínas. 15. Células que no tienen pares de cromosomas (células sexuales). 24 Reproducción celular Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 6. ¿Qué célula se forma de la unión de un óvulo y un espermatozoide? Name 1 Date Reinforcement Class Cell Division and Mitosis 1. ________________________ 2. ________________________ 3. ________________________ 4. ________________________ Meeting Individual Needs Directions: Study the following diagrams. Then label the appropriate steps of mitosis. Directions: Answer the following questions on the lines provided. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 5. Once chromosomes have been copied during interphase, the cell is ready to begin what process? 6. During metaphase, the centromeres attach to what structures? 7. Why doesn’t the cell membrane pinch in to divide the cytoplasm telophase in plant cells? 8. How many chromosomes does each new cell contain after mitosis if the original cell had 52 original cell chromosomes? 9. Why is mitosis a form of asexual reproduction? 10. What are three types of asexual reproduction? 11. Why are skin cells undergoing mitosis continuously? 12. What types of cells in your body are no longer undergoing mitosis? 13. What phase of the cell cycle are the types of cells in Question 12? Cell Reproduction 25 Name 2 Date Reinforcement Class Sexual Reproduction and Meiosis Directions: Study the following diagrams. Then label the appropriate steps of meiosis. 2. 3. 4. Directions: Answer the following questions on the lines provided. 5. In what way is meiosis II similar to mitosis? 6. What is a cell with pairs of chromosomes called? A cell with no pairs (single set)? of chromosomes? 7. Do centromeres divide at anaphase I or II? 8. Starting with one diploid cell, how many haploid sperm cells have formed after both phases of meiosis have been completed? 9. How are sex cells different from other cells in the body? 10. What happens during fertilization? 26 Cell Reproduction Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Meeting Individual Needs 1. Name 3 Date Reinforcement Class DNA Directions: Answer the following questions on the lines provided. 1. Write the letter of the DNA bases that pair with the following DNA strand. T: G: A: Meeting Individual Needs T: C: 2. Write the name of the RNA bases that pair with the following DNA strand. A: C: T: G: A: Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 3. What structure contains the instructions for making specific protein? 4. What makes up the sides of the “ladder” of a DNA molecule? 5. How is RNA different from DNA? 6. What role does RNA play in cell life? 7. What are the three kinds of RNA and what does each do? 8. What can cause mutations? Cell Reproduction 27 Name Enrichment Class True to Foram Meeting Individual Needs The cells of the human body are called eukaryotic cells. Eukaryotic cells must reproduce and divide in order to make new cells. You are familiar with the cells of your body, but millions of eukaryotic cells are complete living organisms all by themselves. Single-celled organisms live, feed, and reproduce by mitosis, just like the cells in your body. When it comes time for a foram to reproduce the most common way they do it is by mitosis. The cell slips outside its test and the nucleus begins to enter prophase. This is a dangerous time for the foram because its energy is going into mitosis and it cannot swim away from predators. Single Cell with a Shell Foram Mitosis An interesting type of single-celled animal is called a foraminifer (for–a–min–i–fer). This very long word belongs to a very tiny animal. Foraminifers, or forams for short, are related to amoebas, single-celled organisms that have no firm body shape. In contrast to amoebas, forams are surrounded by little shells they make from fluids on the outside of their bodies. These shells are called “tests.” Forams make tests of many different shapes and sizes. The Egyptian pyramids are made of stones filled with the circle-like foram tests. They are easy to see since they are about as big as a dime. When examined under a microscope, the foram’s chromatids can be seen. The nuclear membrane disappears and the chromosomes line up in the center of the cell. The foram then goes through the rest of the stages of mitosis: metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. Finally, the cytoplasm divides and there are two forams with the same genetic material. The new cell has the exact same genetic information as the parent cell. It then uses fluids from its skin to make a shell that looks just like its parent. It feeds on the same food and will, eventually, go through mitosis and cell division itself. Shedding their Shells 1. Are all eukaryotic cells found in large animals? 2. What are forams related to? 3. How are the forams different from their relative? 4. How big are the forams found in the stones of the Egyptian pyramids? 5. How does a foram reproduce itself? 6. Will the offspring be different from the parent? Explain. 28 Cell Reproduction Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 1 Date Name 2 Date Enrichment Class Crossing Over When pairs of chromosomes come together during meiosis I, they trade some genetic material. The trading of genetic material between chromosomes is called crossing over. This is one reason sexual reproduction results in so much genetic variability. For example, brothers and sisters can have different hair color. Meeting Individual Needs Here is a summary of how crossing over occurs: 1. Chromosome pairs line up side by side during early prophase I. At this stage, each chromosome is made up of two identical strands held together at the centromere. 2. The pairs of double-stranded chromosomes twist around each other. Breaks in the strands of each chromosome reattach to strands from the paired chromosome. The point where crossing over occurs is visible as an X-shaped structure. 3. Spindle fibers attach to one side of each centromere during metaphase I. As the chromosomes are pulled apart during anaphase I, the points where the chromosomes cross over separate. Each chromosome takes a small piece of new genetic material with it. In the following activity, you will demonstrate crossing over by making a clay model of chromosomes. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Materials red and blue plasticine WARNING: Do not taste, eat or drink any materials used in this activity. Procedure 1. Each chromosome is made of two identical strands held together by a centromere. The centromere can be shown as a ball of plasticine. Make one chromosome using red plasticine. 2. Make another chromosome using blue plasticine. 3. Show different ways crossing over can occur. Show how double crossovers occur. Conclude and Apply How does crossing over explain genetic variability? Cell Reproduction 29 Name Enrichment Class Radiation, Genes, and Mutations Meeting Individual Needs Radiation is known to be dangerous to human bodies. Millions of body cells exposed to high-energy waves from X rays, radon gas, and ultra-violet radiation have been permanently harmed by these emissions. The DNA of the individual cells is too delicate to withstand the energy produced by these kinds of radiation. The DNA molecules are torn apart or suffer drastic changes in their genetic sequencing which can lead to mutations. Under normal conditions, DNA molecules routinely undergo some sort of genetic alteration. During replication, or copying of the cell, mistakes in gene sequencing often occur. However, the cell contains many repair mechanisms that continually monitor and repair damage to DNA strands. Radiation and Gene Damage When cells are exposed to radiation, however, several types of molecular destruction are possible. The DNA is both physically and chemically broken (cleaved) by the high energy waves. Often the repair of the DNA strand by enzymes or other chemicals is not adequate enough to put the DNA molecule back together in its proper sequence. When replication occurs, the new strands of DNA carry the new altered sequence of genes. As each generation of cells is produced the mutations continue to show up in the replicated cells. These cells are often nonfunctional and become tumorous growths such as skin cancer. Radon Radon gas is especially harmful to lung tissues because it enters the body through regular breathing in a building contaminated with radon. The emissions easily damage fragile lung tissues. Not only do the high-energy radioactive emissions destroy cellular DNA, but other large particles tear the cell membranes apart leaving the body strained to constantly repair the damaged tissues. Fortunately, many forms of genetic alteration by radiation are preventable. Limiting exposure to X rays, using sunscreen, and testing buildings for radon levels can help prevent damage to a cell’s genetic makeup. 1. What makes radiation dangerous to cells? 2. How are skin cells damaged by exposure to ultra-violet radiation? 3. In what two ways does radon destroy genetic information in lung tissue cells? 4. Why do you think it’s important that a pregnant woman always tell her healthcare provider she is pregnant before receiving any X ray examination? 30 Cell Reproduction Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 3 Date Name Date Note-taking Worksheet Section 1 Class Cell Reproduction Cell Division and Mitosis A. Cell division—increases the number of cells and causes many-celled _____________ to grow B. The Cell Cycle—series of events that takes place from one _____________ to the next 1. Cells have periods of formation, growth and development, and death called _______________. period of __________ and _______________. a. During interphase, a cell duplicates its _______________ and prepares for cell division. b. After interphase, the nucleus divides, and then the ______________ separates to form two new cells. C. Mitosis—process in which the nucleus divides to form two identical __________ 1. Chromosome—structure in the nucleus that contains ______________ material 2. Prophase a. Nucleolus and ____________________ disintegrate. b. __________ move to opposite ends of the cell. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. c. ______________ begin to stretch across the cell. 3. Metaphase—pairs of ______________ line up across the center of the cell. 4. Anaphase a. Each ______________ divides. b. Each pair of chromatids _____________ and moves to opposite ends of the cell. 5. _________—spindle fibers disappear and a new nucleus forms. D. Division of the Cytoplasm—for most cells, the _____________ separates after the nucleus divides. 1. In ______________ cells, the cell membrane pinches in the middle and the cytoplasm divides. 2. In ______________ cells, a cell plate forms. E. Results of mitosis 1. Each cell in your body, except sex cells, has a nucleus with ______ chromosomes. 2. Allows growth and ____________ worn out or damaged cells Cell Reproduction 31 Meeting Individual Needs 2. Interphase—most of the life of any eukaryotic cell, or cell with a nucleus, is spent in a Name Date Class Note-taking Worksheet (continued) F. ____________________—a new organism is produced from one parent organism. 1. An organism with no nucleus divides into two identical organisms by ___________. 2. _______—a small, exact copy of the adult grows from the body of the parent. 3. In ________________, a whole new organism grows from each piece of the parent. Section 2 Sexual Reproduction and Meiosis A. ______ reproduction—two sex cells, usually an egg and a sperm, come together. a. Sperm are formed in the ________ reproductive organs. b. Eggs are formed in the __________ reproductive organs. c. A cell that forms from fertilization is a __________. 2. Following fertilization, ___________ begins and a new organism develops. 3. Human body cells are ___________, because they have 23 pairs of similar chromosomes. 4. Human sex cells are ___________, because they have 23 single chromosomes. B. _______—a process that produces haploid sex cells and ensures that offspring have the same ___________ number as its parent. 1. In meiosis I, the nucleus divides and produces two new cells with one duplicated ______________ each. 2. In meiosis II, the nuclei divide and the chromatids separate, producing ________ cells with half the number of chromosomes of the original nucleus. Section 3 DNA A. DNA—a ____________ that contains information that an organism needs to grow and function 1. Watson and _________ made an accurate model of DNA in 1953. 2. The structure of DNA is similar to a __________________. a. The sides of the ladder are made up of _____________________________. b. The rungs of the ladder are made up of __________________. 3. Before a cell divides, its DNA duplicates itself by unwinding and separating its sides, then each side becomes a pattern on which a _____________ forms. 32 Cell Reproduction Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Meeting Individual Needs 1. Fertilization—the joining of an _______ and a _________, generally from two different organisms of the same species Name Date Class Note-taking Worksheet (continued) B. Genes—sections of _______ on a chromosome 1. Contain instructions for making specific ____________ 2. RNA carries the _________ for making proteins from the nucleus to the ribosomes in the cytoplasm. a. Messenger RNA carries the code that directs the order in which the _______________ bond. c. ________ RNA brings amino acids to the ribosomes to build the protein. 3. Cells use only the _________ that direct the making of proteins needed by that cell. C. Mutations—any permanent __________ in the DNA sequence of a cell’s gene or chromosome 1. Can be caused by outside factors like X rays, ____________, and some chemicals Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2. A change in a gene or chromosome can change the __________ of an organism. Cell Reproduction 33 Meeting Individual Needs b. Ribosomal RNA makes up _____________, where proteins are built. Assessment Assessment 34 Cell Reproduction Name Date Class Cell Reproduction Chapter Review Part A. Vocabulary Review Directions: Use the clues below to complete the crossword puzzle. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 11 13 Across Down 2. describes cells that do not have pairs of chromosomes 5. the joining of an egg and a sperm 7. any permanent change in a gene or chromosome of a cell 8. describes cells that have pairs of chromosomes 9. the process in which the nucleus divides to form two identical nuclei 10. cells formed in the male reproductive organs 12. type of reproduction when two sex cells, usually an egg and a sperm, come together 14. a section of DNA (on a chromosome) where instructions for making specific proteins are found 1. a structure in the nucleus that contains hereditary material 3. type of reproduction when a new organism (sometimes more than one) is produced that has hereditary material identical to the parent organism 4. the code that contains all the information that an organism needs to grow and function 6. the cell that forms when an egg and a sperm join 7. a process by which haploid sex cells are produced 11. a type of nucleic acid that carries the codes for making proteins from the nucleus to the ribosomes 13. cells formed in the female reproductive organs which contain stored food along with the other cell parts Cell Reproduction 35 Assessment Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 14 Name Date Class Chapter Review (continued) Part B. Concept Review Directions: Name the steps of mitosis described below. Write the terms in the blanks at the left. 1. nucleolus and nuclear membrane disappear, spindle fibers and centrioles appear 2. duplicated chromosomes (pairs of chromatids) line up in the center of the cell and attach to spindle fibers at centromere 3. centromere divides, chromatids split and identical chromosomes move to opposite ends of cell. 4. spindle fibers disappear, new nucleus forms at each end of the cell Directions: Answer the following questions on the lines provided. 5. Name three examples of asexual reproduction. a. b. 6. Name the steps of meiosis shown in the diagrams below. b. c. Assessment d. e. 7. List three differences between mitosis and meiosis. a. b. c. 8. Identify the six parts of the DNA molecule below. a. b. d. G b C T c. d A f G e A a T c 36 Cell Reproduction C e. f. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. a. c. Transparency Activities Transparency Activities Cell Reproduction 41 Name 1 Date Section Focus Transparency Activity Class Growth Spurt Transparency Activities 1. In what ways have you grown in the last year? What causes a person to grow? 2. How is this similar to a lizard regrowing its tail? How is it different? 42 Cell Reproduction Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. We typically grow for 15 to 20 years. Though most lizards don’t grow to be as big as people, some have the potential to grow throughout their lives. This lizard is regrowing a lost tail. Name 2 Date Section Focus Transparency Activity Class I think he has your eyes. The Santa Gertrudis bull flourishes in the arid plains of Texas. The King Ranch developed the Santa Gertrudis by cross-breeding Brahman cattle with Shorthorns. As you can see, the Santa Gertrudis inherited characteristics from both of its parents. Shorthorn Transparency Activities Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Brahman Santa Gertrudis 1. Why might ranchers have wanted to cross-breed Brahmans and Shorthorns? 2. Which of the Santa Gertrudis’ traits can you identify in the Brahman and the Shorthorn? Cell Reproduction 43 Name 3 Date Section Focus Transparency Activity Class Curly Cat Transparency Activities 1. Based on the picture and the description above, what do you think a genetic change is? 2. How can cat breeders attempt to continue the characteristics of the Devon Rex? 44 Cell Reproduction Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. This unusual cat is a Devon Rex. It appeared in Devonshire, England in 1960 when a genetic change occurred among British barn cats. The Devon Rex has a small head and a curly coat. Name Date 1 Teaching Transparency Activity Animal Cell Division Cell division for an animal cell is shown here. Each micrograph shown in this figure is magnified 600 times. Centrioles Class Spindle fibers Prophase Mitosis begins The chromatid pairs are now visible and the spindle is beginning to form. Nucleus Nucleolus Duplicated chromosome (2 chromatids) Interphase During interphase, the cell's chromosomes duplicate. The nucleolus is clearly visible in the nucleus. Metaphase Chromatid pairs are lined up in the center of the cell. Anaphase The chromosomes have separated. Mitosis ends Telophase In the final step, the cytoplasm is beginning to separate. Chromosomes Cytoplasm separating New nucleus Cell Reproduction 45 Transparency Activities Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. The two new cells enter interphase and cell division usually begins again. Name Teaching Transparency Activity Date Class (continued) 1. When does the nuclear membrane disappear during mitosis? 2. Human cells contain 46 chromosomes before mitosis. How many do they have after mitosis and cell division? 3. During prophase, what structures are held together by the centromeres? 4. What do you think is the function of centrioles in animal cells? 5. When do chromosomes become visible during mitosis? 7. What happens during interphase? Transparency Activities 46 Cell Reproduction Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 6. How can you tell whether cells in mitosis are animal cells or plant cells? Name Date Assessment Transparency Activity Class Cell Reproduction Directions: Carefully review the diagram and answer the following questions. Interphase Chromosomes Nucleolus Centrioles (two parts) Nuclear membrane Cell membrane 1. A cell produced by the fruit fly cell pictured above will most likely be ___. A identical to the fruit fly cell B a combination of its two parent fruit fly cells. C unable to reproduce D a genetic mutation 2. In which part of the cell are the chromosomes located? F Cell membrane G Cytoplasm H Nucleus J Mitochondrion Transparency Activities Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Chromatin 3. The fruit fly cell above contains eight chromosomes. How many chromosomes will cells produced by the above cell probably have? A sixteen B eight C four D sixty-four Cell Reproduction 47