Health System P A T I E N T INFORMATION How did you hear about us?_ Marital Status: S - M - D - W Name: Middle Initial How would you like to be addressed by our staff?_ Address: Social Security #: Slate Date of Birth: Zip Mailing Address: • As above Birth Country or State: Ethnicity & Race: Religious Preference: _ E-Mail address:. Name of Spouse: Phone: Home Primary Care MD: Work Cell Preferred Pharmacy:. Occupation:. Person To Contact In Case of Emergency Employer: Name: Employer's Address: Relationship: Phone: Subscriber of Insurance/Name of Policy Holder:_ Middle Initial Address: Date of Birth: SS#: Employer:, Address: Employer Phone Number:. I have insurance coverage and assign directly to U C Regents all surgical and/or medical benefits, if any, otherwise payable to me for services rendered. I understand that I am financially responsible for all charges whether or not paid by insurance. I hereby authorize the doctor to release all information necessary to secure the payment of benefits. Signature of Patient, Parent or Guardian I Date Health System G E N E R A L N E U R O L O G Y CLINIC QUESTIONNAIRE Department of Neurology PATIENT INFORMATION Last, First, Middle Name Aqe Today's Date Sex: Birth Date Native Language: Male / Female Referring Physician's Full Name Telephone #: Physician's Address Are you: Right-handed Left-handed Ambidextrous Why do you need to see a Neurology specialist? Past Medical History Date Diagnosed Hospitalizations, Operations and dates njuries and dates. Include any episodes of loss of consciousness. 3lood Transfusions and dates Drug Allergies and reactions: UCLA Form #31574- Rev. (04/10) P a g e l of 4 E3IP Health System G E N E R A L N E U R O L O G Y CLINIC QUESTIONNAIRE Department of Neurology Medications (current and/or recent) Name How often? Dosage (* Attached typed sheet/write on back if necessary) Dietary SupplementsA/itamins: Dose & Frequency Name Social History Any use of tobacco (type, and for how long)? Any use of caffeinated beverages? Any use of alcohol (type and for how long)? Any use of recreational drugs (type and for how long)? Any exposure to toxins/poisonous substances at work or with hobbies? What type of work do you do? Education: Grade School Marital Status: Single High School Married College Divorced Post-Graduate Voc. Training Separated Widowed Birthplace: UCLA Form #31574 Rev. (04710) Page 2 of 4 G E N E R A L N E U R O L O G Y CLINIC QUESTIONNAIRE Department of Neurology FAMILY HISTORY Mother: Living or deceased? Health Problems: Age: Father: Living or deceased? Health Problems: Age: Brothers/Sisters: List from the oldest to youngest. 1. Brother or sister? Living or deceased? Age: 2. Brother or sister? Health problems: Living or deceased? Age: 3. Brother orsister? Health problems: Living or deceased? Age: 4'. Brother or sister? Health problems: Living or deceased? Age: Health problems: Children: List from oldest to youngest. 1. Daughter or son? Health problems: Living or deceased? Age: 2. Daughter or son? Health problems: Living or deceased? ' Age: 3. Daughter or son? Health problems: Living or deceased? Age: Have any of your family or relative had the following health conditions? If yes, whom? Heart disease High blood pressure High cholesterol Loss of memory Epilepsy/seizures Depression Mental disease Muscle weakness Other: ; . ; Stroke i Fainting Diabetes Cancer Multiple sclerosis Polio Limping Thyroid disease THANK Y O U V E R Y MUCH F O R COMPLETING THIS QUESTIONNAIRE. B E S U R E TO BRING IT TO Y O U R D O C T O R ' S APPOINTMENT UCLA Form #31574 Rev. (04/10) Page 3 of 4 Health System G E N E R A L N E U R O L O G Y CLINIC QUESTIONNAIRE Department of Neurology REVIEW S Y S T E M S Please place a checkmark if you currently have any of the following symptoms. 1. "constitutional" • fever • weight loss • fatigue 2. "eyes problem" • • blurred vision eye pain • • double vision eye redness • • loss of vision eye dryness 3. "ear/nose/throat" • • • trouble hearing loss of balance hoarseness • • • ringing in ear(s) ear pain trouble swallowing • • • dizziness (vertigo) ear discharge slurred speech 4. "cardiovascular" • chest pain • irregular heart beat • fast heart beat • limb swelling • limb pain on walking • fainting • trouble breathing n chronic cough • coughing blood • • • O indigestion nausea diarrhea incontinence • • heart bum vomiting • constipation • • • • abdominal pain regurgitation bloody stools blood in urine 8. "musculoskeletal" • • • • pain on urination muscle pain cramp loss of muscle bulk Q • muscle neck pain • joint stiffness joint pain L7J muscle twitches' • back pain • joint swelling 9. • numbness • tingling • discoloration 10. "neurologic" • • • headache weakness blackouts • • • face pain tremors' trouble with memory • • • face numbness clumsiness trouble concentrating 11. "psychiatric" • • hallucinations suicidal thoughts • • feeling depressed inappropriate crying • trouble sleeping • inappropriate laughing • lumps or swellings 5. "respiratory" 6. "gastrointestinal" 7. "genitourinary" "skin & breast" 12. "hematologic/lymphatic" • abnormal bleeding • nosebleeds 13. "allergic/immunologic" • skin rash • joint pain 14. "endocrine" • excessive thirst • • heat or cold intolerance • Person completing questionnaire dry eyes & or dry mouth excessive urination Relationship to patient: For office use: This questionnaire may be completed by the patient, relative or ancillary staff provided that it is signed and dated by the treating physician. (Reference may later be made to this information by a signed and dated statement by the treating physician, designating location of the information, date obtained and any subsequent charges.) —++++++++++++++++++++++4-+ Physician's Signature: UCLA Form #31574 R E V . (04/10) f++++++++++++-i-+++++++++++- -+-H-+++++++-H4- Date: Time: Page 4 of 4 SGEI Health NOTICE OFPRIVACY PRACTICES Effective Date: September 23, 2013 NOTICE OF.PRJVACY PRACTICES ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT The UCLA Health Notice of Privacy Practices provides information about how we may use and disclose protected health information about you. In addition to the copy we are providing you, copies of the current notice are available by accessing our website at and may be obtained throughout the UCLA Health. I acknowledge that I have received the Notice of Privacy Practices. Signature of Patient or Patient's Representative Date Time' Print Name Relationship to Patient Interpreter (if applicable) Interpreter ID # C O M P L E T E IF W R I T T E N A C K N O W L E D G M E N T W A S NOT OBTAINED Please document your efforts to obtain acknowledgment and reason it was not obtained (please initial). 1. Notice of. Privacy Practices Given - Patient Unable to Sign . 2. Notice of Privacy Practices Given - Patient Declined to Sign 3. Notice of Privacy Practices and Acknowledgment Mailed to Patient 4. Other Reason Patient Did Not Sign: }• Signature of UCLA Health Representative Date Print Name Department U C L A Form # 5 0 0 0 0 Rev. (10/13) I i Signed Chart Copy • Patient Copy Time Page 9 of 9 T E R M S AMD C O N D I T I O N S O F S E R V I C E CONFIDENTIALITY O F INFORMATION .-,.,..„„ ADMISSION AND MEDICAL SERVICES AGREEMENT - READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING NOTICE TO CONSUMERS: Medical doctors, including your physician, are licensed and regulated by the Medical Board of California. For information you may call the Board at (800) S33-2322 or visit its website at I have read, agreed to and received a copy of this Terms and Conditions of Service. • Signature of Patient or Patient Representative Date Time Signature of Witness (required if patient unable to sign) Date Time Signature of Interpreter Date Time Relationship of Representative to Patient Interpreter ID # Language Used Financial R e s p o n s i b i l i t y A g r e e m e n t by P e r s o n Other t h a n the Patient or the Patient's Legal R e p r e s e n t a t i v e 1 agree to accept financial responsibility for sea/ices rendered to the patient and to accept the terms of the Financial Agreement (Paragraph 7) and Assignment Of Benefits (Including Medicare Benefits) (Paragraph 8) set forth above. Date lime Financially-Responsible Party Witness PATIENT RIGHTS NOTICE: (applies to inpatient admissions only) Would you like your agent under a durable power of attorney for health care or your next of kin to receive a copy of the Patient Rights and Responsibilities Notice? If so, please contact the Patient Affairs Department at (310) 267-9113. ADVANCED DIRECTIVES: I have an advance directive for health care (e.g., Power of Attorney for Health Care). Yes • 1 have provided UCLAH with a current copy of my advance directive. Yes • No • No • If "No", I understand it is my responsibility to provide UCLAH a current copy of my advance directive. If I want to express my health care wishes, 1 understand I should speak to my health care provider. UCLA Form #305949 Rev. (2/13) Signed Chart Copy O Patient Copy • Page 3 of 5