TheHenryFund HenryB.TippieSchoolofManagement JonKerr[] LinearTechnology(LLTC) Linear Technology targets the high performance segment of the analog integrated circuit market with application-specific products that are not subject to commodity pricing like digital and standard analog integrated circuits. The cyclicality of the semiconductor industry will keep revenues downincalendaryear2015butthecompanyispositionedwellinboththe industrial and automotive segments and should see substantial revenue growth in 2016 due to the increasing data connectivity of these markets. However,thestockpricerose11%inthemonthofOctober,whichlimitsthe upside on this stock. Therefore, we recommend a no action on Linear Technology. DriversofThesis • LinearTechnologyhashistoricallyhadstrongcashflowgenerationwitha long history of returning value to shareholders through both dividend payments and stock repurchases. They have averaged a 55% dividend payoutratioanda69%totalpayoutratiosince2009. • The company has no debt on their balance sheet and they have a high levelofliquiditybasedontheircurrentratioof8.4in2015. • LinearTechnologyisaleanandwell-runcompanydominatingtheirpeers ingrossmargins,operatingmargins,ROE,andROIC. RiskstoThesis • If the current downturn in the industry does not end in Q4 2015 as expected,companyrevenuescouldbehitevenharderthanpredicted. • Larger companies have broader product lines with greater technical service and support capabilities which could make major automobile partssuppliesshyawayfromLinearTechnologyproducts. 2014 $1.91 11.25% 2015 $2.13 11.45% 2016E $1.97 -7.68% 2017E $2.17 10.26% 2018E $2.27 3.71% LLTC 40 20 LLTC 10% 5% 0% -5% -10% -15% N D J F M A M $10,996 244.5 97.0% 1.17 2.70% 10.9% 21.40 7.54 0.0% 46.28% 35.32% 29.44% 35.81% Industry 35.8 30 15.4 10 Sector 35.3 21.4 21.8 20.5 17.1 17.3 13.2 0 P/E 12MonthPerformance 15% NoAction $45-49 $46.92 $47.83 $41.03 $44.31 $36.41–49.57 $42.61 TargetPrice HenryFundDCF HenryFundDDM RelativeP/EMultiple PriceData CurrentPrice 52wkRange Consensus1yrTarget KeyStatistics MarketCap(M) SharesOutstanding(M) InstitutionalOwnership FiveYearBeta DividendYield Est.5yrGrowth Price/Earnings(TTM) Price/Sales(TTM) Debt/Equity Profitability OperatingMargin NetProfitMargin ReturnonAssets(TTM) ReturnonEquity(TTM) EarningsEstimates 2013 $1.75 0.62% November17,2015 StockRating InformationTechnology–Semiconductors InvestmentThesis Year EPS Growth ROE ProfitMargin Source:YahooFinance CompanyDescription Linear Technology Corporation designs, S&P500 manufacturers,andmarketsadiverselineof analog integrated circuits for companies worldwide. They target high performance application-specific products in the analog semiconductor market. The company’s productsbridgethegapbetweentheanalog world and digital electronics in communications, networking, industrial, computer, medical, Source:YahooFinance automotive, instrumentation,consumer,andmilitaryand J J A S O aerospacesystems. Importantdisclosuresappearonthelastpageofthisreport. EXECUTIVESUMMARY Linear Technology is a leading supplier of highperformanceanalogintegratedcircuits. The company operates in the cyclical semiconductor industry, which is expected to have a slight downturn in the remaining calendar year of 2015 before rebounding incalendaryear 2016.LinearTechnologyisexpectedto haveadeclineintheirFY2016revenuesbeforeincreasing inFY2017duetotheindustrycyclicality. Linear Technology competes in the analog sector of the semiconductorindustry,whichischaracterizedbylonger design cycles, longer product lives, and lower capital expenditures than the digital sector. Therefore, companiesintheanalogsectortendtohavehigherprofit margins than companies competing in the digital sector. Linear Technology has consistently had industry leading margins. We have modeled gross profit margins to maintain historical levels of around 75% with operating profit margin decreasing slightly from 46.3% in 2015 to 45.5%into2020. (1) integrated circuit market. The company designs and manufactures a vast portfolio of different integrated circuits(IC)forthousandsofdifferentcustomersglobally, withnosinglecustomeraccountingformorethan10%of company revenue. The products Linear Technology produces link the analog world to the digital world. For example, their products may measure light, sound, pressure,orpowerandoutputadigitalrepresentationof that input. Linear Technology is a highly profitably company with 116 consecutive quarters of positive cash flow.In2010,Forbesmagazinecalledthecompany“one ofthetechindustry’smostprofitablecompanies.”(2) RevenueTypes FY2015%Revenueper Segment 3.0% Automomve 9.0% We expect revenue growth for the company to come fromtheindustrialandautomotivesegmentsduetothe growingnumberofdevicesconnectingtotheInternetof Things and from the increased demand for hybrid and electric vehicles as well as the increasing amount of electronicsbeingaddedtovehicles. The company has a long track record of high dividend paymentsandconsistentdividendgrowth.Thecompany has historically had a dividend payout ratio of around 55% and a total payout ratio of around 65% with that numberincreasingto75%thelastfouryears.Weexpect thetotalpayoutratiotoaverage80%into2020because of the company’s large amount of cash and short-term marketable securities on its balance sheet, $4.92 per share. EvenwiththeexpectedgrowthafterFY2016andthehigh value returned to shareholders each year, we recommend“noaction”onLinearTechnology.Thestock price has risen approximately 11% since the time coveragewasinitiatedonthecompanyandwefeelthere islimitedupsideleftinthepriceofthestock. COMPANYDESCRIPTION Industrial 6.0% 43.0% 19.0% Communicamons Computer 20.0% Military/Harsh Environment Consumer Source:LinearTechnologyYearEnd2015EarningsCall LinearTechnologyhassixoperatingsegments:Industrial, Automotive, Communications, Computer, Military/Harsh Environment, and Consumer. The company targets the Industrial and Automotive segments, as these are the fasting growing markets in the analog industry. These two markets are also characterized by longer design cycles and longer product lives and customers in these markets are more likely to pay a premium for Linear Technology’sproductsandservices. Linear Technology’s main revenue segment is the Industrial segment. This segment has consistently accounted for over 40% of the company’s revenue since 2011. The industrial segment serves a very diverse customer base with applications ranging from DNA and blood analyzers to solar power to factory automation. Demand for this segment is determined by global Linear Technology Corporation was founded in 1981 in Milpitas, California. The company targets the high performance segment of the $47.5 billion analog Page2 macroeconomic factors and is highly correlated to the Global GDP. We expect Industrial segment revenues to decline 3% in 2016. However, we believe segment revenues will rebound in 2017 and into 2020 with revenuesgrowingata5.1%five-yearCAGR. this is a market the company “does not actively chase.” Because of this, we have modeled the Consumer segment’srevenuetogrowata1.0%CAGRinto2020but to slightly decrease as a percent of overall revenue to 2.5%. In 2015, the Automotive segment surpassed the Communications segment to become the company’s second largest segment generating 20% of company revenue. This segment is experiencing the most growth for the company. Since 2010, the Automotive segment has grown at an 18% CAGR. The growth is due to the increasing amount of electronics in cars. In the future, theincreaseinhybridandelectriccarsaswellasInternet equipped automobiles will drive growth in this segment. In2016,weexpectanincreaseof5%insegmentrevenue before a 13% increase in 2017. We expect segment revenuestogrowatan8.7%CAGRinto2020. GeographicDiversification The company’s third largest segment is the Communicationssegment,accountingfor19%ofrevenue in 2015. This segment includes ICs for mobile phones, Ethernet and networking products, and wireless radios. Historically,salesinthissegmenthavebeenverycyclical. In 2011, Communications segment revenues were $341 millionbeforedeclining21%to$269millionin2013.We expectrevenuestoonceagaindeclineforthissegmentin 2016, decreasing 4%. However, we do expect future growthforthesegmentduetoincreasingpenetrationof smartphones with overall revenues increasing at a 2.3% five-yearCAGR. The next largest segment is the Computer segment. In 2015, this segment accounted for 9% of company revenue.Productsinthissegmentareusedinnotebooks, desktops, tablet PCs, servers, and printers. Revenues in this segment had been steadily declining from 2011 to 2014.However,in2015revenuesgrewby6%.In2016, we expect revenues to decline by 6%. The increased adoption of the tablet PC will generate slight growth in the future. We have modeled revenue growth for the Computersegmenttoincreaseata1.0%CAGRinto2020. The Military/Aerospace/Harsh Environment segment accountedfor6%oftotalcompanyrevenuein2015.We expect sales in this segment to decrease 6% in 2016 mainly due to a decrease in government spending. Overall we expect the segment to grow at a 1.1% CAGR into2020. The Consumer segment accounted for 3% of total companyrevenuein2015.Managementhasstatedthat Linear Technology segments their revenue into four different regions. Domestic revenues consistently accountforaround28%oftotalrevenue. FY2015RegionalSales Europe 27.7% 19.8% Japan 15.5% 37.0% RestofWorld (ROW) NorthAmerica Source:LinearTechnology201510-K (3) More than 85% of Linear Technology’s manufacturing is performed at two U.S. locations. The company’s export sales are billed and payable in US dollars. Thus export sales are not directly subject to fluctuating currency exchange rates. The strengthening of the U.S. dollar results in Linear Technology’s products being more expensiveforsomeinternationalcustomers.Theadverse effect to revenue may be partially offset in operating expenses since the company generally incurs its foreign operatingexpensesinthecorrespondinglocalcurrency. RECENTDEVELOPMENTS Q12016Earnings OnOctober13,2015,LinearTechnologyannouncedtheir first quarter of FY2016 results. Quarterly revenue decreased 7.9% year-over-year to $341.9 million. The company’snetincomeof$112.0milliondecreased13.4% from the first quarter of FY2015. These numbers are weakwhencomparedtolastyear.However,theresults wereexpectedandmatchedconsensusanalystestimates of$0.46pershare.Managementhasstatedtheybelieve Page3 this decrease in revenues is an expected correction and will be relatively short lived. It is management’s view thatthisdowncyclewillnotbeprolongedandcustomer inventorieswillberebalancedbyQ3.Thecompanygave positive revenue guidance for Q2 with revenues increasing0-3%fromQ1.Analystswereexpectinga1-2% decline from Q1 so the street viewed this guidance very positively as the stock price increased 6.2% the day followingtheearningsrelease. 2015DividendIncrease ConnectedAutomobiles A connected car has internet access providing the driver withmultiplediagnosticoptionssuchasenginecontrols, automatic crash notifications, and safety alerts. Each of thesediagnosticreadingsrequiresmultipleanalogICsto perform the measurement. By 2020, Gartner estimates therewillbe25billionconnectedvehiclesglobally,a38% CAGR from 2015. (5) These vehicles will provide new invehicleservicesandautomateddrivingcapabilities. NumberofConnected AutomobilesWorldwide On January 13, 2015, Linear Technology announced an 11% increase in its quarterly dividend payment from $0.27 to $0.30. 2015 marked the 23rd consecutive year thatLinearTechnologyhasincreaseditsdividend. BillionsofAutomobiles 30.0 DividendPaymentGrowth $2.50 $2.00 $1.50 25.0 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 3.8 4.9 2014 2015 0.0 $1.00 Source:Gartner 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 EPS AnnualDividend/Share Source:Nasdaq (4) Since 2009, the company has averaged a 55% dividend payout ratio. In the last four years that number has increased to 57% with the dividend payment per share growingata5.2%CAGR. INDUSTRYTRENDS LinearTechnologyandotheranalogICmanufacturersare in a unique position as the world becomes more and more connected. The digitization and connectivity of deviceswilldriveanalogsales. (5) ElectricandHybridCars $0.50 $- 2020* In the FY2015 earnings call, Linear Technology management stated that their battery monitoring products are driving growth in the automotive segment duetohybridandelectriccars.By2023,salesofelectric vehiclesareexpectedtomakeup2.4%oftotalworldwide light-duty vehicles sales. According to a Navigant Researchstudy,globalsalesforlightdutyelectricvehicles is expected to increase from 2.7 million in 2014 to 6.4 millionin2023,a10%CAGR.(6) The growth in connected cars along with the increase in hybridandelectricvehicleswillcontinuetodrivesalesin the automotive segment for Linear Technology. These new capabilities and benefits will require added electronichardware,whichwillincludenumerousanalog sensors developed by analog IC manufacturers. We expect revenue’s for Linear Technology’s automobile segmenttoincreaseatan8.7%CAGRinto2020. Page4 InternetofThings The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of devices that communicate with one another sharing diagnostic data and other measurements creating smart homes and eventually smart cities. The number of IoT connected devicesisexpectedtoincrease23.5%CAGRfrom2015to 2020.Thenumberofdevicesisexpectedtoincreasefrom 13.4 billion to 38.5 billion during those years. (7) The industrial sector, which includes agriculture, smart buildings, and smart grid applications, will drive the majority of the growth. For example, John Deere is connectingfarmmachineryandirrigationsystemstosoil nutrient sources with information on weather, crop prices, and commodity futures to optimize overall farm performance. As well, Michelin is placing sensors inside tiresthatcancoachtruckfleetdriverstodriveinamore fuel-efficientmanner. Theincreaseinconnecteddeviceswillrequirenumerous analogsensorstomeasuretheanalogworldandconvert it to digital data that can easily be transmitted between devices. The Industrial segment is currently the largest segment for Linear Technology. With the growth of the IoT connected devices we expect the Industrial segment to continue to be Linear Technology’s largest segment andgrowata5.1%CAGRinto2020. bytheincreasedadoptionofsmartphonesamongmobile phone users. Smartphones are expected to account for 80% of mobile phone shipments in 2018 with Asia and otheremergingmarketsbeingthelargestcontributorsto the growth. (9) With this expected growth, we have modeled Linear Technology’s Communications segment toincreaseata2.3%five-yearCAGR. PCSales The introduction of the tablet and large screen smartphoneshashadanadverseaffectonPCandlaptop sales, which have been declining since 2011. According to IDC, Q2 2015 PC shipments for the top 5 vendors decreased 11.8% over the past year. IDC is forecasting overallPCshipmentstoremainsteadyinthenearfuture withgrowthofzeroto-3%.(10) GlobalPCShipments 400 364 349 350 315 308 2013 2014 300 Millionsofunits 282 279 282 250 200 150 100 50 SmartphoneGrowth 0 2011 WorldwideMobilePhoneShipments 2012 2015* 2016* 2019* Source:Statista (11) Due to the expected decline in the near term and slow growth in the long term, we have modeled Computer segmentrevenuestoincreaseata1.0%CAGRfrom2015 to2020. MARKETSANDCOMPETITION Source:S&PNetAdvantage (9) Thesmartphoneindustryhasexperiencedalargeamount of growth in recent years. In 2014, smartphone shipmentsgrew27.6%fromthepreviousyear.However, growth of shipments in the industry is expected to slow toan11.3%increasein2015.Evenwithslowinggrowth, global shipments are expected to reach 1.9 billion by 2019,an8.2%4-yearCAGR.(8)Thegrowthisbeingcaused The analog integrated circuit industry is unique to the restofthesemiconductorindustryasitsproductssolvea specific problem and are not easily commoditized. Because each product is unique and not easily replaced with a competitors product, when an analog supplier winsaspotinacustomersnewproductdesign,theprice tendstobefixedforthelifeoftheproduct.Thismakes for more price stability than digital IC markets, which is subjecttocommoditypricingpressure. CompaniesintheanalogICindustryhavesmallercapital requirementsthandigitalcircuitdesigners.Digitalcircuit designs require very dense circuits, which minimize Page5 device size and maximize speed. These designs require expensive wafer fabrication equipment. Analog circuit designers are not concerned with size and focus on precise matching and placement of circuit elements. Therefore, manufacturing of analog integrated circuits generally requires smaller capital expenditures and less frequent replacement of manufacturing equipment because the equipment will not become obsolete as quicklyasdigitalICmanufacturingequipment. The analog IC industry is a highly fragmented industry. The top ten companies in the industry account for only 58%ofthetotalindustrysales,withindustryleaderTexas Instrumentsaccountingforaround18%ofmarketshare. Company Revenue MarketShare TexasInstruments* $8,104* 18% ST $2,836 6% Infineon $2,770 6% AnalogDevices $2,615 SkyworksSolutions Texas Instruments is the largest player in the overall analogmarket.TexasInstrumentsdoescompeteinother markets in the semiconductor industry but analog accountsfor62%oftheirrevenue.LinearTechnologyisa medium sized company in the analog IC market space with a market cap of $11 billion. Linear Technology is among the most profitable companies in the entire semiconductor industry, which is a testament to strong leadershipinthecompany. Mkt Cap ($B) P/E (ttm) Price/ Sales (ttm) Price/ CF (ttm) Price/ Book TexasInstruments 58.46 20.3 4.43 14.84 5.39 AnalogDevices 19.35 25.1 5.51 18.11 3.25 InfineonTechnologies 12.73 17.1 2.13 9.38 2.21 MaximIntegrated 11.53 48.9 4.35 14.47 4.32 6% LinearTechnology 11.00 21.4 7.54 18.58 6.89 $2,570 6% 4.79 23.6 1.42 9.33 2.70 Maxim $2,035 4% NXP $1,730 4% ONSemiconductor Fairchild Semiconductor 1.47 10.91 1.71 LinearTechnology $1,437 3% Intersil 1.88 35.9 3.47 26.61 1.95 OnSemi $1,291 3% 0.409 16.7 1.17 Renesas $910 *CompanyrevenuesfromanalogICsalesonly IXYSCorporation 2.07 - 2% (12) Source:ICInsights Whileitisafragmentedindustry,thebarrierstoentryfor new companies are huge. There are high startup costs and significant capital investments required for the developmentofatechnologytocompeteagainstexisting playersintheanalogICindustry. PeerComparison TheanalogICindustryisexpectedtohavesalesof$47.5 billion in 2015 and account for 16.8% of the total semiconductor industry sales. (1) Linear Technology distinguishes itself from other IC manufacturers by the creativity of their individual design engineers, smaller capitalrequirementsandmarketdiversity. LinearTechnologystatesintheir10-Kthattheirfourmain competitors are Texas Instruments, Maxim Integrated Products,AnalogDevices,andIntersil.Thesecompanies as well as Linear Technology all compete in the same markets segments but they prioritize the market segments differently. Texas Instruments and Maxim focus most of their efforts on the Consumer Electronics segment with Industrial and Communication Equipment being their second and third priority markets. Analog Devices is very similar to Linear Technology in that Industrial,Automotive,andCommunicationsaretheirtop threemarketsegments. 8.24 1.46 Source:Factset Gross Margin Op Margin TexasInstruments 54.5 30.0 26.2 19.2 10.4 AnalogDevices 62.9 29.0 13.3 11.2 19.5 InfineonTechnologies 38.1 13.4 12.3 11.8 12.7 MaximIntegrated 56.7 20.7 8.7 6.1 22.6 LinearTechnology 75.9 46.3 35.8 35.8 18.1 ONSemiconductor Fairchild Semiconductor 32.2 8.6 12.3 7.9 11.6 32.5 6.0 -2.8 -2.4 11.6 Intersil 54.1 14.0 5.7 5.7 22.4 IXYSCorporation 28.3 8.2 8.8 8.5 7.9 Source:Factset ROE ROIC R&D% Rev Company’s that survive in the industry optimize ROIC. Linear Technology is one of the few company’s in the industrythatstillownsandoperatesit’sownfabrication facilitiesratherthanoutsourcingtheseactivities.Thishas allowed Linear Technology to stream line its production process and create an ROIC of 35.8%, which dominates thepeergroupwithTexasInstrumentsbeingtheclosest competitorat19.2%. High research and development expense is a common characteristic among all analog IC manufacturers. Linear TechnologyspendsmoreonR&Dasapercentofrevenue Page6 than the overall peer average but their ratio is less than threeoutoffouroftheirmaincompetitors. 600.0 000'sofUSD 10.0% 2015RevenueperEmployee 7.9% 10.4% 11.6% 15.0% 11.6% 12.7% 18.1% 19.5% 20.0% 22.4% 25.0% 22.6% 2015R&D%ofRevenue Linear Technology is in the middle of the pack when it comparing revenue generated per employee. They are very similar to Analog Devices, generating nearly $300K per employee. Intersil and Texas Instruments lead this category generating $545K per employee and $420K per employee,respectively. 5.0% 0.0% 500.0 400.0 300.0 200.0 100.0 0.0 Source:MergentOnline While Linear Technology lags its direct peers slightly in R&D expenses, they dominate in profitability. Linear Technology consistently has industry-leading gross margins. A combination of competing in the high performancesegmentoftheanalogmarket,owningtheir own foundries, and strong management has allowed Linear Technology to maintain a gross margin of 75.9% andanoperatingmarginof46.3%in2015. 2015GrossandOperabngsMargin GrossMargin Source:MergentOnline However, when comparing operating income per employee, Linear Technology and Texas Instruments dominate the peer group. Linear Technology leads with $140K per employee with Texas Instruments generating $127Kperemployee.ThisresultisexpectedsinceLinear Technology has much higher margins than the peer group. 2015OperabngIncomeper Employee OperamngMargin 80.0% 70.0% 000'sofUSD 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 160.0 140.0 120.0 100.0 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0 0.0 0.0% Source:MergentOnline Source:Bloomberg Page7 ECONOMICOUTLOOK Linear Technology tends to sell its products to original equipment manufacturers and not direct to consumers. ThetargetmarketsofthecompanyaretheIndustrialand Automotive markets, which collectively accounted for 63% of company revenue in FY 2015. While Linear Technology does not specifically target the consumer productmarkets,asignificantportionoftheirrevenueis derived from sales of their products that are used in consumerproducts. The semiconductor industry is a cyclical industry. The industrytendstoperformbestaftertheaggregatebookto-bill ratio has reached a trough. (13) Due to Linear Technology’s short lead-times and quick production processes, management does not believe its backlog is representative of actual sales for a succeeding period. However,thebook-to-billratiooftheindustrycangivea goodindicationwhentheindustryasawholewillbeina period of expansion verses contraction. A book-to-bill belowoneindicatesaperiodofcontractionwhilearatio above one indicates a period of expansion. In May and June of 2015 the book-to-bill ratio for the industry was around0.98buthasreboundedsince.ThisfollowsLinear Technology management’s guidance that the industry contractionseenthissummerwasgoingtobeshort. SemiconductorIndustryBook-toBillRabo 1.15 1.10 Since the Automotive segment is the company’s second largestsegmentandhasseenthemostgrowthinrecent years, vehicle sales are a good indication of growth for Linear Technology. Light vehicle sales are expected to increaseata4.3%CAGRinto2015to2020.(15) OutlookonWorldwideLight VehicleSales Salesinmillionsofunits 120 100 80 100 104 95 90 84 87 77 81 107 111 60 40 20 0 Source:KPMG LinearTechnology’sproductsareusedinavarietyofend products and 51% of company’s revenues come from markets that create consumer products, including automobiles, computers, and mobile phones. When consumerspendingisdown,salesfortheseproductswill alsobedown.PersonalConsumptionExpenditureshave been on the rise since 2009 and have maintained approximately 3% growth per year. High personal consumptionexpenditureisagoodindicationforgrowth inLinearTechnologyrevenues. 1.05 PersonalConsumpbon Expenditure-PercentChange fromYearAgo 1.00 2.0 Sep-15 Jun-15 Mar-15 Dec-14 Sep-14 Jun-14 Mar-14 0.0 Dec-13 1.0 Sep-13 One of the four primary components of the GDP is corporate spending, which will drive sales in the Industrial segment of Linear Technology. In the near term,weexpecttheRealGDPgrowthratetobe2.7%and increasingto3%overthenexttwoyears. 3.0 Jun-13 4.0 Mar-13 (14) 5.0 Dec-12 6.0 Sep-12 0.90 PercentChangefromYearAgo 0.95 Source:FRED (15) Page8 (16) CATALYSTSFORGROWTH water usage, which could affect production output or increase cost of goods sold. An increase in COGS would impact operating margin if they were not able to pass alongapriceincreasetocustomers. IncreasingPresenceinAutomotiveMarket Thepredictedgrowthintheautomotivemarketpresents a significant growth opportunity for Linear Technology. The company currently has a strong presence in the automotive market but with the expected surge in car electronicsandupturnindemandforhybridandelectric vehicles,LinearTechnologycouldgainsignificantrevenue growth by increasing its presence in the automotive market. RetainingKeyEmployees Intheir2015annualreport,LinearTechnologystatesthat one characteristic that distinguishes them from competitors is the creativity of individual design engineers. They require engineers skilled in the art and science of analog circuit design. Engineers require numerous years of experience to become proficient at analog design. In FY2015, the company had 1,289 employees involved in research, development, and engineering related functions. Nearly 30% of their employee population is involved in new product design. In order to continue to grow their product portfolio, Linear Technology must retain key design engineers as well as recruit and develop new talent within the organization. INVESTMENTPOSITIVES • LinearTechnologyhashistoricallyhadstrongcash flowgenerationwithalonghistoryofreturningvalueto shareholders through both dividendpayments and stock repurchases. • Linear Technology has no debt on their balance sheet and has a high level of liquidity based on their extremelyhighcurrentratioof8.4in2015. • Linear Technology is a lean and well run company. They have industry leading gross margins, operatingmargins,andROE. INVESTMENTNEGATIVES • 85% of Linear Technology’s manufacturing is located in California and Washington. California is in its fourth year of drought. The fabrication process consumes a significant amount of water. The company could see rate increases or mandatory reductions in • Thestockpricehasincreasedapproximately11% sincewebegancoverageonLinearTechnology.Because of the significant increase in price, the stock has limited upside. VALUATION We used a Discounted Cash Flow (DCF), Dividend Discount Model (DDM), and Relative Price to Earnings (P/E) analysis to value Linear Technology. Through the valuation process we calculated a stock price range of $45to$49forthecompany. Linear Technology generates revenue through six different segments. The Computer segment is declining due to increased adoption of large screen smartphones. The Military/Harsh Environment segment is going to see limited growth due to decreased government spending. Theconsumersegmentisnotamarketthatthecompany attempts to generate growth in. The main revenue generators for the company are the Industrial, Automotive, and Communications segment. Together thesethreesegmentshaveaccountedformorethan75% of company revenue since 2011 and 82% of company revenue in 2015 so we have focused our valuation on thesesegments. WeexpectsignificantgrowthintheAutomotivesegment due to an increase in the amount of electronics in cars from growing popularity in Hybrid and Electric vehicles and the increasing connectivity of cars. We expect revenues for the Automotive segment to increase at an 8.7% five-year CAGR and account for 24% of company revenuein2020.DuetothenumberofInternetofThings connected devices we expect the Industrial segment to grow at a 5.1% CAGR into 2020 and still be the largest revenue generating segment at 44% of overall company revenue. We expect the Communications segment to increase at a 2.3% five-year CAGR due to the increase adoption of smartphones. With slower growth than the Industrial and Automotive segments, we expect the Communications segment percentage of overall revenue to shrink from 19% in 2015 to 17% in 2020. We expect these three segments to increase from 82% of company revenuein2015to85%ofrevenuein2020.Overall,we have modeled total company revenues to increase at a 4.7%CAGRfrom2015to2020. Page9 Thegrossprofitmarginforthecompanyhasconsistently been above 74% since 2003. In 2015, gross profit was 75.9%ofrevenue.Wehavemodeledgrossprofitmargins todropslightlyin2016to75.0%andthenmaintain75.5% into2020. R&D expenses for Linear Technology have averaged around18.2%ofrevenuethelastthreeyears.Weexpect this trend to continue and have modeled R&D expenses of18.3%ofrevenuethrough2020.SG&Aexpensesasa percent of revenue averaged 11.6% from 2013 through 2015.Webelievethislevelofexpensewillcontinueand havemodeledSG&Aexpensesof11.7%ofrevenuefrom 2016to2020. The company has consistently had net profit margins above 30% since the mid-1990s. In 2015, the net profit margin was 35.3%. We have modeled the net profit margin to decrease to 33.0% in 2016 with net profit marginsmaintainingapproximately33.3%into2020. GrossProfitMargin NetProfitMargin Source:LinearTechnology201510-K We have estimated earnings per share to be $1.97 in 2016 and $2.17 in 2017 before increasing to $2.64 in 2020. The 2016 and 2017 EPS estimates are above consensus analyst estimates of $1.93 and $2.14, respectfully.OurEPSestimatesaremoreoptimisticthan consensus analyst because we believe analysts are forecasting the current industry downturn to last longer than expected. We have followed management’s guidance in our assumption and feel sales will begin to pickbackuptheremainderofFY2016. $2.50 $2.40 $2.30 $2.20 $2.10 $2.00 $1.90 $1.80 $1.70 $1.60 $1.50 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016E 2017E 2018E AnalystHighEst. AnalystLowEst. HenryFundEst. Source:FactSet In years of slow growth, Linear Technology has historically limited capital expenditures. We are expectingrevenuestodecline2.1%in2016andtherefore wearepredictingcapitalexpenditurestoincreasebyonly $28.8 million, 2.8% growth, in 2016. In 2017, we have modeled revenues to increase by 8.2% from 2016 and thereforehavemodeledcapitalexpenditurestoincrease by 6.4%, which is in line with historic growth rates. Overall,wehavemodeledcapitalexpenditurestogrowat a5.7%CAGRinto2020. As previously stated, we valued Linear Technology using DCF, DDM, and relative P/E analysis using the above assumptions. The DCF model computed a price of $46.92, the DDM model computed a stock price of $47.83,andtherelativeP/Eanalysiscomputedapriceof $41.03. 2020E 2019E 2018E 2017E 2016E 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 90.00% 80.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% 2009 ProfitMargins LinearTechnologyEPSEsbmate We did not agree with the relative P/E analysis. Linear Technology has a similar P/E ratio as nearly all of its peers. However, Linear Technology has industry leading margins and should trade at a premium compared to its peers. We do not believe the market accurately values theprofitabilityofLinearTechnology. TheDDMmodelcomputedapriceof$47.83andverifies our DCF model price. Linear Technology has a long history of dividend payments and fairly consistent dividend growth and consistent dividend payout ratio. The company maintains approximately a 55% dividend payoutratioeachyear.Wemodeledanaveragedividend payoutratioofaround59%forthenextfiveyears. Page10 DividendPayoutRaboPerYear marginsshouldbemonitoredtoseeifthisstrategyallows them to increase their profitability compared to Linear Technology. 70.00% IndustryDownturn 60.00% Linear Technology competes in a cyclical industry. Management has stated they feel the current downturn willbeshortlived.Wehavemodeledrevenuestodecline 2.1% in 2016 and then increasing 8.2% in 2017. The overallindustrybook-to-billratioshouldbemonitoredas itcangiveagoodindicationofthedirectiontheindustry is headed. If the downturn lasts longer than expected, Linear Technology may have a difficult time raising their dividend for the 18th consecutive year, which could significantly hurt the share price as investors have come toexpectadividendincreaseofatleast4%everyyear. 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% Source:MergentOnline Over last ten years, earnings per share have risen an average of 6.7% per year. We chose a continuing value growthofearningspersharetobe5%.Wefeelthisisa reasonable number given the actual EPS growth throughoutthehistoryofthecompany. The DCF model calculated a price of $46.92. We based our price range of $45 to $49 on sensitivity analysis around our DCF model. There are currently 24 analysts covering Linear Technology with a target price range of $38 to $52 with a median target price of $42.61. Our price range is on the high side of analyst estimates but within the range. Our price range is a 1.6% to 10.6% premiumoverthecurrentstockprice. Webelievetheindustrydownturnin2016willbeshortlived and also believe Linear Technology will see significant growth in both the automotive and industrial segments coming out of the down turn. Therefore, we feelourpricerangeof$45to$49isjustified. KEYSTOMONITOR CompetitorProfitMargins REFERENCES 1. EETimes, 12/3/2014, “Chip Market Forecast Raised for2014,2015” 2. Forbes,8/20/10,“LongLiveAnalog” 3. LinearTechnology201510-K 4. Linear Technology Corporation Dividend Date & History 5. Gartner, “By 2020, a Quarter Billion Connected Vehicles Will Enable New In-Vehicle Services and AutomatedDrivingCapabilties,”January26,2015 6. Navigant Research, “Electric Vehicle Market Forecasts,”October23,2014 7. Juniper Research, “Internet of Things Connected Devices to Almost Triple to Over 38 Billion Units By 2020,”July28,2015 8. Statista,“Globalsmartphoneshipmentsforecastfrom 2010to2019” Linear Technology has been able to maintain industry leading profit margins for the past decade. There is an industry trend of companies outsourcing the semiconductor manufacturing operations and becoming dedicated design houses. By doing this, companies are able to focus all their resources on core designing competencies. Linear Technology has not followed the industrytrendandonlyoutsourcesapproximately15%of their fabrication and manufacturing. Competitor profit Page11 LinearTechnologyIncorporated RevenueDecomposition FiscalYearsEnding30-Jun Industrial Automotive Communications Computer Military/HarshEnvironment Consumer TotalRevenue 2013 538,539 217,980 269,270 141,046 76,934 38,467 1,282,236 2014 597,006 263,793 277,677 124,955 83,303 41,652 1,388,386 2015 634,310 295,028 280,276 132,763 88,508 44,254 1,475,139 2016E 615280 309779 269065 124797 83198 41599 1,443,719 2017E 664503 350050 287900 128541 87358 43263 1,561,615 2018E 684438 367553 290779 131111 88231 43696 1,605,808 2019E 773415 430037 302410 135045 90878 45006 1,776,791 2020E 812086 447239 314506 139096 93605 46357 1,852,888 Industrial Automotive Communications Computer Military/HarshEnvironment Consumer %TotalRevenue 42.00% 17.00% 21.00% 11.00% 6.00% 3.00% 100.00% 43.00% 19.00% 20.00% 9.00% 6.00% 3.00% 100.00% 43.00% 20.00% 19.00% 9.00% 6.00% 3.00% 100.00% 42.62% 21.46% 18.64% 8.64% 5.76% 2.88% 100.00% 42.55% 22.42% 18.44% 8.23% 5.59% 2.77% 100.00% 42.62% 22.89% 18.11% 8.16% 5.49% 2.72% 100.00% 43.53% 24.20% 17.02% 7.60% 5.11% 2.53% 100.00% 43.83% 24.14% 16.97% 7.51% 5.05% 2.50% 100.00% Industrial Automotive Communications Computer Military/HarshEnvironment Consumer TotalRevenueGrowthRate 3.70% 7.56% -3.37% -7.20% 1.23% 1.23% 1.23% 10.86% 21.02% 3.12% -11.41% 8.28% 8.28% 8.28% 6.25% 11.84% 0.94% 6.25% 6.25% 6.25% 6.25% -3.00% 5.00% -4.00% -6.00% -6.00% -6.00% -2.13% 8.00% 13.00% 7.00% 3.00% 5.00% 4.00% 8.17% 3.00% 5.00% 1.00% 2.00% 1.00% 1.00% 2.83% 13.00% 17.00% 4.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 10.65% 5.00% 4.00% 4.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 4.28% 959,720 74.85% 1,049,806 75.61% 1,119,412 75.89% 1,082,789 75.00% 1,179,019 75.50% 1,212,385 75.50% 1,341,478 75.50% 1,398,930 75.50% 28.8% 71.2% 27.2% 72.8% 27.7% 72.3% 27.9% 72.1% 27.9% 72.1% 27.9% 72.1% 27.9% 72.1% 27.9% 72.1% TotalGrossProfit TotalGrossProfitMargin DomesticRevenue% InternationalRevenue% LinearTechnologyIncorporated IncomeStatement FiscalYearsEnding30-Jun 2013 2014 2015 2016E 2017E 2018E 2019E 2020E 1,282,236 267,150 55,366 959,720 1,388,386 287,325 51,255 1,049,806 1,475,139 301,629 54,098 1,119,412 1,443,719 1,561,615 1,605,808 1,776,791 1,852,888 312,258 48,672 333,095 49,500 341,334 52,089 381,083 54,231 395,640 58,318 1,082,789 1,179,019 1,212,385 1,341,478 1,398,930 Research & development expenses Selling, general & administrative expenses Restructuring charges Total operating expenses 235,184 151,382 0 386,566 250,434 159,642 0 410,076 266,761 169,952 0 436,713 263,479 169,637 0 433,116 284,995 183,490 0 468,484 293,060 188,682 0 481,742 324,264 208,773 0 533,037 338,152 217,714 0 555,866 Operating income (loss) 573,154 639,730 682,699 649,673 710,535 730,643 808,440 843,064 Interest income Interest expense Acquisition related costs (Loss) gain on early retirement of convertible senior notes Total other income (expense), net 4,070 -48,343 0 0 -44,273 2,706 -41,168 0 0 -38,462 2,690 0 0 0 2,690 3,608 4,038 4,269 4,592 4,819 0 0 0 3,608 0 0 0 4,038 0 0 0 4,269 0 0 0 4,592 0 0 0 4,819 Income (loss) before income taxes Provision (benefit) for income taxes 528,881 121,956 601,268 141,307 685,389 164,426 653,282 714,573 734,912 813,032 847,883 177,336 193,974 199,495 220,701 230,162 Net income (loss) 406,925 459,961 520,963 475,945 520,599 535,416 592,331 617,721 Year end shares outstanding Weighted average shares outstanding-basic Net earnings (loss) per share-basic 233,025 236,703 1.72 239,096 240,498 1.91 242,751 244,408 2.13 240,975 241,863 238,901 239,938 236,992 237,946 234,799 235,895 232,781 233,790 1.97 2.17 2.25 2.51 2.64 1.02 1.06 1.14 1.22 1.30 1.38 1.46 1.54 Revenues Cost of sales Depreciation & Amortization Gross profit (loss) Cash dividends per share LinearTechnologyIncorporated BalanceSheet FiscalYearsEnding30-Jun 2013 2014 2015 2016E 126,650 1,398,091 157,323 855,464 195,679 1,007,043 308,809 349,442 414,123 433,981 460,866 1,037,254 1,073,558 1,116,501 1,172,326 1,236,803 147,165 1,891 145,274 174,993 1,653 173,340 180,915 1,651 179,264 176,278 1,763 196,763 1,968 202,332 2,023 223,876 2,239 233,464 2,335 174,515 194,796 200,309 221,637 231,129 Total inventories 87,229 91,310 99,861 96,729 104,628 107,589 119,045 124,143 Prepaid expenses & other current assets 36,646 40,982 54,412 53,418 57,780 59,415 65,741 68,557 1,793,890 1,318,419 1,536,259 1,670,725 1,780,204 1,897,936 2,012,729 2,121,499 921,273 632,807 288,466 953,745 676,665 277,080 1,010,260 722,518 287,742 1,039,134 768,990 1,106,284 816,790 1,152,852 867,679 1,241,692 920,710 1,334,336 977,828 270,144 289,494 285,173 320,981 356,508 2,200 13,785 0 2,200 11,585 0 2,200 9,385 0 2,200 7,185 2,200 5,485 2,200 4,285 2,200 3,085 2,200 1,885 0 0 0 0 0 2,098,341 1,609,284 1,835,586 1,950,255 2,077,383 2,189,594 2,338,996 2,482,092 LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY Liabilities: Accounts payable Accrued payroll & related benefits Deferred income on shipments to distributors Income taxes payable Other accrued liabilities Convertible senior notes - current portion 10,258 77,659 44,088 12,834 18,933 826,629 28,221 88,326 45,619 41,731 11,218 0 17,608 98,498 46,860 5,822 14,130 0 17,769 94,318 47,643 17,734 14,437 0 19,220 102,020 51,533 19,397 15,616 0 19,764 104,907 52,992 19,950 16,058 0 21,868 116,078 58,634 22,070 17,768 0 22,805 121,049 61,145 23,016 18,529 0 Total current liabilities 990,401 215,115 182,918 191,901 207,787 213,671 236,418 246,544 Total Deferred Taxes (Liabilities - Assets) 83,505 21,705 37,119 53,201 58,192 59,849 66,210 69,049 Convertible senior notes Other long-term liabilities 0 42,527 0 41,095 0 37,622 0 36,493 0 35,399 0 34,337 0 33,306 0 32,307 Total Liabilities 1,116,433 277,915 257,659 281,595 301,378 307,856 335,935 347,900 Stockholders' Equity: Common stock and Additional Paid in Capital Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss), net of tax Retained earnings (accumulated deficit) 1,736,729 -266 -754,555 1,948,006 355 -616,992 2,052,490 561 -475,124 2,063,434 2,063,449 2,063,449 2,063,449 2,063,449 561 -395,335 561 -288,005 561 -182,271 561 -60,949 561 70,182 981,908 1,331,369 1,577,927 1,668,660 1,776,005 1,881,739 2,003,061 2,134,192 2,098,341 1,609,284 1,835,586 1,950,255 2,077,383 2,189,594 2,338,996 2,482,092 ASSETS Cash & cash equivalents Marketable securitites Accounts receivable, gross Allowance for doubtful accounts Accounts receivable, net Total current assets Gross property, plant & equipment Accumulated depreciation Net property, plant & equipment Goodwill Identified intangible assets, net Other non current assets Total assets Total stockholders' equity (deficit) TotalLiabilitesandStockholders'Equity 2017E 2018E 2019E 2020E LinearTechnologyIncorporated CashFlowStatement FiscalYearsEnding30-Jun 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 580,782 50,137 69,221 21,675 5,110 0 7,237 -18,151 -6,344 11,819 -52,210 13,887 -12,228 0 670,935 398,111 55,934 61,225 19,868 -2,575 0 17,290 -5,965 12,001 4,581 -22,330 -6,254 33,333 0 565,219 406,925 55,366 63,865 21,029 -521 0 7,816 -7,565 -2,159 1,426 -4,206 2,755 19,203 0 563,934 459,961 51,255 65,128 18,458 -11,038 0 -28,066 -4,081 1,464 0 21,038 1,531 20,777 0 596,427 520,963 54,098 72,131 0 -15,190 0 -5,924 -8,551 -3,816 0 -1,496 1,241 -14,537 0 598,919 Cash flows from investing activities: Purchase of marketable securities Proceeds from sales & maturities of available-for-sale securities Acquisition of Dust Networks, net of cash assumed Purchase of property, plant & equipment Net cash flows from investing activities -805,146 813,568 0 -120,415 -111,993 -1,046,120 707,791 -23,365 -35,731 -397,425 -1,181,592 772,968 0 -17,640 -426,264 -1,496,652 2,039,216 0 -37,669 504,895 -886,222 734,961 0 -62,560 -213,821 Cash flows from financing activities: Retirement of convertible senior notes Excess tax benefit from stock-based compensation Issuance of common stock under employee stock plans Purchase of common stock Payment of cash dividends Net cash flows from financing activities -395,830 0 66,932 -38,173 -217,202 -584,273 0 0 79,650 -76,066 -228,483 -224,899 0 0 102,590 -85,699 -241,329 -224,438 -845,087 11,038 100,491 -81,786 -255,305 -1,070,649 0 15,190 40,712 -124,240 -278,404 -346,742 Increase (decrease) in cash & cash equivalents -25,331 -57,105 -86,768 30,673 38,356 Cash & cash equivalents, beginning of year Cash & cash equivalents, end of year Cash paid for income taxes Cash paid for interest expense 295,854 270,523 189,575 32,334 270,523 213,418 91,315 25,831 213,418 126,650 99,720 25,485 126,650 157,323 119,797 21,127 157,323 195,679 186,920 0 Cash flows from operating activities: Net income (loss) Depreciation & amortization Stock-based compensation Amortization of convertible senior notes discount Excess tax benefit from stock-based compensation Loss (gain) on early retirement of convertible senior notes Accounts receivable Inventories Prepaid expenses, other current assets & deferred tax assets Long-term assets Accounts payable, accrued payroll & other accrued liabilities Deferred income on shipments to distributors Income taxes payable Long-term liabilities Net cash flows from operating activities LinearTechnologyIncorporated ForecastedCashFlowStatement FiscalYearsEnding30-Jun Cashflowsfromoperatingactivities: 2016E 2017E 2018E 2019E 2020E Net income (loss) Add: Depreciation Add: Amortization Changes in: Accounts Receivable Net Inventories Prepaid expenses & other current assets Other non current assets Accounts payable Accrued payroll & related benefits Deferred income on shipments to distributors Income taxes payable Other accrued liabilities Total Deferred Taxes (Liabilities - Assets) Other liabilities 475,945 46,472 2,200 520,599 47,800 1,700 535,416 50,889 1,200 592,331 53,031 1,200 617,721 57,118 1,200 4,749 3,132 994 0 161 -4180 783 11912 307 16082 -1129 -20,281 -7,899 -4,362 0 1451 7702 3891 1664 1179 4991 -1095 -5,513 -2,961 -1,635 0 544 2887 1458 552 442 1656 -1062 -21,328 -11,456 -6,326 0 2104 11170 5642 2121 1710 6362 -1030 -9,492 -5,098 -2,816 0 937 4971 2511 946 761 2838 -999 Net cash flows from operating activities 557,428 557,340 583,875 635,530 670,598 Cash flows from investing activities: Marketable securities Property & equipment, gross Goodwill -30,211 -28,874 0 -36,304 -67,149 0 -42,942 -46,568 0 -55,825 -88,840 0 -64,478 -92,644 0 Net cash flows from investing activities -59,086 -103,453 -89,511 -144,665 -157,122 Cash flows from financing activities: Convertible senior notes Payment of cash dividend Treasury Stock Common Stock and Additional paid-in capital Accumulated other comprehensive income 0 -296,156 -100,000 10,944 0 0 -313,268 -100,000 15 0 0 -329,683 -100,000 0 0 0 -346,009 -125,000 0 0 0 -361,590 -125,000 0 0 Net cash flows from financing activities -385,212 -413,253 -429,683 -471,009 -486,590 Cash flows from all activities: Net increase (decrease) in cash & cash equivalents 113,130 40,634 64,681 19,857 26,885 Cash & cash equivalents, beginning of year Cash & cash equivalents, end of year 195,679 308,809 308,809 349,442 349,442 414,123 414,123 433,981 433,981 460,866 LinearTechnologyIncorporated CommonSizeIncomeStatement FiscalYearsEnding30-Jun 2013 100.00% 20.83% 4.32% 74.85% 2014 100.00% 20.69% 3.69% 75.61% 2015 100.00% 20.45% 3.67% 75.89% 2016E 100.00% 21.63% 3.37% 75.00% 2017E 100.00% 21.33% 3.17% 75.50% 2018E 100.00% 21.26% 3.24% 75.50% 2019E 100.00% 21.45% 3.05% 75.50% 2020E 100.00% 21.35% 3.15% 75.50% Research & development expenses Selling, general & administrative expenses Restructuring charges Total operating expenses 18.34% 11.81% 0.00% 30.15% 18.04% 11.50% 0.00% 29.54% 18.08% 11.52% 0.00% 29.60% 18.25% 11.75% 0.00% 30.00% 18.25% 11.75% 0.00% 30.00% 18.25% 11.75% 0.00% 30.00% 18.25% 11.75% 0.00% 30.00% 18.25% 11.75% 0.00% 30.00% Operating income (loss) 44.70% 46.08% 46.28% 45.00% 45.50% 45.50% 45.50% 45.50% Interest income Interest expense Acquisition related costs (Loss) gain on early retirement of convertible senior notes Total other income (expense), net 0.32% -3.77% 0.00% 0.00% -3.45% 0.19% -2.97% 0.00% 0.00% -2.77% 0.18% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.18% 0.25% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.25% 0.26% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.26% 0.27% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.27% 0.26% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.26% 0.26% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.26% 9.51% 10.18% 11.15% 12.28% 12.42% 12.42% 12.42% 12.42% 31.74% 33.13% 35.32% 32.97% 33.34% 33.34% 33.34% 33.34% Revenues Cost of sales Depreciation & Amortization Gross profit (loss) Provision (benefit) for income taxes Net income (loss) LinearTechnologyIncorporated CommonSizeBalanceSheet FiscalYearsEnding30-Jun 2013 2014 2015 2016E 2017E 2018E 2019E 2020E 9.88% 109.04% 11.33% 61.62% 13.27% 68.27% 21.39% 71.85% 22.38% 68.75% 25.79% 69.53% 24.42% 65.98% 24.87% 66.75% 11.48% 0.15% 11.33% 12.60% 0.12% 12.49% 12.26% 0.11% 12.15% 12.21% 0.12% 12.09% 12.60% 0.13% 12.47% 12.60% 0.13% 12.47% 12.60% 0.13% 12.47% 12.60% 0.13% 12.47% Total inventories 6.80% 6.58% 6.77% 6.70% 6.70% 6.70% 6.70% 6.70% Prepaid expenses & other current assets 2.86% 2.95% 3.69% 3.70% 3.70% 3.70% 3.70% 3.70% 139.90% 94.96% 104.14% 115.72% 114.00% 118.19% 113.28% 114.50% Gross property, plant & equipment Accumulated depreciation & amortization Net property, plant & equipment 71.85% 49.35% 22.50% 68.69% 48.74% 19.96% 68.49% 48.98% 19.51% 71.98% 53.26% 18.71% 70.84% 52.30% 18.54% 71.79% 54.03% 17.76% 69.88% 51.82% 18.07% 72.01% 52.77% 19.24% Goodwill Identified intangible assets, net & goodwill Other non current assets 0.17% 1.08% 0.00% 0.16% 0.83% 0.00% 0.15% 0.64% 0.00% 0.15% 0.50% 0.00% 0.14% 0.35% 0.00% 0.14% 0.27% 0.00% 0.12% 0.17% 0.00% 0.12% 0.10% 0.00% 163.65% 115.91% 124.43% 135.09% 133.03% 136.35% 131.64% 133.96% LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY Liabilities: Accounts payable Accrued payroll & related benefits Deferred income on shipments to distributors Income taxes payable Other accrued liabilities Convertible senior notes - current portion 0.80% 6.06% 3.44% 1.00% 1.48% 64.47% 2.03% 6.36% 3.29% 3.01% 0.81% 0.00% 1.19% 6.68% 3.18% 0.39% 0.96% 0.00% 1.23% 6.53% 3.30% 1.23% 1.00% 0.00% 1.23% 6.53% 3.30% 1.24% 1.00% 0.00% 1.23% 6.53% 3.30% 1.24% 1.00% 0.00% 1.23% 6.53% 3.30% 1.24% 1.00% 0.00% 1.23% 6.53% 3.30% 1.24% 1.00% 0.00% Total current liabilities 77.24% 15.49% 12.40% 13.29% 13.31% 13.31% 13.31% 13.31% Total Deferred Taxes (Liabilities - Assets) 6.51% 1.56% 2.52% 3.68% 3.73% 3.73% 3.73% 3.73% Convertible senior notes Other long-term liabilities 0.00% 3.32% 0.00% 2.96% 0.00% 2.55% 0.00% 2.53% 0.00% 2.27% 0.00% 2.14% 0.00% 1.87% 0.00% 1.74% 87.07% 20.02% 17.47% 19.50% 19.30% 19.17% 18.91% 18.78% Stockholders' Equity: Common stock and Additional Paid in Capital 135.45% Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss), net of tax -0.02% Retained earnings (accumulated deficit) -58.85% 140.31% 0.03% -44.44% 139.14% 0.04% -32.21% 142.92% 0.04% -27.38% 132.14% 0.04% -18.44% 128.50% 0.03% -11.35% 116.13% 0.03% -3.43% 111.36% 0.03% 3.79% 76.58% 95.89% 106.97% 115.58% 113.73% 117.18% 112.73% 115.18% 163.65% 115.91% 124.43% 135.09% 133.03% 136.35% 131.64% 133.96% ASSETS Cash & cash equivalents Marketable securitites Accounts receivable, gross Allowance for doubtful accounts Accounts receivable, net Total current assets Total assets Total Liabilities Total stockholders' equity (deficit) TotalLiabilitesandStockholders'Equity LinearTechnologyIncorporated ValueDriverEstimation FiscalYearsEnding30-Jun MarginalTaxRate Federalstatutorytaxrate Stateincometaxes,netoffederalbenefit Foreignratedifferential MarginalTaxRate 2013 2014 2015 2016E 2017E 2018E 2019E 2020E 35.00% 0.27% -7.66% 27.61% 35.00% -0.50% -8.17% 26.33% 35.00% 0.17% -8.02% 27.15% 35.00% 0.17% -8.02% 27.15% 35.00% 0.17% -8.02% 27.15% 35.00% 0.17% -8.02% 27.15% 35.00% 0.17% -8.02% 27.15% 35.00% 0.17% -8.02% 27.15% 1,282,236 -267,150 -55,366 -235,184 -151,382 0 242 573,396 1,388,386 -287,325 -51,255 -250,434 -159,642 0 241 639,971 1,475,139 -301,629 -54,098 -266,761 -169,952 0 261 682,960 1,443,719 -312,258 -48,672 -263,479 -169,637 0 294 649,967 1,561,615 -333,095 -49,500 -284,995 -183,490 0 276 710,810 1,605,808 -341,334 -52,089 -293,060 -188,682 0 295 730,938 1,776,791 -381,083 -54,231 -324,264 -208,773 0 291 808,731 1,852,888 -395,640 -58,318 -338,152 -217,714 0 328 843,392 121,956 141,307 164,426 177,336 193,974 199,495 220,701 230,162 -1,124 13,346 0 0 67 134,245 -712 10,839 0 0 63 151,497 -730 0 0 0 71 163,767 -979 0 0 0 80 176,437 -1,096 0 0 0 75 192,953 -1,159 0 0 0 80 198,417 -1,246 0 0 0 79 219,534 -1,308 0 0 0 89 228,943 Deferred income tax provision (benefit) 22,533 -61,800 15,414 16,082 4,991 1,656 6,362 2,838 NetChangeinDTLiabilities 22,533 -61,800 15,414 16,082 4,991 1,656 6,362 2,838 461,684 426,674 534,607 489,612 522,849 534,178 595,559 617,287 2% 1,282,236 25,645 126,650 2% 1,388,386 27,768 157,323 2% 1,475,139 29,503 195,679 2% 1,443,719 28,874 308,809 2% 1,561,615 31,232 349,442 2% 1,605,808 32,116 414,123 2% 1,776,791 35,536 433,981 2% 1,852,888 37,058 460,866 25,645 145,274 87,229 36,646 294,794 27,768 173,340 91,310 40,982 333,400 29,503 179,264 99,861 54,412 363,040 28,874 174,515 96,729 53,418 353,536 31,232 194,796 104,628 57,780 388,436 32,116 200,309 107,589 59,415 399,429 35,536 221,637 119,045 65,741 441,959 37,058 231,129 124,143 68,557 460,887 10,258 77,659 44,088 12,834 18,933 163,772 28,221 88,326 45,619 41,731 11,218 215,115 17,608 98,498 46,860 5,822 14,130 182,918 17,769 94,318 47,643 17,734 14,437 191,901 19,220 102,020 51,533 19,397 15,616 207,787 19,764 104,907 52,992 19,950 16,058 213,671 21,868 116,078 58,634 22,070 17,768 236,418 22,805 121,049 61,145 23,016 18,529 246,544 288,466 277,080 287,742 270,144 289,494 285,173 320,981 356,508 7,147 7,739 8,713 8,180 8,766 8,635 9,719 10,795 Identified intangible assets, net Other non current assets 13,785 0 11,585 0 9,385 0 7,185 0 5,485 0 4,285 0 3,085 0 1,885 0 TotalOtherLong-TermOperatingAssets 13,785 11,585 9,385 7,185 5,485 4,285 3,085 1,885 42,527 42,527 41,095 41,095 37,622 37,622 36,493 36,493 35,399 35,399 34,337 34,337 33,306 33,306 32,307 32,307 397,893 373,594 448,340 410,652 448,995 449,515 506,020 551,224 NOPLAT /BeginningIC ROIC: 461,684 430,346 107.28% 426,674 397,893 107.23% 534,607 373,594 143.10% 489,612 448,340 109.21% 522,849 410,652 127.32% 534,178 448,995 118.97% 595,559 449,515 132.49% 617,287 506,020 121.99% BeginningIC x(ROIC-WACC) EP 430,346 98.54% 424,065 397,893 98.49% 391,892 373,594 134.36% 501,949 448,340 100.46% 450,420 410,652 118.58% 486,951 448,995 110.23% 494,928 449,515 123.75% 556,264 506,020 113.25% 573,053 NOPLAT -CapEx FCF 461,684 -32,453 494,137 426,674 -24,299 450,973 534,607 74,746 459,861 489,612 -37,688 527,300 522,849 38,343 484,506 534,178 520 533,658 595,559 56,505 539,054 617,287 45,204 572,083 EBITA: Net sales - Cost of sales - Depreciation & Amortization - Research & development expense - Selling, general & administrative expense - Restructuring Charge +ImpliedInterestonOperatingLeases EBITA Less:AdjustedTaxes: Income tax provision (benefit) - Tax Shield on Interest income + Tax Benefit on Interest expense + Tax Shield Acqusisition related Costs + Tax Shield Early Retirement of Convertible Notes +TaxShieldonImpliedLeaseInterest AdjustedTaxes Plus:ChangeinDeferredTax: NOPLAT NOPLAT:EBITA-AdjustedTaxes+ChangeinDT OperatingCurrentAssets: "Normal"Cash% xRevenue "Normal"Cash(RevenuexAvg%) Cashandcashequivalents Lowerof"Normal"CashorActualCash Accounts receivable, net Inventories Prepaid expenses & other current assets OperatingCurrentAssets OperatingCurrentLiabilities: Accounts payable Accrued payroll & related benefits Deferred income on shipments to distributors Income taxes payable Other accrued liabilities OperatingCurrentLiabilities NetPPE: Property & equipment, net PVofOperatingLeases: PVofOperatingLeases OtherOperatingAssets: OtherOperatingLiabilities: Other liabilities TotalOtherLong-TermOperatingLiabilities InvestedCapital: InvestedCapital ValueDrivers: LinearTechnologyIncorporated WeightedAverageCostofCapital(WACC)Estimation WACC=Re*(E/V)+Rd*(1-t)*(D/V)+Rpfd*(PFD/V) CostofEquity Re=Rf+B*(E[Rm]-Rf) Rf E[Rm]-Rf Beta Re 2.820% 4.85% 1.222 8.75% Costofdebt Rd 3.37% CostofPreferredStock Rpfd 0.00% MarketValueofEquity Sharesoutstanding xSharesPrice E 242751 $44.31 $10,756,297 MarketValueofDebt Long-term debt + Operating Leases D MarketValueofPreferred Sharesoutstanding PFD MarketValueofFirm V=E+D+PFD weightofequity weightofdebt weightofpreferred MarginalTaxRate WACC 0 $8,713 $8,713 0 0 $10,765,010 99.92% 0.08% 0.00% 27.15% 8.74% ----------> TexasInstrumentsBond,maturity5/1/23 -(10-yrBond(YahooFinance)) +(30-yearTreasuryYield(YahooFinance)) =CostofDebt 2.68% 2.13% 2.82% 3.37% LinearTechnologyIncorporated DiscountedCashFlow(DCF)andEconomicProfit(EP)ValuationModels KeyInputs: CVGrowth CVROIC WACC CostofEquity FiscalYearsEnding30-Jun DCFModel Period FCF ContinuingValue PV V(operating) Non-operatingAssets: ExcessCash Marketable Securities V(non-operating) 3.50% 122.00% 8.74% 8.75% 2016E 2017E 2018E 2019E 2020E 1 527,306 2 484,514 3 533,665 4 539,064 484,916 9,876,000 409,746 415,031 385,528 5 572,095 11,438,764 8,180,779 1 450,430 2 486,960 3 494,938 4 556,274 414,220 9,427,688 448,311 9,876,000 411,814 384,913 397,836 166,176 1,007,043 1,173,219 Non-operatingLiabilities: Convertible senior notes Employee Stock Options PVofOperatingLeases V(other) V(e) SharesOutstanding IntrinsicValueofStock(FYEnd'14) EPModel Period EconomicProfit ContinuingValue PV NPV BeginningInvestedCapital(end2014) V(operating) Non-operatingAssets: ExcessCash Marketable Securities V(non-operating) 0 10,241 8,685 18,926 11,030,293 242,751 45.44 166,176 1,007,043 1,173,219 Non-operatingLiabilities: Convertible senior notes Employee Stock Options PVofOperatingLeases V(other) V(e) SharesOutstanding IntrinsicValueofStock(FYEnd'14) IntrinsicValueofStock(Today) 0 10,241 8,685 18,926 11,030,293 242,751 45.44 $46.92 5 573,063 10,932,776 7,818,906 LinearTechnologyIncorporated DividendDiscountModel(DDM)orFundamentalP/EValuationModel FiscalYearsEnding30-Jun EPS KeyAssumptions CVgrowth CVROE CostofEquity FutureCashFlows P/EMultiple(CVYear) EPS(CVYear) FutureStockPrice DividendsPerShare FutureCashFlows Period DiscountedCashFlows IntrinsicValue(FYEnd'14) IntrinsicValueofStock(Today) 2016E 2017E 2018E 2019E 2020E $1.97 $2.17 $2.25 $2.51 $2.64 5.00% 29.86% 8.75% 1.22 1.30 1.38 1 1.12 2 1.10 3 1.07 $46.32 $47.83 22.22 $2.64 $58.71 1.46 1.54 58.71 4 1.04 4 41.98 LinearTechnologyIncorporated RelativeValuationModels PeerComparison Ticker MXIM ON FCS IXYS IFX-DE MELE-BE ADI ISIL TXN Company MaximIntegratedProducts ONSemiconductorCorp FairchildSemiconductor IXYSCorporation InfineonTechnologiesAG MelexisNV AnalogDevices,Inc IntersilCorporation TexasInstrumentsInc Price $40.56 $11.60 $18.26 $13.00 €11.28 €47.69 $61.70 $14.19 $57.63 EPS 2015E $1.72 $0.83 $0.57 $0.71 €0.57 €2.45 $3.03 $0.61 $2.72 LLTC LinearTechnologyCorp $44.31 $1.97 ImpliedValue: RelativeP/E(EPS15) RelativeP/E(EPS16) $41.03 $38.40 EPS 2016E $2.10 $0.93 $0.88 $1.22 €0.70 €2.59 $3.40 $0.65 $2.97 Average P/E15 23.6 14.0 32.0 18.3 19.8 19.5 20.4 23.3 21.2 20.9 P/E16 19.3 12.5 20.8 10.7 16.1 18.4 18.1 21.8 19.4 17.7 $2.17 22.5 20.4 LinearTechnologyIncorporated KeyManagementRatios FiscalYearsEnding31-Dec LiquidityRatios CurrentAssets /CurrentLiabilities =CurrentRatio 2013 2014 2015 2016E 2017E 2018E 2019E 2020 1,793,890 990,401 1.811 1,318,419 215,115 6.129 1,536,259 182,918 8.399 1,670,725 191,901 8.706 1,780,204 207,787 8.567 1,897,936 213,671 8.883 2,012,729 236,418 8.513 2,121,499 246,544 8.605 (CurrentAssets -Inventory) /CurrentLiabilities =QuickRatio 1,793,890 87,229 990,401 1.723 1,318,419 91,310 215,115 5.704 1,536,259 99,861 182,918 7.853 1,670,725 96,729 191,901 8.202 1,780,204 104,628 207,787 8.064 1,897,936 107,589 213,671 8.379 2,012,729 119,045 236,418 8.010 2,121,499 124,143 246,544 8.101 (Cash +MarketableSecurities) /CurrentLiabilities =CashRatio 126,650 1,398,091 990,401 1.540 157,323 855,464 215,115 4.708 195,679 1,007,043 182,918 6.575 308,809 1,037,254 191,901 7.014 349,442 1,073,558 207,787 6.848 414,123 1,116,501 213,671 7.163 433,981 1,172,326 236,418 6.794 460,866 1,236,803 246,544 6.886 ActivityorAsset-ManagementRatios AnnualSales /AverageAccountsReceivable ReceivablesTurnover 1,282,236 149,182 8.60 1,388,386 159,307 8.72 1,475,139 176,302 8.37 1,443,719 176,890 8.16 1,561,615 184,656 8.46 1,605,808 197,552 8.13 1,776,791 210,973 8.42 1,852,888 226,383 8.18 369 8.60 42.93 370 8.72 42.45 371 8.37 44.34 371 8.16 45.46 371 8.46 43.87 371 8.13 45.64 371 8.42 44.05 371 8.18 45.33 CostofGoodsSold /AverageInventory InventoryTurnover 267,150 83,447 3.201 287,325 89,270 3.219 301,629 95,586 3.156 312,258 98,295 3.177 333,095 100,679 3.309 341,334 106,109 3.217 381,083 113,317 3.363 395,640 121,594 3.254 365 /InventoryTurnover InventoryPeriod 369 3.201 115.260 370 3.219 114.956 371 3.156 117.569 371 3.177 116.786 371 3.309 112.135 371 3.217 115.331 371 3.363 110.319 371 3.254 114.022 7,123 2,098,341 0.34% 7,714 1,609,284 0.48% 8,685 1,835,586 0.47% 8,153 1,950,255 0.42% 8,737 2,077,383 0.42% 8,607 2,189,594 0.39% 9,688 2,338,996 0.41% 10,760 2,482,092 0.43% 7,123 981,908 0.73% 7,714 1,331,369 0.58% 8,685 1,577,927 0.55% 8,153 1,668,660 0.49% 8,737 1,776,005 0.49% 8,607 1,881,739 0.46% 9,688 2,003,061 0.48% 10,760 2,134,192 0.50% 959,720 1,282,236 74.85% 1,049,806 1,388,386 75.61% 1,119,412 1,475,139 75.89% 1,082,789 1,443,719 75.00% 1,179,019 1,561,615 75.50% 1,212,385 1,605,808 75.50% 1,341,478 1,776,791 75.50% 1,398,930 1,852,888 75.50% 406925 1282236 31.74% 459961 1388386 33.13% 520963 1475139 35.32% 475945 1443719 32.97% 520599 1561615 33.34% 535416 1605808 33.34% 592331 1776791 33.34% 617721 1852888 33.34% 406,925 1,956,282 20.80% 459,961 1,853,813 24.81% 520,963 1,722,435 30.25% 475,945 1,892,920 25.14% 520,599 2,013,819 25.85% 535,416 2,133,489 25.10% 592,331 2,264,295 26.16% 617,721 2,410,544 25.63% 406,925 859,208 47.36% 459,961 1,156,639 39.77% 520,963 1,454,648 35.81% 475,945 1,623,293 29.32% 520,599 1,722,332 30.23% 535,416 1,828,872 29.28% 592,331 1,942,400 30.49% 617,721 2,068,626 29.86% $1.02 1.72 59.3% $1.06 1.91 55.4% $1.14 2.13 53.5% $1.22 1.97 62.0% $1.30 2.17 59.9% $1.38 2.25 61.3% $1.46 2.51 58.1% $1.54 2.64 58.3% 241,329 85,699 406,925 80.37% 255,305 81,786 459,961 73.29% 278,404 124,240 520,963 77.29% 296,156 100,000 475,945 83.24% 313,268 100,000 520,599 79.38% 329,683 100,000 535,416 80.25% 346,009 125,000 592,331 79.52% 361,590 125,000 617,721 78.77% 365 /ReceivablesTurnover AverageCollectionPeriod FinancialLeverageRatios TotalDebt(includesoperatingleases) /TotalAssets DebtRatio TotalDebt /TotalEquity Debt-to-EquityRatio ProfitabilityRatios (Sales-(COGS&Depreciation)) /Sales GrossProfitMargin NetIncome /Sales NetProfitMargin NetIncome /AverageTotalAssets ReturnonAssets NetIncome /AverageShareholderEquity ReturnonEquity PayoutPolicyRatios DividendsperShare /EarningsperShare PayoutRatio (TotalDividend +StockRepurchases) /NetIncome TotalPayoutRatio PresentValueofOperatingLeaseObligations(2015) PresentValueofOperatingLeaseObligations(2014) Operating Leases 3154 2062 1312 972 1078 951 9529 844 8685 FiscalYearsEnding30-Jun 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Thereafter TotalMinimumPayments Less:Interest PVofMinimumPayments CapitalizationofOperatingLeases CapitalizationofOperatingLeases Pre-TaxCostofDebt NumberYearsImpliedbyYear6Payment Year 1 2 3 4 5 6&beyond PVofMinimumPayments Lease Commitment 3154 2062 1312 972 1078 951 3.50% 1.0 PVLease Payment 3047.4 1925.0 1183.5 847.1 907.8 773.8 8684.6 PresentValueofOperatingLeaseObligations(2013) Pre-TaxCostofDebt NumberYearsImpliedbyYear6Payment Year 1 2 3 4 5 6&beyond PVofMinimumPayments Lease Commitment 2762 2235 1154 764 535 535 3.50% 1.9 PVLease Payment 2668.7 2086.5 1040.9 665.9 450.5 801.7 7714.2 PresentValueofOperatingLeaseObligations(2012) Operating Leases 2634 1816 1026 690 480 1200 7846 723 7123 FiscalYearsEnding30-Jun 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Thereafter TotalMinimumPayments Less:Interest PVofMinimumPayments CapitalizationofOperatingLeases Operating Leases 2785 1918 1010 567 484 1100 7864 694 7170 FiscalYearsEnding30-Jun 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Thereafter TotalMinimumPayments Less:Interest PVofMinimumPayments CapitalizationofOperatingLeases Pre-TaxCostofDebt NumberYearsImpliedbyYear6Payment Year 1 2 3 4 5 6&beyond PVofMinimumPayments Operating Leases 2762 2235 1154 764 535 1000 8450 736 7714 FiscalYearsEnding30-Jun 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Thereafter TotalMinimumPayments Less:Interest PVofMinimumPayments Lease Commitment 2634 1816 1026 690 480 480 3.50% 2.5 PVLease Payment 2545.0 1695.4 925.5 601.4 404.2 951.8 7123.2 Pre-TaxCostofDebt NumberYearsImpliedbyYear6Payment Year 1 2 3 4 5 6&beyond PVofMinimumPayments Lease Commitment 2785 1918 1010 567 484 484 3.50% 2.3 PVLease Payment 2690.9 1790.6 911.0 494.2 407.6 875.8 7170.1 EffectsofESOPExerciseandShareRepurchasesonCommonStockBalanceSheetAccountandNumberofSharesOutstanding NumberofOptionsOutstanding(shares): AverageTimetoMaturity(years): ExpectedAnnualNumberofOptionsExercised: CurrentAverageStrikePrice: CostofEquity: CurrentStockPrice: 481.762 0.55 874.281 IncreaseinSharesOutstanding: AverageStrikePrice: IncreaseinCommonStockAccount: $22.75 8.75% $44.31 1 2 3 4 5 2016E 2017E 2018E 2019E 2020E 481.262 0.500 0.0 0 0 $22.74 $29.71 $$$10,944 15 - ChangeinTreasuryStock ExpectedPriceofRepurchasedShares: NumberofSharesRepurchased: -100,000 -100,000 -100,000 -125,000 -125,000 $44.31 $48.19 $52.40 $56.98 $61.97 (2,257) (2,075) (1,908) (2,194) (2,017) SharesOutstanding(beginningoftheyear) Plus:SharesIssuedThroughESOP Less:SharesRepurchasedinTreasury SharesOutstanding(endoftheyear) 242,751 481.26 2,256.83 240,975 240,975 238,901 236,992 234,799 0.50 0 0 0 2,075.31 1,908 2,194 2,017 238,901 236,992 234,799 232,781 VALUATIONOFOPTIONSGRANTEDINESOP TickerSymbol CurrentStockPrice RiskFreeRate CurrentDividendYield AnnualizedSt.Dev.ofStockReturns Rangeof OutstandingOptions Range1 Range2 Total Number ofShares 481.262 0.500 LLTC $44.31 2.82% 2.75% 33.94% Average Exercise Price 22.74 29.71 482 $22.75 Average B-S Value Remaining Option ofOptions Life(yrs) Price Granted 0.55 $21.26 $10,233 1.55 $15.35 $8 0.55 $21.92 $10,241 SensitivityAnalysis DCFPrice $46.92 5.00% 7.00% 9.00% 11.00% AutomotiveSegment 13.00% RevenueGrowth2017 15.00% 17.00% 19.00% 21.00% 0.00% $44.98 $45.15 $45.32 $45.48 $45.65 $45.82 $45.98 $46.15 $46.32 2.00% $45.30 $45.47 $45.63 $45.80 $45.97 $46.14 $46.30 $46.47 $46.64 4.00% $45.62 $45.79 $45.95 $46.12 $46.29 $46.45 $46.62 $46.79 $46.95 6.00% $45.94 $46.10 $46.27 $46.44 $46.60 $46.77 $46.94 $47.11 $47.27 IndustrialSegmentRevenueGrowth2017 8.00% 10.00% 12.00% $46.26 $46.57 $46.89 $46.42 $46.74 $47.06 $46.59 $46.91 $47.23 $46.76 $47.07 $47.39 $46.92 $47.24 $47.56 $47.09 $47.41 $47.73 $47.26 $47.58 $47.89 $47.42 $47.74 $48.06 $47.59 $47.91 $48.23 14.00% $47.21 $47.38 $47.54 $47.71 $47.88 $48.04 $48.21 $48.38 $48.55 16.00% $47.53 $47.70 $47.86 $48.03 $48.20 $48.36 $48.53 $48.70 $48.86 DCFPrice $46.92 6.50% 7.00% 7.50% 8.00% WACC 8.74% 9.00% 9.50% 10.00% 10.50% 1.50% $52.40 $48.09 $44.50 $41.46 $37.74 $36.61 $34.65 $32.91 $31.37 2.00% $56.66 $51.50 $47.28 $43.77 $39.52 $38.26 $36.05 $34.13 $32.43 2.50% $61.98 $55.67 $50.62 $46.49 $41.59 $40.15 $37.66 $35.51 $33.62 3.00% $68.83 $60.88 $54.71 $49.77 $44.03 $42.36 $39.52 $37.08 $34.97 CVgrowthofNOPLAT 3.50% 4.00% $77.96 $90.74 $67.59 $76.52 $59.81 $66.37 $53.76 $58.76 $46.92 $50.43 $44.98 $48.11 $41.68 $44.24 $38.90 $41.02 $36.51 $38.29 4.50% $109.91 $89.03 $75.12 $65.18 $54.76 $51.94 $47.31 $43.52 $40.37 5.00% $141.86 $107.80 $87.37 $73.75 $60.25 $56.73 $51.06 $46.53 $42.82 5.50% $205.77 $139.08 $105.74 $85.74 $67.44 $62.89 $55.76 $50.21 $45.77 DCFPrice $46.92 0.00% 2.00% 4.00% 6.00% IndustrialSegment 8.00% RevenueGrowth2017 10.00% 12.00% 14.00% 16.00% 71.00% $41.95 $42.23 $42.52 $42.81 $43.10 $43.39 $43.68 $43.97 $44.25 72.00% $42.87 $43.17 $43.46 $43.76 $44.06 $44.35 $44.65 $44.94 $45.24 73.00% $43.80 $44.10 $44.40 $44.71 $45.01 $45.31 $45.62 $45.92 $46.23 74.00% $44.72 $45.03 $45.35 $45.66 $45.97 $46.28 $46.59 $46.90 $47.21 GrossProfitMargin 75.00% $45.65 $45.97 $46.29 $46.60 $46.92 $47.24 $47.56 $47.88 $48.20 76.00% $46.58 $46.90 $47.23 $47.55 $47.88 $48.20 $48.53 $48.86 $49.18 77.00% $47.50 $47.84 $48.17 $48.50 $48.83 $49.17 $49.50 $49.83 $50.17 78.00% $48.43 $48.77 $49.11 $49.45 $49.79 $50.13 $50.47 $50.81 $51.15 79.00% $49.35 $49.70 $50.05 $50.40 $50.75 $51.09 $51.44 $51.79 $52.14 DCFPrice $46.92 2.50% 3.00% 3.50% 4.00% CapEx%Increase 4.30% 5.00% 5.50% 6.00% 6.50% 71.00% $43.40 $43.32 $43.23 $43.15 $43.10 $42.98 $42.90 $42.82 $42.73 72.00% $44.35 $44.27 $44.19 $44.11 $44.06 $43.94 $43.86 $43.77 $43.69 73.00% $45.31 $45.23 $45.14 $45.06 $45.01 $44.90 $44.81 $44.73 $44.65 74.00% $46.27 $46.18 $46.10 $46.02 $45.97 $45.85 $45.77 $45.69 $45.60 GrossProfitMargin 75.00% $47.22 $47.14 $47.06 $46.97 $46.92 $46.81 $46.72 $46.64 $46.56 76.00% $48.18 $48.09 $48.01 $47.93 $47.88 $47.76 $47.68 $47.60 $47.51 77.00% $49.13 $49.05 $48.97 $48.88 $48.83 $48.72 $48.64 $48.55 $48.47 78.00% $50.09 $50.01 $49.92 $49.84 $49.79 $49.67 $49.59 $49.51 $49.43 79.00% $51.04 $50.96 $50.88 $50.80 $50.75 $50.63 $50.55 $50.46 $50.38 9. S&P Capital IQ – Technology Hardware, Storage & Peripherals,April2015 10. BusinessInsider, 07/10/2015, “PC Sales are Imploding” 11. Statista,“GlobalPCShipments(desktopandportable) from2009to2019” cs/269049/global-pc-shipment-forecast-since-2009/ 12. IC Insights, “TI Strengthens Analog Marketshare; SkyworksGainsfromApple’sFavor,”May11,2015 13. FisherInvestmentsonTechnology,pgs46-47 14.,HistoricalBook-to-BillPressReleaseData 15. KPMGGlobalAutomotiveExecutiveSurvey2015, pg12 /ArticlesPublications/global-automotive-executivesurvey/Documents/2015-report-v1.pdf 16. FederalReserveBankofSt.Louis,07/2015,“Personal ConsumptionExpenditures” IMPORTANTDISCLAIMER HenryFundreportsarecreatedbystudentenrolledinthe AppliedSecuritiesManagement(HenryFund)programat the University of Iowa’s Tippie School of Management. These reports are intended to provide potential employersandotherinterestedpartiesanexampleofthe analytical skills, investment knowledge, and communication abilities of Henry Fund students. Henry Fund analysts are not registered investment advisors, brokers or officially licensed financial professionals. The investment opinion contained in this report does not representanofferorsolicitationtobuyorsellanyofthe aforementionedsecurities.Unlessotherwisenoted,facts and figures included in this report are from publicly available sources. This report is not a complete compilation of data, and its accuracy is not guaranteed. From time to time, the University of Iowa, its faculty, staff, students, or the Henry Fund may hold a financial interestinthecompaniesmentionedinthisreport. Page12