Annual Membership Application Form South Vancouver Community Crime Prevention Society (Fillable version 2012-June-01) 5657 Victoria Dr., Vancouver, BC V5P 3W2 Tel: 604-717-2940 Fax: 604-327-2902 Website: Email: The South Vancouver Community Crime Prevention Society (SVCCPS) operates as the South Vancouver Community Policing Centre, where community members and businesses can meet and work with the police in a non-crisis environment to address crime and safety concerns. Help us reduce and prevent crime in your community by becoming a member of the SVCCPS or giving a monetary donation. All membership applications are subject to Board’s approval. For Individual/Family /Student Membership Renewal New Application Current SVCPC Volunteer? YES Name (First Last) Address City Prov. Postal Tel. Email Contribution Details Annual Membership Additional Donation Renewal New Application Business Name Contact Person Name Address City Prov. Postal Tel. Email: NO Please check Individual ($15) For Business Membership Your contribution today Family ($25) Student ($10) Business ($50) Total Enclosed: Cash Cheque(*) * Please make cheque payable to South Vancouver Community Crime Prevention Society An official tax receipt is to be issued during the applicable tax year when the membership fee is received. Charitable Organization Registration Number #89531-5075RR0001] Date of Application: Signature: _______________________________ $ $ $