Bus Creative Guidelines

Bus Creative
Your guide to getting the most mileage from
all our bus advertising site types.
Welcome Aboard
This is your guide to getting the most mileage
from all our site types. We’ve summed up each
format, noted the differences between them,
and demonstrated which audiences they should
be targeted at to be most effective.
However, if you follow our top tips and take a
look at the examples of great previous
campaigns in this guide, then nothing should
stop your message and content from having
huge impact.
Bus gives brands a unique opportunity to be big,
be bold, be seen and really get their message
moving. But if you’re new to designing for Bus
or unfamiliar with the formats, getting it right
first time can be challenging – because there
isn’t a ‘one size fits all’ canvas.
Now let’s get motoring: 646,000 people have
seen Bus advertising in the last week, so don’t
miss your chance to reach them!
Source: NI TGI 2013
Advertising says
“Here’s what we’ve
got. Here’s what it
will do for you. Here’s
how to get it”.
Format Overview
Mega & Super Rears
Solus Rears
Passenger Panels
Contact Us
Click the links above to be
taken to the relevant section
Format Overview
This layout can play host to powerful visuals
as well as eye-grabbing headlines: a strong
combination when mixed with the high
coverage and frequency that bus delivers.
So if you’re looking to raise brand
awareness, launch a product, or run a sales
promotion, this is a great way to get your
message out to the people who matter.
Reach and impact – don’t to a T.
These ads face our pavements and have the
ability to act as a giant megaphone,
projecting your core messages to the
thousands of shoppers who walk up and
down our high streets every day.
The Superside demands attention, as it
rises above this sea of people and can be
seen from up close and from a distance. An
invaluable tool for raising brand awareness
and launching products. Riding high,
commanding attention? Sounds super.
Streetliners are regarded as Bus’ answer to
a local notice board on wheels. This format
is ideal for leaving long-lasting messages
with potential customers.
They act rather like a moving shop front,
reminding pedestrians and motorists of
brands that are close at hand and easily
available to them.
Its shape and location make short
messages, slogans and website URLs the
perfect fit.
Mega Rears
The most popular of the large Bus
formats, these ads can seize both
drivers’ and pedestrians’ attention.
They have generated some of the most
famous and talked about Bus campaigns
over the years and they have the power
to make mega impact on a massive
Solus Rears
When you’re behind one, you can’t see a
lot else: which makes the back end of the
Bus the perfect place to fully engage a
captive audience of motorists and
Rears offer the chance to have a one-toone communication with your target
audience: the ideal medium for
interacting with consumers in their
personal space.
Passenger Panels
If it’s dwell time you’re after, then
Passenger Panels are something you
should definitely consider.
Passenger Panels offer a large and
receptive audience; the ideal platform to
entertain consumers and begin a dialogue
or elicit an immediate response.
Key Points
The centre of the drop section has a clear
plastic holding bolt. Depending on the
images or background colour this usually
goes unnoticed – but on lighter imagery it
may be visible. If this is the case, the
positioning of your image is very important.
A T-Side is made up of 5 panels, which are
secured together using clear plastic
supports. It is recommended that your
copy should sit on either side of these
supports if possible.
Light fonts can be hard to read. If you do
use a light font make sure there is a high
contrast in colour with the background.
This applies to all sites, although it is less of
an issue with Passenger Panels.
-The drop section of the T-Side best lends
itself to imagery as it is the biggest area of
the site.
-Although this site is a large format, keep
your content simple. A bold message
accompanied by a strong image and branding
is the best way to gain maximum response.
When it comes to your message, less is
definitely more.
Top Tip
Try to look at the T-Side in 3 sections from left
to right:
Message | Image | Branding
Production specifications can be found by contacting
Exterion Media on 028 9032 2333
-Be aware of the frame when type setting,
as copy too close to the frame could be
Template sizes &
specs may vary
Key Points
A Superside is made up of 4 panels, which
are secured together using clear plastic
supports. It is recommended that your
copy should sit either site of these
supports if possible.
Be aware of the frame when type setting,
as copy too close to the frame could be
This site faces shoppers, so use bold fonts
so that your message is clear when the Bus
passes your audience.
Shoppers recognise red and white for
offers and sales, so select your text and
background colours according to the
message you are trying to convey.
-Try to avoid overuse of imagery and
concentrate on the brand and the
-As with T-Sides, big bold text will
allow greater legibility and standout.
Top Tip
We recommend you use no more than 10
words, this enables the audience to receive
the message clearly.
Production specifications can be found by contacting
Exterion Media on 028 9032 2333
Template sizes &
specs may vary
Key Points
Streetliners come both with and without
frame, this needs to be checked to
determine your margins for the design.
This format is split into 2 sections with an
additional 12mm unprinted overlap on the
right-hand edge of section 1.
The ad is positioned low to the ground, so a
simple message is needed in order to be
Top Tip
Streetliners work in a similar way to
Supersides, therefore you should aim to
use no more than 10 words.
Production specifications can be found by contacting
Exterion Media on 028 9032 2333
Template sizes &
specs may vary
Mega & Super Rears
Key Points
The window area will produce a less vibrant
colour due to the contravision vinyl that
allows passengers to still see out of the
It is recommended to stay away from the
bottom bumper of the Bus as this is out of
the eyeline of motorists and easily hidden in
This site faces shoppers, so use bold fonts
so that your message is clear when the Bus
passes your audience.
Don’t allow text or logos to run too close to
the edge of the template as the creative
will be curved where the vinyl wraps around
the back of the Bus.
Template sizes &
specs may vary
Although this site is a large format, keep
it simple. A bold message accompanied
by a strong image and branding is the
best way to gain maximum response.
Top Tip
Ask us for a photograph of the Bus you are
designing for to help with spatial
Production specifications can be found by contacting
Exterion Media on 028 9032 2333
Solus Rears
Key Points
Be aware of the frame when type setting, as
copy too close to the frame could be obscured.
Light fonts can be hard to read. If you do use a
light font make sure there is a high contrast in
colour with the background.
Make contact details legible: simplicity and
standout are key when deciding upon a suitable
font or weight of type.
There is a high dwell time with this format, so
you can afford to use slightly more copy.
Top Tip
Aim for a ratio of about one third copy to two
thirds image. This can help make your ad look
interesting – while getting the message across
Template sizes &
specs may vary
Production specifications can be found by contacting
Exterion Media on 028 9032 2333
Passenger Panels
Key Points
Some Passenger Panels such as Back of
Driver panels have frames so be aware
when type setting, as copy too close to the
frame could be obscured.
Light fonts can be hard to read. If you do
use a light font make sure there is a high
contrast in colour with the background.
Images should appear large on the ad or
they will be lost in the composition and not
work with the rest of the elements. As
with Solus Rears, a rough ratio of one third
image and two thirds copy is ideal.
Passenger Panels are a great platform for
clients who have more to say: through the
long dwell time, more in-depth information
can be conveyed.
As mentioned, Passenger Panels can also
come in a portrait orientation i.e. Back of
Driver or longer length i.e. Commuter Card
panels (please consult an Exterion Media
production representative for more
Top Tip
Recommended word count for headlines is
no more than 10 and up to 20 for body
Production specifications can be found by contacting
Exterion Media on 028 9032 2333
Template sizes &
specs may vary
We’d love
to hear from you.
Get in touch…
Nuala Meenehan
Agency Sales Account Manager
Michael Cunningham
Agency Sales Account Manager
Lee McFaul
Direct Sales Executive
Jayne Hunter
Direct Sales Executive
Natasha Downey
Specialist Sales Executive
Exterion Media
No.1 Lanyon Quay
+44 28 9032 2333