Fall 2013 Building Web Applications using ASP.NET, Ajax and JavaScript X 428.7, 2 Semester Units, Electrical Engineering BASIC COURSE INFORMATION Course Meeting Dates & Times: Tuesdays, Oct 1 – Dec 3, 6:00-9:00PM Course Location: San Francisco, Downtown Center (Front Desk: 415-284-1060) Instructor: Michael Kremer, Ph. D. E-mail: asp.net@ucb-access.org COURSE DESCRIPTION Course Prerequisites: Successful completion of Building Database Systems (X 478), or experience in designing and developing databases and basic knowledge of of web technologies (HTML, JavaScript). Previous programming experience is highly recommended. Overview of Course: Learn to develop ASP.net Web applications using Visual Web Developer Express (part of Visual Studio). Get a solid introduction to Web applications and the ASP.net structure. Explore C# as a programming language for server-side processing, JavaScript for client-side processing and AJAX technologies in great detail. Continue into ADO.net and programming custom data access methods. Then, combine these new skills into a sample Web application that accesses a database. Advanced topics include cloud computing, security and forms authentication. Learning Objectives: Understand the structure of Web Applications and ASP.net. Comprehend the basics of the C# programming language. Be well versed with state management. Possess the knowledge of web forms and server controls. Construct data access classes and data binding Understand client-side activities. Know the structure of AJAX and its processes Methods of Instruction: Lectures combined with hands-on examples In-Class Practice Problems Homework assignment Quizzes IMPORTANT: For each class hour you need at least two additional hours to study and complete the assignments ( 1 Semester Unit = 45 hours = 15 hours of class time + 30 hours personal study time) Building Web Applications using ASP.NET Page 1 of 6 Instructor: Michael Kremer COURSE MATERIALS Primary or Required Textbooks/Readings: No textbook is required, instructor provided course reader. Powerpoint © presentations are available in the download section of the Building Web Applications course of the instructor web site. Websites and Links: Instructor web site: ucb-access.org Other Materials: Software: SQL Server 2012 Express (free) Software: Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2012 (free) REQUIREMENTS - ASSIGNMENTS, PROJECTS, QUIZZES & EXAMINATIONS All evaluated and graded material will be returned to students by the next class meeting. Homework Assignments: There are 7 homework assignments The best 5 homework assignments are taken into account for the final grade The maximum score of each homework assignment is 30 points Homework assignments can be downloaded from the instructor web site (ucb-access.org) Homework assignments must be submitted online to the instructor web site. In case of technical difficulties while uploading the homework you may e-mail the homework to the course e-mail (asp.netl@ucb-access.org) Homework deadline is the day before the next class at noon (see syllabus) Once the homework link is closed and the homework solution is posted, no more homework submission is accepted. Quizzes: There are 8 quizzes The best 6 quizzes are taken into the account for the final grade The quizzes are closed book The maximum score of each quiz is 30 points Final Exam: There will be one final exam Final exam is a take-home exam, to be completed by each student The maximum score is 30 points The final is due just before the last class (6:00pm last class, see syllabus) SAFETY AND EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS Emergency Numbers: Emergency from Landline: 9-1-1 Emergency From Cell-Phone: 415-553-8090 (SFPD) Non-Emergency Number: Non-Emergency: 415-553-0123 (SFPD) Security Desk: Building Web Applications using ASP.NET Page 2 of 6 Instructor: Michael Kremer Building Security/ Lobby Console: 415-495-7333 Evacuation Procedures: Please refer to map posted in the classroom. Earthquake Procedures: Remain calm (as best as possible) Duck, cover, and hold Listen to instructions Do not use the elevators GENERAL POLICIES Attendance and Tardiness Policy: If students miss class for any reason, the burden is on the students to make up the work and to make a decision whether they can continue in the course: Refund policy: http://extension.berkeley.edu/static/studentservices/enrollment/#refunds Withdrawal and Incomplete Policies: http://extension.berkeley.edu/static/studentservices/grades XB Deadlines: http://extension.berkeley.edu/static/studentservices/enrollment/#xb For students who feel that they can make up the work, instructors will provide any materials that were handed out in class (handouts, slides, notes etc.) and remind the students of the assignments that are due. It is not the instructor's responsibility to make up the instructional time with the student in the form of a personal tutorial or personal lecture. Students who missed class should obtain lecture notes from the other students who were present that day; it is recommended that students exchange contact information with a few other students for this purpose on the first day of class. To make up a missed quiz, follow these steps: 1. Send an e-mail to the instructor(asp.net@ucb-access.org) after the missed class but before the next class requesting a make-up quiz 2. Arrive latest by 5:45pm on the day of the next class to take the make-up quiz 3. Note: Once corrected quizzes are handed out to students, no make-up quiz is allowed anymore Homework assignments are posted online and can be submitted online, it is the responsibility of the student to know the homework deadlines. Classroom Decorum: No eating or drinking in the computer lab Turn off cell phones, put on vibrate mode if necessary, take calls outside the classroom Turn off volume controls on laptops, tables, phones Please ask questions at any time, that makes a class lively Student Disability Services: Students who require a physical, medical, or learning accommodation can contact Disability Student Services at: http://extension.berkeley.edu/static/studentservices/geninfo/#disabled Academic Integrity and Student Conduct: Students are responsible for acting with academic integrity and with academic honesty. It is up to every student to ensure that all academic work reflects his/her own ideas or properly attributes the ideas to the original sources. These are some basic expectations of students with regards to academic integrity: o Any work submitted should be your own, and should not have been submitted for credit in another course unless you have prior written permission to re-use it in this course from this instructor. o All assignments must use "proper attribution," meaning that you have identified the original source and extent or words or ideas that you reproduce or use in your assignment. This includes drafts and homework assignments! o If you are unclear about expectations, ask the instructor. Building Web Applications using ASP.NET Page 3 of 6 Instructor: Michael Kremer o Do not collaborate or work with others on assignments or projects unless you have been given permission or instruction to do so. Students are also responsible for informing themselves about UC Berkeley Extension’s Code of Student Conduct and its grounds for discipline (http://extension.berkeley.edu/static/studentservices/policies/#conduct). If there are any questions about the Code, please contact the Dean’s Office, 510-642-4181, dean@unex.berkeley.edu. Permissible and Impermissible Collaborations: Examples are below which can be adapted as needed: o Cheating (examples): OK: Studying together for homework and final. Not OK: Working together simultaneously with another student when doing the homework Not OK: Discussing the answers to the questions while taking a mid-term, exam, quiz or final. Not OK: Obtaining the questions and answers to an exam from a student who took the exam previously. Not OK: Using electronic devices, the internet, or texting questions to another person to obtain answers to exam questions. Not OK; Writing notes on your hand or in your blank blue book prior to the exam. o Plagiarism (examples): OK: Researching the web or Googling a topic for a written assignment or discussion question. Not OK: Copying or paraphrasing text from a website without citing the source. o Furnishing false information (examples): OK: Discussing the question or assignment topic with other students. Not OK: Writing a piece together and submitting the same or slightly paraphrased text. Potential consequences of code violation academic misconduct (v102.01): o Receive reduced credit, grade, or zero on assignment or exam (1 grade point reduction) o Receive reduced final grade or failing grade for the course (1 grade point reduction) Reasonable Accommodation for Students’ Religious Beliefs, Observations and Practices: In compliance with Education code, Section 92640(a), it is the official policy of the University of California at Berkeley to permit any student to undergo a test or examination, without penalty, at a time when that activity would not violate the student's religious creed, unless administering the examination at an alternative time would impose an undue hardship which could not reasonably have been avoided. Please contact the Extension program office for more information. Other Extension Policies: Including Privacy, Nondiscrimination, Sexual Harassment, Safety and Security, Classroom Recording: http://extension.berkeley.edu/static/studentservices/policies.html GRADING AND EVALUATION PROCEDURES Grade Breakdown and Weighting by Category: The maximum score for each homework assignment, quiz, and the final is 30 points. Weighting: Homework(Best 5 out of 7) Final Quiz (Best 6 out of 8) Total 25% 25% 50% 100% Building Web Applications using ASP.NET Page 4 of 6 Instructor: Michael Kremer Grading Scale for Final Course Grade: Students will be graded on an absolute scale GRADE GRADE POINTS PER UNIT PERCENTAGE BREAKDOWN DESCRIPTION A+ A A- 4.0 4.0 3.7 99 – 100% 94 – 99% 90 – 93% Excellent: The grade of “A+,” when awarded at the instructor’s discretion, represents extraordinary achievement, but does not receive grade point credit beyond that received for the grade of A. B+ B B- 3.3 3.0 2.7 86 – 89% 83 – 85% 80 – 82% Good C+ C C- 2.3 2.0 1.7 76 – 79% 73 – 75% 70 – 72% Fair: Each course in a certificate program must be completed with a grade of C or better, although some programs have higher requirements. D+ D D- 1.3 1.0 .7 66 – 69% 63 – 65% 60 – 62% Barely passed F 0.0 < 60% Failed P Passed at a minimum level of C-minus or 70% NP Not Passed – anything below a C-minus or below 70% Grading Options & Deadlines for Choosing Grading Options: CLG—credit letter grade (DEFAULT STUDENT GRADING OPTION) P/NP—pass/not pass NC—not for credit W—withdrawal (must be student-initiated) The default grading option for courses numbered X400–499 is a letter grade. Students are permitted to change their grading option in X400-499 level courses anytime before the final meeting. The change from not for credit to credit may be made only if the instructor has recorded the student's academic progress throughout the course. If a student doesn’t inform the instructor of their grading option, they will automatically be assigned a letter grade. If the student stops attending class, has not officially withdrawn, and has not informed the instructor of their grade option, the student will be assigned an “F” as a final grade for the course. Other Grade Policies: http://extension.berkeley.edu/static/studentservices/grades SCHEDULE Visit the URL below to review the actual schedule and the class syllabus including due dates for homework assignments and the final: http://ucbaccess.org/Pages/Accesscourse.aspx?node=VS_WEB&page=Building%20Web%20Applications%20using%20ASP.net, %20Ajax%20and%20JavaScript&subpage=Syllabus Building Web Applications using ASP.NET Page 5 of 6 Instructor: Michael Kremer RESOURCES UC Berkeley Library Information: http://extension.berkeley.edu/static/studentservices/geninfo/#library Guidelines for Written Assignments: Please refer to the homework instructions following the link below. The instructor will explain the homework nd procedure at the end of the 2 class meeting. Homework instructions: http://ucb-access.org/Files/VS_WEB/Homework/VS_WEB_Homework_Inst.pdf Tips for Success: Study the relevant chapters for the homework assignment in the course reader Create and execute the class examples at your own pace and leisure Use the In-Class Practice Problems for additional practice Before submitting the homework, review it once more Other Resources: http://ucb-access.org/Pages/Resources.aspx?node=Resources, click on ASP.NET for further resources EVALUATION OF COURSE AND INSTRUCTOR Student Feedback Strategies: I am always to open to suggestions, constructive criticism, etc., feel free to: talk to me in person send me an e-mail (asp.net@ucb-access.org) provide feedback through the evaluation (anonymous) End of Course Evaluation Process: It is UC Berkeley Extension policy that all courses be evaluated as part of an overall campus mandate to evaluate and improve the quality of teaching. Evaluation responses are reviewed by Extension representatives and program directors, shared with instructors after the course ends and after final grades are turned into Extension (if applicable), and filed in the academic department. The student evaluations are not designed to measure learning, but they do provide feedback in a variety of areas that affect the learning process. UC Berkeley Extension retains evaluations for a period of three years. RIGHTS Civility and Respect in an Atmosphere of Academic Freedom: http://students.berkeley.edu/uga/respect.stm UC Berkeley Extension Code of Student Conduct: http://extension.berkeley.edu/static/studentservices/policies/#conduct Course Copyright and Classroom Recording Policies: http://extension.berkeley.edu/static/studentservices/policies/#recording DISCLAIMER The syllabus and schedule is subject to change. Acknowledgements: This course was developed based on my own research, working experience, and consultation with other peers in my field. Additionally, constructive and useful feedback provided by former students has improved the course curriculum over the many years I have taught this course. Building Web Applications using ASP.NET Page 6 of 6 Instructor: Michael Kremer