COU C UNC CIL L B INE BUS ESS PA APER R 27 M MAY 2015 5 NOTIICE IS H HEREBY GIVEN THAT T a Ordina an ary Meetiing of Cou uncil will be held oon W Wednesday y, 27 Mayy 2015 com mmencing g at 7:00 p pm in Coun ncil Cham mbers at Botany B To own Hall C Edward Streeet and Bottany Road Cnr d, Botanyy. Mss Lara Kiirchner GENERA AL MANAGER ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING 27 MAY 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS Item Subject Page No 1 Opening Prayer .......................................................................................................... 1 2 Acknowledgement Of Country.................................................................................. 1 3 Apologies................................................................................................................... 1 4 Confirmation Of Minutes .......................................................................................... 1 5 Declaration of Interests.............................................................................................. 1 6 Questions Without Notice ......................................................................................... 1 7 Mayoral Minute ......................................................................................................... 1 8 Correspondence ......................................................................................................... 2 9 Minutes of Committees ............................................................................................. 9 10 9.1 Minutes of the Community Engagement Committee meeting held on 20 May 2015 ........................................................................................... 10 9.2 Minutes of the City Services Committee meeting held on 20 May 2015 ........................................................................................................ 14 9.3 Minutes of the Finance and Performance Committee meeting held on 20 May 2015 ........................................................................................... 19 9.4 Minutes of the Policies and Priorities Committee meeting held on 27 May 2015 ................................................................................................ 23 Council Meeting Closure......................................................................................... 28 Page (i) ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING 27 MAY 2015 1 OPENING PRAYER 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COUNTRY We acknowledge the traditional people of the land on which this Council meets, the Bidegal and Gadigal People who traditionally occupied the Sydney Coast, and we pay our respects to their Aboriginal elders, both past and present. 3 APOLOGIES 4 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES The Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 22 April 2015 be received and confirmed as a true record of proceedings. 5 DECLARATION OF INTERESTS 6 QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE 7 MAYORAL MINUTE The Mayoral Minute will be distributed separately at the meeting. Page 1 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING 8 27 MAY 2015 CORRESPONDENCE File No: S15/49 Responsible Officer: Ms Lara Kirchner - General Manager Date of Preparation: 8 May 2015 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Items of correspondence received by Council. RECOMMENDATION THAT: All items of correspondence be received and noted. Page 2 ORDINA ARY COUNC CIL MEETING G 27 MAY M 2015 Minist M erial C Circular Circular N No. Date Doc ID. 15-03 20 April 2015 A41906 67 DE ELIVERIN NG LOCA AL GOVE ERNMENT REFOR RM In Sep ptember last year, Premier P M ike Baird and I announced a record $1billion $ investm ment to su upport cou uncils to b become Fit F for the Future aand to stre engthen commu unities across NSW. The Fitt for the Future F reforrm packag e responds to the final recomm mendations s of the Indepen ndent Loca al Governm ment Review w Panel and the Local Governmeent Acts Ta askforce and re eflects the priorities identified by the se ector durin ng the passt three years y of consultation. Closing g date for submissio ons Every ccouncil in NSW N is be eing asked to submit a proposal by 30 Juune 2015, outlining o their plans to be ecome Fit for the F Future. The proposa als will be assessed d by an indepen ndent expe ert panel. Councils will need to demon nstrate how w they meet m the thresho old criteria of scale and a capaccity, with a proposal broadly coonsistent with w the recomm mendation of o the Independent Lo ocal Goverrnment Rev view Panel,, and how they t will become e and rema ain sustaina able and prrovide effec ctive and effficient servvices. It’s clea ar that our system of local gove ernment - with w bounda aries datingg back to the t 19th centuryy - will nott be able to t meet th e needs of o growing and changging comm munities. Positive e change iss needed to o ensure th at councils s will be fit for f the futurre. We nee ed to build on the stre engths of lo ocal govern nment and learn from m the best councils c to deve elop ways of o working smarter to ogether. We e want com mmunities tto be stron nger and able to grow and prosper. The T NSW G Governmen nt has been n working ccollaborativ vely with the Sta ate’s 152 co ouncils to design d am more sustain nable syste em of local government—one that pro ovides quality service es and infra astructure and a will he elp us to deeliver the housing, h jobs and transportt that peoplle need. Councills are enco ouraged to o continue to prepare e their Fit for the Futture Propo osal and consult the comm munity on proposals p fo or change. Councils have until that date to t make importa ant decision ns about th heir counciil’s future and a take ad dvantage oof the supp port and benefitss on offer. This will allow a the n new counc cil arrangem ments to bbe in place e by the Septem mber 2016 local government elecctions. NSW Go overnment Governo or Macquarie e Tower 1 Farrer Place SYDNEY Y NSW 200 00 Page 3 ORDINA ARY COUNC CIL MEETING G 27 MAY M 2015 Fit for tthe Future e Assessm ment The Fit for the Future expertt assessme ent panel will w shortly be b appointeed, with the e Terms of referrence being g develope ed through the Ministerial Advisory Group (comprisin ng Local Govern nment NSW W, Local Governmen G nt Professio onals Australia (NSW W) and the e United Service es Union an nd chaired by Peter Acchterstraatt). I have been enccouraged by b the num mber of councils actively explooring the option of volunta ary mergerrs and le eading info ormed and d objective converssations witth their commu unity. I wou uld strongly y urge thosse councils who are considering c g a mergerr to take advanta age of the support s tha at is availab ble during this t program. This is yyour opporrtunity to invest in the long--term future e of your ccommunity and to ens sure your ccouncil play ys a role in guiding and shaping tha at future. E Expert facilitation and d subsidiseed busines ss case studies are still avvailable un ogram, thro nder the pro ough the Office O of Loocal Goverrnment’s One Sto op Shop. I look fforward to continuing to work w with councils over the coming teerm, as we roll out these ssignificant re eforms and d ensure loccal governm ment in NS SW is Fit forr the Future e. Benefitts and Sup pport The NS SW Govern nment has committed a funding and suppo ort packagee to assist councils c to make e the chang ges needed d to becom me Fit for the e Future. These T includde: $258 8 million to assist coun ncils who d decide to merge m and make m the chhanges nee eded to provide better services s to our commu unities; s Cou uncillors tha at lead the transition to t a new coouncil; $13 million to support nal Joint Orrganisation ns; $5.3 million for new region million innovvation fund to assist ssmall rural councils c de evelop innovvative ways of $4 m workking; acce ess to expe erts to develop a plan a and implem ment chang ge; the d development of a new w streamline ed Local Government Act that aiims to redu uce red tape and regula ation and places Integ grated Plan nning and Reporting R aat the heart of coun ncil operatio ons; and revie ews of the regulatory r burden b on local goverrnment and d the rating system. Councills that become Fit forr the Futurre will have e access to o a range oof further in nitiatives supportting them to t provide improved services and a infrastrructure to ttheir comm munities, includin ng: acce ess to a Sta ate borrowing facility to o fund loca al infrastruc cture, with ppotential sa avings to NS SW councils of up to $600 $ millio on in interes st payments s; more e flexibility with w procurrement and d simplified reporting; and acce ess to a stre eamlined IP PART proc ess for settting rates. on Paul Too ole MP The Ho Minister for Local Government Page 4 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING 27 MAY 2015 Our ref: R14/0020 Out: 23602 (Adam Dansie) 4 May 2015 Ms Lara Kirchner General Manager Botany Bay City Council PO Box 331 MASCOT NSW 1460 Dear Ms Kirchner Local Government NSW Annual Conference 2015 The purpose of this letter is to provide members with important information about the Local Government NSW Annual Conference 2015 (Conference), including requirements arising under the rules of the Local Government and Shires Association of New South Wales (“the rules”). The Conference will take place from Sunday 11 – Tuesday 13 October 2015 at Rosehill Gardens Racecourse, James Ruse Drive, Rosehill. Details about the Conference, including information about the venue, sponsorship and accommodation options, will be published on the Association’s website as they become available. This will include specifics about the Gala Dinner, President’s Opening Reception, Conference business sessions, voting, partners programs and Early Bird pricing. All attendees must register and online registration will open in early July on the LGNSW website. Voting This year the Conference will involve two types of voting. Our rules mean that we will develop two rolls of voters, one for voting in the elections for Office Bearers and the Board, and a separate roll of voters for voting on motions. Separate from Conference registration, members will need to nominate the names of their voting delegates for voting and motions and, where applicable, the names of their voting delegates for voting in the elections for Office Bearers and the Board. The Association will notify members of the number of both types of voting delegates that they are entitled to send to the Conference in approximately July 2015. LOCAL GOVERNMENT NSW GPO BOX 7003 SYDNEY NSW 2001 L8, 28 MARGARET ST SYDNEY NSW 2000 T 02 9242 4000 F 02 9242 4111 LGNSW.ORG.AU LGNSW@LGNSW.ORG.AU ABN 49 853 913 882 Page 5 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING 27 MAY 2015 Ordinary members will need to nominate the names of their delegate(s) for both types of voting (i.e. voting for the Board and voting on policy motions). Associate members will need to nominate the names of their delegate(s) for voting on motions. Forms for nominating the names of each member’s delegate(s) will be made available on the Association’s website in due course. Each member must nominate its delegate(s) to the Conference by 18 September 2015. Nominations received after the closing date will not be accepted however, a member may substitute the name(s) of its delegate(s) at any time, in accordance with Rule 34 of the Association’s rules. Voting for Office Bearers and the Board Ordinary members of the Association who are financial can vote in the elections for Office Bearers and the Board of the Association. The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) will be conducting the elections for the Office Bearers and Board of the Association. To be eligible to vote in the elections for Office Bearers and the Board, Ordinary members must be “financial on the seventh (7th) day prior to the date upon which the Returning Officer calls for nominations for the elections”. The precise date, which will be determined by the AEC, is expected to be approximately eight (8) weeks prior to the first business day of the Conference (i.e. approximately mid-August). Voting on Motions Ordinary members and Associate members of the Association who are financial can vote on policy motions that require consideration by the Conference. Motions Councils will be able to submit motions for consideration of Conference online. This online facility will be made available on the Association’s website. The Board has resolved that motions will be included in the Business Paper for the Conference where they: 1 are consistent with the objects of the Association (see Rule 4 of the Association’s rules); 2 relate to Local Government in NSW and/or across Australia; 3 concern or are likely to concern Local Government as a sector; 4 seek to advance the Local Government policy agenda of the Association and/or improve governance of the Association; 2 Page 6 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING 27 MAY 2015 5 have a lawful purpose (a motion does not have a lawful purpose if its implementation would require or encourage non-compliance with prevailing laws); 6 are clearly worded and unambiguous in nature; and 7 do not express preference for one or several members over one or several other members. Further, for a motion to be included in the Business Paper for the Conference the submitting member needs to provide accompanying evidence of its support for the motion to be included. Such evidence may include an extract of the minutes of the meeting at which the member resolved to submit the motion for consideration by the Conference. To allow printing and distribution of the business paper, members are strongly encouraged to submit their motions by 24 August 2015. The absolute closing date for submitting motions for inclusion in the Business Paper for the Conference is 14 September 2015. Business Papers It is our aim that a full Conference Business Paper be made available on the Association’s website and forwarded to members approximately two weeks prior to the Conference. The Association’s financial reports will be made available to members at least 21 days before the Conference. Accommodation We encourage attendees to pre-book accommodation listed on the website, prior to registering online, as you need to indicate where you are staying in order to book transfers in the registration process. These transfers will be priced at $9.90 each way. There is plenty of parking at the Conference main venue for those wishing to drive instead. Outstanding Service Awards The Outstanding Service Awards will be presented at the Gala Dinner during the Conference. For information about the Awards, including where to apply and eligibility, please visit the Association’s website at: Registration Delegates, partners and attendees will be able to collect their voting cards and other Conference material at Rosehill Gardens Racecourse from the Conference registration desk on Sunday 11 October between 3:00pm – 7:00pm. The registration desk will be open during the President’s Opening Reception which runs from 5:00pm to 7:00pm and on Monday 12 October from 7:30am. 3 Page 7 ORDINA ARY COUNC CIL MEETING G 27 MAY M 2015 Privacy y Statemen nt The Asssociation, which w is regu ulated by th he Privacy Act A 1988 (Cth), collectss private information about registered r attendees a to o the Conference such as names, addresses, telephone numberss, credit carrd informatio on and ema ail addresse es. We usee the private e information you givve us to process your rregistration and to send d you inform mation in relation to the Con nference. Iff you choose not to pro ovide some or all of the e private infoormation that we process you have so ought, LGNS SW may be e unable to p ur registration or it mayy result in you being unable to votte at the Co onference. Further info ormation ab bout how LG GNSW’s Privacy Policy w which is ava ailable on th he website a at the follow wing web ad ddress: http://ww ww.lgnsw.o I very m much look fo orward to se eeing you att the conferrence in October. Yours ssincerely Cr Keith h Rhoades, AFSM Preside ent 4 Page 8 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING 9 27 MAY 2015 MINUTES OF COMMITTEES Page 9 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING 9.1 27 MAY 2015 MINUTES OF THE COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 20 MAY 2015 Page 10 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING 27 MAY 2015 A MEETING OF THE COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT COMMITTEE OF BOTANY BAY CITY COUNCIL WAS HELD ON 20 MAY 2015 IN BOTANY TOWN HALL, CNR EDWARD STREET AND BOTANY ROAD, BOTANY, COMMENCING AT 6:40 PM. 1 ATTENDANCE COUNCILLORS: Councillor Stan Kondilios (Deputy Mayor) Councillor Mark Castle Councillor George Glinatsis Councillor Greg Mitchell Councillor Brian Troy ALSO PRESENT: Ms Lara Kirchner, General Manager Ms Lorraine Cullinane, Deputy General Manager Ms Heather Warton, Director of City Planning and Environment Mr Stuart Dutton, Director of City Infrastructure Mr Steve Poulton, Manager of City Infrastructure Gary Goodman, Chief Financial Officer Ms Hala Doris, Manager of Community Services 2 APOLOGIES Apologies were received from Councillor Ben Keneally (Mayor) and Councillor Christina Curry. On the motion of Councillor Troy, seconded Councillor Mitchell The apologies be received and a leave of absence be granted. 3 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES On the motion of Councillor Castle, seconded Councillor Glinatsis THAT: The Minutes of the Community Engagement Committee held on 18 February 2015 be received and confirmed as a true record of proceedings. Page 11 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING 4 27 MAY 2015 DECLARATION OF INTERESTS There were no declarations of interest. 5 REPORTS 5.1 COMMUNITY SERVICES File No: 10/78 On the motion of Councillor Mitchell, seconded Councillor Troy THAT: 5.2 The report be received and noted. ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBER TRAINING File No: S13/132 On the motion of Councillor Mitchell, seconded Councillor Glinatsis THAT: 5.3 The report be received and noted. COUNCIL'S WEBSITE File No: S14/89 On the motion of Councillor Troy, seconded Councillor Castle THAT: 5.4 The report be received and noted. COMMONWEALTH AGED CARE REFORMS File No: 10/22 On the motion of Councillor Troy, seconded Councillor Castle THAT: 1 The report be received and noted. Page 12 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING 2 5.5 27 MAY 2015 A further report be submitted to Council following the outcome of the Commonwealth Department of Social Service’s consultation process. BOTANY HISTORICAL TRUST MINUTES File No: 09/135 On the motion of Councillor Glinatsis, seconded Councillor Troy THAT: 5.6 The report be received and noted. ACCESS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES File No: S13/132 On the motion of Councillor Glinatsis, seconded Councillor Mitchell THAT: 5.7 The report be received and noted. COMMUNITY EVENTS 2015 File No: S15/67 On the motion of Councillor Troy, seconded Councillor Castle THAT: 6 The report be received and noted. CLOSURE OF COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Councillor Kondilios closed the meeting at 6:55 pm. Page 13 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING 9.2 27 MAY 2015 MINUTES OF THE CITY SERVICES COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 20 MAY 2015 Page 14 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING 27 MAY 2015 A MEETING OF THE CITY SERVICES COMMITTEE OF BOTANY BAY CITY COUNCIL WAS HELD ON 20 MAY 2015 IN BOTANY TOWN HALL, CNR EDWARD STREET AND BOTANY ROAD, BOTANY, COMMENCING AT 6:40 PM. 1 ATTENDANCE COUNCILLORS: Councillor Stan Kondilios (Deputy Mayor) Councillor Mark Castle Councillor George Glinatsis Councillor Greg Mitchell Councillor Brian Troy ALSO PRESENT: Ms Lara Kirchner, General Manager Ms Lorraine Cullinane, Deputy General Manager Ms Heather Warton, Director of City Planning and Environment Mr Stuart Dutton, Director of City Infrastructure Mr Steve Poulton, Manager of City Infrastructure Gary Goodman, Chief Financial Officer Ms Hala Doris, Manager of Community Services 2 APOLOGIES Apologies were received from Councillor Ben Keneally (Mayor) and Councillor Christina Curry. On the motion of Councillor Troy, seconded Councillor Mitchell The apologies be received and a leave of absence be granted. 3 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES On the motion of Councillor Troy, seconded Councillor Mitchell THAT: The Minutes of the City Services Committee held on 15 April 2015 be received and confirmed as a true record of proceedings. Page 15 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING 4 27 MAY 2015 DECLARATION OF INTERESTS There were no declarations of interest. 5 REPORTS 5.1 STREET TREE MASTERPLAN - IMPLEMENTATION PROPOSAL YEAR 1(2016/2016) File No: S13/107 On the motion of Councillor Kondilios, seconded Councillor Troy THAT: 5.2 1. The report be received and noted. 2. Option 1 street tree planting, selected Aerial Bundled Cables and inroad planting for 2015-2016 be adopted by Council 3. Councillors provide the Mayor’s office with their list of preferences for the location of three in-road planting opportunities for Year 1 of the Street Tree Master Plan Implementation. GROUNDS, MAINTENANCE & ASSOCIATED SERVICES CONTRACT SYDNEY AIRPORT File No: 12/58 On the motion of Councillor Mitchell, seconded Councillor Troy THAT: 1. The report of the Director of City Infrastructure be received and noted. 2. Council authorise the General Manager to enter into a contract with Sydney Airport if we are the preferred tenderer for Landscaping, Grounds Maintenance and Associated Services. Page 16 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING 5.3 27 MAY 2015 JOHN CURTIN MEMORIAL RESERVE - COMMUNITY CONSULTATION FEEDBACK TO PROPOSED PARK UPGRADE File No: PARK(6).02 On the motion of Councillor Kondilios, seconded Councillor Glinatsis THAT: 1. Council receives and notes the report. 2. The following additions be made to the concept plan as a result of community consultation: Upgrade decomposed granite paths to concrete Upgrade the access track east of the drainage line to concrete Enclose the open drain with a fence Provide two additional seats 3. 5.4 An additional $46,000 be allocated to the project budget from S94 funds for Walking Trails to fund the cost of walking trails in the project. SYDNEY REGIONAL ILLEGAL DUMPING (RID) SQUAD File No: S13/119 On the motion of Councillor Troy, seconded Councillor Mitchell THAT: 1. Council join the proposed Sydney Metropolitan RID Squad for two years commencing 1 July 2015 and authorise the General Manager to sign the Co-operative Agreement between the member Councils and the EPA; and 2. Council allocate $65,000 for 2015/16 and $65,000 for 2016/17 for the RID program. Page 17 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING 5.5 27 MAY 2015 GENERAL REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF CITY PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT File No: 10/35-02 On the motion of Councillor Mitchell, seconded Councillor Glinatsis THAT: 6 The report of the Director of City Planning & Environment be received and noted. MINUTES OF COMMITTEES 6.1 MINUTES OF THE LOCAL TRAFFIC COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 4 MAY 2015 File No: S15/48 On the motion of Councillor Mitchell, seconded Councillor Kondilios THAT: 7 The Minutes of the Local Traffic Committee meeting held on 04 May 2015 be received and the recommendations contained therein be approved and adopted. CLOSURE OF CITY SERVICES COMMITTEE MEETING Councillor Castle closed the meeting at 7:15 pm. Page 18 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING 9.3 27 MAY 2015 MINUTES OF THE FINANCE AND PERFORMANCE COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 20 MAY 2015 Page 19 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING 27 MAY 2015 A MEETING OF THE FINANCE AND PERFORMANCE COMMITTEE OF BOTANY BAY CITY COUNCIL WAS HELD ON 20 MAY 2015 IN BOTANY TOWN HALL, CNR EDWARD STREET AND BOTANY ROAD, BOTANY, COMMENCING AT 6:40 PM. 1 ATTENDANCE COUNCILLORS: Councillor Stan Kondilios (Deputy Mayor) Councillor Mark Castle Councillor George Glinatsis Councillor Greg Mitchell Councillor Brian Troy ALSO PRESENT: Ms Lara Kirchner, General Manager Ms Lorraine Cullinane, Deputy General Manager Ms Heather Warton, Director of City Planning and Environment Mr Stuart Dutton, Director of City Infrastructure Mr Steve Poulton, Manager of City Infrastructure Gary Goodman, Chief Financial Officer Ms Hala Doris, Manager of Community Services 2 APOLOGIES Apologies were received from Councillor Ben Keneally (Mayor) and Councillor Christina Curry. On the motion of Councillor Troy, seconded Councillor Mitchell The apologies be received and a leave of absence be granted. 3 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES On the motion of Councillor Kondilios, seconded Councillor Troy THAT: The Minutes of the Finance and Performance Committee held on 15 April 2015 be received and confirmed as a true record of proceedings. Page 20 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING 4 27 MAY 2015 DECLARATION OF INTERESTS There were no declarations of interest. 5 REPORTS 5.1 INVESTMENTS AS AT 30 APRIL 2015 File No: S15/72 On the motion of Councillor Troy, seconded Councillor Mitchell THAT: 5.2 The report be received and noted. DRAFT OPERATIONAL PLAN 2015/2016 File No: 09/206 On the motion of Councillor Troy, seconded Councillor Kondilios THAT: 5.3 The 2015/2016 Draft Operational Plan, as amended, be placed on public exhibition for a period of 28 days. COMPLIANCE REPORT - ROADS TO RECOVERY PROGRAM File No: 10/39 On the motion of Councillor Troy, seconded Councillor Kondilios THAT: 5.4 The Report be received and noted. MOTOR VEHICLE CLAIMS REPORT File No: 10/13 On the motion of Councillor Mitchell, seconded Councillor Kondilios THAT: The report be received and noted. Page 21 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING 5.5 27 MAY 2015 QUARTERLY BUDGET REVIEW STATEMENT File No: 11/143 On the motion of Councillor Troy, seconded Councillor Mitchell THAT: 6 The Quarterly Budget Review Statement for the period ending 31 March 2015 be received. CLOSURE OF FINANCE AND PERFORMANCE COMMITTEE MEETING Councillor Glinatsis closed the meeting at 7:40 pm. Page 22 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING 9.4 27 MAY 2015 MINUTES OF THE POLICIES AND PRIORITIES COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 27 MAY 2015 Page 23 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING 27 MAY 2015 A MEETING OF THE POLICIES AND PRIORITIES COMMITTEE OF BOTANY BAY CITY COUNCIL WAS HELD ON 27 MAY 2015 IN BOTANY TOWN HALL, CNR EDWARD STREET AND BOTANY ROAD, BOTANY, COMMENCING AT 6:30 PM. 1 ATTENDANCE COUNCILLORS: Councillor Ben Keneally (Mayor) Councillor Stan Kondilios (Deputy Mayor) Councillor Mark Castle Councillor Christina Curry Councillor George Glinatsis Councillor Greg Mitchell Councillor Brian Troy ALSO PRESENT: Ms Lara Kirchner, General Manager Ms Lorraine Cullinane, Deputy General Manager Ms Heather Warton, Director of City Planning and Environment Mr Stuart Dutton, Director of City Infrastructure 2 APOLOGIES There were no apologies 3 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES On the motion of Councillor Glinatsis, seconded Councillor Mitchell THAT: 4 The Minutes of the Policies and Priorities Meeting held on 22 April 2015 be received and confirmed as a true record of proceedings. DECLARATION OF INTERESTS There were no declarations of interest. Page 24 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING 5 27 MAY 2015 REPORTS 5.1 REVIEW OF COUNCIL WARD BOUNDARIES File No: 11/140 On the motion of Councillor Glinatsis, seconded Councillor Castle THAT: 5.2 A working group of interested councillors, the General Manager and relevant staff be convened to review Council’s ward boundaries. SPORTS FIELD ALLOCATION File No: S14/35 On the motion of Councillor Kondilios, seconded Councillor Glinatsis THAT: 5.3 1. Council receive and note the report on Sports Field Allocation. 2. Council confirm the Sports Field Allocation Policy. 3. Appropriate consultation be undertaken with existing sports field hirers to confirm Council’s position. REVIEW OF RESIDENT PARKING SCHEME TERMS AND CONDITIONS File No: 09/27 On the motion of Councillor Kondilios, seconded Councillor Mitchell THAT: 1. The report be received and noted; 2. The recommendations contained in the report be adopted in relation to: Fees and Charges; Permits for New Residential Developments; Permits to Boarding Houses – new boarding houses be excluded from Residential Parking Schemes; Page 25 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING 27 MAY 2015 Tradesperson’s Permits; Carer’s Permits; Visitor Permits. 5.4 PROVISION OF A CAR PARK - MASCOT STATION PRECINCT File No: S14/143 On the motion of Councillor Kondilios, seconded Councillor Glinatsis THAT: 1. The report be received. 2. Council determine Option 2 as the preferred concept design with the incorporation of a full-storey basement to the eastern side of the structure’s central axis and the parapet levels are to be maintained. 3. That Council authorise the General Manager to: 4. 5.5 a) Prepare and lodge a Development Application. b) Finalise tender documentation and call for tenders for final design and construct of the car park. c) A progress report be submitted to the July Policies and Priorities Committee. Council reclassify and rezone the land as set out in the report. RISK MANAGEMENT POLICY File No: S14/135 On the motion of Councillor Glinatisis, seconded Councillor Kondilios THAT: 5.6 Council adopt the Risk Management Policy. COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT FOR DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS File No: 10/100 On the motion of Councillor Kondilios, seconded Councillor Glinatsis THAT: Council endorse the policy position in relation to community engagement for development proposals as detailed in the report. Page 26 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING 6 27 MAY 2015 MEMBERS ONLY REPORTS 6.1 CONFIDENTIAL - LAND ACQUISITION - ROBEY STREET RESERVE File No: PARK(70) On the motion of Councillor Kondilios, seconded Councillor Glinatsis THAT: In accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, this matter be dealt with in closed session of the meeting by reason that the report be withheld from the media and public as it relates to or contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed: prejudice Council’s position in relation to any potential land acquisition. On balance, the public interest in preserving the confidentiality of information provided in respect of this matter outweighs the public interest of maintaining openness and transparency in Council decision making because the disclosure of this information would prejudice Council’s position in relation to any potential land acquisition. The Chairman advised that, in relation to Item 6.1, the Committee has recommended that: The report be received. 7 CLOSURE OF POLICIES AND PRIORITIES COMMITTEE MEETING Councillor Troy closed the meeting at 7:05 pm. Page 27 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING 10 27 MAY 2015 COUNCIL MEETING CLOSURE Page 28