12. - 14. 10. 2010, Olomouc, Czech Republic, EU
Elżbieta WEISS a, Sebastian BAKALARCZYK b, Przemysław POMYKALSKI C
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF LODZ, Piotrkowska 266, 90-924 Lodz, Poland, EU,
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF LODZ, Piotrkowska 266, 90-924 Lodz, Poland, EU,
The study of innovation region or country based on the measurement of numerous growth factors that
stimulate the level of innovation in the region. These factors include structural conditions influencing the
innovation, financial outlays on R&D, innovation of private enterprises, employment in high-tech industries,
or even the number of patent applications. The most popular rating in EU is Summary Innovation Index (SII).
Disturbing is the fact that only less than 20% of the innovative solutions created by the process R&D. The
remaining 80% of innovation is borrowed or purchased from outside.
Keywords: biotechnology, Poland, innovation, innovativeness, company.
Biotechnology is actually a combination of science and engineering applications in order to obtain
organisms, cells or their parts for the acquisition of relevant products. There are actually two types of
biotechnology. The first is the traditional biotechnology, and the second is modern biotechnology. Traditional
biotechnology has been known for several thousand years and uses the basic biological processes. Modern
biotechnology is identified with genetic engineering, which moves or modifies the genes between different
individuals using specialized laboratory techniques. Traditional biotechnology, gene transfer as well, but
without precisely defining what. Modern biotechnology is a more detailed field of science (it has more
resources available to the technical specifications, excellent analytical apparatus) because to go into the
construction of genes and their molecular structure, while the traditional uses and adapts to living organisms
in a natural way, although not always consistent with the nature [2].
However, you can also meet other biotechnology divisions made by the representatives of EuropeBio, which
is an organization whose main task is to promote innovative and rapidly growing bio-industry. According to
the organization EuropeBio, the national organization associating 24 biotech, biotechnology is divided into
three sections [1]:
white - Industrial biotechnology uses biological systems in industrial production and environmental
protection. It is based on biocatalyst and bioprocesses, using renewable resources, mainly agricultural
products, which are transformed cells using the mold, yeast, bacteria or enzymes derived from them
into valuable chemicals, drugs, biopolymers, energy factors, functional food ingredients, etc.
red - biotechnology in health care, linked to the production of new biopharmaceuticals, the
development of genetic diagnosis, or gen therapy and ksenotransplantology,
green - biotechnology related to agriculture, including genetic engineering methods to improve crop
production and livestock, whose key area is of transgenic plants for the production of vaccine and
recombinant proteins, and the use of plants as renewable resources in biorefineries (e.g. rape).
12. - 14. 10. 2010, Olomouc, Czech Republic, EU
Biotechnological processes compared to chemical processes are much less energy-intensive, low-waste or
waste-free, cheaper and more efficient, and pollution arising from them are generally less burdensome for
the environment [5].
The liberalization of the world economy leading to its globalization is an irreversible process. This
phenomenon concerns, first of all, the well-developed part of the world but the other countries, including
Poland, hoping for the acceleration of development, are trying to join this process. The manifestation of the
above is the gradual removal of barriers in the flow of capital, commodities and services as well as
workforce. The capital flow process – searching for a growing return rate – is an inherent characteristic of the
market economy. Investors try to allocate the capital in countries, regions, sectors, branches and enterprises
of the possibly highest growth potential. Nowadays, the process of migration – of capital, commodities,
services and workforce – is intensifying also due to direct and fast information that renders communication
and the realization of transactions easier on the growing global market [4].
The essence of the globalization process is taking advantage of the market laws to increase the productivity
of the world economy, not only of some selected regions or countries. In their efforts to acquire the capital
necessary for new investments and the restructuring of enterprises, chances of those that ensure a higher
return rate on investment than capital cost are growing. Thus, in the manner of conducting business,
globalization focuses on increasing the value of a company. This happens so, because in the global market
conditions, development chances are better for those enterprises (regions) that can increase value for their
shareholders. The added value is generated by firms having a competitive advantage. In the global market
conditions, companies of a high growth potential, e. g. the ones that are able to increase the company’s
value, among others, through innovation, have better chances of development.
In their pursuit of the acquisition of capital necessary for new investments, companies that have allocated
their products in low-growth potential branches have no chances. At the same time, their chances for
restructuring in the traditional sense of the word are also diminishing. These firms can be a target for
mergers and takeovers, where an increase in the market share or the takeover of a new market come into
Innovation process globalization is shaped by many factors of different origins, characters, strengths and
ranges of action. However, these factors can be included in the following main groups [4]:
innovation development through the development of the R&D sphere and an increasing importance of
technology transfer;
the development of modern branches of production and services;
international competition, an increasing demand for innovations on the part of globally competing
the economic policy, including the innovative policy of the state.
The aforementioned factors are interrelated, and the effect of their stimulating activities on the organization
development process should be considered using a synergetic approach, since technology development
stimulates the globalization process. The knowledge being generated exceeds the limits of scientific
branches of organization and management to an increasing extent.
The principal directions of the innovativeness policy in the EU member states aim to: stimulate scientific
research conducted by companies, improve innovation financing, and promote the assimilation of technology
and innovation management in a group of small and medium-sized firms [4].
12. - 14. 10. 2010, Olomouc, Czech Republic, EU
Recently the priority lists have been expanded to contain: 1) intensification of cooperation between research
centres, universities and companies; 2) promotion of new forms of cooperation between companies and
other participants of the innovation process.
The annual income of the Polish national companies of the biotechnology industry is about $100 million.
Generate the biggest actors in health care, then the biotech industry (mainly biofermentation) and companies
related to agricultural production. The main directions of development of agricultural biotechnology to plant
protection products, veterinary products (vaccines fertilizer, feed formulations, diagnostic and preventive,
enzymes), and transgenic.
Its strong growth is also noticeable in environmental protection, where he is used in water treatment, waste
neutralization and bioutilisation, as well as biogas production. In addition, the achievement of biotechnology
is also used in medicine and pharmacology (the production of antibiotics and vaccines), food (dairy),
chemistry, and even power. In these sectors biotechnology income structure is distributed heterogeneously.
Almost 50% spent on health care, biotech industry itself is in second place with a score of 34%, followed by
agricultural production - about 15% and finally, protecting the environment - 1%. In regard to both research
teams and companies, the direction of development of biotechnology has appointed Poland entry into the
European Union. Accession to the EU was strongly associated with participation in the European Innovation
Strategy, where he took a leading position biotechnology. What is the Polish potential of biotechnology?
Now, gene banks in Poland remain around 73 thousand. of usable genotypes. Under the program, financed
by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food is protected by about 55 thousand. objects. For that over 49
thousand. a sample of seeds, which are located in the National Centre for Plant Genetic Resources IHAR,
and about 1800 genotypes is stored in the Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences. In
addition, biotechnology is not just a sample, but also education [5].
In Poland, education and biotechnology is carried out in an already over 20 universities, 7 of which carries a
PhD. Accreditation in the teaching of biotechnology has 10 schools: seven universities and three polytechnic.
In total during the year, at a study day and evening, begin studies of more than two thousand biotech.
students, and ends around 1500-1700 people. Biotechnology is a very attractive direction, despite the lack of
information on professional qualifications and suitability of graduates for whom the labour market is as
limited in Polish conditions. Although eager for a place in the direction of biotechnology, there are many, are
graduates so far have little chance of employment in good company. Situation in the biotech job market is
not satisfactory, due to the fact that the number of companies based on highly advanced technologies in the
area of biotechnology in the country is small [1].
Employment situation in this industry should significantly improve the introduction of appropriate policies and
development of state innovation policy, which of course was missing and the missing money. An alternative
to the graduates of biotechnology may be a trip to the centres of advanced technologies that are outside of
our country. There will be happy to take well-educated Poles, who can count on a high salary, career and
development associated with the possibility of developing new inventions. In 2008, the Patent Office were
393 patent applications for biotechnological inventions, among which 41 were reported by Polish entities. In
the same year, the Patent Office has granted 92 patents for inventions in the field, while seven Polish related
inventions. For comparison, in Europe in 2009 there are over 4.5 thousand. patent applications for
biotechnological inventions.
12. - 14. 10. 2010, Olomouc, Czech Republic, EU
Biotech market in the UK is the largest in Europe and second in the world after the United States. In 2001
the UK biotechnology market was at USD 5.4 billion and is projected that by the year 2006 should increase
to U.S. $ 18.6 billion, an increase of almost 200% from 2002. Employment in the biotechnology industry in
the UK is increasing annually by about 20% and is currently working with over 42 thousand. people. This
sector benefits the most from the pharmaceutical industry, which in terms of sales is the fifth largest market
in the world, and third in terms of exports. Almost 10% of the global pharmaceutical market accounts for
spending on research and development. This wealth of resources and expertise gives national biotech firms
embedded in international competitive advantage over rivals [3].
In the UK there are over 450 biotech companies, of which 46 listed on the stock exchange, which was
significantly more than in other European countries. Together they are responsible for around three
pharmaceuticals used in clinical trials in Europe. UK companies account for almost a biotechnology company
in Europe, a sector that has built up on strong foundations. The strength of this sector, suited to such factors
as: a world-class science, strong and well-organized financial services sector and the relentless support of
the government. British scientists in the past of 50 years have been awarded up to 40 Nobel prizes in the
field of biological sciences and medical devices that are connected together innovative technologies. The
largest biotech centres in the UK are: Oxford, Cambridge, London, Edinburgh and Manchester and
Liverpool, and the largest company in this industry is Oxford Glycosciences (OGS) and Celltech.
In 2002, revenues in 1980 biotechnological companies in Europe rose by 2% to 20.7 billion, while
expenditures on research and development increased by 11% to 12.4 billion Euros. As a result, the total net
loss tripled to 6.7 billion. Between 102 public sector undertakings loss quadrupled to 2.6 billion. The
European biotech industry is like a desolate patch of supplement. Some companies generate profits, others
lose their invested money, but still unsustainable balance of biotechnology carried forward, despite the fact
that for the first time in 2003 did not increase the number of biotech companies in Europe compared with
2002. Shortly after the UK in second place to follow the German biotech sector. In this country is 360 biotech
companies. Therefore, only 13 are public. Total revenues of the German biotech companies in 2002
exceeded 500 million.
The German public companies have used in 2002 only 15 of biopharmaceuticals in preclinical and clinical
trials, while at the same time, Switzerland was used in 1979, while in Britain until the 194th Germany is
experiencing a financial crisis, which primarily comes by small biotechnology companies efficiently absorbed,
or eliminated by giant corporations. A good example for the Germans in this sector is Switzerland, which has
five public strongest players in this market, comparable to those in 1946-five in the UK. Among them, the
largest and most financially stable in the industry are: Serono (the largest European company in terms of
market capitalization), Actelion and Roche. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are holding much better
than their counterparts in Germany, despite the fact that they do not receive support from state authorities,
as it has in Britain [3].
SMEs maintain close contacts with universities, which provide them the opportunity to use laboratory and
knowledge of both biochemical and engineering. The activity is involved, of course, there are scientists
whose research is funded by these companies, and geared to obtaining patents. This creates ethical
problems, which are not new, but have a very grown (e. g. animal cloning). Modern medicine also can not do
without biotechnology. Many modern medicines are obtained biotechnological methods, where some
intermediates are produced by a properly selected, and now modified by genetic engineering
microorganisms. These are usually fungi (Penicillium and Cephalosporium), as well as in the case of some
drugs and vaccines - yeast (Saccharomyces) or bacteria (Escherichia coli). North America, Japan and
12. - 14. 10. 2010, Olomouc, Czech Republic, EU
Europe account for 80% of the pharmaceutical market, hence the intense studies on biotechnology, which
for many pharmaceutical companies can be a source of enormous profits. In addition to the pharmaceutical
industry is also actively operate in the market for biotechnology companies producing medical apparatus.
Together with the scientific and research units conduct research on biosystems that combine silicon with
DNA, being able to develop sensors to detect specific disease [2].
Biotechnology is one of the few innovative and rapidly developing scientific fields related to the bio-industry.
In Britain, hailed as science, biotechnology is the XXI century. Scientific and technological achievements of
biotechnologists are an opportunity to improve living conditions and improve product quality. Biotechnology
gigantic influence the environment clean. Microorganisms and other living organisms are used in sewage
treatment plants, which remove impurities. Used in filters purify the air, water and gas. They are also used for
cleaning the soil. Microorganisms are able to degrade many pollutants such as oil, detergents and
Biotechnology in the near future can help in increasing the quality of products by extending their durability. It
can help in raising additives and agents supporting food production and reduce the cost of processing.
Medical sciences should play a dominant role in the production of biopharmaceuticals, which are currently
very expensive. The future boundaries of biotechnology is still unknown, but some may soon be clarified by
ambiguities and mysteries of nature. Can Genetic engineering contribute to making the world a better place,
without spreading diseases? Let us hope that we will witness more and more discoveries and achievements
of modern biotechnology, and the next generation on their own skin will feel unfulfilled dreams of our
Monographic publication
BOURGAIZE,D., JEWELL, T.R., BUISER, R.G. Biotechnology: Demystifying the Concepts, Paperback, 2008, pp.416.
CARR, J.J., Brown, J.M. Introduction to Biomedical Equipment Technology, Prentice Hall, 2000, p.109-123.
MALSCH, N.M. Biomedical Nanotechnology Malsch TechnoValuation, Utrecht,2005, pp. 232.
POMYKALSKI, A. Innovative Organizations, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2008, pp. 148.
REISNER, D.E. Bionanotechnology: Global Prospects, The Nano Group, Farmington,2008, pp. 368.