Spring Arbor University SPE 100 – Oral Communications Section 4 : T/Th 9:20-10:20a Spring Term 2009 Instructor Becky Veydt Office Hours: By appointment E-mail: bveydt@arbor.edu Phone: 517.937.3519 Text A Concise Public Speaking Handbook, 2nd Ed., Beebe & Beebe About the Course This course will introduce you to the basic principles of effective public communication. It places a strong emphasis on speech preparation, including topic selection, audience analysis, research, reasoning, and writing. The course will also help you develop an ethic for communication emphasizing accuracy, clarity, authenticity, purpose and empathy. Department of Communication and Media objectives The Department of Communication and Media expects that throughout this course students will: * Recognize that communication is a gift by which one shares the image of God. * Speak the truth in love, evaluating the motive behind his or her message. * Accept criticism and respect professional and institutional standards. * Gather and organize valid information in purposeful and persuasive ways. * Use the tools and techniques of effective speakers to project thoughtful messages without distracting behaviors and mannerisms. * Strive for a poised, well prepared presentation, reflecting a commitment to excellence and integrity. Department Mission Statement The Department of Communications and Media seeks to prepare credible, creative, Christian professionals for a world where the mastery of communication skills and technologies is essential. Department and Class Expectations * Attendance is mandatory. Much of this course in participatory and it is vital for you to be a part of this process. Extenuating circumstances and unavoidable absences should be discussed with me in person, in advance. Students with more than two absences or tardies will be marked down 10 points for each occurrence thereafter. Chronic absenteeism or habitual tardiness will result in dismissal. * Deadlines are firm. Due dates for all assignments can be found on the class calendar. Late work is not accepted. There will be no make-up speeches. * Honesty is expected. Do your own work, and acknowledge the work of others when sources are used. Students caught violating academic integrity will fail the course. For more information about academic integrity, please refer to your Student Handbook and the University Catalog. The Assignments Suitcase Speech: This 3-4 minute speech requires you to pack a bag or suitcase with objects that are representational of your life, your personality, and/or your hobbies. You will use this as a springboard to tell the class about yourself. Outline required. (10 pts speech/ 10 pts outline) Passions Speech: This 4-5 minute speech gives you an opportunity to share with the audience your passion for a person, place or thing. A visual resource is encouraged. Outline and bibliography required. (25 pts speech/ 10 pts outline/ 10 pts bibliography) Informative Speech: This 4-5 minute speech gives you an opportunity to increase what the audience knows about a particular topic. Visual resource, outline and bibliography are required. (50 pts speech/ 10 pts outline/ 10 pts bibliography) Informative Speech Analysis and Application Paper: An opportunity for you to discuss the mechanics and decision making of your informative speech in a 3-5 page paper. (25 pts) Informative Speech Critique: An opportunity for you to watch a videotape of your Informative presentation and critique it in a 3-5 page paper. (50 pts) Impromptu Speech: Two opportunities for you to speak 1-2 minutes without preparation. Topics will be randomly selected in class. (10 pts each) Persuasive Speech: This 4-5 minute speech gives you an opportunity to document and discuss a problem and present an argument for solution, as well as indicate your chosen modes of persuasive appeal. Visual resource, outline and bibliography are required. (50 pts speech/ 10 pts outline/ 10 pts bibliography) Symposium-Panel-Forum: This group assignment gives you an opportunity to integrate the theories and skills you have studied and developed throughout the semester. It includes individual persuasive or informative presentations and participation in a panel discussion and a question/answer forum. You must participate in all aspects of the SPF (which includes being an enthusiastic and engaged audience member) to pass the course. Visual resource, outline and bibliography are required. (50 pts speech/ 20 pts outline/ 20 pts bibliography) ALL OUTLINES, BIBLIOGRAPHIES (MLA STYLE), AND PAPERS MUST BE TYPED USING 12 FONT AND DOUBLE SPACED. BIBLIOGRAPHIES REQUIRE A MINIMUM OF THREE SOURCES, TWO OF WHICH MUST BE NON-INTERNET. Chapter Quizzes: You must complete a multiple choice/short answer, take-home quiz for most chapters covered (some chptrs. will be combined). Competed quizzes will be corrected and collected at the beginning of the class period in which they are due. Late quizzes will not be accepted. (5 pts each / 70 total) Participation & Evaluation: An opportunity to take part by discussion, attention and attitude, in addition to giving evaluative feedback of the presentations of others. (20 pts each) 2 Basis of Evaluation Assignment Value 10 10 25 10 10 50 10 10 25 50 10 10 50 10 10 50 20 20 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 20 20 500 Suitcase Speech Outline Passion Speech Outline Bibliography Informative Speech Outline Bibliography Analysis and application paper Critique Impromptu Speech #1 Impromptu Speech #2 Persuasive Speech Outline Bibliography Symposium – Panel - Forum Outline Bibliography Chapters 1/4 quiz Chapter 3 quiz Chapter 2 quiz Chapter 11 quiz Chapter 14 quiz Chapter 12 quiz Chapter 13 quiz Chapter 15 quiz Chapter 16 quiz Chapters 17/18 quiz Chapter 19 quiz Chapters 20-23 quiz Chapter 24 quiz Chapters 25/26 quiz Evaluation Process Participation Total Points Possible Earned Grading Scale 500 – 470 469 – 455 454 – 440 439 – 420 419 – 405 404 – 390 A AB+ B BC+ 389 – 370 369 – 355 354 – 340 339 – 320 319 – 305 304 – below C CD+ D DU 3 SPE 100 – Veydt CLASS CALENDAR Spring Term 2009 Th / Jan. 29 Introduction to class Assignment: Chapters 1 & 4 (due T / Feb. 3) Suitcase Speech (due T / Feb. 3 with outlines) T / Feb.3 DUE: Chapters 1 & 4 quizzes and Suitcase Speech Outline Suitcase Speeches Th / Feb. 5 Suitcase Speeches cont. Discuss chaptesr 3 & 2 – Topic Selection, Audience Analysis, Ethics Assignment: Chapters 3 & 2 (due Th / Feb. 12) T / Feb. 10 Impromptu Speeches Th / Feb. 12 DUE: Chapter 3 and 2 quizzes Discuss chapters 8, 11, 14, 9 & 10 – Preparing Your Speech, Outlining and Organizing Your Presentation Assignment: Chapters 11 & 14 (due T / Feb. 17) T / Feb. 17 DUE: Chapters 11 & 14 quizzes Discuss chapters 12, 13 & 15 – Intros, Conclusions and Great Speeches – “I Have a Dream” Passion Speech (due Th / Feb. 19) Th / Feb. 19 DUE: Passion Speech Outline and Bibliography Passion Speeches T / Feb. 24 Passion Speeches Th / Feb. 26 Passion Speeches Assignment: Chapters 16, 17/18 & 19 (due T / March 3) T / March 3 DUE: Chapters 16, 17/18 & 19 quizzes Discuss chapters 16-19 – Finding Info & Informative Presentations Assignments: Chapters 20-23 (due Th / March 5) Informative Speech (due T / March 24) --Analysis Paper (due T / March 24) --Informative Critique (due T / May 5) Th / March 5 DUE: Chapters 20-23 quiz Discuss chapter 24 – Informative Presentations Assignments: Chapters 24, 25 & 26 (due Th / March 12) T / March 10 Impromptu Speeches 4 Th / March 12 DUE: Chapters 24, 25 & 26 quizzes SPF – What is it? Assignments: SPF topics (due Th / March 24) --SPF Rough Outlines (due T / April 7) --SPF Speeches (due T / April 28) --SPF Outline and Bibliography (due T / April 28) T/ March 17 Th/ March 19 NO CLASS – Spring Break (Enjoy!) NO CLASS – Spring Break (Enjoy!) T / March 24 DUE: Informative Speech Analysis Paper Informative Speeches Th / March 26 DUE: SPF Topics Informative Speeches T / March 31 Informative Speeches Assignment: Persuasive Speech (due Th / April 9) Th / April 2 SPF Group Day T / April 7 DUE: SPF Rough Outline Th / April 9 DUE: Persuasive Speech Outline and Bibliography Persuasive Speeches T / April 14 Persuasive Speeches Th / April 16 Persuasive Speeches T / April 21 SPF Group Day Th / April 23 Extra Credit Day? T / April 28 DUE: SPF Outline and Bibliography SPF Group #1 Th / April 30 SPF Group #2 T / May 5 DUE: Informative Speech Critique SPF Group #3 Th / May 7 SPF Group #4 Class Evaluation T / May 12 SPF Group #5 Th / May 14 FINAL EXAM – 10:30a – 12:30p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