The President Post

The President Post
Display until December 12, 2011 /// N0. 29
Jakarta Wins
Best Tourism
Province Award
million tourist
arrivals for 2012
The Jakarta provincial government has won The Best Province
for Tourism Development award
during the Indonesia Tourism
Award (ITA) 2011 event.
The award was in recognition
of the Jakarta administration`s
hard work and high commitment
to developing the capital`s tourism industry, Head of the Jakarta
Tourism and Culture Office Arie
Budhiman said here on Thursday.
"We must thank God. The
achievement belongs to all elements of the tourism sector and
all residents of the capital who
have turned Jakarta into the best
province in developing tourism in
Indonesia," he said.
billion foreign
exchange earnings
projected to reach
Investing heavily in
infrastructure will allow us to
rapidly develop tourism.”
Mari Elka Pangestu
Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry
increase compared
to this year`s growth
Govt Upbeat
on RI Tourism
billion allocated for
economic development
in eastern Indonesia
On the same occasion, Coordinating Economic Minister Hatta Rajasa said tourism should be
further developed because it was
an engine for economic growth
and one of the most important industries in terms of creating jobs.
“Seven million tourists created
jobs for 10.5 million Indonesians
last year. This shows the significant impact of the tourism sector
on the economy,” Hatta said.
RI Economy Faces Three
Challenges in 2012: BI
BI as Indonesia's monetary authority,
would adopt a policy to maintain
resilience and capability so that
monetary stability would remain under
Foreign visitors up 8%
in Jan-Oct period
BPS reported that 656,000 foreign tourists visited Indonesia in
October alone, up 10.32% from
the same month last year. Bali remains the top tourist destination,
with 244,421 of the October visitors entering the country through
Bali's main gateway, Ngurah Rai
International Airport.
The ministry is expecting 9.5
million arrivals in 2014 with tourist expenditures reaching $10.93
billion. Based on 2010 World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC)
data, Indonesia’s tourism sector
contributed 9.1% to gross domestic product (GDP) and employed
8.9 million people. The WTTC
data also showed Indonesia’s investment in the tourism sector
rose 4.2% in 2010.
In addition to foreign visitors,
the number of domestic tourists
was also on the rise due to the increase in people’s buying power,
Hatta said, adding that the middle-class in Indonesia was growing annually by between 8 and
9 million people, who were now
seeking ways to spend their leisure time.
6.27 million foreign tourists
visited Indonesia from January to
October this year, an increase of
8.27% compared with the same
period last year, the BPS reported recently. The figure, however,
represents only 81% of the targeted number of foreign tourist visits in the country as of year-end,
which is 7.7 million people. However, Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry spokesman I Gusti
Ngurah Putra told the media that
the government was optimistic
that the target could be reached
because November and December were among the peak holiday
The government seems resolved
to boost the country’s tourism by
announcing an allocation of Rp
210 trillion ($23.3 billion) toward
economic development in eastern
Indonesia. Minister Mari, who is
also the coordinator of the master
“From year to year, the trend of
foreign tourist arrivals in November and December continues to
increase. With stable political conditions and security, 7.7 million
tourists will come to Indonesia by
the end of the year,” said Putra.
In a related development, the
chairman of the Indonesian chapter of the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA), SD Darmono,
hailed the government’s strong
determination to bolster tourism and expressed his optimism
that next year’s target would be
“I am sure Minister Mari will do
a good job in taking our tourism
off the ground,” he said.
To be sure, Darmono is a major player in developing the country’s tourism. He has a vision to
develop 100 top tourism sites
around the country, starting with
Borobudur in East Java and Tanjung Lesung in West Java.
He is set to reshape the tourism industry as chairman of PT
Taman Wisata Candi, Borobudur,
Prambanan and Ratu Boko, the
state-owned company in charge of
managing the land around the fa-
Seven million tourists
created jobs for 10.5
million Indonesians last
year. This shows the
significant impact of the
tourism sector on the
Hatta Rajasa
Coordinating Economic Minister
The 3rd Jababeka
International Cultural Festival
Opens to Promote Better
This year’s theme is “The Power of
plan to accelerate development in
the country’s Economic Corridor
V (Bali and Nusa Tenggara), said
that the money would be spent on
136 projects in the area. The tourism sector, which Mari singled
out as a main driver for growth
in eastern Indonesia, would receive 28% of the investment, she
said, mainly through infrastructure projects.
“Investing heavily in infrastructure will allow us to rapidly develop tourism,” Mari said,
adding that “apart from Bali, another tourism magnet in the area
is East Nusa Tenggara’s Komodo
Island,” Mari said.
"The award is part of
a step to appreciate
regional governments'
effort in developing
tourism industry as
well as in promoting
tourism operators in
their respective region."
JAKARTA (TPP) – The Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry has set
the target of tourist arrivals for 2012 at 8 million, with foreign exchange
earnings projected to reach $8.98 billion.
The figure represented a 7.35% increase compared to
this year`s, Tourism
and Creative Economy Ministry Mari
Elka Pangestu said here on Friday. However, the growth in terms
of arrivals will slow down next
year as many visitors from Europe may cancel their trips to the
country due to the region’s economic problems.
“Next year’s growth target is not
as high as this year’s as we have
learned from the global financial
crisis in 2008,” Mari told the media on the sidelines of The National Tourism Conference at the Sahid Hotel here last week.
Foreign tourist arrivals only
grew 1.43% in 2009 to 6.32 million people due to the 2008 economic downturn, according to
the state-run statitics body BPS.
Foreign tourist expenditure also
dropped from $7.35 billion in
2008 to $6.3 billion in 2009.
“However, we are optimistic
that we will still attract more tourists to Indonesia next year, but the
length of their stays will likely be
shorter with less spending,” she
IDR 20,000
Minister Gives High Marks to
Garuda, Bank Mandiri, BRI
2011 Moments to
Dahlan Iskan has praised the boards of
directors for being able to bring about
a transformation in their corporate
businesses amid the global economic
What will 2011 be remembered
for? Several events that happened
in 2011 continue to remain topics of
conversation among Indonesians.
mous heritage sites in East Java.
“We want to use Borobudur as
the icon of Indonesia to promote
the spiritual wealth of the nation,”
he says in an interview recently.
“Once people visit Borobudur on a
large scale, Indonesia will be seen
as a tolerant nation and this in
turn will promote investments.”
His goal is to create 100 such
destinations across the country
so as to attract 20 million visitors
a year by 2020. As part of this
program he is set to make Jakarta the gateway for tourism in the
Based on 2010
World Travel
and Tourism
Council (WTTC)
data, Indonesia’s
tourism sector
contributed 9.1%
to gross domestic
product (GDP)
and employed 8.9
million people.
He recently acquired 1,340
hectares for Rp1.5 trillion in Tanjung Lesung, West Java. Located next to the Ujong Kulong National Park, Tanjung Lesung has
long been the seaside playground
for Jakartans seeking some sun
and sea. “I am building a township that is similar to Sentosa in
Singapore,” says Darmono.“It will
have a golf course, a marina, ho-
tels and resorts as well as
major tourist attractions.”
With visionary players like
Darmono and government officials like Mari on hand, one
can readily expect the country’s tourism to really take off
and claim its rightful place in
the major league.
The event was held annually by
the Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry in cooperation with
SWA magazine, he said.
"The award is part of a step to
appreciate regional governments`
effort in developing tourism industry as well as in promoting
tourism operators in their respective region," he said.
The award was based on the results of a survey conducted on a
number of cities/districts selected based on the amount of budget funds allocated to the tourism
sector as well as on the outcome of
focus group discussion (FGD) organized by the magazine`s editorial team.
The survey was conducted to
choose the best district/city in
terms of tourism service, favorite tourist destination city, favorite
tourist site, and the best tourism
supporting industries divided into
nine sub-categories, namely nonstar hotel, star-rated hotel, airline,
travel agent, taxi, restaurant, golf
court, spa and mall.
Garuda Indonesia, Jababeka Enter
Into Corporate Sales Partnership
PT Garuda Indonesia and PT
Jababeka on Friday signed a
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on corporate sales.
Both sides were represented
by President Director/CEO of
Garuda Indonesia Emirsyah
Satar and President Director of
PT Jababeka SD Darmono at
the President Executive Club,
Jababeka, Cikarang.
The agreement allows all
employees of PT Jababeka and
the industrial park’s tenants
and their families to fly with
Garuda Indonesia, on both
domestic and international
routes, at special prices. They
are also eligible to enjoy special
services in the form of corporate special fares, priority reservations, and city check-in.
These services include not
only for official travel, but also
for personal travel for Jababeka employees and their families.
"As the number of tenants is
over 1,500 local and international companies, PT Jababeka is a very promising market
for Garuda Indonesia," said
Emirsyah in Jababeka.
Meanwhile, SD Darmono
said that there are 600,000
employees from 30 countries in
Jababeka. Jababeka has also
forged an alliance with seven
other regions and the so-called
International Zone (Zoni) with
a central meeting in the Pres-
PT Garuda Indonesia and PT Jababeka on Friday signed a Memorandum of Understanding
(MOU) on corporate sales. Both sides were represented by President Director/CEO of
Garuda Indonesia Emirsyah Satar and President Director of PT Jababeka SD Darmono at the
President Executive Club, Jababeka, Cikarang.
ident Executive Club. He added
that Jababeka also plans to open
a flight school with international
standards in the form of a ground
school at the President University
on April 2012.
He also expressed his delight
with the cooperation between Garuda Indonesia and the Jababeka.
"With this cooperation, Jababeka
tenants and employees and their
families are assured of enjoyable
business and travel trips."
SD Darmono further said that
"It would be very helpful if Garuda provides helicopter services, because the Cikarang-Cengkareng distance requires at least
two hours’ of travel time because
of the traffic." He also hopes to see
Garuda to establish a branch of-
fice and a check-in service in
In his reply, Emirsyah said
"we plan to open many branch
offices early next year, one of
which is in Jababeka if we can
get a prime spot. We are also
keen to build a hotel through
our subsidiary, Aerotel, in Jababeka. We also are planning
to organize helicopter services, with a helipad placed in
the middle of Jakarta. We also
plan one to cover the CikarangCengkareng route and are still
seeking a flight zone license".
So far Garuda has corporate
sales partnerships with more
than 1,400 major companies
in Indonesia with a total revenue of nearly Rp 1.5 trillion.
The President Post
A2 November 12, 2011
Emerging Indonesia:
Reaching The Take-Off Stage
Indonesia’s GDP growth By Atmono Suryo
is the third highest in
Asia, after China and
India, and is the highest EMERGING As
we are nearing
in ASEAN. Showing high
the end of a precarconsumer confidence
ious year and entering into another posand relative strength
sible turbulent year, it
of its foreign economic
would be appropriate
relations aspects and its to have a quick
look at the Indonational currency, the nesian economy in these difficult
Rupiah, Indonesia is one times, especially how Indonesia,
of the high achievers in as an important emerging counAsia’s stock markets, try, stands in the global economy.
should be aware, howevreflecting strong er,One
that in making such a quick
international market look one would be confronted
confidence during 2010- with a high number of controver2011. sial issues and views. Large seg-
and India, and is the highest in
ASEAN. Showing high consumer
confidence and relative strength
of its foreign economic relations
aspects and its national currency, the Rupiah, Indonesia is one of
the high achievers in Asia’s stock
markets, reflecting strong international market confidence during 2010-2011.
After many years of waiting, investors are no more sitting on the
fence. They are now coming in
with confidence. The door is opening up wide open for increased
foreign direct investment (FDI))
which the country needs.
ments of the Indonesian community have their pessimistic views
on the economic situation of the
country, while smaller groups
and the international world look
at Indonesia as a country making
remarkable progress. They look at
Indonesia in a positive way: as an
emerging country with great potentials.
One would also detect that differences also happen between the
various segments of the economy
and between internal and external developments of the country’s
As to the internal aspects of the
economy, one gets the impression
that the country is facing a socalled “wooly situation”. Or as people would say in Indonesian “negara sedang menghadapi benang
kusut”, as no one seems to know
how the country could get out of
such a messy situation.
Looking at the positive aspects
of the Indonesian economy, the
country is rated as one of the key
countries of the “Emerging Economies”, countries which cover a
large part of the world that will
play a vital role in the developments of the global economy (figure 1).
Apparently the biggest part of
the African continent and parts of
West Asia are still considered as
the “under-developed “ part of the
global economy.
Emerging Economies
Among the many developing
and emerging countries Indonesia is internationally recognized
by international banks and a high
number of analysts as one of the
“Top 10 Emerging Economies” in
the world,.composed of the World
Bank as China, India, South Korea, Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico,
Argentina, Russia, Turkey and
South Africa.
The following data compiled
by the international bank BBVA
shows the GDP ppp in trillions of
$ for 10 emerging countries, which
includes Indonesia. compared to
seven advanced countries for the
year 2010 (figure 2).
It is expected that East Asia,
with China and India in the lead,
will be the most important region
in the global economy. As stated
by IMF’s Anoop Singh, the head of
the Asia and Pacific Department,
Asia is set to become an increasingly important engine of growth
in the future for the global economy. It means that it would also include Indonesia.
World Largest Economies
According to the World Bank
Indonesia belongs to the 20 largest economies in the world. It now
ranks 16th in the group of 20 advanced and developing countries
(figure 3).
Some current predictions state
that Indonesia will be among the
ten largest countries, while others forecast that the country will
be among the richest countries in
the world in one or two decades.
The President Post
Menara Batavia 25th Fl. Jl. K.H. Mas Mansyur Kav. 126
Jakarta 10220, Indonesia
Phone : (021) 572 7337
Fax : (021) 572 7338
Email :
Emerging Economies
Figure 1. Indonesia in the Global Economy. Indonesia is rated as one of the key countries of the “Emerging Economies”, countries which cover a large part of the world that will play a
vital role in the developments of the global economy.
Figure 4. Project real growth in GDP and income per capita: 2005-50 (%pa)
Figure 2. Gross Domestic Product (USD PPP 2010, in trllions, Constant Prices)
Annual CDP
Growth (%)
2010 - 21
Incremental GDP
2010 - 2011
Contribution to
Global Growth (%)
2010 - 2011
United Kingdom
United States
Figure 3. World Largest Economies
GDP in domestic
currency or at PPPs
GDP per capita
at PPPs
S. Korea
Source: PricewaterhouseCoopers GDP growth estimates (rounded to nearest 0.1%), population
growth projections from the UN
Source: BBVA Research (November 2010 Forecast)
GDP in US$
(millions of international dollars)
United States
Russian Federation
United Kingdom
Korea, Rep.
Iran, Islamic Rep.
There is enough
evidence that in
terms of macroeconomic growth,
Indonesia has moved
on the right track.
Indonesia has now to
proof and make firm
commitments that
economically it will
continue to move in
the right direction.
Figure 5. Indonesia as a Rising Star
Source: World Bank, 2008
All these predictions give high
marks to Indonesia, but it is a
pity that internally the prevailing
mood and spirit is the other way
In terms of economics, Indonesia has gone through a most devastating period as a result of the
Asian Financial Crisis of 1997/98.
It took the country more than 5
years to recuperate. In addition,
it has gone through a most trying
“reform period”, lasting almost 10
years. It has come out of its economic reform armed with added
During the world crisis of 200809 the Indonesian economy has
PT Sarana Pratama Pengembangan Kota
Ali Basyah Suryo
Mohamad Akmal
Rachmat Wirasena
Nandi Nanti
Atmono Suryo
Cyrillus Harinowo Hadiwerdoyo
Thomas W. Shreve
Jeannifer Filly Sumayku
Eka Putri
Detia H. Rais
Srimay Noviani
Erni Imansyah
Reza Ganesha Partakusuma
Source: BBVA
proven to be robust. The country
is one of the least affected countries in that global financial crisis.
Because of its resilience and its
economic fundamentals, it is considered as a country with a revitalized economy.
BBVA economists are of the
opinion that Indonesia is set to
fly as an eagle. This is a most inspiring assessment on Indonesia,
notwithstanding the many shortcomings the country is still facing, including the question of national leadership, morals, law and
order and many other sensitive issues.
Indonesia’s GDP growth is the
third highest in Asia, after China
There is enough evidence that in
terms of macro-economic growth,
Indonesia has moved on the right
track. Indonesia has now to proof
and make firm commitments that
economically it will continue to
move in the right direction, to give
high priority to cope and resolve
many pending issues, including poverty and unemployment,
to further strengthen the entire
economy, and that it has the capacity and the political will to become one of the key countries in
the global economy as expected
by the world community.
The following data shows the
encouraging prospects of real
growth in GDP and income per
capita for the years 2005-50 compared to other developed and developing countries (figure 4).
Having reached such a comfortable position in the global
economy, the question is whether Indonesia is really ready to enter into the “Take-off Stage” to become one of the key economies in
the global economy.
For the many positive-inclined
observers it sounds quite reasonable to consider Indonesia as a rising star (figure 5).
• Indonesia’s external economic
relations are basically in good
shape, including the increasing trend in FDI. This should
also become another engine of
growth to beef up the internal
economic sectors for the good
and welfare of the ordinary people
• Without going into the details
on exact numbers, the following upward trend in GDP
growth should just symbolize and inspire the whole Indonesian community where the
country should be going
• The trend to go up as a rising
star into a real Take-off Stage,
and not to stagnate, be distracted or sidelined by the downward (non-economic, social-political) pressures prevailing in
the society).
The writer is former ambassador
to the EU
The President Post
November 12, 2011 A3
The Region
Big Challenge to East Asia
East Asia’s biggest
challenge is that the
world expects Asia to
become the locomotive
which can pull the
global economy out of
the recession towards
global growth.
By Atmono Suryo
During the current
world financial crisis it becomes increasingly evident
that the global
economy would require a larger involvement of the
developing countries. Also, the
greater role of the emerging countries to support and sustain the
development and growth of the
global economy.
The developing countries comprising of low to middle income
economies constitute approximately 80% of the global population but represent only a small
part (about 20%) of the world’s
A large part of the developing countries are located in Asia,
known before as a huge underdeveloped or least-developed area
crowded with millions of poor under-nourished people with an wartorn economy in shambles.
All that has changed in a relatively short period of a few decades. Today, the Asian profile is
“Amazing Asia”.
It is recognized by the world
economic community that Asia
and in particular East Asia has
Figure 1. Economy of Asia (During 2008 unless otherwise stated)
Figure 2. East and South Asia: Rates of Growth of Real GDP, 2007 - 2012
Figure 3. Share of Global GDP PPP (%)
Annual percentage change
4 billion (60% of the world)
GDP (PPP) (US$):
West Asia (15 economies)
East and South Asia
East Europe (7 economies)
East Asia
Africa (57 economies)
Brunei Darussalam
Latin America & Caribbean
(47 economies)
US$24.077 trillion (2010)
Nominal GDP (Currency) (US$):
$16.774 trillion (2010)
GDP/capita (PPP) (US$):
$7,041 (2009)
GDP/capita (Currency) (US$):
$4,629 (2009)
Annual growth of per capita GDP:
7.9% (2010)
Income of top 10%:
Millionaires (US$)
3 million (0.06%)
3.8% (2010 est.)
Hong Kong SAR
East Asia (10 economies)
Rest of the World
Estimated female income:
Papua New Guinea
*Most numbers are from the IMF. All GDP figures are in US$
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
grown to become the largest and
the fastest growing economic region in the world. The macroeconomic, financial and corporate
sector reforms put in place over
the last decade in East Asia have
played an important role in the regions’ resilience.
According to Wikipedia, the
GDP per capita of Asia has soared
to reach the incredible level of
$7,041 (Figure 1).
It also mentioned that the income of the top 10% of the population reaches the amount of $3
The economy of Asia as a whole
is a huge one, with a population
of 4 billion people or 60% of the
world, living in 46 different states,
with China as the largest one.
With an Asian GDP of $24.077
trillion, the wealth of Asia differs
widely between and within states.
There is a huge range of differing
economies, different cultures, environments and different government and political systems. This
makes it extremely hard to develop Asia as a whole. It must be
done in stages. Seen from the positive side,
Asia has the potential to become
an increasingly important global engine of growth in the future.
Presently, Asia is already gives its
contribution to lead the world out
of the worst recession, in over half
a century.
East Asia’s big challenge is twofold: a) To develop and modernize the economies of Asia b) To
become the new global economic
powerhouse and play a more leading role alongside the more advanced countries of North America and Europe.
The largest economies in Asia
in terms of nominal GDP are located in East Asia, with China in
the lead followed by Japan, India,
South Korea and Indonesia. East
Asia is a region which has attracted world attention on account of
their amazing developments, particularly China and India.
One can only say that it is a
region on the move with amazing speed. Yet it is happening in
Republic of Korea
Taiwan Province of China
A senior economist of the IMF predicts that by 2030,
Asia’s economy will be larger than that of the United
States and the European Union. The region’s share of
world GDP will swell from around 30% to more than 40%.
a global economic environment
which is limping with full of uncertainties.
East Asia’s biggest challenge is
that the world expects Asia to become the locomotive which can
pull the global economy out of the
recession towards global growth.
It is the East Asia region which
constitutes the main pillar of the
large Asian economy, an economy
of enormous size, differing economies and stages of development
with different cultures, historical
ties, and government systems.
East Asia’s growth reached
the high figure of 8.8% growth in
2010, but is expected to decline in
2011 and increase again in 2012.
According to the World Bank the
high growth countries in 2012 are
China, Vietnam, Indonesia and
Papua New Guinea (figure 2).
The question is, what are the
chances for East Asia to become a
new global economic powerhouse,
in addition to the existing ones
Such as the BRIC countries, with
Brazil in Latin America together with Mexico and Russia in the
Eastern part of Europe?
For the year 2000 East Asia is
rated as the region with the largest share of Global GDP (figure 3).
As mentioned in the media, a
senior economist of the IMF pre-
dicts that by 2030, Asia’s economy will be larger than that of the
United States and the European
Union. The region’s share of world
GDP will swell from around 30%
to more than 40%.
It is also predicted that developing countries as a whole are set
to account for nearly 60% of world
GDP by 2030. With the growth of
other developing countries, economic interactions between East
Asia and other developing countries in Latin America and other
regions will increase accordingly
East Asia Proactive Role
East Asia is being challenged to
play a more pro-active role in the
global economy. Looking it from
the positive side one can observe
that East Asia has the economic potentials to play such a role,
which includes the following:
• In terms of growth East Asia is
considered as the fastest growing region in the world; presently with China, India and
Indonesia (with the ASEAN
countries) in the lead
• Countries with high growth includes, among others, China,
India, South Korea, Taiwan,
Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia,
and Singapore
• These countries are identified
as among the world’s growth
leading emerging countries and
have the potentials to contribute to global growth in the area
of trade, services, investment
and finance
East Asia has its vast natural
resources in the area of energy and mining, agriculture and
marine resources and forestry
Asian multinational companies are coming up at an amazing rate; capturing international markets
East Asia has the capacity towards a more self-sustaining
economy; but its priority is to
be fully integrated to the global economy
Intra-regional trade is increasing to 54% (compared to 46%
for NAFTA and 64% for the EU)
and is expected to increase
As it now stands it is only Indonesia with the other ASEAN countries which can assume the coordinating and unifying force in
East Asia to develop the required
mechanism, to work out the strategies, to promote integration and
to enable East Asia to play the
role as one of the important global
economic powerhouses in the decades to come.
The writer is former ambassador
to the EU
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The President Post
A4 November 12, 2011
The Economy
Revenue from Import Duties
Exceeds Target
Realization of the country`s revenue collection from import duties up to November 10 this year has exceeded the target for the period reaching Rp21.03 trillion, or 100.15%, data show.
Data at the Directorate General of Customs and Excise of the Ministry of Finance showed on Friday that the import duty target set in the revised 2011 state
budget was Rp21.50 trillion.
Revenues from the customs duties were targeted at Rp68.08 trillion while receipts from export taxes were set at Rp25.44 trillion. The realization of export tax
receipts up to November 10 was noted at Rp24.88 trillion or 97% of the target.
The realization of customs duties up to November 10, was 62.99 trillion, or about
RI Economy Faces Three
Challenges in 2012: BI
BI as Indonesia`s monetary authority, would adopt a policy to maintain resilience and capability so that
monetary stability would remain under control. The central bank would also apply a financial system to
support sustainable economic growth.
Indonesia`s industrial growth in the third quarter of 2011 was recorded at
6.98% or in excess of the country`s economic growth at 6.54%, an industry ministry official said.
The industrial growth figure was the aggregate of a 6.58% growth in processing industries and a 1.67% growth in the oil and gas industry, said Ansari Bukhari,
secretary general of the Industry Ministry here on Thursday.
Ansari said most of the industrial growth had happened in the production of
metals, iron and steel, transportation equipment, machinery, and industrial equipment besides textiles , leather goods, and footwear.
Indonesia should take steps
to anticipate three crucial
conditions and challenges
the national economy will
meet in 2012, the central
bank (BI) governor said.
BI Governor Darmin Nasution
said at the House of Representatives (DPR) here on Tuesday the
first challenge the country`s economy would face next year was the
possible impact of a worsening of
the United States and European
financial crisis.
Indonesia must anticipate the
implications of global economic downturns for its economic growth, he said. "The second
challenge is the big volume of capital inflow while there are disparities in the policies of the advanced and developing countries,"
he said.
In the first semester of 2011 two industry groups dominated the growth figure, namely the base metal, iron and steel industries group and the textile, leather
goods and footwear industry group which recorded growth rates of 16.88% and
9.22%, respectively.
At the same time, the transportation, machinery, and equipment industry
group grew only 6.58% and the food, beverages and tobacco group 6.73%. "The
increase in industrial growth in the third quarter compared to same period last
year was spurred by growth in new investment and expansion," Ansari said.
In 2011, PT Astra Daihatsu Motor (ADM) increased its automotive plant capacity, and a South Korean based company was planning to build a petrochemical
industry in Cilegon as part of the previous plant expansion investment.
"The South Korean industry which is running under Lotte Group is still waiting
for the 60 hectares of land request is granted in Cilegon industrial area," he said.
Ansari is optimistic with the improving national economy condition would attract
that foreign investment. "The improvements of infrastructure readiness and procurement would also attract foreign investors to Indonesia," Ansari said.
BI as Indonesia`s monetary authority, Darmin said, would adopt
a policy to maintain resilience and
capability so that monetary stability would remain under control.
The central bank would also apply
a financial system to support sustainable economic growth. "This
is the first challenge," he said.
Darmin said the direction of
BI`s policy next year was to maintain economic stability and growth
amid global economic challenges.
In order to support the policy, BI
had set strategic targets such as
maintaining the stability of the
Director General of Customs and Excise Agung Kuswandono expressed his
optimism on Thursday that the customs and excise duty receipt targets in 2011
would be achieved. "We are convinced that the customs and excise revenue target would be achieved at the end of November," he said.
Agung said that the revenue target of his directorate general in 2012 was relatively high. In the 2012 state budget, the government and the House set a customs
and excise receipts at Rp114.88 trillion.
RI's Industry Grew Faster
Than Economy in Q3
BI Governor Darmin Nasution
"The first challenge the
country`s economy
would face next year was
the possible impact of a
worsening of the United
States and European
financial crisis."
rupiah`s exchange rate, effective
monetary policy and guarantee
safe, efficient and sound financial system as well as an efficient,
smooth and safe payment system,
the BI governor said.
Impact of Global Crisis in 2012
Meanwhile, Bank Indonesia believes Indonesia will begin to feel
the impact of the current global crisis only in 2012, its spokesman said.
Perry Warjiyo, director of BI`s
directorate of economic research
and monetary policies, said here
on Tuesday the impact of the global crisis was actually already be-
ing felt in the financial sector but
not as yet in the real sector. He
said the global economic slowdown would certainly affect Indonesia but it would be felt stronger
next year.
"BI predicts our economy will
grow 6.5% this year. We have revised it down from initially 6.6%,"
he said. BI meanwhile has also revised down its prediction for 2012
from 6.7% to 6.5%. Perry saw several sectors would support the
country`s economic growth such
as trade, telecommunication and
natural resources.
Until the third quarter of 2011
there has been an outflow of capital totaling $4.7 billion from
shares, bonds and state securities. Perry however believed in the
fourt quarter capital would flow
in again through "foreign direct
He said total foreign direct investment last year reached $13.3
billion and until the third quarter
of 2011 the figures are $14.7 billion. "By the end of 2011 BI predicts total foreign direct investment will reach $16 billion," he
BI lso believes the country`s rupiah currency would also remain
stable with the inflation rate by
the end of this year predicted to
reach 4.0% while next year`s rate
at 4.7%.
Bank Indonesia believes Indonesia will begin to feel the impact of the current global
crisis only in 2012
The President Post
November 12, 2011 A5
The Economy
Govt Ready to Maintain
2012 Economic Growth
The strong economic
growth of Indonesia
was supported by
high consumption and
The government is
optimistic that the
economic growth can be kept
at 6.7% in accordance
with the 2012 state budget macro assumptions, Deputy Finance
Minister Anny Ratnawati said
here on Thursday.
Anny said the government
would not allow the economic
growth to go down but continue
to maintain it at the desired level. "We will continue to maintain
our economic growth at the desired level, although it is predicted
to edge up from 6.3-6.4%," Anni
said referring to Economic Outlook 2012.
According to her, the government also had the policies in
terms of capital spending and
the acceleration of capital spending in 2012. Anny said that with
its experience in facing the crisis in 1998 and 2008, the government was ready to face the current global crisis.
Meanwhile, Bank Indonesia
Director for Research and Monetary Policy, Sukowati, said in
Batam, Riau Islands, recently
that Indonesia`s economic growth
up to the end of 2011 was predicted to reach 6.6%. He said that
Deputy Finance Minister Anny Ratnawati
We will continue to
maintain our economic
growth at the desired
level, although it is
predicted to edge up
from 6.3-6.4%."
Indonesia`s economy would still
grow steadily amid uncertainties
in global economic developments.
The strong economic growth of
Indonesia was supported by high
consumption and investment, he
said. Sukowati said that investment remained high in Indonesia due to a perception that its
economic fundamentals remain
strong and its investment climate
is improving.
Indonesia`s domestic economy
is supported by processing industries, trade, hotels, restaurants,
transportation and communication.
The President Post/Nandi Nanti
Indonesia`s fourth quarter economic growth would reach 6.7%.
"The impact of the global economic turmoil in 2011 has not yet affected Indonesia`s economy," Sukowati said.
He said that the country`s economy in 2012 was predicted to grow
within a range of 6.2% to 6.7%.
Therefore, the deputy finance
minister said the Indonesia`s
economy in 2012 would remain
prospective and well-maintained,
and that the government and the
people should keep that momentum.
Banten to Have Petrochemical
Industrial Development Center
Banten province in 2012 will
have a national petrochemical industrial study and development
center or national petrochemical
center of excellence in the Banten
Provincial Administration Center.
Head of the Banten industrial
and trade agency Hudaya Latuconsina said here Friday the national petrochemical industrial
study and development center is
a program of the trade ministry
with funding from the state budget amounting to Rp20 billion for
its construction, but the land for
its construction would have to be
sought by the Banten provincial
"Banten had been chosen as
one of the three areas for the project, because Banten has so many
petrochemical industrial companies," Hudaya said.
He said under the engineering design and Feasibility Study,
the most suitable location for the
Head of the Banten Industrial and Trade
Agency Hudaya Latuconsina
construction of the petrochemical industrial study center is Banten provincial administration center because of its strategic location
and located Banten provincial administration in Serang town while
the land had to be provided to the
extent of at least 6,000 square
"The application for it land had
already been submitted to the
Banten Governor of the trade ministry, only awaiting the governor`s
Banten had been
chosen as one of
the three areas for
the project, because
Banten has so many
petrochemical industrial
approval," Hudaya said.
The project will later become a
national petrochemical industrial
information and research development center and a center of petrochemical industrial experts in
the study and workshop related to
the petrochemical industry.
Hudaya said in Banten there
are some 35 petrochemical industry supporting companies and a
big petrochemical industry namely PT Chandra Asri in Cilegon.
Minister Calls on Developing
Five Energy Sectors
The government should develop five energy sectors in order to build its national energy
resilience, namely gas, geothermal, solar power generators, coal and nuclear, a minister said.
"The five aspects will be able
to fulfill the country`s energy resilience in the long run
if they are developed based on
the government`s general energy principles." State Enterprises Minister Dahlan Iskan told
a national seminar on national energy policy and sovereignty towards national energy resilience here on Monday.
Dahlan said that the government should change its
pattern of fuel oils (BBM) consumption because the oil production continued to drop
while gas production continued to increase.
In such a current condition,
commercial vehicles should
State Enterprises Minister Dahlan Iskan
no longer use fuel oils but compressed natural gas (CNG), or
electricity. "Trucks must be directed to using CNG while motorcycles to using electricity energy,"
the minister said.
Apart from that, Dahlan who
is also a former president director of state-owned electricity firm
PLN, said in order to overcome the
PROPERTY GROWTH: Coldwell Banker Commercial projects sales growth of rental and sell rates to be high in each property sector at
Jakarta in 2011, better than in 2010 as the growth of property market in 2011 is in line with the nation’s economic growth.
shortage of power supply during the peak burden the gas
allocation for PLN should be
He said that in order to overcome problem of high power
demand during the peak burden, PLN was now building
mini CNGs throughout Indonesia and was now in trial test
in Jambi.
“RI Banks Able to Withstand Crisis”
Indonesian banks will be
quite able to withstand the impact of the financial crisis in
Europe and the United States
because of their good performance, a central bank official
"The European financial
crisis will not affect the performance of national banks. In liquidity terms, national banks`
liquidity exposure to European and United States banks
amounts to only about Rp100 trillion which is not too big compared
with their overall assets," Bank Indonesia (BI/central bank`s) Deputy Governor Muliaman D Hadad
said here on Monday.
He said that the results of
a stress test carried out by BI
showed that the impact of the financial crisis in Europe and the
United States on national banks
was very small. After all, banks`
assets, capital and credit commitment were still running well.
"We have carries out a test to
see what will happen if the crisis spreads to all European countries. It turned out the impact on
national banks` capital will be
small," he said.
However, he said, Indonesia
had to remain alert to the crisis`
psychological aspect because if it
dragged on as it could affect na-
tional economic growth.
Muliaman said that what
needed to be monitored was
the condition of individual
banks if they experienced internal problems when the global economic crisis had not yet
improved like nowadays. "We
have to systematically monitor banks one by one to ensure
assure that it would not create
a problem for the industry," he
The President Post
A6 November 12, 2011
Around Jababeka
The 3rd Jababeka International Cultural Festival
Opens to Promote Better Understanding
Jababeka International Cultural Festival (JICF) was successfully held for the
third time at Indonesia Movieland, Jababeka. This year’s theme is “The Power of
Culture”, featuring live music, dance and traditional and modern food festival.
By Jeannifer Filly Sumayku
According to I Made
Surya Darma, VP of
Corporate Marketing &
Communications Jababeka, "The festival is
organized by Jababeka in realizing its vision as a city developer
which not only built buildings and
facilities, but also promote cultural activities, because we understand that the value of a city is
judged by the culture of its people."
"With the power and cultural
wealth of each city of this country, this festival is expected to be
a forum to exchange ideas, philosophy, information, art and other cultural aspects between countries, in order to speed up common
understanding and two-way diplomacy to strengthen relations
between international communities in Indonesia,” he added.
The event was opened with a
gala dinner on Friday night (18/11)
and also attended by guests from
foreign embassies.
Vice Governor of West Java Dede
Yusuf in his speech said, "I am so
glad to be at this Cultural Festival. It is one of the important cultural events besides SEA Games
XXI and the ASEAN Summit in
Bali. I am very proud of Jababeka, which also has Movieland, the
centre of Indonesian films."
The occasion also served as a
signing of an MOU plaque between
Jababeka and GIZ Germany
through Merck Indonesia on "Retrologistic", an industrial wastewater for healthy environment. It was
witnessed Dede Yusuf.
Cultural performances on that
night were the Rampak Kendang from West Java, consisting
of Lengser Dance, Baksa Dance,
and Mamayang Dance; percussion by Han Ba Fei from South
Korea; Giving Luck Dance from
China, Ngalai Dance from Brunei
accompanied by Kayum Berkasih
song, Joget Baju Putih and Dindang Disayang. There were also
"Hong Hua", a traditional dance
from China, and "Thousand
Hands Dance". The gala dinner
was closed by "Broadway Musical
Highlights" by Rio Silaen.
Visitors at the festival enjoyed
performances of traditional dances from various regions in Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam and China; traditional music from South
Korea and modern music from the
famous Indonesian d'Masiv.
“JICF was made more lively this
year, more varied and unique. We
involved many young people as
successors of the nation, so that
they will love their culture and
would learn the positive things
from other countries’ culture,"
said Didik Purbadi, City Management of Jababeka.
An interesting aspect of the festival was the introduction of batik Bekasi, which was marked by
typical motifs featuring masked
dancers, and exhibited by batik
artisans from Tarumajaya Bekasi. There was also a presentation
on how to make dodol Bekasi.
Cikarang Dry Port Offers More Certainty to Export-Import Activities
Cikarang Dry Port (CDP)
only started operations in August 2010, but it is already receiving good responses from
service users like shipping
lines as well as manufacturing industries. CDP is an extension of Tanjung Priok; it is
expected to play a role in easing Jakarta port’s traffic jam
and port congestion as well
as supporting the growing industrial estates in this eastern corridor of Jakarta.
According to Francois-Joseph Ossude, President Directore of CMA CGM, one of
CDP’s shipping line partners,
the growth of the industrial sector is very positive, especially in the Bekasi-Karawang area.
“It has so much develop-
ment potential relating to export, import and incoming investment. If CDP can maintain
its cyrrent remarkable service level and streamline its goods handling process, I am sure it will be
successful. That is the reason why
we have a cooperation with them,”
he said.
At present several shipping companies are already doing business
with CDP by way of a new service,
Multimodal Transport Bill of Lading, with an international port
code of IDJBK. This enables direct export-import through CDP,
which is connected to international ports as part of their global trading network. Shipping lines which
already have this kind of service
are Maersk Line, MCC Transport,
Safmarine, CMA CGM, Delmas,
ANL, CNC dan APL. To support
their activities, the empty container depot service is now also available in CDP.
PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk, one
of the industrial companies located in Jababeka Industrial Estate,
has been conducting their activities through Cikarang Dry Port.
Shipments from Unilever’s overseas suppliers now use Multimodal Transport Bill of Lading, which
results in certainty and simplicity of goods movement, especially
from Tanjung Priok Port to CDP.
The shipment is carried to CDP
after they are discharged from the
vessel in less than 24 hours. This
also avoids the risk of the goods
being misplaced in Tanjung Priok.
CDP is an extension of Tanjung Priok; it is expected to play a role in easing Jakarta
port’s traffic jam and port congestion as well as supporting the growing industrial
estates in this eastern corridor of Jakarta.
The benefits of using Cikarang
Dry Port, as described by the
study of the World Bank, “How
Dry Ports Can Improve National Competitiveness: A Case Study
on Cikarang Dry Port”, are among
other things the certainty of time
and security related to goods
movement between Tanjung Priok Port, CDP and the customer’s
premises (factory or warehouse).
For example, the customer can
prevent their goods from being
misplaced (overbrengen) in Tanjung Priok.
Overbrengen happens when
goods or containers are moved out
from the port storage facility to the
surrounding storage area. This often occurs because of the current
congested situation in Tanjung
Priok Port. The security aspect is
of course as important; the movements of goods between Tanjung
Priok and CDP are monitored by
an electronic seal device.
Document formalities related to port, customs and quarantine services are completed at CDP, resulting in faster,
more efficent and streamlined
processes. As an extension
of Tanjung Priok Port, CDP
is systematically connected with the port’s and terminal operators in Tanjung Priok. With integrated services
as well as better planned time
management, it is hoped that
CDP can play its part as one
of the solutions in improving a
better supply chain activities
for its customers.
For more information:
Telp: (62-21) 2908 2908
The President Post
A8 November 12, 2011
Globalization and Its Impacts on
Higher Education in Indonesia
President University and very few HEs
in Indonesia are the response towards
internationalization of HE around the world. It is
predicted that HEs, especially private universities,
which fail to adapt their academic curriculum
towards the demands of larger markets, will face
tough competitions in the future.
Education: Tertiary indicators: Inbound and outbound mobility ratios: Outbound mobility ratio (%)
Selection: Indonesia
By Jhanghiz Syahrivar
Globalization is perceived by many
challenges and opportunities; impoverishment and prosperity. Lee Myung Sook, Professor
of Daegu National University of
Education, in her essay entitled
International Education Research
in Globalization Era stated that
globalization had come about
much faster than many of its forecasters in the 60’s and 70’s predicted, and the global society that
had emerged was quite different
than was expected.
Globalization is defined by
many researchers as the process
by which the peoples and nations
of the world are increasingly fused
into a single homogeneous entity.
Moreover, the gradual weakening of the constraints of space and
time on economics, politics, socio-culture, and, without exception, some aspects of education
in a nation, may be one of several
good indicators that globalization
is taking place.
Marginson (1999) in his journal entitled After Globalization:
Emerging Politics of Education
defined globalization as an irreversible change of the politics of
the nation-state and its regional
sectors, domestic classes and nationally-defined interest groups.
It is creating new potentials and
limitations in the politics of education. Its effects on the politics of
education are complex. Increasingly shaped as it is by globalization—both directly and via the
effects of globalization in national government—education at the
same time has become a primary
medium of globalization, and an
incubator of its agents. As well as
inhibiting or transforming older
kinds of education, globalization
creates new kinds.
Roberto Simona (2010) in his
essay entitled Education in Indonesia, the Challenges of Globalization stated that for at least two
decades, globalization and technological progress had favored exchanges in the world. They had
created more possibilities in the
field of education, helping experts developed new approaches
to learning. Elite groups in Indo-
Source: United Nations (citing: UNESCO Institute for Statistics)
nesia had taken advantage of the
situation. Yet, many of the country’s (higher education) institutions had paid little attention to
new ideas that encourage a global approach to education.
Perhaps, the General Agreement on Trade Services (GATS)
conference in 2003 has become
the cornerstone of the hype of internationalization of higher education (HE) around the world. In
response to neo-liberal prescriptions of the WTO, GATS sought to
liberalize trade in goods and services in industries and in education. Roberta M. Bassett (2006)
in her book entitled The WTO
and the University: Globalization, GATS, and American Higher
Education stated that HE in this
agreement was defined as an international service industry to
be regulated through the market
place and through international trade agreements. As a consequence, many HEs around the
world, seek to find international
acknowledgements through collaborating with other foreign HEs,
recruiting international students,
implementing internationally accepted curriculum, and embedding themselves with the title
“World-Class University”, which
some argue the title as ‘merely
public campaign’.
Few HEs in Indonesia follow
the trend, the exception being
President University, Swiss German University, Universitas Pelita Harapan (International Admission), and Binus University
(International Admission). Some
well-established HEs like Uni-
versitas Indonesia (UI), Institut
Teknologi Bandung (ITB), and
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM)
also opened international programs to accommodate international students studying in their
university. However, some management from public HEs argue
that these international students
have yet brought any financial
benefits to the host universities
since they come through scholarships and government funding.
Particularly for President University, it is well-known for implementing full English as its primary teaching instructions to
accommodate its growing international students who study together in the same classrooms with
its local students. Located at the
heart of Jababeka Industrial Es-
tate – Cikarang, Indonesia, President University positioned itself as
the 21st century model of tertiary education in Indonesia which
aims to bridge the world of education and the industry.
Sawir (2010) in her essay entitled Internationalization of higher
education: Issues within and beyond the practice highlighted several characteristics of internationalization of tertiary education in
Indonesia including (1) outward
staff and student mobility, (2) to
maintain local and cultural identity was of primary concern in designing internationalized curriculum, (3) to enhance staff academic
skills as in research and teaching
quality through study abroad program, (4) to provide a better quality of higher education by empowering and promoting students for
study abroad, preferably conducted in the medium of English, and
by increasing the allocation of
scholarships for overseas university study, with the expectation
that graduates will return to Indonesia to benefit the local economy and community, and lastly (5)
the importance of having coherent values and shared beliefs and
a unified way of thinking among
staff in conceptualizing and implementing internationalized programs.
Interestingly, data from the
United Nations show a decreasing outbound student mobility ratio since 2002 (see Figure). Outbound mobility ratio is defined
as the number of students from
PR Shines Across Asean
organization of Public
Relations profession
in Indonesia and
one of the largest in
ASEAN, recently held
the “PERHUMAS Talk
show” to discuss the
role of Public Relations
and Leadership.
Public Relations in ASEAN is one of the spearheads
that strengthens ASEAN’s
role and its influence internationally.
It can even be said that
the leadership in the development of ASEAN’s influence
is determined by the Public Relations Leadership as
shown by the leaders of ASEAN countries.
Therefore, as an organization of Public Relations
profession in Indonesia and
one of the largest in ASEAN,
PERHUMAS recently held
the “PERHUMAS Talk show”
to discuss the role of Public
Relations and Leadership.
Director General for ASEAN Cooperation, Djauhari Oratmangun.
“PR Leadership Across ASEAN” became the theme of the
talk show held at London School
of Public Relation (LSPR) campus. Hiramsyah Thaib, President
Director of PT Bakrieland, and
James Suresh, Council Member /
Education Advisor IPRS (Institute
of Public Relations Singapore),
were the speakers.
The discussion was moderated by Nico Wattimena. A keynote
speech was delivered by Director
General for ASEAN Cooperation,
Djauhari Oratmangun.
In the event, there was a
signing of “friendship agreement” between PERHUMAS
with IPRS. Various activities,
programs and other forms of
cooperation will be carried
out by both sides for the progress of public relations world.
“The talk show is expected to be a learning tool for
PR practitioners and members of PERHUMAS on the
functions and roles of ASEAN in the international community, and to be a forum
to share knowledge and information between governments, industry and corporate through PR Practitioners
as the means of forming networks for PERHUMAS members, and all PR in Indonesia
and ASEAN,” said Prita Kemal Gani, Chairman of PERHUMAS.
PERHUMAS is an organization of Public Relations
and Communications practitioners in Indonesia.
It was established on December 15, 1972. PERHUMAS is officially registered
at DEPDAGRI as a national
public relations organization
in Indonesia and at the International Public Relations
Association (IPRA) which is
based in London.
PERHUMAS aims to improve professional skills,
broaden and deepen the
knowledge, increase networking and exchange experiences between members
and communicate with allied
organizations at home and
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a given country studying abroad
as a percentage of the total tertiary enrolment in that country. The
rise of public and private HEs offering international programs or
double degree programs might explain the downward trend.
President University and very
few HEs in Indonesia are the response towards internationalization of HE around the world. It
is predicted that HEs, especially
private universities, which fail to
adapt their academic curriculum
towards the demands of larger
markets, will face tough competitions in the future. According to
Wayah S Wirot, Secretary General
of the Association of Private Higher Education in Indonesia (Aptisi),
approximately 30% out of 800 private HEs in Indonesia were closed
down in 2008.
Unfortunately, access to quality
education has become increasingly a privilege of well-off families.
It is no secret that many middle
class families are struggling desperately to come up with the fund
to finance increasing tuition fees
every year, let alone the increasing
cost of living. With most of public
HEs tend to react favorably towards privatization (and commercialization) of higher education,
this is no minor impact in a society already badly affected by recent economic crises.
Jhanghiz Syahrivar is Lecturer in
Faculty of Economics of President
University cum Head of Public
Relations of President University,
Medco Set to Supply Methane Gas
PT Medco Energi Indonesia (MEDCO)
is ready to supply coal methane gas from
the Sekayu Block in South Sumatra for a
five year period, the company told the
Jakarta Stock Exchange on Friday.
The gas would be supplied to the South
Sumatra Regional Energy and Mining
Company (PDPDE) at a volume of 200 million standard cubic feet per day
(mscfd). The methane gas would be channeled from the CBM SE-2 well
at Block GMD Sekayu. The gas will be used to fulfill the need for electricity
of the local people around the block.
Electricity produced now is used to provide light for GMB Pengumbul
station. It derived from the GMB Block Sekayu`s well located in Musi
Banyasin, South Sumatra.
Medco has a 50% participating interest in Block GMB Sekayu. The
utilization of this methane gas is in line with Presidential Instruction No.
14/2011 on the acceleration program for the implementation of national
development priority 2011.
BTN Lowers Lending Rate
State-owned Bank Tabungan Negara
Tbk. (BTN) has cut its lending rate by 50
basis points in response to Bank Indonesia`s
recent decision to lower its key rate to 6%.
“We have just lowered our lending rates
by 50 basis points. For housing loans, our
lending rate ranges between 8.15-11%,”
BTN President Director Iqbal Latanro said
here on Friday.
Iqbal Latanro
Only lending rate on subsidized housing
BTN President Director
loans remained unchanged, he said. He
said there was still a room for the bank to cut its lending rates further.
“There is a time lag for interest rates to decline. Next year lending rates
are likely to drop. If the overhead cost declines the lending rates will drop
He said the amount of credits channeled by the bank in the nine
months through September grew 20.24% to Rp59.31 trillion from
Rp49.32 trillion in the same period last year.
XL Seeks to Sell 7,000 BTS
Publicly-listed cellular phone operator PT
XL Axiata Tbk is looking into the possibility of
selling 7,000 of its base transceiver stations
(BTS) for Rp14 trillion to Rp15 trillion.
“We are still exploring the possibility of
selling 7,000 (base transceiver) stations to
investors,” XL President Director Hasnul
Suhaimi said after addressing a seminar
themed “Enduring and Growing amid Global
Economic Turbulence by Excellent Performance” here on Wednesday.
To sell the 7,000 BTS, XL had appointed Goldman Sachs as an arranger,
he said. However, he stopped short of revealing the investors who
would buy the BTS. “Let`s wait....We are in the process of exploring (the
possibility of selling them),” he said.
XL tried to sell 7,000 BTS in 2009 but to no avail. To date, XL has 9,00010,000 BTS nationwide. He said XL intended to sell the BTS because it
would focus on its business and would no longer think of managing them
on its own.
The contribution of BTS rent to the company`s revenues was relatively
small, reaching 4% of the overall income, he said. He said the company
had set no date to complete the corporate action. “We have set no date
to complete it. To be sure, we will continue to explore the possibility of
selling them,” he said.
Bank Syariah Mandiri’s Profit up 27.83%
Bank Syariah Mandiri said it posted a profit of Rp409.12 billion in the
year ended in September, up 27.83% from Rp320.04 billion in the same
period last year.
The increase was fueled by operating income after being distributed
on a revenue-sharing basis, Yuslam Fauzi, president director of the stateowned Bank Mandiri`s sharia unit, said here on Wednesday.
“In September 2011, operating income after being distributed on a
revenue-sharing basis reached Rp2.81 trillion, up 39.11% compared with
Rp2.02 trillion in the same period last year,” he said.
Third party fund placement in the bank amounted to Rp38.29 trillion
in the nine months through September, jumping 54.15% from Rp24.84
trillion in the same period last year, he said. In the meantime, the amount
of financing surged 60.45% to Rp34.40 trillion from Rp21.44 trillion in the
corresponding period a year earlier, he said.
The financing was 72.40% contributed by non-corporate financing
and 27.60% from corporate financing, he said. “The figure indicates that
the company is pro-real sector and small and medium enterprises,” he
said. As per September 30, 2011, the bank`s total assets reached Rp43.51
trillion, up 55.12% from Rp28.05 in the same period a year ago.
The President Post
Display until December 12, 2011 /// N0. 29
Minister Gives High Marks to
Garuda, Bank Mandiri, BRI
State Enterprises
Minister Dahlan
Iskan has praised
the boards of
directors of Garuda
Indonesia, Mandiri
Bank and BRI
for being able to
bring about a
in their corporate
businesses amid
the global economic
The success achieved
by the three stateowned companies is
to be mainly attributed to the capability of
their CEOs,” the minister said at a seminar
here on Tuesday.
He said the figures behind the
success of the three state-owned
companies (BUMN) were Garuda Indonesia president director
Emirsyah Satar, former Mandiri Bank president director Agus
Martowardoyo, who was now
minister of finance and BRI Bank
president director Sofyan Basyir.
“They deserve appreciation as well
as awards in view of their courageous actions and ideas to advance their companies,” he said.
not only conducted internal improvements but also tried to give
information transparently.
Dahlan Iskan
State Enterprises Minister
ny PT PLN said many people had
capabilities and expertise but not
many could prevent intervention
from inside and outside the companies.
“Many people who have remarkable
backgrounds have been appointed
to lead BUMNs but they are often hindered by bureaucracy,” he
The minister said it would take
CEOs with extra capability to improve state-owned companies. “It
is difficult to find figures who are
fit and have complete capabilities
to lead state-owned companies
that now number 142,” he said.
The former president director
of state-owned electricity compa-
In response to the appreciation, Emirsyah Satar said what
he has done so far is just part of
his efforts to improve the company. “Every decision I made is for
changing Garuda to become better,” he said.
He said to improve the stateowned airline company he has
Emirsyah said transparency
was very important for improving
a company. “If the company loses
we must tell it so. Nothing must be
covered up. And what has made
the company to lose and measures that are to be taken by the
management must also be made
known to the public,” he said.
He said he faced challenges
when he was trying to improve
procurement of goods and services in the company. “But so long as
it was for the progress of the company I have never seen them as
obstacles,” he said.
The Netherlands, Frisian Flag Indonesia, and
KPBS South Bandung Collaborate on Improving
Quality and Quantity of Fresh Milk
By Jeannifer Filly Sumayku
by FFI and Dutch dairy experts
from the Friesian on:
• Animal nutrition
• Livestock housing and health
• Milking and milk handling
• Breeding, reproduction, and
calf rearing
Ambassador of the Kingdom
of the Netherlands for Indonesia
Tjeerd F. de Zwaan attended a celebration on the success of the two
years of collaboration between the
Netherlands government, Frisian
Flag Indonesia (FFI), and South
Bandung Dairy Farmers Cooperative (KPBS).
About 250 member dairy farmers of KPBS attended the event to
celebrate the significant improvement of their welfare as a result of
a two-year project that has successfully improved the quality
and the quantity of milk that the
dairy farmers produce daily.
Initial technical funding for
this project when it started in mid
2009 was €353,777 or Rp4,329
billion, of which 60% (€212,266 or
Rp 2.597 billion), is a grant from
the Dutch Government while the
rest is from FFI and KPBS.
De Zwaan stated, “It is gratifying for all stakeholders in this
project, including the Dutch Government, that FFI support has significantly contributed towards the
improved welfare of dairy farmers in Pangalengan. The Netherlands provides €4.6 billion in Development Assistance to countries
around the world to support partnerships with governments, civil
society organizations, knowledge
institutes, and businesses. As a
nation, we believe that development is not only for governments
but that private sector has its role
to play as well.”
President Director of PT Frisian Flag Indonesia Marco Spits, Ambassador of the Netherlands to Indonesia Tjeerd F. de Zwaan,
Vice Regent of South Bandung Deden Rumaji, Head of KPBS South Bandung Aun Gunawan mark the implementation of the
Fresh Dairy Development Program in Pangalengan, which succeeded in increasing fresh milk production from 127 tons to 145
tons per day with a higher sale value, thus increasing income and welfare of farmer families. The program is initiated by PT
Frisian Flag Indonesia with a grant from the Dutch government.
Marco Spits, President Director of FFI, said, “As a subsidiary
of FrieslandCampina, the world’s
largest dairy cooperative with 130
years of experience and 20,375
member farmers across Holland,
Belgium and Germany, FFI is fully committed to consistently work
together with dairy farmers and
their cooperatives in Indonesia as
our vital partners. With our extensive experience and knowledge on
dairy, we believe that dairy farmers in Indonesia have great potentials to become globally competitive and this collaborative effort
has proven that through better
farming management, not only
do their milk quality and quantity
improved but their entire families
also benefit from better welfare.”
“Frisian Flag Indonesia will
continue to support plans to stimulate the quality and quantity of
fresh milk produced in Indonesia, preferably not too far from our
countries. In total we receive today about 400 tons of milk produced in Indonesia,” added Marco.
Over the last two years, FFI has
also funded a further Rp2 billion on additional training, education and socialization activities for the farmers. This project
is part of a continuing Rp600 bil-
lion investment by FFI on its dairy
development program for Indonesian dairy farmers in the last seven years.
The initial technical funding
was used for improving farming
facilities and equipment such as:
• Building seven demo farms
with designs and equipment so
that dairy farmers can adopt
and adapt based on their individual capacity
• Provision of laboratory and field
equipment for testing and controlling milk quality
Other use of the initial funding
include training and counseling
FFI also added further on top
of the initial technical funding for
training and development of field
supervisors and staff of KPBS
along with socialization efforts to
ensure that every farmer member
has access to the project information and consultation is available
for all.
FFI Fresh Milk Development
Program started in 2000 in West,
Central, and East Java and involved the North Bandung Farmers Cooperative (KPSBU) in Lembang; the Village Unit Cooperative
(KUD) in Mojosongo, Boyolali; the
Eka Putra Jaya Dairy Cooperative in Bandung; the KSU Rukun Santoso in Blitar; the KUD
Boyongbong in Garut and the
South Bandung Farmers Cooperative (KPBS) in Pangalengan.
This is done in line with Ministry of Agriculture reports that domestic fresh milk production is
not at a maximum level. The problems often faced by dairy farmers
are, among others, lack of farming skills, particularly in relation
to animal health and low feed
quality that triggers poor milk
production and quality. Therefore,
the empowerment of poor farmers
through the help of tools, training
and mentoring is one of the programs of the Ministry Agriculture
The President Post
B2 November 12, 2011
Sriwijaya Air to Operate 32
Planes by End of 2011
Sriwijaya Air has observed its eighth anniversary on November 10, 2011, and
may have flown eight million passengers by the end of this year.
The national private
airline company Sriwijaya Air said it will operate 32 planes up to
the end of this year.
“Right now we already flying
30 planes, and up to the end of
this year there will be two others
bringing their total to 32,” commercial director of Sriwijaya Air
Toto Nursatyo said in Jakarta
Toto said that Sriwijaya Air has
observed its eighth anniversary
on November 10, 2011, and may
have flown eight million passengers by the end of this year. “Last
year 7.2 million passengers and
in view of the growth of the number of its passengers as well as improved perception of our customers, we are optimistic that this
year the Sriwijaya Air would fly
such a big number of passengers,”
he said. Toto said that up to the
middle of this year the number of
passengers had reached 3.5 million.
He said the 30 planes include
12 B-737 200s, 12 B-737 300s
and six B-737 400s, while the two
planes coming early in December are a B-737 300 and a B-737
400,” he said. In the meantime,
next year Toto added Sriwijaya Air
will have another 22 planes and
at the same time phasing out in
stages 12 B-737 200s. “Starting
in April to December 2012, the 12
B-737 200s will be phased out,”
he said.
Next year will see 12 B 737500s, five B 737-800 NGs and another five Embraer E-190s. Toto
said the B-737 500s will be arriv-
ing in April, 737-800NGs in May,
and the Embraers each one from
August to December.
Toto also said starting next
year Sriwijaya, along with the rejuvenation of its planes, the airline company will also have business classes. “These C classes will
accommodate the consumers` requests like government, private
officials and businessmen,” he
So, he said, the number of business class seats in each flight
will be eight, and the rest will be
economy class seats. In addition,
Toto also explained a number of
progresses of Sriwijaya Air. “Already operating is an electronic
ticket reservation program at the
head office and branch offices,” he
Antam to Issue Rp 4t Bonds
State-owned mining company PT Aneka Tambang
(Antam) will be offering its first
stage sustainable bonds worth
Rp4 trillion.
In its brief announcement
on Wednesday, the company
said it will issue and offer the
bonds at a fixed interest of not
more than Rp1.5 trillion.
The bonds consist of two series namely series A with a period of seven years, and series
B ten years. The bonds will be
offered with a value of 100%
of the main interest paid in every three months according to
the date of the bond interest payment.
It was also said that the Rp4
trillion will be used as investment,
including routine investment in
the company`s business unit to
support infrastructure construction and development projects as
well as the purchase of machinery
and production equipment worth
Rp800 billion (20%), and Rp 3.2
trillion (80%) will be used for business development and expansion.
Acting as bond emission
guarantors were PT Deutsche
Mandiri Sekuritas, and PT
Standard Chartered Securities Indonesia, while Bank Permata as bond mandate.
The bonds will be publicly offered on December 6 to 9, 2011
and registration at the Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) on
December 15, 2011. The bonds
had enjoyed an AA rating from
PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (Pefindo).
SIEW 2011 Brings Together World’s Leading
Conferences, Exhibitions, Workshops
By Jeannifer Filly Sumayku
been organized to tap on the
industry’s growth opportunities. With the participation of
many of the world’s leaders
in the industry, this is also
shaping up to be one of the
key solar-related events in
the region.. I am encouraged
to see that the solar industry
is gaining momentum as we
ride this wave of cleantech
growth opportunities.”
The Singapore International Energy Week (SIEW)
is an annual week-long platform for energy professionals, policymakers and commentators to discuss and
share best practices and solutions within the global energy space.
The appetite for economic development and urban
progress, coupled with climate change concerns and
the development of more efficient energy technologies, is
driving change among consumers and energy industries.
The 4th Annual SIEW 2011
is the foremost platform for
top policymakers, industry
players and commentators to
discuss energy issues, strategies and solutions. SIEW
2011 brings together the
world’s leading conferences,
exhibitions, workshops and
networking events in one
week, in one location. Covering key issues such as oil &
gas, energy trading, clean energy and smart grids, SIEW
2011 provides the ideal focal
point to discuss energy security through the generation
of ideas and exchange of best
First held in 2008, SIEW
is organized by the Singapore Energy Market Authority (EMA), a statutory board
formed in 2001 under the aegis of the Ministry of Trade
and Industry. EMA is tasked to
promote effective competition in
the energy market, ensure a reliable and secure energy supply,
and develop a dynamic energy
sector in Singapore.
“Since its inaugural run in
2008, SIEW has taken off with
considerable momentum, as governments and companies across
the world have found it to be a useful focal point for fruitful conversations and partnerships... In the
long run, we aim to grow SIEW
into the premier regional platform
where policymakers and key decision-makers come together to
map out sustainable solutions for
the future.” Chee Hong Tat, Chief
Executive Energy Market Authority of Singapore.
One of the prominent pro-
grams at SIEW 2011 was the Inaugural PV Asia Pasific Conference. The new conference is held
in close collaboration with the PV
ASIA PASIFIC EXPO. The Chairman of PV Asia Pacific Conference 2011, Prof. Joachim Luther
stated, “With this Inaugural Conference, we aim to initiate annual PV conferences of international
standing in South East Asia.”
At the opening of PV ASIA PACIFIC EXPO and ASIAN PV Industry ASSOCIATION, Lee Yi
Shan, Minister of State for National Development and Trade &
Industry of Singapore said, “The
Expo serves as a gathering of key
decision makers and is a marketplace for the exchange of ideas
to grow the sector. This is an industry with great potential and it
is timely that the PVAP Expo has
is the Asia Pacific’s leading
business platform for solar
energy that gathers players
from all the aspects of photovoltaic technology, including manufacturing and applications. Various programs
such as the Solar Leaders Summit, PV Asia Pacific Conference, and exhibition
cover key PV issues including government incentives,
development trends, technical upgrading, conversion efficiency, PV systems, smart
grid connection, financing
and risks, among others.
At the conference, the latest scientific results that directly aim at reducing the
cost of solar electricity were
presented. The integration of
large quantities of fluctuating solar power into the electricity grids is another main
topic. A dedicated session
was focused on “PVs for the
Asia-Pacific region” (module
technologies, building integration, power plants, rural
electrification and solar electricity for mega-cities in the
Asia-Pacific region).
Alama nda Tower
Work. Nature. Balance
“ lamanda Tower grows from
the floor of a tropical oasis...
it will be a unique, inspired
place to work and connect...”
Darryl Yamamoto, AIA
Principal, DYXY Architecture + Interiors
Reputa ble Developer
Marketing Office
Graha Irama, 15th Floor Unit A
Jl. HR Rasuna Said Blok X-1
Kavlling 1-2, Jakarta 12950
Phone: (62-21) 526 1357, 526 1358
Fax: (62-21) 526 1460
Mobile: (62-21) 87885001616
Marketing Consultant
PT Cushman & Wakefield Indonesia
Indonesia Stock Exchange Building 2, 15/F
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 52-53, Jakarta 12190
A development led by KAARYA Development, a well-reputed and awardwinning developer of Menara Karya, Menara Kadin and Cyber 2 Tower.
Alamanda Tower is a GREENSHIP Registered Project and under green
building certification process by Green Building Council Indonesia. The
owner and project team are targeting GREENSHIP Gold level to pledge
commitment of green building. Our green features are double glazing,
use of recycle water, low cooling load in tenancy area, low energy lighting
and ample landscaped area.
The President Post
November 12, 2011 B3
General Motors Starts
Building Assembly
Plant in Bekasi
The plant will produce passenger cars to meet export and
dometic demand and absorb 800 workers.
PT General Motors
(GM) Indonesia, an authorized GM car distributor, has started
building an assembly
plant in Bekasi, West Java, with
a capacity of 40,000 units a year
with an investment of $150 million.
“We have conducted a ground
breaking for the plant construction. This shows our seriousness
in developing business in Indonesia,” the president director of GM
Indonesia, Marcos Purty, said
here on Friday.
Marcos said the plant stands
on an area of 11 hectares. GM also
plans to develop a 600 square meter garden to make the plant`s environment good.
Marcos Purty
President Director of GM Indonesia
“We appeal to all contractors
to prioritize and implement safety regulations in the project,” he
said. He said the project is expected to finish in 2013. The plant will
produce passenger cars to meet
export and dometic demand and
absorb 800 workers.
Marcos said the GM plant in
Bekasi will join with the GM manufacturing facility in Rayong,
Thailand. The plant will strengthen market penetration in Southeast Asia. “The two facilities certainly will use local component
supplies. We will also widen dealer networks in Thailand and Indonesia to spur sales,” he said.
GM is the US automotive giant
and global car maker second only
to Toyota. GM is now focussing
on four brands namely Chevrolet,
GMC, Buick and Cadillac. GM entered Indonesia through Chevrolet or better known as Chevy. This
year’s sales of the brand reached
5,000 units.
Two Japanese Firms Ready
to Relocate Plants to Indonesia
Two Japanese companies are
ready to relocate their plants from
Thailand to Indonesia because of
protracted flooding in the former,
an official said.
“Because of the floods we have
received a request from Japanese
automotive and electronic manufacturers to relocate their plants
from Thailand to Indonesia,” the
deputy for industry and trade to
the coordinating minister for economic affairs, Edy Putra Irawady
said here on Tuesday.
Edy said at least four compa-
nies, three of them from Japan
and one from Europe, intended
to relocate their plants to Indonesia. The companies were automotive and electronic manufacturers
which were currently operating in
Thailand, he said.
“Two of the four companies are
really new investors, while two others intend to relocate their plants
and they are Japanese companies,” he said. “They phoned us to
ask what incentives the Indonesian government can give to them
if they relocate their plants here.
For instance, will they receive tax
holiday or not?”
Asked whether they were largescale automotive and electronic manufacturers such as Honda
and Nissan, he said they were in
the same class as the two Japanese companies. He said two automotive companies which intended to expand their investment in
Indonesia were Toyota and Mercedes Benz. Toyota planned to
raise its investment by Rp7 trillion next year.
BANK CREDITS: Total credit disbursed by banks in Indonesia until the end of this year reached around Rp. 1.739.27 trillion. Of these
amount, BRI (Bank Rakyat Indonesia) provided the largest amount with Rp. 276.299 trillion, or 13.2% of total national loans.
The President Post/Nandi Nanti
Taiwanese Investors Eyeing
Bengkulu’s Fisheries, Iron, Coal
Taiwanese investors who
have been eyeing fisheries
potentials in the waters of
Bengkulu province have begun to discuss their investment plans with local authorities.
“The Taiwan investors
have been eyeing our fishery potentials since 2006,
and have visited Bengkulu
for further talks on their investment plans,” Zainal Abidin, Assistant Secretary of
the Bengkulu provincial administration, said here.
The Bengkulu provincial government had in 2006 signed a
memorandum of understanding
(MoU) with the association to cooperate in the fisheries sector.
But the implementation of the
MoU was halted due to the financial crisis in 2007, and it was to
expire in 2011. “Therefore, today`s
discussion was on a plan to renew
the memorandum of understanding made in 2006 and they plan to
visit Bengkulu again,” he said.
The second Memorandum of
Understanding would have two
new points, namely on coopera-
Indocement Invests $100 million
PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa, producer of Tiga Roda cement, has invested $100 million
this year in the construction of
a cement mill in Citereup, West
“Construction is scheduled for
completion in 2013. The money
will came from our own budget,”
Indocement`s deputy financial director Thomas Suryandi said in
Jakarta Monday.
He said the investment fund
is also used for several optimizing projects at the Citereup plant,
logistic project, several batch-
ing plants and new mixer trucks
for expansion of ready-made enterprises. Indocement also purchased new crushers to increase
its aggregates.
Up to the third quarter this
year, Indocement raised its sales
by 21 pct to Rp9.7 trillion, compared to the Rp8.1 trillion in last
year`s same period. “An increase
in the domestic cement market
had a positive effect on our performance,” Thomas said. He added
that domestic sales increased by
16.4% to 10.9 million tons, while
Indocement`s market share from
31.1% to 31.3%.
He said the sales increase
was encouraged by the large demands in the private sector, especially in housing and high-rise
buildings.Cement sales in Java,
Indocement`s main market, increased 19.2%.
Nevertheless, he said, the export sales increased 39% to 0.5
million tons, apparently due to
the focus of the company on meeting the increased demands on the
domestic market. “Net profits increased 8.8% to Rp2.5 trillion,” he
tion in two other sectors : iron ore
and coal, Zainal said.
Meanwhile, the chairman of the
Indonesia-Taiwan Goodwill Association, Malik Hasan Ahmadi, said
the Taiwanese businessmen`s investment plan had received a positive response from the Bengkulu provincial government. “Firstly,
we will renew the existing memorandum of cooperation which is to
expire soon because there are several other sectors that interest the
Taiwanese businessmen like iron
ore and coal,” he said.
As to the Taiwanese investors`
interest in fisheries, Bengkulu
was chosen because of its proximity to the Indian Ocean where
a lost of tuna fishing activity was
going on.
Besides exploring Bengkulu`s
fisheries potential, the iron ore
potentials in Seluma and Kaur
districts had also attracted the
Taiwanese investors. “We are targeting revenues for Bengkulu
Province to reach up to Rp3 trillion to Rp 5 trillion from the three
sectors, namely fisheries, iron ore
and coal mining,” Malik said.
The President Post
B4 November 12, 2011
Indonesia Australia Business Council
IABC Business
Conference &
ABA Regional
Business Forum
This year’s conference is the 30th regular conference of the IABC
and AIBC – boosted this year through an important additional role
as the Regional Business Forum of Australian Business Asia. ABA
is the combined voice of Australian-related chambers and councils
operating in various parts of Asia. This is the 4th Regional Business
Forum, and the first to be held in Indonesia, and the first to be held
under the newly created ABA banner.
business councils
and chambers
which look after
Australian-related interests
recently formed
Australian Business Asia to give
themselves a common identity
and voice where the need arises.
It is currently operated out of the
AustCham office in Singapore.
The objectives of the conference
and forum are:
• To reinforce the common interests of Indonesia, Australia and
Asia generally.
• To assist delegates to network
within business and government circles and to develop
strategic links.
• To provide up-to-date analyses of issues to assist business
to approach and handle them
• To provide practical and relevant information and contacts
– particularly through country-specific sessions on investment.
• To provide an informal environment to enable participants
to benefit in the maximum possible way.
The program spread over two
full days of business sessions
(Friday and Saturday) – with ABA
representatives having the oppor-
tunity to meet beforehand. Formalities were kept to a minimum
and the focus was on networking to encourage stronger commercial links. The format of the
Conference was generally plenary sessions with either a keynote
speaker or panels of speakers.
However, there will be two sessions of country-specific breakout sessions.
Topics within presentations
• Politics & Economy
• Trade and Investment
• Resource & Infrastructure
• Bilateral Cooperation
• Taxation and Manpower and
other everyday challenges
About IABC
The Indonesia Australia Business Council (IABC) is a business
association representing private
sector business interests in commercial relations between Indonesia and Australia.
Established in 1989, the IABC
is a result of the merger between
DKSPIA or Dewan Kerja Sama
Pengusaha Indonesia Australia
(Association of Indonesian and
Australian Businessmen) and
the Australian Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia (Austcham).
The two major business groups
had operated in Indonesia for 15
years before the merger.
The IABC is affiliated with the
Indonesian Chamber of Com-
The President Post
November 12, 2011 B5
Indonesia Australia Business Council
The mission of the Indonesia Australia
Business Council is to provide a convivial
networking organization for companies,
organizations and business people of all
nationalities involved or interested in
business between Indonesia and Australia.
merce and Industry (Kadin Indonesia), and
works very closely with the Indonesian Government and the Australian Embassy in Jakarta.
This allows the IABC to represent the business
and commercial interests of Indonesian and
Australian businesses engaged in investment
and bilateral trade at Government levels. The
IABC also cooperates closely with its sister organization in Australia, the Australia Indonesia Business Council (AIBC).
The IABC is governed by an Executive Board
elected by the membership every two years.
The Executive Board is supported by a National Secretariat, which is run by a professional
team headed by an Executive Director. Currently there are IABC Branches in Central Java
(Semarang) and East Java (Surabaya). The Bali
Branch is in the process of re-establishment.
The mission of the Indonesia Australia Business Council is to provide a convivial networking organization for companies, organizations
and business people of all nationalities involved
or interested in business between Indonesia
and Australia.
About ABA
Australia Business Asia (ABA) is the name
given to a grouping of 16 Australian chambers
of commerce and business councils throughout
Asia. The mission is to provide a collective voice
for Australian business operating throughout
the region.
Australian Business Asia provides the umbrella for its constituent groups to come together on critical advocacy issues involving Australian business across the region. It also provides
a platform for joint activities, reciprocal arrangements and for exchange of information
and ideas between the member groups.
Australians have been doing business in
Asia for a long time, often meeting over a drink
to discuss issues they were experiencing in developing their business interests.
From these very informal get-togethers
evolved business groups or chambers of commerce, providing a broader range of services to
their local Australian business communities.
In some cases, like Indonesia and Malaysia,
the emphasis has been on two-way bilateral
trade and therefore their membership reflects a
strong local as well as Australian flavor.
With other chambers like in Laos, Japan,
Taipei and Philippines, Australian business
joined with New Zealand business to create
joint chambers with stronger voices.
Finally there are the groups whose focus
is on representing Australian business interests in the host country, in countries like Singapore, Vietnam, Hong Kong & Macau, Korea,
Thailand and the chambers in Beijing, Shanghai and Fujian.
With the regionalization and globalization
of business, the various independent groups
around the region found they were being asked
to comment on common issues.
The various groups had been talking about
regional co-operation and had agreed on various exchange programs as early as 2001. They
had associated together since 2006 on holding
a regional forum, first in Singapore and then
in Thailand.
At the 2010 regional forum in Hong Kong,
12 Australian business groups from across the
Asia region agreed to come together under the
banner Australian Business Asia. This group
has since grown to 16 members.
The President Post
B6 November 12, 2011
Executive Highlights
BKPM said Realized
FDI for Q3 2011
Reached US$5.2
billion, Up 15.7% from
a Year Earlier
Gita Wirjawan, BKPM chairman
and newly appointed trade minister, said the rise in realized FDI
highlighted Indonesia’s resilience
amid economic uncertainties in
Europe and the U.S. On a sector basis, Q3 realized FDI was led
by transportation and communications (US$1.1 billion); mining (US$900 million); metals, machinery and electronics (US$600
million); power, gas and water
utilities (US$500 million) and the
chemical and pharmaceutical sectors (US$300 million). The BKPM
figures do not include FDI in the
financial and oil and gas sectors.
Based on investment location,
realized FDI was led by Greater Jakarta (US$1.4 billion); West
Java (US$900 million); Banten
(US$800 million); Papua (US$400
million) and Bali (US$300 million). Based on country of origin, realized FDI for Q3 was led
by Singapore (US$1.3 billion); the
U.S. (US$500 million); the Netherlands (US$400 million); South
Korea (US$400 million) and Japan (US$400 million).
The IMF said Bank
Indonesia should be
Prepared to Tighten
Monetary Policy
acceleration master plan (MP3EI).
The association is currently forecasting 2012 cement sales to rise
by 10% y-o-y.
Parliament Passed
a Long-anticipated
Law Establishing
the Powerful and
Financial Oversight
Agency (OJK)
The OJK will take over the regulation of the capital markets, insurers and pension funds currently done by the capital markets
supervisory board (Bapepam).
It will also assume the supervision of commercial banks, a function currently held by BI. The
new watchdog will begin supervising the capital markets, insurers, pension funds and other non-bank institutions starting
January 2013. The agency’s oversight of commercial banks, meanwhile, will start a year later. The
OJK will be led by a nine-member
board, comprising one representative each from the finance ministry and BI, and seven members
selected by the president and vetted by parliament. A major sticking point delaying the law’s passage, parliament’s insistence that
they have their own representatives in the OJK, was resolved after the legislature yielded to demands from industry players that
the agency be free from political
to be completed by 2014. Suryadi
said the venture was open to offtake agreements that would allow
other companies to access the gas
supplies transported through the
at 15 million barrels of crude oil
and 700 billion cubic feet of natural gas. The project is expected
to produce 1.1 billion cubic feet of
natural gas and 31,000 barrels of
condensate when production hits
its peak around 2016. With the
acquisition, Chevron will retain a
62% stake in the Rapak and Ganal blocks, and a 72% stake in the
Makassar Strait block. The acquisition marks Sinopec’s return
to Indonesia after its withdrawal
in 2006.
China’s Sinopec
Group has Completed
its Acquisition of
an 18% Stake in
Chevron’s GendaloGehem Deep Water
Project in a US$680 Engineering Firm
million Deal.
Leighton said it Has
Secured a US$600
WATER PROJECT IN A US$680 its Expansion in
MILLION DEAL. The US$6 billion
project is located offshore East Ka- Indonesia
limantan at a depth of 500-1,900
m and includes the Rapak, Ganal
and Makassar Straits blocks. The
project includes one producing oil
field and five oil and gas fields that
have yet to be developed. Total recoverable reserves are estimated
Selected Instant Indicators
EXCHANGE RATE 2009 - 2010
100 YEN (LHS)
POLICY, following its annual consultations with Indonesian financial authorities recently. BI cut its
benchmark rate by 25 bp to a record low 6.5% earlier this month
on a moderate inflation outlook
and concerns over growth. The
IMF, however, warned that a closing output gap, accelerating credit
growth and high inflation expectations as consumers anticipate
possible increases in electricity
and fuel prices could push core
inflation higher in the second half
of this year and into 2012. Assessing Indonesia’s growth outlook, the IMF said the economy remained robust despite increasing
global turbulence. It said Indonesia’s growth profile has become
more balanced, with investment
contributing to consumption and
exports as the main engines of
growth. The IMF is projecting
growth of 6-6.5% for 2011 and
2012 assuming no further deterioration of global conditions, with
investment increasingly driving
Indonesia’s economic expansion.
The Indonesian
Cement Association
(ASI) is Projecting
2011 Cement Sales to
Rise by 10% Y-O-Y to
44 million Tons
RISE BY 10% Y-O-Y TO 44 MILLION TONS. The forecast was revised upward from 6% previously
on better than expected demand
from infrastructure and real estate projects in Java. For the January-September period, cement
sales totaled 34.3 million tons,
up 16.3% y-o-y. On a geographical basis, sales were led by Java
at 18.8 million tons (up 19.2% yo-y), Sumatra at eight million
tons (14.6%), Sulawesi at 2.5 million tons (14.6%), Kalimantan at
2.4 million tons (14.7%) and East
Nusa Tenggara at two million tons
(12.2%). In contrast, Papua and
Maluku saw cement sales decline
12.5% y-o-y for the January-September period to 600,000 tons.
ASI chairman Urip Timuryono expects cement demand to be robust
in Q4, which is usually a strong
quarter with the government implementing a large portion of its
capital expenditure plans. Urip
said that despite global economic
uncertainties, ASI members were
confident sales would grow next
year as the government begins to
fully implement its infrastructure
Northstar Pacific
Partners has Raised
US$820 million from
Global Investors to
Invest in Indonesia
investment fund to date. Northstar and its international partner
TPG Capital had initially sought
US$500 million, but raised the
ceiling after receiving US$1.5 billion in potential commitments. Interest was high despite the recent
turmoil in the global financial
markets, with investors looking to
exploit Indonesia’s long-term economic growth prospects and fast
expanding middle class. Among
Northstar’s current holdings include controlling stakes in midsized lender Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional (BTPN) and coal
mining contractor Delta Dunia
Makmur. Northstar is also currently finalizing the acquisition of
a 20% stake in tire producer Multistrada Arah Sarana for US$63
million. Multistrada is Indonesia’s second-largest tire manufacturer, producing more than eight
million tires per year. Northstar
is run by former Goldman Sachs
executive Patrick Walujo.
Dec J-11
S&P 500
IDX - Jakarta
Dec J-11
A 700-KM, US$750 MILLION
supplies for its gas-fired power
plants in Java. The pipeline will
have a capacity of 1,000-1,200 billion British thermal units per day
(bbtud) and will be developed in a
venture with Petragas, a subsidiary of Pertamina. Suryadi Mardjoek, head of PLN’s oil and gas division, said the pipeline will link
up with various gas storage sites
across Java, including the floating storage regasification unit
(FSRU) now under construction
in Jakarta Bay and the Kangean
and Cepu gas blocks in East Java.
He said the pipeline would allow
PLN to readily address gas shortages that their power facilities in
Java frequently face with gas supplied from other parts of the island. Construction of the pipeline
will start next year, and is slated
Marga Lingkar
Jakarta has Secured
a Rp1.6 trillion Loan
Facility to Fund
Construction of the
7.7-Km Kebon JerukUlujami Toll Road
State Power Utility
PLN Announced
Plans to Build a 700km, US$750 million
Trans Java Pipeline
minister Bambang Susantono
said the ministry was currently
evaluating potential sites together
with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). He said
the airport would likely be built
in Cikarang or Karawang, which
are located near key industrial
centers. Bambang said the government aims to hold an international tender next year under its
public-private partnership (PPP)
scheme, and plans for construction to start in 2013. The deputy
minister said the new airport was
crucial to support the region’s expanding economy. He said that
Soekarno-Hatta international airport would be inadequate to support passenger growth over the
medium-term given the limited
availability of land to expand the
facility. The new airport will be
designed to serve 65 million passengers per year initially, which is
double Soekarno-Hatta airport’s
current capacity.
The Transportation
Ministry said the
Government was
Moving Forward with
Plans to Build a New,
Multi-billion dollar
International Airport
East of Jakarta
chief financial officer Peter Gregg
said the funding would help the
firm increase its exposure in Indonesia’s booming infrastructure
and construction markets. He
said the facility, provided by ANZ
and a syndicate of nine banks,
also highlighted the firm’s ability
to secure funding despite current
uncertainties in the global financial markets. Earlier this month,
Leighton subsidiary Thiess was
awarded a US$500 million contract extension by coal producer Bayan Resources for the operation of their Teguh Abadi and
Firman Ketaun Perkasa mines in
East Kalimantan. Leighton also
has mining contracts for leading
coal miners Kaltim Prima Coal
and Tanito Harum in Kalimantan, as well as the Toka Tindung
Gold Mine in North Sulawasi.
Deposit Rate
Interbank Call Rate
US$ Bn
Trade Balance*
US$ Mn
Net FX Reserves
J-11 Feb
*Starting Jan08 Imports using General Trade System
JAKARTA. The lenders were Bank
Mandiri, which provided a loan
of Rp1.4 trillion, and Bank DKI
which provided the remainder.
Marga Lingkar president director
Sonhadji Surahman said the loan
would finance around 70% of the
construction costs.
Construction will start this year, with commercial operations slated for end2013. The company has awarded
the construction contract to state
engineering firms Adhi Karya
and Wijaya Karya. Sonhadji said
once the Kebun Jeruk-Ulujami
toll road is completed, the whole
57-km Jakarta Outer Ring Road
(JORR) would be fully connected. This would allow trucks and
vehicles going to industrial centers like Tangerang and Banten,
currently a source of traffic congestion in Jakarta, to bypass the
capital. Marga Lingkar Jakarta is
jointly owned by state toll road operator Jasa Marga and the Jakarta provincial government.
ENIM ENERGI IN A US$46 MILLION DEAL. The acquisition will
raise Adaro’s stake in the miner to 61%. Adaro president director Garibaldi Thohir said the purchase would help the firm, which
currently produces most of its
coal from Kalimantan, strengthen its foothold in South Sumatra
as it expands mining operations
in the region. Earlier this month
Adaro also spent US$18 million to
acquire a minority stake in South
Sumatra coal logistics firm Servo
Meda Sejahtera. Bukit Enim has
a 20-year mining concession over
an 11,000 hectare area in Muara
Enim, with coal reserves estimated at 110 million tons. The Astra Group’s United Tractors also
owns a 20% in Bukit Enim.
Japan’s Toshiba is
Investing US$40
million in a New
U.S.-based Investment Facility for Washing
Fund Saban Capital Machines
has Acquired a 5%
Stake in Leading
company said the facility would
US$78 Million Deal
be built at the East Jakarta inU.S.-BASED
US$78 MILLION DEAL. It is the
first acquisition in Southeast Asia
for Saban Capital. As part of the
deal, the investment fund will
have a 27-month call option to acquire an additional 2.5% stake in
MNC. MNC also agreed to boost
its dividend payout to 45% of income starting in 2012. Saban
Capital chief executive Haim Saban said he was a strong believer in Indonesia’s long-term growth
prospects, and said MNC would
be a prime beneficiary of the country’s burgeoning consumer economy. MNC’s operations include
three free-to-air broadcasting networks, RCTI MNC TV and Global
TV, which combined have around
40% of the country’s TV audience
share. MNC is controlled by media mogul Hary Tanoesoedibjo.
Hary said the deal would provide
MNC with a strategic partner that
would help it achieve long-term,
sustainable growth.
Adaro Energy has
Acquired a 46% Stake
in Green Field Coal
Mining Firm Bukit
Enim Energi in a
US$46 Million Deal
dustrial park, adjacent to its LCD
TV production facility. Construction will start next month, with
commercial operations slated for
mid-2012. Toshiba said the new
facility would ultimately allow the
firm to double its global production capacity of twin-tub washing machines to one million units
by 2015 from 500,000 units currently. The firm said the project
was part of its global strategy to
expand its home appliances business into high-growth markets
like Southeast Asia. Toshiba said
Indonesia was its largest and fastest-growing market in the region,
with sales projected to account for
50% of the company’s total sales
in Southeast Asia from 30% currently..
Business Highlights are
contributed to The President
Cita from information supplied
to members of their CEO
Forum, the Indonesia Country
Program. They are reprinted
here with permission. For
more information about
CASTLEASIA programs,
please contact Juliette or
Wijayanti at 62 21 572 7321 or
subject CEO Forum
The President Post
November 12, 2011 B7
Microsoft Family Campaign
Enhances Family Relationships
Microsoft Indonesia has launched “Microsoft Family
Campaign” to overcome time and space constraints
in family relationships in the context of modern life,
through a collaboration between Microsoft products
and PC manufacturers.
By Jeannifer Filly Sumayku
Working in big
cities marked
by traffic congestions
family members to
meet with each other daily—they
meet on average only 1-4 hours
a day. Thus members of modern
families nowadays use technology
to keep in touch with each other.
Microsoft has conducted a survey through the MSN portal on
“Families and Technology 2011”
in September 2011, covering over
3,700 respondents in seven countries in Asia, namely China, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore,
Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia.
This survey aims to understand
the various ways families utilize
and combine technology in everyday life. The trend that emerges is
that every family loves personal
gadgets and enjoys communicating with new technology.
“The survey shows that technology has become an intrinsic
part of our daily lives. People in
Indonesia believe that technology helps them to communicate
and connect with their families
better. Therefore, Microsoft and
its partners facilitate these needs
through products and technology, “said Bobby Suadi, Windows
Business Group Lead Microsoft
The campaign is not just a sales
event; Microsoft together with its
partners also offer the kind of
technology that can be utilized
to assist communications among
members of a family.
Microsoft brings more choices
for Indonesian families in choosing a PC Windows 7, which corresponds to the needs of each family
member. The program is supported by Acer, Asus, HP, Toshiba, Lenovo, Dell, SONY, Samsung, Fujitsu, Zyrex, Toshiba, Wearnes,
Advan and C3Cube, each of which
have advantages in terms of portability, mobility, performance,
design, state-of-the art style,
lightness and multimedia. Three
main retailers, Pazia, IT Gallery
and, also contribute to this program.
With Windows 7, parents can
regulate the use of computers for
their children to protect them from
inappropriate online content. Parental Controls featured in Windows Media Center allows parents to block access to TV shows
and movies that are not suitable
for children.
Other Microsoft technologies
that support this campaign are
Windows Live Essentials, which
comprised of tools for text and video chat (live messenger) as well as
sharing and editing photos/videos
(Live Photo Gallery/Movie Maker),
Internet Explorer 9, Game Explorer, Microsoft Security Essentials
(free antivirus), Windows Media
Player, and many others.
• 34% of Indonesians own 4-6
gadgets, which is about the average for the Asia-Pacific region. The numbers of respondents are quite evenly spread
out across all categories with
almost a quarter (23%) owning
more than 10
• A large number of Indonesians
use SMS to connect with family members (41%), second only
to China in the region (75%).
The telephone is also a popular mode of contact (27%) indicating their usage of telephone.
Instant Messenger ranks third
at 17%.
• 66% of Indonesians turn to
technology to check and see
how family members are doing while 42% use technology
to keep in touch with overseas
family members.
• 63% of Indonesians would
spend up to an hour each day
communicating with remote
loved ones during holiday seasons.
• Most Indonesians (54%) choose
photos as the most often shared
content with their family members.
• 64% of Indonesians will teach
family members to use the Internet to help them stay in
touch regularly. This is followed by the need to share multimedia content (51%).
• 47% of Indonesians regulate
the use of internet (25%) and
gaming hours (22%) at home,
while more than half have no
rules whatsoever.
• 92% of Indonesians think that
technology has had a positive
impact on their family relationships, with 20% stating it has
had a very positive impact.
The role of technology in family connections/relationships across 7 different markets
Microsoft has conducted a survey across South-East Asia and Greater China region on September 2011 to gain
insights into how technology has impacted their family relationships. The research spanned seven countries in
Asia (China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam).
It’s a Great Time to Buy Windows 7
A better desktop. Windows
7 gets you around your PC faster
than ever. The taskbar has bigger
buttons and full-sized previews
— and you can pin programs to
it for one-click access. Jump Lists
provide shortcuts to files, folders,
and websites. And Snap, Peek,
and Shake give you easy (and fun)
new ways to juggle all those open
Smarter search. Type in the
Start menu search box, and you’ll
see results instantly, grouped by
category — documents, pictures,
music, e‑mail, and programs.
Search in a folder or library, and
you can fine-tune your search
with filters like date or file type—
and use the preview pane to peek
at the contents of your results.
Easy sharing with HomeGroup. Sharing files and printers
on your home network should be
simple. With HomeGroup, it finally
is. Connect two or more PCs running
Windows 7, and with a minimum of
fuss you can start sharing music, pictures, videos, and documents with
other people in your home.
Built for speed. Windows 7 has key
performance improvements to take
up less memory and run background
services only when you need them.
It’s designed to run your programs
faster and to sleep, resume, and reconnect to wireless networks quicker.
And with 64-bit support, you can take
full advantage of the latest in powerful
64-bit PCs.
Better wireless networking. Connecting to wireless networks on your
laptop—formerly a bit of a hassle
— now takes just a couple of clicks.
Choose from the list of available networks in the taskbar, click one, and
then connect. Once you’ve connected
to a network, Windows will remember it so you can connect again later
Windows Touch. Use your fingers
to browse the web, flip through photos, and open files and folders on a
touchscreen PC — for the first time,
Windows includes true multitouch
technology. With gestures for zooming, rotating, and even right-clicking,
it’s a whole new way to work with
your PC.
Plays well with devices. Device
Stage, a new feature in Windows 7,
works like a home page for things like
portable music players, smartphones,
and printers. When you plug a compatible device into your PC, you’ll see
a menu with information and popular
tasks like battery life, how many photos are ready to be downloaded, and
printing options.
Media streaming. With new features in Windows Media Player 12,
you can enjoy your media library
around the house — or around town.
Play To lets you stream music, videos,
and photos from your PC to your stereo or TV (you may need additional
hardware). And with Remote Media
Supported by:
The Ritz-Carlton Pacific Place, Jakarta | 5 and 6 October 2011
Grand City Mall & Convex, Surabaya | 23 and 24 November 2011
Kementerian Keuangan
would like to extend the HIGHEST APPRECIATION to
Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Agus Martowardojo for the
official opening of the Investor Summit and Capital Market Expo 2011 in Jakarta
Governor of East Java Province, Mr. Soekarwo for the official opening of the
Investor Summit and Capital Market Expo 2011 in Surabaya
Chairman of Indonesia Capital Market and Financial Institutions Supervisory Agency
(Bapepam-LK), Mrs. Nurhaida
Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Gita Wirjawan
Advisor to the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises of the Republic of Indonesia,
Mr. Sahala Lumban Gaol
Media Partners
Supporting Listed Companies
Streaming, you can even stream
media over the Internet from one
computer running Windows 7 to
another that’s miles away.
Internet Explorer 9 and
Windows Live. Windows 7 unleashes the full power of Internet Explorer 9, from its stunning
hardware-accelerated graphics
to the ability to launch favorite
websites right from your taskbar.
You’ll also get the many possibilities of Windows Live, free: create
photo albums and movies, chat in
HD, and share your stuff anytime,
Nag-free notifications. Action
Center, new in Windows 7, puts
you in control of maintenance
and security messages. You can
turn notifications on or off for
things like Windows Defender or
User Account Control. If Windows
needs your attention, you’ll see a
notification on the far right of the
taskbar. Click it, and you’ll get suggested fixes for any problems.
B8 November 12, 2011
The President Post
Pictorial Events
Breakfast Dialogue
All text and photos by Nandi Nanti
Breakfast Dialogue at Financial Club Jakarta with Ito
Warsito, President Director of PT Bursa Efek Indonesia,
Present at the event were businessmen and professionals,
among others Ali Basyah Suryo, Giuseppe Nicolosi, Bangkit
Kuncoro, Soekartono Prawirodjo, and others.
Hyanto Wihadhi, Director of PT JABABEKA
Tbk. accepting the PROPER 2011 trophy from
the Minister of Environment. Jababeka is one
of the 106 companies that have been honored
PROPER (Program of Corporate Performance
Rating in Environmental Management) for
Green category.
Meanwhile five other companies received
the award for Gold category. The event took
place at Shangrila Hotel and attended by Vice
President Boediono.
The 2nd ASEAN Regional Primary Care
Organization Conference and Exhibition
The 2nd ASEAN Regional Primary Care
Organization Conference and Exhibition
combined with The 7th Annual Scientific
Meeting–Indonesian Association of
Family Physicians 2011 took place at
at Novotel Hotel, Mangga Dua, Jakarta.
The speakers were prominent doctors
from all ASEAN countries.
MOU Pertamina-Jababeka
MOU Signing between SPBU Codo by Pertamina and PT
Jababeka Tbk was held at Jababeka Golf, Cikarang. Hyanto
Wihadhi signed the MOU as Director of PT Jababeka.
The President Post
2011 Review
Display until December 12, 2011 /// N0. 29
to Remember
What will 2011 be
remembered for? Several
events that happened in
2011 continue to remain
topics of conversation
among Indonesians.
By Jeannifer Filly Sumayku
January 24
Crop Circles found in Yogyakarta
Large circle and geometric pattern local residents say were created by a UFO have been found in
a rice field in Krasakan, Jogotirto Village, District Berbah, Sleman, Yogyakarta on 23rd January, 2011. The design consists of
several precise geometric shapes
and patterns with a size of approximately 60 by 70 meters, or
197 by 230 feet.
Thomas Djamaluddin, chief of
astronomy research at Indonesia’s space agency, no investigation will be done on the crop circle simply because they ‘believe’
that there was human intervention with the crop circle and that
no scientific or paranormal cause
would be found anyway. Therefore, any trace evidence of radioactivity or electromagnetic activity won’t be discovered if it is in fact
No matter what, something
spectacular has happened. The
debate about the origin of crop circles still rages. While some circles
have been in fact hoaxed, others
have never been claimed which
leaves many to speculate that it
wasn’t a hoax or the person or
people involved would have wanted to take some sort of credit for
their hard work at some point or
another. Additionally, many crop
circles do in fact emit electromagnetic and/or radioactive energies
where there was none before and
have been known to create physical symptoms in people investigating or visiting the crop circles
including ringing in the ears, dizziness, vertigo, lightheadedness,
and other peculiar signs of abnormal energy at the site.
February 9
Janet Jackson Concert Up Close
and Personal
Janet Jackson’s live concert in
Jakarta was a massive hit. Jackson’s tour bears the title “Janet’s
Number Ones: Up Close and Personal,” and is a celebration of
her second greatest hits collection, “Number
which was
in Novemb e r
Number Ones: Up Close and Personal is the sixth concert tour
by Janet Jackson, described as
her “largest world tour”. The tour
ranked 45th in Pollstar’s “Top 50
Worldwide Tour (Mid-Year)”, earning over 15 million dollars.
The show was held at the Jakarta Convention Center, in which
she put together a well-crafted
performance, peppered with cool
and familiar choreographies combined with an impressive multimedia backdrop.
About 33% thinner than its
predecessor and 15% lighter, the
iPad 2 has a better processor, a
dual core Apple A5 that Apple
says is twice as fast as its predecessor for CPU operations and up
to nine times as fast for GPU operations. It includes front and back
cameras that support the FaceTime video calling application, as
well as a three-axis gyroscope. It
retains the original’s 10-hour battery life and has a similar pricing
March 2
Apple Unveils iPad 2
The iPad 2 has been available
for purchase, depending on stock
availability, since March 11, 2011,
at Apple retail stores in the United States, as well as to United
States customers shopping online
at Apple’s retail website. The iPad
2 was released internationally in
25 other countries on March 25,
2011, including Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Mexico and
the United Kingdom.
Apple releases the iPad 2, offering several improvements over its
predecessor, while not increasing
the price. The iPad 2, like the original, starts at $499. Apple’s competitors in tablets cannot beat or
even match that price. Apple has
sold 15 million of the original since
the iPad’s release last April, generating $9.5 billion in revenue.
March 4 – 6
The Seventh Java Jazz Festival
On its seventh year, Java Jazz
has once again lined up an impressive array of local and international acts that were performing at the Jakarta International
Expo in Kemayoran.
Highlighting the event are two
legendary names in the music
business: Carlos Santana and
George Benson.
Festival organizers said that a
total of 150,000 tickets had been
sold for this year’s festival, breaking the previous record of 103,000
tickets last year.
March 19
The Supermoon
On March 19, Earth’s satellite was at its closest point to
our planet in 18 years – a mere
356,577 kilometers away. The
event – also called a lunar pericontinue to page C2
The President Post
C2 November 12, 2011
2011 Review
from page C1
gee – was dubbed a “supermoon”
by astrologer Richard Nolle back
in the 1970s. The term is used
to describe a new or full moon at
90% or more of its closest orbit to
The size and brightness of an
object follows an inverse-square
law, which means that a full
moon at perigee is 12% larger
and brighter than an average full
The association of the Moon
with both oceanic and crustal
tides has led to claims that the
supermoon phenomenon may be
associated with increased risk of
events such as earthquakes and
volcanic eruptions. However, the
evidence of such a link is widely
held to be unconvincing.
Bieber and Maroon Five
Mesmerized Jakarta
April was a month of dazzling
international artist concerts in Indonesia. On April 23rd 2011, every dream of teenagers and those
young at heart all over Indonesia was fulfilled, as the phenomenal teenage prodigy Justin Bieber came and performed live in
front of some 10,000 audience
at the Sentul International Convention Center, at the outskirt of
Jakarta. The show was a part of
the worldwide tour entitled “My
World” Tour, and marked the first
time ever Justin Bieber performs
in Indonesia.
The Grammy Award-winning
band, Maroon Five, hypnotized
Jakarta when performing the top
tracks from bestselling
with fans during the concert at Istora
Senayan on
April 27th.
April 29
The Royal Wedding
The wedding of Prince William,
Duke of Cambridge, and Catherine Middleton took place on 29
April 2011 at Westminster Abbey in London. Prince William,
the eldest son of Charles, Prince
of Wales, first met Catherine Middleton in 2001, when both were
studying at the University of St
Andrews. Their engagement on
20 October 2010 was announced
on 16 November 2010.
Over 5,000 street parties were
held to mark the Royal Wedding
throughout the United Kingdom
and one million people lined the
route between Westminster Abbey and Buckingham Palace. In
the United Kingdom TV audiences peaked at 26.3 million viewers
with a total of 36.7 million watching part of the coverage. The ceremony was viewed live by tens of
millions more around the world
including 72 million on the YouTube Royal Channel.
June 27
Richard Gere’s Visit to Borobudur
Gere was in Indonesia as part
of his pilgrimage and spiritual
practice in one of the most unique
mandala (centers of the universe)
in the world. Gere realizes Indonesia is a country where compassion
and wisdom originated. He knows
that 1,000 years ago, a renowned
Buddhist philosopher, Atisha Dipankara from Bengali, came to
Indonesia to learn about the perfection of ethics for 12 years in the
Sriwijaya Kingdom in Sumatra,
and Borobudur, before he eventually saved Tibet from moral destruction in the 11th century.
Gere is a practicing Buddhist
and an active supporter of the Dalai Lama as well as a strong advocate of human rights in Tibet.
Gere puts a high premium on the
sincerity and practices of Buddhism, and meditates daily. As he
sees it, meditation helps him set
his motivation for the day.
October 5
Steve Jobs Dies
Steve Jobs, billionaire co-found-
er of Apple and the mastermind
behind an empire of products that
revolutionized computing, telephony and the music industry,
has died in California at the age
of 56.
Jobs stepped down in August
as chief executive of the company he helped set up in 1976, citing
illness. He had been battling an
unusual form of pancreatic cancer, and had received a liver transplant in 2009.
Losing their founder has been
hard for fans and employees of the
company so Apple made a section
“Remembering Steve” on their
website which is made up of tributes and condolences from fans
who wish to express their gratitude.
October 18
Jogja’s Royal Wedding
If London had its royal wedding
earlier this year, the Palace of Yogyakarta Hadiningrat also held
Java’s own grand royal wedding
between Princess Gusti Raden
Ajeng Nur Astuti Wijareni, youngest daughter of the Sultan of Yogyakarta, and Achmad Ubaidillah
from Lampung in Sumatra.
The entire festivities were held
for four days from October 16-19,
2011, with the actual wedding
ceremony taking place on Tuesday, October 18, 2011. The date
chosen for this memorable occasion was carefully determined
through ancient and sophisticated Javanese calculations based
on the dates of birth of both the
bride and the groom.
October 18
Indonesia’s New Cabinet
President Susilo Bambang
Yudhoyono announced a long-anticipated cabinet reshuffle in a bid
to reform his graft-ridden government and improve investor confidence during his last term. The
long-awaited cabinet reshuffle included leadership changes in 12
of the country’s 34 ministries,
focused on improving economic management in a nation hampered by poor infrastructure and
endemic graft.
October 28
David Foster and Friends
Live Concert
David Walter Foster, or David
Foster (62) musician, producer,
singer, songwriter, and composer from Canada performed in Jakarta Convention Center (JCC)
Senayan, South Jakarta, on October 28, 2011.
David Foster was successful in
winning the hearts of the audience at a concert in Jakarta, “Returns Hit Man: David Foster and
Friends Asian Tour 2011”. Last
year, Foster brought along Natalie
Cole, Peter “Chicago” Cetera, Rubben Studdard, Canadian Tenors,
and a new talent from the Philippines, Charice Pempengco. This
year Foster came with Michael
Bolton, Philip Bailey, Ashanti,
Russell Watson, and, again, Charice.
Foster sprung a surprise: Two
Indonesian teenagers, Zaneta
Naomi (13) and Putri Ayu (14), performed. Foster called them “two
great talented singers”. The two
teenagers proved that the maestro
did not chose them in vain. Zaneta looked stunning with “Listen”
(a Beyonce song), and Putri with
her soprano voice brought Andrea
Bocelli singing “Con Te Partiro
(Time to Say Goodbye)”. After recognizing the talents of Zaneta and
Putri, Foster said that he will never stop looking for new stars.
November 2011
Indonesia Overall Champion of
Sea Games XXVI
The 26th Southeast Asian
Games was held in Jakarta and
Palembang, Indonesia, on 11 until
22 November 2011. This marked
Indonesia’s fourth time as host of
the SEA Games; it last hosted the
Games in 1997.
Indonesia garnered 182 Gold
Medals, 151 Silver Medals, 143
Bronze Medals, a total of 476 medals, making it the overall champion of the Games, with Thailand as
The Indonesian Southeast
Asian Games Organizing Committee (INASOC) chairwoman
Rita Subowo handed over the SEA
Games Federation flag to a representative of Myanmar as a gesture
of the continuance of the hosting
work for the next Sea Games in
The 3rd Jababeka International
Cultural Festival
Jababeka International Cultural Festival (JICF) was successfully held for the third time at Indonesia Movieland, Jababeka. This
year’ theme is “The Power of Culture”, featuring live music, dance
and traditional and modern food
The festival is expected to be a
forum to exchange ideas, philosophy, information, art and other
cultural aspects between countries, in order to speed up common understanding and two-way
diplomacy to strengthen relations
between international communities in Indonesia.
Visitors at the festival enjoyed
performances of traditional dances from various regions in Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam and China; traditional music from South
Korea and modern music from the
famous Indonesian d’Masiv.
November 22
Ibas and Aliya Grand Wedding at
President Susilo Bambang
Yudhoyono’s second son, Edhie
“Ibas” Baskoro Yudhoyono, and
Coordinating Economic Minister
Hatta Rajasa’s daughter, Siti Rubi
Aliya Rajasa, were married during an elaborate ceremony at the
Cipanas Palace on Thursday.
An estimated 1,000 people were
invited to the wedding. House of
Representatives Speaker Marzuki
Alie, Great Indonesia Movement
Party (Gerindra) founder Prabowo
Subianto and Golkar Party chairman Aburizal Bakrie were among
the guests.
Outside the palace, Cipanas
residents observed the wedding
on a giant screen erected especially for the occasion.
A number of schools in the area
had shut, with school-aged children joining the crowd watching
the big screen.
Ibas held a Javanese bathing
ritual at Yudhoyono’s private residence in Puri Cikeas, West Java,
attended by a limited number of
guests, mainly members of the
First Family.
the Kutai Kartanegara residents
in East Kalimantan — collapsed
during peak hours. The suspension bridge, which connects Tenggarong Seberang and Tenggarong
City, collapsed when the traffic
was busy, and the bridge was in
the middle of repair work. The accident caused a number of vehicles to fall into the river and killed
at least 21 people
Coordinating Minister for People’s Welfare said the local government had allocated a Rp100 billion to rebuild the bridge while the
rest of the fund for the reconstruction would come from the central
November 30
LA Galaxy vs Indonesia Selection
The LA Galaxy got their Asia
Pacific Tour off to a rousing success with a 1-0 win over the Indonesia Selection on Wednesday
night at Gelora Bung Karno Stadium in Jakarta. Playing in his
first-ever friendly as a member of
the Galaxy, Robbie Keane scored
the game’s only goal in the 14th
minute to give the Galaxy the
win. The team headed to the Philippines on Thursday for the second game of their tour, which conclude in Melbourne, Australia on
December 6.
Galaxy coach, Bruce Arena admitted it wasn’t easy for his team
to achieve a victory over the Indonesia Selection, and he also stated
his opponents had many talented
players. In addition, Arena has
also paid special attention to Andik
Vermansyah and Greg Nwokolo. According to the former United
national team
coach, they
for a trial by
the LA Galaxy.
November 28
Tenggarong Bridge
The 710 meter, longest suspension bridge
in Indonesia — pride of
The President Post
November 12, 2011 C3
PEC: The Club for Public Private Partnership
usiness people are often judged as persons
only interested in profit. Apparently, that
is not the case with Indonesian business
people, at least the tycoons who founded
the President Executive Club (PEC). For in
reality, they are also deeply concerned with
the social, economic, and political issues in Indonesia
and, perhaps more importantly, are making efforts to
create a better Nation and People.
There are four important goals that they aim for.
Firstly, poverty alleviation. Secondly, creating a social
structure to prevent the growth of fundamentalism or
extremism. Thirdly, enhancing rule of law that meets
the people’s sense of justice. Fourthly, raising the ethical
standards of all levels of society.
They also realize that political leadership has a huge
impact on the pace and the success rate of their efforts.
In fact, without sound political leadership, these efforts
can hardly bring about results. As such, they devote
strong attention to promote the conditions in which
good political leaders can be identified and elected. Their
criteria of sound political leaders are integrity, strong
advocacy for pluralism, good leadership and management acumen. As they are committed to see PEC as a
non-partisan organization, the founders are not affiliated to any political party. However, they are set to play
an active role in supporting activities that will produce
great political leaders for this great country.
SD Darmono, 62
Arifin Panigoro, 66
SD Darmono is the initiator of
the Club. Several years ago he realized that Indonesia needed an
informal forum for Business People, Government Officials, and Intellectuals to discuss and resolve
many national issues. Thanks to
his perseverance, this Club came
into being with prominent people
as co-founders. Today, SD Darmono is at the helm of the Club as
Arifin is the Founder and Owner of Medco Group, an oil and gas
company that has expanded its
line of business into energy (power plants) and agroindustry. Its
business coverage extends to Libya and other countries.
SD Darmono is the Founder and
President Director of Cikarang,
West Java-based listed property
company PT Jababeka, the developer of the country’s (and Southeast Asia’s) largest industrial estate. The township, which covers
5,600 hectares or 10% of Jakarta, has expanded over the years to
include residential homes, a university, hospitals, a botanical garden, a golf course, Movieland and
a dry port.
He has widely acclaimed as one
of the most creative business persons: he turned undeveloped land
into one of the most advance industrial properties in Indonesia.
One of the institutions he built is
President University, a truly global university in Cikarang that
two years ago, Dr. Boen has been
focusing on his Stem Cell & Cancer Institute.
He is ranked 12th in Forbes Indonesia’s 40 Richest in 2011, with
a net worth of $2 billion.
Ciputra, 80
His Ciputra Group, which he
founded as a property developer,
is a conglomerate of eight listed
companies. Ciputra controls five
business groups, namely Jaya,
Metropolitan, Pondok Indah,
Bumi Serpong Damai, and Ciputra Development, all of whose core
business is property.
His new town projects cover
Greater Jakarta to Surabaya and
Vietnam with a total area of over
20,000 hectares. The 11 new cities are Bumi Serpong Damai,
Pantai Indah Kapuk, Puri Jaya,
CitraRaya Nuance City Arts, City
Park Bintaro Jaya, Pondok Indah,
Citra Indah, Taman Metropolitan
City, CitraRaya Surabaya, Sidoarjo New City, and Citra Westlake
City Hanoi, Vietnam. His commercial property projects are very
classy and a trend- setter in its
field. Moreover, the projects also
have become magnets for growth
in the surrounding areas.
Ciputra is ranked 27th in
Forbes Indonesia’s 40 Richest in
2011 with a net worth of $950
Popularly known as Doctor
Boen, he has a PhD in pharmacology. In 1966 he founded Kalbe Farma with five siblings and
built it into country’s largest listed pharma outfit, which recently started selling healthy drinks
made by Thailand’s Tipco Foods.
Kalbe has also branched out to
research and development, which
is conducted by a company based
in Singapore, Innogene Kalbiotec
Pte Ltd. Since stepping down as
Kalbe’s president commissioner
Juwono Sudarsono, 69
Theodore P. Rachmat, 68
Juwono Sudarsono has served
as Vice Governor of the National Defence College or Lemhannas (1995-1998); Minister of State
for the Environment (1998) under President Soeharto; Minister for Education and Culture
(1998-1999) under President B.J.
Habibie; Minister for Defence
(1999-2000) under President Abdurrahman Wahid; Ambassador to the United Kingdom (20032004) under President Megawati
Soekarnoputri; and Minister for
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
Teddy Rachmat began his career at Astra Internasional, rising from the bottom to the position of President Director. After he
resigned from Astra, he founded
Adira Finance, whose market value quickly rose and was later sold
with a hefty profit. His Triputra
Group owns several companies in
coal mining, palm oil plantations,
and energy.
Apart from his interests in defense strategy, management and
planning, Juwono Sudarsono
strongly believes in “non-military
defence”, including the defence of
human resources and skills, of
science and technology, as well as
the defence of social justice and
cultural values as constant processes of nation and character
Eddie Lembong is Founder and
President Director of PT Pharos, one of the largest and leading pharmaceutical companies
in Indonesia. PT Pharos Indonesia produces a wide range of ethical, OTC, generics, and specialty
lines, including licensed manufacturing for multinational pharmaceutical companies.
Eddie is also a social activist;
he is the founder of Perhimpunan
INTI (the Chinese-Indonesian Association) that promotes the roles
of ethnic Chinese-Indonesians. He
also founded Yayasan Nabil (Nabil
Foundation). Nabil is the acronym
for Nation Building.
Teddy is also a highly respected figure within Indonesian government circles. He is a member
of the Dewan Ekonomi Nasional (National Economics Council),
and is a member of the 24-strong
Komite Ekonomi Nasional (National Committee for Economics).
Teddy is ranked 12th in Forbes
Indonesia’s 40 Richest in 2011
with a net worth of $1.4 billion.
Well-known as a prominent
banker, Mochtar built the diversified Lippo Group from scratch,
services (banking, investment, securities, insurance, asset management and mutual fund), property
(satellite cities, housing, condominiums, shopping malls, office
buildings, and industrial sites),
and infrastructure (power plants,
gas production, roads, sanitation,
and communications). He recently set up Nobu Bank but is nowadays much more involved in social activities by founding Siloam
Hospital, Pelita Harapan University, and the Mochtar Riady Cancer Center.
Lippo has also established businesses in Hong Kong, China, and
other countries. Mochtar is also a
highly respected figure in the academic world, as he was the Chairman of the Majelis Wali Amanat of
the University of Indonesia.
Mochtar is ranked 38th in
Forbes Indonesia’s 40 Richest in
2011 with a net worth of $650
butions to public service, Lee was
honoured with several accolades,
including the Public Administration Medal (Silver) in 1996,
the Public Administration Medal
(Gold) in 1998, the Long Service
Medal in 1997 and the Meritorious Service Medal in 2006.
In 2007, he was conferred the
highest civilian award by the Indonesian Government – the Bintang Jasa Utama (the Star of Excellent Services) – for his large
contribution in building up stronger and closer relations between
Singapore and Indonesia.
Jacob Oetama, 80
Jacob is the most respected
person in Indonesia’s media business. He owns Kompas Gramedia
Group, which runs the country’s
leading daily newspaper KOMPAS
and other print publications. His
group has expanded into other
businesses such as hotels (Santika Group) and KompasTV.
Joe Kamdani, 70
Owner and chairman of PT
Datascrip, a company that imports and distributes major modern office equipment made by
Canon and Sanyo.
Also owns PT Matahari Alka,
which produces office equipment
in Cikarang.
Edward Lee Kwong Foo, 64
Trihatma K. Haliman, 59
Mochtar Riady, 83
Eddie Lembong, 75
Boenjamin Setiawan, 78
well as companies operating condominiums, restaurants, travel
agencies, hospital, and university.
Trihatma Kusuma Haliman
owns PT Agung Podomoro Land
Tbk, the country’s largest property developer, and has been its
CEO since 2004. Trihatma has
more than 40 years of experience in the real estate business.
His latest Central Park complex,
which combines shopping mall,
office nuildings, and condominiums in one gigantic area, is one
of the most phenomenal property
Trihatma is ranked 39th in
Forbes Indonesia’s 40 Richest in
2011 with a net worth of $640
Sukamdani Gitosardjono, 83
Sukamdani is the owner of Sahid Group, which comprises of
hotels in Solo, Semarang, Yogya,
Surabaya, Manado, Pekanbaru,
Jakarta and other big cities, as
Edward was Singapore’s Ambassador to Indonesia in 1994
and retired in 2006 after 36 years
with the Foreign Service Branch
of the Singapore Administrative
Service in various senior positions
across Asia-Pacific.
As his first posting to Indonesia was in 1974, Lee has served
a total of 18 years in the Singapore Embassy in Jakarta. He also
served as Ambassador to the Philippines (1990 to 1993) as well as
High Commissioner to Brunei
Darussalem (1984 to 1990)
For his long-standing contri-
Teguh Satria, 64
Former chairman of Real Estate Indonesia (REI) and current
chairman of the International
Real Estate Federation (FIABCI).
The President Executive
Club Founders
• SD Darmono (Chairman)
• Ir Arifin Panigoro
• Dr Boenjamin Setiawan,
• Ir Ciputra
• Drs Eddie Lembong
• Prof Juwono Sudarsono
• DR Mochtar Riady
• Ir TP Rachmat
• Trihatma K. Haliman
• DR Sukamdani
• Joe Kamdani
• Teguh Satria
• Jacob Oetama
• Edward Lee
MenaraBatavia 25th floor
Jl. KH Mas Mansur
Kav. 126, Jakarta 10220
Tel: 021-5727278
Executive Director
• Dr Bayu Prawira Hie
The President Post
C4 November 12, 2011
RI Tourism Ready to
Compete in ASEAN
Indonesia`s human
resources in the tourism
sector would play a
dominant role within
the ASEAN region.
As a member of ASEAN,
Indonesia, its tourism
industry in particular,
is ready for the establishment of an ASEAN
Community by 2015 when trade,
services and manpower will flow
freely within the region.
“Beginning in 2015, manpower in the tourism sector will flow
freely within the Association of
South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), but we are optimistic that the
competitive edge of Indonesia`s
human resources in the tourism
sector is already strong,” Head of
Tourism Resources Development
Agency of the Tourism Ministry I
Gde Pitana said recently.
Indonesia`s human resources
in the tourism sector would play
a dominant role within the ASEAN region. To support this role, I
ism academies under the tourism
I Gde Pitana
Head of Tourism Resources
Development Agency of the
Tourism Ministry
Gde Pitana`s office had been making various efforts, among others,
research, development and training.
“The research we have conducted is not always scientific in nature but practical so that it can be
applied by industry at the technical and policy levels,” he said.
In the field of education I Gde
Pitana`s office had set a target of
increasing the number of graduates from higher learning institutes in tourism studies and tour-
“We are optimistic because several indicators show that the competitive edge of our human resources in the tourism sector is
improving,” he said. He said that
in 2009, the World Economic Forum (WEF) placed Indonesia`s
tourism human resources in the
40th position among 133 countries in the world. Moreover, Indonesia had for a long time been
using a tourism educational
curriculum based on the ASEAN Common Competency Standards for Tourism Professionals
(ACCSTP). These standards were
being aplied in the whole ASEAN
About 80% of the curriculum`s
contents had been proposed by
Indonesia which had been applying the principles for a long time.
“This means that graduates from
Indonesian tourism schools, particularly higher learning institutes
and academies, will be treated on
equal footing with those from other countries within ASEAN,” he
Mandalika Developed into
World Tourist Resort
West Nusa Tenggara (NTB)
province is expected to have a
world-class tourist resort comparable to Bali, when the Mandalika Resort Development project in
Central Lombok District is completed.
The development of the US$3
billion Mandalika Resort which
is expected to attract one million
tourists annually began on Friday when President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono officiated at its
groundbreaking function.
Sitting on a 1,175 hectare area
in Kuta, Pujut subdistrict, Central Lombok, the Mandalika Resort will be developed into one of
the national tourism icons, even
of the world, Chief Economic Minister Hatta Rajasa said.
For the development of the Resort Area, at least six Memorandums of Understanding (MoU)
on its development were signed
in conjunction with the groundbreaking ceremony on Friday.
The MoUs concerned cooperation between PT Bali Tourism Development Corporation (BTDC)
and its partners such as PT Global International, Global Land Development (MNC group) and PT
Canvas Development (Rajawali Group).
MNC Group through PT Global Land Development will build
an integrated park as part of the
development of Mandalika Resort area. Chief Commissioner of
PT Global Land and Development
Budi Rustanto and President Director of PT Bali Tourism Development Corporation (BTDC) Ida
Bagus Wirajaya signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
Mandalika Resort Masterplan
on the development of Mandalika
Global Land will develop an integrated park in the form of Disneyland, an underwater park and
a technical park. MNC Group in
the meantime will build a Formula I Circuit track, a plenary room
for concert events, a seaport for
excursions and other ships. The
other investor which also signed
MoUs with BTDC was Rahmat
Gobel who owns PT Gobel Internasional.
The Gobel Group will develop
environmentally friendly technological facilities such as water and
water waste treatment, solar system and other environmentally
friendly facilities. Gobel will also
build hotels, villa and a high end
Rajawali Group will also develop hotels, villas and high end resort at Tanjung Ann area.
PT BTDC President Director I
Bagus Wirajaya said his side had
also signed MoUs with eight other investors for the development
of Mandalika Resort, apart from
the three major investors and four
others in the educational field
According to Hatta Rajasa, the
signing of the MoUs constituted the start of the development of
Mandalika into gaining a significant progress. “We are predicting that in the 2015-2025 period,
millions of tourists will be visiting
NTB so that its domestic incomes
will increase four times,” the minister said
The development of Mandalika Resort, he said, is expected to
cost over $3 billion, or about Rp27
trillion. “Of the total, some $250
million or about Rp2.2 trillion
will come from state-owned firms
(BUMN),” Rajasa said in his report
to President Yudhoyono.
Hatta said that most of the
funds used to develop the tourist resort area came from investor
partners collected by state-owned
PT Bali Tourism Development
Corporation (BTDC).
It is projected that tourists visiting NTB will continue to increase
from year to year, and for the Mandalika Resort area it is expected
to be visited by about one million
tourists when its infrastructures
have been built.
Sabang Tourism Pins Hope on New Minister
The natural seaport city of Sabang on Weh Island in the western part of Aceh province which
is rich in marine tourism potentials is waiting for the new tourism minister`s help to develop its
Sabang which has a natural
deep-sea port sits on Weh Island
where the extraordinarily beautiful submarine biota and scenery
constitute great potentials for the
development of marine tourism.
With these potentials, local
tourism operators are convinced
that newly appointed Tourism
and Creative Economy Minister
Mari Elka Pangestu will not ignore it and extend a helping hand
to develop and advance Sabang`s
“The central government will
not ignore Aceh`s tourism potentials but will continue to pay attention to its development, particularly the development of Sabang
tourism,” Aceh tourism operator
Zulfikar said.
“At least, Sabang, which is now
developing itself into a national tourism destination should be
promoted as a venue for national
and international tourism events,”
Zulfikar said.
Sabang`s Tourism and Culture
Service Yusfah Hanum also expressed hope that Minister Mari
Elka Pangestu would launch intensive promotions to introduce
the tourism potentials of Sabang
“I am confident that Madam Mari Pangestu would come
to see herself the tourism potentials of Sabang whose beauty has
been well-known not only by local tourists but also foreign ones.
These potentials should be developed so that it would be comparable to other popular tourism destinations in the country,” Yusfah
A number of investors have in
the past several months come to
Sabang to explore the possibility
of building star-rated hotels in Sabang, about 14 miles away from
Banda Aceh City.
Tourism observers and foreign
visitors admitted that Sabang had
beautiful tourism objects such as
the undersea natural panorama
at Pulau Rubiah, the white sand
beach of Gapang and a number
of other tourist destinations in the
Weh Island.
International tourists who have
visited Sabang have come back to
Sabang such as those who took
part in the recent Sabang International Regatta 2011, a yacht festival, where at least 11 yachts came
from the Netherlands, Britain, the
United States, Australia, Malaysia
and Thailand. Sabang Internasional Regatta 2011 was aimed at
introducing maritime tourism potentials of the island which has a
population of 30 thousands and a
target of attracting at least 10,000
tourists annually.
“Hollywood Films Promote Tourism”
“Eat, Pray and Love”, a film
version of Elizabeth Gilbert`s
best selling memoirs “Eat
Pray Love”, starring superstar Julia Robert, has been
effective in promoting Bali,
known as the “Island of the
In 2009, filming on “Eat,
Pray, Love,” took place in several locations including Banjar Bentuyung, Banjar Nyuh
Kuning, Pengosekan, the
Ubud Art Market, Jimbaran and Monkey Forest Park,
The Hollywood movie
showcases the spectacular
Indonesian landscape and
Balinese culture which Ubud
is famous for. Thanks to the
film, Ubud has turned into
a popular resort for relaxation, and inspiration. Ubud
was even voted as The Top
City in Asia and The Friendliest City by readers of Conde
Nast Traveler magazine.
Bali Island has become
a destination of spiritually-themed tourism and has
been repopulated by tourists looking to develop their
spirituality. The number of
foreign tourists visiting Bali
Island during January-September 2011 period reached
2,052,083 people, or up
10.36% from the 1,859,459
foreign tourists in the same
period in 2010.
Witnessing “the power” of
the Hollywood film in luring
foreign tourists to Bali, new
Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Mari Elka Pangestu has invited more foreign
“Eat, Pray and Love”, starring superstar Julia Robert and Javier Bardem, has been effective in promoting Bali, known as the
“Island of the Gods”.
Mari Elka Pangestu
Tourism and Creative Economy Minister
film producers to make films in
“The government will encourage more international (film) producers to choose Indonesia`s panorama and nature for their films,”
Minister Pangestu said on Sunday. International films using
Indonesia`s panorama as their
backgrounds will have significant
benefit for the national tourism
promotion, she said.
The minister visited the shooting location of Hollywood film entitled “I, Alex Cross” which is directed by Rob Cohen, at Jasri village,
Karangsem sub district, Bali
Province, on Sunday. She particularly invited Hollywood film directors to shoot films in Bali, the
country`s most famous tourist resort. “It will give significant impacts on Indonesia,” she said.
“The choosing of Indonesia as
a shooting location is a chance to
promote the tourism destination.
For sure, it gives an opportunity
to the film industry, in this chase
the creative industry in Indonesia,
to participate in the making of this
film,” Minister Pangestu said.
When the film is released in mid 2012, it will
help strengthen the branding or image of Indonesia internationally, she said, adding that the movie, like “Eat,
Pray, Love”, will also help attract foreign tourists to Indonesia.
The film stars Tyler Perry,
Jean Reno (“Ronin”, “Leon:
The Professional”, “The Da
Vinci Code”, “Pink Panther”,
and “Hotel Rwanda”), Matthew Fox, Edward Burns,
Rachel Nichols, and Jessalyn
The filming of “I, Alex
Cross” is being facilitated by
Bali Film Center and Syzygy
The President Post
C6 November 12, 2011
Why Are Unhealthy People So Reluctant
to Change Their Lifestyles?
People who have already suffered heart trouble, diabetes or other lifestylerelated illnesses — people who intimately know the consequences of their
behaviors — often have an especially hard time turning things around.
Nobody’s perfect. We
all have bad habits
we just can’t seem
to shake. Cigarettes
have a hold on some
people; others can’t
say no to alcohol, sweets or a life
on the couch in front of the television.
As much as we may want
to make more healthful choices, change is difficult. Even the
awareness that our behaviors
can harm us often isn’t enough to
make us mend our ways.
And you might think that an
overweight person would slim
down after a heart attack. But often, not so. Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis followed a group of more than
1,200 overweight men and women for a year following a heart attack. Their study, published in the
American Heart Journal in 2007,
found that individuals lost an average of just 0.2% of their body
weight. For a 220-pound man,
that would translate to less than
1 pound of weight loss.
Amazingly, people who have already suffered heart trouble, diabetes or other lifestyle-related illnesses — people who intimately
know the consequences of their
behaviors — often have an especially hard time turning things
around. It seems it takes more
than a wake-up call, even a lifethreatening one, to get people to
give up their unhealthful ways.
At least 40% of smokers who
survive a heart attack are still
puffing away a year later.
If a heart attack isn’t enough
to get a person’s attention, what
about cancer? You can probably
guess by now. In a 2008 study in
the Journal of Clinical Oncology,
Canadian investigators examined
the lifestyles of more than 9,000
cancer survivors and found that
only a few had made the switch
to a healthful lifestyle. Although
most had given up smoking, fewer than 20% were consuming five
servings of fruits and vegetables
a day and less than half were en-
gaging in regular physical activity.
Only 1 out of every 20 survivors
was following all three principles
of healthful living.
Researchers at Brigham and
Women’s Hospital in Boston examined the effect of smoking cessation on the risk of dying after
a heart attack. Their work, published last year in the Journal of
the American College of Cardiology, found that smoking significantly decreases life expectancy after a heart attack and that
smokers’ prospects improve dramatically if they give up the habit. Individuals who quit after their
first heart attack were 37% less
likely to die of another attack compared with those who continued
to smoke.
Other studies have found that
heart attack patients who go
through exercise-based rehabilitation reduce their risk of dying
by about 30%.
The power of lifestyle changes
isn’t unique to heart trouble. Quitting smoking improves the out-
Put Your Stress on Vacation
Got stress?
If you answered no, hooray for
you! (And, by the way, what planet
are you from?)
But if you answered yes (like
any normal member of the human race), you’re likely heartened
by the arrival of vacation season.
Just the ticket for a little stress-reduction.
And that can have some big
payoffs. It can lower your blood
pressure, boost your immune
system and help you live longer. It
may even make you smarter.
“A vacation is not a luxury,”
says Jens Pruessner, an associate
professor in the departments of
psychology, psychiatry, neurology
and neurosurgery at McGill University in Montreal. “It’s an investment in your health.”
Most of what scientists know
about the brain and chronic
stress comes from studies of rodents, whose response systems
are very much like ours (perhaps disconcertingly so) and who
therefore make good stand-ins for
us. But rodents rarely pack their
bags and head for the beach when
summer rolls around, so it’s harder to use them as models for vacationers.
Nonetheless, researchers have
learned enough to make some
useful suggestions:
Plan ahead
A vacation is a chance to get
away from many of the stresses
you can’t get away from in your
everyday life (your boss, your
commute, the chaos that is your
home). Of course, it can also introduce new ones. But while some
of these may be out of your control — bad directions, missed connections, loud neighbors in hotels
with thin walls — planning ahead
can forestall others. If it’s stressful for you to be around your inlaws, don’t arrange a monthlong
camping trip with them. If you’re
afraid of airplanes, pick a destination you can drive to instead
— and don’t get talked into skydiving lessons. If you suffer from
separation anxiety, don’t go anywhere Spot can’t go too.
Making your vacation as stressfree as possible pays off, according to a 2010 study in the Netherlands. When researchers looked
at how happy people were after
taking vacations, only those who
felt very relaxed while they were
away were happier than people
who hadn’t taken a trip at all.
But the same study found that
people who were busy planning a
vacation were happier than those
who had no vacation to plan —
so even when a vacation turned
out to be a dud, the time spent
planning it may have made it all
One caveat: For some people,
going on vacation may be more
stressful than not going — perhaps because of money concerns
or because they’re just not comfortable being away from home or
from work. In such cases, it may
be that no amount of planning
can make a vacation a good idea.
When researchers
looked at how happy
people were after taking
vacations, only those who
felt very relaxed while
they were away were
happier than people who
hadn’t taken a trip at all.
Make sure it’s fun
This is not exactly shocking
news, but it is nice to know for a
scientific fact that fun is good for
you (and your brain). A study published last year in the Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences found exactly that. In rats,
“It doesn’t get rid of stress, just
lowers it, across all aspects of the
hormonal system,” says study coauthor James Herman, director of
the Laboratory of Stress Neurobiology and professor of psychiatry
and behavioral neuroscience at
the University of Cincinnati.
To confirm the pleasurability
hypothesis — and to show that
it held for more than just taste —
other rats were allowed daily visits with “pliant females” for two
weeks, Herman says, and they
too showed the same stress reductions.
To travel or not?
Even if you love to travel, at
times the hairy logistics can present you with plenty of opportunities to blow your cool. On the
other hand, a situation is only
stressful if you perceive it to be. “A
lot depends on your appraisal of
the evidence,” says Carlos Grijalva, a professor of psychology and
behavioral neuroscience at UCLA.
“How you evaluate the situation is
True, it’s hard to put a positive spin on the situation if you’re
standing at the end of a milelong line and your flight is due
to take off in five minutes. But it
may be possible to perceive an irritating seat mate as a chance to
in 4 had been given exercise recommendations and less than half
had been asked about their smoking habits.
Even patients who know they
should adopt more healthful habits and are determined to do so
have trouble, however. “A lot of
people don’t change because they
don’t know how to change,” says
Janice Prochaska, president of
Pro-Change Behavior Systems,
a behavior change firm. Getting
people to alter their habits is extraordinarily difficult, and, for
most people, it isn’t something
that happens overnight, she says.
hone your social skills or lost luggage as an excuse to spiff up your
The post-vacation brain
Some studies with rats have
shown that stress can actually
shrink parts of their brains, and a
2009 study in the Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences found that it probably shrinks
your brain too.
In the parallel human study,
medical students who’d spent a
month preparing for stage one
of the medical board exam were
tested on an attention-shifting
task as close to the day of their
medical exam as possible. Then
they were tested again a month
after the test, when their sources
of stress were way down.
They too performed relatively poorly the first time they did
the task, when they were badly
stressed, and much better — just
as well as a control group — after
an essentially stress-free month.
The researchers could not, of
course, get direct evidence that
there was dendrite shrinkage in
the med students that was subsequently reversed. But they inferred that this happened, since
the results of every other aspect of
the studies were so parallel, says
study lead author Dr. Conor Liston, a research fellow in the department of psychology at Weill
Cornell Medical College in New
How long a vacation?
“How long it takes you to relax
after a stressful period of time depends on how quickly you can reset your perspective on life,” says
George Slavich, an assistant professor at the UCLA Cousins Center for Psychoneuroimmunology.
“Taking a relaxing trip to Hawaii
can help, but it’s not necessary,
nor is it always sufficient. No tropical vacation can help if the stress
is mostly in your head.”
On the other hand, Pruessner
says, when you’re on vacation,
you probably have more time than
usual for self-reflective thought,
which could help you recognize
that your stress is mostly in your
head — and maybe even work on
getting it out of there.
In the medical student study,
a month was enough to make
stress-impaired brains get their
groove back. But wait! Don’t
snort. Sure, a month off is inconceivable. But it’s possible that less
time could do the trick too.
“Ideally, you don’t want to wait
too long to take a vacation,” he
says. “You don’t want to get to that
third stage.” (
come of diseases such as diabetes and emphysema, while weight
loss improves asthma, sleep apnea and many other conditions.
The benefits of physical activity
extend well beyond the heart too.
Exercise can be helpful in combating depression and controlling
high blood pressure. There’s also
some evidence that it has a pro-
tective effect against some types of
cancer. Several studies have demonstrated that women with breast
cancer who participate in regular
physical activity reduce their risk
of breast cancer deaths by 50% or
more compared with those who
remain physically inactive.
But not all patients get this mes-
sage, partly because doctors often
fail to provide sufficient counseling and guidance. Researchers at
the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention asked more than
1,600 cancer survivors if their
physicians had discussed lifestyle issues with them following
their diagnosis. Only 30% had received guidance about diet, just 1
After that, there’s a period
of preparation most people go
through. Rather than jumping
straight into action, they begin
by making small adjustments in
their lifestyle. Someone committed to increase his or her activity
level, for example, may go for a few
short walks; someone attempting
to lose weight might start to scale
back on desserts.
Trying to rush through the
steps of change too quickly can
be a setup for failure. “Some people who jump too quickly into action regress and then feel demoralized,” Prochaska says.
It’s hard to think of illness as
an opportunity but, in fact, for
many people it is. It’s an opportunity to stop pretending that our
bad habits don’t hurt us and to
take the initiative to make healthful change.
Or at least it should be.
The President Post
November 12, 2011 C7
Stroke at 22:
Honoring the Lessons
20 Years Later
When I drift into self-pity, stress or just general negativity, I try to pull myself back and
remember the days when all that mattered was walking and talking. My biggest fear is
having another stroke. That gives me perspective.
Lying in the back of the
ambulance, unable to
move my right arm or
leg, I began bargaining
with God.
I promised that if he
would let me live and heal, I would
be a better person. I would be less
selfish, less stressed. I would be
grateful for everything that I had.
I wouldn’t waste time sweating
the small stuff.
Twenty years after a stroke left
me temporarily paralyzed at age
22, I don’t think I’ve been true to
my word. As I became healthy, I
went back to my old habits. The
gratitude and joy waned. Far too
often, I have taken my health for
granted. But my body periodically reminds me that I’m not like everyone else. And although this is a
burden, it’s also a gift.
I was a graduate student studying journalism at the University of Southern California when
a blood vessel in my brain burst
around 11 a.m. on November 11,
1991. I had suffered a hemorrhag-
ic stroke, which instantly robbed
me of control over my body.
Hemorrhagic strokes account
for only 13% of all strokes but
more than 30% of stroke deaths,
according to the National Stroke
When the vessel burst, the
symptoms were immediate: the
inability to move my right leg, an
excruciating headache at the base
of my skull and then complete paralysis on the right side of my
body. I also had difficulty speaking and recalling words.
I was too young to know anything about brain injuries. I had
no idea why I felt funny and why
I couldn’t make my right leg walk
down the stairs. I naively thought
that this strange episode would
quickly pass.
As I waited for the paramedics,
I noticed that my penny loafer had
come off my right foot. I became
fixated with trying to put it back
on and wondered why I couldn’t
do it.
When the paramedics arrived,
they asked me to name the president of the United States. I said,
“Ford.... No.... Reagan.... No....
I remember them exchanging
glances. I was young but there
was no doubt I’d had a stroke. I
would later find out that I had
been born with a weak vessel in
my brain, an arteriovenous malformation.
I have few memories of the
days that followed. I know I was
in intensive care and I know I was
afraid of brain surgery.
After I was stabilized, doctors
placed me on a ward with other brain-injured patients, most
of whom were decades older. My
parents and friends came to see
me every day. Without fail, my father asked me to smile to see if the
right side of my mouth was still
drooping. My mother helped feed
me lunch or dinner.
Over the next six weeks, I had
to relearn how to walk, write and
take care of myself. Surprisingly, I was upbeat when I did phys-
ical and occupational therapy. I
worked hard. But there was one
therapy that made me sullen, resentful and depressed: speech
Because the bleed had occurred
in the left brain, my speech and
ability to recall words were impacted. Speech therapy made me
feel stupid. I had been planning a
career with words. Now, when the
speech therapist entered the room
and asked me to name a vegetable, I couldn’t answer her. What
kind of journalist would I be?
But I was lucky. As the bleed
dissolved itself, I started remembering my words and I slowly recovered my ability to move the
right side of my body. I did not require surgery.
I was discharged in a wheelchair and would return to the
hospital for outpatient therapy
three times a week. As I got stronger, I graduated to a cane.
By January, I was back at
USC, enrolled in one class. My
father hired a driver to take me
to school. I walked across campus slowly with a leg brace and a
three-pronged cane. I was incredibly self-conscious, but I was happy to be somewhat normal again.
I’ve never been sorry the stroke
happened. It is something I have
overcome, and I’m proud of that.
Despite that, I know I am different
from other people. There is still
scar tissue in my brain, which
makes me vulnerable to seizures
and auras. I take seizure medication. I have to be careful that I
don’t let myself get too run down.
If I do, it can take me a week to recover.
I’ve learned to honor my stroke
and its consequences. When my
husband and I thought about
having a baby, we consulted half a
dozen neurologists and neurosurgeons, most of whom had conflict-
ing opinions. In the end, we took
a chance. Our daughter was born
healthy in November 2003.
Two months later, the sleep deprivation and postpartum hormone shifts caused a blackout
seizure. I’ve been seizure-free ever
Looking at me now you would
never know I’d had a stroke. I
have trace weakness on the right
side of my body, which sometimes
can make working out at the gym
challenging. My trainer knows my
right leg has a mind of its own and
affectionately calls it “my Nemo
fin.” I’m thin but I’m healthy and
I’m strong.
The past 18 months or so have
been challenging for me and my
family. We’ve dealt with a layoff,
unemployment, and a surgery
and rehabilitation. I’ll admit that
I too often let life’s little challenges
impact my attitude.
In fact, I consider
my stroke to be a
stroke of luck.
But when I drift into self-pity,
stress or just general negativity,
I try to pull myself back and remember the days when all that
mattered was walking and talking. My biggest fear is having another stroke. That gives me perspective.
Eleven always was my lucky
number. I know God was watching over me when that blood vessel burst on 11/11.
In fact, I consider my stroke to
be a stroke of luck.
The President Post
C8 November 12, 2011
Photo Essay
Bakpia actually
comes from China
under its original
name of Tou Luk
Pia, which means
pia green bean cake.
Bakpia is known as a typical Yogyakarta dish. Almost
every souvenir store in Yogya sells bakpia.
Bakpia actually comes from China under its original
name of Tou Luk Pia, which means pia green bean cake.
Bakpia was first produced in Indonesia around 1948,
precisely in Pathuk village, Yogyakarta, and this is why it is more
recognized by the name Bakpia Pathuk.
Until now, Pathuk village is known as the center of Bakpia, as
many entrepreneurs engaged in producing Bakpia operate there.
Before 1980, the packaging of Bakpia was in baskets and was
traded in retail stores; just after 1980 it started using cartons
marked by brands according to the producer’s house number. For
example “25”, “75”, “88”, all are based on house numbers.
Along with the rapid development of souvenir cakes, Bakpia
began to explode in the market since 1992. One really feels
“incomplete” if going to Yogyakarta without buying Bakpia Pathuk.
Bakpia Pathuk “25” is located on Jl. AIP II KS Tubun NG I/504,
Pathuk village, Yogyakarta. It’s located behind the Malioboro,
making it easier for the marketing and procurement of raw
materials. The number of employees at the Bakpia Pathuk “25” is
about 200.
Bakpia Pathuk has a wide variety of delicious and tasty flavors
such as green beans, pineapple, chocolate, all made with typical
• Green beans Bakpia: Bakpia
with Typical flavor of Original
green beans from Bakpia
Pathok 25
• Bakpia Pineapple: Bakpia
with typical flavor of
pineapple from Bakpia
Pathok 25
• Bakpia Chocolate:
Bakpia with typical flavor
of chocolate from Bakpia
Pathok 25
• Bakpia Cheese: Bakpia with
typical flavor of cheese from
Bakpia Pathok 25
• Bakpia Durian: Bakpia with
typical flavor of durian from
Bakpia Pathok 25
• Bakpia Kumbu: Bakpia with
typical flavor of black beans
from Bakpia Pathok 25
• Various Bakpia: Bakpia with
various flavors from Bakpia
Pathok 25