weekly&homework&guide/lit&2174& week"1+"

This packet contains the planned agenda for the semester. Each week has a list of
the planned topics for the entire week, the possible videos that will be shown in
class, the question(s) you will write responses to when viewing the videos, the
assignments due that day and the homework due at the next class.
***** Bauer Chapter Essays Due first class each week. Read weekly Bauer chapter
and answer the weekly essay question for that chapter. Include a paragraph
summary of the prior week’s two classes at the end of your answer. (Summary
worth 20 points)
***** Literature Collection Section Due 2nd class each week- This is a section in your large
binder. Each section starts with a red cover page and should have a tabbed divider
inserted before it, labeled as per the Table of Contents. The homework will refer to it as
Tab # 1, etc. Answers to the activities are to be word processed in ONE file with each
handout’s title before its response. SEE THE MODEL AT THE END OF THIS GUIDE.
Week’s Planned Topics to Cover:
Course / syllabus overview, Introduction of Terminology- Genocide, Shoah, Putting a face on the Shoah,
History versus Literary Approach, Overview of Blackboard, Professor Gair’s web site, other online and campus
library resources.
Possible Videos to View in Class or as HW: MB Slide Show with Hatikva, Yad Vashem, International School
for Holocaust Studies, USHMM, Meet Your Textbook / Author- Short video lecture by Professor Yehuda Bauer
Homework: Sign syllabus contract after reading it. Answer the following questions in one page minimum word
processed paper. (Times New Roman, 12 pt Font, Double Space, 1 inch margins)
1.! Why did you sign up for this course?
2.! What burning questions do you have about the Holocaust that you hope this course answers?
3.! Why do you think an entire course devoted to just this one event exists in many colleges
Class 2:
Collect questions from class 1, collect signed syllabus contracts, Blackboard Overview, Online
Sources Demo, Professor Gair’s web site demo, midterm, and final overview.
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Bauer Textbook- Chapter: Chapter 1- essay question - What relationship do you see between the
official policies towards the Jews and the actions taken against them? How did this influence the
actions of the Jews (their response)? At the end include a summary of last week’s class lessons. Due
class one next week.
Literature Homework: Due class two next week.
Samuel Kassow (Lecture): “Poles and the Jews Before and During WW 2”
After viewing Dr. Kassow’s lecture write a one page summary of what you took away as the major
points from his lecture.
Go to the following sites and become familiar with the material on the sites. No writing assignment
but take good notes as you look at the sites. Be familiar with some of the content.
Yad Vashem’s Online Exhibit: Jewish Life
Yad Vashem’s Online Exhibit: A Glimpse of the Past
Yad Vashem’s Online Exhibit: Rare Video Depicting Jewish Life in the Shtetl Before the Holocaust
Week’s Planned Topics to Cover:: Who are the Jews? What is Judaism?, Antisemitism, Jewish Life in
Europe Before the Shoah, The Long History of Antisemitism Within Christianity, Genocide- The 10
Stages, The Holocaust: Unique-Universal, Unprecedented?
Possible Videos to View in Class or as HW:
Class 1:
Collect Bauer Chapter 1 Essay
Possible Videos to View in Class or as HW: Image Before My Eyes, The Longest Hatred, USHMM
Lonest Hatred web site exhibit.
Class 2:
Collect Literature collection Tab section 1 homework.
Homework: for Next Week:
Bauer Text Essay Question: Chapter 2- essay question -Define anti-Semitism. What were some of the false
beliefs and rumors that existed towards the Jews? How did this relate to the rise of anti-Semitism? At the end
include a summary of last week’s class lessons.
Assignment in LIT Collection:
Tab 2: Antisemitism:
Antisemitism , Summary of Antisemitism, Nazi Ideology:
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In what ways did Nazi ideology create a new form of anti-Semitism? What does the term “scapegoat” mean?
How does Nazi ideology portray Jews? (Study the pictures in this section.) In what ways do the
propaganda pictures dehumanize the Jews? How does dehumanization of the Jews or any group make them an
easy target for abuse?
Not In Our Town:
What is a hate group? Why do you think people join a hate group? How do you think people are
recruited to join a hate group? How is the ideology of hate groups today similar to Nazi racial ideology? In what
ways did the people of Billings, Montana show that they were allies to those who had become targets of antiSemitism and other forms of bigotry? What risks did the people of Billings take when they decided to take
action against what was happening in their community?
John Graham’s Story:
Describe how anti-Semitism, Nazi ideology and hate had a profound effect on John Graham’s life? How does
Graham describe his feelings toward Germany before the war?
OPTIONAL: Assorted Related Resources:
To see a famous example of Nazi Propaganda demonizing the Jews, click on the following link to the actual
book “The Poisonous Mushroom” which was used in German schools. You can download it as it is a .PDF file.
ADL web site: Report on Antisemitic Incidents
Video About “Not In Our Town”
Just a point of information you might find helpful. The above link is to a film made about this same theme and
the name of the film is the same as the article. If you watch it you might do a comparison of the film and story.
Cite the source of the video.
Week’s Planned Topics to Cover:
Shtetls Pogroms, Propaganda
Possible Videos to View in Class or as HW:
Class 1:
Collect Bauer Chapter 2 Essay
Possible Videos to View in Class or as HW: Rare Home Videos of Shtetl Life, Professor Gair’s Video
of the Chmielnik Shtetl
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Class 2:
Collect Literature collection Tab section homework.
Homework: for Next Week:
Bauer Text Essay Question Chapter 3:
Describe the progression of attitudes and policies towards Jews from World War I to 1933. At the end
include a summary of last week’s class lessons.
Assignment in LIT Collection:
Tab 3: Life in Nazi Germany
Weimar Republic and the Rise of the Nazi Party:
Do you think the Nazi’s rise to power was inevitable based upon what you read? Explain your thinking. Why do
you think the democracy of Germany was so fragile? What did the Nazis offer the German people? How could
what they proposed solve the problems facing Germany? What personal characteristics did a leader like Hitler
offer the German people? How might that appeal to the people?
What Rights Are Important To Me?:
Explain the reasons for the top 3 rankings you made on this worksheet.
Nazi Germany and Anti-Jewish Policy:
How do you think a Jewish person might react to all the restrictions and laws? How do you think a German
might react to these policies? What would you imagine the overall atmosphere in Germany to be during this
time? What is the purpose of laws in general? What was the purpose of the Nuremberg Laws specifically? Do
you know what “Jim Crow Laws” were? If so explain briefly. If not, then Google it and find out and then
explain it. How were they similar to what was done in Nazi Germany?
Pyramid of Hate:
Examine this chart carefully. Now review the material in this section and the specifics in each story. Identify
examples for each part of the pyramid from this section. Fill those specifics in the chart or on the side of each
part of the pyramid (print). Put your name on the chart and have it ready to hand in by stapling it to the printout
of the rest of the assignment questions.
Frank Shurman:
Link to Frank’s Video Testimony Clip
http://echoesandreflections.org/the lessons/lessons%20components/#!/lesson/3/video/0_fz5dtsur
Based upon the laws in Nazi Germany what happened to Frank’s father’s business? What happened to Frank
and his father during the Kristallnacht pogrom (riot) against the Jews?
Week’s Planned Topics to Cover:
WW I and its Aftermath, Economic Conditions in Germany & the World,
Class 1:
Collect Bauer Chapter 3 Essay
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Possible Videos to View in Class or as HW:
The Rise of the 3rd Reich, World at War 1933-1938
Video Focus Question:
Describe the conditions in Germany that made it possible for the Nazi party to gain power and
popularity. Why were the Jews such an easy target on which to take out their frustrations?
Class 2:
Collect Literature collection Tab section homework.
Homework: for Next Week:
Bauer Text Essay Question Chapter 4:
Describe the relationship between Hitler’s Nazi ideology and the treatment of the Jews. At the end
include a summary of last week’s class lessons.
Assignment in LIT Collection:
Tab 4: Kristallnacht: The Beginning of the End of European Jewry
Go to the following link. Read and print the document from Yad Vashem. Place it in this section of the
Read through all the documents and study the photographs: Then answer the following questions.
Explain fully the difference between primary and secondary sources. Which of these materials are primary
source documents? Which are secondary source documents? What is the difference? What did you learn from
studying the photographs? How is studying photographs different from studying other types of material? What
kind of information did you learn about the Kristallnacht Pogrom by reading Heydrich’s instructions? What
argument does Margarete Drexler use in her letter to the Gestapo to try and get her money returned? Why is this
information important to know? How does the Description of the Riot in Dinslaken make the story of the
Kristallnacht Pogrom a “human story”? How does the textbook description of the Kritallnacht Pogrom add to
your understanding of the event?
Kurt Messerschmidt:
Click on the following link before you read the written testimony by Kurt Messerschmidt.
http://echoesandreflections.org/the lessons/lessons%20components/#!/lesson/1/video/0_m0i6jjei
How do you feel after reading Kurt’s story about his experiences? What, if anything, did you learn from Kurt’s
story that you didn’t learn from the other documents in this section? How does Kurt’s story reinforce what you
learned from the other documents? What are the benefits of using visual (recorded video) testimony? What are
the challenges of using the video testimony?
Week’s Planned Topics to Cover:
Weimar Republic, Rise of Hitler, Propaganda in Print, Textbooks, Films, Radio, Speeches
Class 1:
Collect Bauer Chapter 4 Essay
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Possible Videos to View in Class or as HW:
The remainder of the DVD Rise of the 3 rd Reich, Propaganda-Triumph of the Will, Eternal Jew,
Hitler’s Children- Seduction, Disney cartoons spoofs Nazis, Poisonous Mushroom Slide Show
Video Focus Questions:
While viewing Triumph of the Will: Focus on and explain how scenes and people are filmed to
convey a sense of Nazi power, strength, unity, superiority and the desire to go along with the crowd.
Explain how Leni Reifenstahl used camera angles, lighting, props and framing of faces to enhance
the propagandistic effects of this fil. Be specific. This film is the most famous propaganda film ever
made. Why do you think it deserves study?
After viewing The Eternal Jew (start in class and complete viewing at home) explain why you think
this movie is so historically significant in the study of the Holocaust? What does it tell you about
Germans who were viewing it and believed it? What are the most absurd accusations against the Jews
you heard in the film? What will you remember most about this fil years from now?
Class 2:
Collect Literature collection Tab section homework.
Homework: for Next Week:
Bauer Text Essay Question Chapter 5:
Summarize the gradual evolution and result of the Nazi policy towards Jews during 1933-1938. At
the end include a summary of last week’s class lessons.
Assignment in LIT Collection:
Tab 5: Ghetto Life
Picture: Jews Crossing the Bridge in the Lodz Ghetto:
The Nazis built a bridge across the street where the trolley tracks were. The reason was that the Jews had to be
completely sequestered and isolated, so they built the bridge between the two parts of the ghetto. Discuss how
you think the Jews crossing the bridge were feeling as they looked down upon the scene below?
The Ghettos:
What were the Nazis’ intentions in closing the Jews in the ghettos. Why do you think the Germans wanted to
establish ghettos near railway transports? What do you think Heydrich meant by “the final goal”? Why did the
Germans establish a Jewish Council, or Judenrate, in each ghetto? Why do you think that the Germans
themselves didn’t want to govern the ghettos? How might the establishment of a Judenrate have given
Jews in the ghetto a false sense of security?
The Lodz Ghetto:
Why did the Nazis completely seal off the Lodz ghetto? Why did Chaim Rumkowski encourage the people in
the Lodz ghetto to work and produce war supplies for the Nazi troops? What was the reasoning behind having
the children work in the workshops? Why were the city inhabitants hostile to the Jews in the Lodz ghetto?
Poems by the Children in the Lodz Ghetto:
Discuss the sentiments expressed in each of the poems. What is Avraham Koplowicz’s dream? Why do you
think Avraham talks of the future while the anonymous girl talks about the past? What is the significance of
both poems? Does it appear from reading these poems that both these children believed that they would survive
the ghetto? Support your response with SPECIFIC words, phrases or lines from the poems. What are your
feelings as you look at the photograph and read the poems from the Lodz ghetto?
Diary Entry from the Lodz Ghetto and Excerpts from the Diary of Dawid Sierankowiak: What do you
learn from reading diary entries and listening to testimonies that is different from what you learn from handout
such as The Ghetto? How are both types of information useful and necessary when studying a topic like the
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ghettos? What does Joseph Zelkowicz mean when he asks “Do you have any children at all in the ghetto? What
are some examples from the testimonies that illustrate that children felt they could not afford to be children?
What are some things that young people you know might take for granted that the young people in the ghetto
learned to cherish? Dawid writes, “long live humor.” How does he show in his diary that he has a sense of
humor? How do you think it is possible for people to keep a sense of humor during unthinkable difficult times?
There are examples of hope and optimism in Dawid’s diary entries. Point out an example. Explain where Dawid
began to lose hope. Have you ever lost hope about something? How did you handle it?
OPTIONAL Related Sources:
Music of the Holocaust: EXTRA CREDIT- AN EXTRA 100% IF DONE WELL
OPTIONAL: Go to the following links:
The first link is to the home page of an exhibit at Yad Vashem entitled: Music of the Holocaust. After reading
the home page of the exhibit go to the second link. That link will take you to a song composed in the Lodz
ghetto. Read the page and listed to the song at least two times, following the words on screen, even though they
are in Yiddish.
Heartstrings: Music Of The Holocaust
Lodzer Geto- Lodz Ghetto: A medly of 14 songs arranged to pre-war Yiddish folk songs.
After doing the above, write a paragraph explaining why you think that under such conditions people took the
time to sing or even compose such songs. Why is it important for us to listen to these today?
Learn More About Ghetto Life:
Yad Vashem Exhibit: The Ghettos
Yad Vashem Exhibit: Isolation and Ghettoization
Week’s Planned Topics to Cover:
Nazi Policy Towards Jews 1933-1938, Hitler Youth, Nuremberg Laws, 1936 Olympics, Kristallnacht
Possible Videos to View in Class or as HW:
Confessions of a Hitler Youth, The Wave, Swing Kids, Propaganda
Video Focus Question:
Heil Hitler: Confessions of a Hitler Youth or Hitler’s Children: Seduction- Explain how the desire to
“conform” influenced German youth. Are there times that “conformity” is actually a good thing?
Name some instances where you had to conform. What does Alfonse Heck mean when he says that
the “Hitler Youth was the greatest example of child abuse in history.?
Class 1:
Collect Bauer Chapter 5 Essay
Possible Videos to View in Class or as HW:
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Class 2:
Collect Literature collection Tab section homework.
Homework: for Next Week:
Bauer Text Essay Question Chapter 6:
Identify the reasons Jews wanted to emigrate and the various obstacles they faced to emigrate. At the
end include a summary of last week’s class lessons.
Assignment in LIT Collection:
Tab 11: Children in Nazi Germany
Pictures 1,2,3 & 4:
What does each picture say to you? If each picture was part of a video, what do you imagine you would hear?
What questions come to your mind as you look at each picture? (Come up with at least 4 or 5 questions.)
Picture 1: Is a 2 ½ year old and a 5 year old in the Kovno ghetto. Picture 2: Women and Children on their Way
to the Gas Chamber at Auschwitz-Birkeneau. Picture 3: Children playing in the Lodz ghetto. Picture 4: Taken
during an Aktion in the Lodz ghetto right before they were deported to the Chelmno extermination camp where
they were gassed.
Janusz Korczak:
How ould you characterize Janusz Korczak’s philosophy as it pertains to the right of children? Do you agree
with Janusz Korczak’s philosophy of what it means to respect a child? Why or why not? What specific passage
in The Child’s Right to Respect is particularly meaningful to you and why?
Genocide Case Study:
Carefully fill in this handout (neatly as it refers to one of the following genocides that have taken place since the
Holocaust. Select from: Bosnia-Herzegovinia (1992-1995), Burundi (1972, Darfur (Sudan) 2004,
Indonesia-East Timor (1965-1966, 1972, 1999), Pol Pot and the Kymer Rouge (Cambodia) 1975-1979, Rwanda
William McKinney:
Describe what happened to William on May 8, 1945.
Week’s Planned Topics to Cover:
German Jewry Prewar 1933-1938, Boycott of 1933, Book Burning, Evian Conference 1938,
Kristallnacht, The Story Didn’t End that Way, The St. Louis
Possible Videos to View in Class or as HW:
Night of the Broken Glass, One Survivor Remembers
Video Focus Question: Night of Broken Glass- Why do you think many historians see this one
event as the “beginning of the end of European Jewry”?
One Survivor Remembers-What will you most remember about Gerda’s story later in life? What do
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you think Kurt saw in her when he first saw her in the doorway? If you could ask Gerda just one
question what would that question be?
Class 1:
Collect Bauer Chapter 6 Essay
Class 2:
Collect Literature collection Tab section homework.
Homework: for Next Week:
Bauer Text Essay Question Chapter 7:
Distinguish between each ghetto and its conditions and leaders. How were they similar and how were
they different? (compare and contrast) Describe each ghetto in detail. Do not skip a ghetto, do all
that are described in the text for full credit. At the end include a summary of last week’s class
Assignment in LIT Collection:
Tab 7: Jewish Resistance
Cultural & Spiritual Resistance:
Which of the documents would you identify as examples of struggle? Resistance? Survival? How does the
information in the documents illustrate the need Jews felt to maintain the traditions that had been in place prior
to the war? What were the dilemmas in maintaining traditions and customs during the Holocaust?
What were the main differences between a non-Jewish partisan and a Jewish partisan? What dilemmas did a
Jewish person face when thinking about whether he or she should flee to the forest? Very few people could
even consider fleeing to the forest; for most Jews it as impossible. Why? Why did partisans feel it necessary to
keep their existence secret- even from local farmers and peasants?
Pronouncement By Abba Kovner:
To whom is Abba Kovner directing his message? Explain why this is his audience? What are Abba Kovner’s
arguments in favor or resistance? Do you agree with Abba Kovner’s statement, “it is better to die as free
fighters than to live at the mercy of murderers? Why or why not? Why do you think that most Jews who
participated in the revolts were youth?
Armed Resistance in the Ghettos and Camps:
What motivated Jews to fight the Nazis? How were their motives similar or different from other
examples of resistance that you know about? What does it mean to “offer resistance for its own sake”? Discuss
the tension between the Judenrate and the underground fighters regarding active resistance.
Personal Testimonies:
How did the Jews obtain weapons during the Holocaust? What difficulties did they face in obtaining the
weapons? What expressions does Mordechai Anielewicz use to describe the revolt? To whom is his message
addressed? Why was it so important to Mordeachai Anielewicz that the news of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising be
broadcast over the underground radio? What descriptive word or term describes this revolt? Why was it
important for Zalman Gradowski to leave written testimonies behind? Are any of these people heroes? What, in
your opinion, makes someone a “hero”?
Ruth Brand:
What reason does Ruth Brand give for fasting on Yom Kippur, despite the danger of doing so? Click here to
access a short clip of her testimony:
Click here to see her entire testimony which I personally videoed when I met her in Israel at Yad
Vashem. OPTIONAL- EXTRA CREDIT: View the entire testimony I shot and write a one page or more paper
describing what you learned from watching the entire testimony. Be very specific and refer to things she
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actually says or talks about in the testimony. A NICE WAY TO GET AN EXTRA GRADE OF 100% IF DONE
WELL. http://vimeo.com/63017002
OPTIONAL: Related Sources on Resistance:
Yad Vashem
Oneg Shabbat Archives:
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising:
Photograph During Liquidation of the Warsaw Ghetto:
The Stroop Collection: Photos of the Warsaw Ghetto Online Exhibit at Yad Vashem:
Week’s Planned Topics to Cover:
Poland Attacked- WW II Begins, Formation of Ghettos, Judenrate, Einsatazgruppen, Mass Murder in
the East, The Holocaust on Television
Possible Videos to View in Class or as HW:
War & Remembrance Babi Yar Scene Analysis, Dina Baitler’s Testimony (home page of my web
site) & Holocaust: The Story of the Family Weiss
Video Focus Question:
Babi Yar is one of the many such massacres that took place in the Soviet territories early in the war,
even before the death camps were in operation. It was easily the worst massacre in respect to the
numbers (33,771 Jewish men, women and children) as they were shot face to face by the Nazi roving
killing squads and then buried in mass graves. Why do you think the locals were so willing to
collaborate and actually assist the Nazis in carrying out the massacres?
Class 1:
Collect Bauer Chapter 7 Essay-SUBMIT IN DROPBOX IN BB
Class 2:
Collect Literature collection Tab section homework.
Homework: for Next Week:
Bauer Text Essay Question Chapter 8:
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Summarize the conditions in the various ghettoes and what restrictions they had on the Jews. Tell
how the Jews resisted these restrictions. At the end include a summary of last week’s class lessons.
Assignment in LIT Collection:
Tab 8: Rescue & Non-Jewish Resistance
Those Who Dared To Rescue:
Why would someone hide another when it might endanger themselves? What could be the motivation for doing
so? What is the difference between the terms “help” and “rescue”? In the context of the Holocaust, how do you
understand the difference between these two terms? Would you characterize the people who either helped or
rescued Jews as heroes?
Ann Frank’s Legacy:
How did you feel after reading Miep Gies’s speech? What reasons did Miep give for helping to hide the Frank
family? What life experiences prior to meeting the Frank family prepared Miep to empathize with the Frank
family’s situation? Discuss Miep’s statement, “Many children are told to mind their own business only. When
those children become adults, they might look the other way if people ask for help.” Do you think that parents
and other significant adults (e.g., teachers, religious leaders) have a responsibility to teach children to act when
they see injustice? What are some ways that adults might model this behavior? How does the Holocaust
continue to serve as an example of the price of apathy and indifference to individuals and society?
Yad Vashem Criteria For “Righteous Among the Nations:
Do you agree with the “Righteous Among he Nations” criteria? Why or why not? Is there something else that
you expected to see in the criteria? If so, what? Do you think that the overall number of individuals identified as
“Righteous Among the Nations” would be higher? Why or why not?
Rescue in Denmark:
How was the situation for Danish Jews different from Jews in other German-occupied countries until 1943?
What event propelled Denmark to go into action? What made Helsingor (Elsinore) an ideal place for Jews to go
if they wanted to escape Nazi-occupied territory? How is the story of the rescue in Denmark unique?
Renee Scott:
In what ways did Renee rick her own life to save Jews? What happened to Renee as a result of her rescue
efforts. In the end what happened to her when her efforts were discovered?
Please interpret the following statement that comes from the Jewish bible (Talmud): “He who saves One
Life, it is as though he has preserved the existence of the entire world.”
OPTIONAL-Related Sources:
“Fire in My Heart: The New Story of Hannah Senesh” Lecture at the Museum of Jewish Heritage
The Righteous Among The Nations Web Site at Yad Vashem:
Yad Vashem’s Tour of the Avenue of the Righteous Among The Nations
Yad Vashem’s Tour of the Garden of the Righteous Among The Nations
Related Sources About Rescuers & Non-Jewish Resistance at Yad Vashem:
Yad Vashem’s Exhibit: Flickers of Light: The Stories of Six Righteous Among The
Nations in Auschwitz http://www.yadvashem.org/yv/en/exhibitions/flickers_of_light/index.asp
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Week’s Planned Topics to Cover:
Life in the Ghettos, Warsaw, Emanuel Ringleblum, Terezin, The Fuhrer Gives the Jews a City
Possible Videos to View in Class or as HW:
Fragments of Jewish Life in Poland Today: A Film project by Professor Gair, Summer 2015. We will view
some of the videos I shot in my travels in July 2015. We will view the Lodz Ghetto and Warsaw Ghetto
footage. We will also view some footage of Chelmno, the first death camp the Nazis built.
Viewing Questions:
1. What were your impressions of what Lodz looked like today in comparison to how it looked during the first
13 minutes of the video which is archival footage?
2. What stands out most memorably from the video I made of the Lodz ghetto?
3. What did you think of my visit to the Lodz Jewish Cemetery? What can we learn from visiting such a place?
Class 1:
Collect Bauer Chapter 8 Essay-SUBMIT TO DROPBOX IN BB
Class 2:
Collect Literature collection Tab section homework.
Homework: for Next Week:
Bauer Text Essay Question Chapter 8:
Describe the “Final Solution” and the steps the Nazis took to implement it. When and where was it
“finalized” ? At the end include a summary of last week’s class lessons.
Assignment in LIT Collection:
Tab 6: The Final Solution
Excerpt from Night:
In this excerpt from Elie Wiesel’s classic book, Night, how did the Nazis dehumanize the Jews? Why do you
think the older men did not want the younger men to revolt? Why were Elie Wiesel and his father told to lie
about their ages? Choose one moment that was a defining moment or turning point in Elie Wiesel’s life. How
did this moment change his perception of the world, relationships, life, other people, and even himself? How is
Elie Wiesel’s account of arriving at Auschwitz similar to the account given in Ellis Lewin’s testimony?
Link to Ellis Lewin’s Testimony:
Poems From Camp Survivors:
Why do you think Pagis chooses Adam, Eve, and their sons for this poem? What is the role of each of them?
Eve appears to be attempting to convey a message to Cain. What might that message be? Read the poem
“Written in Pencil” several times, even out loud. What is the feeling that you get reading this poem? What do
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you think Pagis was trying to say with the line, “No, no; they definitely were Human beings” in the poem
Art from The Camps: Appell, 1944Appell:
What do you notice in the painting? What message (s) do you think the artist was trying to convey? How do you
feel looking at the painting?
Interview With Franz Stangl:
How would you describe Stangl’s ability to see human beings as cargo or cattle? Why isn’t he able to connect
between children who arrive on transports and his own children? Do you think there should be a connection?
Explain your thinking. How does Stangl explain working for the system? Are there any emotions expressed in
the interview? If so, what are they? If not, how might this lack of emotion be explained?
The Final Solution:
What is the difference between a concentration camp and an extermination camp? What have you learned about
Nazi ideology that explains why there were no extermination camps in Germany? In what ways did the Nazis
apply modern technology to the mass murder of the people in the camps? Explain how the Nazis used deception
in the extermination camps.
The First Ones:
Read this poem aloud several times first. Why do you think the Nazis would go after the children first? How
could children be “dangerous” to the Germans? Katzenelson describes the two-year old girl he sees as looking
like a “grandma of a hundred years.” Why might such a little child seem like an old person? Why do you think
he says that his people “drew consolation” from the children? How might their children be a consolation to the
Jews? How does Katzenelson end the poem? Is he hopeful or hopeless? How do you know?
The Auschwitz Album: An Online Exhibit at Yad Vashem:
Five minute You Tube video about the album:
The Entire Auschwitz Album
Valley of the Communities: A Memorial to all the Villages, Cities, Towns, Shtetls
Destroyed by the Nazis. A short video of this part of Yad Vashem’s campus.
Week’s Planned Topics to Cover:
The Final Solution, Babi Yar, Invasion of Russia, Euthanasia, Wannsee Conference, Operation
Rinehard, Gas Vans to 6 Major Death Camps, Nazi Medicine, Dr. Mengele, Other Victims
Possible Videos to View in Class or as HW:
Conspiracy or Wannsee Conference Documentary, Nazi Medicine, Lecture by Dr. Michael Grodin, University
of Boston, Out of the Ashes, Professor Gair’s Videos of Auschwitz, Sobibor, Belzec
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Viewing Questions:
Conspiracy- Listen carefully to the conversations during the meeting? How do the Nazis cloak the real
intentions they had with more acceptable euphemisms? How do they use “code words” to hide their real
Nazi Medicine- What are your thoughts about the way the Nazis abused medical skills, ethics, and
knowledge? What surprised you the most about this topic?
Class 1:
Collect Bauer Chapter 9 Essay. Collect You Tube mini lecture reaction.
Class 2:
Collect Literature collection Tab section homework.
Homework: for Next Week:
Bauer Text Essay Question Chapter 10:
Western European Jewry, 1940-1944 essay question- Describe what was happening in the individual
countries of Western Europe during this time period. At the end include a summary of last week’s
class lessons.
Assignment in LIT Collection:
Tab 10: Perpetrators, Collaborators & Bystanders
Salitter’s Report:
What appears to be Salitter’s reason for recommending that the Jews be provided with water? Why might
Salitter have attempted to put children with their mothers? Is there any evidence of Salitter’s attitude toward his
role or toward Jews in the report? If so, explain his attitude towards each.
Why would people cooperate with the Germans in the military takeover and administration of their countries?
Why did the Germans use locals to help carry out the Final Solution? How would you define the phrase “silent
collaborator”? How, if at all, is a “silent collaborator” different from a bystander? At what point does not
intervening to stop a human catastrophe make a person (or nation) not just a bystander, but a collaborator? Do
you believe that the collaborators should have been punished for cooperating with the Germans? Why or why
War Crimes Trials:
Read this section and then answer the six questions at the end of the article. Combine all your answers into one
Rudolph Hoess:
After reading the trial transcript, what do you think Hoess’s attitude towards his crimes might have been? What
was Hoess’s role in the Final Solution? After reading Hoess’s answers, do you think that he regretted what he
did? Why or why not? Adolph Eichmann: How does Eichmann define his role in the Final Solution? How were
Eichmann’s and Hoess’s roles different? What does “crimes against humanity” mean? Does learning about
these trials expand your knowledge of the Holocaust? Why or why not?
Evian Conference & Bermuda Conference:
Compare the two conferences; what were their official goals? What was the outcome of each of these
conferences? Why do you think the countries at both these conferences were unwilling to step forward and take
some real action about the situation?
Fleix Nussbaum’s Art (“The Refugee”)
What do you believe the artist was attempting to say to the world through his art? What does the globe
represent? What might the bundle next to the man be?
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Brigette Altman:
What does Brigette Altman say is the goal of Holocaust revisionists? How does Brigette respond to those who
say the Holocaust never happened? With so much evidence and research and eye witnesses in the world why do
you think there are some people are Holocaust Deniers? What do you think is their agenda?
OPTIONAL: Extra Credit: Video Interview at Yad Vashem: Ephraim Kaye on Holocaust Denial: View
and write a one page reflection on this interview. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CLKptQmUR8
Online Personal Journal # 5 Due (OPTIONAL)"
Week’s Planned Topics to Cover:
Western Europe’s Jews 1940-1944, France, Jewish Policy in France, Belgium, Holland. Holocaust art
and poetry as expressions of memory
Possible Videos to View in Class or as HW:
Survivor Testimonies: Ruth Brand, Hannah Pick, Obidiah Baruch, Hannah Bar Yesha, others
Class 1:
Collect Bauer Chapter 10 Essay
Class 2:
Collect Literature collection Tab section homework.
Tab 9: Survivors and Liberators
Holocaust 1944, When It Happened: (Two poems)
Each of these poems was written by a Jewish woman who escaped from Nazi Europe in the late 1930’s as a
young child. They both spent their childhood in England. As you interpret these poems keep in mind that
they examine the questions of guilt and duty with which many survivors struggle. For each poem separately tell:
Who is the speaker in the poem? To whom is the speaker speaking? What emotions is each speaker
experiencing? What do you think might be the cause of these emotions? Pick out one line or stanza in each
poem that affected you deeply and discuss that passage, including the reason(s) it affected you as it did.
A Liberator’s Thoughts:
What kind of questions is Harry Herder asking himself following his experience in Buchenwald? How does
Harry reflect on his German heritage? What choices would Harry have had if in fact he had been a German
citizen and in the German army during World War II? What role does Harry like to believe his upbringing
would have played in his choices?
Displaced Persons: (The article, the pictures and the letters home.)
Answer the five questions from the bottom of the article. Answer all in one combined paragraph.
Anton Mason:
Briefly retell Anton’s story.
OPTIONAL- Related Sources
Holocaust Survivor Video Testimony Clip: The Displaced Person’s Camp
Private Tolkatchev at the Gates of Hell: Majdanek and Auschwitz Liberated: Testimony of an Artist: (Yad
Vashem- an online exhibition of how one liberator remembers the liberation through his art.)
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Homework: for Next Week:
Bauer Text Essay Question Chapter 11:
Describe at least 3 specific instances of armed resistance by Jews in the camps and ghettoes. At the
end include a summary of last week’s class lessons.
Assignment in LIT Collection:
Four REQUIRED Online Personal Journals Due as One Printed File (Dated by the
weeks assigned in this homework guide.)
Week’s Planned Topics to Cover:
Types of Resistance, Choiceless Choices, Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, Escape from Sobibor, Partisans,
Auschwitz Uprising, Treblinka Uprising
Possible Videos to View in Class or as HW:
Resistance, Defiance, Gray Zone, Uprising, Escape from Sobibor, Reader’s Theater-Women in Auschwtitz Play
read by individual students.
Class 1:
Collect Bauer Chapter 11 Essay
Class 2:
Collect Literature collection Tab section homework.
Homework: for Next Week:
Bauer Text Essay Question Chapter 12:
Describe the various attempts and failed attempts of rescuing
Europe’s Jews. What is the Avenue of the Righteous? Where is it located? What is the purpose of it?
What were the attitudes of the major world powers? At the end, include a summary of last week’s
class lessons.
Assignment in LIT Collection:
Tab 12: Women in the Holocaust: Same Hell, Different Horrors
Explore the 4 links below. Spend some quality time reading the material on each site or viewing the
video. Take notes as you do. Now take the notes and construct an essay in which you develop one
complete paragraph summarizing the major new learnings you gained from each site. Skip a line
between each section and write the name of the site from here as the heading for each section. In your
fifth and final paragraph explain why it is so important for us to study the experience of women
specifically. What did you gain from it?
Yad Vashem Exhibit: Women Of Valor
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You Tube Lecture Museum of Jewish Heritage: Women in the Holocaust
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7tG0A TYAg&list=PL9NM7b8l78bW5E1obJlR9br5AawoC22Dh
Yad Vashem Online exhibit: Spots of Light: Women in the Holocaust
USHMM Online Exhibit: Women During The Holocaust
Week’s Planned Topics to Cover:
Women in the Holocaust, Rescuers, Schindler, Sir Nicky, Le Chambon, Kindertransport, The White
Rose (Sophie Scholl), Wallenberg, Sugihara,
Possible Videos to View in Class or as HW:
Nicholas Winton on 60 Minutes, Sophie Scholl- The Final Days, Weapons of the Spirit, Schindler’s List
Class 1:
Collect Bauer Chapter 12 Essay
Class 2:
Collect Literature collection Tab section homework. SUBMIT TAB 13 IN DROPBOX IN BB
Homework: for Next Week:
Bauer Text Essay Question Chapter 13:
Do you think another Holocaust is possible? Fully explain your reasons. At the end, include a
summary of last week’s class lessons.
Assignment in LIT Collection:
Tab 13: Nazi War Crimes Trials
Spend some quality time reading the material on the following 4 web sites. Then as you did in the
Women in the Holocaust section. Write a five paragraph paper summarizing the major new learnings
from each site and the fifth paragraph summarize what you learned. Head up each section with the
site name from below.
Yad Vashem Online Exhibit: Marking the Nuremberg Trials
You Tube Video Clip: The Nuremberg Trials- Nazi Crimes Against Humanity
USHMM Online Exhibit: The Legacy of Nuremberg
USHMM Online Exhibit: The Nuremberg Trials: What Is Justice?
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Week’s Planned Topics to Cover:
Planned Topics to Cover: Art-Olere’ Bak, Nussbaum. Bau and others. Music- Wu Tang (Never
Again), Simon & Garfunkel (Sounds of Silence) Phil Ochs (Outside a Small Circle of Friends), Shtetl
Music, Ghetto Music, Yiddish Lullabyes, I Tunes Yiddish Songs Playlist, Memorials Around the
World- Power Point.
Planned Video
View in Class or as HW:
View “Imaginary Witness: Hollywood and the Holocaust”- start viewing here in class if we have time and
then complete it at home in Blackboard. ALSO AVAILABLE IN NETFLIX.
Viewing Question:
In a one page or more essay explain what challenges a filmmaker faces when he or she decides to
make a Holocaust movie/ What are some obstacles (physical and emotional-moral) that he or she
must deal with? Where do you stand on the issue of showing things as graphically accurate as
possible? If you had been filming the Bai Yar scene in War & Remembrance would you have shot it
as graphically as it was shot or would you have done it differently? How?
Class 1:
Collect Bauer Chapter 13 Essay
Class 2:
Collect Literature collection Tab section homework.
Homework: for Next Week:
Bauer Text Essay Question Chapter 14:
Write a paper summarizing what lessons you have learned from
reading this book. Explain how those lessons and new knowledge can be used to create a better
world. Are these lessons relevant to today? Is study of the Holocaust relevant to
today’s world? How or how not? At the end include a summary of last week’s class lessons.
Assignment in LIT Collection:
Tab 14: Poetry, Art, Music & Memorials as Agents of Memory
Yad Vashem & USHMM Online Tours
Holocaust Poetry
The following links will get you familiar with some of the art, poetry, music, and memorials that are
associated with the Holocaust. There is no specific assignment other than I hope you explore these
sources. We will listen to some music and interpret some art in our class sessions.
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Yad Vashem: Online Exhibit: Poetry in Holocaust Education
Yad Vashem: Online Exhibit: The Value of Holocaust Poetry in Education:
Holocaust Memorials Around The World
You Tube: Holocaust Memorials Around the World
Yad Vashem’s Online Exhibit: Art
Yad Vashem’s Online Exhibit: Heartstrings: Music of the Holocaust
Week’s Planned Topics to Cover:
Liberation, Rebuilding Lives After the Shoah, In class activity with Professor Gair’s Liberation
Collect Bauer Chapter 14 Essay
Possible Videos to View in Class or as HW: Liberation footage- some very graphic footage will be shown
during these sessions. It is almost impossible to get through the topic without some graphics that may be
disturbing to some. I have done my best to stay away from such footage for most of the course.
Liberation however is a topic that must be looked at through the lens of what the Allies found when they
liberated Europe at the end of the war. The Long Way Home DVD
Final Class: A full length movie of the classes choosing or testimony of Helen Greenspun on
video (unless she is able to come to class earlier in the semester).
All assignments in the large literature binder should be formatted as follows: Word
processed, Times New Roman, Double Spaced, 1 inch margins. Use the following format.
Your Last Name
Name (First and Last)
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Professor Gair
Tab # 1, 2 etc : Title of Tabbed Section (Ex: Antisemitism) (Centered)
Title 1: of Handouts in Assignment: (Left Justify)
Answers to the assigned questions here. DO NOT write the actual questions, just detailed answers.
Title 2: ….
Answers to this assignment here. DO NOT write the actual questions, just detailed answers.
Title 3:....
Continue in this fashion for each handout which has an assignment that week.
Four REQUIRED Online Personal Journals Due as One Printed File (Dated by the weeks
assigned in this homework guide.) They must be printed directly from within Blackboard so the
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/Users/Professor/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/User
Richard Gair
Creation Date:
9/15/15 5:45 PM
Change Number:
Last Saved On:
9/15/15 5:45 PM
Last Saved By:
Professor Richard A. Gair
Total Editing Time:
0 Minutes
Last Printed On:
9/15/15 5:45 PM
As of Last Complete Printing
Number of Pages:
Number of Words: 8,027 (approx.)
Number of Characters:
45,758 (approx.)