From West LA to Historic Filipino Town

Spring 2008
A Publication of the Sisters of Social Service
From West LA to Historic Filipino Town
A 60-Year History as Regis House Relocates
Regis House circa 2007
In 1948, the Sisters of Social Service opened “The
Center” in the Sawtelle neighborhood of West L.A. to
serve youth and families in low-income neighborhoods.
From 1949 to 1956 the Juniors of the Social Service
Auxiliary rented a facility for The Center for $125 per
month. They also took full responsibility for insurance
and maintenance of the building. The Juniors were
responsible for a Sister’s salary of $25 per month
and $1,100 a year for a male staff member. They also
purchased a new car for the Sister’s use in her work.
The Center offered after-school activities for
children, programs for teenagers and services for the
Mexican-American families who had moved in when
the former residents, the Japanese-American families,
were evacuated to re-location camps during World
War II. These new families were challenged by overcrowded and inadequate housing conditions and a lack
of supportive outreach services.
In October of 1956, The Center expanded their
outreach services and programs by purchasing a twobedroom house at 11346 Iowa Avenue for $30,000.
They named it Regis House Community Center. The
house was located on a very large lot with avocado
trees which was converted into a large play yard. The
Juniors continued their financial and volunteer support
and within five years had paid for the property and had
begun working on a new building fund. Summer day
camp, girls’ clubs, cooking classes for moms, a food
pantry and field trips in the “Red Van” to the snow and
beach, were all a part of the Regis House outreach. The
(From West LA, continues on page 2)
(From West LA, continued from page 1)
new building was completed by
1969 and was totally paid for prior
to moving in. It was designed with
the concept of a family residence —
a place where the whole family was
Activities continued to develop
that gave support to low-income
families and recent immigrants.
Pre-school programs were designed
to prepare three- and four-yearolds with limited English skills for
kindergarten. Activities for seniors
and citizenship classes were offered.
A dedicated staff and countless
hours of service by volunteers
developed 15 year-round programs
serving more than 2,500 people a
The neighborhood on Iowa
Avenue began to change, challenged
by the development of many office
buildings on Sawtelle and Olympic
Boulevard. Many single family
dwellings were replaced by condos
and families who lived in rental
units were forced to move out.
The Juniors of Social
Service are a vital part of
Regis House with their
support and company at
each step along the way…
as we build a welcoming
place for people of all ages
to teach and learn, help
and get help.
In 1987, Regis House East was
established in the densely populated
and culturally diverse area around
MacArthur Park. Sustaining
two centers proved financially
challenging and Regis House East
closed in 1995.
In the last decade there has been
rapid urbanization and gentrification
in the Iowa Avenue neighborhood.
While the area has seen positive
growth, some longtime residents
Regis House circa 1956
page 2
feel the unique neighborhood has
metamorphosed into just another
part of West L.A. Most recently and
very noticeable is the construction
of luxury apartments, condos, minimalls and high-rise buildings, many
of which have replaced older singlefamily homes.
The Sisters of Social Service
decided to sell the property in West
L.A. and move into an area that
reflected the need for the kinds
of services and programs that
are the hallmark of Regis House.
In September 2007, they bought
a commercial property at 2212
Beverly Boulevard and began
working with architect Barry Segal
on renovations that will transform it
into the new Regis House.
Sister’s Albertina Morales and
Teresita Saavedra have co-directed
the Regis House programs for
the last six years and now lead its
transition. They have packed and
vacated the former premises and
now consult with architects and
planners, oversee demolition and
reconstruction, while introducing
themselves to neighbors and
listening to their concerns. In doorto-door interviews, coordinated by
Sr. Michele Walsh, the Sisters and
staff members Maria De Leon and
Soledad Crisanto are learning what
residents lack and look for — places
to gather and learn, and access
to housing, education, jobs, city
services and health care.
With polling information,
design of the new Regis House
evolves toward a new “home” that
is a safe and welcoming space for
people of all ages to teach and learn,
help and get help and socialize. The
rebuilding is expected to take about
a year and half. There are tentative
plans for installing a trailer or
portable building from which to run
day camps this summer and sponsor
children to attend resident camp at
Camp Oliver.
The Juniors of Social Service
are a vital part of Regis House
with their support and company
at each step along the way, from
the purchase of the first building
through significant funding from
their annual Candlelight Ball, to
their consistent presence as
volunteers and board members.
Families, friends, schools and
churches are a vital part of Regis
House and will be receiving updates
from time to time on the progress
of Regis House. If you would like
more information, please contact
Sr. Albertina Morales at
323-734-2873 or Sr. Teresita
Saavedra at 323-733-1981. n
A Message from
Sister Claire Graham, General Director
Dearest Friends,
As I walk up to my
office each morning I
am delighted with the
magnificent changes that
occur every day in our
gardens. Only a short
while ago, plants and
trees were barren, the grass had no
sparkle, and the rosebushes missed
their beloved flowers. Today, all of
creation is blooming, singing out
and restored. Thanks be to God!
Even in this Easter season
with its focus on new life, our
community has painfully struggled
with the loss of two Sisters and an
Associate in just two weeks’ time.
When I express my sadness, Sr.
Elizabeth reminds me, “But dear
Sister, isn’t that why we are here –
to die so we can rise with the One
in whom we believe?” We live with
constant renewal, rebirth,
regeneration, yet we often
forget that concept. “Isn’t
that why we are here?”
Each day can and does
become a new day, a new
start, a new beginning.
I pray that you will
be blessed this Spring
to recognize and thank God for
new beginnings. To transform the
sadness of loss into gratefulness
that we are all reborn into God’s
Please know that the Sisters of
Social Service continue to treasure
your involvement with us. We pray
daily in gratitude for all you do and
celebrate all the new life given to us
by God. n
In God’s Spirit,
Sr. Claire Graham, SSS
General Director
Final Vows, May 2007: From right to left, Sr. Anne Arabome (Nigerian), Sr.
Leticia Tapia Espinoza, Sr. Maria Elena Salinas Santos, and Sr. Maria Asucena
Reyes Toledo from Mexico are welcomed as permanent vowed members into the
Sisters of Social Service by Sr. Claire Graham, General Director.
page 3
A Holy Place is Created
Holy Spirit Renewal Center, Philippines
For Vicky Lopez, Sisters of Social Service
Associate, a dream has come
true! With the recent purchase of
property in Nasugbu, Batangas,
Philippines Vicky has realized a
childhood dream.
The seed for a retreat center
in the Philippines was first planted
in Vicky’s college days when
dreams were easy to come by. She
was involved in “Social Concern”
groups in college, and she and friends would
share their dreams about the possibility of having
a place to practice what they were learning. At
that point, it was the daydream of young people
desiring to make the Gospel teachings real and
The Holy Spirit Renewal Center in the Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines.
change the lives of people in need.
Inset: Children play outside the new retreat center.
When Vicky met the Sisters of Social Service
children with whom they were working. It was clear that
and became an Associate, the dream of a retreat
a place of retreat was needed where those caught up in the
center became very real in her mind. At this time, Vicky
teeth of poverty could “come aside for awhile” to find the
was in hospice nursing and had experienced losses in
inner resources that they need to survive.
her own family as well as hearing the voices of pain of
On one of her trips to the Philippines Vicky was
patients and their families as they went through grief and
invited to a prayer meeting. Her sister mentioned to the
their final journeys together. Having seen and experienced
people gathered that she was looking for a retreat house.
this deep pain that people encounter in life, the dream
One of the people in attendance was so moved by the
house returned. Vicky would share her experiences with
need and the desire to serve that he offered to sell her
the Sisters, and hear their frustrations of having no place
his beach house. When they went to see the house it was
to retreat in the Philippines to take staff or the women and
obvious that it was ready to fall apart, but beyond the
deterioration she saw the potential for plans that she had
to help families by giving respite and having a place for
Sisters to meet and hold retreats.
Vicky was able to purchase the property and make
the necessary renovations. In February of 2008, the Asian
Pacific region of the Sisters of Social Service met there
and others have started to have meetings and retreats there
also. The house was blessed last July while Vicky was
visiting along with her daughter and grandson.
We ask that you pray for this venture. We know that
God is walking with us. Vicky has had a faith experience
Sr. Theresa Tsou from Taipei, Sr. Michele Walsh, Vangie Lasao,
of having a dream, allowing it to develop in prayer, and
Sr. Avigail Ortega, and Sr. Kathleen Kelly (visiting from Canada).
realizing the Holy Spirit is responding by taking her
February 2008, at Nasugbu for SSS Asian Pacific meetings.
seriously and helping make her dream a reality. n
page 4
The Sisters of Social Service sponsor
Hail Mary the Queen Choir
from the Philippines
The Sisters of Social Service first sponsored the
Hail Mary the Queen Choir from the Philippines in 2005.
The Children’s Choir originated from two parishes in
the Philippines, Immaculate Conception Parish in Cubao
and Mary the Queen Parish in Green Hills. To this day
they continue to sing at Masses in both parishes. In
2004 they participated in the Third Choir Olympics in
Bremen, Germany. They won the Gold Medal and were
declared the Olympic Champions in the music of religions
category. In November of 2007 they traveled to the First
Asian Choir Games in Jakarta where they won three
medals – Gold in spiritual gospel, Silver in contemporary,
and Silver in sacred music. While still singing in their
own parishes the choir assists other parishes and groups in
fundraising activities.
In April 2008 they will travel to twelve sites in
California where they will be singing their repertoire. These
include six in the greater Los Angeles area, San Diego,
Orange County, Victorville, Sacramento, Stockton and
San Francisco. In addition, on their visit to Disneyland in
Anaheim, they are scheduled to sing a short performance.
This upcoming tour offers a unique opportunity for
fundraising in support of the Philippine ministry of the
Sisters of Social Service. It enables these young people to
experience a new and different culture as well as sharing
the gift of their beautiful voices in song and hope. It allows
us here in the United States to welcome and share the
generous and warm aspect of ourselves that the television
and movies do not portray. It allows all of us to see each
other differently. At the same time needed funds are raised
for our brothers and sisters in the Philippines who are
searching for ways to sustain their daily lives. n
page 5
Data Conversion
Planning Ahead
Helen is very good at planning ahead. Her finances
are in very good order. She retired early and has plenty
of income to last her through a very old age. That is
good because she has “long-life genes.” But she also
inherited the “Plan Ahead” genes. She has an estate
plan, a living trust, a will and an advanced health care
directive. She has also placed most of her assets in the
living trust and she has sent copies to the appropriate
family members.
Over 60% of people who die in
California leave no will or trust.
When that happens the State of
California decides where your
money and property go.
Have you done those Plan Ahead things? Over 60
percent of people who die in California leave no will or
trust. When that happens the State of California decides
where your money and property go.
Rather than let that happen to you and your family
why not consider making your plans now. You should
know that retirement plan assets could be the most
heavily taxed of all your assets if left to heirs. Following
your death, these assets may, in fact, subject family
members to income and estate taxes of up to 65 percent.
In some situations, you may be able to increase the
amount passing to heirs by making a gift of retirement
plan assets to a tax-exempt charitable organization.
Some of these areas of estate planning are complex,
so you should seek professional advice before making
a gift from your retirement assets. Dividing your assets
between family and charitable interests may be the best
option for all involved.
The Sisters of Social Service Development Department has begun a comprehensive effort to provide
information and help for donors wishing to make
planned gifts. These gifts would ensure the future work
of the Sisters in their ministries as they advocate for
economic justice and provide critical social services to
our communities at home and abroad. For information
about including Sisters of Social Service in your
will please contact the Development Department at
818.285.3358. n
The Development Office is happy to announce that we
will soon be converting to Donor Perfect, a development
software. The new program will allow us to make changes
easily, print very specific mailings and analytical reports,
and refresh the current mailing lists to reflect the most
updated information possible. In an effort to save trees and
make sure we have the best information on your family,
please consider mailing back the response envelope we’ll
provide in a few weeks. Please be sure to write on that
envelope how your family would like to be listed and
acknowledged in thank you letters or lists, as well as any
changes to your address or household. We will continue
the ongoing process of cleaning up and maintaining our
databases, so let us know if something needs to be changed.
Thank you for your patience during this process and your
continued support for the Sisters of Social Service through
your gifts, your talents and your dedication. Feel free to call
Jamey Ketner, Director of Development, with any changes
at (818) 285-3358. n
Make a difference
with a click of your mouse:
What if the Sisters of Social Service earned a penny
every time you searched the Internet? Well, now we can! is a new search engine that donates half its
revenue, about a penny per search, to the charities its users
designate. You use it just as you would any search engine,
and it’s powered by Yahoo! so you get great results.
Just go to and be sure to enter
Sisters of Social Service-Los Angeles as the charity you
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page 6
Sisters of Social Service Receive
2008 Spirit of VIC Religious Leadership Award
The Sisters of Social Service are pleased to be the recipients of the 2008 “Spirit of VIC Award for Religious
Leadership.” On May 8, the San Fernando Valley Interfaith Council (VIC) will be highlighting the Sisters of Social
Service for their pioneering spirit and interfaith ministries, as well as their humanitarian and social service efforts
within the United States and internationally. Sr. Claire Graham, Sr. Anne Field and Sr. Rochelle Mitchell will be
receiving the award on behalf of the Community for the SSS ministries, the Interfaith Peace Garden project, and
the Holy Spirit Retreat Center. Other community leaders and faith groups to be honored that evening are the Los
Angeles City and County Firefighters, State Senator Sheila Kuehl, Telesis, Abraham’s Vision and the Vedanta
Society of Southern California. n
SAVE the
B l e ssi n g a n d Op e ni ng of th e
In t e rfaith P e ac e Gard e n
The blessing and official opening of the physical location of the
Interfaith Peace Garden nestled in the oaks on the grounds of the
Holy Spirit Retreat Center in Encino, California.
…devoted to peace-making, interfaith dialogue and creativity in efforts toward
enhancing environmental spirituality and the integrity of the earth.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
2:00-5:00 p.m.
For information: 818-285-3357 k
page 7
DATE the
Donor Honor Roll January 1, 2006 - January 1, 2008
The Sisters of Social Service are deeply grateful for the generous support we received from our families, friends, supporters and
the communities that we work and live within. Every gift that we receive makes a difference. Thank you for your support of our
ministries, retirement, education, and capital projects. We hold you in our thoughts and prayers daily.
General, Ministry and Retirement Funds
Guido Abellera, M.D.
Carmita P. Abrams
Stephen & Jane Ackerman
John Acton
Fr. Sean Acton
Mr. & Mrs. Faustino Adion
Anita Agate
Connie Aguilar
Pilar Agustin
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Ahern
Frances Airoldi
Carolyn & Irnie Akina
Efren & Juana Alabastro
Sylvia Alao
Aquilino & Letitia Alcantara
John Alessandri
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Alford
Dr. Armi Alian, D.M.D.
Mr. George Almeida
Mr. & Mrs. Julio Alvarez
Lucia Alvarez
Linda Amiana
Mary Lou Andersen
Rev. Betsy Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Norm Anderson
Mary Andrews
Theresa & John Andrews
Constancia Angeles
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Anguiano
Patricia M. Applegate
Lorinda C. Arashiro
Cecilia Arbuckle
Sr. Celeste Arbuckle, SSS
Benedicto L. & Nora M. Arevalo
B. Armbruster
Marie Arndt
Eloise Artadi
Jean Littig Artz
Rosemary Asuncion
Rodrick A. Atteberry
Mrs. Walter G. Aurich
Mrs. Alice M. Austin
Regan Backer
Lena Bagwill
Marie Baker
Laura Saavedra Balcer
Florentina Balon
Walter & Barbara Bankovitch
Sr. Christine Banta, SSS
Mr. & Mrs. T. Michael Banta
Eligio Baradas
Ernest Barbeau
Dr. & Mrs. Michael K. Barnoski
E. Barron
Mrs. Theodore M. Barry
Rev. Msgr. William J. Barry
Liwayway Bartolome
Edgardo & Leonidas Basallo
Kathleen Baska
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Batelaan
Alberto A. Bautista
Mr. & Mrs. Nolan R. Bautista
Lolita Bayani
Elizabeth Joan Bear
Capt. Michael & Percenia Beasley
Alice A. Beck
Mrs. John J. Beck
Mr. & Mrs. David B. Bell
Socorro Grace Benedicto
Cecilia Berango
Aida G. Bergano
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Berges
Danny & Estelita Bernal
Herminia Bernardo
Sr. Paulita Bernuy, SSS
Edna Betzsold
Gerald & Joann Bianchi
Mark & Carol Bichsel
Margaret I. Bieckert
Barbara J. Bigby
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Eugene Biles
Dennis & Joanne Biondi
Claude O. Bir
Geri Biskowski
Roberta Bissell
Gracita B. Bitanga
Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Blanco
Mrs. Henry C. Blaud
Mary L. Blonigan
Mrs. Richard G. Blum
Mrs. Annemarie Blystone
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Bodine
Lewis J. Bohache
Patricia Bohache
Louise Marie Bolt
Ana C. Bordallo
Mr. Frank Borgia
Donna Born
Freeman W. Born
Marilyn Boron
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Bowers
Verne Bowers
Ron Boyce
Sr. Grace Boys, SSS
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brabeck
Damaris Bradish
Mr. & Mrs. Donley L. Brady
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Brady
Mr. & Mrs. Don Brain
Mr. & Mrs. C. C. Brasket
Barbara M. Breeden
James H. Brewer
Trandailer Brewer
Donald Brice
Mr. & Mrs. William Brin
Ruben Briones, PE
Mary M. Brito
Mrs. Nerissa Broas
James Broussard
Dr. & Mrs. Raymond E. Brow
Cornelius Brown
Dennis A. Brown
Mrs. Kenneth B. Brown
Marie H. Brown
Robert & Mary Jane Brown
Yolanda Brown
Mrs. Philip T. Bruttig
Mary Joan Bryan
Gloria Bueno-Covell
Constancia R. Bugay
Joan Burcell
Judith E. Burke
Rosemary Burke
Ms. Ruth Burkhardt
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Burschinger
Adelaida Bustos, M.D.
Colleen Butler
Margaret Buttrey
Leni A. Byrne
Hon & Mrs. Richard P. Byrne
Lelinda & Jose Cabigas
Barbara Cadow
Karen Cagulada
Helen Cahandig
Mrs. John T. Cahill
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Cain
Jesus Alex Cainglet
Jane A. Calhoun
Mrs. Eileen Callanan-McDonald
Mr. & Mrs. Andy Camacho
Mr. & Mrs. Elpidio Cameros
Romel M. & Merle M. Cameros
Teresa M. Cameros
John & Catherine Campbell
Mrs. Armand V. Campillo
Adelaida G. Canlas
Teresita Canlas Obina
Mr. & Mrs. Justino Capawan
Juanito Capistrano
Josephine Capitulo
Mary C. Caplis
Ernest P. & Lesley Carabba
Ann Carberry
Sybil Carey
Mr. & Mrs. Jose B. Carlos
Robert E. Carney
Marilyn Carrabino
Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Carzon
Rose Ann Casagrande
Louise Casaubon
Joseph & Dolores Casey
M. M. Casey
Mrs. Terrence Casey
Rose Marie Castagnola
Catherine Castle
Blesila Castro
Jennifer Castrup
Helen D. Cedeno
Mary Ann D. Cedro
Deacon & Mrs. Jerry Cellner
Cecilia C. Center
Shirley M. Chaez
Suzanne Chaput
Patricia A. Chase
Barbara Chasse
Shirley & Emilio Chavez
Su Mei Chen
Lorinda C. Cheng-Arashiro
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Childs, Jr.
Mr. Joseph K. Choy
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Christiansen
Linda Chu
Linda Y. Chu
Yolanda Cifuentes-Hiss
Robert Claesgens
Anne L. Clark
Ms. Jo Ann Clark
Kay Clark
Joseph P. Cleary
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Close
Virginia W. Clunan
Mr. & Mrs. Chin Bing Co
James & Marilyn Colignon
Andy & Pat Colletti
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Comiskey
Cristina M. Concepcion
Rene C. Concepcion
Barbara Connell
Sr. Catherine Connell, SSS
***A Note to Our Donors: It is our intent to recognize all gifts from our generous community as accurately as possible. Please call 818.285.3358 to
notify us of any omission or error in spelling. Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to the Sisters of Social Service.
page 8
Patrick & Julia Connell
Mr. & Mrs. J.J. Conners
Mrs. Gertilda Voss Conti
Honoruth Corbett
Jaime A. & Elvira Corona
David & Marg Cortens
Domingo & Clarita Cortes
Victoria Cotter
Ms. Luva Coulson
Rita Coushman
Jane V. Cove
Gloria Covell
Elizabeth Crahan
Mary Jane Craig
A.J. Craig
Suzanne Wright Crain
Sally Creedon
Mrs. William Creedon
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Crowley
Mr. & Mrs. E. J. Crummy, Jr.
Frances Curran
Mary Ann Currier
Peggy Curry
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Curtin
Sr. Rosanne Curtiss, SSS
Mary E. Cuseo
Reverand Walter
D’Heedene, CICM
Fr. George Da Roza
Hon. & Mrs. Peter Dailey
Ms. Sydney J. Dailey
Gloria San Jose Daims
Mr. & Mrs. Bernardo Dalo
Ligaya Damasco
Dottie Dassen
Mr. & Mrs. Antonio David
Jean E. Davis
Sr. Lois Davis, SSS
Melva T. Davis
Dave Davoni
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Day
Mr. Louis De Benedetti
Mrs. Frolin De La Cruz
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon De Lang
Mr. & Mrs. Cristino E. De Leon
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick De Mendoza
Guy M. De Primo
Mr. & Mrs. Jose De Rosa
Mrs. Mary Jane De Simone
A.M. DeCaro
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence DeCuir
Thomas & Laura Dekat
Maria Del Carmen Negrete
Violeta O. Del Rosario
Restituta Dela Rosa
Jimmy Delacruz
Isabel S. Delgado
Arthur P. Dernbach
Mr. & Mrs. James Desmond
Sandra W. & Robert Devine
Nicholas & Priscilla Di Domenico
Ms. Christine Di Lisio
Charles Di Salvo
Ms. Maureen Diener
Robert & Rita Dige
Dr. M.F. Dillingham
Natalie M. DiMercurio
Mr. & Mrs. George C.
Dr. Bruce Dobbs
Vincent & Agnes Doi
R. Domantay
Maria Carmen Dominguez
Rey & Rosa Dominguez
Mr. & Mrs. John Donoghue
Mark & Tracy Donoghue
Mr. & Mrs. C. T. Dooley
Dr. & Mrs. Matt Doran
Renee F. Dorrance
Mrs. Teresa M. Dotts
Jacqueline Powers Doud
Mary Douglas
Mr. Garry Douris
Dr. Marilyn G. Douroux
Joshua M. Dowell
Megan Quinn Dowell
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dowling
John P. & Ann S. Downs
John & Mary Doyle
Michael A. Doyle
Mrs. Maximina Dragon
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Drennan
Emma J. Dry
Veronica Dudzik
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Duguid
Mrs. Kathleen M. Duncan
Angel & Gloria Dungca
Joseph & Eleanor Dunn
The Duperon-France Family
Lucille C. Duquette
Enrique & Norma Duran
Leonard Duran
Sraddha Durand
Mary Lou A. Early
Mr. & Mrs. James Easterday
Natalie Edmunds
Camilla Edwards
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Edwards
Mrs. John C. Egelhoff
Hector & Carolee Elizondo
Gerald A. Eller
Rita M. Ellison
Doris Ann Elmore
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Emenaker
Kathy Emery
Natalie Emunds
Albert & Eloise Engel
Sr. Pauline Eppink, SSS
M.R. Erickson
Mr. & Mrs. R.P. Erpelding
Helen R. Espiritu
Carmelita Estioko
Carmencita Estrada
Charlotte Estrada
Dominga A. Estrada
Maria Estrada
Susan Ettin
Mr. & Mrs. Gil V. Evangelista
Joan Evans
Mr. & Mrs. James Ewing
Nenita G. Fabian
Mr. Albert Fabilli
Mary Fabilli
Sr. Virginia Fabilli, SSS
Ms. Gerry Fagoaga
Mrs. Sullivan Farlow
Saralei Farner
Mrs. Charles Farrell
Mr. & Mrs. Emiliano Faustino
William & Helen M. Fay, Jr.
Bill & Sally Feathers
Vincent Feeney
Mr. & Mrs. Damon Feldmeth
Sr. Jeanne Felion, SSS
Jose T. Felix &
Nora Q. Valencia
Mr. & Mrs. George Fenderson
Eleanor Fenton
Evangeline G. Fernandez
Jocelyn Fernandez
Cynthia Ferrer
Ms. Jacqueline Ficht
Sr. Anne Field, SSS
Mrs. Stanley Fieldman
Mrs. Mary Fijan
Cora M. Fischer
John & Mariann Fisher
Kay F. Fisher
P.G. & C.M. Fisher
Patricia D. Fitzgerald
Margaret Fitzmaurice
Joseph Flaherty
Nancy Flaherty
Adeline Flores
Dr. Ann Fogel
Donald Foley
Virginia K. Fong
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Forchette
Msgr. John A. Fosselman
John R. Fosselman
Kathleen Fosselman
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Fosselman
Mrs. Joseph C. Foster
Leonora Foster
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fourticq
Thelma Foye
Elizabeth M. Frank
David A. & Janis Franzoia
Patricia Frazao
Mr. & Mrs. Josh Fredericks
Ruth Freedman, R.N.
Mrs. Herman Fritzenkotter
Mr. & Mrs. William Fritzsche
Patricia J. Frize
Yuiki Fukumoto
Mel & Sharolyn Fullmer
Steve & Betsy Furlong
Richard & Irene Furukawa
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Gaglio
Mrs. Patricia Galligan
Mrs. Thomas Galligan
Mike & Carol Galloway
Lorraine C. Galvond
Anna Ganahl
Evelyn M. Gannon
Mrs. & Mr. Shirley Gapasin
Christina M. Garcia
page 9
Lillian Garcia
Most Reverend Richard Garcia
Mrs. Lillian Garcis
William G. & Shiloh A. Garies
Mr. & Mrs. William Garland
Betty F. Gartland
Dorothy A. Gartner
Wanda L. Gastelo
Elaine J. Gentilini
Rudy & Aleli Geronimo
John M. Gerro, Esq.
Dr. & Mrs. Melvin Gerstner
Mrs. Mary E. Gibbs
Maria Giegerich
Robert & Mary Giese
Mr. & Mrs. Garrett Giford
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Gilb
Janet Gilberg
Claire M. Gilbert
Thomas & Gloria Gill
Mrs. Catherine M. Ginn
Marcella Gleason
Gracia Goade & Bruce Cummings
Mr. & Mrs. W.C. Godfrey
Paulina Goffin
Jay & Trudy Goldberg
Clarann J. Goldring, Ph.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Frederic J. Goldstein
Joselito N. Gomez
Mr. & Mrs. Alfredo Gonzales
Donald J. Gonzales
Margaret Gonzales
Natalie P. Gonzales
Nenita A. Gonzales
Mr. & Mrs. Pedro Gonzales
Edelmira D. Gonzalez
Michele Gonzalez
Mindee J. Gonzalez
Sylvia Gonzalez
Dr. & Mrs. B. H. Goodman
Mrs. Matilde P. Goodman
John & Henrietta Gordon
Mary C. Gorman
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Gowey
Leticia Graham
Sr. Claire Graham, SSS
Mary Louise Graves
Teresa M. Gray
Mrs. Martha A. Greaney
Sally Greedon
Harriet A. Green
Mr. & Mrs. Leeds Greene
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Greger
Mrs. James E. Griffin
Ann L. Griot
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Grojean
Judith Grout
Regina Gruss
Sonia Gudelman
Mr. & Mrs. C. Gullo
Victor & Lucy Gutierrez
Andrea F. Gutierrez
Walter & Jeannette Gutkowski
Susan M. Guyton
Kathryn D. Hackett
Mrs. Wilson M. Haff
Mr. & Mrs. Anton Hagen
Suzanne W. & A. Chris Hagen
Mr. & Mrs. James Haggerty
Dorothy & Joyce Haigh
Sharon A. & Chris Hainley
Mary C. Hale
Mary Alice Hall
Mrs. Timothy Hallahan
Mr. & Mrs. Francis P. Halsmer
Robert L. Hamilton
Mr. & Mrs. Leo C.
Alicerae Hanley
John L. Hardie
Russell & Betty Hardison
Kevin & Denise Harper
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Harriff
Lily M. Harris
Maureen Hartmann
Daryl Hartnett
David Hartnett
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Hartnett
Mr. & Mrs. John V. Hatton
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Hawkins
Jim & Mary Hawkins
Joanne T. Hawkins
Charles & Sharon Hayden
James M. Hayes
Lady Mary L. Brown Healey
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Healy
Ann Hefner
Maxwin & Bonita Heimann
Mrs. Maureen Heintz
Edith Hempfling
Cliff & Sue Hendrickson
Mr & Mrs J.S. Heng
Mary J. Henry
Philippus H. Herkata
Flora L. Herkata
Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Herman
Mr. S.D Herman
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Herrera
Lydia del Mundo Herrmann
Rob & Stella Hewett
Mary Jennifer Hewett
Mrs. Thomas J. Hickey
Judy Hiebert
Joseph M. Hill
Mrs. John F. Hilson
Joseph M. Hiss
Sally Hite
Mr. & Mrs. Roland Hithe
Charles Hofer
Kathleen Holland
Rosemary Honcock
Don Horwath
Rosemary L. Hough
Mrs. Hsu
Mr. & Mrs. Sung-Cheng Huang
John G. Huarte
Dr. & Mrs. Asa G. Hubbard
Mr. & Mrs. Calbert Hubbard
Deborah Huber
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hufhines
Monica Hughes
Flora Hunt
Barbara V. Hurt
Mrs. Harvey R. Hurt
Mrs. Jeannette Hyland
Ursula Hyman
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Hynes
Josephine Iberti
Carol Kent Iceland
Norma J. Idzinga
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Iino
Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Illig
Joan S. Inman
Mr. & Mrs. Remedios Insong
Tony & Helen Intintolli
Amor Milanes Ipapo
Carol Kent Ireland
Marie Jackson
Richard G. Jaco
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Jaeger
Dr. Albert B. Janko
Maryann C. Jardiniano
Mr. & Mrs. Elias R. Javier
Ms. Ila S. Jawetz
Adnan & Elisabeth Jee
Mr. & Mrs. Denis Jen
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Jennett
Mary Jensen
Mr. & Mrs. Dominador Jocson
Letha L. Johnson
Nancy Power Johnson
Sylvia Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Johnson, Jr.
Mrs. Carol Johnson-Bichsel
Patricia Johnston
Pamela Jolicoeur
Kent & Marjorie Jonas
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar A. Jones, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Louis W. Jones, Jr.
Mrs. Susan Jones
Antoinette M. Jordan
Christian J. Jordan
Mrs. Gloria Joseph
Louise M. Joseph
Mrs. Sonia Juan
Mr. & Mrs. Marcelino Jumangit
Ruben C. Jusay
Martina Jussel
Dennis & Karen Kack
Nancy Kain
Sr. Susan Kam, SSS
Dr. Jerome S. Kamei, D.D.S.
John & Barbara Kammerer
Mr. & Mrs. Gaudencio Katigbak
Rose Mary Kavanaugh
Mrs. Robert E. Kaveney
Maria N. Kazemzadeh
James Patrick Keane
Catherine & Conrad Kellenberg
Annika Keller
James T. & Margaret Keller
Kenneth Keller
Mary Keller
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Keller
Robert M. Keller
William Keller
Rosemarie Kelley
Elizabeth Kelsch
Mr. Thomas W. Kemp
Mary Eileen Kennedy
Roy & Mary Kennedy
Mrs. William Kennedy
Mrs. Doreen Kent
Joyce Kermoian
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kern
Mrs. Dolores G. Keshtkar
Marlene Kiely-Gibbs
Art & Joan Kiening
Prudence Kiening
Ms. Sheila Coyne Kiernan
Mr. Edward Kiessling
Mr. & Mrs. Eamonn Killeen
Ms. Diane Kimberlin
Mr. & Mrs. Alvin King
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kinloch
Joan Kinnon
Elizabeth J. Klein
John and Betty Knapp
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence J. Knight
Ms. Annie L. Korn
William & Agnes Kost
Larry& Beatrice Kost
The Kost Family
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kribs
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Krieger
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W.
Kroener, Jr.
Ms. Theresa Kuo
Francis J. Kurriger
Virginia Kurringer
Marilyn T. Kwee
Denise P. LaBorde
John & Sally Lakatta
Mr. & Mrs. George Lam
Dr. & Mrs. N. A. Lamberti
Ms. Ann Marie Lancaster
Carol Lancey
Mrs. William. J. H. Lane
Mrs. Frank W. Lang
Jean P. Lang
Susan Robin Lang
Sr. Maribeth Larkin, SSS
Mrs. Mary Larkin
John & Marguerite Larroque
John W. Larson
Mrs. & Mr. Maria Lata
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Latino
Angeline Kam Lau
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Lau
Linda Haruko Suzuki Laughlin
Carol Laumann
Mary A. Lawrence
Mrs. Thomas C. Leahy
Deborah C. Learned
Ruth & Howard LeBas
Eva Kupa Ledermuller
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Lee
Jean C. Lee
Nancy Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Delvin Lefner
Regina M. Leger
M. Cathleen Matthew Lengyez
Mr. & Mrs. John Lerch
page 10
Jeron & Lubrina Leufroy
Ben & Anita Levine
Craig & Karen Lewis
Wendy Leyva
John Li & Elizabeth Lee
Mrs. Thomas J. Liautaud
Regina Terry Lickteig
Earnst & Deena Lightner
A. Lindemann & Family
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Lindemann
Mrs. John W. Lindsay
Marie Lindsay
Miss Sandra Line
Mr. & Mrs. George Link
Thomas & Barbara Lino
Verna Lipscomb
Isabelle Little
Anna Yin-Ying Liu
Peter Lively
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Locke
Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Loftus
Jay R. Logan
Grace Loh
Mrs. David Long
Mrs. Lena Longo
Ralph & Domie Lopez
Victoria Lopez
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Lorentz
Daniel B. Lorenz
Pedro & Daisy Lorenzo
Mrs. Patricia C. Lorne
Lara Lourdes
Crispin Lozano
Lucia Suen Lu
Carole J. Lucas
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Lucier
Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Luthman
Mr. & Mrs. James Lynch
Mr. & Mrs. Lionel L. Lyon
Robert Lyon
Ernesto & Teresa Madriaga
Gayle Maffeo
Mr. & Mrs. Ruben Magat
Salud Magno
Mr. Peter Donald Maher, III
Leila Makuh
Mr. & Mrs. Leonis C. Malburg
M.C. Maldonado
Barbara Maldoon
Bette-Jane Maley
Carol Malone
Mr. & Mrs. William Malone
Franco & Lina Mamerto
Mr. & Mrs. Floro Manglicmot
Ann & Tim Manning
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Manning
Leonie Marlburg
Mrs. Margaret C. Marley
Nancy A. Marre
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Marrone
Diane Martell
Mary Marthas
Sharon & Matthew Martie
Kathleen A. Martin
George E. Martin
Bernadette Martinez
Miss Dora Martinez
Roberto & Esther Martinez
Helen Martinez
Lenore Martinez
Lupe P. Martinez
Anthony & Patricia Martinez
Mr. & Mrs. Trino Martinez
Kari Nielse Martone
Pascal & Patsy Mascarenhas
Ninella Massafra
Dr. & Mrs. Ambrose B. Masto
Margartet Matchin &
Genevieve Buchroed
Natalia Matitu
M. Cathleen Matthew Lengyez
Albert & Kathy Mattivi
Mr. & Mrs. John Maxwell
Agnes R. Mc Millan
Dr. & Mrs. John J. McAndrews
Mrs. J. Thomas McCarthy
Margaret McCoy
Donald & Gloria McDermott
Eileen C. McDonald
JoAn L. McDonald
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard McEveety
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent McEveety
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. McGill
Nona McGlashen
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. McGowan
Sylvia & Richard McGrath
Mary & James McGrath
Mrs. John T. McLaughlin
Eleanor McLaughlin
Gordon McMillan
Mrs. Thomas W. McNamara
Mr. & Mrs. Fred McWhorter
Gene Mead
Sr. Rita Meiners, SSS
Ms. Stella Meketarian
Mr. & Mrs. Rodolfo Melgarejo
Marianne Mellein
Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Melone
Menanno Family
Ligaya-Mariano Mendoza
Tomas Mercado
Steven & J.H. Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Mijares
Evelyn & Frank Miler
Robert J. Miler
Ms. Carmen Millan
Bette Miller
Mr. & Mr. Kenneth L. Milos
Vivian E. Minovich
Rosemary Minter
Mrs. Hector M. Miranda
Lorenzo Miranda
Rachel Mary Miranda
Susan Mitchel
Lisa Mitchell
Pat & Mary Mitchell
Sr. Rochelle Mitchell, SSS
Cheryl A. Mohart
Dr. George H. Mollet
George & Donna Momburg
Maria S. Mondragon
Deodette Monise
Lauretta Monise
Dolores Montgomery
Jack & Kathie Montserrat
Frances Moon & Shoou Chang
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Moore
Randall & Linda Moore
Sr. Albertina Morales, SSS
Ysidro & Jennie Morales
A. Morales
John & Mary Morgan
Mrs. Irene F. Morris
Margaret Morris
N.J. Morrison
Richard A. Mosely
Nina Moss
Rev. Richard Most
Joan Marie Mount
Mrs. Daniel F. Mulvihill
Miss Alice M. Murphy
Fe O. Musgrave
James William Mustanich
Peter & Gloria Nalcott
Mary Nalick
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Thomas Nally
Barbara S. Nani
Mr. & Mrs. Angelito Narvaez
Dario & Purisima Narvaez
M. Alexis Navarro, IHM
Mrs. Manuel Navarro
Msgr. Cyril Navin
Josefina J. Nazareno
Ligaya & Dennis Nazareth
Maria Negrete
Wilfred Negrete
William R. Negrete
Mrs. Virginia Nelson
Tram Nguyen
Paul K. Nicholas
Elisabeth Nichols
Mr. & Mrs. Rodolfo E. Nicolas
Rolanda Nicolas
Mrs. S. Falck Nielsen
Barbara Ann Nizich
Doris & Patricia Nolan
Jose N. Nonog
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Noone
Betsy Noorzay
Anita Norcross
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Norman
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald F. Norman
Roberta C. North
Josephine Norton
Mrs. Phyllis Nugent
Joan & Terence O’Brien
Mrs. Maureen & Claire O’Connor
John & Marjory O’Dea
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel O’Dell
Matthew & Catherine O’Donnell
Mr. & Mrs. David J. O’Keefe
Mary Margaret O’Keefe
Bernie & Pat O’Kelly
Sr. Julie O’Neill, BVM
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. O’Reilly
Ms. Hortense Oechsle
Paul A. & Sandra S. Ogren
Mr. & Mrs. Quentin Ogren
Teresita T. Okita
Shephanae O’Leary
Mary & Robert O’Reilly
Barbara & Karla Orsa
Yolanda B. Orta
Mrs. Lili Fabilli Osborne
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Ouyang
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Eric Overland
Dr. Mary Lou Ozohan
Consuelo Pacheco
Nelson M. & Rosell Tan Palabrica
Lilani Palaganas
Robert & Mary Palmer
Mary P. Panish
Ernesto F. & Rosita P. Papa
Concepcion Parabot
Miss Peggy Parkinson
Mr. & Mrs. Arnedo Pascua
Laura Paszkiewicz
Ricardo Paterno
Teodora Patrolla
Thomas & Kathleen Paul
Dr. & Mrs. James Peck
Thomas Peck
Delfina Pelayo
Dean M. Peppard
Lilia Sapida Perey
John & Sally Permantier
Rev. & Mrs. David Perry
Jeanne Peters
Alexandra Petrich
Mrs. Clare Petrich
George & Kathleen Petrich
Mrs. James Petrich
Martin & Carolyn Petrich
Mrs. Connie Peyrot
Lucille Phelps
Mrs. Arthur Piantadosi
Madeleine Pierik
Viola C. Pierini
Mrs. Cornelius John Pings
Ellen M. Pint
Mr. & Mrs. David Pinto
Susan B. Piopongco
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Piraino
Mr. & Mrs. Alfredo Planes
Ronald L. & Rosemary W. Plue
Miriam Pocius
William H. & Margaret Pohle
Gloria J. Pollock
Patricia & N. Porch
Gene and Dorothy Porter
Steve & Toni Potter
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Poyer
Michael & Christina Poyer
Mr. & Mrs. James Martin Prager
Dr. & Mrs. Pablo Prietto
Leila Procopio-Makuh
Sr. Bertille Prus, SSS
Sr. Elizabeth Prus, SSS
M.N. & M.A. Pugada
Antonio & Estrellita Puntero
Avelina G. Pura
Most. Rev. Francis A. Quinn, D.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Myles J. Quinn
page 11
Judith Ramirez
Manny Ramirez
Vera Ramirez
Errol I. Rampola
Alice Rasmussen
Margaret Mary Rau
Robert Rau
Mrs. Adnan Rawjee
Remedios Raymundo
Sr. Annamaria Rebus, SSS
Brenda L. Rees
Stacey Remkiewicz
Joseph & Linda Remly
Margaret Rendler
Mr. & Mrs. Alberto T. Reyes
Aida Reyes
Jesusa Reyes
Rosa Reyes
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Reymann
Jeanne Reynales
Julie Rhoten
Mr. & Mrs. Edmundo Ribaya
Rose Mary Richard
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Richards
Ms. Dolores Ricks
Hewlett & Pat Rigard
Mrs. Maria Gloria Riggs
Danielle Riordan
Eileen P. Riordan
Lupe Rios
Aurelio & Cely Rivera
Mr. & Mrs. Gato Rivera
Virginia Robles
Cristina Rocero
Dolores Rocha
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Rodeno
Hiltrudez & Angel Rodriguez
Ignatius & Kathleen Rohr
Tom & Margie Romano
Carol A. Rome
Pedro Ros
Jose & Marly Rosa
R. G. Rosa
Gliceria Rosario
Mary Joan Rose
Alicia Rosenthal
William & Dorothy Ross
Mrs. Joseph Rossi
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rothell
Juan Ruiz
Mrs. William P. Rutledge
Mr. & Mrs. James Ryan
Denis & Rose Ryken
Ms. Delfina Saavedra
Horacio Saavedra
Sr. Teresita Saavedra, SSS
Joseph R. Salinas
Lidwina Salinas
Rudy Salinas
Dr. & Mrs. James J. Salz
Edna Sambrano
Joe & Mary Sambrano
Sandy Sambrano
Salud L. Samonte
Nancy P. Sampson
Thelma Sanchez
Mrs. James E. Sandell
JoAnn Sandersfeld
Samuel R. Santee, III
Victor Santoro
MaryLou & Mario Santos
Mrs. Olive Santos
Olga Sarabia
Ramon C. & Marlen Saracho
Cresenciano Sarmiento
Matthew & Rhonda Saucier
Ms. Celia M. Sayoc
Mary C. Scanlin
Irene Schafer
Marilyn T. Schafer
Audrey Schambach
William A. Schampeau
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schatteman
Virginia M. Schmeltz
Dr. Michael J. Schmidt, DC
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. Schmutz
Rudy & Sue Schneider
Mrs. Ambrose B. Schnieders
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert A. Schnieders
Mr. & Mrs. James Schnieders
Mr. & Mrs. Robin Schudy
Rev. Elwin Schwab
David & Margarette Schwartz
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Scibelli
Jessy & Juanita Scott
Marilyn J. Scott
Terry & Roland Seidler
Frances Sereseres
Evelyn Sevilla
Mrs. Mary Kay Sexton
Dr. Virginia A. Shahrok
Nancy Elizabeth Shannon
Linda Sharpe
Katherine Shaughnessy
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Shea
Mrs. Mary Shear
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick H. Sheedy
Francis X. Sheehan
Mrs. Cynthia K. Shelton
Mrs. Nora Shen
Sr. Rachel Shepard, SSS
Mr. & Mrs. Barney J. Sheridan
Mary Sheridan
Mrs. Robert Shevlin
Patricia Shields
Robert & Sachiko Shimada
Dianne Shiner
Mrs. Marjorie Shipp
Mrs. Larry G. Showley
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Silberberg
Lyle & Noreen Simpson
Norman B. Siri
Tolosa Sison
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Skidmore
Sr. Jeanette Skinner, SSS
Margaret & Paul Smith
Mrs. William C. Smith
Erlinda R. & Farall S. Smith
Rosemary Smurr
Eileen Soden, PhD.
Mary Mc Intyre Soldate
Stuart Soldate
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Solokis
Josephine Soltis
Mrs. Song
Mrs. Madeleine Sorensen
Shannon M. Spahr
Barbara V. Spencer
Josephine Spencer
Eleanor Spring
Ann Staeheli
Terry Staeheli
Diane M. Stafford
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Stansbury
Mr. & Mrs. Bentley Stansbury
Benjamin & Idela Stapholtz
John & Kathleen Steele
William & Ramona Stejskal
James R. & Elisabeth P. Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley A. Stoutt
Myrtle E. Strahan
Mrs. Robert L. Strobach
Teresita G. Suarez
Mr. & Mrs. Roger M. Sullivan
Sharon K. Sullivan
Leo & Presviminda Sumbang
Ramon & Zenaida Sumilang
Ms. Celia Suminski
Mrs. Virgil Sweet
Mr. & Mrs. Art Swicker
Mr. & Mrs. Clement Tagle
Eden B. Tagle
Manuel G. Tagle, Jr.
Minerva Talise
Peg Tamberella
Rebecca Tamondong
Flora Linda Tanchico
Barbara Miller Tarr
D. K. Taylor
Dr. Betty Taylor
Dr. & Mrs. F. James Taylor
Julia Teding-Jeans
Leon E. Terry, Jr.
Gene Terry
Mrs. Robert J. Theodore
Mrs. Edgar Thomas
M.J. Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Thompson
Mrs. Lydia T. Thompson
Patricia R. Thompson
Bette Tillis
Anne M. Toller
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Toller
Robert Toller
Mrs. William H. Toller, Jr.
Mrs. Patricia Toller
Ann M. Tonkin
Julie Topino
German Maclang Torres, Jr.
Melinda J. Townsend
William & Dorothy Trautman
Norma Trinidad
Mrs. Do-Fan Kuo Tsou
Lihren Tsou
Mrs. Leonard Tugman
Linda T. Tung
Don & Carol Tysler
Masao G. Umekubo
Carmelita D. Untalan
Maria O. Uribe
R. Fiat Pared Valera
Adrian & Kathleen Varni
Mr. & Mrs. Lorenzo Vega
Rafael A. Vega
Erlinda B. Velasco
Maria Eliza Velasquez
Mary E. Verburg
Irene Verdugo
Edward G. Vierheilig
Fred A. & Ascencion Vigil
Sr. Lucy Villanova
Cecilia Villines
Maria Luisa Villongco
Anna Vinet
Teresa Violante
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Von der Ahe
L. Catherine Wagar
Rev. Frank Wagner
Sharon Lee Wagner
Ms. K.C. Walsh
Sr. Michele Walsh, SSS
Sr. Sheila Walsh, SSS
Dan & Helen Walters
Eileen R. Walters
Dr. Frederick S. Wamboldt
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ward
Carolyn & Mark Ware
Mrs. Eileen Waters
Mrs. John A. Waters
Ms. Virginia Waters
Mrs. Gretchen A. Wayne
Dr. & Mrs. Frank Wazzan
Dr. Kenneth M. Weare
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Webb
William & Margaret Webb
Mary Webb
Adel Weber
Andrew Weber
Rev. Gabriel Weber
Rev. Gerard P. Weber
Jo Anne Weber
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas N. Weber
Else Wedding
Joyce Weil
Joan Weitzel
Margay Welch
Marya Welch
Mr. & Mrs. John Weldon
James L. Wessling, Sr.
Peg & Arthur Westburg
Most Rev. John Wester
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Whalen
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Wheeler
Asa & Sue Whetstone
Mrs. Sally Whipple
Mr. & Mrs. James White
Mrs. Jeanne White
Mr. Robert D. White
Mrs. Christine Bucey Wilde
Most Rev. Gerald Wilkerson
Lorraine Williams
Mr. & Mrs. W.A. Williams
Mary F. Wills
page 12
Mrs. John Wilson
Carhious & Margaret Wilturner
Susan Wilturner
Craig Winkley
Bonnita Wirth, PhD
Sr. Shaun Marie Wise, SSS
Mrs. Thomas E. Workman, Jr.
Lorraine & John Wright
Sr. Laurita Wydra, SSS
Yuriko Yamaguchi
Mrs. Erna M. Yates
Mr. & Mrs. Buenaventura Yolo
Sheila Yonemoto
Loretta Yonovitz
Teresita Yu
Myrna P. Zagala
Most Rev. Gabino
Zavala, D.D., J.C.L
Mrs. Herbert Zeitlin
Rosalia & John Zeolla
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Zimmerer
Yvonne Zoller
Mrs. George Zorn
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Zozaya
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Zubieta
Foundations &
Anonymous Foundation
Fritz B. Burns Foundation
California Community Foundation
Casey Foundation
Dailey Family Foundation
Carrie Estelle Doheny Foundation
East Bay Community Foundation
Ferry Family Charitable
Fidelity Charitable Trust
J.C. and M. Foster Trust
The Hospitaller Foundation
Illig Family Foundation
Larson Family Foundation
The Leavey Foundation
The John Mahoney Foundation
McAlister Foundation
Joan McDonald Trust
Marie and Paul McDonough
Patricia Morley Trust
Muller Family Foundation
Pacific-Western Foundation
Peck Trust
Santa Barbara Filipino
Community Foundation
Von der Ahe Foundation
Groups &
Ah’be Landscape Architects
Allied Irish Bank
Ameritrade Clearing
Archdiocese Of Portland
Archdiocese of Los Angeles
Archdiocese of San Francisco
Asian American Recovery
Service, Inc.
Bank of New York
Baxter International
Brothers of St. John of God
California Teachers’ Retirement
Career Advantage
Catholic Mutual Group
Charles Schwab
Church of the American Martyrs
City Line Pet Clinic
Cohen and Steer Realty
The Company Salvajor
D. W. Ross
East Bay Community
Employees Charity Organization
of Northrup Grumman
Esperanza Community
Feather Consulting
Filipino American Assoc. of
Anaheim Hill
Financial Center Credit Union
Holy Spirit Retreat Center
Homestead Enterprise
Illinois Toolworks
J. H. Brewer
J.I.S. Rental Agency
Jenn International
Juniors of Social Service
Ken and Associates
Knights of Columbus
La Madre de los Pobres
L.E. Lorine, Inc.
LMP Real Estate, Inc.
Manulife Financial Company
Mijares Mexican Restaurant
Miller & Orton LLP Snyder
Missionary Oblates
Missionary Servants
Monastery of Poor Clares
Nestle USA, Legal Dept.
Northrup Grumman Co.
Oakridge Landscape
Our Lady Of Lourdes Baldwin
Park Filipino Parish
Our Lady of the Desert Church
Our Lady of Fatima
Rosary Crusade
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Powers Capital Investment
Providence High School
Queen of Angels Clinic &
Research Foundation
Queen Of Angels Council #7759
Queen of Peace Rosary Group
of Diamond Bar
Rancho El Recuerdo
The Regas Institute
Renaissance Charitable
Religious of The Sacred
Heart of Mary —
Los Angeles and Montebello
Respicio Insurance Agency
The Roman Catholic
Archbishop of L.A.
Royal Produce Sales
Sacramento Valley
St. Bartholomew Church and
Council of Catholic Women
St. Columbkille’s Church
St. Cornelius Church
St. Cyril of Jerusalem Church
St. Edward Church
St. Francisco Xavier Church
St. Geneiveve Church
St. Gerard Church’s Senior
Adult Club
St. Irenaeus Church
St. Lorenzo Ruiz Catholic Parish
St. Louis of France Church
St. Madeline Catholic Church
St. Martin of Tours Church
St. Mary of the Assumption
St. Mary’s Cathedral
St. Monica’s Church
St. Raphael Church
St. Robert Bellarmine
Filipino Catholic Church
St. Rose Church
St. Vincent De Paul Church
St. Vincent’s Medical Staff
San Antoni Church
S.C.R. Adult Residential Care
Simbang Gabi —
W. San Fernando Valley
Sisters of Social Service –
Hobart House
Social Service Auxiliary
Sonia’s Guest Home
Sovereign Military
Order of Malta
Special Moments Video
State of California
Support Our Aging Religious
Trinitas, Inc
United Retirees Club
United States Catholic
Umatilla Citrus Growers
Vedanta Society of So. Cal.
We Care of Contra Costa
County, Inc.
Wells Fargo Bank
Honors &
Camp Mariastella
Louis De Benedetti
Sr. Francis Hallicy
Louis De Benedetti
Sr. Maribeth Larkin’s work (SSS)
Jay and Trudy Goldberg
Sr. Esther Lerch, SSS
Margaret and Genevive Hatchin
Majorie Shipp
Sr. Susan Kam’s work (SSS)
Jo Soltis
In Support of the Ministries
of the Sisters of Social Service
Louis De Benedetti
Sr. Maribeth Larkin, SSS
Uncle Pat
Louis De Benedetti
Father Gerard Weber
Linda Balderas
Marie Brown
Roseanne Crawford
Teresa De Stefano
Cecilia Villines
(those remembered are named first)
Mary Barry
Jeanne Jennett
Mary Joslin
Mary Loftus
Mrs. J. Thomas McCarthy
Peggy Parkinson
Gretchen Wayne
Sr. Natalia Duran, SSS
Mr. & Mrs. Anguiano
Ms. Mary Ann Barry
Rosita Brennan
Ms. Maria Estrada
Don and Constantina Gath
Mrs. Eugenia Jennett
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholson
Pacita A. Revil
Ms. Gloria San Jose Daims
Jo Sandersfeld
Marilyn Schafer
Ms. Michiko Shiraishi
Mr. & Mrs. James Stewart
Antonia Vandervate
Sr. Sheila Walsh, SSS
West L.A. Department of
Children and Family Services
Father Elder
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rothell
Sr. Felix, CSJ
Mr. Louis De Benedetti
Sr. Philippa Fosselman, SSS
Mr. and Mrs. James Schnieders
Mr. Richard Gaeta
Elisabeth and James Stewart
Don Horan
Mr. Louis De Benedetti
Roger Johnson
Sylvia Johnson
Jack Jordan
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Drennan
Kathy Emery
Mr. and Mrs. William P.
Nestle USA, Legal Department
Martin Leubray
Joan Inman
Mrs. Edith Leveroi
Mr. Louis De Benedetti
George Hamilton Link
Robert Hamilton
page 13
Nancy A. Marre
Sr. Corita Lucas, SSS
Norma J. Idzinga
Daniel B. Lorenz
Carole J. Lucas
Mr. Peter Donald Maher
John Machado
Robert J. Miler
John Maxwell
Mary Morgan
Naughton and Robert Maxwell
Mrs. Mary Larkin
Father Pearse McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Sr. Mary Phyllis McCarthy, SSS
Mrs. Theodore M. Barry
Elizabeth Jan Bear
Peggy Curry
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick
De Mendoza
Natalie DiMercurio
Eloise and Albert Engel
Joanne Hawkins
Natalie M. InMercurio
Antoinette Jordan
Mrs. Mary Larkin
Carol Laumann
Agnes Mc Millan
Dr. Michael J. Schmidt, DC
Terry Staeheli
Don & Carol Tysler
Sheila Yonemoto
James and Edna Clancy Plunkett
Sr. Sheila Walsh, SSS
Sr. Cecile Poisson, SSS
Sr. Sheila Walsh, SSS
Sr. Denise Pocious, SSS
Dr. Frederick S. Wamboldt
Sr. Mary Crista Salinas, SSS
Dolores Rocha
Milt Santee
Mrs. John C. Egelhoff
Mrs. James E. Griffin
Sr. Michaela Schmeltz, SSS
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick
De Mendoza
Mrs. Patricia Toller
Al and Kate Segal
Mr. Louis De Benedetti
Michael Eamon and
Deirdre Walsh
Sr. Sheila Walsh, SSS
Father Patrick Joseph Walsh
Sr. Sheila Walsh, SSS
Patrick Coyne Walsh and
Kathleen O’Connor Quille Walsh
Sr. Sheila Walsh, SSS
William H. Toller
Kathryn D. Hackett
Regina Terry Lickteig
Mary Mograth
Bill Williams
Anonymous Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Weber
Summer 2008
Music Under the Stars
Holy Spirit Retreat Center
Christmas Gala honors
Sister Georgianna Cahill, SSS,
and other Women Religious
In early December, at the historic Millennium
Biltmore Hotel, the Catholic Charities of Los Angeles
hosted an award event celebrating Women Religious, and
both Sr. Julia Mary Farley, C.S.J. and my special friend
and mentor Sr. Georgiana Cahill, Sister of Social Service,
were honored.
Even though it rained throughout the city of Los
Angeles, Sr. Georgianna brought the sun into the room
that night when she arrived. Others who joined us for the
award reception were Mrs. Alma Arredondo and Coletta
Barnes, long-time friends and companions during and
after Sr. Georgianna’s career with Catholic Charities. In
addition, we were also joined by a couple of other Sisters
of Social Service, Sr. Claire Graham and Sr. Natalia
Reverend Monsignor Gregory A. Cox and his staff
spoke many wonderful words about Sr. Georgianna
and her career of 40 years. Their speech focused on her
accomplishments in actively and compassionately serving
people at Catholic Charities and her ongoing work as
a Sister of Social Service. The evening was wonderful,
flowers sprinkled everywhere, the J. Sterling Orchestra
playing, the exceptional Madrigal Singers performing,
and Sr. Georgianna was presented with a beautiful,
engraved crystal bowl. To summarize the evening, Sr.
Georgiana said, “My only mission is to serve people in
need.” She has helped instill that way of life in so many
of us.
This was a memorable event honoring a Woman
Religious, Sr. Georgianna Cahill, who has not only
influenced many in the community, but has also
personally assisted so many people in critical need.
May God bless Sr. Georgiana and all of the Sisters of
Social Service. n
— Connie Aguilar, Sisters of Social Service Associate
Please mark your calendars and join us for an evening
of musical entertainment in our beautiful outdoor
garden theater, where lively conversation, great music
and spirituality mingle in the air.
“Celtic Music”
c July 16 c
with Dennis, Paula and Terry Doyle
“Tranquil Harps”
c July 23 c
with Ellie Choate and Paul Barker
“The Sounds of Gospel ”
c July 30 c
with Saint Agatha Gospel Choir
All performances begin at 7:30 p.m. The fee for the
concert is $15. On July 30th there will be a Fajita
BBQ beginning at 6:30 for an additional $20. All
proceeds from this event and the concerts will go
to the HSRC Scholarship Fund which has enabled
people from all walks of life to avail themselves of
our retreat offerings. For more information please
visit our website at n
“We offer our sincere thanks to all
of our generous donors. Without your
support we would not be as effective in
our ministry. Again we are grateful to
all of you for your gifts, your talents
and your dedication to the ministries
of the Sisters of Social Service.”
page 14
In Memory
Sister Michaela Schmeltz
Sister Natalia Duran
Quis Ut Deus, Who Is Like Unto God?
Nothing matters but to have spent
my life loving
Sr. Michaela was born Mildred Frances
Schmeltz on August 16, 1924 in
Brooklyn NY and raised in Kansas City
MO. She was a graduate of Immaculate
Heart College in Los Angeles (B.A., 1956) and Catholic
University in Washington DC (Master of Social Work,
1960). She entered the community in 1945. She was a
chaplain intern, director of social services, caseworker,
pastoral care associate and clinical social worker in
churches and agencies in Kansas City and a number
of California cities. She died on June 5, 2007 at the
Villa Retirement Community in Encino, where she was
convalescing after surgery. She is survived by her sister
Doris Anne Toller and her family.
Sister Mary Josita Wilturner
Jesus, My Hope
Sr. Mary Josita was born Mary Billie
Love Wilturner on February 25, 1932
in Lake Charles, Louisiana. She entered
the Sisters of the Holy Family on July 1,
1951, taking her final vows on August 15, 1957. In 1983,
she transferred to the Sisters of Social Service, renewing
her vows on June 7, 1987. She was a graduate of Holy
Family College in Fremont, California (B.A. in Religious
Studies, 1974); earned Master Catechist certification at
the Archdiocese of San Francisco in 1974; and studied in
the master’s program in Liturgical Studies at St. John’s
University, Collegeville MN. Sr. Josita’s ministries were
in catechetics, liturgy and religious education. She died
on July 31, 2007 at St. John of God Care Center in Los
Angeles, where she had been a resident for many years.
She is survived by her brother Carhious Wilturner and
his family.
In Memoriam
Sister Cecile Poisson
Dominus Regit Me, Shepherd Me God
Sr. Cecile was born Cecile Marie Dina
Poisson on September 10, 1912 in
Lawrence, Massachusetts. After serving
in the Army in Italy during World War
II, she completed secretarial school
and worked as a secretary before entering the Sisters of
Social Service on September 24, 1949 and she took her
final vows on June 5, 1960. She served the community
wherever she was needed: in the retreat house, Stella
Maris residence, as Sr. Frederica’s secretary, in Portland,
Oregon, and finally back in Los Angeles for the last 10
years. She died on March 19, 2008 at the Villa Scalabrini
in Van Nuys where she had been receiving
care for several months. She is survived by many nieces
and nephews.
In the last year, the SSS community has lost four sisters
Sister Michaela on June 5
Sister Mary Josita on July 31
Sister Natalia Duran on March 1
Sister Cecile Poisson on March 19
and an Associate, Leni Byrne, on March 5
Sr. Natalia was born Gloria Margaret
(Margie) Duran on December 1,
1944 in Los Angeles. She entered the
Sisters of Social Service on September
8, 1964, took her first vows on May 14, 1967 and her
final vows on June 10, 1973. She received her B.A. in
Religious Studies from Lone Mountain College in San
Francisco. Her ministries included directing Camp Little
Flower in Kansas City and Camp Oliver in Descanso,
California. She also served at Guadalupe Center in
Kansas City and at different times was the director of
Stella Maris Center, Regis House Community Center,
Regis House East Center, Hope Street Family Center,
and the Early Childhood Center, all in Los Angeles. She
also worked at the Refugio in Mexico and at the Villa
Retirement Community in Encino. She died on March
1, 2008 at home in Los Angeles after a brief battle with
cancer. She is survived by her sisters, Mary Luisa, Celia
Anguiano and Maria Socorro Mondragon and brothers
Tony, Leonard and Enrique Duran and their families.
page 15
Spring 2008
SOCIAL IMPACT • A Publication of the Sisters of Social Service
In Memory
Summer Concerts 2008
Music Under the Stars
Holy Spirit Retreat Center
Please mark your calendars
and join us for an evening of musical
entertainment in our beautiful outdoor
garden theater.
July 16 — Celtic Music
July 23 — Tranquil Harps
July 30 — The Sounds of Gospel
Associate Leni Byrne
Leni was born Leni Ann Eklund in 1941 in San
Diego. She graduated from Mercy Nursing School and
later earned a degree in pastoral ministry from Boston
College and became a registered chaplain. She was
a chaplain at San Diego Hospice for ten years before
moving to Sacramento, where she led a team of chaplains
in interfaith ministry at Mercy General Hospital. She
was an active Associate and passionate supporter of the
Sisters of Social Service. Shortly after her retirement last
year, she was diagnosed with cancer and died on March 5,
2008. She is survived by her five sons and their families.
Sisters of Social Service
4316 Lanai Road
Encino, CA 91436
Change Service Requested
All performances begin at 7:30 p.m.
Please see page 14 for more information.
Social Impact
Spring 2008
A Publication of the Sisters of Social Service
General Director: Sr. Claire Graham, SSS
Social Impact is published by the Sisters of Social Service,
4316 Lanai Road, Encino, CA 91436.
Phone: 818-285-3355 • E-mail:
U.S. Postage
Los Angeles, CA
PERMIT NO. 27361