angiang university

Session 2
Vo-Tong Xuan
Rector, Angiang University
Dr. Vo-Tong Xuan is a distinguished agricultural scientist, an outstanding educator, a low-profile
institution builder, and a multi-awarded national and international leader in agricultural
As a scientist, he is widely recognized for his expertise in the management of saline and acid
sulphate, and other problem soils in Vietnam. He is also recognized as an expert in rice production
and in rice-based farming systems, as well as in agricultural diversification in the Mekong Delta,
the large rice bowl in Southern Vietnam. His technical expertise and strong farmer-focused
leadership in the Mekong Delta greatly increased rice productivity and contributed to the
emergence of Vietnam as the third largest rice exporting country in the world.
As a scientist, he also authored/co-authored six books including the Agricultural Technical
References for the Mekong Delta consisting of volumes on soils, food crops, industrial crops,
animal husbandry, and agricultural mechanization. He also wrote more than 100 technical papers
on various areas in agricultural as well as rural development and sustainable food security.
For his achievements, he received many awards, among them are:
People’s Teacher Award (2000)
Vietnam Farmers' Federation Medal "For the Cause of the Farmers’ (1994)
Outstanding Scientific Achievement Award from the provinces (1978-88)
Outstanding Scientific Achievement Award from the Ministry of Agriculture (1986)
State Award as "Hero of the Working Class" (1985)
State Workers Union Awards (1981 and 1985)
Outstanding Scientific Achievement Award from the Prime Minister (1980)
Ramon Magsaysay Award for Government Service in 1993.
Most Distinguished Alumnus Award from the University of the Philippines at Los Banos
in 2001.
Nikkei Asia Prize in 2003
As an educator, he emphasized scientific as well as down-to-earth hands-on-training in the
University of Cantho where he served as Chairman of the Departments of Bio-Agronomy (197175) and Agronomy (1976-78), and Assistant Dean of Agriculture (1978-81).
He rose to the rank of Vice Rector of the University of Cantho (1982-99) and in 2000, was elected
President of Angiang University, a position he occupies up to the present.
As an institution builder, he developed and strengthened the Mekong Delta Farming Systems
Research and Development Institute with national and international funding, and has served as its
Director since 1983 until 2001. He also served as FAO Project Coordinator (1995-96) for the
establishment of Agricultural Service Centers for Small Farmers. He also ably organized the
Vietnam Farming Systems R & D Network, and has been serving as its Coordinator since 1991.
As a national leader in agriculture, Dr. Vo-Tong Xuan was appointed member of the following :
National Council on Science and Technology (1997 to date)
National Council on Education (2003 to date)
National Council on Professorial Titles
Advisory Council of the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (1990 to 2002)
Steering Committee, Vietnam-Holland Research Program on Rural Development (1994 to
Consultants' Group to the Prime Minister (1993-96)
As an international leader in agriculture, he is widely recognized for his integrated approaches to
agricultural development and deep concerns for efficient and effective use of natural resources,
sustainability and environmental issues, as well as food security problems of developing countries.
He is a very strong advocate of the farming system approach in agricultural development.
He has served in key positions in the following international organizations:
Member, Board of Governors, Asian Institute of Management in Manila (1997 to date)
Member, Board of Trustees of IRRI (1990-95);
Member, Board of Trustees of the Rockefeller Foundation (2002 to date);
Member, Board of Trustees of the International Potato Center at Lima, Peru (1996-99)
Member, FAO's Advisory Committee on Farmer-Centered Agricultural Resource
Management Program (1993-98);
Member, Technical Advisory Committee of the CGIAR (2000-2003);
Member, Policy Advisory Council, Australian Centre for International Agricultural
Research (1997-2004).
Member, Advisory Council of the Asian Development Research Forum (2000 to date,
supported by IDRC, Canada).
Dr. Vo-Tong Xuan also served as international consultant, lecturer of IFAD, FAO, DANIDA,
SIDA, and IDRC-Singapore since the 1980's.
He received from the Prime Minister of Canada a certificate of recognition for his "Dedication and
contribution to the world of sciences." The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry of the
Republic of France, awarded him the "Chevalier de l'Ordre du Merite Agricole Medal" in May,
1996. He was elected the 2002 Nikkei Asia Prize for Regional Growth; Most Distinguished
Alumnus of the Uiversity of the Philippines College of Agriculture Alumni Association (2001);
Ramon Magsaysay Award for Government Service in 1993; and the 2005 ASTD Derek Tribe