Rocking Horse Nursery Newsletter Newsletter. Email

Rocking Horse Nursery Newsletter
Welcome to the latest
edition of the RHN
If you have any suggestions or comments
that you would like to
make please let us
Alternatively if you
would prefer to receive this as a paper
copy rather than email
please let the staff
Thanks for all your
continued support and
help to the nursery.
Rocking Horse
December 2011
Parents Plus
Management Team
Chairperson—Gabi Wagner
Sarah Walker—
Secretary—Edith Doron
Treasurer—Alex Zangelidis
Parents Plus are a parents group which meets
once a term to discuss issues which are relevant to the nursery and helps to fund raise for
the nursery.
Any Parent can join so please feel free to come
along whenever you see the next meeting advertised. We are looking for volunteers to join
Parents Plus. Please let Sarah know if you are
We have recently joined the fundraising website,
this means by simply Registering with
as a supporter of the Rocking Horse Nursery
Nicola Paton—
Assistant Manager
Dawn Holmes, Nikki
Gray and Sheila Wilson
are all employed as
Lead Practitioners.
Sarah (the manager)
works part-time at the
nursery (Tuesday to
Thursday). During her
absence on Mondays
and Fridays, Nicola
will be acting as manager.
There is always a
member of the management team on duty
should you need to
talk to someone.
and a percentage of the purchase price of your
is credited to the nursery’s account.
RHN Xmas
The Nursery
Christmas Party
will be held on
Thursday the 15th
of December at
Elphinstone Hall
from 2.-4.30pm.
More info to follow
It’s super easy and the best part is that it is
at no extra cost to you!
We hope to have the Parents Plus website up
and running in January 2012. Watch this space
for more information.
Holiday dates
Nursery closure Winter term—We will close at
1.00pm on Friday the 23rd of December and
will re-open on Monday the 9th of January 2011.
Staff News
Welcomes Back
Donna Wilkie will be
returning from Maternity leave at the end of
January to take on the
position of Assistant
Emma Davidson will also
be returning from Maternity leave part time
at the end of January.
Congratulations to
Zoe (2-3s) who got engaged to her partner,
Robert on the 30th of
November. We wish
them well for the future.
Rocking Horse Nursery
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News from the 2-3s
The 2-3‟s are having great fun just now. We are about to start our Christmas activities so no doubt
everyone will be coming home a bit glittery!
The group at the moment are very keen on music and have been enjoying our sessions with Sarah,
our music teacher. We have been enjoying physical play both indoors and out so we have been
looking for new ideas for activities so if you have any ideas they would be greatly appreciated.
Next year we are hoping to incorporate celebrations of different cultures into our planning. We
would really appreciate information on any cultural celebrations you practice and advice and guidance on how we could join in with these at nursery.
We feel the department is working well and the children are happy and enjoying their time at nursery. But please if you have any concerns do not hesitate to approach any of the staff in the room.
Picture—Magnus and Caleb exploring the new natural materials.
Fraser building with the wooden blocks
Winter Weather
As Winter is now fast approaching we would really appreciate it
if all children (minus the babies!)
could bring in a pair of wellies.
We still like to go out in all
weathers so weather appropriate
clothing and ensuring your child
has a change of clothing in their
peg bag is a great help.
New Resources
The Nursery have recently bought some new resources your children
may have told you about.
The 3-5‟s have received rechargeable torches and a light box and the
2-3‟s have received natural materials.
These new resources create new ways in which the Nursery staff can
help the children explore the world around them.
Kristopher, Lucia, Sophie and Claire all using the new light box
to learn about
Colour mixing.
Rocking Horse Nursery
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News from the 3-5’s
The 3-5‟s are planning on holding parent interviews in December. If you are interested please speak to a
member of 3-5‟s staff who can plan an appropriate time with you.
The 3-5‟s are studying Road Safety this term to encourage awareness of hazards that they may encounter
on daily journeys.
Matthew Walker has been back (in between college classes) to do some drama activities with the children—
he has been helping with the panto rehearsals as well. The children have thoroughly enjoyed these activities
and we hope to continue these sessions into next year.
A big Thank you to Roger‟s Mum (Magda) for coming in and talking to the children about „Air‟ and doing the
Rocket bottle experiment.
We have a NC student from Aberdeen College, Lana who will doing her work placement in the nursery until June next year—Lana will be here Mondays and Tuesday
every week.
News from the 0-2’s
This term, Sarah the music teacher has begun sessions with the 0-2s. The children really enjoy
joining in with the action songs and love having the opportunity to be noisy with the musical instruments!
We have an Shanti who is also an NC student from Aberdeen College. She is also working on a
Monday and Tuesday in the 0-2s department.
Pictures—Scott joining in with foot printing with Moira and Maria helping Claire with some home
baking for snack time.
Rocking Horse Nursery
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ST Martin’s Day
Thank you to all who made St. Martin's day successful.
Thanks to your involvement we raised £72 . The event
was well attended and it was even highlighted in a local
Pictures—Tom and Lilou (3-5s) with their homemade
Music Teacher
Our music teacher has changed from Leanne to
Sarah. She also works for Jo Jingles and takes classes
with the 3-5‟s, 2-3‟s and now the 0-2‟s as well. Onic
(2-3s), Emmanuel (2-3s) Dominic (3-5s) and joining
in with the musical instruments
Learning Journeys
We would like to remind parents that staff
work hard to keep a record of your child‟s development. This is recorded in their “Learning
Journey” and with notice all parents are able to
take their child‟s Learning Journey home to
look at and go through with them. This is also
an opportunity to update the front section with
them, this section you would have filled in
when we introduced Learning Journeys or
when your child started Nursery.
RHN Cards and Calendars
Nursery xmas cards (from next week) and calendars are on sale now—a pack of 10 cards for
£5.00 and calendars are £1.00each. The children
all added a thumb/fingerprint to help make the
design of the snowman. All
funds raised go towards the
Parents Plus group and will be
used for purchases for the
nursery in the new year.