Kamil Zawadzki Some moments in our lives become such

Kamil Zawadzki
Some moments in our lives become such memorable experiences that after years and
years we can still remember it. Usually the most unforgettable moments come with
holidays, family celebrations or personal relationships. One of the best experience of
my life happened here, in Vancouver.
My native country is Poland, I spent almost my entire life there and this place will
always be very important to me. But in October 2011 I showed up at the YVR airport
with a big Canadian dream awakening in my heart. I have spent a great and enjoyable
time in Vancouver, which is an unforgettable experience.
One of my best moments here was the day I went hiking in Black Lions Peak. Me and
my friends hiked for almost eight hours both ways, it was a really hard path, with
beautiful landscapes all around us. The last part of the hike was really hard. We left
the forest and started climbing only on rocks. Despite the fact it was April, snow was
still everywhere, so we had a snowball fight! After a couple of minutes of fun, we
started climbing up again. It was a really slippery track and we could see people falling
down, fortunately nothing serious happened to them and us.
Finally, we reached the top of the mountain. The view was amazing, a breathtaking
picture of the ocean and valley. We all sat together on a big rock and drunk a nice,
cold, Polish beer shared between really good friends. It was another beautiful day in
Nathalia Pinho
Canadian family
Eight months ago I came to Vancouver to learn English, and I still love this beautiful
city as much as when I first stept off the airplane. In the middle of this great
experience, I lived for three months in a homestay withsix other students that are
now all my friends. It was a really memorable experience in my life.
The home was very familiar and the parents were so sweet. The house had six rooms
and the upstairs part of the house was only for girls and the downstairs for boys. There
was a Venezuelan girl, a Saudi Arabia guy, a Japanese girl, a Colombian girl and a
Colombian boy and me, a Brazilian. Everybody had the same goal, age and vibe. At
this house, we could invite our friends whenever we wanted to, so we had a lot of
parties at the home.
The best party was my birthday, a hallowen party, we had a lot of fun that day.
The family had a snowboard to lend us and they also had a family in Seattle. The
snowboard, one day me and the colombian tried to go, but it didn’t work out,
because the mountain was closed. And about Seattle, of course we enjoyed it. We
went two times all together and bought a lot of stuff. The trips were really nice, we
spent the weekend with our mom, we went to a party of her family and slept there.
The most incredible thing is that I met all of them here, and for sure I will remember
them like brothers. We spent those wonderful times together and it was really good!
And the other thing that made it different was the family, our mom was like a real
mother and she was with us all the time, like a real family
A memorable experience in Vancouver: GRANVILLE ISLAND
A memorable experience I had after moving to Vancouver was “happened on
Granville Island”. It was my first time going out in Vancouver by myself without any
help. I only used Google map on my phone, without any help from my friend who has
lived in Vancouver for five years. At the beginning, he helped me out on how to use
public transportation, open a new bank account in Vancouver, get a new phone
number here, and get a driver’s license.
It was kind of big challenge for me. Vancouver was not like my own country, Seoul in
South Korea. It was totally different from my country, for example in the public
transit, language, people, etc. So for me, it was difficult to find a place by myself. I
used Google Maps to find Granville Island, and I bought a 3 zone bus ticket
When I finally arrived at Granville Island, I feel a sense of satisfaction and
accomplishment. There are lots of ships, but they didn’t run ships I don’t know why,
but I guess it’s because it was winter. Also there are lots of little cute antique stores,
restaurants, and people. I love the antique shops. Cute antique things, like rings, and
music boxes, make me feel like I’m in kindergarten.
There was a public market, where they sold fish, vegetables, fruits, and a lot of
other things. The smell of cheese made my face frown. It was funny though.
I went there in the winter. So I will go to Granville Island again in the summer. I
heard someone said it’s more beautiful in the summer. Anyways, it was a wonderful
experience for me. If I were to come here with my friends or family, it would be
even more wonderful.
Hyejin Lee
One interesting experience I have had in Canada happened last year. From February
to November, I worked as a receptionist at a hair salon in Vancouver which had two
locations, Downtown and Richmond. It was not that difficult for me to get used to the
because I already had a three-year experience being a receptionist in a French
restaurant in Japan. Particularly, I was very good at remembering customers’ faces and
One day, I was working in Richmond as usual. Suddenly, I saw one familiar face
among the customers. Then, I realized that the person was one of the regular
customers I used to see when I was working in the French restaurant in Japan. I could
not believe it and could not talk to him at that moment. Later, I checked the
information on computer and confirmed that it was him. Then, one stylist gave me an
opportunity to talk to him. It was a big surprise for him as well. We hardly talked in
French restaurant, but he still remembered my name. I found out that he owns a
company which has a branch in Japan, that is why he sometimes visits Japan.
What a coincidence! I believe most people do not go to French restaurants or hair
salons often. Moreover, restaurants and hair salons are everywhere, but we met at the
same places in two countries.
This experience reminds me that the world is small and nothing is impossible to
Mayuko Arai
Welcome Stranger
(By Mary Young)
Canada has been my home for many years now, but I can still remember the day of my
arrival very clearly. After twenty two hours of flying and several stopovers, I landed at
Victoria International Airport, the airport of entry into British Columbia, on a sparkling
March morning. An irresistible scent that was not familiar, whooshed up to greet me
as I stepped on to a tarmac surrounded by a blue haze of seemingly endless pine trees.
It was a particularly warm spring that year, and when I finally arrived in Vancouver,
my cousin was there to greet me wearing shorts and a T-shirt. My impression was that
Canada was quite tropical, but I now know better!
As exhausted as I was at the time of my arrival, I was quickly caught up in the
excitement of a whirlwind tour around Vancouver. My cousin drove me around Stanley
Park and then up to Cypress Bowl, where we startled a bear just coming out of
hibernation. I was terrified!
My first few months in Canada were very exciting. However, from time to time I still
felt deep pangs of homesickness. One day, as I was wandering along the beach where I
lived, contemplating whether or not I should stay in Canada, I came across an
inscription carved into some steps. I like to think it was intended for stranded sailors.
It read: Welcome Stranger Rest Awhile. I took it as a sign. I stayed in Canada.
Gentle rain
«Truth is weirder than any fiction I've seen»
Hunter S. Thompson
~ Based on a true story ~
The most insignificant object can unleash chaos. Alright, it doesn’t happen everyday;
but it can happen. It has indeed happened to me. A hanger, a light-blue plastic
hanger, triggered the most colossal catastrophe.
It was Saturday 24th of January at, exactly, 11:42 a.m. (the ever since lifeless hands of
my alarm clock still mark it). I grasped the hanger and took it down from the ‘ceiling’.
At that very moment the hook pushed the glass bulb inside the sprinkler and broke it.
In a blink I was soaked.
“Water discharge from sprinklers is approximately 100 litres per minute dispersed as a
gentle rain” I read on the Internet. I wonder who created this evocative figure.
Dispersed as a gentle rain… It is laudable emulating Walt Whitman while describing
the operation of a sprinkler but, believe me, this guy doesn’t have a clue. To portray
what happened in my bedroom torrential flood would be slightly more accurate. The
indoor deluge lasted some eternal twenty minutes until my roommate managed to shut
the main water valve off. Then, water flow decreased at a constant volume of three
washbasins per hour, until a plumber took pity on us and showed up that evening.
If I were born in Winnemuca, Nevada, or Tulsa, Oklahoma, I might’ve sued the hanger
company –for not warning about inherent hazards of their product– and I’d probably
become a millionaire. But I was born in The Basque Country, were the only sprinklers
we see are those in Hollywood movies.
Cutberto Ruezga Romo
Beyond dreams… The Yukon
Last September I went to the Yukon to hunt the Northern Lights. I use the word to
hunt because before I went there I thougth I was going to see them every night all
night long; however, when I arrived to my surprise I found out that It was not going
to be that way, I would have to hunt them.
I spent 17 days in this territory. During this time i met many people from all around
the world with the same hope to see the Northern Lights. When they realized that it
was not that easy to see them, most of them went back to their countries with the
disappointment of not having been able to see them.
I discovered many places in this territory, particularly unique and amazing natural
views such as magical and prehistoric roads when I was heading to the arctic circle on
the “Dempster Highway” or when I was riding my bike around the “Takhini Hot
Springs” - surrounded by the colourful flora of autumn. During this journey I witnessed
some of the extraordinary wild life in this country such us black bears and red foxes
prowling around my camp site and many others in a wildlife preserve place.
The best day in this journey was when after more than 20 hours of driving straight off
to the arctic circle and coming back to Dawson city I finally was able to see the
Northern Lights after many days of have been hunting them! It was like a big green,
yellow, purple fire was dancing in the starry sky of that night! I call this experience
“Beyond dreams”.
Cutberto Ruezga
While I am trying my best in Canada, my younger sister got pregnant. He is the first
baby for her and it is special for my parents as well.
She knew it last March and the baby was born in the end of August.
At the beginning of laboring, I encouraged her from Canada through the phone.
She took for 2 days until she saw the baby. The baby was a little too small, so she
couldn’t hold him an that time.
Even so, she said that her son is the cutest baby in the clinic.
After that, the baby had been there for 2 months for some reason. However my sister
looked even stronger than before.
Even though the baby came back home, she still have problems with him.
Her stress caused rashes on her whole body one day.
I was still feeling it is not real that my nephew was born because I haven’t seen him
It didn’t sound like something relate to me. It is true though.
Last week, she sent me his picture. He grew up. Probably he will be much bigger
when I meet him in Japan. I still can’t imagine it though.
I asked my mother by email how did she like her first grandson.
He is cute as well as Nami and you, she said.
When I saw it, I felt I missed my family a little and I appreciate my parents who have
been taking care of such a difficult daughter.
sachiko matsumura
(Sindy-Cho :
The Memorable Experience in Canada
Do you know what Cavalia is? It is a horse show, but is not just a horse show. It’s
the best spectacle I have seen so far while in Vancouver and maybe the best ever in
my life. It’s a show of song, elaborate costumes, exotic sets amazing acrobats and
most important of all, the stars of the show; the horses.
First, the music ranged from a female lead singer to the African rhythm that got
the audiences’ pulses pumping to the soft guitar serenade. It blended in so seamlessly
and so appropriately with the action of the show.
Next, the acrobatic was beyond description. I was in awe of the flexibility and the
strength of the bodies during African acrobatic troop’s tumbling. The second half of
the show featured angels suspended in mid-air with their trailing ribbons being spun
round and round by majestic stallions. The whole act was so surreal, and I was
completely overwhelmed.
And finally the incredible horses, I was utterly surprised that this show carries 67
horses in its stable. The logistics of this feat were out of this world. The majestic
white horses on show reminded me of the mystical Unicorn. One act involved a horse
dancing on command of its riders. I’ve never known that a horse is able to perform
such a feat. This is completely new to me.
I’ve been living in Canada for about a year. I have experienced a variety of things
like traveling to Whistler, Toronto, Quebec etc. My most unforgettable experience so
far is this horse show named Cavalia. This incredible show has given me insight and
further understanding of these majestic animals.
Experience in Canada
I would like to talk about my experience in Canada.
First of all, I’m Brazilian and I came here to study English because a friend
recommended ISS of BC to me. Even though that is the reason I chose Vancouver, I
didn’t have any idea about the amazing experience I would find here. I arrived on a
sunny November day, but I would like to see the snow, at last, it’s winter! The
weather was really cold, much more than I had felt in all my life. Finally, in some
Monday morning I was going to school and it was snowing! My God, it was a beautiful
and magical surprise! It seemed God had powdered sugar on the city causing me
exciting feelings. I started my life here really well and it was totally different for me.
However, I would find much more!
I started discovering Vancouver, its parks, lakes, gardens and lots of awesome places. I
love trekking and what a surprise when I saw that gorgeous views from Deep Cove,
Whistler and Rocky Mountains! I couldn’t choose just one because I loved all of them!
Vancouver also allowed me to try different kinds of food and make friends from
different countries. I’ve already recommended ISS of BC and Canada to my Brazilian
friends and some of them are also studying here.
In conclusion, I can say that I’m having the best experience of all my life and I’m really
glad to come here to Canada.
Elaine Oliveira
Hinaka Kondoh
My experience in Canada! Hinaka Kondoh
Being with my boyfriend has been an interesting experience. I started dating him here
in Canada. When I started seeing him, I was often having trouble communicating with
him. I could mostly understand what he said, although I couldn't really express myself
well in English. But he has never stopped trying to understand me. He has been
helping me to improve my communication skill more and more every day. I couldn’t
appreciate him enough. I've learned a lot of things that I could never learn from a text
book. However, I still have a hard time expressing myself in English especially when I
get emotional. When it comes to a quarrel with him I lose control of myself. It really
gets to me. I know how to talk back in my own language, though it isn't that easy if it
needs to be in English. My motivation to improve my English skill grows as I'm getting
frustrated with the difficulty of expressing myself in English well. I push myself to
expand my vocabulary and phrases and tell myself that I won't have the same problems
again. As I talk back to him more, he says I'm becoming more and more annoying.
However, I believe that the more annoying I become, the better my communication
skills become. I know that it will take more to speak fluently, but I won't give up
trying and I will never forget about my appreciation for not only patience but also
support of my boyfriend all the time. I hope I can give him a great experience, like he
has done for me.
Di Franco
A memorable experience in Canada
I still remember my first day in Canada, it was in Vancouver. I had come to visit my
sister in 1997 with my other sister and brother at a time when it was a really cold
winter. I felt it would be a really great experience for me and that it would have a big
impact on me.
First of all, I came just for a vacation and I didn’t know a lot of the city or even
Canada. My first impression was to see the white Mountains from the airplane. When I
arrived, I saw a beautiful city, safe, quite, clean, green and organized. Vancouver has
a lot of places to visit, from north to south; for example: museums, a diverse range of
restaurants, parks, mountains, bridges, recreational places, beaches, malls, markets,
almost everything to live in comfort. I was impressed at how respectful and friendly
the people were. I didn’t find any problems with Vancouver at the time.
On the other hand, I found the weather so cold. It was one of those years with more
snow than in past years and a lot of rain. Therefore, I felt like it would be hard to live
in a place like this and also I found a lot of rules, regulations and laws during that time
here. However, I soon realized why the environment was so perfect as was the
society and the landscapes.
I returned to my country of Mexico. Nevertheless, Canada continues in my mind as a
great city to live in: it is one of the safest cities in the world, where people are
respectful and tolerant of all races. In 2010, I decided to come to live in Vancouver for
a while in order to study, spend time with my sister and nieces; and in 2011 I got a
job. Now, I can confirm that there’s no place like Vancouver.
Diana Franco
It was going to be another ordinary working day in Vancouver. I don´t mean boring,
because you cannot get bored when you are a newcomer in a city, where every single
detail is an adventure. What I want to tell you is about a memorable ordinary day.
Believe me, because sometimes an ordinary day turns out the most surprising day you
ever live. As every morning since I got to Vancouver two months ago, I got up early to
go to work. As every day I enjoyed the journey to Downtown on the Sky train, the
diversity of people, the snowed mountains in the background, the sea and,
particularly, the magical feeling, between fear and enthusiasm, of starting a new life
in a new city so far from my hometown. I stopped at Stadium-Chinatown station and I
walked to Robson Street. Here it is my new job, where the surprises started that
ordinary day. When I saw the price of the two cruise trips I had to invoice, I got
shock for a few seconds. Almost 50.000 dollars! In that moment I realized how rich the
wealthy people are in Canada. After working and invoicing such as figures, I went to
the Central Library, the best library I have ever been... While I studied I saw through
the window a homeless, who seemed to have mental problems. He distracted me. He
was in the hall, eating the remains of food people had left on the tables. Nobody paid
attention on this man. A deep sadness invaded my heart. Just a couple of hours before
I had been invoicing a luxury cruise trip for a single middle age Canadian woman! You
might be thinking I am so naïf, but just consider myself a sensitive person. Actually the
most memorable moment I have lived at the moment in this city was that ordinary
day, but not because of these two shocking moments. On my way back home to
Commercial Drive, still feeling confused, trying to understand this good-looking but
also unequal city, I saw how a smart Canadian young person approached to another
homeless, begging affection more than money, to gave him a hot coffee and
sandwich. He stayed there talking to the homeless for a while and those seconds made
me feel the happiest person in the world. It was the happy end of one of the most
memorable ordinary days in my life. Thanks Vancouver!
Rocky Mountains
Paradise on Earth. There are not better words to describe my feelings when I was just
getting into Jasper National Park in Alberta. As a lover of nature, I enjoy every detail
of trees, every tiny flower and every shape of mountains. I am a fortunate woman
because I have had the opportunity of travelling across Canada from Montreal to
Vancouver by bus and, I can assure you that this country is plenty of beauty.
Nevertheless, my most breath-taking experience was in Jasper.
In addition to the magnificent Rocky Mountains with its glaciers, cliffs, and waterfalls;
the wildlife adds an unforgetable experience full of vivid and everlasting memories. I
remember a wonderful episode when I was hiking on a trail near an old mine. I
reached the top of the hill from where I could see the stunning scenery around me
with the wind caressing my face... turquoise lakes, lush meadows, and high
mountains; those 3 hours of walking were worth it all. Then, I decided to go toward a
clear creek at the slope of the hill when suddenly an enormous elk was in front of me.
At the beginning, I was afraid of it whereas the elk just looked at me and started
eating some leaves. He never ran away from me or attacked me but I could notice he
was aware of this strange visitor at his home.
That was just one of several fascinating experiences in Jasper, a paradise on Earth for
sure, where a human being is only a guest who will treasure these memories forever.
Bernardita Salinas M.
Writing Skills / Let's talk about it
Making a family
Having a family is one of the most important things we all agree with, however when
I just arrived here to Canada, I was happy, excited, joyful, etc. But I was physically
alone; my closest relative was more than a thousand kilometers away (the same as my
best friend). Furthermore I arrived to an empty apartment, which had only a bed, a
chair, a table, and an empty refrigerator, and yes! It was raining. Anyway I felt
grateful for my upcoming adventure: my Canadian life.
Finally my first day of school arrived, “time to make new friends” I said to myself, All
the students introduced themselves, they were from all over the world, Korea, Japan,
Czech Republic, Spain… The first weeks of school went by, and by the end of the
month I was hanging out with my new crew of friends, drinking, partying, traveling,
learning from their cultures and improving my English, by this time I didn’t feel alone,
my refrigerator was half full, and I had more chairs around my table thanks to my
friends, plus summer was here, and the sun was shining ;)
Time passed by and summer was over but my heart kept warm, I had a new girlfriend.
One day, I opened the door of my house, I saw my girlfriend smiling and behind her
stuck to the refrigerator was a picture of all my new good friends. I smiled and said to
my self: Now I have an international family.
Chienyu Kuo
A memorable experience in Canada
I’ve lived in Victoria for one year, and it’s the best time I’ve ever had in my
I used to work at a small but fabulous restaurant. Here a dramatic person whom I
met was my boss, Ben from Iran. He and his wife had been forced to flee their
homeland 30 years ago, because not only the war broke out but also they wouldn’t be
allowed to get married by different religions. Every day, I couldn’t wait to work
because the kitchen was totally like a playground. He’s like a magician to show me
how to transform the ingredients into the gourmet food. We always had good time
and I’d learned a lot of cooking skill from him. Ever since then, I’ve started to love
cooking. To tell the truth, I’ve never took him as a boss. Instead, he’s more like a
friend, or even like a father.
As the time goes by, that day’s still coming. It was a snowing night. And it’s my
first time to see snowing but also the day that I had to say goodbye. His hug warmed
me up and I couldn’t stop my crying. He said, “Eventually, we are the passengers on
your way because you need to keep moving on. But we are glad to be part of your
life.” And I would say, if without him, I couldn’t have the chance to meet the most
amazing person in the world.
Eiko Arahata
Last summer, my boyfriend, his father, me and a dog went camping to Hot Narko lake
which is located in north of BC. We took one and half day to get to there by a truck.
It was the first camping in Canada and I was so excited. So was my dog!
I enjoyed everything even on the way to the lake. I spent time singing, taking lots of
pictures and seeing nice views because I didn’t have to drive so I didn’t have to think
about anything about driving. I delighted in seeing my dog sleeping on my lap as well.
At the lake, nobody was there, no noise and no cell phone signal so we were at the
middle of nowhere. Hot Narko was like an uninhabited island. All we could hear were
bird songs and the roar of waves and all we could see were blue skies and trees
standing with great dignity. I felt they welcome us to visit them.
According the weather forecast, it supposed to bad weather but it ended up great
weather and we spent most of time outside everyday from dawn to dusk. We went to
fishing every day, after dinner we made a s’more for dessert and played card game
around a fire, under the starry sky.
Time flew so fast. At the last day of camping, I was sad to leave but I got energy from
nature and it taught me how nature is beautiful and amazing.
My interesting memory in Vancouver
My most memorable experience is The Pride Parade. I found it very exciting by
realizing there is a huge difference of how we see those people from Japan.
First of all, homosexuals are not really accepted by straight people in almost all of any
environment we can come up with. That makes it very difficult for them to be who
they really are. On the other hand, there is a chance for them to be kindly understood
by showing themselves in this kind of festival.
Second, it is next to impossible to see elderly homosexual people in Japan. I strongly
believe it’s because of our old education. Long time ago, Japan had a closed-door
policy in Edo period in order to keep our country healthy by setting a limit to imports
and exports. That ended up misunderstanding the reality of the world and made our
country long behind the times.
Third, events including sexual ideas are prohibited. Especially these days, we have
conservative tendency to education. More and more parents are having prejudiced
thinking about how their children should be educated. This comes from corruption of
teachers which is caused by too conservative ideas for their children but offensive to
In conclusion, the parade is the one I could have never even imagined. I felt this is
one of proofs to have cultural tolerancewhiich can free people to be who really are. I
have some homosexual friends back home too. I hope Japan will be more acceptable
to differences.
Tokiko Nishida
Hathaichol (Pat) Lokakalin
My memorable experience in Canada
First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Pat. I’m from Thailand. I have
been here around one year and three months. Before I came here, I had no idea about
Vancouver. I had not done any researches. I just graduated from university and wanted
to improve English before job hunting. The reason I chose Vancouver was because I
though there were not many Thai people. It must be helpful for me to be in English
environment only.
After I arrived here, I was surprised. First, Vancouver is a very multicultural
city. There are a lot of immigrant people around the world. Second, it has such an
awesome scenery like paradise. There are plentiful beaches and mountains in the same
place. I can breathe fresh air everyday. Beside people are not only nice and friendly
but they are also respectful and courteous. I was really happy when someone on the
street smiled to me. I appreciate every time when I hear people say “Thank you” to
bus driver. Everyone is aware of their responsibilities. So that’s why every place is
clean and doesn’t have garbage on the street. Moreover, public transportation is also
very convenient and good system. Buses, skytrains and subways are linked. I can search
the timetable and plan to go anywhere. Lastly, Vancouver is one of the safest cities in
the world. I don’t need to worry when I come home late.
As I have shown, living in Vancouver is such a great time in my life. Not only I can
improve my English as my purpose but I have also got an experience that I cannot get
in my country. I have learnt many good things in a developed country. I hope I can use
my experience to develop my country after I go back.