to read The Parish Post Newsletter for January 2016.

Volume 44 - Issue 1
11:00 a.m. Worship Service
Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors.
January 2016
Here I Am!
Throughout the Bible we encounter people who are
called by God and who answer “Hineni” — which is
the Hebrew word for our English phrase “Here I am.”
“Hineni - here I am,” he replies.
‘“Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you
love, and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice
there.” (Genesis 22:1-2)
From a bush that is burning, God calls, “Moses!
And Moses says, “Hineni - here I am.” (Exodus 3:4)
A voice calls in the night. The child Samuel answers,
“Hineni - here I am.” (I Samuel 3:4)
From his throne, the Lord calls, “Whom shall I send?
Who will go for Me?”
And Isaiah responds, “Hineni - here I am, send
me.” (Isaiah 6:8)
Now, God has an excellent GPS system. He really
doesn’t need us to tell him our location. He knows
where we are. What he wants to know is — are we
available? And this is the real meaning of “Hineni.” It
is a way of saying, “I’m ready, Lord; I’ll go if you send
me; I’m listening, Lord, tell me what you would have
me do.”
Every year at the conclusion of the ordination service
at Annual Conference, we sing that well-loved hymn
“Here I Am, Lord”:
“Here I am, Lord. Is it I, Lord?
I have heard you calling in the night.
I will go, Lord, if you lead me.
I will hold your people in my heart.”
During the singing, people who sense a call to
ordained ministry are invited to come forward. And
many do respond. It is a wonderful sight to behold!
Yet today, God asks the question, “Whom shall I
send?” How will we respond? Though only a few
persons in our congregation may be called to
ordained ministry, still we all are called to ministry.
Every Christian, through baptism, is called and
equipped for a life of service in the church and the
Maybe you think, what could I ever do that would be
worthwhile? There are many tasks which need doing
and which will not be done unless you respond,
“Hineni - here I am.” Here are just a few ideas related
to the ministry of our church:
Call or visit someone who is ill or homebound.
Take a poinsettia to them after Christmas.
Provide treats for Coffee Hour. Help wash the
dishes afterwards.
Take a turn in the nursery. Teach Sunday
Sing in the choir. Prepare the communion
Serve as a greeter at the Elm Street door.
Offer warm hospitality to guests.
Join the tech team rotation to run the video on
Sunday morning.
Design new visuals for worship — banners or
altar arrangements.
Volunteer to make P.E.T. parts in the
Give a hand with the Mobile Food Pantry or
the Harbor Country Food Pantry.
Really the possibilities are endless for those who are
willing and available. As we begin a New Year, I
would like to challenge you to listen more closely for
God’s call in your life. And when you hear that call,
may you be ready to respond, “Hineni. Here I am.”
Pastor Sherri
We express our sympathy to Nancy
Davis at the death of her daughter,
November 23. May God give you
comfort at this time of grief.
“When one member suffers, we all suffer;
and when one member is honored, we all rejoice.”
I Corinthians 12:26
Connect with us * Facebook
Those who serve as missionaries, especially:
Kate & Peter Walugembe in Jinja, Uganda;
Del & Sandy Groves in Zambia;
Dr. Elma Jocson in the Philippines.
Those who are in the military, including:
(a link to our Facebook page
is also available through our homepage)
Christopher Blackwell, Danny King, Ricky Zeiger,
and Ethan Zeiger.
Those who are in care facilities:
Hamilton Grove – Sabra Lambert, Betty Smith,
Dorothy Schwark
Woodland Terrace – Shirley Hoadley
Those who are homebound:
Dorothy Brayboy, Helen Heward
Those with health problems:
Julian Becker, Theresa Sittig Buckingham,
Jennifer Busick, Pat Dimmitt, Bob Dunn,
Marcie Dust, Norma Eldridge, Andrew Hamilton,
Cary Harrington, Priscilla Hellenga, Paula Hess,
Ogden Krossovitch, Les Lee, Karen Marciniak,
Pat McDonald, Debby Meeks, Joan Renbarger,
Rick Schroeter, Barb Smith, Ted Stocchiero,
Charmaine Thompson, Kandace VanTilburg,
Madison Vollman, Lonnie Zebell.
Those who grieve:
Friends and family of Lauren Davis Grosse,
Ethel Johnson, and Sandy Semenic Lewis.
Those recently married:
Chris and Jessica (Sittig) Baker at the birth at their
son, Benjamin Elliott Baker, on December 14.
Those grieving during the holiday season.
Jeff & Deliegha Swanson family during their
transition from the mission field back to the U.S.
Peace throughout our world.
Please note: Names will be deleted from the above list
after one month unless an updated request is
The Board of Trustees will
January 13, at 7:00 p.m. to
elect officers and prioritize
projects for the coming year. We hope all committee
members will be able to attend. If you have any
suggestions for maintenance needs around the
church, please speak to a Trustee member or Pastor
Christmas Decorations
Our church always looks so lovely at
the holidays. Of course, what goes up
must come down.
The Worship
Committee will be putting away the
decorations on Saturday, January 9, at
10:00 a.m. They would welcome help
from anyone who is available that
It’s a Boy!
Congratulations to Paul and
Faye Sittig at the birth of their
Elliott Baker, on December 14.
The parents are Chris and Jessica (Sittig) Baker of
Chicago. Best wishes to your family at this happy
Special Sunday Offering
It’s a Wrap!
Congratulations to Paige
Barbour who was in River Valley’s production of “Law
and Order: Fairy Tale Unit” last month. Way to go!
Tree Lighting
Our sixth annual tree lighting was held
on Sunday, December 6, in Carver
Park. It was so special, because the
big tree on the corner of Ash and
Oak was lit with hundreds of
lights! Chuck Sittig, township
supervisor, started things off with
a welcome, and then a countdown
to light the tree. Mayor Dave Grosse did the honors.
Priscilla Hellenga led us in singing Christmas carols,
and then we all gathered under the new pavilion to
enjoy hot chocolate and cookies, provided by Sisters
in Faith. The warmth of the fireplace made things even
more special. Thanks again to Don Evans for being
Santa. There were over 100 people in attendance.
There are too many people to thank for making the
tree lighting happen, so I'll close with ... it takes a
village ... and what a special village we live in!
Faye Sittig
Make sure to check your
Christmas greetings from
your church family.
Turn on the news and you
will find what Jesus called
“the least of these.” Those
living in the margins of
survive. People like:
An immigrant teenager in Texas’ poorest
county, being recruited by a local gang
A father struggling for sobriety in Little Rock,
An Oklahoma woman recently released from
incarceration looking for work
Over and over Jesus served people like this,
embracing them. And that’s what we want to model as
the people of The United Methodist Church. To
continue the ministry of Jesus, Human Relations Day
was established as a Special Sunday that calls all of
us to participate in helping all God’s children to
realize their potential.
Your gift on this day allows the work of folks like
Bruce and Becky Ballou to build relationships with
those teens in Texas. Your gift allows Montey Payne
to lead recovering addicts towards healing. And your
gift helps Rev. Steve Burr find work for ex-offenders.
Will you support Human Relations Day? Will you
nurture at-risk youth, strengthen communities’ selfimprovement efforts and advocate for the oppressed?
Rev. I Maliik Safir, whose church works with those
gripped by addiction in Little Rock, sums up the work
of Human Relations Day by recalling Jesus’ story of
the Good Samaritan: “to meet the poor, the
disadvantaged and the underserved at the places
where others have robbed them and help them to
recover from the wounds of social inequality.”
God calls us to lead others to Christ. Please give
generously on Human Relations Day, January 17.
There will be an insert in your worship bulletin. Your
gifts make a world of difference!
Grief Support Group
Our grief support group is now meeting
once a month on the second Wednesday. Our next
session will be Wednesday, January 13, at 11:00 a.m.
in the church parlor.
Grief is a journey and we each count on others to
support us along the way. Come join with Christian
friends as we share our stories and draw strength
from one another. If you have any questions, contact
Pastor Sherri.
In our Stewardship Campaign to
date we have received 37
commitments totaling $71,864
toward our 2016 budget. Thank
you to all these donors. If you
have not yet completed a
commitment card, please pick
up one in the narthex. They may
be placed in the offering plate or returned to the
church office.
Sisters in Faith
Communion Stewards
Last month seventeen ladies enjoyed
our annual Christmas party at the
beautiful holiday-decorated home of Rhonda Petro.
During the gift exchange there was a lot of laughter
and good fellowship. A truly wonderful time was had
by all.
Our next meeting will be Wednesday, January 20, at
7:00 p.m. at the church. Joan Davidson will share
devotions and refreshments will be provided by
Rhonda Hinman and Marcia Hess. Nancy Davis and
Sharon Phillips will be doing Blessings in a Backpack
on January 21.
As a New Year begins, we want to extend an invitation
to all the women of the church to join us in fellowship,
study, service and fun! Our meetings are held on the
third Wednesday of the month.
prepared communion for our
worship services this past
They are: Joan
Priscilla Hellenga, Sharon Phillips, Debby Springer,
and Chris Zebell. If you would be willing to take a turn
preparing communion in the coming year, please
inform our new Worship chairperson, Joan Davidson.
We are looking for
volunteers to provide
refreshments after our
worship services.
Sign up in the narthex
New Bible Study
Is the Bible a mystery to you? Do
you want to go deeper in
understanding what it is all
about? Then join our next Bible
Study which is very appropriately
called: The Bible. Based on the
epic TV miniseries aired on The
History Channel and seen by over 100 million people,
this study surveys the life-changing message of God's
redemption plan for humanity. Its powerful lessons
bring to life the major stories and characters of the
Bible, and reveal how Jesus the Messiah is
foreshadowed in many of the Old Testament stories.
Participants will be asked to complete daily readings
before the small-group meeting each week. Then
together we will watch a brief DVD clip from the
television series and share in discussion questions
on that week's topic. A sample book is available on
the table in the narthex for your review. Cost of the
book is just $2. Please sign up by January 17, so
there will be adequate time to order the books,
distribute them, and complete the readings prior to
our first session.
Sunday School News
Thanks to the children of our
church for sharing their
Everyone did a fine job.
Thanks to Joy Ackerman for organizing the program,
Thanks also to our other teachers: Nancy Caid and
Nikki Springer for working with the children.
Sunday School will not meet December 27 or January
3. A new year of classes begins on January 10.
2015 Greeters
Thank you to Vivian Koebel for
arranging the greeter schedule
every month. Also, a big thank you
to the following people who served as greeters on
Sunday mornings in 2015:
The study will be offered on Sunday mornings at 9:30
a.m. throughout February and March. If there is
enough interest in a second group, it will also be
offered on Tuesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. Please
indicate your preference on the sign-up sheet in the
narthex or speak with Pastor Sherri about your
Gay Bell, Albert Brayboy, Mike and Joan Davidson
Nancy Davis, Pat Decker, Pat Dimmitt, Elmer and
Linda Doyle, Don and Terry Evans, George and Sally
Frye, Bev Harrington, Doug and Rhonda Hinman,
Sharon Phillips, Elna Rogers, Sue Rubeck, and Dick
and Elsie Zabel.
See and experience the stories of the Bible like never
before. Begin your transformational journey into
God's Word today!
These folks were here early on Sunday mornings so
they could greet everyone at the door with a smile and
a handshake. Thanks so much for your willing
Prayer Chains
Psychological Services
Did you know our church
has two prayer chains?
Eleven people receive
prayer requests by phone
and 52 others receive these requests by email. Prayer requests are sent out on an as-needed
basis – as often as three or four times a week or as
seldom as once or twice a month.
We are updating our prayer chain lists at the
beginning of this New Year. Everyone in our
congregation has an opportunity to participate in this
ministry. If you would like to be added to either list or
removed from either list, please inform our secretary
in the church office. Thanks for your prayers!
Weather Closings
As winter is upon us, we are
making preparations for the
Usually, we will have Sunday
services if Pastor Sherri can manage the drive.
However, if we should decide to close, this
information will be posted on, TV
channel 22; and, TV channel 16. You
can go to these websites and have closing
information automatically sent to your cell phone or
via email. On weekdays, the church office will be
closed if River Valley Schools are closed. Please use
caution when venturing out over these next several
months. We want everyone to stay safe!
Andrews Community Counseling
Center will have openings for
many new clients after January 4,
2016. Graduate-level practicum students who provide
these free counseling services at the ACCC have
training in counseling adults, adolescents, and
children. There is even a play room to accommodate
work with young clients. Counseling sessions are
completely confidential.
All practicum counselors are doctoral or masters level
students who have had preliminary counseling
experiences, have been evaluated by licensed
professionals as ready to provide counseling in a
supervised clinic setting, and each practicum
counselor receives weekly individual as well as group
supervision by a licensed, experienced supervisor.
Types of referral issues accepted include, but are not
limited to:
relationship issues (e.g., marital and premarital
grief and bereavement
social skills problems
behavioral problems
bullying problems (victims and perpetrators)
academic problems
career guidance
parent-child conflict
personality assessments (for the purpose of
treatment planning)
Please call 269-471-6238 and leave a confidential
voicemail message to get on the waiting list now.
From the Bookshelf
Since it's winter, how about an Alaskan
series to read.
There are five books in the Alaskan Courage series by
Dani Pettrey. The titles are Submerged, Shattered,
Stranded, Silenced and Sabotaged.
They are about the McKenna family, three brothers
and two sisters. Several members of the family work
for the search and rescue team. The stories are set in
Yancey, Alaska. The books are mysteries. They are
full of faith, suspense, the power of forgiveness and
second chances. They are a quick read. So, grab
something hot to drink and maybe a snack too and
enjoy these books from our church library.
…Doris Krossovitch for clipping and mailing 1,000
Spartan labels to provide money for missions.
…Doug Hinman for changing several lightbulbs in the
sanctuary overflow area and downstairs hallway, and
for shoveling our sidewalks on an icy Sunday last
‘Ask not what your Church can do for you – ask what
you can do for your Church.’
Greetings in the name of the Lord!
Please consider carefully:
What is Church for you?:
A place of worship? A time of fellowship?
What is your commitment to Church?
Attending worship service either frequently or
Joining activities and other programs?
Contributing financially as you are able, or as you
Participating in committee work or other aspects in
the life of the Church?
Is your commitment to Church beyond your
(essential) attendance of worship service?
What do you ask of your Church to fulfill your wants
and needs?
Now consider, what might you do for your Church to
fulfill its wants and needs.
At this time, your Church Council is embarking on an
intensive study program regarding “Five Practices of
Fruitful Congregations,” to review and implement
many components which will enhance our entire
Church life. Once this process is completed, we will
have a congregational meeting to discuss how we will
move forward as a congregation and as a Church.
Please remember that all Church Council meetings
are always open to all members, and our upcoming
study sessions are an especially great forum to share
your concerns and address your questions.
At any time, please feel free to reach out to any of the
Church Council members. We would be only too
delighted to speak with you.
Save the Date
Mark your calendars now to
attend the Kalamazoo District
Leadership Conference on
Saturday, February 27, 9:00
a.m. – 3:00 p.m. at Chapel Hill
UMC (7028 Oakland Dr, Portage). Bishop Deborah
Kiesey will be the special guest speaker this year.
Katharine Kersey who was
sophomore queen last
Conference News
Bishop Deborah Kiesey announced in
November her plans to retire as bishop of
the Michigan area effective August 31. Four
new bishops will be elected at Jurisdictional
Conference in Peoria, Illinois this July. At that time a
new bishop will be assigned to begin serving
Michigan September 1.
In early December, Bishop Kiesey announced that
Rev. John Boley, our current Kalamazoo District
Superintendent, will be appointed as Clergy Assistant
to the Bishop effective July 1. An announcement
about our new District Superintendent is expected in
the coming month.
With blessings and may the Spirit of the Lord warm
Richard Cooper
Church Council Chairperson
New offering envelopes for 2016
have been placed in the narthex
mailboxes. If you would like a
set, please speak to Rhonda
Hinman or leave a note in the
Church Leaders
New leaders for our various church
committees were elected at the annual
Church Conference held on October 25. A directory
of those individuals who will be serving in 2016 is
posted at our website: and also on
the narthex bulletin board.
Thank you to all these persons for agreeing to serve
Christ and his church through these important
ministries. We will install our 2016 church leaders
during worship on January 17.
Church Council
Our Church Council is now
meeting monthly on the last
Monday. The next meeting
will be January 25 at 7:00 p.m.
We are currently reading and discussing the book
“Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations” by Bishop
Robert Schnase. The homework assignment for this
month is chapter two “The Practice of Passionate
Worship” (pages 33-57). If you would like to read
along, two extra copies of the book are located in the
narthex and more are available by request.
If you would like to
donate your poinsettia
to an elderly church
homebound or in a
nursing home, please
tell Pastor Sherri. If you
would be available to
help deliver some of these poinsettias after
Christmas, also please tell Pastor Sherri.
As we begin a New Year,
please make sure we
have your current e-mail
address in the church office. Furthermore, please
update your preference as to whether you receive
only our monthly newsletter or our prayer requests,
also. There are two separate lists and only those who
have indicated a desire to be on the prayer chain will
receive those requests.
You may send this
information to:
In addition, we invite you to “like” our church
Facebook page. Many of our events are promoted
through Facebook and all the latest photos from
church activities are posted here.
Choir Recess
Our choir is taking a
break from singing
during the wintry month of January. Rehearsals will
resume Thursday, January 28, at 6:30 p.m. to prepare
for February’s anthems. If you’ve ever thought about
joining the choir, this would be a good time to get
involved. All voices are welcome.
Contemporary Worship
Service at our church on
Sunday, January 31, at
11:00 a.m. Music will be led
by Danielle Gibson and
Maggie Martin. Come and
enjoy singing praise songs, as well as hearing a
message from Pastor Sherri in this special service.
Three Oaks United Methodist Church
2 East Sycamore Street
Three Oaks, MI 49128
Address Service Requested
Please Note
Please turn in all submissions
for next month’s Parish Post
newsletter by January 17.
If we could deliver your next Parish Post by
e-mail, please inform the church office.
It would be faster, easier, and cheaper.
Thanks for your help!
January 3
“A Great and Wonderful New Year”
Ephesians 1:3-6
January 10
Baptism of the Lord/Renewal of Baptism
“Baptism in Three Movements”
Luke 3:15-17, 21-23a
January 17
Installation of Leaders
Human Relations Day
“Fruitful Christians”
John 15:1-17
January 24
“The Wedding Crasher”
John 2:1-11
January 31
Contemporary Service
“You Can Go Home Again”
Luke 4:14-30
Three Oaks
United Methodist Church Staff:
Pastor: Rev. Sherri Swanson
Secretary: Cheryl Kersey
Organist: Martha Spychalski
Custodian: Mary Weers
Church Office Hours:
Monday: 9:00-3:00
Tuesday: 9:00-12:00
Thursday: 9:00-12:00
To Reach the Pastor:
Please call the church office first: 756-2053.
If you do not reach her there,
leave a voice message on her cell phone
at 269-405-0002.