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Michael Saunders & Company
Licensed Real Estate Broker
The Winds Of Opportunity
“Forget stocks. Don’t bet on gold. After four years of plung- cusp of a strong market. With the historic drop in new home The challenge in foreclosure markets is to absorb the unprecing home prices, the most attractive asset class in America is construction over the past few years, even a modest uptick in edented wave of distressed properties, whose unnatural influhousing.” So began a reassessment of the real estate market by demand—resulting from today’s recovering economy and job ence on pricing has caused these markets to become grossly
a major media outlet that appeared throughout last week’s news market—will likely result in major gains in prices in these markets undervalued. Many of these properties are what Tully calls such
that will outpace inflation by three to four percentage points over “screaming deals” that investors both large and small are buying
them—often in bulk—and leasing them in what remains of today’s
Lest you suspect these words were penned by someone with a the next few years.
vested interest in selling new or existing homes, brace yourself Markets like ours—which Tully labels as the “foreclosure markets”— strong rental market.
for a surprise. Instead, this was the sub-headline for an article got this way largely because of their inherent desirability. People
Meanwhile, thousands of would-be buyers—many of whom sat-out
on today’s recovering real estate market entitled “Real Estate: It’s want to live in warm, sunny locations; especially the 76 million
Time to Buy Again.” Authored by Shawn Tully, senior editor-at- trendsetting Baby Boomers who are poised to hang up their the real estate downturn as renters—are being advised to step-up
large at Fortune Magazine/CNNMoney.com, his only vested interest careers, head south and reinvent retirement. According to a and buy. In more than half of the 54 markets examined in a new
is giving the best advice to his audience of nine million affluent new survey by the Pew Research Center, fully eight-in-ten adults study by Deutsche Bank, it is now cheaper—often by far—to pay
the mortgage and other costs of owning a home than it is to rent
agree that buying a home is still the best long-term investment a
the same house.
Confused? With all the conflicting news appearing daily about person can make.
the real estate market, we’d be surprised if you weren’t. But even Similarly, the economic turbulence of the past few years has done Once most foreclosures are sold and these markets experience
in market’s such as ours, with a troublesome backlog of distressed little to deter younger buyers from actively pursuing home owner- fresh demand without the corresponding downward pressure
properties to sell before we can get back to basics, the winds of ship, according to a new study commissioned by the National on prices, home prices are expected to rise rather sharply. If all
opportunity are blowing favorably. Quite frankly, its becoming Association of Home Builders. Gen X’ers—or those 51 million outstanding foreclosures enter their markets at a fairly even pace,
harder and harder to find articles about the real estate market Americans between the ages of 31 and 45—are also expected to William Wheaton—an economist with MIT—believes most will
where the negatives outweigh the positives.
take a leading role in the housing recovery, especially as it pertains be absorbed between now and the end of 2013. Such a scenario
We won’t even discuss Tully’s hugely upbeat assessment of what to fueling new construction. With better than 9 out of 10 saying nixes the notion that it will be many years before our market fully
he terms the “non-distressed” markets—so named because they that now is a good time to buy a new home, their motivation is not recovers. More to the point, well-priced homes and condominiavoided the nastier side effects of the bubble—except to say that solely about price. It’s also about owning “something compelling ums are suddenly flying off the shelf so quickly that buyers here
their shrunken inventories of homes have placed them on the and unique, from a design or personal standpoint.”
are noticing a greatly diminished selection of good properties.
400 4Th St W Boca Grande Carol Stewart
#D5781008 $5,985,000
941-276-1162 941-964-2000
1728 Jose Gaspar Drive Boca Grande #D5782609 $3,700,000
Carol Stewart
941-276-1162 941-964-2000
1812 Jack Pt Ln Boca Grande Carol Stewart
#D5779348 $2,950,000
941-276-1162 941-964-2000
4546 Shore Ln Boca Grande Carol Stewart
#D5782506 $2,795,000
941-276-1162 941-964-2000
130 Palm Ave Boca Grande Carol Stewart
#D5780218 $1,895,000
941-276-1162 941-964-2000
370 Gasparilla St Boca Grande Carol Stewart
#D5781495 $1,295,000
941-276-1162 941-964-2000
13100 Joseffa Ct Placida Kevin Hyde
#D5781541 $1,295,000
941-628-4730 941-964-2000
3567 Gasparilla Rd Boca Grande Carol Stewart
#D5779401 $995,000
941-276-1162 941-964-2000
5184 Boyle Ter Port Charlotte Ellen Baker & Michael Hollenbeck
#D5778705 $979,000
941-268-4999 941-473-7750
10230 Creekside Dr Placida Carol Stewart
#D5782049 $949,000
941-276-1162 941-964-2000
355 Barbarosa St Boca Grande Kevin Hyde
#D5772251 $895,000
941-628-4730 941-964-2000
2225 22 St W Boca Grande Carol Stewart
#D5779428 $695,000
941-276-1162 941-964-2000
11 Coral Creek Pl Placida Ellen Baker & Michael Hollenbeck
#D5776604 $549,900
941-268-4999 941-473-7750
6021 Boca Grande Cswy # G82 Boca Grande #D5780988 $399,000
Carol Stewart
941-276-1162 941-964-2000
9400 Little Gasparilla Is # J9 Placida #D5780200 $239,000
Kevin Hyde
941-628-4730 941-964-2000
10520 Amberjack Way # 103 Englewood #D5782604 $159,000
Kevin Hyde
941-628-4730 941-964-2000
Boca Grande 941.964.2000 • Punta Gorda 639.0000 • Burnt Store 505.5555 • Englewood 473.7750