Schindlers list packet 2012

Steven Spielberg’s
Schindler’s List
A Guide and Historical Journal Assignment
for the Academy Award-Winning Film and Study of the Holocaust
Surviving Jews of the Holocaust with their savior, Oskar Schindler
Introduction and Requirements
Oskar Schindler was a drinker, womanizer, gambler,
profiteer, briber, wheeler-dealer, and a Nazi; yet he is
also a hero of the Holocaust and a savior of Jews. He
saved 1,200 Jews during the Holocaust whose
descendants, numbering more than 6,000, are still alive
today. He has a remarkable story and was a remarkable
Steven Spielberg, one of the greatest and most
noted film directors of all time, told Oskar Schindler’s
story in his 1993 film Schindler’s List. It won 7
Academy Awards, including Best Picture, and will be
remembered as a remarkable film as well as a
tremendous educational tool. We will view this film in
class and use it as our primary tool in our study of the
Holocaust. The following is an overview of the contents
of this packet and the requirements for our study of
Schindler’s List.
Overview of this Packet:
There are two sections to this packet. One section has space to write about the day’s
events and the other has some questions that are to be answered. These sections
should be completed as homework. Please, fill out each page every day. It will be
hard to catch up if you get behind.
If you miss a day, please catch up from a friend.
Requirements for Passing and Grading:
• You will be required to hand in your packet on
packet is worth 20 points
• You will be graded on neatness, completeness, accuracy and overall effort.
. This
Please, enjoy Schindler’s List. This film has impacted thousands and
redefined their perspectives in relation to the Holocaust. I hope it will
impact you as well.
My 1st Entry
Dear Journal,
Today…(summarize today’s portion of the film)
Identify and explain a striking image, idea, or quote that was significant to
you from today’s portion of the movie.
My 2nd Entry
Dear Journal,
Today…(summarize today’s portion of the film)
Identify and explain a striking image, idea, or quote that was significant to
you from today’s portion of the movie.
My 3rd Entry
Dear Journal,
Today…(summarize today’s portion of the film)
Identify and explain a striking image, idea, or quote that was significant to
you from today’s portion of the movie.
My 4th Entry
Dear Journal,
Today…(summarize today’s portion of the film)
Identify and explain a striking image, idea, or quote that was significant to
you from today’s portion of the movie.
Questions about the movie
What is your impression of Oskar Schindler after the first section of the
film? Include details about his personality and what seems to be important to
When Schindler proposed his business plan to some of the Jews, they replied
by stating that they would do all the work and he would do nothing.
Schindler then said he would add the “panache.” This “panache” refers to
Schindler’s public flare and connections to the German world. Why was his
presence necessary for the success of this Jewish operated business?
Schindler stated, “…[this] makes all the difference in the world between
success and failure…war” in reference to his business success. What did he
mean by this? Why was WWII so important to Schindler’s business? Could
he have been successful without the war?
This film is a modern movie, so why do you think it was filmed in black and
white? Why did Spielberg choose to add color to the little girl with the red
coat during the scene of the ghetto evacuation?
What is your impression of the Nazi camp leader Amon Goeth?
Spielberg does some very good editing during Schindler’s birthday party and
the Amon Goeth’s confrontation with his Jewish servant. Schindler kisses a
Jewish woman at the party while Goeth refuses to kiss his Jewish servant.
What does this tell you about each man’s feelings toward Jews?
Describe and give your impression of Itzhak Stern, Schindler’s Jewish
factory manager and accountant.
The little girl in the red coat appears again in the film. Where does she
appear and what has happened to her?
Oskar Schindler has gone through many changes throughout the film.
Describe these changes. Use some examples from the film to illustrate your
points. Was he a good or bad man? Why did he go through these changes?
You may want to refer back to your answer to the question concerning this
topic from the beginning of your packet.