Healthcare + Technology: Perfect Storm or Flood of Opportunity? Presented by the Sudler & Hennessey eHealth Group 1 H ealthcare communications has been the foundation of the work work Sudler & Hennessey (S&H) has excelled at for decades. Whether getting the right drug onto the prescribing pads of physicians or educating consumers about various diseases and treatment options, S&H has been at the global forefront of strategic healthcare marketing communications and education. S&H knows how to speak to physicians and engage them through clinically validated, evidence-based conversations. The healthcare industry has, for several years, been on a steady and, now, accelerated, path of change. Skyrocketing costs, a challenged pharmaceutical pipeline, personalized medicine, unprecedented access to information and globalization of care, have all significantly influenced how healthcare is practiced and received. This new world is both exciting and daunting for all of the key stakeholders— providers, payers, patients, and government. Adding even more disruption to this new world is health information technology (HIT), a promise and a reality that will eventually enable population health management, personalized care, disease prevention, and unparalleled access to information. provi gov go v It is at the center of this perfect storm of change and confusion that S&H has begun to strategically build and leverage core capabilities for the emerging eHealth market. The Sudler eHealth Group was formed to work with HIT companies as a strategic communication navigator, helping them understand the complex dynamics in today’s healthcare market and supporting their efforts to educate, train, and communicate with healthcare providers and patients. The formation of the Sudler eHealth Group represents a significant and innovative business development initiative: we are utilizing the agency’s vast “traditional pharma” experience to tap into a booming new – and capital-rich – market at a time when our traditional clients are reducing their budgets and re-examining their financial positions. S&H will be at the forefront of our industry by infusing important physician and patient perspectives and introducing the concept of evidence-based technology (our term) in order to support efforts with end users, decision makers and care organizations. pa atient e techno ogy technolog ogy patient To kick off our new eHealth Group, Sudler recently held a one-day Health + Technology Summit focused on starting the conversation between healthcare providers and IT companies while providing Sudler with insights and observations that have informed our new business strategy in the emerging eHealth market. The Summit participants included technology companies Google, Intel, Practice Fusion and GE; physicians from Harvard, Columbia, and Cornell; patient advocates; industry drivers such as Forrester Research; and press representatives from MedAdNews, Pharmaceutical Executive, PharmaVoice, PM 360, and Advertising Age. The following represents some of our insights and conversations from the Health + Technology Summit held in New York City on November 17, 2011. These insights will shape Sudler’s marketing and business development tools for our HIT business prospects. nt 2 The key to real change in healthcare delivery, and the systems that support care, is understanding the crucial role gatekeeper physicians play in driving the convergence of all stakeholders— patients, payors, providers, and The Premise There are unprecedented motivating factors in the ongoing eHealth revolution. Drivers toward success include business opportunities, government incentives and legislative policies, increasing price pressures on the health delivery networks, and a growing patient population with overwhelming demands for greater access and quality of health information and care. Yet there are also challenging obstacles to success—from misaligned stakeholder incentives and deeply entrenched bureaucracies to a lack of unification across technology platforms. A primary and often overlooked consideration for evolving healthcare technology companies is the role of physicians as either tacit or overt approvers of product procurement, uptake, and use. Innovations in healthcare techniques and technologies, from the use of stethoscopes to the adoption of new drug therapies, succeed or fail based on physician acceptance and application. Physicians play an elevated role for all stakeholders as sources of critical information and the keepers of the point of care, and this important gatekeeper activity is, in turn, driven by proven patient benefits. There has been an incredible rise in the quality and quantity of medical information and health resources available for patients and a dramatic increase in the sophistication of payer organizations, yet it is the personal interaction between physician and patient that remains the principal interaction in healthcare. Including physicians and healthcare providers in the conversation will result in healthcare technology systems that are both quality outcome driven and sustainable. government. As the keepers of the point of care, physicians will ultimately determine the eHealth winners. Creating the Context The Health + Technology Summit focused on ways in which health information technology (HIT) companies can improve market success. For purposes of this white paper, HIT broadly describes the technology platforms and digital systems designed to improve record keeping and collaboration among all healthcare participants, including electronic health records (EHRs), electronic medical records (EMRs), mobile applications, remote monitoring, patient applications, telemedicine, and innumerable web properties. HIT is the means to effective physician engagement in the evolving eHealth landscape. What follows is the consensus reached by the Summit participants regarding strategies for effectively gaining physician engagement and achieving broader HIT adoption among all healthcare stakeholders There was broad agreement that the eHealth transformation is part of a positive change in healthcare. However, the definition of success was widely debated. Thanks to the incentives included in the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH) of February 2009 and the more comprehensive healthcare reforms of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) of 2010, substantial efforts have been committed to transitioning healthcare from a fragmented and procedure-based system toward a wellcoordinated, results-oriented, sustainable, and cost-effective model of care. 3 Globally, we are on the precipice of an enormous transformation in healthcare management, medical practice, patient treatment, and healthcare environment. Underscoring this change is HIT and its promise to facilitate: n Improved treatment quality and outcomes; n Fewer medical errors; n Lower healthcare costs; n Increased efficiencies; and n Expanded access. HITECH authorized nearly $27 billion in incentives to stimulate the adoption and meaningful use of EMRs and EHRs by physicians.1 This represents one of the largest investments ever in healthcare. In North America alone, a 9.7% growth in the EMR market is expected (from $7.4B in 2010 to $9.8B in 2013). This focus and funding from the Federal government is a crucial start but the overall growth and broad-scale HIT adoption among stakeholders has been slow and methodical. A combination of technological, financial, and even emotional issues is at the core of this slow transformation. The ways in which patients, caregivers, and other stakeholders approach healthcare have already changed dramatically. Yet we are far from realizing the potential benefits of change. $ $27 billion Summit Highlights There was emphatic consensus that physicians are still the primary purveyors of information and key decision makers. Physicians remain in the position of determining whether the latest pharmacological invention will be prescribed, whether treatment algorithms will be followed, and whether an EMR/EHR or mobile application will be purchased and adopted. As such, much of the discussion at the summit centered on physician adoption of new technologies: n Will physicians support reform of the current healthcare paradigm by adopting new HIT? n Would they embrace a technologyenhanced relationship with their patients and colleagues on secure web-based platforms? n Do they feel displaced by, and therefore competitive with, self-diagnostic mobile applications and patients advising patients online? n Will physicians consider a new role as a partner in care and share this role with patients, allowing this relationship to be supported by technology that acts as both the conduit and infrastructure of care? We must start by recognizing that transformation is a challenge for physicians. According to Cassandra Sinclair, S&H National Managing Director, Canada and North American eHealth Strategist, “Physicians are trained to make evidencebased decisions while considering every possibility. We know that through evidencebased and clinically validated information, change does happen. Engaging physicians in the right way, with the right information, and in a language that conveys something relevant is key to starting the conversation with them.” 4 Primary Findings and Key Discussion Points I. Physicians love technology, but not equally Physicians are major adopters of technology but they are very selective about how and what they adopt for their practices. In order to engage physicians, HIT companies should consider adopting and learning from pharmaceutical marketing successes by providing “evidence-based technology.” II. Healthcare meets technology disruption Digital technology forever alters and fractionalizes entire market sectors. Healthcare, while lagging behind in its digital evolution, is no exception to this experience. III. Patients have been empowered Patients are undergoing a major generational and technological shift. Unprecedented access to medical information combined with social collaboration is empowering patients to take more direct control of their healthcare. IV. ACOs could be the game changer Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) could change the playing field, moving incentives from simple usage to successful treatment.2 Throughout the Summit, we uncovered other intrinsic characteristics needed to understand and realize successful physician adoption, as well as some of the key underlying concerns that influence fulsome integration of HIT. Areas of consensus affecting the broad adoption of HIT, and EMRs specifically, were focused on workflow, education, and training issues, as well as the general anxieties of many physicians. Our objectives should be to (1) determine what HIT companies can learn from these issues to most effectively adapt their development and marketing strategies; and (2) to help these companies leverage an understanding of the key needs of primary influencers to succeed in the evolving marketplace. 5 I. Physicians love technology, but not equally From the use of advanced imaging equipment to early integration of iPads in the hospital setting, physicians are among the highest adopters of new technology. As many as 75% of US physicians have purchased an Apple mobile device, and 30% of US physicians say they use an iPad to access electronic health records, view radiology images, or communicate with patients.3 However, physician adoption of EMRs and other HIT has been lackluster at best. Why? Elizabeth Boehm, Principal Analyst, Forrester Research, talking about how the lack of adoption is related to the fee-for-service model, explained, “Mismatched or illogical incentives are a barrier to adoption – clinicians aren’t getting paid for the use of technology, they are paid for face-to-face interactions with patients.” The financial incentives of HITECH address this, to a degree, by compensating for meaningful use, such as the use of HIT by providers to achieve significant improvements in care, but this is at odds with the traditional fee-forservice reimbursement model. This argument was supported by Dr. Mark Callahan, Chief Medical Officer at Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, “Physicians will incorporate technology if they can bill for it. And they will adopt technology when it’s better for patients. But physicians aren’t yet convinced that it’s better for workflow.” It is not just the financial model that challenges increased uptake, but the user experience of the new technology that is often overlooked or undervalued by HIT companies. According to Dr. Sachin Jain, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and former Special Assistant to the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, “Usability is an enormous issue. The systems have to be easily usable by physicians, but the reality is that they are designed by computer programmers. They have to function in the real world of the clinical workflow.” HIT companies need to realize that, as early adopters, physicians expect consumerfriendly, intuitive interfaces (eg, the iPad), whereas HIT interfaces tend to require more training and technical acumen. Even with the $27 billion in incentives available for physicians and hospitals for adopting HIT, early estimates suggest that only 35%-40% of physician offices are using some form of EHR, with many of those not yet realizing the full capabilities. Still, this is promising and a significant increase from pre-HITECH levels of 20%-25%.4 The stated goal of the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology is to revolutionize the work of health professionals and healthcare institutions, and to make them and the healthcare system hugely more effective and efficient.5 Even simple changes can reap big rewards: “New standards for electronic funds transfers in healthcare, required by the Affordable Care Act, will reduce up to $4.5 billion of administrative costs for doctors and hospitals, private health plans, states and other government health plans over the next ten years, according to estimates included in new rules published today by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).”6 Yet there is still a gap between meaningful use vis-a-vis the stimulus bill and valuable, business-altering use in the day-to-day clinical setting. The objectives of decreasing healthcare costs and increasing quality care are misaligned with the current profit model of healthcare. Confronting this issue will be necessary if these objectives are to be met. 6 Most HIT companies have yet to adopt the pharma/device marketing model or reach this level of customer understanding, and their failure to provide sufficient training often results in physicians either discarding or underusing their products, or never understanding the products’ full capabilities. Physician HIT Adoption and Meaningful Use Barriers When we talk about HIT, we often think about it in terms of benefit to patients, providers, and the system. Dr. Jeremy Nobel, Harvard School of Public Health, noted that when companies, government, and others speak about HIT, they tend not to explain how it will make the lives of physicians better….“HIT is not just records and translating paper into a digital format. This is why physicians are skeptical about its value. The rewards to physicians don’t accrue to the physicians, they accrue to others. Physicians see it as not benefiting them. As we push forward, we have to focus on payment reform; there need to be incentives. The value is not obvious right now in its current form.” Another issue for physicians is the actual purchase of the technology. Dr. Jain explained that “physicians are not trained on how to buy electronic health records, or any technology for that matter.” Tying back to their consumer-slanted sensibilities, physicians typically look for basic functionality that they find interesting, and then determine if it qualifies for the HITECH incentives. Requirements beyond that basic appeal, such as compatibility with existing programs and staff accessibility, are often left unexplored. Unfortunately, this approach often results in reduced usability and dissatisfaction with the technology experience. One of the biggest challenges, according to Dr. Jain, is that once the EMR is purchased, the necessary training on its full use and integration into clinical practice is typically not widely available. Many physicians wind up spending hours trying to integrate their records into this mysterious new system without ever seeing the real potential for benefits in patient care or access to quality data. Physicians on the panel noted that the amount of time it takes to customize EMRs into their actual practice ends up costing them significant money. In larger institutions, they have staff dedicated to this work, but in smaller practices the realities are different; the smaller practices require significant assistance and connectivity. However, most EMR vendors only offer limited assistance and training. The panel of clinicians contrasted this scenario to their adoption of new pharmaceutical and device products, which is supported by pharmaceutical reps and device manufacturers who visit their offices and provide technical training. Dr. Jain noted, “Taking time from patient care to incorporate HIT is difficult and physicians need meaningful support.” Summit participants further agreed that the required customer service, training and workflow integration were lacking among most HIT businesses. The challenges around broad-based and localized connectivity, security of data, data storage, and long-term purchasing commitment were also discussed. Louisa Holland, co-CEO, the Americas, Sudler & Hennessey, summarized, “Because of the many barriers that impede adoption and ease of use, technology can be perceived by physicians as an obstacle to care. Physicians are wary of anything that gets in the way of their hands-on clinical care and, unfortunately, many technology ‘solutions’ have not been developed for ease of use in the care setting. Ease of data entry and data access, as well as platform connectivity are all major hurdles that seem to interfere with physicians’ typical practice routines. To overcome these challenges, HIT providers need to ensure that their technology fits easily into the care setting, and that they provide ongoing support to the clinician.” 7 Similar to the way in which pharmaceutical companies achieve adoption of new therapeutic modalities, if HIT is to be incorporated into the practice of medicine in a holistic way, technology companies need to present the same sort of So how do we move from stimulusdriven adaptation of technology to broad-scale collaboration and meaningful, value-added adoption? It’s crucial that HIT companies focus on developing systems that take into account the needs of the stakeholders, gathering physician involvement and employing user testing early in the development phase. This should be followed by education, training, and integration support post-adoption to drive ongoing, profitable use. Physicians are trained in and understand evidence-based medicine. They make decisions regularly by applying clinical and practical evidence. They read the drug studies, review the trial data, and then observe outcomes in their practice. We propose that HIT companies employ a similar approach, what Sudler & Hennessey has termed “evidence-based technology,” to demonstrate the value of the technology in a manner that would significantly improve the speed of adoption by physicians. II. Healthcare meets technology disruption In its relatively short history, digital technology has fractionalized every industry it’s touched by decentralizing power and realigning incentives. This doesn’t simply mean it breaks everything apart into an unrecognizable mess. What it means, according to R. Shane Kennedy, Managing Director for Digital at Sudler & Hennessey, is that “digital upends the existing business model and empowers the users more than the existing industry leaders. This is by now a familiar pattern that has been seen in diverse industries such as music, travel, publishing, and banking.” No market appears to be immune to this change, and the result has typically been a renaissance for users in the following ways: evidence in order n Easier access; to drive physician n More choices; decision-making. n Greater interaction; n Added personalization; and n Better outcomes. These benefits align closely with the overall promises of HIT. Healthcare is certainly undergoing its own digital evolution which, coupled with the potential for broader HIT adoption, will lead to a true industry transformation. So what can we learn from other recent technology-driven market transformations, and how can HIT companies benefit? 8 Case Study Change for the Record The music industry was one of the first to be revolutionized by digital technology. The old market was based on major labels controlling every facet of the business, essentially determining for the masses what the public would be able to listen to. It was based on top-selling artists, full-album sales, platinum-level success, and controlled access to selected artists. Digital changed all that. From the tumultuous rise and fall of Napster to the stabilizing platform of iTunes to the latest shift toward highly customizable subscription and ad-based services like Pandora and Spotify, the music industry is now about accessibility, variety, and flexibility. Users have wide access to artists and music of all kinds, signed or unsigned, at any time, on all devices, on demand. We have the ability to buy single tracks or unlimited subscriptions, broad access to self-published musicians, and streaming online channels—all hallmarks of this massive transformation. Case Study Change on a Dime The consumer finance market has also undergone a wholesale transformation in user experience. Where we once only used handwritten checks, visited the teller for cash, and called a representative for our balances, we can now do everything online and even from our smartphones. ATMs are ubiquitous, often outnumbering or supplanting live tellers; in fact, some banks penalize their customers for using live support rather than visiting the automated machines, charging an added service fee for the human interaction. Mobile bill paying and photographing checks for immediate deposit have also become standard practice. And companies like Square and Dwolla are now circumventing traditional credit card processes by offering applications and devices that allow individual business owners to use their iPhones to swipe credit cards on the spot. 9 Healthcare Digital Evolution: The Prescription for Change As healthcare undergoes its own digital evolution, physicians and other stakeholders are driven toward a more rapid uptake of technology. Patients are accessing healthcare information at an unprecedented level. A Kantar Media survey found that among those cell-phone customers using their devices to go online, a quarter of them, or around 19.3 million, go online for healthrelated information. And thanks to Google, Patients Like Me, and even Facebook, patients can research, discuss, and even self-diagnose conditions formerly limited to medical journals and reference manuals. iPhone apps monitor blood pressure and glucose levels, while sites like ZocDoc allow for immediate appointment access and the ranking of physicians by their own patients. Meanwhile, those at the Health + Technology Summit agreed that physicians are using technology in their practices more than ever. Manhattan Research reports that 81% of US physicians own a smartphone, while 75% own an Apple device (be it an iPhone, iPad, or iPod). Use of the iPad in clinical settings is on the rise, with 30% of doctors owning one and another 28% indicating plans to get one within the next six months. Physicians are already very familiar with superior user experiences, not only from using personal products but from professional experience, as well. For example, Apple has a new section in the iTunes store for apps that cater to HCPs. The physician-friendly division has apps in six categories: reference, education, EMR and patient monitoring, imaging, point-ofcare, and personal care (for consumers). So virtually all of the healthcare stakeholders have experienced some of the benefits, efficiencies, and results of the digital shift in their personal lives. And they’re seeing the benefits of digital in a healthcare context as well. These experiences are certainly critical for the eventual broad adoption of HIT. Yet, from the personal viewpoint of most stakeholders, HIT is still a black box delivering little of the digital promise to healthcare compared with what has been seen in other industries that have been dramatically transformed by the digital revolution. Dr. Nobel threaded together how experiences from other sectors are similar yet different from the current healthcare transformations resulting from technology and innovation: “Healthcare in the US is different from banking, retail, travel, etc, in that there has been very little economic reward for use of innovative technologies that reduce care costs or improve patient satisfaction. That is changing now, albeit slowly; but it is changing. As that change accelerates, we will see a tipping point in the same way as we’ve seen in other industries.” Healthcare is a high-tech industry where improving quality and access must also be accompanied by a decrease in costs. Good quality care can actually be less costly because more accurate diagnoses are made with fewer treatment errors, lower complication rates, faster recovery, less invasive treatment, and an overall reduced need for treatment.7 The central insight here is that technology will game change the quality, access and cost trifecta sought in healthcare but for technology companies to lead this revolution they must not only develop a deeper knowledge of how to communicate to physicians but also develop a deeper understanding of clinical workflow and business environment demands. 10 III. Patients have been empowered The role of the patient was robustly debated at the Summit. Changes in patient behavior resulting from access to broad and deep healthcare information and supportive social networks have, in turn, changed the way medicine is practiced. According to the Pew Internet and American Life Project, of the 74% of people who use the Internet, 80% have looked online for health information, including information on specific diseases or treatments. That translates to 59% of all adults.8 Consumers are investing in and spending more time understanding their health than ever before. Technology has given people the ability to make discoveries they never could have otherwise, and the expectations of patients have changed accordingly. The Internet is the new clinic. From Google and Wikipedia to the National Institutes of Health,, and Patients Like Me, nearly every aspect of healthcare is available online. Empowered by these technology-driven general health information resources, more and more patients are now also demanding access to their personal health records. However, a divide exists between those physicians who support full patient access to healthcare records and those who vehemently oppose such access. But the proportion of physicians who do not support EMR access is declining. According to Cassandra Sinclair, who interviewed physicians in 2010 about patient access to medical data, “The responses were very diverse. Clearly there were those physicians who felt access would improve adherence and reduce diagnostic/treatment stress, while others were the antithesis, stating that access would only result in more anxiety and potentially an unwillingness to have treatment. Remarkable differences were also seen between primary care physicians and specialists.” Another recent survey, published in the Journal of the American College of Physicians, showed that opinions about the benefits of open access to health information were still varied among physicians, and the mixed sentiment on access was echoed throughout the Summit; however, patient response in the journal survey was more enthusiastic about this access.9 Patient enthusiasm will continue to drive changes in healthcare. According to Dr. David Wiljer, Director of Knowledge Management and Innovation, Oncology Education, at Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto, Canada, “Patients are driving change, sharing stories, questioning healthcare and voicing concerns about putting their healthcare data online. They are conducting research studies and actually sharing health ideas and problems, they are even giving direction to biomedical researchers. This is a significant change in the way that information flows—a paradigm shift. Knowledge goes to patients and patients want access to data, they don’t want to wait; and this has fundamentally changed the way medicine is practiced and what information sources patients are using to have these conversations.” Of course, the way in which information is consumed and shared varies through the generations. Millennials value personal referrals while diagnosing themselves and their friends prior to seeking professional medical services. Boomers and Gen Xers investigate different treatment options and potential diagnoses while seeking the bestin-class physicians and institutions. The Silent Generation still prefers the one-toone interaction with their family physician, although this relationship is becoming more and more rare. Increasingly, telemedicine 11 Patients are demanding access to relevant, timely, personalized information and a care team they can engage with is helping this group maintain this type of physician relationship in both rural and suburban areas. The expanding availability of health information, the desire for more control, and the advent of ACOs requiring patient reporting will increasingly mean that patients play an ever larger role in their own healthcare. To succeed in this transformation and effectively generate full-scale HIT adoption, technology companies need to incorporate the needs of patients into their software solutions. in multiple ways— and on multiple devices—to receive the care and coordination they require. IV. Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) could be the game changer A major topic of discussion for attendees at the summit was ACOs. In particular, there was robust debate around the question: Will ACOs, aided by technology, be a game changer for healthcare in the US? The AMA defines an ACO as “an organization of physicians and other healthcare providers held accountable for the overall quality and cost of care delivered to a defined population of traditional feefor-service Medicare beneficiaries who are assigned by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to an ACO. The theory behind the ACO concept is that effective delivery and coordination of care (and thus cost savings) is difficult to achieve without integration among the providers that deliver patient care.”2 With ACOs, much of the economic risk will move to the providers as they seek to control the overall patient success rate. This, in turn, will increase the demand for new HIT solutions that help physicians manage the overall process and help to reduce costs and improve quality, safety, and, ultimately, patient health. Treating patients, tracking their progress, and monitoring their resulting data will be essential to the success of ACOs. As such, EMRs are a critical foundation for clinical care and the sharing of health data. However, Ms. Boehm of Forrester Research noted that EMRs are not the only consideration for ACO success. ACOs can be complex, and accountable care requires effort from both the patient and the physician. “The patient assumes responsibility for better self-care and health tracking. The clinician must take responsibility for better education and clearer information before, during, and after the clinical visit, in order to improve the overall coordination of care.” The prospect of tracking results was also an issue for many physicians on the panel. They agreed that, with the meaningful use of EMRs and ACOs, physicians can now be tracked and, frankly, that level of accountability is scary to them. Along with this new level of accountability come changes in documentation, redistribution of compensation, and legal concerns.10 According to Dr. Callahan, “Physicians are still afraid that electronic records are going to come back to bite them, eventually.” Clearly, the ACO mandate will only be fulfilled with the full use and integration of HIT into the practice of medicine. In fact, the catch-22 is that ACOs won’t work fully without meaningful use of EMRs and broader infrastructure connectivity. This means that HIT companies must educate physicians in accordance with ACO practice management strategies outlined in the new legislation. This is a big opportunity for those technology companies that can figure out how to do this best, and do it first. 12 Physicians are critical to HIT adoption: Here’s how In today’s healthcare world, there is an enormous demand for change. That demand for change is a direct result of the grand tension between the tripartite objectives of healthcare: quality care versus broad access and delivery versus cost-based outcomes. What is unique about this moment in time is that HIT has emerged as a transformational mechanism to alleviate this tension. HIT has the ability to touch on and bring together all stakeholders — providers, patients, payers, and politicians — none of whom can overcome these conflicts on their own. The critical insight of the Health + Technology Summit was that successful adoption of technology within the healthcare industry relies on engagement, buy-in and acceptance by the broad physician community. S&H summarized the findings of the Summit into five strategic imperatives for HIT companies: n Physicians need to be engaged by HIT companies as partners, not just users. n In order to communicate effectively to physicians, HIT companies must take a more evidence-based approach by presenting clinical data, offering educational materials, and facilitating peer-to-peer communications to motivate the individual changes that will lead to wholesale change across the industry. n Physician engagement and successful adoption of technology in healthcare will only come to those HIT companies that can translate overly technical obstacles into easily workable benefits. The concept of efficiency isn’t enough — physicians want outcomes. n New physician-patient partnerships must incorporate discussions about how technology can affect and improve health, and how it can enable and broaden healthcare conversations. This is true for prevention, diagnostics, treatment, and Rx adherence. n Dialogue, evidence-based communications, and meaningful outcomes are the foundation of the classic professional promotion model in healthcare. Use them. 13 For more information on how the Sudler eHealth Group can help your company evolve, adapt, and navigate the healthcare evolution or for information on the next Sudler Health + Technology Summit, please contact: R. Shane Kennedy Managing Director, Digital Cassandra Sinclair National Managing Director, Canada and North American eHealth Strategist References 1. Blumenthal, D and Marilyn Tavenner. The “Meaningful Use” Regulation for Electronic Health Records N Engl J Med 2010; 363:501-504 August 5, 2010 2. For the purpose of our discussion an Accountable Care Organization (ACO) will be defined as “A group of health care providers who give coordinated care, chronic disease management, and thereby improve the quality of care patients get. The organization’s payment is tied to achieving health care quality goals and outcomes that result in cost savings.” 3. Manhattan Research “Taking the Pulse®” US v11.0” Q1 2011 Phone and Online Survey. 4. Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONCHIT), 2011. 5. The Age of Meaningful Use. A Message from Dr David Blumenthal, the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology. 2011. 6. Healthcare IT News, Diana Manos, Senior Editor. 2012. 7. Porter, Michel and Elizabeth Teisberg. Redefining Health Care: Creating Value-Based Competition on Results. Watertown, MA: Harvard Business Press. 2006 8. The Engaged E-patient Population. Pew Internet & American Life Project. 2008. 9. Walker J, et al. Inviting Patients to Read their Doctors’ Notes: Patients and Doctors Look Ahead. Patient and Physician Survey. American College of Physicians, 2011. 10. For additional information on new documentation requirements, stages of meaningful use and next phases of implementation please visit