Stewart Whittingham PROFILE EDUCATION

St ewart Whit t ingham
Nat io nal Dire ct o r, Pro fe ssio nal
De ve lo pm e nt
To ro nto
Stewart Whittingham is Miller T homson's National Director, Professional Development. He leads a
national team in the execution of the professional development program across the firm's 11 offices.
Working collaboratively with the firm's key stakeholders, Stewart is responsible for the firm's national legal
talent management initiatives, including the oversight of student programs, the recruitment and integration
of lateral associates, analyzing development and education needs, including the Miller T homson
Leadership Program, the mentoring program, and associate performance management and career
development initiatives.
Stewart participates on a number of the firm's committees, including the Pro Bono Committee, Inclusion
and Diversity Committee, and the Student Committee. Stewart was an active participant on the Law
Society of Upper Canada's Justicia Project, serving on the Working Group that developed the Justicia
Guide to Women's Leadership in Law Firms.
Stewart brings to his role more than 17 years of professional development experience in the legal
B.A. Radio and Television Arts (B.A. Communications), Ryerson University
Certification in Human Resources Management, Ryerson University