THE OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL THE LOST ROAD BY ISBN 0 – 646 – 21509 - 4 OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 1 PEACE TO MEN OF GOOD WILL OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 2 CONTENTS Description of book………………………………………………3 Preface, introduction…………………………………………….6 Love making………………………………………………………10 Author’s Biography………………………………………………11 Language of the soul…………………………………………….13 Goals and achievements………………………………………..15 Poem…………………………………………………………………16 Theme of the book…………………………………………………17 Chapter 1… Awakening to the power of her essence……..19 Chapter 2 … How to balance thoughts and feelings………25 Chapter 3….My big brother…………………………………….31 Chapter 4….Over the ocean far away…………………………36 Chapter 5….The death of a mother……………………………45 Chapter 6….The pond, I am afraid to look…………………..49 Chapter 7….A 14 years old desire……………………………..63 Chapter 8….My mother, why become the victim of life……68 Chapter 9….The birth of a beautiful girl……………………..74 Poems…………………………………………………………………88 OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 3 Description of book This book was written with the purpose of inspiring and motivating people to look inside themselves. The reader is asked to go on an inward journey towards the soul and the unseen world of the unknown. To realize how beautiful and perfect each one of us is. How life is meant to be enjoyed and looked at while accomplishing our personal purpose in life. My wish is to unfold and peel off the layers that are hiding the beauty of the soul. To go beneath tradition, fear, upbringing, expectations, grief, apathy, antagonism, revenge, war between the outer and the inner world and to reach a state where your natural enthusiasm and motivation towards life are awakened. A helpful tool while reading this book is, a pen to take notes of your emotional thoughts, experience, feelings and memories, then write them down on the paper provided. My desire is to get them to the surface so that you can see what is stopping you from being yourself, the true love you were born with, and God-created. As you experience this new awakening you may need help to remove the memories that chain you to your past experiences. A friend or a Counselor can be of great assistance. OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 4 NOTES My love is with you OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 5 Give yourself permission to stop suffering. Free yourself from pain. Life is meant to be joyful and as easy as breathing. OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 6 PREFERENCE INTRODUCTION “I am ready to open my window and let the truth out.” This is a true story of a person who has lived life with many personalities. Who has lived through the turmoil between the opposing forces within herself of good and evil. Who has had daily debates between her higher self and the "reactive mind.” "I could see what I was doing, for a long time. All the gifts that had been given to me by the Universe and were precious, because I created them during my past existence. These, I was suppressing, while keeping with admiration and respect, the values and standards that "belonged" to others. This made me feel distressed, unhappy and separated from my higher self. I felt cheated and was miserable. My weakness and fear of speaking up was there and was stopping my progress. That progress of living life from my strengths. My biggest desire was to become AUTHENTIC. Yet I thought I could become it without the discipline and determination needed to do so. Thank goodness my inner self had other plans for my life, so I decided to give it my undivided attention and get the job done. The job of reaching the highest point of living in the image of God rather than the mind. That life of being the real me at all times without fears, prejudices and other impediments, such as (MADNESS) and self judgment. The life that knows how to include the inner voice which I call Higher Self/Soul.. OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 7 I had everything I needed in life. I was surrounded by beauty, but not the beauty of my soul. My window to my soul was closed. All these years I thought I was an open window through which people could look inside and really see who I was. How wrong I was! I was living life on the surface creating small talk and just barely touching the outer layer of the soul. I had not even started to look, deep within myself so as to find all the treasures that were available to me. In a flash as I said these words my whole life passed through my mind's eye, and I knew immediately something needed to be done. Fear took over my body, pain and stubbornness were present. My mind still wanted to be in charge of my life; it wanted to do what it wanted, rather than what it was intended to be. That is the reason why my "window was closed". My mind kept saying "Why show people who you are? That way you will be naked! People will see all you have, even the handicap of not being able to speak your mind and give a logical sentence. By doing so, you will have no defenses. You will be seen as pure light and only the truth will pour out of you at all times. You will be love, kindness and totally submissive to the beauty of your soul.” I replied, “I WANT ALL OF THIS, I want every cell in my body to have no rebellion. I want to take this step forward into eternal life. The life that is meant for me. The life that looks bad in other peoples eyes because it is different. The life that will create pleasure, satisfaction, joy OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 8 and love in my life because it belongs to me alone and no one else’s…. Can you understand this?.... Therefore go away and leave me alone to accomplish this purpose of my life. I am ready to open my window and let the truth out! I am strong enough to make it across the bridge of eternal life to the side where goodness and LOVE abides. Where my individuality will be part of my daily life and be accepted as non-madness. Then I will be able to create magic for myself and others. My mind continued to fight my inner voice. But as the intention got stronger and stronger in the commitment of clearing the obstacles that had accumulated inside myself, from the day I was born, the ego mind abandoned itself to the will of the SOUL. Come with me and expand your horizons for God does not make JUNK, only experiences for growth. We are perfect and then we loose ourselves in the magnitude that society has created. Keep in mind it is not our responsibility to judge whether a man be right or wrong in his beliefs, right or wrong in his way of life. If we are as occupied as we can be with our own understanding and development, we will have no time for criticism of others. God created nothing except that which is perfect and is ever moving to being perfect. It is up to each individual to appreciate the gifts that are personal and so dear to each one of us. OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 9 We are Energy and to feel alive, look and be alive, we need to taste the soul. Cradle the body and shatter the mind's weak structures. For then the soul can live the beauty of his/her eternal power that is grater than the entire World we live in. NOTES My love is with you OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 10 LOVE MAKING It is advisable while clearing out your spider webs to make love to the right partner. The one that compliments the energy of the soul and creates the possibility of opening the chakras. Chakras are checkpoints of awareness. Divine love washes away so many of the blockages that are held in our subconscious and in the meridians. “I was locked in the tradition and ideals of the church on love making. I was stopping at sex itself as a desire to have intercourse, rather than allowing the energy flow, invade the body in order to be used correctly towards expanding the horizons. Once I learnt how it felt with this method, I accepted the wonder of completely letting go in the moment of love making.” Each partner has their specific Divine love, that when matching, helps in allowing the energy to take you to the heights of ecstasy. To jump out of both of these statements we need to be able to move freely from the giving to the receiving and vice versa, while communicating openly what is happening inside each other. Experiencing Divine love making is, like discovering a love that has no end. It is more than anyone could ever imagine to experience. It is a delight that radically transforms the energy field. Time stops. We then can shine as much as we desire to shine. It is miraculous and I can experience this forever. OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 11 Author's biography The writer is a woman of immense spiritual dimension supported by a very solid day to day practicality and down to earth nature. She was born in Italy and lived for the first twelve years near the rugged northern picturesque mountainous terrain of Piemonte. Then her family moved to Melbourne Australia, where change of environment was in total contrast to that in Italy. It should be mentioned that the biggest effect in life that the author experienced was a reluctant move from Italy to Australia at age twelve. This transition conflicted with her own desires of SOUL GROWING. As a consequence of the move she experienced an enormous mental disadvantage, which became a handicap in life and eventually has given birth to this book. The pain inside herself for the loss of her country was more than she could endure. In her own words...."This is a story of a little girl, called Cynthia whose desire to move forward in life was intense. Her mum's love and security were important so that she could feel confident towards her life’s journey. Much love was needed from her family to comfort her burnt and hurt soul from previous lives. Her soul was "dark" and was looking forward in becoming a light for people to see and for her to enjoy. She wanted to find peace inside. To send the demons out of her soul, so she could have God and the love from her soul to be part of her. That way she would give and give to all equally. OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 12 She was eager to live life and her soul was screaming out. “Please help me see, I want to see.” Her "spider webs" of parental upbringing were thick and she found it hard to see where the beginning was so as to untangle them. Her dear mother caught in her own spider web misunderstood the child's needs and desires. She could only comfort her with these wise words. "Cynthia, my dear, the beauty within you will shine out one day. The more, your soul will sparkle the more your face will glow.” And so the child kept searching for answers, until one day she met this lovely lady that taught her, how to speak to her own angels on a conscious level. From that day on Cynthia was happy. She always knew angels existed. Now they were her very own. Cynthia happily began the painful tedious slow process of pulling down her spider webs; while her angels protected her from harm and praised her on her achievements. The angels were constantly there with each step of the experience. Cynthia was looking forward in becoming the light that her dear mother was talking about. The light to freedom and the awakening of the soul to its fullest authenticity. She was determined to clear out the “gunk” that way she would have more space for a clearer communication with herself and others. OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 13 Hard as it may seem God loves us all equally and really and truly wants only the very best for each one of us. The only thing missing is understanding his message. My love is with you OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 14 LANGUAGE OF THE SOUL Life is a quarry, out of which we are to mould and chisel to complete a character. My desire is, for this book to be, easy and fun, to bring life and fulfillment into your life. To expand your horizons beyond fear. Life is a wonderful kaleidoscope with the most magical colours that nature and God has put there for us to enjoy. Let’s be strong enough and take one small colour at a time until our whole picture makes sense. There is a God in all we do and have, then love embraces this criteria, while the fallen angels and our ego-mind, stay ready to take us on roads that normally have no positive outcome. Life means movement and we are part of that movement when out of stagnation we find ourselves. Energy pushes our experiences along the road of life. God bless and enjoy the book. OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 15 NOTES My love is with you OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 16 Author's goals and achievements 1. Importer/Exporter liaison Broker. 2. Lecturer/Therapist. 3. Writer/Adventurer. 4. Home maker/Family provider. 5. Search for Personal Love/ Happiness 6. Achieving her purpose and mission in life. 7. helping people become the beauty of their Souls. 8. Reiki healer. OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 17 As you set out for new horizons, let a spirit of Adventure light your way. Keep following your brightest dreams, your highest hopes, wherever they may lead... Take pleasure in discovering the special joys and triumphs each day holds. Live life from the bliss within and discard all the rest. OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 18 THEME OF BOOK The open window to my soul, the lost road. Deals with the search for understanding, why the soul was taken on the wrong road. The road to despair rather then Bliss. I want to go beyond the obvious of a person's daily life. By asking myself, how am I going to explain a feeling that is being experienced, when silence is needed to fully understand its meaning? I will give it a go with the help of a team of angels and Ali my best friend. Together we will bring forward the experiences of a child in total turmoil within herself, due to lack of understanding. She is looking for that light that key to help turn the knob in order to open the window and let her soul free, to express itself to the fullest without fear. Episodes described in a gentle simple way with the true intention to only create the desire to then eventually open your own window, to the great gift that you are. "This is what I am... look... do not be afraid!....You also can look inside your own window to your soul!" How wonderful it would be to have thousand’s of people living from the essence of their true Selves. OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 19 NOTES My love is with you OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 20 CHAPTER 1 Awakening to the power of her essence The curtains were of pure white lace with beautiful rose motifs on them. The window was white colonial. It was a bay window where Cynthia could sit for hours and look out into the distance of her immense property where she lived. It reminded her of another lifetime when God wanted to communicate with her and have regular debates together. She was afraid in that lifetime, and so led an ordinary life like anyone else in that country town. This time it was different, her country property created an inner desire for her to grow and expand as a spiritual being. That is where Ali, Cynthia’s best friend, found her this early spring morning, when she called to see how she was. As Ali entered, she received a strange welcome. OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 21 “Ali, how do I explain to people how I feel during an experience?” Being the wise, gentle person that I was, I sat next to her and putting my hand on her shoulder said, “See the trees and the wind out there?…. Tell me.... Do you think you can place that wind in your hand and hold it there?” Cynthia thought for a moment. Then with a smile on her delicate face, with white skin and long straight blond hair that enhanced her clear blue eyes.... she replied, “No, Ali, I don't believe I could.” To Ali, Cynthia’s face always looked like an angel, with the expression on it now even more beautiful than ever before. So as they turned around facing each other, Ali said, “Tell me all about it.... What is actually happening to you right at this moment in time?” “I am feeling happy, very happy, for I have achieved in life all that I could possibly desire to achieve. I have lived a life of total intensity, mental intensity. I experienced all the emotions that a person can experience. I have learned to set up a debate between the mind and my inner God. I have understood the purpose of me being like I was ‘handicapped’. Some people are OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 22 handicapped physically, some mentally; it all amounts to the same restricted life style. “Oh, Ali, how I wish I could tell mankind about my thoughts, my emotions and my feelings! I want them to know how it feels, what I have gone through…. all the pain, sorrow, frustration, restrictions, desires, and now love, one of the deepest feelings. What am I going to do with it? How am I going to handle my feeling of LOVE? Love for me, for me becoming authentic, for me becoming that love that I always wanted to be, which radiate out of all my cells and give to all humans, equally. “Ali, please help me understand my next step. Am I to lose this happiness or can I hold it and increase it to the ultimate level of beauty where I can live, enjoy life, prosper and contribute to the happiness of others from the magic of my soul? Or do I need to suffer more, so as to reach heaven?” “No, my dear” said Ali, “there is no need for you to continue on the road of despair and mental confusion. Let's go inside the window of your awakening and see what hidden treasures you have found…. plus all that you have discovered, and put together for yourself during all these years of search and elimination of your spider webs.” OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 23 Cynthia got very excited and ran to her bedroom, only to return with a pile of papers as thick as five books. “There!” she said, “These are all the words, the thoughts, fears, rejections, conversations between my inner voice, the mind, my angels and my higher self. All the past memories trapped and locked in my subconscious and unconscious mind, body cells and other energy fields. All the experiences I have re-lived during these last six years of clearing, including smudges from the tears. “Now that I look back, I can see and understand that all had its purpose, even the writings as they became more and more intense in the process of changing to a higher state of consciousness.” Cynthia continued, “Do you think we can make some sense with all the writings and put them in a book form, so that other human beings out there in this fast changing world of ours will find some light from my experiences?” “We can certainly make an effort,” said Ali “to give the world the open window to your soul with all its treasures and fears.” “Thank you, Ali,” said Cynthia. OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 24 “Cynthia, do you think you could be a darling and make me one of your herbal teas?” “Yes, you keep reading and I will be back in a jiffy.” Ali continues, “What I can suggest, is for you to sort out your experiences that are of importance, then together we will look at them and see how to place them in the book. This will give you a sense of balance and achievement and maybe, even satisfaction. When finished, if you are still of the idea of publishing your memoirs while letting the whole world know about your most intimate part, I can see one of the publishers who is a friend of mine and get a quote.” “Thank you, Ali”, said Cynthia, “I really appreciate your kindness, love and compassion you have towards me. You have always been my most intimate voice, just like my angels are.... They also are always there ready to help me, comfort and keep me on track. “As long as I can remember, which is when I was fifteen months old, they have been with me, loved me, helped me through the tragedies, emotions, confusion, and attitudes, that were part of my patterns. The angels organized situations for me to experience. I speak to them on a daily basis. They, OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 25 also, are my best friends and together we plan and achieve goals.” OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 26 CHAPTER 2 To learn how to balance our thoughts and feelings A few days went by and I, Ali, had not heard from Cynthia. I wondered how she was doing and if she was really serious to publish her experiences. I was getting agitated and curious, and although I still had sufficient work to keep me busy for a few more days before my project was finished, I decided that seeing Cynthia was more important. She constantly brought joy into my life. Her open smile was like a ripple of fresh water to my soul. Oh!! How I longed to see her. How I wanted to be with her, this time more then ever. It was exiting, for she had something very deep to share with me. I will be the first person to really know all of her most intimate experiences, I thought to myself, although, on odd occasions, we had spoken about some. I quickly got dressed in my blue and white dotted dress, placed the blue brim hat with a white scarf around it on my head, picked up the handbag and popped into the car. I OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 27 directed myself towards Cynthia's home. It was always a pleasant drive, the 50km to her farmhouse. Today in particular, I was more aware of the surroundings. I noticed the colour of the trees, the cows and sheep in the meadows. In a paddock, there were two horses making love. How lucky we humans are, I thought to myself. We have all of the answers right at our fingertips. How the laws of the universe work, and how our law works. It is expressed all around us, especially in the changing of the four seasons, the night and day. The good and bad, or dark side as Cynthia calls it. It made me wonder why we, ourselves, forget to implement and follow these very simple steps to help us achieve our goals in life. The steps of listening to that inner voice that is so accurate when it speaks to us and when followed, life is bliss. Why has God given us all these gifts and clues if we forget to understand, take notice and use them? Maybe only the wise take the time to make themselves part of these laws. They are OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 28 not lazy, because their desire is to flow easily with the current of life. Recently I noticed most of the people were rushing and each year were getting progressively more stressed. My viewpoint is that daylight saving was a very good indication we like living in a world of make-believe. We focus our attention on external, worldly actions more than the realization, of a wonderful communication with our inner feeling. Are we strong enough to actually express these true feelings to others without fear? I wonder what express train those people are catching?.... Did they know their destination, or really understand the purpose for them being here? We could have chosen another galaxy. But no, we are all here because we need to grow and learn, mainly how to balance our thoughts and feelings and then become authentic and fully integrated: how to have unity and love for one another, by giving of ourselves freely, to have patience and respect while the other grows spiritually and unfolds its full potential as a being or soul, to enjoy the beautiful godlike creation that we all are, to give space and respect to the wishes and needs of others, without controlling their desires, needs and genuine progress and to realize that our strengths can be another person’s weakness. OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 29 Oh, my goodness! What happened? My mind just kept talking and talking, so much so, that without even realizing it, I have reached Cynthia’s front gate to her magnificent cottage. Cynthia was at the front door to greet me with the biggest smile I had ever seen on her face. Her eyes where glowing like diamonds and the beauty from within her was radiating out for miles. “Good morning, Cynthia” I said. “Good morning, Ali, I am so glad you listened to your inner voice and came out to see me. I have been excited for the past few days while doing what we decided to do. I read through the words I wrote and was amazed to see how easy they flowed on paper. OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 30 “When I think back and realize I only did a few years at school in Australia, I am surprised to see that I can write. I remember how my mum, being a schoolteacher, always did the essays and homework for me. Only what she wrote and said was good enough. “My opinion never mattered. I was considered dumb, unimportant and stupid. This was imprinted in my subconscious day in day out until her death in 1976. I still loved my mother and was totally obedient to her desires. To me, her personality pushed my soul’s energy and individuality into the bottom of my being. Unfortunately, I noticed that this created a mental disharmony later in my everyday life. And the idea that I was ugly and useless haunted me until very recently” Cynthia continued, with tears rolling down her cheeks. “Oh, I am soooo sorry, please come in. As you can see, I am overexcited about this whole project. I love you, Ali; you are a true friend, like unselfish, kind, generous friends need be. You give of yourself without expectations. You love with this deep sense of responsibility. You receive from others with the same humility that you give. And you are always ready to do, no matter who it is, without wanting recognition. I love you and I always will.” OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 31 As we went inside, I looked through the pages that Cynthia had carefully put together and we both decided that people may like to hear one of the most vivid and painful experiences Cynthia lived through when she was fifteen months old, regarding her brother. OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 32 CHAPTER 3 My big brother, I wanted him back, he was my contract “Ali, I remember quite clearly, as if it was yesterday, when I was fifteen months old and we had just had lunch, soup it was. I had been put to bed in my cot when all of a sudden I hear screams and voices. The chaos was so intense, it made it hard for me to understand what the words were. I lay there without a sound. I waited and waited for hours. “When suddenly I see a light floating around my cot. I look at it in wonder and amazement, but no fear. It speaks to me; it was my older brother. “Cynthia,” he says, “I am not dead; they think I am. When the doctor gets here everything will be all right. I must not die; we need to be together this lifetime and to accomplish what we have set out to do.” “Where is your body?” I say mentally, for my vocabulary is that of a fifteen months old child. OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 33 “In the other room, warm, waiting for the doctor.” Those where bad times: the bombs exploding, Nazis killing innocent people, the doctors having more patients than they could cope with. Every one was praying and hoping the doctor would come on time to save my brother. Five hours had gone past and I was still in my cot, my parents had forgotten about me. The doctor came, but believed it was too late and dangerous to do something to try and remove the poison from my brother’s body. Although the body was still warm, the doctor declared the child dead. OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 34 I see the light again. “I must leave you now; no one believes I am not dead. Remember one thing, Cynthia; you have angels. They are lights like me now, and they love you and will help you always. Never fear, be good and still do what we were missioned to do.” “My darling, please don't leave me; come back” I screamed. Those words were of no comfort to me. I wanted my big brother’s soul to be alive, not his words. I cried and cried and for a whole year, no photos of my brother could stay around the house without me screaming and wanting him back. “Ali, I still feel the pain for such loss, because we were meant to be together. He was mine and a 15 year old baby-sitter had the nerve to kill him.” This sorrow went on for years and years, until one day I asked my mum to give me my brother back. To know he was there as a light was of comfort to me, but I did not understand how I could be with him, play with him and do things together. So I wanted him back as flesh and blood. I did not know how brothers came about, but I promised my mum I would be very good if she gave me my brother back, and so I was. I waited and waited. I was as good as I could possibly be and when mum finally told me that it was impossible for me to have a brother, I got very ill. No one knew what the sickness was. The OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 35 disappointment of the denial of my brother and the betrayal of my mother was more then I could handle at the age of thirteen. My heart was broken, my mind perplexed; I had no more hope. I had no one to hold my hand; I was all alone once more. Life was repeating itself. What will I hold onto now? My country had been removed from me including friends, relatives, mountains, and so on. I had suppressed anger towards my mother. I wanted to be back in Europe with Phillip, my boy friend. I missed the school. I was barely surviving as a soul. The removal from my natural path to a country I had not chosen as my destiny, gives me now a deeper insight as to how important it is to understand the difference between the man-made intelligence and the natural intelligence of the soul. My brother did not come back to me until after I got married and had children of my own. Thank goodness that he did, as one of my most beautiful children. My life of spiritual awareness changed just by the presence of his energy. “Ali, let us have a break because the tears are back and my sorrow still open. I want to enjoy this free blowing wind of the first day of spring. Spring brings happiness to my heart; it OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 36 brings a new beginning to the soul, new resolutions and new life to the trees and our bodies. Can you feel it?” “Yes I can, and you know how much I rejoice with the smell of fresh grass and new flowers. It reminds me of when I was in England. I am a complete romantic and I love it,” contributes Ali with a laugh. NOTES My love is with you OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 37 CHAPTER 4 NO MORE RUNNING The reality of life’s purpose “Oh! Cynthia, you are overwhelming me with your stories. I never knew that side of you. I always considered you a happy go lucky soul, that nothing took your smile away. I have never seen you cry, nor sad. You really surprise me. What made you all of a sudden, at this age, want to share your experiences with me and the world?” “Because, Ali, I became sick and tired of running away, running away from the truth that belonged to the reality of my inner expression, the inner voice that continuously talked to me with such accuracy and I was afraid to follow. When I trust and follow my inner self, I feel wonderful. I know without a doubt that I am on the right road. All my life, I obeyed my parents and the church. It was tradition, so my most inner desires were left unfulfilled. I was afraid to go for what I wanted out of life: to create a reality that was conscious, deliberate and meaningful to me. So every time the situation got tough, I kept on running. And this is how it started. When OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 38 I was twelve and was finally happy with my mother, she decided to immigrate to Australia. “People mention that all that happens in life is meant to be, but I know that my experiences in life, connected to society’s intelligence, took my soul on the lost road. The clues that this was true were the frustration, anger and restlessness that I was feeling. These signals belonged to the ‘alarm system’ that my soul was ‘off track’ and because I discarded them, my body started becoming very ill and I was unable to reunite with the Divine. “With this in mind, Ali, I wonder if my mum was actually running from reality, the reality of her life's purpose: of living the wonderful teacher that she was, in Italy. Or, maybe she was afraid? From the many opportunities that were available, she chose to follow her husband to Australia? How sad! “Duty, tradition, expectations from others, feeling judged and guilt were probably her main thoughts. All the feelings and emotions she was experiencing when she needed to take the decision were dismissed. “‘Will I follow my husband to Australia?’ Deep inside herself she knew the correct answer. Her weakness stopped her from remaining in her own hometown. OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 39 “‘I will be a good wife and go to the land where my husband is.’ In Australia she became an unhappy martyr that was of no use to herself, her husband, or me. Ali, do you want to hear my side of this story?” “Of course I do, please continue.” OVER THE OCEAN FAR AWAY “It was winter; the snow had gone away and left the watery marshy roads where my small feet soaked as I walked home from school each day. The mountains produced a great deal of snow each year and the same marshy situation. “‘Spring will soon arrive,’ I said to myself as I kicked the last piece of snow. Then I will be able to roll in the fields and be caressed by the tender green grass and all the wild flowers, which last for months on end. Each few weeks, the mountains and fields were filled with new, beautiful flowers. Just like the beauty I was feeling inside myself at that point in time, I absolutely had everything a child could want: a beautiful mother, my father overseas, a boyfriend called Philip, a garden to play in…. flowers, friends and food, what more was there? OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 40 “For the first time I was totally happy and wanted my life to stay exactly how it was. I was asking life to give me nothing else, just this small bliss: my own paradise, here on earth. “No, absolutely, No! This was not possible. My dearest mum, whom I wanted to be mine and love me, totally decided to follow my dad to the land called Australia. I wondered where that land was. What is it all about? I do not want to go. I rebelled; I rebelled with all my strength, inside and out. My soul was devastated by the idea of missing out on its destiny. “‘Mum!’ I said, getting some courage. ‘We must not go. I want to stay here. Here is my home. I am happy and we need nothing more.’” “Your father is lonely, he needs us.” “No, you are weak, and it is wrong. “I was twelve and my opinion was worth, in the eyes of my mum, less then twopence. “What am I going to do? I want to save myself from tragedy, but my efforts were in vain. Fortunately enough, destiny was on my side. We were able to remain in Europe a while longer, OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 41 due to the illness I had when I was five years old. Mum continued to talk to the medical profession and finally managed to have a visa approved. It was very sad and I wanted to cry and scream. I felt it was totally wrong for us to leave. What is the opinion of a child? “‘Children are to be seen and not heard,’ I would hear my mum and uncle say. I was in distress. Yet, I knew I’d better organize myself and learn how to say Hello, Bread, good-bye, Bakery, and another ten words. My father was a baker. “On the 23rd of May we boarded the ship Neptunia and sailed towards the unknown land of Australia where the big surprise of not being able to express myself awaited me. I was speaking three languages and yet, no one understood a word that I was saying. It took six months of silence before I could speak English. “On the ship I was full of life and immediately the whole ship was mine. I knew every square inch, all the crew and OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 42 waitresses. I had resigned to my new life and wanted to make the most of every day on the ship. After we passed the equator a terrible sickness hit all the people on the ship. We were all very sick. We had no water, no cool air and no medication. It was terrible. One person died and we buried it at sea. The service was touching and I cried because it reminded me when my grandfather had passed and I was devastated. “Mum did not see how all of this had a message for her. How the message was saying, ‘Return to your home land.’ But home we did not return. How very easy it is to follow tradition and the rules of society. How much harder it is to follow the heart when it wants and needs all that is different from the rules of society. “Where does this right and wrong and judgment come in? We say God is the only one that can judge us? “Where is God? Who is he? “Is it not that I have a God inside of me and I can judge myself each day? When at the end of each day I find no happiness in what I do, is that not sufficient to let me know that something in my life is very wrong? Does it not mean that I need to sit down quietly and re-evaluate my situation, or look at it from OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 43 another angle to see where I can improve and how, so as to get back on track on the road of the soul? “What is life telling me at this point in time? Is it showing me that the choice I made today has brought great joy into my life? If not, do I want to be happy and know the truth? I do want to know what makes a human being act the way it acts. “I know I came here to learn. I have reached a point where my road is perfectly clear and I feel empowered by having released my past. Clearing out the excess baggage has liberated me from being mentally confused to understanding life just as it really is. This change in me all started the day my mum died.” OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 44 THOUGHTS Monday -- My fight and rebellion in life was connected to the concept that verbal teaching was damaging and humiliating to the individual. Self-realization of a subject, word or experience is so much more effective and long lasting. It is eternal. Let me expand on these words of wisdom. What I mean is: by a parent saying this is the way you eat and insist that, that is the only proper way to eat is creating conflict and separation inside the child. By realization I mean: each individual needs to discern and come to the conclusion of what is right and proper for them. The energy and wisdom of the soul is the guiding light that will keep the child continuously on the road of bliss. Tuesday -- In one way or another, I have come across people of a selfish nature. By the pain experienced by their behavior, it made me look deeper within myself. I was able to correct the pattern of giving more than my fifty percent to others and less to myself. By changing the percent, the blaming situation came to a halt and I gained the self-confidence and know-how to make it happen. I felt more secure in receiving less from the selfish person. OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 45 HABITS I feel each time I am close to eliminating a habit the situation gets tougher. At this moment, I have many negative people rattling my peace. I have the habit of finding excuses for not continuing or carrying a situation to the end. The excuses for example are: the phone, car, person, weather, being tired and so on, any excuse to cover my real reason, which is fear of success. OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 46 CHAPTER 5 THE DEATH OF A MOTHER Nothing gets cancelled until we repay the willful damage. It was during the earthquake, and I was very angry and disappointed my mother decided to die without first having been a real mum to me. I cried next to her bed for 48 hours and told her exactly what I thought of her. All the mental thoughts that for years and years were inside of me and I was afraid to express, in case of hurting her, all of a sudden these mental thoughts poured out of me. I wanted her to know who I really was. I wanted her to be a friend, and most of all to be a mother and finally, love me just as I was with the different personalities that made up my character—the mysterious character that seemed to give the impression that I was ‘Lunatica’ rather than creative. I asked her soul part to stay with me for a while until she could understand and appreciate my different qualities. I was yearning to make up for the years of missed love and understanding towards each other. Although this was different OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 47 from the real thing, I decided it was better than nothing. ‘She’ agreed, and so the healing started taking place. We did lots of things together in the four years mum stayed with me as a spirit. We healed and healed and it helped me connect with the internal beauty that wanted to shine out. After her departure, I continued my healing process, which took ten more years, many tears, painful days and lots of episodes of earlier memories that were filed in the folders of the subconscious mind and had not been erased properly by an understanding. I was determined to become my true self, to stop the process of passing down to the children all my beliefs and memories of internal baggage. “Ali, do I make sense? Have I smoothly and quickly expressed myself to you?” OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 48 “Cynthia, you are amazing,” says Ali. “The courage it must have taken to do all that you have done is admirable. I am honored to be your friend, here in this wonderful property at this very moment, enjoying your writings and the stories that you have to tell. I love you. Let us hug so the dense energy will energetically change.” Ali continued, “I also believe in the power of the soul. Luckily enough, my life has been less dramatic. I had a simple childhood and both my parents loved me unselfishly. Enough about me; let me see some more pages, and then I must return home to finish the huge project that I am in the middle of doing.” “Very well,” said Cynthia, with that enthusiastic, vibrant attitude that projected the value traced for her from all the experiences she had the courage to regroup. OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 49 OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 50 CHAPTER 6 THE POND The fear to look “Ali, I want to explain the situation between my mother and me a little further with a quote from Mathew: ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ “What Jesus really meant was, nothing is really cancelled until we, ourselves fix it by repaying what willful damage has been made to another. “I’ll give you an example: How can going to confession fix a car I have just smashed into? The same principal applies to people. I need to fix the damage, pain or sorrow I have caused to another human being. Some people believe that forgiving is more appropriate. I prefer fixing, then letting go.” “Cynthia, I know what you mean, even if sometimes I find it hard to accept another person's opinion, such as yours now. I prefer to be the one to have the idea and inspiration. My mind prefers to be in charge of life rather than flow with it. By being OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 51 a control freak I feel better. The other way, I feel I lose control. What am I saying?” “Ali, I understand you perfectly. What I am hearing you say is sacred to you as a person, but there is more to life than the obvious. One day, I would love you to experience the voice of the Higher Self inside you, which is so loving and caring. When you become open to that voice, life is fun and miracles start happening with each occasion. “With this note, let us take a break and cleanse ourselves, then go out into the garden and enjoy the sunshine while we have a gourmet lunch,” Cynthia suggests. Ali noticed how the sun by now was warm and was reflecting through the delicate pale green leaves. We decided to enjoy our lunch near the pond that was an inlet from the fresh creek that ran through Cynthia’s entire property surrounded by pine trees. From here we could see the big, clean, blue pool, which was close to the pond. Cynthia’s children spent endless hours enjoying the coolness of the water that stimulated their appetite and kept them entertained, since there was nothing else around for miles. Surrounding the small pond grew every imaginable herb, which Cynthia used to keep her family young and healthy by OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 52 using the herbs as teas, potions and food. Cynthia believed in natural healing. Tall European trees with deciduous leaves where scattered on the nearby land that surrounded the garden of the house. It reminded Ali of an English setting. So much care was put into it. The animals that grazed on the other side of the fence were happy and contented. It felt like paradise on earth and Ali was soaking it all up while Cynthia made a gourmet lunch. Suddenly, as we where sitting near the pond and I was taking a bite from one of Cynthia’s healthy sandwiches with flowers OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 53 and delicious home made salami, what do I see?... A brown, slimy, crawling snake coming straight at me. Fear was my major key, and confusion, due to the power of my mind! My intellect was giving me information different from my higher self, creating the suffering and frustration and sweat I was going through. All of a sudden I let out this enormous scream. Cynthia looked at my pale face and confused attitude. “What is the matter, Ali?” Up to this point, Cynthia thought that Ali was ‘perfect’ and that nothing could disturb her calmness and good sense of direction. “Snake ... a .. snake”, Ali screamed. “Relax!” Cynthia said in her calm voice; “put your feet on the chair and it will pass you by.” “Oh dear”... my mind was disoriented and my body shaking. OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 54 “I was finding it hard to breathe. It was like a nightmare for me.” “Ali”, said Cynthia, “I wish I did not have to say this to you. In a situation like this one, this is where the soul can ‘hit’, by showing the person that thinks it has nothing to change to bring these emotions to the surface. Are you afraid of honest communication with yourself? “Did something happen to you in your childhood to make this emotion come to the surface and look dirty, or wrong in your mind’s eye? Or maybe it stems back much further?” “Why do you say that?” asked Ali. “The snake is a sex symbol and your attitude is different from the confident Ali I know,” Cynthia replied. “Let me think about it while I finish your delicious lunch,” replied Ali; “I want to catch my breath.” FEAR TO DISCOVER WHAT THE FEAR IN ALI WAS “Do you know, Cynthia, I am really afraid to look? I am not like you that can look inside your window and see exactly OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 55 what treasures lie there and bring them to the surface. What are the treasures I am speaking of? My fears...! I speak of my past. What is me now. What powers have I hidden there that I am drawn to coffee, escape in bed, goofing off, overworking myself, or procrastinating? Don't want to totally know how to become Authentic.” I am so afraid to look. “This is all I have, ‘my personality’. When I tell you the truth, I am afraid I will not like it. I am comfortable with my pretences. And to tell you the truth, I am afraid of the responsibility that goes with commitment and power. “It will no longer be a childish game. It will be a proper game with all the right pieces” Ali chatted with herself. “Cynthia, I am so ashamed of myself. For so many years now I have behaved properly in your presence. Look at me, I am a wreck” said Ali. THE PENETRATION INTO THE FEAR OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 56 “Ali, it is ok, just sit there quietly and really find out what this snake phobia is all about. I am going to help you get through this, trust me.” Ali sits there unable to relax. The feeling of wanting to go to bed or making a cup of coffee is back again rather than doing as Cynthia said. Her feet are constantly moving; she is not relaxed and thinks doing something else is much easier. “Do it, Ali” I say to myself. There is still resistance and I feel cold now. My feet are even more agitated, the diaphragm on my stomach is heavy like when I was pregnant. My shoulders are heavy. I am shivering and yawning. I think of the house I would like to win. I wonder how I would feel if I win it. I feel I cannot penetrate to the bottom of my soul to seek what the answer is. It looks as if a lake is between the top of my head and the bottom of my soul. I need to penetrate the lake. I need to know how I can do it. I still want to run away and go to bed. If the mental pains get too strong, I will. The rebellion by now is quite strong. “NO, Ali… Penetration into the lake is really what I want at this point in time. The carrot of the house will probably indulge me to want to try. OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 57 “Ali, keep breathing in and out slowly. It looks as if your mind has been through gymnastics,” says Cynthia. A brief moment of silence then a scream…. “Hurrah, Cynthia... I have done it!!!..... I know what it is. I am still shaking and feeling disoriented for the memory that has come to my mind. “As you can see, I am even finding it hard to talk. It's as if the world has caved in on me. I really mean my mind…. My soul part is fine. Cynthia, I feel relieved for the discovery. I want to express to you all of my feelings on this occasion. In the past, the episode has been like a nightmare for me.” Before we continue with Ali’s story of what made her so afraid to look and remember, I want to point out how deceiving appearances can be. Even the most composed person in the world can have deep down suppressed episodes that create confusion and tension whenever re-stimulated by the reactive mind. So let us listen to the story that Ali has been given by her angels as a vision: “Cynthia, I was eight years old, my parents were too poor to afford a house of their own, so they were paying rent to my OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 58 uncle. It was very hard living all together in such a small house. My brother and I had to be very quiet or the family would have ended up homeless. “One night at the dinner table I accidently spilled my plate of soup. My uncle went into a rage. I wet my undies from fear. He hit me. I did human waste in my pants. He went absolutely out of control. He threw me outside in the back yard and said that pigs like me were meant to stay outside where the devil and all evil spirits were. He locked the door so I could not get back in. “It was a black night, no stars or moon. There were no streetlights. The darkness was all around me. I cried and yelled and screamed to be let in, but no one would. My uncle told me it might teach me a lesson to stay there. I was alone. Then the fear, the terror…. where were the devils and the spirits?” “Ali, keep breathing deeply in and out. I am going to get you a long, cold drink of water. When I return I would like you to finish narrating the story as if it was happening right now in present time. That way it will be more effective and the sensations vivid, giving them a chance to be cleared completely. Now let us continue, while the memory is fresh in your mind.” OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 59 “I can feel the spirits. They are all around me. They feel as if they are going to eat me, torture me, and take me to some incredibly evil place where I will be lost and live a life of unimaginative terror, fear and pain. I am becoming terror itself, I can’t move. I find it hard to breathe, my mind is not mine any more, it does whatever it wants; someone or something has total control of me.” “Ali, breathe, take more breaths” says Cynthia with a loud voice. “I feel like a puppet on a string and someone else is pulling the string. I think I passed out through sheer terror that pervaded my whole body and soul. Every fiber in me is full of terror. Eventually, I wake up to find myself in my aunt’s arms being carried inside. She is crying and yelling that I was dead and that my uncle was the one that did all this to me. My aunt looked after me that night. I am sleeping with her in her bed. My uncle is sleeping on the couch. “While asleep in my aunt’s arms, I continue to have nightmares. I am full of dreams of devils and evil spirits doing the most horrible things to me. OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 60 “Cynthia, can you see now why sometimes when you speak to me about angels and spirits, I am skeptical? I was so frightened without realizing why, until now.” “Ali, can you get yourself to continue in past tense?” asks Cynthia. “Yes, I can. Anyhow, this state of affairs lasted for weeks and months afterward. I would wake up screaming and keep screaming for some time before someone could calm me down. “My uncle became worse. He spent less and less time in the house. His torment towards me diminished and made our lives easier. I thought this episode of fear had left my memory bank by the age of eighteen. But as you can see, the snake brought all of these fears back this very moment.” THE REBALANCING OF THE MIND AND FEELING “Ali,” said Cynthia, “you have gone through a major clearing of yourself today and, even while not being connected with sex as people relate to the snake, it still has to do with communication. That intimate part of you that wants to express itself clearly, most of the time. OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 61 “Please, Ali, lie down on my bed and let yourself be transported into a dream state, so as to recharge your energy fields. This way, you will be able to see images from within your own soul and replace the hurt with love, forgiveness or the beautiful feeling you choose. “In your dream world you will be able to bring together the inner and outer worlds, left and right brain, the masculine and feminine in you for true creativity and expression. So when you awaken, you will feel relaxed, energized and in control of your life once more. “This will happen because you are deciding what you want to dream and consolidate from your experience. This way, today’s episode of the snake will be gone forever and next time you come across a snake, you will probably go up to it and say, ‘Hello’.” Now, folks, while Ali is out there in the universe with her silver cord extended as far as she wishes to go, I will indulge in exploring deep inside myself for further answers of insights on this amazing afternoon that removed and changed so much of Ali’s energy to a newer level of consciousness. OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 62 Wednesday -- Why am I still afraid to show people all my thoughts and ideas? Why do I want to hide them? In this period of my life while dealing with the above thought pattern, I am finding it very hard to breathe. My chest feels squashed and restricted. It feels as if there is a pressure connected with time, time to perform. Time to do this. Time to do that. I am standing still, yet I feel this pressure inside of me coming in from all directions. How much easier if only I could show people who I am, what I really want out of life, how I want it, and what my real needs and feelings are. Thursday -- Every time I give away some of my powers unnecessarily to the person I love, it's as if a part of my body is being mutilated. To show me in reality what I am actually doing to myself, a precious item in that period of time, breaks, gets lost, or destroyed. This circumstance makes me sad and the sadness gives me a chance to look deeper within myself to see why I am giving my power away, also what, in actual fact, I am ready to release and change because I no longer require such belief. OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 63 OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 64 CHAPTER 7 A 14 YEAR OLD DESIRE They will cut my hair I wanted to become a nun; it was at the age of fourteen. I remember I was really paranoid about it. How could I go to heaven, unless I was practicing chastity and had no evil thoughts and was in a convent? I looked at the different orders, strangely enough; I chose one that had a lot of prayer and very strict discipline. Now that I look back, it all made so much sense. As a soul, I knew my purpose was to eliminate the dark side from within myself and to pray for the salvation of the world. Society calls it evil. I prefer to call it the dark side. The side that up to now, I still needed to understand how to befriend it. OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 65 A flower, or tree knows its purpose. They can understand what their purpose is. I find it fascinating to see how any creature, flower, item or whatever that we find beautiful and pleasing, we refer to it as a ‘she’ or feminine, and the powerful things in life as a ‘he’. That is correct, because the yin and the yang in all of us is exactly like that, so our statement of description is correct, we need not be afraid of expressing it like so. As I was saying, being a nun at 14 was a very serious and desirable adventure until the day I decided to do it and the frightening truth of all the things I needed to renounce was actually spelt out to me. One of them was my straight, shaggy and ugly hair. Well, you will not believe it, it was as if they said we will remove your head and you will die. For days and weeks I prayed for that fear and awful feeling to go away. It was actually glued on. It got stronger and stronger until with all my shame, I had to go and tell mother superior that I no longer wished to become a nun. From that day on my penance towards myself increased. The punishment was in beating myself, fasting, going to church each day, wearing woolen jumpers in summer, not kissing boys, not touching them. The more I did all this as I was growing up, the more I rebelled, became unhappy and felt like a hypocrite. OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 66 The feeling inside me wanted to scream and break loose, live, have fun and enjoy all that was around me. Yet I was trying so hard to be good in the most unnatural way. I did not know, nor understand until recently, the funny part of what I was doing. I was following the way society and all the saint's books, which I read, were living life, which was different from the way I needed to live and love God. I was here on planet Earth to have fun and enjoy life, to have God in me and not out of me, to be part of the soul and its beauty, to love myself as I loved others, to feel one with all things and to love and understand mankind. All of these things were part of my journey and purpose, yet I was acting in the way my Catholic upbringing saw fit for me to act. And so the torture inside me continued for years on end. Many times I felt ready for a mental institution, maybe suicide. Thank goodness for that wise inner voice that each time helped me through the experience, so I could learn to understand why I was experiencing so much. I would have cried out to God, by saying, “God, don't you love me that I need to suffer so, at all times?” Oh!!!! How wrong was I? God loved me so much that he only wanted the very best for me. It gave me everything I needed to live life as an awake, authentic soul, from the Higher Self. It was I who did not OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 67 understand the message correctly, on a mental and emotional level. No one had ever taken the time to say, “Cynthia, it is appropriate for you to follow your inner feelings and voice at all times. Use your reasoning and learning acquired from schooling only when needed. Your soul will then show you that life is as easy as breathing, joyous, fun and blissful.” In 1983 I was introduced to a wonderful teacher; she helped me REMEMBER everything my soul had learned from the beginning of time. I learnt about: past lives, mediumship, healing energetically animals and humans, about my talents and what they are this lifetime, how to have the most wonderful productive life, have fun, enjoy every experience as a learning opportunity towards the expansion of consciousness, rather than suffering and how to talk to my personal angels consciously every moment of the day by having meaningful conversations together. I can sincerely say my life changed by having met the right teacher. It felt magical and each breath I took was like a new beginning, a new dimension, rather than a suffering process. It became a forwarding experience into the realms of the universe that has so much love and support for each of us. I OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 68 no longer felt alone in this adventure of becoming an individual. OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 69 CHAPTER 8 MY MOTHER Why become the victim of life, when you can be life itself? As Cynthia sat on the edge of one of the cliffs that surrounds her hometown, these are the memories and words that appeared in her mind. The beauty of the greenery stimulated Cynthia in writing these words: There are so many things I want to say about my mother. I will calm down, concentrate, compact my thoughts and start from the beginning. Cynthia pauses for a while because a strange thought and feeling is appearing in her mind; the thought goes like this: Funny enough, each one of us has a mother. From the story of life, apparently, the first woman was created differently. Now with the fall of mankind, we all need to go through the process of the womb. . . . what pain and limitations right from the time we enter this world. There are signs of deep reflection by Cynthia. She is going into deep meditation about this thought. Where is this OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 70 thought going to take Cynthia? Will she see that the energy of life wants to take her out of pain and limitations into a dimension of divinity once more? We, her angels, are here to help her understand how different the energy of the planet is becoming, and how possible it is going to be on this earth to resume the Paradise lost a long time ago. Now the energy of her mind is quieting down and she can return her thoughts to the pen and paper and continue writing about her mother. There are many things I want to say about my mother. I will calm down, concentrate, compact my thoughts and start from the beginning. My mother also came into the world through the womb. When she arrived into the world, it was a most delightful place. The water running underneath her home was clear water. She could hear the rumbling noise as one of the first sounds of this world. People’s voices, pots and pans, bottles, plates, door bells and much, much more were all sounds that filled her body with excitement. Her parents owned a restaurant and grocery store in the small village amongst the tall mountains. The mountains in this valley have a specific message for the people: “We are here to guide you” they say, “and the faces you see on the high points OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 71 reflect the spirit of your ancestors, the psychic vibration is of ancient descent. It goes back thousands of years.” Cynthia continues. I am sure that the mountains want us to use this endless energy to our advantage with the potential to expand our spirituality. Where the valley forms a “V” shape endless energy is stored and captured, transforming the fields into a living beauty of healthy grasses and flowers. Between Piemonte and the Swiss border a time warp appears. While standing in that magic space, the energy enables a person to feel no pain, and with imagination they can even achieve the impossible. All in all, it is the most heavenly place any person can possibly want to be part of. My mother was born in this valley and so was I. How could she then be so sad, when from the word go, she was surrounded by all this beauty? Yet she became sad, because she felt with her aura that her parents would have very little time for her. At the age of one month, her big brothers and sisters started taking care of her. So her life of sorrow began, rather then the life of trust and learning from the soul’s point of view. The soul OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 72 knows the big picture; it also knows and is aware that when the body and mind is under the influence of fear, the lesson that needs to be learned becomes difficult. “Ali, I need help in passing on to the reader the message that I want to say. Can you be the soul of my mother and I am my mother?” “Very well, we can give it a go,” says Ali. “Look how happy your family is. They love you and you chose this family to incarnate into, with the help of your oversoul. Be happy, enjoy the moment; all is perfect regarding the life you are going to live in the future.” “I am afraid,” replies Cynthia. “I have already forgotten the purpose why I am here. While in my mum’s tummy the memory was clear of how I was to bridge the gap between the physical and the spiritual worlds. The picture was clear, and all the tools that were necessary accompanied me here.” Ali explains, “I do understand that the moment people are born in this physical world things change. I realize that your parents are not equipped with the knowledge of numerology, astrology, memory blocks, set patterns, real purpose, past lives and much more. They themselves got caught in the density of this planet and became the victim, rather than the OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 73 navigators of their own destiny. By keeping in mind your purpose, you can establish a new way of life. The people in your family will benefit from this.” “Are you sure that all this is possible?” Cynthia asks. “Of course, you have angels and a most incredible soul; you can achieve your purpose” Ali replies. “So, then your children will reach a greater state of consciousness, rather than becoming the victims of circumstances and suffering unduly. Your present family may consider you eccentric and different, but it is worth it to remain in contact with your soul at all times.” Cynthia responds, “I will keep it in mind, Ali. Every time I go off track, please keep reminding me and bringing me back to the beauty of my soul with its purpose upon this earth.” “You can bet your life that you will be reminded” Ali confirms. “All you need do is listen to that inner voice of yours. Cynthia, how did we do? Does the message you want to give the world, does it sound clearer?” “Maybe so” Cynthia replies thoughtfully. “Time will tell. Each individual is born with specific challenges that need to be OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 74 achieved. When we have no guidance from our parents in understanding the child, the principles of life are lost. “As my mother grew, she became more and more the victim of circumstances by suffering unduly. The facts and reality of life became lost. The communication triangle broke down and confusion became part of her daily life. Money, the physical body, schooling became the importance of life. Therefore, she forgot to listen to the inner voice of her soul. “And so, my mother totally forgot her purpose this lifetime. OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 75 “The purpose of her lessons was becoming her reality so, that in turn, she could be the teacher towards my own goal. Her example and wisdom would have conveyed the truth to others with love and joy and, finally, the chain of a lower planetary consciousness changed to a more loving, realistic life. I gave her one more chance in life when I was born, to see the light of her soul and then accomplish her mission.” OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 76 CHAPTER 9 THE BIRTH OF A BEAUTIFUL GIRL Overcome the fear of love and forgive rather than revenge. It was a cold spring morning and my mother was still in bed when her first labour pain arrived. She was alone and was afraid. It was five a.m. Help was a long way away. She lay still and waited. As the sun rose, she got the courage and opened the bedroom window to call for help. My aunt came out of her bedroom. “I need a mid-wife right away,” my mum said. “We will go and get her” and off went my aunt. By this time it was six thirty and I was feeling cramped and ready to launch myself into the world. I was happy to be alive and wanted to see what was going on. By seven twenty a.m. out I came full of joy and hope. What a surprise; my mother was alone, afraid and had a feeling of disgust for me and had the courage to call me ugly, incompetent and a familiar feeling, which I remember quite clearly when my mother was seven months pregnant. OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 77 She was crying that day while sitting on the windowsill looking out, saying to herself, “I do not want this child.” It is the wrong time. The father is wrong, all is wrong. How wrong she was. Every thing was perfect for her lesson. Even my brother was trying to tell her how wonderful it would be if only she loved me and believed in me being conceived. No, she wanted to believe that her opinion was right. And now that same feeling of rejection and not being good enough was back again. I could feel it in every part of my body. My dirty face and body lay on her white sheets now spotted with blood. I was mentally saying, “I bring you love and joy, mum, please look at me and love me just a little.” She silently waited for the mid-wife to arrive and totally ignored me. Resigned, I could feel that my mission was going to be even harder than I expected. I am strong as a soul and will make it. I love my mother with all my heart and to me that is important. I also was born with lessons.... the lesson to overcome fear of love, love for myself and to forgive, rather than want revenge. Together we will learn and become free, as long as both of us play the part of learning correctly. OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 78 As time went by, my love for mum grew and grew. I smiled at her and enjoyed all the attention that was given to me. I was tiny, gentle, kind and wanted to give her as little trouble as possible, so that she could learn to love and accept me. She, in turn, rejected me and suffocated my divines, found it difficult to accept the love I had for her and the strength and unity that existed between my brother and me. It was all a continuation of events, from one tragedy and emotional situation to another. She was a strong soul and I admired her and wanted her to see how easy it was: only one small thing she needed to learn this lifetime, just to be and let all circumstances go by her. Just like the clear water running under her home when she was born. Putting on appearances was so important to her, including the beauty of others without judgment became difficult for her to do. She chose to run, to examine the circumstances and make them her tragedy, thus becoming the victim of life rather than life itself. The doorbell rang and we decided to take a break from the typing and story telling by enjoying the vastness of the property that created such enchantment to our souls, like the faith Cynthia had when she was two and a half years old. OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 79 It was Sunday morning this particular day; I started telling Ali and my daughter who had just arrived home from school. As I woke, I had an idea, to go to mass. “Ali, do you know what mass is? I am a Catholic and when we go to church we hear mass, it is a way of praying.” “Cynthia, of course I know what mass is,” Ali responded. “Please continue.” I went to church regularly with my aunts. This particular day I decided that it was time for me to go alone, because I felt that I knew exactly what was best for me out of life and how to go out there and get it. Every one was still sleeping. I got up, got dressed and walked down the staircase of the old stone house onto the gravel road. No one heard me; so far so good. All was silent, no bombs and no soldiers around this particular early morning. The sun was playing hide and go seek with me. I took the short cut through the green grass across the tall, tall, tall freezing bridge with the rumbling water below. To me it looked like a big, bad monster, even while remembering having seen and heard it many times OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 80 before while with others. This day it was different. I was all alone. The feeling of panic was there. “Will it eat me or will I fall?” I was thinking to myself. Better keep on going. I finally came to the other side of the bridge and up the small path that lead right to the top of the hill where the church was. I entered, feeling rather pleased with myself although very lonely. As I listened to mass, I prayed for my dear brother to come back and be with me once more. After mass finished, like a little lady, I started walking back towards home. The people of the town were surprised to see me all alone. Being concerned, someone decided to accompany me home by holding my hand while having a conversation with me. When I arrived home the welcome was far from pleasant; my aunties started screaming and shouting at me, hitting and insulting my mother, calling her names because she was irresponsible as a mother. Why did my Aunties look at the negative side of the story? Nothing had happened to me. Instead of praising the small child that had returned home unharmed and with a bunch of flowers for them, they saw only what could have happened and dwelled on that. OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 81 “You see, Ali, this episode was recorded inside my mind and as I was growing up it reappeared as a nightmare at the most unwanted times, especially when I was in the process of achieving success. Ali, the understanding that I want to bring across to people with this small story is: the mind is like a computer until we, ourselves, erase what is no longer needed; it will continue to remind us of the same virus, whether we are consciously aware of it or not. “A child, as small as it may be, has the capacity to know and handle many episodes connected with the soul even at an early age. Normally, it is the parent who lacks the understanding of the language of the soul and how much the child is capable of doing for itself. The parent believes that the child is a child, rather than an old soul.” This brings to my mind these words of wisdom from the book “You are God” written by Mary. She says, “Make it a practice to look for beauty wherever you may be, for it is your great fortune to encounter true loveliness in whatever it may be. OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 82 Even if it happens once, in your lifetime, you will have an experience to cherish for the remainder of your days on earth.” See the beauty as much as you can rather than the negative like my aunties did. A week went by and I was furiously typing the rest of the chapters we chose. That way Ali could read more of my book. The two of us had become close friends and I cherished her opinion very much. I heard a car pull up and knew immediately that it was Ali. She was the only visitor that came to see me without ringing first. I went to the front door to greet her. “Ali, come in, I have some delicious cheesecake in the fridge that I can warm up for you. Would you like that?” “Yes, please, Cynthia. The drive was full of traffic so it took a little longer to get here.” “Ali, while you were away I made an appointment with a counselor to see why I am so afraid of ageing.” The only appointment available was on the 29th of March at 1 p.m. and that day and I had no car at my disposal. I thought to myself, OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 83 I am so desperate that I am sure I could even walk there if I had too. It was so important to see this counselor now. As it turned out, a bus stopped right in front of her house. “It was a small cottage with tons of character, just like the owner. There were tall trees in front of the house covering the beauty of the cottage. That day there were lots of birds on the branches, chirping away happily. As I walked towards the front door an insight occurred. “Cynthia, let yourself be a tall tree where the birds (humans) come and enjoy who you are, without you being disturbed by their presence. Let them take what they need, giving all you have without fear of loss. Be abundant and feel abundant within yourself and you will feel young and joyful. I felt happy with the discovery I had just made as I rang the front door bell and the counselor answered.” Another surprising episode happened that day that made me feel happy and contented with the desire to continue on living. On the bus sitting in front of me was an elderly lady. Her age could have been round about seventy. When I looked at her face, I thought I was seeing a mirage. Her face, although lined with wrinkles and her hair pure white, sparkled with a light I had never seen before on any other human. I wondered who she was; I looked at her once more and said to myself, OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 84 “Cynthia, you are no longer going to be afraid of ageing. I want you to let go of all your inhibitions, entrapments and fears. Place both feet together, rooted in the ground. Start living and concentrate on the beauty within yourself, bring it to the surface. Act in the grace of God which is what you really desire and the rest will take care of itself.” The affirmation sounded heartfelt and achievable. And that is what I started doing from that day on. The day turned out to be a special day of learning and expansion in consciousness. The session was special, the energy was high; by the time I returned to work, I was on cloud nine. Now, any time the thoughts of vanity surface, I quickly think of that dear, enchanting and lovely lady that I looked at on the bus. God works in the most mysterious ways. He certainly gives me all that I need when I need it. “Ali, how is the cheese cake?” “Excellent as usual” replied Ali. “I have been reading what you have put together while I was away and I like it. I feel that we will be able to publish your book and then start on the others that are still hand written. OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 85 “We have the ‘Open Window to My Soul, the Inner Sanctuary’, which could be book two and ‘The Open Window to the Soul, You Are Not Alone’, as book three. “Now all we need do is find a small ending for this book. What about these small poems?” “Very well” replies Cynthia. OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 86 LOVE IN VENICE I feel your breath upon my face, I feel my life revived again. Your sweat I smell and it's like wine. I taste your spirit and my heart soars. We then become two eagles in an open sky. We touch each other and become one, bonded into an earthbound spinning dive. We climax then separate in time and space. Our hearts are sorrowed, our egos hurt. We are now in contrast between heaven and earth. Our lives are desperate to resume once more the upward flight of an earthbound spinning dive. To relive again the spirit of the wind and the sky. Like empty vessels of the EARTH. Where love touches us deep, then takes us even higher than before as two eagle in an open sky. OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 87 I am as open to the Love of Spirit as a child can be. I have no secrets or devious malice’s. My feelings are pure although they make no sense. I am love; I know I am, can anyone understand me? I search in vain for freedom and approval, from others. I struggle through the war of my mind and feeling. Then one day an angel came to me and said, “Take my hand. I am here with you; let's go together to the other side of pain, sorrow and suffering. Let us adventure into the energy of love that resides in all living things.” So I went and together we adventured forward until the day my angels actually appeared to me and with their beautiful gentle caressing energies formed a circle around me. The tears were swift from the joy of love. At that moment we became bonded for the second time and my core became aligned with my physical. The energies were now working beautifully together as a synchronized melody and the fear of aloneness and needing approval disappeared because love and peace lived inside me. THE END OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 88 OPEN WINDOW TO MY SOUL LOST ROAD © 1994. All Rights Reserved. Page 89