2012 Annual Report - Historic Savannah Foundation

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Historic Savannah Foundation
321 East York Street
Savannah, Georgia 31401
Savannah, GA
Permit No 345
2 012 A N N U A L R E P O R T
Kennedy Pharmacy, built for Robert Kennedy, Savannah’s Harbourmaster.
Rehabiliated by HSF and Davenport House, 2007-2009
Mr. Bill Lovett, Chairman
Ms. Kathleen Horne, Vice Chair
Mr. J.T. Turner, Jr., HSF Past Chair
Mrs. Ebony White Simpson, Secretary
Mr. Daniel Mahfet, Treasurer
Mr. Hue Thomas III, Parliamentarian
Mr. Christopher Cay
Mr. Jamie A. Chisolm*
Mrs. Pamela Clinard
Mr. Scott Barber
Mr. Jeffrey S. Eley*
Mr. Brian Felder*
Mrs. Vaughnette Goode-Walker
Mrs. Susan Hancock
Mr. Josh Keller
Ms. Sarah Lamar
Mr. Aaron Levy
Mr. Patrick Monahan
Mr. Peter Nelsen
Mr. David Paddison
Ms. Anne Roise
Mrs. Julie Wade*
Front cover:
The Berrien House = Big Success
Central to our Mission, HSF
played a key role in saving and
protecting this building using our
Revolving Fund.
Mrs. Neilie Dunn,
2012 Gala Chair
Mr. Hank Reed III,
Downtown Neighborhood Association
Mr. Roger Smith,
Davenport House Committee Chairman
Mrs. Karen Washburn,
Tour Of Homes & Gardens Chair 2012
*denotes HSF committee chair
On behalf of Historic Savannah Foundation– its Board of Trustees, Staff and Volunteers – we are pleased to share this 2012 Annual Report
with you– our members and supporters. We think you will be impressed by our accomplishments, but we do not want to go any further
without thanking you for your steadfast and generous support of this organization. You help make it all possible.
Success can be measured in many ways, and we’re proud to report that 2012 has been an unqualified success in virtually every way.
From launching Savannah’s first Preservation Festival and touching more than a thousand people with seven events last May to the sale of
three Revolving Fund properties– including the endangered but much admired Berrien House – HSF is in full stride with respect to fulfilling
its mission of protecting, preserving and promoting Savannah’s heritage. Educational programs hosted by HSF and the Davenport House
(lectures, day camp, work days and dramatic programs like Yellow Fever) involve scores of young people and reach hundreds more. Our
membership is trending upward, our loyal and dedicated staff has never been better and, perhaps most importantly, HSF has found its
voice with respect to issues that affect preservation throughout the city and county.
Your contact with HSF may be through our E-News, the Davenport House, a lecture, a plaque, the Gala or even the Race for Preservation.
You may own a property that was once in our Revolving Fund, we may hold an easement on your building, or we may cross paths at the
Historic District Board of Review. Whatever the reason, you can appreciate the many and important tasks assigned to and accomplished
by HSF.
So, three cheers for 2012 and welcome 2013! HSF is at the ready.
Bill Lovett
Daniel G. Carey
President & CEO
2 011 -12 *
l Programs 37%
l Fundraising 37%
l Membership 10%
l Endowment 16%
2 011 -12 *
l Programs 84%
l Fundraising 15%
l Membership (Less than 1%)
l Endowment 1%
PER THE ORGANIZATION’S BYLAWS, Historic Savannah Foundation, Inc. operates on a fiscal year
beginning October 1 and ending September 30. An annual audit is performed by CPAs from Holland,
Henry & Bromley, LLP. As illustrated above, HSF uses 84 cents of every dollar raised to directly support programs that help
achieve our mission of protecting and preserving Savannah’s heritage. Those programs range from
bringing in speakers to talk about the impacts of cruise ships to teaching middle and high school students
about the history and preservation of Savannah. As well, those programs include standing before the
Historic District Board of Review and City Council about issues like height limitations in the Landmark
District and purchasing endangered historic properties through our Revolving Fund. HSF’s revenue sources are balanced but leave room for unrestricted growth in membership– a number
that has increased significantly in the last two years. What you, our members and supporters, should know is that HSF is a responsible steward of your
money. From careful management of our endowment by Minis & Co. to conservative budgeting and a
watchful eye over expenses, HSF maximizes the output of every dollar that comes into this organization. 4
Big Vision
education and advocacy
HSF CONTINUES TO BROADEN its educational programing and advocacy initiatives. We are educating our youth, our members and
our professionals through programs like the Preservation Lecture Series, Hands on History Program and Preservation Awards Program.
We are also reengaging neighborhoods and looking for new ways to expand outreach and get more involved in communities.
Over the past year, HSF has enjoyed presenting entertaining lectures and panel discussions to our members and the public on topics
ranging from archaeology of eighteenth century artifacts to mid-twentieth century furniture and design. We have celebrated our first
ever Preservation Festival, highlighting many educational events and spreading the mission of HSF. We have also honored the best
projects and people in preservation with our Awards Program which emphasizes good examples of growth and progress in Savannah and
the surrounding area.
Big Ideas
EDUCATION: What were formerly two separate programs geared towards middle and high-school students–our Box City program and
Hands on History camp– have been combined and expanded to create one all-encompassing program–our Hands on History Program–
which spans the entire school year and allows HSF to reach students in a more frequent and comprehensive way. We have begun
incorporating a representative of the Metropolitan Planning Commission into our Box City activity and we have also expanded the
outreach of our summer camp to include students of a wider age range. We have also recently implemented a Visiting Professionals
element to the program, and the students studying Historic Preservation at Savannah Early College have been able to gain insight and even
skills related to different professions in the field.
ADVOCACY: HSF holds firm its mission to protect and preserve Savannah’s heritage. Whether it has been challenging City Council
on proposals to amend the height limitations on our riverfront, asking pertinent questions about the impact of bringing cruise ships to
Savannah, or simply reviewing all of the petitions that go before the Historic District Board of Review each month, HSF is focused as much
on preserving Savannah’s existing infrastructure as we are on shaping new and infill construction. In the past year we have seen continued
increase in the number and scale of projects being proposed within the National Historic Landmark District and HSF has been active in
trying to ensure that new and significant large-scale developments are appropriate and sympathetic to our community.
Big Celebrations
THE NATIONAL TRUST FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION designates May as Preservation Month. As a Local Partner of the National Trust,
Historic Savannah Foundation has embraced Preservation Month and developed a festival celebrating what makes Savannah a worldwide
destination and why residents call it home.
Preservation Festival is not only a lively cause for celebration but also an educational opportunity designed to sensitize our community
to the benefits of preservation. Throughout May, Historic Savannah Foundation underscored the beauty and fragility of the place in which
we live and the importance of Preserving a Sense of Place, the theme for our inaugural Preservation Festival.
Through seven different events, HSF brought people together with specialized tours and lectures, several auctions and raffles, a volunteer
work day, awards luncheon, great food, live music and lots of fun! This festival has proven to be such a success that plans are already
underway for the coming year and into the future.
re volvin g fund
TAX Incenti ves
Big Success
HSF’S REVOLVING FUND roared back to life in 2012 with the sale of four properties and the acquisition of an endangered historic
property along with several conservation easements. For the first time since the recession in 2008, HSF moved some inventory and the
Revolving Fund actually lived up to its name. A measure of this success is owed to Dicky Mopper and Mopper-Stapen, Realtors who assist
in the marketing and sale of HSF’s Revolving Fund properties. Dicky Mopper has been a faithful and generous supporter of preservation
and HSF for decades, and his personal interest in the Revolving Fund is manifested in his donating back to HSF the sales commission on
such properties. The Revolving Fund will continue to focus its efforts in Thomas Square and Cuyler-Brownville–where the need to fight
the ravages of blight is greatest.
Dicky Mopper
Mopper-Stapen, Realtors
HSF’S Realtor
Bob Ciucevich
Qustrefoil Consulting, Inc.
1505-1507 Habersham Street, duplex in Thomas Square south of Anderson
802 W. 42nd Street, worker’s cottage in Cuyler-Brownville
1402 Barnard Street, Bland’s Corner Store at the corner of Barnard and Anderson
322 E. Broughton Street, John Berrien House
710 W. Victory Drive, in exchange for stabilization repairs of the W.W. Law House
601 E. 39th Street, in exchange for stabilization and clean-up of Old Weiner Grocery Store
PRESERVATION INCENTIVES Everybody does it, right? Buy an old house…make some repairs…lease it…and enjoy the fruits of your
investment while taking advantage of some nice tax credits. How hard can it be? Well, it isn’t rocket science…but it’s also never as simple
as it appears.
There are tax incentives associated with the rehabilitation of income-producing property listed in the National Register of Historic Places.
But one must proceed carefully if one wants to maximize his or her return and earn all that is available at the local, state and federal
levels. There are timing considerations, hoops to jump through and a requisite amount of paperwork and bureaucracy, but tax credits can
level the playing field and make rehabilitation an economically attractive alternative to new demolition and new construction. The key
to success is to be prepared and organized…and use good consultants and architects who have done tax credit projects. That’s where
HSF and Quatrefoil Consulting, Inc. come in.
In a bold new partnership, HSF provides tax credit services to property owners and developers who want to take full advantage of all
available incentives. The partnership–which is more aptly described as a friendship–between Daniel Carey and Bob Ciucevich (principal
and owner of Quatrefoil Consulting) stemmed from a shared interest in mid-century modern architecture. Those early conversations
and Daniel’s and Bob’s shared experience with tax credits led them to collaborate on a handful of tax credit projects around Savannah.
Today, this is one of HSF’s most used programs and is a significant reason behind a number of good rehab projects underway, ranging
from the Berrien House to a property on Chippewa Square and from apartments on E. Bolton to the new law school at the Old Candler
Hospital complex near Forsyth Park. For more information, contact HSF.
Big Honor
THE DAVENPORT TROPHY, the highest preservation accolade one can earn in Savannah, is presented only when warranted. Past recipients
are a veritable Who’s Who among preservationists in the Hostess City, and they include Mills B. Lane, Jr., Lee and Emma Adler, W.W.
Law, Beth Reiter, Mills B. Lane IV, and Helen Downing among others. In 2012, in recognition for founding the Savannah College of Art
& Design (SCAD) and for transforming Savannah over the last four decades, the Davenport Trophy was bestowed upon Paula S. Wallace.
Since 1978, SCAD has rehabilitated nearly 90 historic properties around the world, but nowhere are those efforts more enjoyed and
recognized than here in Savannah– where the campus grew from one building to a city-wide campus of more than 70 buildings.
As president, Paula Wallace has been the visionary and driving force behind this remarkable success. She is, in sum, one of those rare
individuals who turned a dream for preservation and revitalization into a successful reality.
HSF enjoys the benefits of a great working relationship with SCAD: from volunteers and hard-working interns to jointly sponsored lectures,
and from the rehabilitation of the Kennedy Pharmacy to designs for compatible infill in Cuyler-Brownville. The Davenport Trophy may
have been the most appropriate way to recognize Paula Wallace in 2012, but the successful partnership between SCAD and HSF is a legacy
that continues year after year.
de v elopment
Big Inspiration
Big Growth
1733 SOCIETY is a distinction of like minds; fully engaged individuals and companies, making a difference and broadening HSF’s impact.
Throughout the year, our 1733 Society members provide resources for education, community involvement, and advocacy for issue-related
topics. Their commitment is contagious as they mentor our rising professionals, the 13th Colony.
WITH THE RE-ORGANIZATION OF THE 13TH COLONY, we are cultivating the next generation of preservation-minded community
leaders. The 13th Colony developed a strategic plan that focuses on memberships, community outreach, education and awareness: all
central to preserving and protecting Savannah’s heritage. They are rising to the challenge of increasing the involvement of Savannah’s
young professionals within HSF and their communities.
photo: Cole Whitworth
Big Impact
LEE AND EMMA ADLER: When Lee Adler died early last winter, we lost more than one of our most beloved preservationists, Savannah lost
one of her greatest champions. Lee was among this city’s most effective protagonists for decades. Whether it was saving individual historic
buildings in the Landmark District or entire blocks in the Victorian District, there was no hurdle that Lee Adler could not overcome. His
imprint is all over Historic Savannah Foundation and all over this city.
Borrowing from a successful model in Charleston, he pioneered the use of the Revolving Fund to save hundreds of historic buildings from
the wrecking ball. He promoted the growth of heritage tourism as a way to not only save Savannah’s heritage, but underpin the foundation
of Savannah’s billion-dollar tourism industry that we enjoy today.
We are fortunate to still have Emma Adler with us. She is an outspoken proponent of heritage education and the Massie School.
In particular. Emma uses her pen to fight for the continued protection and preservation of Savannah’s heritage, and she carries Lee’s
torch high.
The Adler’s legacy is well-known, or should be. And towards that end, HSF wants to bring proper attention to their achievements because
we enjoy the fruits of their labor. Beginning in 2013, HSF will award – when warranted–a special award for advocacy. Named the Lee and
Emma Adler Award for Preservation Advocacy, HSF will honor individuals who uphold the spirit of two people who dedicated their lives
to protecting the invaluable and irreplaceable assets of this city.
Pulaski Square–West Jones Street Area Revitalization Project; carried out under the tenure of Lee Adler
Big Story
davenport house RECENTLY A TRIPADVISOR CONTRIBUTOR COMMENTED on his/her experience at the DH, “The history of this house is fantastic. They
really took care to make sure the pieces in the house were from that time. Great tour guide and beautiful garden,” and gave the museum
visit 5 stars!
That kind of experience is what the DH strives for with all of its 35,000 annual visitors. DH Director Jamie Credle says, “Everything at
the DH is focused on our visitors.” Informing visitors is why the museum offers docent training three times a year, provides continuing
education for its staff and volunteers, presents special programming and provides content rich research materials.
2012 was a particularly creative for the visitor experience. Completed projects include:
Video Production: Two DVDs were created one entitled Historic Savannah Foundation Story and the other Isaiah Davenport: Portrait of a
Master Builder. Abbreviated versions of these have been placed on YouTube and have run on the local public access channel informing
locals as well as viewers all over the world of our story.
Orientation Panels: Three exhibit panels were developed, created
and installed in the lower level of the museum to orient visitors
as to the museum’s interpretation, who Isaiah Davenport was and
why the house matters.
As the setting for all of the DH’s activities, stewardship and
maintaining the historic house and museum property are constant
priorities. Preservation and maintenance projects completed
Stewardship: A series of non-historic window sash replacements
began with ten windows receiving attention.
Program Development: The museum’s October Yellow Fever program received a major overhaul. The museum presented its first ever
Harvest Lecture Series with two noted scholars providing commentary of 19th century death and dying customs. The DH and HSF shared
programming for the first Preservation Fest and in so doing researched and presented the program Isaiah Davenport, The Carpenter.
Professional dance teacher Elizabeth Albe created the Davenport Dancers during the summer with plans for future performances.
Maintenance: This was an important year for our garden. By the
spring busy season, the declining crabapple trees were replaced,
the irrigation system was upgraded and garden lighting was
reconfigured and up-lighting installed.
A New Series: The DH became a regular stop on AASU’s Road Scholars agenda. In the spring and fall, groups of active seniors took
the “How to Save a House” tour which included a basement to attic visit of the house and a walking tour of the neighborhood with the
Director and Assistant Director.
The museum continues to take its mentorship role seriously.
Impressively, 24 Junior Interpreters were trained as tour guides
during the year including 15 from the partnership with Savannah
Arts Academy and nine recruited through the community and
trained over the summer. Carlie Ayn Williams, a graduating senior
at Savannah Christian Preparatory School, received the second
annual DH Community Service Scholarship. Three interns,
Meredith Halloran, Doreen Roy and Emma Smith, provided
important work for the museum while gaining practical experience
at the museum over the summer.
The museum is proud to have an active community that knows
how to have a good time for its cause. Raising funds for garden
lighting and windows maintenance, the museum sponsored the
2012 Oyster Roast. Partnering with HSF, it hosted The Garden Party
for the inaugural year’s Preservation Fest. In addition the museum’s
Annual Giving Campaign, Friends of the Davenport House
generates funds for the operations for the handsome historic site! Big Thanks
*current members as of September 30, 2012
1733 S ociety M embership
Mrs. Emma Adler
Mr. and Mrs. Scott K. Boice
Ms. Anne Whitton Bolyea
Mrs. Edward Downing
Mr. and Mrs. Don Gardner
Mrs. Elizabeth Mercer Hammond
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron M. Levy
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Lovett
Mr. and Mrs. John Morisano
Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Morrison, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Oliver
Mr. Wayne Spear and Mr. Murray Perlman
Mr. and Mrs. William Sprague, Jr.
Ms. Ann Tenenbaum and
Mr. Thomas H. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon U. Tenenbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tisch
Ms. Anne P. West
1733 S ociety Corporate
M embers
Abshire Public Relations
Ameris Bank
Chatham Orthopaedics Associates, PA
Critz, Inc.
DIRTT Environmental Solutions, Inc.
Dulany Industries, Inc.
Garibaldi’s Café and The Olde Pink House
Georgia Orthopaedics, LLC
Georgia Power
THA Group
J.T. Turner Construction Co., Inc.
Mopper-Stapen, Realtors
Powers Property Investments, LLC
The Savannah Bank
Seacrest Partners, Inc.
R estorer M embers
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Eckburg
Mr. and Mrs. George Fawcett
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. George, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Hoffman
Drs. Jay and Corinne Howington
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Kole
Mr. and Mrs. Angus C. Littlejohn, Jr.
Ms. Kathleen Horne and
Mr. Carl S. Pedigo
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Platt
Mrs. Lombard M. Reynolds
Ms. Judy Woodard
Guardian Corporate M embers
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Allen
Bloomquist Construction, Inc.
Byrd Cookie Company
Colonial Group, Inc.
J. C. Lewis Foundation
The Kennickell Group
Savage, Turner, Pinckney & Madison
Old Town Trolley Tours
Blackbird Press
Rives E. Worrell Company, Inc.
Savannah College of Art and Design
A rtisan M embers
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis G. Anderson
Mr. Joseph J. Berrigan
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Donegan
Mr. Kent M. Harrington
Mr. and Mrs. James Holcomb
Mr. Martin Karp
The Reverend and
Mrs. George M. Maxwell
Mr. Fred E. Mobley
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moore
Dr. Brian P. Redmond, Jr.
Ms. Swann Seiler
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Solomons, Jr.
Mr. Philip Solomons
Mr. and Mrs. Hue Thomas III
Andrew and Julie Wade
Mr. and Mrs. Wiley A. Wasden III
P rotector Corporate Members
Brian Felder, AIA
Circa Lighting
Cora Bett Thomas Austin Hill &
Associates, Realtors
Georgia Ports Authority
Greenline Architecture, PC
Hussey, Gay, Bell & DeYoung, Inc.
Kole Management Company, Inc.
The Lady & Sons Enterprises, Inc.
Live Oak Restaurants
Low Country Dermatology
Mermaid Cottages Vacation Rentals
Newfield Construction Company
Pier & Beam
Register Law Firm
Belfor Property Restoration
Neurological Institute of Savannah
SunTrust Bank
Conservator Members
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Argentinis
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Barber
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Bergen
Dr. and Mrs. Franklyn Bousquet
Mr. and Mrs. W. Park Callahan
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Capen
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Carey
Mr. John Cay III
Mr. Charles H. Chewning
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coker
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cortese
Dr. and Mrs. John W. Coursey
Mr. James A. D. Cox and
Mr. Ron Melander
Mr. and Mrs. Asa B. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Emery
Dr. Theodora L. Gongaware
Mrs. Vaughnette Goode-Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Haeger
Mr. and Mrs. George Hubbs
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hungerpiller
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Jepson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin W. Johnson
Ms. Sally Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Kearns, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Kluttz
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kole
Ms. Catherine Dunn Kostilnik
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Kramer
Ms. Sarah H. Lamar
Dr. and Mrs. James G. Lindley, Jr.
Ms. May E. Mahoney and
Mr. Randall S. Weibel
Mr. Gordon K. Matthews
Don and Carolyn Luck McElveen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Merritt
Mr. Patrick Monahan
Mrs. B. H. Rutledge Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Pannell
Mrs. John O. Paull
Mr. and Mrs. A.M. Peterson
Mr. Jim Ramsey
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Randolph
Dr. and Mrs. Derrell W. Ray
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Reitman
Mrs. Sanford Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Sirlin
Mr. and Mrs. Mark V. Smith
Mr. Roger Smith and Mr. James Peek
Mr. and Mrs. William Stuebe
Dr. and Mrs. Roland S. Summers
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Thompson
Mr. Tripp Turner
Dr. and Mrs. Jules Victor III
Mr. and Mrs. Konrad S. White
Mr. and Mrs. Roland B. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Williams
Mrs. Emily Winburn
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Young
Mrs. Glen Zittrouer
Advocate Corporate Members
17hundred90 Inn & Restaurant
37th @ Abercorn Antiques & Design
ABC Maintenance Services
Architectural Tours of Savannah
Atlantic Records Management Co., Inc.
Bernard Williams & Company
Birkenstock Barefootin’
Bonitz of Georgia
Brasseler USA
Brennan & Wasden, LLP
Cathedral Stone Products, Inc.
Cay Insurance Services
The Coastal Bank
CSCP Consult
Clark Creative Design
Ms. Stacy Claywell, Claywell Design
Detailed Construction, LLC
Ellsworth-Hallett, LLC
Charles R. Fana, Jr., DMD PC
Starland Dining Group
Guenther Wood Group, Inc.
Guerry Lumber Company
Gunn, Meyerhoff & Shay, Architects
On Sunday, March 4th,
the 1733 Society gathered
on the banks of the
Moon River at the home
of Mr. & Mrs. Ed Hill to
enjoy a clear crisp Spring
afternoon. Live music
performed by Royal Noise.
Catering provided by
Reeves Outdoor Catering.
Hancock Askew
Hansen Architects, P.C.
Herty Advanced Materials
Development Center
Historical Concepts, LLC
Holland, Henry and Bromley, LLP
Inglesby, Falligant, Horne, Courington & Chisholm, PC
JCB, Inc.
JTVS Builders
Karp, Ronning, & Tindol, PC
Kulp Mouchet
Lee Smith Antiques
Lominack Kolman Smith Architects
Luxury Living Savannah
LYNCH associates architects, PC
John F. McEllen Landscape Consultant
Minis & Co., Inc.
Mitsubishi Power Systems, Inc.
Olde Savannah Hardwood Flooring
The Parker Companies
Dr. Walker T. Pendarvis, DMD, MHS
The Pinyan Company
Pioneer Construction, Inc.
Sandpiper Supply, Inc.
Savannah Kitchen & Bath, LLC
Savannah Morning News
Savannah Tire
Sea Island Bank
Shah Architecture
Thomas J. Sheehan Insurance, Inc.
Southern Motors
The Spriggs Group, P.C.
Starland Dining Group
Sterne Agee
Thomas & Hutton Engineering Co.
Tybee Island Historical Society
United Community Bank
Weichert, Realtors - The Sumner Group
Weiner, Shearouse, Weitz, Greenberg & Shawe
West Rehab & Sports Medicine
Wet Willie’s Management Corp.
Whitmer Design Studio
Willis Insurance Services
H earth M embers
Dr. and Mrs. D. Stephen Acuff
Dr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Allen, DDS
Mr. Andrew P. Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Bland
Dr. and Mrs. Chad Brock
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Brooks
Dr. Blake Caldwell and
Dr. Joel Rosenstock
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Caplan
Ms. Susie Clinard and
Mr. Harley Lingerfelt
Mr. and Mrs. F. Timothy Corley
Mr. and Mrs. Glen M. Darbyshire
Mrs. W. H. Dearing
Mr. and Mrs. Mehmet Ergul
Mr. Nick Eskandar and
Mrs. Margarita Bannout
Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Fingerle
Miss Paula S. Fogarty
Mr. and Mrs. Barry L. Gale
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Galin
Mr. W. H. Durrence, Jr. and
Ms. Barbara Gatens
Mr. Phillip B. Carter and
Mr. Seth Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Kaminsky
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kerdasha
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lamar
Mr. and Mrs. Wilder G. Little
Mr. Donald E. Love
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Morrison III
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Muller
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Murphey
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Perkins
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Platte
Dr. James J. Burke II and
Mr. Penfield C. Price
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Puri
Col. and Mrs. Henry M. Reed II
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan D. Rhangos
Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Sebring
Mr. Harry G. Spirides
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sprague
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Stevens
Mrs. Gale C. Steves
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew I. Stroud
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Swenson
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Weeks
Mr. Scott Winslow
Dr. and Mrs. Fremont P. Wirth
S ustainer Individual Members
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Barrett
Mr. Robert K. Bell, Jr.
Ms. Nancy S. Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Butler
Dr. and Mrs. Charles G. Caldwell
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Carroll
Mrs. Frank A. Chisholm
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Coy
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Culver
Mrs. F. Willson Daily
Dr. Marie Dent
Mr. Morgan Derst
Ms. Deane Donnigan
Mr. F. Reed Dulany, Jr.
Mr. Charles Ellis III
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Fagin
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Feiler, Jr.
Mr. Jeffrey A. Felser
Ms. Eleanor D. Foster
Mr. and Mrs. James Fredrick
Dr. Philip C. Gainey
Ms. Geneen M. Gibson
Mr. Lynford B. Hadwin
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Hall
Mrs. Susan M. Hancock
Mr. and Mrs. Jed Harris
Mr. Joseph W. Hartley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Harvey, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hiott
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hoppe, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Inglesby, Jr.
Dr. Russell Ivy
Mr. Greg Jacobs
Ms. Laura Braun James
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Johnson
Dr. Patrick Woster and
Mrs. Carin Jorgensen
Ms. Cindy Kelley and Mr. Ken Zapp
Mr. and Mrs. C. Dean Klahr
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Klein
Ms. Paula Kreissler
Mr. Dan Leger
Dr. J. Stanley Lester
Mr. Brian J. Litten
Dr. and Mrs. J. Robert Logan
Dr. and Mrs. Blake Long
Mrs. Wallace Lynah
Dottie and Joel Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Meyerhoff
Judge Charles and Dr. Julia L. Mikell
Ms. Kathryn A. Murph
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Ali M. Nasr
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Neely
Ms. Terri O’Neil
Dr. Lorraine E. Paré
Mr. and Mrs. Allan L. Peakes
Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Peters, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Pressly
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Ramee
Ms. Linda Ramsay
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Robinson
Ms. Antoinette Roise
Mrs. Shelby G. Schavoir
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Scott
Dr. and Mrs. Sidney P. Smith
Mrs. Maria T. Sparkman
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Tomhave
Dr. and Mrs. Olon C. Tucker
Ms. Virginia Anne Tyree
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Vinyard
Mr. and Mrs. G. Mason White
Mr. Michael S. White
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wilford
Mr. B. Franklin Williams, Jr.
Mr. J. Reid Williamson, Jr.
13 th Colony Youn g
Professional Members
Ms. Jean R. Ahrens
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew K. Albert
Mr. Christopher L. Allen
Ms. Lina Alvis
Ms. Calli Arnold
Ms. Sarah Autry
Mr. Carson Bacon
Ms. Stephanie L. Boaen
Mr. Sean Brandon
Ms. Kathryn A. Brown
Ms. Courtney Buntin-Victor
Mrs. Tiffany Burckhalter-Alewine
Miss Chandler A. Case
Ms. Caitlin A. Chamberlain
Mr. Eric Chin
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Claiborne
Ms. Frances C. Colón
Mr. Daniel Crook
Ms. Carolyn Cullen
Ms. Laurie DeVegter
Ms. Emily Dickinson
November of 2011, HSF’s
56th Annual Meeting was held
in Trinity United Methodist
Church on Telfair Square.
Underwritten by the Edward
F. Downing Fund, attendees
reviewed details about HSF’s
financial year and participated
in the election of the new
officers. W. Todd Groce, Ph.D.,
President and CEO of the
Georgia Historical Society, was
the keynote speaker. Dr. Groce
delivered a talk titled “General
Sherman: Savannah’s First
Preservationist?” Immediately
following the meeting, guests
were treated to a reception
in the Rotunda of the Telfair
Academy where they enjoyed
camaraderie and delicious
southern cuisine prepared by
Catherine Harrison. Music
performed by classical guitarist
Brian Luckett.
Mr. Patton Dugas
Ms. Nicole Dumont
Ms. Lynn Van Duyne
Mr. John Ecker
Mr. Grant Etheridge
Ms. Mary J. Fitzgerald
Ms. Katherine Foil
Mr. Jason Ford
Mrs. Kara Ford
Mr. Patrick Godley
Ms. Victoria Grey
Mr. Will Griffin
Ms. Trisha M. Growe
Mr. Justin Gunther
Ms. Heather Hammonds
Mr. and Mrs. John Harper
Mr. Justin Hart
Mr. Cody Hetzel
Mr. Austin Hill
Ms. Janet Howard
Ms. Kathryn Hull
Ms. Sarah Jones
Ms. Chelsea Jordan
Ms. Emily C. Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Kaminsky
Mr. Chad Keller
Ms. Melissa B. Kendrick
Drs. Monica and Jeffrey Kenney
Ms. Kacey Kennickell
Ms. Katie Kindred
Ms. Rebecca King
Mr. Russell Kueker
Mrs. Sherene LaMarche
Miss Shannon G. Lancaster
Mr. Christopher Lane
Mr. Jonathan H. Lee
Mr. Warren R. Lokey and
Ms. Christine L. Shealy
Ms. Gennie G Long
Ms. Beth Longley
Mr. Colby Longley
Ms. Whitney Manahan
Ms. Megan Manly
Mr. Capers S. Martin
Mr. Harris Martin
Mr. Jay Massey
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Mathews
Mr. Smith Mathews
Mr. Colin A. McRae
Ms. Susan Meeks
Ms. Danielle Meunier
Mrs. Leah G. Michalak
Mr. Steve Monnier
Ms. Christy Montrois
Mr. Joshua Morris
Ms. Dru Nelson
Miss Esther Sara Neuwirth
Dr. Adam Novak
Ms. Yaires Oliveras
Ms. Leighann Parrish
Mr. Matthew S. Parrish
Mrs. Allison Parsons
Ms. Jessica G. Pedigo
Ms. Jenny Phillips
Mr. David Pratt
Mr. Matthew Price
Mr. Michael Priola
Ms. Brooke Purdy
Mr. Justin Redmond
Ms. Jennifer Rutherford
Mr. Bryan Schivera
Ms. Gwen Schneider
Ms. Ashley Sebring
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Sewell
Mr. Bryan Smith
Mr. Edgar M. Smith
Ms. Jamie M. Smith
Ms. Laura Sparks
Mr. Jonathan Stalcup
Mr. Zach Thomas
Mr. Matthew Toler
Ms. Victoria Turner
Mr. Jesse Valentine
Mr. Jules Victor IV
Ms. Elizabeth Ann Walker
Ms. Marjorie Weibe-Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Edward White
Mrs. Jennifer Whitley
Mr. Kristopher Whitley
Ms. Carly Wiggins
Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Willis
Mrs. Lois Wooten
Mr. and Mrs. Austin York
P reserver M embers
The Honorable Carolyn Bell
Ms. Ann Bee Berrigan
Ms. Kathleen Berrigan
The Honorable Tom Bordeaux
Dr. Annette K. Brock
Ms. Dianne Clabaugh
Mrs. J. Christopher Everard
Mr. Terrence Hoppe
Ms. Penny Johnson
Ms. Courtney Lerch
Mr. Brian Luckett
Ms. Tami Mickle
The Honorable Estella Edwards Shabazz
Mr. Lawrence Lee Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Spadoni
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip T. Summers
Mr. Mitchell B. White
Dr. Hilda Knobloch
Mrs. Jeanne R. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Aiken
Mrs. Emily H. Amburgey
Dr. Linda D. Atkinson
Mr. Todd M. Baiad
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Baker
Ms. Patricia T. Barmeyer
Mrs. Martha A. Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barroll
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Barrow, Jr.
Mrs. Bruce Barstow
Mr. Ben Baxter
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Beaman
Mrs. Michele T. Bellerue
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Belliveau
Mr. John Reid Bennett
Ms. Molly Berry
Mr. John Bertram
Mrs. Kelly Bittinger
Mrs. Martha Blessington-Padilla
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Booker
Mr. Kenneth W. Boyd
Ms. Lynne Bozeman
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brennan
Ms. Trina M. Brown
Dr. and Mrs. Leslie C. Buchanan
Dr. Bradley S. Buckler
Mrs. Stephen R. Burke
Ms. Donna R. Butler
Ms. Adrienne Cali
Mrs. Staci H. Cannon
Ms. Gene B. Carpenter
Mrs. Rebecca A. Cheatham
Mrs. Jane S. Clark
Ms. Stacy Claywell
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Clinard
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Cocalis
Mr. Dan Coe
Dr. Scott A. Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Coonce
Mrs. Elizabeth C. Corzilius
Mr. Derek Council
Mr. Gerald D. Cowart
Ms. Christine K. Coyle
Ms. Jane Crawford
Mr. William H. Crawley
Ms. Jamie Credle
Mr. E. Brian Culver
Mr. Charles E. Daniels
Mr. Stephen P. Dantin
Mr. D. Bailey Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Day
Mrs. David K. DeLong
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Dickinson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dietz
Ms. Laura Clements Dixon
Mr. George Doerner
Mr. Sinisa Domazet
Mrs. Amelia W. Dreese
Mrs. Pamela L. G. Eaton
Mr. Frank J. Eckel
Mr. Stephen A. Edwards
Mr. Jeffrey S. Eley
Mr. and Mrs. Reed L. Engle
Mrs. Sharon F. Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fairchild
Dr. Richard Feldstein
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Fitzpatrick
Ms. Susan Lowrey Flaherty
Mr. Kevin Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Fowler
Mrs. Patricia S. Fraker
Mr. and Mrs. David Fuchs
Ms. Ann O. Fuller
Mr. W. L. Garner
Mr. Hugh S. Golson
Mrs. Robert Groves, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Howard Hackney
Ms. Edna V. Hamman
Mr. Francis X. Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Hensley
Ms. Paula L. Hershman
Mr. Patrick Hession
Dr. Thomas Hetherington
Mr. Roy Hill
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Hills, Jr.
Mrs. Suzanne Hirst-Plucker
Mrs. Lucy McIntire Hitch
Mr. and Mrs. Dean L. Horstman
Isaiah Davenport: Portrait of a
Master Builder
The Davenport House produced
a 30-minute film entitled Isaiah
Davenport: Portrait of a Master
Builder. The film premiered
at the May 19th Preservation
Festival event.
“One of the most asked
questions by visitors at the
Davenport House is,`Who was
Isaiah Davenport?’ The film
answers many of the questions
about Davenport’s significance
as a builder and about his
place in early Savannah
development. Along with
viewing the remaining buildings
attributed to Davenport, noted
authorities AASU historian,
Christopher Hendricks, SCAD
architectural historian E. G.
Daves Rossell, and engineer
Tom Hoffman place Davenport
in Savannah’s building tradition.
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin W. Houston
Dr. Ella Howard
Ms. Ann Howell
Mr. Keith Howington
Mr. and Mrs. Sigmund Hudson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hultman
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Iocovozzi
Mr. G. Holmes Bell, IV
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Jacobs
Dr. and Mrs. Lester B. Johnson, Jr.
Mr. Stuart M. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Jack M. Jones, Jr.
Ms. Sarah Jospin
Ms. Mary Hayes Kaminsky
Mr. Daniel P. Kaufman
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Kaynor
Mrs. Katie Kelley
Mrs. Karen Kelly
Mr. David Kennedy
Mrs. Mary Lawrence Kennickell
Mrs. Irene C. Kestas
Mr. and Mrs. Leftwich Kimbrough
Mr. and Mrs. Dudley R. Koontz
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Kraeuter
Ms. Sally E. Kruger
Ms. Carol Kumins
Ms. Marlowe B. H. Laiacona
Ms. Joyce Langley
Mr. Van Johnson, Alderman At Large
Mr. and Mrs. Alex A. Lawrence, Jr.
Ms. Gail Lawrence
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Leighton
Mrs. Chloe Fort Lenderman
Mr. Philip G. LePage
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Levy
Ms. Margaret Livingston
Mr. Hugh A. Loyd
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Lyman
Mrs. Malcolm Maclean
Mr. Joseph Paul Maggioni
Mr. and Mrs. Corby Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Martorelli
Ms. Susan Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Matteo
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Todd Mayo
Mrs. Gwen S. McKee
Mr. Thomas Q. McKinnon
Mrs. Joanne M. Michniewicz
Ms. Nancy G. Middleton
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Miller
Mr. George H. Moore, Jr.
Ms. Carolee Fraser Moore
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Morison
Ms. Beth Kinstler
Mrs. Joseph C. Muller
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Murray
Mr. W. Cliff Murse
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nanninga
Mr. Jesse J. Napoli
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Neumann
Ms. Lisa Niles-Meunier
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Paolucci
Ms. Kelley Parker
Mrs. June Parsons
Mr. and Mrs. Jason C. Pedigo
Dr. and Mrs. Doug Perry
Mr. Michael E. Ploski
Mrs. Marion Policinski
Mr. and Mrs. B.J. Poole
Mr. Thomas L. Wirht and
Ms. Laura Potts-Wirht
Mr. Andrew J. Powers
Ms. Doris Preus
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Radke
Ms. Mary E. Raines
Mr. Frank Randon
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Ratterree
Mrs. Margaret W. Reagan
Mrs. Mary E. Lattimore Reiter
Mr. Dean Reuther
Mr. and Mrs. L. Allan Reynolds, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin R. Roach
Mr. Marcus B. Robertson
Ms. Nancy G. Robinson
Dr. E. G. Daves Rossell
Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Samuel
Ms. Sharon L. Saseen
Mr. Charles P. Sawyer
Mr. Robert W. Schivera
Mr. Dan Schneider
Mr. William Schwickrath
Ms. Esther Shaver
Dr. and Mrs. Jason Shirah
Dr. Hylan D. Shoob
Mr. William L. Simmons
Mrs. Ebony N. Simpson
Mr. Kirby Sisk
Mrs. Phyllis S. Skeffington
Ms. Mary Ann Smith
Ms. May Ann Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Soule
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sparks
Ms. Janet T. Spillane
Mrs. Marilyn Stack-Gill
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Stengel
Mr. and Mrs Henry D. Stevens III
Ms. Jill S. Strauss
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Stubbs, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. John Tatum
Mrs. Audilee B. Taylor
Mrs. Lindsay Thompson
Mr. Peter Hugh Thompson
Mr. Tom Thomson
Ms. Linda Tierney-Pufahl
Ms. Terri L. Tillman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Valentino
Mr. J. Gregory Vaughan
Ms. Kathy S. Virant
Mr. Arthur H. Wagner
Ms. Sarah Ward
Ms. Gwendolyn Fortson Waring
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Washburn
Mr. William Whitten
Mr. Andrew Wiley
Ms. Margret G. Wilhelm
Mrs. Suzanne H. Williams
Mr. Chris A. Wilson
Ms. Alice E. Withrow
Mr. Walter G.B. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Winter Wright
Mrs. Robert B. Yeomans
Mrs. John H. Yingling
Ms. Janice M. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Callejas
Mr. and Mrs. E. Bryan Connerat, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie DeLoach
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Edel
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Eidell
Mr. and Mrs. J. Corey Fountain
Ms. Karen Schroder and
Mr. Johnnie Ganem
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Gregory
Dr. and Mrs. O. Emerson Ham, Jr.
Ms. Ellen Wyatt and Mr. Paul Hammond
Mr. and Mrs. Sigmund Lembo
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Lerch
Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sandlin
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O. Saseen
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Severance
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Sipple
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Snayd
Mr. and Mrs. M. Daniel Suwyn
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Wallace
Ms. Gina DeMeo and Mr. Jeff Walters
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond D. Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Young
S tudent Members
Ms. Megan Jeanette Brown
Mr. Brian Geppi
Ms. Kathryn A. Stephens
NIcole Conaly
SCAD Graphic Design ‘13
MY TIME AT HSF IN REVIEW I entered the doors of the
Historic Savannah Foundation
for the first time in January
2012. I did not know then the
impact HSF would have on me
and my future. I was honored to
be part of such a dedicated team
of individuals, and awe-struck
by the effect HSF’s small staff
has made on Savannah.
Working for a non-profit
organization like HSF was a
huge stepping-stone to the
professional I am today, and
what I want to achieve. I
learned how to work within a
team, rise to huge tasks, and
the importance of hard work. I
made professional relationships
and great friends that I will carry
with me throughout my career.
I thank all of the members of
HSF for supporting the mission
to preserve Savannah’s heritage,
and I thank the entire HSF staff
for giving me the privilege of
learning from their ingenuity
and commitment.
Mr. Daniel G. Carey
President & CEO
Ms. Frances C. Colón
Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Jamie Credle
Director, Davenport House Museum
Mrs. Paula Cummins
Mr. Jeff Freeman
Assistant Director, Davenport House Museum
Mrs. Sherene LaMarche
Membership and Events Coordinator
{ Our mission is to preserve and protect Savannah’s heritage through advocacy, education, and community involvement }
Ms. Danielle Meunier
Preservation & Education Coordinator
Ms. Terri O’Neil
Development Director
HSF Offices
321 East York Street
Savannah, Georgia 31401
912 233 7787
Davenport House Museum
324 East State Street
Savannah, Georgia 31401
912 236 8097