UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE COURT 9 MAY 2003 Present: The Chancellor (in the Chair), The Vice-Chancellor, Professor J B Goddard (Deputy Vice-Chancellor), Professor M J Atkins and Professor T F Page (Pro-Vice-Chancellors, Miss L Allason-Jones, Professor T Anderson, Mr W R Atkinson, Mr A G Balls, Professor P H Baylis, Professor F Coffield, Dr J N Coleman, Dr E G N Cross, Professor A Crowe, Councillor M Dent, Mr H Faulkner-Brown, Mr J J Fenwick, Mrs M O Grant, Dr S M Haile, Ms C M Harvey, Dr R Hawley, His Honour Judge David Hodson, Mr J Jeffery, Miss F M Kirkby, Councillor G T Knox, Professor Li Wei, Dr H Loebl, Mrs S Murray, Lord Bishop of Newcastle, Professor P J W Olive, Dr K J Orford, Mr N Sherlock, Mr H M Shukla, Mr A C Taylor, Councillor K Taylor, Professor J A Walker, Sir John Willis, Mr D K Wilson. In attendance: The Registrar, Mr C J Cox (Director of Development), Mr P S Mitchell (Academic Registrar) and Ms G M Bell (Assistant Registrar). Apologies for absence: Dr J C Appleby, Professor D R Charles, Mr D Davidson, Mr G M Reeves, Lord Walton of Detchant, Councillor J Watson, Dr I Winterton. MINUTES I. MINUTES 5. The Minutes of the meeting held on 2 December 2002 were approved as a correct record and signed. II. CONGRATULATIONS 6. Reported: (a) That Mr Nigel Sherlock and Mr Hari Shukla had both been awarded OBEs in the New Year Honours List. (b) That Dr Herbert Loebl would be receiving an Honorary DSc from the University at the Congregation on 9 May 2003. 2 Court/09.05.03/M III. REPORT BY THE VICE-CHANCELLOR 7. Received: An oral presentation by the Vice-Chancellor on key issues pertaining to the University, most notably the publication of the Government White Paper ‘The Future of Higher Education’, the University’s response to which is attached for information. (Appendix I) Noted: 1. That financially the University had grown in a remarkable way with a 9.4% increase over the last four years and that a turnover of £219m was forecast for 2002/03. 2. That the University had a number of capital projects underway or planned including the Devonshire Building which would house one of the largest interdisciplinary research groups on the environment in the UK. 3. That the University had been very successful in its overseas recruitment this year and had attracted a significant number of international students over and above the forecast. 4. That the judging team for the European Capital of Culture 2008 had recently visited Newcastle/Gateshead and had specifically requested to meet with University representatives to find out first hand about its contribution to the bid. 5. That, unusually for regional development agencies, One North East had placed universities at the heart of its regional economic strategy and had identified five areas of excellence with which this University is closely involved. The five regional Centres of Excellence are in the following fields: digital, life sciences, nanotechnology, new and renewable energies, and process industries 6. That there was a need for further discussion at a national level about the role of higher education particularly in the light of issues raised by the White Paper and developments such as those referred to in note 5 above. IV. PLANNING FOR PHILANTHROPY 8. Considered: A presentation by the Director of Development, Mr C J Cox entitled ‘Planning for Philanthropy: an update’ for which a copy of the slides are attached. (Appendix II) 3 Court/09.05.03/M Noted: 1. that the fund raising work of the Development Council aimed at complementing, and not replacing, core funding from the Government, 2. that the Development Council was separate from the Development Trust although their functions were complementary, 3. that in respect of planned giving the Treasury was known to be currently looking at the tax advantages to donors within their lifetime, Resolved: That a list of the project priorities agreed by the Development Council at its meeting on 10 May be circulated to Court members. (Appendix III) V. REVIEW OF COURT 9. Considered: A discussion paper on the role and functioning of the Court. [Circulated with the Agenda as Document A] After noting: 1. that Court welcomed the clarification the paper provided on the role of Court in universities, 2. the general support for a focussed review of Court and that it was timely given the recent review of Council and Senate, 3. the potential value of Court members to the University outside of the formal meetings and the importance of active engagement with and effective utilisation of lay Court members to the benefit of the University and higher education in general, 4. the usefulness of Court as a consultative body within the overall management and governance of the University and the assistance it can provide in the protection of its reputation and its development, 5. that Court members would be invited to submit individual comments to the review, 6. that it would be useful for the review to examine the advantages and disadvantages of increasing the membership of Court, 4 Court/09.05.03/M Resolved: (i) That a limited review of Court be undertaken, focussing on a consideration of its composition, in the context of its engagement with the local, regional and national communities. (ii) That a small sub-committee, under the Chairmanship of Mr Reay Atkinson and comprising representatives of the different interests on Court, carry out this review with a view to making a report to Court at its meeting in December 2003. VI. MEETINGS 2003/04 10. Reported: That meetings of Court in the forthcoming academic session had been preliminarily scheduled for: 11.30 a.m. on Monday, 15 December 2003 11.30 a.m. on Friday, 7 May 2004