9/13/13 Calcium Homeostasis Calcium : • Normal level of calcium in blood: 8.5 – 11 mg/dl » Need to have enough for bones, muscles, and nerves. If there is too much calcium in blood: • Thyroid gland – produces the hormone – calcitonin - Calcitonin causes: 1. Increased excretion of calcium by the kidneys into the urine 2. Calcium is stored in the bones 3. Inhibits the production of the parathyroid hormone by the parathyroid gland. 1 9/13/13 If there is too little calcium in the blood.. • Parathyroid gland releases parathyroid hormone: Calcium rich foods: Parathyroid hormone causes: 1. More calcium is reabsorbed back into the blood, not allowed to be excreted in urine – by kidneys 2. Calcium is released from the bones where it has been stored into the blood 3. More calcium is absorbed by the small intestine – into the blood - from our food Effectors: Receptor 2 9/13/13 Picture view of entire process: Bones - if blood is low in calcium Picture view of bones portion of it: Can you : 1. Identify the set point, receptors, and effectors for calcium homeostasis? 2. Can you show a diagram or picture of what happens when calcium is low in the blood? 3. Can you show a diagram or picture of what happens when calcium is high in the blood? 3