Officers and Directors B R U N S W I C K C O R P O R AT I O N B OA RD O F D I RE C TO RS O F F I C E R S O F T H E C O M PA N Y C O R P O R AT E O F F I C E R S O P E R AT I N G O F F I C E R S G e o r g e W. B u c k l e y Pe t e r B . H a m i l t o n Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Vice Chairman and President - Brunswick Bowling & Billiards Pe t e r G . L e e m p u t t e Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Kathr yn J. Chieger Vice President - Corporate and Investor Relations William J. Gress Vice President - Supply Chain Management B. Russell Lockridge Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer Alan L. Lowe Vice President and Controller William L. Metzger Vice President and Treasurer Marschall I. Smith Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary D a l e B . To m p k i n s Vice President - Strategy and Corporate Development J u d i t h P. Z e l i s k o Vice President - Tax T. J . C h u n g Vice President and President - Brunswick New Technologies Kevin S. Grodzki Vice President and President - Life Fitness Division Nolan D. Archibald Graham H. Phillips Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer The Black & Decker Corporation Former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Young & Rubicam Advertising Elected in 1995 Independent Elected in 2002 Independent Dorrit J. Bern Robert L. Ryan Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Charming Shoppes, Inc. Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Medtronic, Inc. Elected in 2000 Independent Elected in 1998 Independent Retiring effective April 28, 2004 Jeffrey L. Bleustein Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Harley-Davidson, Inc. Patr ic k C. Mac key Vice President and President - Mercury Marine Group Elected in 1997 Independent Dustan E. McCoy Vice President and President - Brunswick Boat Group G e o r g e W. B u c k l e y V ictoria J. Reich Elected in 2000 Employed by Brunswick Corporation Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Brunswick Corporation Vice President and President - Brunswick European Group Michael J. Callahan Retired President and Chief Executive Officer Material Sciences Corporation C y n t h i a M . Tr u d e l l Vice President and President - Sea Ray Division Elected in 1991 Independent S t e p h e n M . Wo l p e r t Vice President and President - US Marine Division M a n u e l A . Fe r n a n d e z Chairman Emeritus Gartner, Inc. and Managing Director SI Ventures Elected in 1997 Independent Pe t e r B . H a m i l t o n Vice Chairman Brunswick Corporation President - Brunswick Bowling & Billiards Elected in 2000 Employed by Brunswick Corporation Pe t e r H a r f Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Joh A. Benckiser, GmbH Elected in 1996 Independent 1 R o g e r W. S c h i p k e Executive in Residence University of Louisville College of Business and Public Administration Elected in 1993 Independent Ralph C. Stayer Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Johnsonville Sausage LLC Elected in 2002 Independent B OA RD CO M M I T T EES AUDIT COMMIT TEE Michael J. Callahan* Robert L. Ryan Ralph C. Stayer C O R P O R AT E GOVERNANCE COMMIT TEE Jeffrey L. Bleustein* Graham H. Phillips Ralph C. Stayer FINANCE COMMIT TEE R o g e r W. S c h i p k e * Nolan D. Archibald Pe t e r H a r f HUMAN RESOURCE A N D C O M P E N S AT I O N COMMIT TEE M a n u e l A . Fe r n a n d e z * Dorrit J. Bern Graham H. Phillips *Committee Chair Corporate Information B R U N S W I C K C O R P O R AT I O N C O R P O R AT E O F F I C E S INVESTOR AND MEDIA INQUIRIES Brunswick Corporation 1 North Field Court Lake Forest, Illinois 60045–4811 Phone: (847) 735–4700 Fax: (847) 735–4765 Security analysts, institutional investors and media representatives requesting information about the Company should contact Corporate and Investor Relations by mail at the corporate offices, by phone (847) 735–4204, by fax (847) 735–4750 or by email at STOCK EXCHANGE LISTINGS DIVIDENDS Brunswick common stock is listed and traded on the New York, Chicago, Pacific and London stock exchanges under the ticker symbol BC. Dividends are paid on an annual basis, generally in December. Shareholders are welcome to participate in the Brunswick Dividend Reinvestment Plan by contacting Shareholder Services. The plan provides for automatic reinvestment of dividends into shares of Brunswick common stock and allows additional stock purchases without commissions or service fees. Shareholders can also choose to have their dividends directly deposited into their bank accounts. Enrollment forms for both dividend reinvestment and dividend direct deposit are available on Brunswick’s Web site at ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS Brunswick’s annual meeting of shareholders will be held on Wednesday, April 28, 2004. Details are included in the Proxy Statement. WEB SITE Brunswick maintains a corporate Web site where you will find press releases, annual reports, SEC filings, and other investor information, as well as links to Shareholder Services and the Company’s division Web sites. You may also register to receive email alerts when press releases, annual reports and SEC filings are posted to the site. See the Investor Information section at ELECTRONIC RECEIP T OF PROXY M AT E R I A L S A N D P R O X Y V O T I N G If you are a shareholder and would like to receive your Annual Report and Proxy Statement via the Internet, complete an online consent form available on the Brunswick corporate Web site at If you have any questions, please contact Shareholder Services. TRANSFER AGEN T AND REGISTRAR/ SHAREHOLDER SERVICES Shareholders requesting information on electronic dividend deposits, transfers, address or ownership changes, elimination of duplicate mailings, account consolidation, the dividend reinvestment plan, or copies of the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K or Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q may receive these without charge by contacting Shareholder Services. These forms can be requested by mail at Brunswick’s corporate offices, by phone (847) 735–4294, by fax (847) 735–4671, by email at or through the Brunswick corporate Web site at F O R W A R D - L O O K I N G S TA T E M E N T S Certain statements in this Annual Report are forward looking as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements involve certain risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from expectations as of the date of this report. For a description of these risks, see the ForwardLooking Statements section in the Management’s Discussion and Analysis beginning on Page 32. INDEPENDENT AUDITORS Ernst & Young LLP Chicago, Illinois The following are trademarks of Brunswick Corporation: Air Hockey, Attwood, Baja, Bayliner, Boston Whaler, Brunswick, Brunswick Billiards, Brunswick Pavilion, Brunswick Zone, Cosmic Bowling, Genuine Ingenuity, Hammer Strength, Hatteras, IDS, Land ‘N’ Sea, Life Fitness, Lifecycle, Mariner, Master Dealer, Maxum, MerCruiser, Mercury Marine, Mercury Precision Parts, Mercury Propellers, Mercury Racing, Meridian, MotorGuide, MotoTron, Northstar, Omni Fitness, OptiMax, ParaBody, Princecraft, Quicksilver, Savage, Sea Ray, Sealine, SmartCraft, SportJet, Swivl-Eze, Teignbridge Propellers, Trophy, Verado, Vector and Zone. 2