July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010

July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010
President’s Letter
A little over seven years after the first of 56 vacant lots was turned over to
us by the Berks County Redevelopment Authority, 4 ½ years of planning,
and then raising over $2.7 million during challenging economic times, it
was with great relief to see construction begin on the Second Street Learning
and Technology Center. Many thanks to our Campaign Chairs, Lois and Irv
Cohen and Eric Schippers, for providing the leadership needed to raise the
required dollars to move forward with this project. Additional thanks to our
Campaign Cabinet, Board of Director’s, and staff who worked tirelessly to
ensure a successful capital campaign. This state of the art 12,000 square foot
facility will house six classrooms, a multi-purpose room, and library. Each
classroom will be equipped with workstations for 12 children and teachers
will provide instruction using smart board technology. Designed to accommodate up to 144 children, it is our hope that the
center will address the “digital divide” that currently exists between low income children attending urban public schools
and their peers in suburban school districts. Designed utilizing smart growth principles, the center is being constructed to
maximize sunlight, reuse rain water, and provide a healthy learning environment to children enrolled at the center.
The center is scheduled to open in July 2011.
Other changes also took place over the past year. The Children’s Alliance Center (CAC) moved to their new location at 50
4th Street. For the past several years, the CAC had been sharing space with the Reading Health Dispensary at 2nd Street.
Additionally the CAC became home to the Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) program formerly operated by the
United Way. This new location provides much needed space to meet the needs of the over 300 children involved in these
programs each year.
Additionally, Opportunity House assumed ownership of Beacon House, a thirteen unit apartment building in the 800 block
of Schuylkill Avenue. These apartments provide affordable, permanent housing opportunities for individuals and families
who have successfully transitioned out of the shelter. Combined with our other supportive housing programs, over 85
formerly homeless men, women and children now have a place of their own to call home.
Our special fundraising events continued to grow in their success. Our Souper Bowl Preview and Souper Bowl events
raised over $50,000 and our 13th annual golf outing, hosted at The Berkshire Country Club, also netted $50,000. We
would like to thank our many volunteers, sponsors and participants who helped to make these events successful.
It has been our privilege and honor to be associated with Opportunity House. We cannot thank everyone enough for all
of your support. We continue to be committed to improving the quality of life for families and adults who face various
obstacles to independence, and support their efforts to achieve and maintain self-sufficiency. On behalf of the Board of
Directors, we would like to thank all of Opportunity House’s employees, donors, supporters, and volunteers. Without the
support from all of you, we could not continue to offer the services and programs that are so important to our community.
Dr. Johanna Kelly., Chairperson
Modesto D. Fiume, President
Ground Breaking 2009
Human Resources Update at Opportunity House:
Over the past year our dedicated employees have made it possible for Opportunity House to continue providing services to our clients during a period that was economically challenging for everyone. Even though we
had seen an increase in the need for services and a decrease in our average number of staff, our staff remain
focused on providing consistent, high quality, care.
During the past year we averaged 86 employees in any given month with 82% having been with Opportunity
House for over one year. We continue to work on employee retention and currently have 22 employees with
five or more years of service, seven employees with 10 or more years of service and one with more than 15
years of service. Once again we have had five employees with perfect attendance for the entire year.
We have been working diligently to reduce accidents in the workplace. This past year we finally reached a level
which saved us a considerable amount of money on our annual Worker’s Compensation Insurance. We recently
formed a Safety Committee comprised of employees throughout the agency with the goal of reducing preventable workplace accidents. We and will continue to work with our insurance company to implement policy
amendments and general practices that will ensure the continued safety of our employees.
For the past several years, Opportunity House staff have enjoyed participating in an annual softball tournament
which benefits BCPS/Berks Connections. Our President, also known as Coach Modesto is the sponsor of the
team. For the past few years CAC Case Manager, Janice Yerger, stepped up to be the Team Mom for the annual Softball Tournament. Mom Yerger coordinated the team including ordering t-shirts and attending planning
meetings. It’s a job she does very well! So does the coach, by the way…. This year the team did not come in
last place… regardless of the line up it is always a great day and our team is honored and proud to give back to
the community.
We would like to thank all of our employees
for their dedication and commitment to our
organization. They are truly the foundation
that supports our organization in providing
quality services for all of our clients.
Photo: President –
Modesto’s 15th Anniversary
at Opportuniy House
Our Programs
Children’s Alliance Center (CAC)
The Children’s Alliance Center (CAC) opened its door to
the most recent program at Opportunity House, Court
Appointed Special Advocates (CASA). The CASA of
United Way is now the CASA of Berks County. The Court
Appointed Special Advocates program was transferred from
the United Way to Opportunity House on November 1, 2009
and it now operates out of the Children’s Alliance Center
under the coordination of April Reed Schmehl. The mission
of the CASA program is to provide efficient, thorough,
quality advocacy to children who enter the court system as
a result of abuse and/or neglect. Specially trained CASA
volunteers are appointed by a judge to represent the best
interests of a child. The main purpose is for a child to reach
permanency whether it back with birth parent/s, with
extended family members or adoption.
Shelter Services
A new program was started at Opportunity House this
year, the Homeless Prevention Rapid Re-Housing Program
(HPRP). The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of
2009 established the Homeless Prevention Rapid Re-Housing Program to assist households at risk of homelessness
and households that have become homeless. Opportunity
House contracted with the City of Reading to implement the
program and disburse the funds. To date HPRP has assisted
well over one hundred people remain in their homes by
providing needed assistance with their rent and/or utilities in
order to prevent eviction This program also provided financial assistance to people who are in the shelter and needed
help with paying security deposits and first months rent. To
date six single people and two families have been able to
leave the shelter with assistance from HPRP.
During the past year the emergency shelter provided services
to 473 unduplicated individuals (219 men, 174 women and
80 children). An additional 154 individuals (135 men and
10 women) were served exclusively during the Code Blue
period of November 1 through March 31 when the average
night time temperature is below freezing. Besides providing
the homeless with a safe, warm place to sleep, a place to do
their laundry and take care of their personal hygiene
Opportunity House provided 120,786 meals.
CAC Moves
The Children’s Alliance Center of Berks County had a busy
2009/2010. Although we enjoyed being under one roof with
Opportunity House, it was time to move on and to assist
in meeting more of the communities needs. For several
years we shared a home with the Reading Hospital Health
Dispensary at Second Street. We appreciate their generosity
and kindness, however we all were outgrowing our space.
After almost two years of looking at different potential office
locations we found a new home! The CAC is now located to
50 North 4th Street! The primary reason the CAC needed to
relocate was to increase the number of interview rooms for
children. Today, we have an interview room for our younger
children and an interview room for our ‘tweens’. Our observation room is now located between the interview rooms.
The new office provides for additional quiet space and more
privacy for the children and their family. After moving and
getting ‘settled’ an Open House took place on April 30th.
The month of April is Child Abuse Prevention Month and
we wanted to incorporate our move with the awareness
that child abuse does occur in Berks County. Senator Mike
O’Pake, Congressman Tim Holden, Mayor Tom McMahon,
Opportunity House staff, volunteers and members of our
board of directors were among our many distinguished
guests. We are very happy and proud of our new space!
Permanent Housing
There’s been quite a bit of movement in our permanent
housing program over the past year; only one of the original
families remains in the program; that is the Harris family.
This family has a lot to celebrate this year; one of the girls
graduated from high school and is planning to go to The
College of Performing Arts in Philadelphia in the fall. The
oldest daughter in the family will be graduating from Lock
Haven University in May of 2011. These are major milestones for most families, however for a family that just five
years ago was experiencing homelessness this is a wonderful achievement. Among the new families that moved in
we have a single father with a teenage son who is currently
enrolled at Reading High School. He is on the football team
and enjoys drawing and painting. We see college in this
young mans future. The Gonzales family has a new addition.
In May they had a baby boy, a bundle of joy for this family.
These families continue to utilize the supportive services that
are offered at Opportunity House. Mental health and drug
and alcohol services through Berks Counseling Center, medical services through the Second Street Health Dispensary,
child care at the Second Street Learning Center, as well as
the support that is offered from the Case Management team.
It’s these services and the determination of the families
in these programs that makes this program a success.
Second Street Learning
Center (SSLC)
The Second Street Learning Center has
become a comprehensive community
child care service that provides safe,
high quality child care that is affordable.
We accept children aged 6 weeks to 13
years. We focus on creativity, socialization, and the development of high selfesteem. Activities are designed to meet
the needs of each individual child.
development of high self-esteem.
Activities are designed to meet the
needs of each individual child. The
Learning Center incorporates the use
of multi-cultural and developmentally
appropriate materials and equipment.
We believe that children are to be
treated as individuals, with love and
respect for their specific emotional,
physical, and social needs.
demonstrations, environmental awareflexibility they need to meet their
ness, supervised outdoor games and
varying work schedules.
In FY2010 the Learning Center provided activities, Museum Gallery talks, guest
speakers, Planetarium shows, and
care to 549 individual children of whom
rainy day activities.
97% come from families that are at or
below the official poverty level. Of the
• Camp Bynden Wood – Eight kids
346 families with children enrolled at
spent nine weeks surrounded by
the Learning Center 90% are headed by
nature. Bynden Wood’s outdoor
a single parent. Theses statistics reflect
mountaintop facility provides campers
the community that we serve.
with a unique summer camp experience. The Day Camp’s programming
This year we were again awarded
is based on the four core values of the
a $31,500 grant from the Keystone
YMCA (Caring, Honesty, Respect,
STARS program that was used to purResponsibility) along with the prochases items to ensure the health and
motion of safety, fun, education, and
safety of our children.
They included:
• Imax Movies for the Summer –
• A new changing table with attached
Reading Imax theatres offered free
sink for the infant room.
movies each week for children in the
Reading area. Around 30 children at• New hand washing sinks for use in the
tended weekly movies.
Toddler and Preschool classrooms.
We provide well trained staff, which
• A caterpillar climber and outdoor hand
creates an environment of acceptance
washing sink for the Infant, Toddler,
and warmth. Our curriculum is based
and Preschool playground.
on the basic tenets of child development,
making sure we address cognitive,
social, emotional, physical, and aesthetic • Science, math, English, literacy, writing, and health & nutrition learning
areas of growth. Our staff integrates
material for the School Age program.
these areas of growth encouraging
children to develop at their own rates.
• Eighteen new laptops for staff and
students to use for educational support
Reading readiness, pre-math, computer
and programming.
programs, outdoor play, art projects,
and science and nature studies are just
some of the daily activities planned for
our children. Our center offers a before
and after school enrichment program.
This program is available for full days
of school during public school closings.
In addition, homework assistance is
offered through our after school
tutoring program.
We encourage parents to visit the
Center at any time and to participate
in their child’s daily experience.
To accommodate today’s busy family
schedule, the Center is open 24 hours
per day, 7 days per week. Additionally,
transportation is provided to and from
public schools located in the city.
The Center offers children a diverse,
nurturing, and supportive environment
that provides the parents with the
The children attended the following
summer programs:
• GoggleZone-GoggleWorks continued
its set of unique camps with the return
of GoggleZone! For four weeks 20
kids started their day exploring their
imaginations and creativity at the
GoggleWorks facility. The children
then hopped on a bus and headed to
the Body Zone for an afternoon of
soccer, football and basketball fun!
• Disney Princess on Ice – Due to the
generosity of the Sovereign Center
in Reading, Field Entertainment,
and Disney on Ice over 40 children
enjoyed the show and attended a meet
and greet with the Princesses. Our
children were welcomed with gifts and
a red carpet experience.
• French Creek State Park – Each day
this summer 25 children enjoyed outdoor fun at this favorite summer time
spot. The children swam, had picnics,
did a little hiking on the nature trails,
and played outdoor games like tag,
football, and soccer.
• Reading Royals Hockey – The
children participated in a banner
making content. As a result they
attended the Royals play-off games.
• J.P. Mascaro & Sons Presents The
Respect Program – The Respect
Program was created to educate youth
• Camp Discovery-Reading Museum
on the importance of respect and why
-Museum Discovery Camp offered
an art and science program for children we need it in our lives. It incorporates
valuable and important information
from ages 4-11 years. Fifteen kids
with a fun, interactive presentation.
spent 4 weeks attending this excitFifty children, from grades 3
ing summer camp. Programs include
thru 5, were part of the program
outdoor sketching, nature study and
that took place at Second Street
exploration, hands-on live animal
Learning Center.
• Second Shift children attended
Wiggle for the Giggle – An evening
of exciting interactive rhythm benefitting the GiggleWorks at Palmer,
Greater Reading’s Children’s Museum.
Second Street Learning Center staff
and children were spellbound as Mark
Seaman’s Global Rhythm Program
took them on a journey from Africa
and beyond. Using world drums,
percussion, voice and movement, the
children learned and experienced what
being part of a global village sounds
and feels like. This dynamic presentation included a finale with Janet Peck
(A highly regarded African Dance
teacher from Lancaster PA) leading the
Wonta Nara dancers from the Olivet
Boys & Girls Club PAL Center for the
Arts in Reading PA.
• Souper Bowl making workshopsFifteen of the older school age children
attended two sessions to make bowls
for our annual “Souper Bowl”
• Brian Foremen- Artist-in-Residence
spent his summer break from teaching
by providing an in-house art classe for
24 middle school age children every
Monday for six weeks.
• Carla Siedel- Visits with us to offer
music classes on Wednesdays for infant, toddlers, and pre-school children.
Thirty students enjoyed moving with
music and learning new songs. The
program started in May and continues
to this day.
• Homeless Liaison at Lauer’s ParkMelissa DeMotta (ARRA- Stimulus
Money) - Provided teacher resources
and additional tutoring for 25 of our
Lauer’s Park children
• Bobbi DeLaughter- RACC student that
worked with 10 of our tweens three
days a week after school.
• Barnes & Nobles held their holiday
book drive to benefit Opportunity
House. Over 850 books for the new
Learning & Technology Center
library were collected and donated
by customers.
• St. Ignatius Loyola Parish School held
their annual book sale and donated
the change from each purchase to
Opportunity House. Over $200 in
books was purchased for the library at
the Second Street Learning Center.
Easter Baskets/Halloween:
• Bethany Lutheran Church provided
Easter baskets for our younger children
filled with Easter eggs.
• West Reading Borough donated their
Easter Egg Hunt leftovers.
• Alvernia University provided over
300 baskets and toys for our Easter
Egg Hunts
• Our children participated in the United
Way of Berks County’s annual
Halloween celebration.
Our children from the toddler/preschool
rooms participated in the Camp Adahi
Santa’s workshop and got to pick out
Christmas presents for their family.
College students along with Santa visited and donated Christmas presents at a
special School Age party.
As a class assignment the Penn State
Berks campus students of Dr. James
Huber’s Psychology 100 class created
t-shirts with a motivational message.
The shirts were donated to the Second
Street Learning Center to help motivate
our students.
Volunteers – Fiscal Year 2010
Volunteers are the glue that holds many of our programs together; whether they are cooking in our kitchen, playing
with the children in the Second Street Learning Center, serving on our Board of Directors or one of our many committees. Opportunity House could not begin to provide all of our services without the assistance of our many dedicated
volunteers. They are an integral part of the agency.
The past year was successful thanks in-part to
the participation of the following volunteer activities.
In the Second Street Learning Center volunteer tutors assisted the school aged children after school with homework
and school projects. Some volunteers shared their love by rocking and holding the babies in our Infant Room. Others
read and played with the pre-school children. Many individuals came in on a regular weekly basis, while some came
as a group to host a special event. On average, throughout a given week, we had 10 - 15 volunteers helping out in the
Second Street Learning Center.
In the Shelter dinner was prepared and served by volunteers 362 days last year along with lunches on weekends.
Many weekend breakfasts were also prepared by volunteers, as well. We had 116 groups come in this past year and
serve a meal; many of which came once each month. These groups and individuals are from various local religious
congregations, businesses, schools and social organizations who choose to share their time and talents with our clients.
Throughout Opportunity House and around our campus volunteer groups provided manual labor to assist with special
projects such as replacing flooring in the administrative offices, painting hallways and handrails throughout the
building, landscaping our grounds and community garden, expanding needed storage space, and organizing donated
items and supplies.
Children’s Alliance Center/Court Appointed Special Advocates (CAC/CASA):
Volunteers helped in the CAC with moving to our new location. A select group of key volunteers have been
formally trained to assist with the CASA program. Acting as a third party our CASA volunteers spent countless
hours researching and confirming the appropriate steps for the children in the foster program in Greater Reading.
These exceptional volunteers spent hours in court and sometimes with the families and all parties involved to make
absolutely sure that the interest, safety and healthy growth of the children is always top priority. CASA had three
active volunteers in this fiscal year and plans to continuing training new people to assist with the program.
This is an exciting new chapter for Opportunity House and our volunteer spirit!
Fund Raisers:
In conjunction with their annual Holiday Book Drive, Barnes & Noble
invited our volunteers to work at a gift wrapping table in their store. More
than fifty volunteers stepped up to participate and help raise over $1,700 for
Opportunity House.
Atonement Lutheran Church held a benefit concert on October 2, 2009
and raised $1,862 for Opportunity House. The universal spirit off bread
is sharing®. That’s why Panera Bread is committed to helping the
communities they serve! For the calendar year 2009
(beginning in January), Opportunity House was selected by
Panera Bread to be the Community Breadbox recipient for their
bakery-café located in Reading, Pennsylvania. Panera Bread matched
each gift made by the community and raised $4,496.43.
Greater R
eading Yo
ung Profe
raised ove
r $20,000 als
at their ev
Volunteers – Fiscal Year 2010 (continued)
Bollman Hat Company – keeping our clients warm: During the holiday season the folks from Bollman Hat Company in
Lancster County, Pa delivered boxes of new wonderful hats for men and women at Opportunity House. Everyone had a
great time trying on and wearing their new hats all winter season.
Committees or Boards:
There are many volunteers that offered countless hours throughout the year by serving on committees and our Board of
Directors and help raise funds for Opportunity House as well as provide operational guidance to the agency.
To ALL of our
we say
Note: If you would like to volunteer your time, talents and treasures please visit our website
at www.opphouse.org for details.
Many thanks to our Volunteer Cooking Groups
Fromuth Tennis
Ms. Sophia’s Portico
Albright College Students
Gay Wentzel’s Book Club
National Penn Bank
Alcon Research
Girl Scout Troop #1716
New Life Apostolic Church
Allegheny Lutheran Church
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church of Reading
Nigerian Ass. Of Reading/Berks County
Altrusa International, Inc. of Reading/Berks
Open Gate Camp
Alvernia University
Good Shepherd United Church of Christ –
American Red Cross - Berks County Chapter
Good Shepherd United Church of Christ – Reading
Penn National Gaming. Inc. & Foundation
Angela Galarza & friends
Grace Alsace United Church of Christ
Women’s Guild
Penn State Berks
Asko Noble ( Glidden)
Atonement Lutheran Church
Greater Reading Young Professionals
Papademetriou Family
Pennside Presbyterian Church
Holy Cross United Methodist Church
People Who Care/Reading Area
Community College
Holy Spirit Lutheran Church
Phillips Van Heusen Corp
Hope Evangelical Lutheran Church
Raylon Corporation
Hope Lutheran Church
Reading Friends Meeting (Quaker)
Immanuel United Church of Christ
Reading Hospital Imaging Library
Junior League of Reading
Reading Hospital Social Work Department
Karetas Foods
Reform Congregation Oheb Shalom
Kissinger’s Lutheran Church
Reformation Evangelical Lutheran Church
Kiwanis Club of Reading
Rehoboth Seven Day Adventist Church
Kurt/Naugle Group
Reifton PTA
Kutztown Care Bears
Reinsel Kuntz Lesher
Kutztown University
Robeson Evangelical Lutheran Church
Bethel Dunkard Brethren
Ladies Aid Society of St. Paul’s United
Church of Christ
Salem Shalters Lutheran Church
Calvary Bible Fellowship Church
Leisawitz Heller Ambramowitch Phillips, P.C.
Calvary Evangelical Lutheran Church
Life Resurrection Church of God
Calvary United Methodist Church of Mohnton
Lighthouse Christian Center
Calvery United Methodists Church
Lincoln Park Community United Methodist
Chris Talarico & Associates Inc.
Living Word Fellowship
Christ Episcopal Church
Living Word Mennonite Church
Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church
Maidencreek Church
Christ Lutheran Church
St. John’s Evangelical Congregational
Lutheran Church
Masonic Lodge #377 of Kutztown
Community Evangelical Church
St. John’s Gernants UCC
Maxatawny Zion Union Sunday School
Community UCC
St. John’s Lutheran – Sinking Springs
Mohrsville Church of the Brethern
Covenant Church
St. John’s Lutheran Church - Kutztown
Mrs. Cindy Stewart
Covenant Church Youth Group
St. John’s Reformed Church
Ms. Heidi Zerbe
Cross Roads Community Church
St. John’s United Church of Christ- Fleetwood
Ms. Jane Fultz
CTCE Federal Credit Union
St. John’s Evangelical Congregational Church
Ms. Jeannie Schepers
Exeter Township Leo Club
St. John’s Lutheran Church of Reading
Ms. Kate Thornton
Friedens Evangelical Lutheran Church
St. John’s Reformed Church of Sinking Spring
Ms. Laura Rader
Frieden’s Lutheran Church Youth Fellowship
St. Matthew’s Greek Orthodox
Ms. Shelly Brubaker
Bausman Memorial UCC
Bell Tower Salon
Bellman’s Church
Berks County Democrats
Berks For Obama
Bern Evangelical Lutheran Church of Leesport
Bern Lutheran Church
Bethany Evangelical Lutheran Church of Reading
Bethany Evangelical Lutheran Church of West
Bethany United Methodists Church
Bethel A.M.E. Church
Friedens United Church of Christ - Oley
Salem Shelters Lutheran
Schuylkill Valley H.S. NHS
Schwartzwald Lutheran Church
St. Barnabas Episcopal Church
St. Daniel’s Women’s Group
St. Francis DeSales
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church of Reading
Many thanks to our Volunteer Cooking Groups (continued)
St. Paul’s United Church of Christ - Douglasville
Trinity Lutheran Church of Reading
World Electronics
St. Paul’s United Church of Christ – Fleetwood
Trinity Lutheran Church- Wernersville
Zion Lutheran Church
St. Peter’s United Church of Christ of Fleetwood
Trinity United Church of Christ – Leesport
Zions Evangelical Lutheran Church
Sts. Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox
UGI Utilities, Inc.
Zions UCC - Hamburg
Teleflex Medical
Weaverland Youth Group
Zions Union Church Maxatawny
Trinity Bible Fellowship Church
West Lawn United Methodist Church
Zion’s Windsor Castle
Trinity Lutheran Church - Robesonia
Wilson High School National Honors Society
Fundraisers & Special Events
13th Annual Opportunity House Golf Tournament
presented by Penn National Gaming Foundation:
The 13th Annual Opportunity House Golf Tournament took place on Monday, June 7th at the Berkshire Country Club.
Once again, the weather and sun smiled on us brightly and there was a nice breeze all day! For the past several years,
our tournament has been unique, in that many sports celebrities have participated and supported the days events. This
year was no exception with Pro Football players Fred Baxter, Jim Nelson, Omar Easy, & Brad Scioli joining us, along
with Olympic Medalist Diann Roffe and Allison Baver.
We were sold out this year, with 30 foursomes playing in a four man
scramble format.
Presenting Sponsor: Penn National Gaming Foundation
Supreme Ceilings
Fromuth Tennis
Discovery Federal Credit Union
Giorgio Foods, Inc.
The Bachman Company
Sweet Street Desserts
All Star Distributing
Gift Sponsor: Lasting Image
Hole in One Sponsors: Vision Auto
Group & VIST Insurance
Fundraisers & Special Events
Massano Bradley, Attorneys at Law
Bell Trucking Co., Inc.
Martin A. Darocha, CPA
The Loomis Company
American Powernet Services
Fleetwood Bank
Law Office of Scott C. Painter, P.C.
Financial Planning Advisors
Automotive Services, Inc.
Custom Milling & Consulting
Cinergi Salon/Spa
Associated Construction & Management Corp.
Carpenters Local Union 214
Burkey Construction Co.
Mosteller & Associates
Tee Sponsors:
In Memory of Andy Putt
Lifestyle Limousine, Ltd.
Mallie, Falconiero & Co., LLP
S & S Resources
World Electronics
White Star Tours
The Dieruff Group, part of
Merrill Lynch Wealth Management
VIST Financial
Kutztown Auto Company
Reinsel Kuntz Lesher LLP
The Reading Oral Surgery Group, LTD
National Penn Bank
Michael J. Smychynsky Consulting
McGlinn Capital Management, Inc.
A live auction was held during happy hour where 19 packages were auctioned off. Packages included chances to play
on some of Pennsylvania’s finest private golf courses to gourmet private dinners for eight prepared in your own home.
A total of $12,850 was raised from this year’s auction.
Winners of the days golfing events are listed below:
1st Place: Roberto Campitelli, Johnnie Gehris, Don Kozik, Don Sowers,
2nd Place: Randy Kroschwitz, Aaron Zakszeski, Tony Buckholz, Andy Howe
3rd Place: John Morelli, Gavin Taromina, Marty Krynock, Scott Floht
4thPlace: Rick Close, Chris Adams, Paul Marella, Steve Smith
Closest to the pin:
#6 – Ralph Triboletti 5’6”
#9 – Eric Schippers 5’6”
#11 – Roger Schmidt 2’3”
#16 – Chuck Sakman 5’8”
Longest Drive #12 - Lou Belgio
Longest putt #13 – Andy Howe (15’6”)
u to the tee members for
d comm olf tournament
ed from
f $53,00 support the ma ffers.
events to rtunity House o
t Oppo
8th Annual Souper Bowl:
The 8th Annual Souper Bowl was held on May 3rd at Body Zone Sports and Wellness Complex in Wyomissing
and this year we broke ALL records!
41 Restaurants and Caterers participated, over 1200 bowls made by Berks County schools, professional
potters and individuals, and over 600 attended this year’s event. The bottom line was that $52,000 was
raised to support the programs of Opportunity House
This keystone event for Opportunity House brings all communities of Berks County together. It is a great team
building process in many ways. Thank you to all our sponsors, and to those who made bowls, provided food,
volunteered at the event, helped with set-up or clean-up, donated goods and services, and to the fantastic committee who worked all year to make the 8th Annual Souper Bowl a tremendous success. We wouldn’t have been able
to achieve these results without everyone’s help!
Presenting Sponsor: Wyomissing Family Restaurant
Golden Harvest Sponsor: Susquehanna Bank;
Gold Pot Sponsors: Baldwin Hardware, Enterprise Car Sales, EthoSource, Highmark Blue Shield, VF Outlet,
VIST Financial;
Gold Cup Sponsors: Alan Ross & Company, Anderson Insurance, Bell Tower Salon Spa, Fraser Advanced
Information Systems, GMI First, Herbine + Company, JTS Gift Basket Classics, LaManna-Dooley Plastic Surgery
Associates, Quadrant EEP, Riverfront Federal Credit Union, Susan J. Probst MD & Associates, Thanx Hair Artistry,
UGI Utilities, Wert Investment Consulting, Group of Wells Fargo Advisors;
Patrons: Century 21 Park Road, Designworks Architects, Diamond FCU, TrayPak, Victor Emmanuel II,
Vince & Ann Paolini;
Promotional Sponsor: Reading Eagle Company;
Venue Sponsor: Body Zone Sports & Wellness Complex;
Pottery Workshop Studios: Clay on Main; CLAYOTE; GoggleWorks Center for the Arts
Restaurants & Caterers: 201 West, Adelphia, Austin’s, Bell Tower Café, Berks Fire & Water Restoration,
Berkshire Deli, Blind Hartman’s Tavern, Boscov’s, Celebrated Occasions A Division of Penn Square Caters, Cloud
Nine Café, Clover Farm Dairy, Cucina, Cupcake, Dosie Dough, Effie’s Charcoal Chef, Emily’s, Ganly’s, GNA Ristorante Pizzeria, Go Fish!, Hooters, Isaacs of Wyomissing, Judy’s on Cherry, Maggie’s Cookies, Marvel Ranch, Off
the Avenue, Opportunity House Bistro, Pampered Palates Inc., Panera Bread, Russo’s, So Good! Soups & Salads,
Starbucks, Stirling Guest Hotel, Suburban Tavern, Sweet Street Deserts, The Dog House, The Water Guy, Upland
Café, The Works of Wyomissing, Wyomissing Family Restaurant, Yellow House, Zoup!
Bowls donated by: Allen Vandegrift; Bill & Sandra Jones, Stones Throw Pottery; Blake Miller; Brian Kunkel-
man; Chris Fisher, CLAYOTE; Dan Shaffer;Danielle Fisher, CLAYOTE; Dolores Kirschner, Clay on Main; GoggleWorks Ceramic Studio Artists; Heather Shuker Pottery; Heidi Foreman, From the Mud Room; Jeff Dietrich, Loghouse
Pottery; Jeremy Yoest; Kitty Wittich; Louis Santo Domingo; Maggie Gallen; Marko Biddle; Marlin Miller; Nancy
List, Nancy List Studio; Nathaniel Walker Dubbs; Ned Foltz, Foltz Pottery; Nolde Forest Pottery; Sandi DeFranco
Gianni; Sheila Shuman; Steven Summerville, Virginia’s Dream Pottery; Sue Small; W. Eugene Burkhart & Sheila
Shuman; Willie Singleton, Pine Creek Pottery.
Bowl workshops held by: Allegheny Evangelical Lutheran Church, Anchor Education and Training students,
Berks Medical Society Auxiliary, Century 21 Park Road, COSMOS, ECKHAUS, Friedens Lutheran Bernville, Girl
Scout Troop 1227, Girl Scouts of Conrad Weiser Service Unit, Jewish Community Center, Junior League of Reading,
Opportunity House Clients, Plow Shares Robeson Lutheran Youth Group, Pottstown YWCA, Second Street Learning
Center students, Topton Potters.
Participating schools: Antietam, Boyertown, Exeter, Governor Mifflin, Hamburg, Holy Name,
Kutztown High School, Kutztown University, Oley Valley, Reading, Schuylkill Valley, Tulpehocken, Twin Valley,
Wilson, Wyomissing
Special thanks to: Berks County Living, Berks Photographic Society, Body Zone Sports & Wellness Complex,
Boscov’s Department Stores, Boy Scout Troop #413, Calvary Baptist Church, Ciatto Construction, Daniel Boone
High School Manufacturing Technology Class, Dennis Wojtowicz Photography, Fleetwood Bank, Glicks Greenhouse,
Green Hills Home Center, Heidi Derstler, Jessica Wolf, Key Printing, Knights Rental, Land Designs, MotoPhoto,
Penske Truck Leasing, TexStyles, The Restaurant Store, Uline Corporation, WRFY Radio (Y102), to the clients of
Opportunity House and the children of the Second Street Learning Center for decorating the bags used to take bowls
home, and all our amazing volunteers!
Raffle prizes donated by: Acacia Flower & Gift Shop, Floral Essence Studio, and The Floral Studio
Souper Bowl Committee: Lisa A. Twiford, chair; Cyndi Fisher, Kristin Flammer, Kristen Galazin, Karen
Haver, Pier Ignozzi-Shaffer, Nancy List, Susan Miers-Smith, Francine Scoboria, Sheila Shuman, Dawn Valyo,
Vanessa Wanshop, Ramona Wolf, Lorri Oziri, Becky Burton
Souper Bowl Preview Party
The addition of the preview party to the Souper Bowl has been a true
asset to our organization. Originally designed to introduce new donors to our services and help take the Souper Bowl to a next level, this
event has grown to rival the success of the main Souper Bowl event. A
new addition for 2010 to the Preview included the “Donor of the Year”
award. The first annual award was presented to the Carlino/Schippers
families and Penn National Gaming Foundation for their overwhelming support and dedication to the mission of Opportunity House. This
award, a beautiful hand thrown ceramic bowl was made and donated
by Nolde Forrest Pottery. The Preview Party highlighted a wine tasting table which was sponsored and hosted by WineDown Café & Winebar. 120 guests were in attendance in the
Party Room at BodyZone Sports and Wellness Complex just prior to joining the main event in the ice rink. The 2010
Preview Party raised in excess of $19,000, which is included in the total of the day’s events.
Sponsors: Body Zone Sports & Wellness Complex; Stevens & Lee; Dena & Vic Hammel; CTCE Federal Credit
Union; Fox & Rothchild; Fred & Dee Hiehle; Dr. & Mrs. Ali Amin; Berks Packing; Dr. Jeffrey Blank; Mary & David
Carlino; Comcast; Connors Investor Services Inc.; Reinsel & Co.; Chris & Robin Pruitt; WineDown Cafe & Winebar;
Yuengling; Railroad House; All Star Distributors; Click Photography; Nolde Forest Pottery; Lowes - Shillington
Musical Entertainment Provided By Carl Zepplin
Preview Committee: Karen Bailey; Amanda Garber;
Kim Hiester; Laurie Kercher; Jessica Krakowski;
Lorri Oziri; Kelly Silvia
Annual Grants
Many Sincere thanks to our funders
Shelter and Housing Services
• Wachovia Foundation awarded $10,000 for “Code Blue” emergency shelter operating support.
• United Way of Berks County awarded $72,032 for emergency shelter operating support.
• FEMA Emergency Food and Shelter Program awarded $53,698 for emergency shelter support.
• City of Reading - Emergency Shelter Grant funds were awarded in the amount of $110,000 for
emergency shelter operations.
• State of Pennsylvania - Emergency Shelter Grant funds were awarded in the amount of $46,500 for
emergency shelter operations
• Berks County – Council on Chemical Abuse (COCA) awarded $15,076 to support drug & alcohol abuse
education and case management services in the emergency shelter.
• Berks County – Homeless Assistance Program (HAP) awarded $31,000 for the Aftercare Program which
provides case manager services to clients that successful exit Opportunity House.
• Henry Janssen Foundation awarded $8,000 for emergency
shelter support.
• Susquehanna Bank awarded $2,000 as a Souper Bowl sponsor.
• Ms. Faith Hill and Mr. Tim McGraw, The Neighbor’s Keeper
Advised Fund of The Community Foundation of Middle
Tennessee awarded $5,000 for emergency shelter support.
Supportive Housing
• Bartlett Foundation awarded $3,000 to support the transitional housing program for families.
• Citizens Bank awarded $5,000 for transitional family housing support.
• Penn National Gaming awarded $15,000 for transitional housing support..
• U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development awarded $234,983 for transitional
and permanent housing.
Children’s Alliance Center (CAC)
• Berks County - Human Services Development Fund (HSDF) awarded $22,690 to support case
manager services at the CAC.
• National Children’s Alliance awarded $10,000 for forensic interviewer salary support.
Second Street Learning Center
• United Way of Berks County awarded $64,804 for Learning Center operations.
• Community Services for Children, Inc. awarded $31,500 for Learning Center quality improvement
activities related to the Keystone STARS program.
• Barnes & Noble selected Opportunity House/Second Street Learning Center to be the recipient of
their 2009 Holiday Book Drive. The 850 books donated will be placed in the Learning & Technology
Center library.
Capital Campaign
• Greater Reading Young Professionals
(GYRP) awarded Opportunity House
$20,000 for construction of the Learning
& Technology Center.
• Metropolitan Edison Company Sustainable
Energy Fund awarded Opportunity House
$25,000 for LEED related expenses for the
construction of the Learning
& Technology Center.
• Kresege Foundation awarded Opportunity House
with a $250,000 matching grant for construction
of the Learning & Technology Center.
Thanks to the many generous donors for your
financial support
($5,000.00 +)
West Lawn United Methodist Church
World Electronics
Wyomissing Family Restaurant
Wyomissing Pediatric Associates
Berks County Community Foundation
Bills Khakis
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Carlino
City of Reading
Lois E. and Irvin Cohen
Community Services For Children, Inc.
Council on Chemical Abuse
County of Berks
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Eynon
First Presbyterian Church of Reading
Genex Matching Gifts Programs
Harry and Jeannette Weinberg Foundation
Henry Janssen Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Jurgielewicz V
Mr. Daniel Buckley and Dr. Johanna Kelly
Land O’Lakes Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Miller Jr.
National Children’s Alliance
Penn National Gaming. Inc. & Foundation
Pennside Presbyterian Church
Mr. and Mrs. Sergei Szortyka
The Community Foundation of
Middle Tennesse
The Wachovia Wells Fargo Foundation
U.S. Department of Housing &
Urban Development
United Way of Berks County
Wachovia Bank, N.A.
Mr. William B. Whitman
Atonement Lutheran Church
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bachofer
Blue Mountain Foundation
Mr. Doug Cadle
Cambridge Lee Industries, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Dieruff
Mr. and Mrs. Mickey A. Doughty
Enterprise Holdings Foundations
Mr. and Mrs. Santo F. Ferrarello
Mr. and Mrs. Modesto Fiume
Hopson Specialty Systems
InHome Oxygen & Medical Supply, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kerins
Dr. Christopher J. Mancuso
Miller Builders Supply Company
Reading Pediatrics, Inc.
Stevens & Lee
Susquehanna Bank
Sweet Street Desserts, Inc.
The Bachman Company
United Way of Southeastern PA
VIST Financial
Robert Weaver
Mr. & Mrs. Dale A. Wiest
Ms. Rose L. Zobian
($2,500.00 - $4,999.00)
($1,000.00 - $1,499.00)
Berks County Bar Foundation
BodyZone Sports & Fitness Complex
Boscov’s Department Store, Inc.
Discovery Federal Credit Union
Fromuth Tennis
Giorgio Foods, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor H. Hammel
Jerlyn Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. William S. Laubach
Panera Bread
Sovereign Bank
Supreme Ceilings, Inc.
The Bartlett Foundation
Wal-Mart Foundation
($1,500.00 - $2,499.00)
Armstrong World Industries, Inc.
Baldwin Hardware Corp.
Boscov’s Department Stores, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Boyer
Mr. and Mrs. David Carlino
Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Carson
Reverend Mark Christy and
Dr. Kelly Crozier
Dr. and Mrs. James A. Coffey
Colonial Oaks Foundation
CTCE Federal Credit Union
Custom Milling & Consulting
Pastor and Mrs. Douglas F. Didyoung
Dr. and Mrs.Thomas W. Dooley
E.G. & Klara M. Smith Foundation
EthoSource, LLC
First United Methodist Church of Palmyra
Fox Rothschild, LLP
Friedens United Church of Christ
GFWC Berks County Federation
Women’s Club
Ms. Elizabeth W. Gonzalez
Hartman Shurr
Dr. and Mrs. Gerard L. Helinek
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Hiehle
Highmark Blue Shield
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Itin
Jewish Federation of Reading
Mr. and Mrs. Markus Klaehn
Mr. and Mrs. Roy F. Koppenhofer
Lancaster Country Day School
Leisawitz Heller Ambramowitch Phillips, P.C.
Lifestyle Limousine, Ltd.
Dr. Gail A. Luecke
Ms. Nancy W. Magee and Mr. David J.
McCarthy Engineering Associates P.C.
Moms Club of Douglassville - West
National Penn Bank
Mr. and Mrs. James Nelson
Dr. James N. Pace
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Reichenbach
Reinsel Kuntz Lesher LLP
Dr. Henry Scovern
Shaffer Family Irrevocable Trust
Smedley Consulting
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith
Spinal Concepts, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Szortyka
Teleflex Foundation
Trinity Lutheran Church Wernersville
Tulpehocken Jr./Sr. High School
VF Factory Outlets
VIST Insurance
Mr. and Mrs. Brett Wartluft
($500.00 - $999.00)
Anonomyous (2)
Alan Ross & Company, PC
Alvernia University
American PowerNet Services, LP
Dr. and Mrs. Ali Amin
Anderson Insurance Brokers
Associated Contruction & Mgmt Corp
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Banco
Bell Tower Salon Spa
Berks Packing Company, Inc.
Dr. Jeffrey Blank
Burkey Construction, Inc.
Comcast Financial Agency Corporation
Connors Investor Services
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Curley
Eastern Pennsylvania Conference United
Methodist Church
Exeter Township Lions Club
First Baptist Church of Reading
First Unitarian Universalists Church
Fraser Advanced Information Systems
GMI First, Inc.
Good Shepherd United Church of Christ
Mr. and Mrs. Allen R. Haring
Herbein + Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Herr
Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Houseman
JTS Gift Basket Classics
Kutztown University
Lamanna-Dooley Plastic Surgery Inc.
Law Office of Scott C. Painter, P.C.
Lewis. Eckert, Robb, & Co.
Lions Club International, District 14-P
Mr. Dennis Lorah and Ms. Christina Shenk
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Malick
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Marrella
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Mennone
Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith
Michael J. Smychynky Consulting, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Millward
Mohrsville Church of the Brethern
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Owens
Mr. and Mrs. James Polyak
Dr. Susan Probst
Quadrant EPP USA, Inc.
Mr. Larry J Rappoport
Reading Phillies Baseball Club
Mr. Douglas M. Reigle and Ms. Lisa Confer
Renaissance Charitable Fondation, Inc.
Riverfront Federal Credit Union
Dr. and Mrs. William Santoro
Schwarzwald Lutheran Church
St. Daniels Lutheran Church
St. John’s Lutheran Church
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church
St. Paul’s Evan. Lutheran Church
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Tase
Thanx Hair Artistry
Mr. Michael G Tierce
Tiger Drylac USA, Inc.
Trinity Lutheran Church of Reading
United Way of Tri-State
Viva Good Life Bistro & Lounge
Wert Investment Consulting Group
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Williams
Women’s Guild Friedens UCC
Mr. and Mrs. Mullen P Zintak
($250.00 - 499.00)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Adamczyk
Dr. and Mrs. P.C. Aita
Allentown MAACO
Allstate Giving Campaign
Automotive Service Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Bausher
Bell Trucking
Belleman’s Church
Berkshire Systems Group
Bethany Evangelical Lutheran Church of
West Reading
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Boyer
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas K. Braun
Ms. Rachel G. Burket
Calvary Evangelical Lutheran Church
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Cambardella
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J Cappa
Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Carpenter
Carpenters Local Union No. 214
Century 21 Park Road
Christ (Mertz) Evangelical Lutheran Church
Cirba & Kirwan PC
Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Darocha
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dreibelbis
East Penn Manufacturing Co., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Ebling
Environmental Consulting, Inc.
Evangelical Lutheran Church of
the Atonement
Feinstein Family Fund
Mr. David Lee Fichthorn
Financial Planning Advisors, Inc.
Fleetwood Bank
Ms. Jeanann Gillin
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church
Dr. Richard Gregor
Dr. and Mrs. John W. Gruber
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Haas
Hain’s UCC Women’s Fellowship
Dr. and Mrs. Terrance P. Hanley
Heeby’s Surplus, Inc.
Mr. David W. Hollenbach
Immanuel United Church of Christ
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ippolito
Janney Montgomery Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kindig
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Knudson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Kuczala
Kutztown Auto Co.
Mr. and Mrs. James Leupold
Mr. James R. Loomis
MAACO Auto Painting & Body Works
Maillie, Falconiero & Company, LLP
Masano and Bradley LLP
Ms. Carol R. Matz
McGlinn Capital Management, Inc.
Ms. Carol E Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Moore
Mosteller & Associates
Mr. and Mrs. David Naugle
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M Nein
Ms. Judith A. Nichol
Mrs. Ruth Norton
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Orlando, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Barbara Pattison
Penn Virginia Corporation Matching Gifts
Power-Kunkle Group, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher E. Pruitt
Reading Area Community College
Reading Hospital & Medical Center
Reading Oral Surgery Group Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. David Reppert
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Reuben
S & S Resources, Inc.
Saint Mary’s Episcopal Soup Kitchen
Mr. and Mrs. Roger J. Schmidt
St. John’s (Hains) United Church of Christ
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church of Douglassville
St. Paul’s United Church of Christ - Fleetwood
St. Vincent DePaul Society HGA
St. Xenia Greek Ladies Philoptochos Soc
Mr. and Mrs. John Stamm
State Public Adjusting Co.
Dr. and Mrs. John P. Stelmach
TelecomPioneers Reading Club
United Way of Chester County
United Way of Lancaster County
Mr. and Mrs. John Walborn
Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Walker
Pastor Steward Warner
Mr. Jeffrey Werner
Mrs. Cathryn D. Weyandt
White Star Tours, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. J. William Widing III
Mr. Bryan Windham
Women of Christ Episcopal Church
Wyomissing United Church of Christ
Mr. and Mrs. Allen J. Zimmerman
Zion’s United Church of Christ - Hamburg
($100.00 - $249.00)
Anonymous (5)
Dr. David W. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. John Arentz
Ms. Janet L. Balthaser
Mr. Michael Bannon
Ms. Harriet M. Baskin
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Bassano
Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Baumbach
Bausman Memorial United Church of Christ
Ms. Karen Baxter
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Bechtel
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Bell
Beneficial Society Victor Emmanuel II
Mr. Loren Berckey
Berks County Pomona Grange
Women’s Activities
Berks Fire Water Restorations
Mrs. Gene C. Bielecki
Mr. James K. Biemesderfer
Blanski Inc.
Body-Borneman Insurance
Mr. and Mrs. Treva Bollinger
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bollman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Bolton
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Boscov
Ms. Connie G. Boyer
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Boyle
Dr. Maria Braun
Ms. Catherine M. Brenner
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Brock
Reverend and Mrs. J. Raymond Brubaker
Mr. Gerald W. Budzik and Ms. Doris Maurer
Ms. Kristin Bugge
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Burkey
Mr. and Mrs. Rick B. Burkey
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Burton
Ms. Patricia Buynak
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cammarano
Mr. and Mrs. Amandon Carles
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Carlino
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Carlson
Mr. James A. Carmichael
Carpenter Technology Corporation
Church Women United of Reading & Berks
Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Cloues
Ms. Irma G. Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis L. Dake
Mr. and Mrs. Terry A. DeBold
Mr. Stu Degler
Democratic City Committee
Mr. John Denick - Landscape Mgmt. Services
Dr. and Mrs. John Dethoff
Diakon Lutheran Services
Diamond Credit Union
Mr. and Mrs. Falco A. DiBiase Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Driben
Ms. Adele Diefenderfer
Drug Plastics & Glass Co., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dunkle
Dr. and Mrs. J. Michael Eager
Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Engelhardt
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Erdman
Estate of Helen K. Heck
Evangelical Lutheran Friedens Church
Mr. Robert P. Ewing
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson D. Eyer
Pastor Charles E. Fair
Mr. Peter M. Farrier
Mr. Thomas G. Faust
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Feiler
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund
Dr. William C. Finneran
Ms. Sandra Fishman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Flay
Mr. Daniel J. Flynn
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Friedrich
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fromm
Ms. Teresa Fusco
Fusion Coatings, Inc.
Dr. Christie L. Ganas
Ms. Diane L. Gaul
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Gehman
Mr. Robert Gehman
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Gilmartin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Glasgow
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Glick
Golden Rule Chapter 390 O.E.S.
Mr. Matthew S. Goldstan
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Gottshall
Ms. Sandy M. Graffius
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Halsey
Mr. and Mrs. Terry D. Hand
Ms. Sandra H. Hanson
Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Harner
Ms. Peggy A. Harter
Ms. Rosemary Hauseman
Ms. Elizabeth M. Hoehn and
Ms. Debra Denearing
Ms. Suzanne M Hoffa
Mr. and Mrs. J. Russell Hoke, II
Ms. Geraldine A. Houp
Huff’s Union Church
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Huyett
Ms. Marta Iwaseczko
J. P. Mascaro & Sons
Ms. Cynthia Jimenez
Junior Womens Club of Muhlenberg
Kainos Church of Christ
Mrs. Shirley Kaupp
Mr. and Mrs. James W Kelly
Ms. Linda Keltz
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kirkpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce H. Klinger
KMX International
Mr. and Mrs. Burton F. Kominick
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Korey MD
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kuhle
Ms. Nancy B Kuhlman
Dr. and Mrs. Harlan A. Kutscher
Ms. Lillian S. Labe
Ladies Club of Manor Care Health Services
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Lauer
Ms. Nancy A. Lawson
Ms. Constance Leinbach
Ms. Anne G. Levan
Ms. Nicole Levan
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Lloyd
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Lomnyczuk
Dr. and Mrs. William H. Lord
Ms. Nancy J. Lounsbury
Mr. Vincent Lucas
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lusky
Mr. and Mrs. William N. Luyben
Lycknell Interriors
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Mack
Maidencreek Family Dentistry
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Markowski
Dr. and Mrs. John A. Martin
Mr. Joseph A. Martin
Ms. Polly Mathys
Dr. and Mrs. Meir Mazuz
Mr. and Mrs. John Mazzacca
Mr. and Mrs. John Mazzo
Ms. Patricia H. McKinney
Mrs. Patricia A. McMahon
Ms. Nancy J. McNabb
Ms. Joanne K. Moll
Mr. and Mrs. Paul O. Moll
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nawa
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle R. Neal
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Nevitt
New Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church
Ms. Carol J. Ngaru
Mr. Richard A. Nibbelink
Old Reading Hotel Partners LLC
Olivet Reformed Church
Mr. and Mrs.Yair Oziri
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Paolini
Mr. and Mrs. John Parish
Mr. and Mrs. Otis H. Parker
Parson Environmental Products, Inc.
Ms. Nancy Pawling
Mr. and Mrs. Jestyn G. Payne
Mrs. Mary Vernon Pendleton
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Guy W. Petery
Mr. Arnold Pierson
Mr. and Mrs. John Pockrus
Ms. Marian Pounder
Queen City Resaurant
Reading Meeting Society of Friends
Redner’s Warehouse Markets, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. William H. Reifsnyder
Mr. Gerald R. Reitnauer
Ms. Gladys Rentschler
Mr. Christopher H. Rice
Ms. Margaret B. Rice
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Rohrbach
Miss Jean M. Rothermel
S. Pollack, Inc.
Salem Reformed Church
Ms. Arleen P Schaeffer
Ms. Nancy J Schearer
Mr. Roger Schein
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Scheirer
Shane L Schlosberg
Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. Schlosser
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Scornavacchi Jr.
Ms. Kathy Ann Seaman
Mr. and Mrs.Mark M. Seaman
Mr. and Mrs. Luis Serrano
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Sewell
Dr. Sneed P. Shadduck
Mr. Daniel J Shaffer and
Mrs. Pier Ignozzi-Shaffer
Mr. and Mrs. David Silverman
Mr. Benjamin Smith and
Ms. Katheryn Hollander
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sottosonti
Mr. and Mrs. Katurah H. Sotzin
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Spence
Ms. Mary F. Spitalnick
Spring Township (Wilson) Lions Club
St. Luke’s Lutheran Church
St. Michaels Church
St. Paul’s UCC
St. Thomas United Church of
Christ - Bernville
Honorable and Mrs. Albert A. Stallone
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Stark
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Stauffer
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Sutherland MD
Dr. and Mrs. Francisco L. Tellez MD
Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Thomas
Ms. Jennie Lee Thompson
Tray-Pak Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Drew Trump
UGI Utilities, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Robert Ullman
United Outreach St. Paul’s UMC
United Way of New York City
United Way Of The Greater Lehigh Valley, Inc
Unity Church of Reading
Virginville Grange Community
Service Comm.
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy P. Visser
Ms. Carol Wakefield
Mr. David Walker and Ms. Michelle Mart
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Walter Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar W. Weber
Wells Fargo Advisors Employees
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
Mr. David E. Welty
Mr. and Mrs. William I. Wenrich, Jr.
Ms. Susan Wentink
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wentzel
Mr. and Mrs. Warren C. Werner
Ms. Helen Wheeler
Dr. and Mrs. Warne H. White
Mr. and Mrs. Allen F. Williams
Wilson Central Jr. High School
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Wolfe
Womans Civic Club of Reading, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. Garson I. Wunderlich
Wyomissing Hills Elementary School
Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Yankowsky
Mrs. Rosalye L Yashek
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J.L. Yetter Jr.
Ms. Sharlene M. Yost
Mr. and Mrs. Peter N. Zacharias
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Zeigler
Anonymous (19)
Adelphia Seafood
Ms. Barbara Albright
Allegheny Evangelical Lutheran Church
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Andre
Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Andre
Ms. Grace I. Angstadt
Ms. Alexa S. Antanavage and
Mr. Russell Farbiarz
Mr. and Mrs. Joey Arndt
Dr. and Mrs. David M. Auchter
Mr. and Mrs. David Aulenbach
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Austin
B & G Electric
Ms. Suzanne M. Badgley
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Baer
Ms. Elizabeth F. Bahlinger
Ms. Karen Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Cale Balthaser
Mr. and Mrs. Scott J. Bansner
Ms. Paulette Bartashus
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Baylor
Mr. and Mrs. Martin B. Beckerman
Mr. Gary R. Belaief
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Allyn M. Bengtson
Ms. Merri Bengtson
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Berg
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence H. Berger
Berks County Medical Society
Berks County Tennis Club
Bern Evangelical Lutheran Church of Leesport
Best Bred Angus
Mr. and Mrs. David V. Bilger
Mr. John Blessing
Mr. and Mrs. Laurel C. Bobst
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bolinger
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Born
Mrs. Barbara Ann Bosold
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Boyer
Boyers Market & Catering, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Boyle
Mr. and Mrs. William Brandon
Mr. John Breton
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bright
Ms. Linda F. Brown
Mr. James F. Brusch
The Buddies Nursery LP
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Buehrer
Ms. Lee C. Bukowski
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Burdge
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Burge
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Buss
C.F. Heckman & Son, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Callahan
Ms. Dolores J. Camilli
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Cardinal
Dr. and Mrs. Moiz M. Carim
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Carl
Mr. and Mrs. David Casper
Mrs. Frank S. Casper
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Cataldo
Central Park United Methodist Church
Mr. David J. Chelstowski
Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Christ
Christ Episcopal Church
Ms. Carol J. Cinelli
Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Cleres
Mr. Leonard C. Clupp
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cocking
Mr. and Mrs. J. Gregory Colahan
Ms. Joanne F. Combs
Commonwealth Financial Network
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Confalone
Ms. Patricia A. Conlon
Ms. Maria Cooper-Ziolkowski
Ms. Anita H. Corado
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Corbett
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Corrado
Couples Class Alsace Church
Ms. Grace L. Cramp
Ms. Karen D. Crocona
Cucina Cafe & Catering
Ms. Jayne Cumiskey
Ms. Henrietta L. Davies
Ms. Mary S. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. William Davis Jr.
Ms. Linda A. Day
Ms. Rebecca Deitzler
Mr. and Mrs. Bill E. Delcamp
Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Dell
Mr. and Mrs. Barry E. Delong
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott F. Delong
Mr. John Desantis
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Detterer
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Di Maria
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Dietrich
Dimensions Acquisition, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Doan
Mr. William Donohue
Ms. Claire Dowling
Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Draper
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Dreibelbis
Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Dunn
Mrs. Barbara Dussinger
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Eben
Mr. and Mrs. Brian D Eckert
Honorable Elizabeth Ehrlich
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Ehrlich
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Eichman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eidle Jr.
Ms. Debra Eisenhower
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Elia
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Ellis
Ms. Lisa Emery-Fogel
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Emkey
Ms. Lillian Emory
Reverend Alfred H. Erb
Ms. Geraldine Essick
Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Ewald
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Fehl
Mr. Paul H. Feil
Dr. and Mrs. Kalmen Feinberg
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Fick
Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Fink
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Martin R. Flannery
Mr. and Mrs. Craig D. Focht
Mr. and Mrs. Dean A. Focht
Ms. Michele Fonte
Mrs. Jean Forry
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Fortescue
Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Frantz
Mrs. Evelyn L. Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Freese
Mr. and Mrs. William Fulmer
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Gable
Ms. Nancy R. Gardner
Ms. Mary Lou Garito
Ms. Linda Gartner
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Genova
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gensemer
Mrs. Judith A. Geschwindt
Ms. Gloria C. Getz
Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Gipprich
Mrs. Florence Glander
Mr. and Mrs. J. Carlton Godlove II
Ms. Shari Goldsmith
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Goldstein
Ms. Joanne F Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Hassan Gourama
Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Graeff
Green Hills Family Medical Associates, LLC
Ms. Mary T. Griffiths
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Groebel
Mrs. Joyce Gromis
Mr. Robert L. Groscup & Ms. Dora Brady
Ms. Martha M. Guckert
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Guidici
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Gumpert
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Gumpert
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Gundy
Ms. Lorraine Guthier
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Hadley
Mrs. Martha Hafer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Handwerk
Ms. Elizabeth P. Hanf
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Haring
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Harmon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harrop
Mr. Kenneth S. Harting
Mr. and Mrs. George Hartranft
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hassler
Mr. and Mrs. Barry D. Haydt
Ms. Mary Alice Heffner
Mr. Timothy K. Heffner
Ms. Anne S. Heinbokel
Ms. Betty Lou Herb
Mr. and Mrs. Roger S. Hertz
Mr. Robert M Hettrick
Mrs. Noreen Hetzel
Ms. Marianne M. Hiddemen
Ms. Kim J. Hiester
Ms. Sandra K. High
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Hinkle
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A Hinnershitz
Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Hirschtritt
Ms. Caryn E Hivner
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon B. Hoch
Mr. and Mrs. Lester A. Hoch
Mr. and Mrs. Darlington Hoopes
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew N. Howe
Mrs. Dorothy C. Howe
Mr. and Mrs. David Howk
Ms. Judith L. Hyneman
Isaac’s Restaurant & Deli
Mr. and Mrs. Grant R. Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence T. Jagielski
Mr. and Mrs. John James
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Januszak
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Jarsocrak
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Jefferson
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Jenkins
Mr. and Mrs. Evan R Jones
The Late Reverend George M. Jones, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Jones
Ms. Robyn L. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent H. Kahler
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Kaley
Ms. Sylvia K. Kane
Mr. and Mrs. Milton H. Kauffman
Mr. Quentin R. Keath
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Keith
Mr. Richard N. Kellenberger
Mr. and Mrs. Garry Kemmerer
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Kenney
Mr. and Mrs. Marlin S. Kerchner
Ms. Carol A. Kerstetter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kerstetter
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Kilduff
Mr. and Mrs. Roger J. Kimpland
Ms. Ethel M. Kinkaid
Mr. George G. Kinney
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Kirstein
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Klagholz
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Klock
Ms. Virginia M. Klopp
Ms. Theresa Anne Knockstead
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Kogut
Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Koller
Ms. Nancy Kozloff
Mr. and Mrs. Roger D. Kraft
Ms. Kristin L. Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. Gust Kraras
Reverend and Mrs. Walter L Krieger
Ms. Lucinda J. Kroon
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Kulakowsky
Ms. Elizabeth A. Kunstek
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Kutz
Mr. Theodore F. Kuzniar
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Lackey
Mr. and Mrs. H. Taylor Lamborn
Ms. Holly Landau
Landis Mechanic Group, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Fisher
Ms. Carol L. Lash
Dr. and Mrs. Gary Lattin
Mr. and Mrs. David K. Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Dirk Leaman
Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Leed
Ms. Sharon Leinbach
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Leister
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Lerch
Mr. and Mrs. John Lesniewski
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd L. Levin
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Lewis
Mr. Jack A. Linton
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Long
Mr. and Mrs. Warren H. Long
Mr. and Mrs. Lester R. Lucas
Ms. Patricia Ludgate
Ms. Beatrice W. Lutz
Ms. Elizabeth A. Lydard
Ms. Barbara S. Lykens
Ms. Lori E. Lysczek
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Macey
Ms. Lecia D. Maciak
Mr. and Mrs. L. Russell Maguire
Ms. Margaret Marcinkowski
Ms. Miranda L Marks
Marriott Courtyard
Mr. and Mrs. David Marsh
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F Masano
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Matthews
Ms. Joyce A. Maurer
Mr. John McCoy
Ms. Joyce D. McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Paul McKim
The Honorable Thomas M. McMahon
Mr. and Mrs. Donald McMonagle
Ms. Dorothy M Mease
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Medaglia
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin W. Merkel
Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Messer
Ms. Linda C. Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mileski
Mr. and Mrs. Arlington R. Miller
Ms. Carol T. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller
Dr. Cheryl L. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. George Miller
Ms. Gloria A. Miller
Mr. Michael Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. William Miller
Ms. Jackie Millett
Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Minear
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Moyer
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald T. Moyer
Ms. Jean Moylan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mulkeen
Mr. Glen R. Naregang
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Naugle
NBI, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Neff, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M Nertavich
Mr. and Mrs. John Nickey
Mr. and Mrs. David Nolt
Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. O’Brien Jr.
Ms. Paula M Ogeka
Reverend and Mrs. Kenneth A. Ohlinger
Mr. and Mrs. R. Yalcin Okaya
Ms. Florence A. O’Leary
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ollendorf
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence O’Malley
Ms. Nancy O’Neill
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Owens
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Padovani
Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Painter
Mr. and Mrs. Domenic Parenti
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Parzanese
Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Pascoe
Mrs. Ruth H. Patterson
Mrs. Kathryn N. Pennypacker
Dr. and Mrs. John M. Penta
Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Perkins
Dr. Deborah Lee Pickett and
Mr. James Russo
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Pietrowski
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Pleet
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Pleitner
Mr. John Plummer
Mr. and Mrs. Ray E. Plymer
Ms. Edna Pollak
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Polyak
Mr. and Mrs.David R. Pray
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie T. Rahn
Reading Family Dental
Professional Colleagues of
Reading Lutheran Parish
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Reber
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Reed
Mr. Mike Reese
Mr. Paul F. Reidenhour, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Reigel
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Reilly
Mrs. Gladys R. Reinert
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Reitz
Mr. Wilbur G. Renken
Rescue One Plumbing
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Reshetar
Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Ressler
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn M. Rice
Richard R. Blain & Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd H. Riegel
Ms. Amy L Riley
Dr. and Mrs. Michael C. Ritter
Robert J. Flail Agency
Ms. Suzanne R. Romig
Mr. Larry A. Rush
Mr. and Mrs. Neil E. Rush
Mr. and Mrs. Santo J. Russo
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Ruth
Reverend and Mrs. Richard Schaefer
Mr. and Mrs. Larry A. Schappell
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Schartel
Mrs. Sylvia Schiff
Ms. Diane L Schlappich
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Schlappich
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin J. Schlouch
Honorable and Mrs. Jeffrey Schmehl
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Schmoyer
Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. M. Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Leon W. Schock
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney G. Schock
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Schuchart, Jr.
Ms. Bernardine Schuler
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Schwambach
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Jon C. Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Ray P. Seaman
Ms. Rose A Secord
Ms. Carol A. Seidel and Mr. Cory Putt
Ms. Nancy L Sellers
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Selmer
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Shaak
Mr. Stacy W. Shannon and Ms. Kim Webster
Ms. Joan E. Sher
Mr. and Mrs. Harris J. Shermot
Ms. Barbara Silverberg
Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Silverman
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Simon
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Simons
Ms. Betty J. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore H. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Willard F Smith
Mr. and Mrs. J. Richard Smoker
Ms. Cheryl Lynn Snyder
So Good Soups & Salads
Mr. and Mrs. Rajendra Solanki
Spotts, Stevens & McCoy, Inc.
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church
Mrs. Doris Stapleton
Mr. John W. L. Starr Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Stauffer
Mr. and Mrs. William Stettler
Reverend and Mrs. Bob Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Randy L. Stine
Ms. La Joyce Stitzel
Ms. Jennifer J Stitzer
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Stobbart
Ms. Paula Stolz
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard F. Stoppi
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey M. Stoudt
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Sweigart
Ms. Erma A. Swope
Ms. Teresa A. Sychterz
The Black & Decker Corporation
The Works at Wyomissing, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. Thomas, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard P. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Tobin
Mrs. William J. Tremper
Mr. and Mrs. Louis F. Troutman
Mr. and Mrs. Terry R. Trumbauer
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tunnhoff
Mr. Herbert C. Ulrich
Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Unger
Upland Cafe
VA Productions, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James Daniel Vath
Ms. Margaret M. Vath
Mr. and Mrs. George Viener
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Villecco
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wachs
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Walulek
Mrs. Susan E. Wambaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Ray H. Warmkessel
Mr. Jacob Waters
Mr. Kent D. Watkins
Mr. and Mrs. Blair P. Weaver
Ms. Denise Weaver
Mr. Warren C. Weidman
Ms. Sara Emily Weidner
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Weise
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Weitzel
Ms. Elizabeth-Ann Wells
Dr. Denis Wenders
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Werner
Ms. Maria S Wesner
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. White
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford W. White, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Craig W. Whiteley
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Williams
Dr. and Mrs. Francis Williamson
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Williamson Jr.
Ms. Mary Kay Williamson
Ms. Kevin Winkler
Ms. Janet M. Winter-Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wiser
Wiswesser Family Trust
Ms. Marilyn Witman
Dr. and Mrs. Erwin J. Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Wolfe
Women’s Guild of Grace Alsace UCC
Ms. Jennifer N Woodland
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Worrall
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Young
Ms. Linda M. Zaffary
Ms. Patricia A. Zampelli
Mrs. Louise Zeidman
Ms. Freda B. Zettlemoyer
Ms. Lidia Zidik
Zion Baptist Church
Zion’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
Matching Gifts
Allstate Giving Campaign
Genex Matching Gifts Program
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Penn Virginia Corporation Matching Gifts
Teleflex Foundation
The Black & Decker Corporation
Wachovia Foundation
We apologize if we inadvertently omitted
or incorrectly listed your name. Please
report any errors to our attention at
610-374-4696. Your continued support
of Opportunity House is sincerely
appreciated by all who receive our services.
In-Kind Contributors 2009-2010
Albright College Students
Alcon Research
Allegheny Lutheran Church
Alleghenyville Grange No. 2065
Altrusa International, Inc. of Reading/Berks
Alvernia University
American Red Cross - Berks County Chapter
Angela Galarza & friends
Antietam School District
Asko Noble ( Glidden)
Atonement Lutheran Church
Aydin Displays, Inc.
A-Z Vacuum, Inc.
Bausman Memorial UCC
Bell Tower Salon
Bellman’s Church
Berks County Democrats
Berks County Earth Day Committee
Berks for Obama
Berks Technical Institute
Bern Evangelical Lutheran Church of Leesport
Bern Lutheran Church
Bern Reformed United Church of Christ
Bethany Evangelical Lutheran Church
of Reading
Bethany Evangelical Lutheran Church
of West Reading
Bethany United Methodists Church
Bethel A.M.E. Church
Bethel Dunkard Brethren
Bills Khakis
Bona Pizza
Calvary Bible Fellowship Church
Calvary Evangelical Lutheran Church
Calvary United Methodist Church of Mohnton
Calvary United Methodist Church
of Wyomissing
Calvery United Methodists Church
Chris Talarico & Associates Inc.
Christ Church Youth Group
Christ Episcopal Church
Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church
Christ Lutheran Church
Clover Farms Dairy
Community Evangelical Church
Community United Church of Christ
Covenant Church
Covenant Church Youth Group
Cross Roads Community Church
CTCE Federal Credit Union
Dr. and Mrs. Anton J. Kleiner
Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan Dreazen
Dr. Anne Ambarian
Dr. Jeffrey B. Nemeroff
Dr. P. Kurt Bamberger
Dr. Robert Sutherland
Dutch Maid Bakery (Fairgrounds Farmers Market)
Estate of Charlotte DeLong
Exeter Township Leo Club
Exeter Township Lions Club
Faith Christian Center of Reading
Franciscan Sisters (Alvernia)
Friedens Evangelical Lutheran Church
Frieden’s Lutheran Church Youth Fellowship
Friedens United Church of Christ - Oley
Fromuth Tennis
Gay Wentzel’s Book Club
Girl Scout Troop #1060
Girl Scout Troop #1716
Golden Rule Chapter 390 O.E.S.
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church of Reading
Good Shepherd United Church of
Christ – Boyertown
Good Shepherd United Church of
Christ – Reading
Grace Alsace United Church of
Christ Women’s Guild
Greater Reading Young Professionals
Henson, Mfg.
Holy Cross United Methodist Church
Holy Spirit Lutheran Church
Home Instead Senior Care, LLC
Hope Evangelical Lutheran Church
Hope Lutheran Church
Immanuel United Church of Christ
Junior League of Reading
Karetas Foods
Kissinger’s Lutheran Church
Kiwanis Club of Reading
Kurt/Naugle Group
Kutztown Care Bears
Kutztown Lions Club
Kutztown University
Ladies Aid Society of St. Paul’s United
Church of Christ
Leisawitz Heller Ambramowitch Phillips, P.C.
Life Resurrection Church of God
Lighthouse Christian Center
Lincoln Park Community United Methodist
Lions Club of Spring Township/Wilson
Living Word Fellowship
Living Word Mennonite Church
Maidencreek Church
Marcia Graff Design
Masonic Lodge #377 of Kutztown
Maxatawny Zion Union Sunday School
Mohrsville Church of the Brethern
Mr. Allen Stalnecker
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Katz
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kalinowski
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Yeager
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce High
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cocuzza
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Andre
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephan
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Casciano
Mr. and Mrs. Darlington Hoopes
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Heiser
Mr. and Mrs. David Ankrom
Mr. and Mrs. David Kroekel
Mr. and Mrs. David Marlowe
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Enrique Torres
Mr. and Mrs. F. Scott Giacobbe
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Winne, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Krug
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Gene R. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. George Mack
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Lubitz
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Volutza
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smoker
Mr. and Mrs. Joel R. Adelman
Mr. and Mrs. John Denapoli
Mr. and Mrs. John Eberly
Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. John Lesniewski
Mr. and Mrs. John May
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hayick
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schade
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Young
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Gallen
Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Key
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Medaglia
Mr. and Mrs. Leon W. Schock
Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Andre
Mr. and Mrs. Mark
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Seidel
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Yudt
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Moyer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Noon
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Farrara
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wentzel
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan C. Fetter
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Carabello
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Missan
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Bechtolt
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Coldren
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Denunzio
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Versace
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Mauger
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bogoniewski
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schmehl
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Kaufmann
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rader
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney G. Schock
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney High
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Wolfe
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Fouche
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Stanko
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Westley
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Koppenhofer
Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Symons
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Saine
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Marr
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Savage
Mr. and Mrs. Todd DeFrees
Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. M. Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. William Hetrich
Mr. and Mrs. Yair Oziri
Mr. Anthony Nunziata
Mr. Bob Douquette
Mr. Daniel Buckley and Dr. Johanna Kelly
Mr. Darwin Fernandez
Mr. David Curran
Mr. David Terry, Sr.
Mr. Desmond George
Mr. Doug Ramsey
Mr. Duane Kring
Mr. Duke Lugo
Mr. Eric J. Wells
Mr. Eric Sotzin
Mr. Francis J. Infante
Mr. Gene E. Fizz
Mr. George Kellenberger
Mr. Gerard White
Mr. Irvin Loose
Mr. James Williams
Mr. Jamshid S. Amgry
Mr. Jarad Fletcher
Mr. Jeremy Butt
Mr. John Shade
Mr. Jose Galarza
Mr. Joseph Barr
Mr. Joseph Magosin
Mr. Joseph Templin
Mr. Keith Arnold
Mr. Lawson Booker
Mr. Marc Drucker and Mrs. Marion Drucker
Mr. Mark Burford
Mr. Mark F. Boyer
Mr. Martin Follmer
Mr. Martin Weinhold
Mr. Michael O’Connor
Mr. Mike Reese
Mr. Norm Schmidt
Mr. Randy Kochel
Mr. Reynaldo Mozo
Mr. Robert E. O’Hayer
Mr. Robert Kripplebauer
Mr. Robert Unruh
Mr. Roy Garrison
Mr. Salvatore Ninfo
Mr. Solamy Torres
Mr. Steven Stoudt
Mr. Thomas Womack
Mr. W. H. Eckton
Mr. Wayne Kessler
Mrs. Cindy Stewart
Mrs. Gwen Malecki
Mrs. Kim Hippert-Eversgerd
Mrs. Mary Vastine
Mrs. Rose A. Ruggiero
Ms. Alice Sayer
Ms. Amy Johnson
Ms. Ann Maree
Ms. Ann Marie Moyer
Ms. Aracelis Alvarez
Ms. Barbara Leinbach
Ms. Barbara Perfect
Ms. Becky Faust
Ms. Betty Weik
Ms. Beverly Deutschman
Ms. Brenda Wilczek
Ms. Camille Campos
Ms. Carly Giesen
Ms. Carolyn Woodfrod
Ms. Cecilia Underwood
Ms. Chris Flitcraft
Ms. Darel Sanacicio
Ms. Deb Gonzalez
Ms. Deb Wanner
Ms. Deborah Sieger
Ms. Deborah Spollen
Ms. Debra Borges
Ms. Debra Levin
Ms. Debra Royles
Ms. Denise Spease
Ms. Diane Abney
Ms. Dolores Atwater-Booker
Ms. Eleanore M. Shannon
Ms. Elizabeth Bowman
Ms. Elizabeth C. Shide
Ms. Fatima George
Ms. Geri Loughney
Ms. Gloria McGovern
Ms. Haley Miller
Ms. Heidi Zerbe
Ms. Heidi Zerbe
Ms. Jackie Millet
Ms. Jane Fick
Ms. Jane Fultz
Ms. Jane Fultz
Ms. Janet Werley
Ms. Jean Moylan
Ms. Jeanne A. Craig
Ms. Jeannie Schepers
Ms. Jennifer Rivera
Ms. Joan King
Ms. Joyce Wanner
Ms. Judy Sullivan
Ms. Kate Thornton
Ms. Kathy Sassaman
Ms. Kelly Knouse
Ms. Kelly Kulp
Ms. Kim B. Whittemore
Ms. Kimberly Kern
Ms. Laura Noah-Stevens
Ms. Laura Rader
Ms. Laura Wright
Ms. Linda A. Beck
Ms. Linda Imbesi
Ms. Lisa Blecker
Ms. Lori E. Pichardo
Ms. Lynette Bradshaw
Ms. Lynn Zale
Ms. Margie Clemens
Ms. Maria Ortiz
Ms. Marsha Pete
Ms. Marvis Williams
Ms. Mary Degler
Ms. Mary Martin
Ms. Maureen Steinmetz
Ms. Michele L. Cramer
Ms. Michelle Gordon
Ms. Michelle Pachuilo
Ms. Miriam Angstadt
Ms. Nancy Fisher
Ms. Patricia Hauser
Ms. Patricia Rose
Ms. Peg Cangelosi
Ms. Pier Ignozzi-Shaffer
Ms. Rashidah Green
Ms. Rebecca Moesner
Ms. Rose Zobian
Ms. Sandra Gilfert
Ms. Shala Rostick
Ms. Sharon McLendon
Ms. Shelly Brubaker
Ms. Shirl O’Neil
Ms. Shirley Ernst
Ms. Sophia’s Portico
Ms. Stacey Galvin
Ms. Susan Rowe
Ms. Tania Ayala
Ms. Teresa Sie
Ms. Tina Hogue
Ms. Tynisha Jackson
Ms. Venice M. Matthias
National Penn Bank
New Bethel Union Church
New Jerusalem Evangelical
Lutheran Church
New Life Apostolic Church
Nigerian Association of Reading/
Berks County
Open Gate Camp
PA Payroll
Panera Bread
Papademetriou Family
Penn National Gaming. Inc. & Foundation
Penn State Berks
Pennside Presbyterian Church
People Who Care/Reading Area
Community College
Philadelphia Pretzel Factory –
Mr. Jeffrey Rushing
Phillips Van Heusen Corp
Prospectus Berco
Quadrant EPP USA, Inc.
Queen City Restaurant
Raylon Corporation
Reading Area Community College
Reading Friends Meeting (Quaker)
Reading Hospital & Medical Center
Reading Hospital Imaging Library
Reading Hospital Social Work Department
Reading Pediatrics, Inc.
Recycling Services, Inc.
Reform Congregation Oheb Shalom
Reformation Evangelical Lutheran Church
Rehoboth Seven Day Adventist Church
Reifton PTA
Reinsel Kuntz Lesher
Reverend and Mrs. Richard H. Schaefer
Reverend and Mrs. Willis Heckler
RHMC Social Work Department
Robeson Evangelical Lutheran Church
Royer Pharmacy
Salem Shalters Lutheran Church
Salem Shelters Lutheran
Schuylkill Valley H.S. NHS
Schwartzwald Lutheran Church
Spring Township (Wilson) Lions Club
St. Barnabas Episcopal Church
St. Benedict Roman Catholic Church
St. Constantine & Helen Greek
Orthodox Church
St. Daniel’s Women’s Group
St. Francis DeSales
St. John’s Evangelical Congregational
Lutheran Church
St. John’s Gernants United Church of Christ
St. John’s Lutheran – Sinking Springs
St. John’s Lutheran Church - Kutztown
St. John’s Reformed Church
St. John’s United Church of Christ- Fleetwood
St. John’s (Hains) United Church of Christ
St. John’s Evangelical Congregational Church
St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran
Church of Reading
St. John’s Lutheran Church - Gibraltar
St. John’s Lutheran Church of Reading
St. John’s Reformed Church of
Sinking Spring
St. Joseph’s Medical Center
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church
St. Matthews Greek Orthodox Church
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church of Reading
St. Paul’s United Church of Christ –
St. Paul’s United Church of Christ –
St. Paul’s United Church of Christ –
St. Paul’s United Church of Christ of –
St. Peter’s United Church of Christ of –
Sts. Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox
Sweet Street Desserts, Inc.
Sweet Surprises
Ted & Carl Caterers, Inc.
Teleflex Medical
Trinity Bible Fellowship Church
Trinity Lutheran Church - Robesonia
Trinity Lutheran Church of Reading
Trinity Lutheran Church- Wernersville
Trinity United Church of Christ – Leesport
UGI Utilities, Inc.
Uline Shipping Supplies
Weaverland Youth Group
West Lawn United Methodist Church
Wilson High School National Honors Society
World Class Distribution
World Electronics
Wyomissing Area School District
Wyomissing United Church of Christ
Zion Lutheran Church
Zions Evangelical Lutheran Church
Zions United Church of Christ - Hamburg
Zions Union Church Maxatawny
Zion’s Windsor Castle
Opportunity House Statement of Financial Activities
July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010
Changes in Unrestricted Net Assets
Operations Revenue and Other Support
1) Learning Center Income
2) Contributions
3) Government Grants
4) United Way
5) Rental Income
6) Special Events (Net)
7) Investment Income
Miscellaneous Income
Total Unrestricted Revenue
and Other Support
5 6
4 3
Expenses Program Services
1) Learning Center
2) Shelter Services
Homelessness Prevention and
3) Rapid Re-housing
4) Housing
5) Management and General
6) Fund raising
7) Children’s Alliance Center
The financial information contained within was derived from June 30, 2010 Financial Statements audited
by Reinsel Kuntz Lesher
Total Expenses
Opportunity House Mission Statement
Opportunity House is a multi-service organization... that improves the quality of life for children,
adults and families who face various obstacles, and supports their efforts to
achieve and maintain self-sufficiency and well-being.
430 North Second Street • Reading, PA 19601