- San Diego Workforce Partnership

 Introductory Life Sciences Experience (ILSE) Program Re-­‐issue RFP Questions and Answers JUNE 18, 2015 (RESPONDENTS ORIENTATION) 1. How does the transportation component work? • San Diego Workforce Partnership (SDWP) will pay for transportation to and from Miramar College for classes and site visits to industry site visits only during the college courses. • The contracted service provider will coordinate with SDWP staff to determine type of transportation, logistics and schedule. 2. How does the Miramar course component work? • Miramar College will provide the course instruction and classroom space coordination. • The contracted service provider may provide additional educational services, supplementary instruction and tutoring to ensure successful participation in program. 3. How long is the course content? Are they run simultaneously or one after the other? • Participants are required to attend approximately 140 hours of total instruction, which includes Introduction to Biology (BIO 134) and Service Learning (BIO 277D) and the ACT National Career Readiness (NCRC) Certification basic introductory orientation. The ACT NCRC will then be available for participants to complete online. • The contracted service provider will coordinate program logistics with Miramar College. Negotiable factors based on classroom and instructor availability. 4. How does the ACT National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) component work? • Miramar is certified to provide ACT NCRC classroom space, license, online curriculum, certification fees and basic introductory orientation to the online curriculum. Miramar will not provide classroom instruction for the ACT NCRC. • The contracted service provider may provide additional work readiness services, supplementary instruction and tutoring to ensure successful participation in the program. 5. Will students have accessibility to ACT NCRC content online? • Yes, the ACT NCRC is available online that can be accessed at Miramar, with the contracted service provider or wherever Internet access is available. 6. What accommodations are available for recording class or providing alternative methods of instruction? • Miramar College Disability Support Programs and Services (DSPS) department offers a variety of services for students with verified disabilities. Examples include students with learning disabilities, impairments in vision, hearing, and mobility, psychiatric conditions, acquired brain injuries, and other medical disabilities. Services are provided in compliance with state and federal legislation, including Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Student participation in the program is voluntary. • The contracted service provider will coordinate directly with Disability Support Programs and Services (DSPS) at Miramar College. 7. Does the course require any prerequisites? • No, prerequisites are not required for BIO 134 and BIO 277D. 8. Does the course require a textbook? • Miramar will provide standard laboratory notebook and Introduction to the Biotechnology Laboratory manual. • Textbook can be purchased by the contracted service provider utilizing support service funds. The textbook associated with the course is: Biotechnology: Demystifying the Concepts, 1st ed. Benjamin Cummings, 2000, ISBN: 0805346023. 9. If all deliverables are met within the first 12 months, can the contracted service provider downsize to provide 10% of the services in the final months? • The contract is for a 21-­‐month period to deliver services to youth in the Introductory Life Sciences Program. When completing Attachment H – Budget Shell it will need to be filled out to show expenses for Year 1 and Year 2. Attachment G – Budget Instructions provides guidance on how to complete a 21-­‐month contract. Once a youth completes their requirements then they can be exited out of the program and twelve months of follow-­‐up service should be made available to each youth. SDWP will work with the contracted youth service provider on how to deliver those services once the contract is complete as of June 30, 2017. 10. Are you looking to fund the entire county or a specific region? • As stated in Section 3.4 Geographic Region of this RFP, Respondents may choose to serve one region, multiple regions or the entire county. A strategy for recruitment of Out-­‐Of-­‐School Youth in the selected region(s) or the entire county must be provided. 