Trenton PBA Centennial Gala Program

Trenton Police Department
Policemen's Benevolent Association
Centennial Ball
Friday, May 4, 2007
Tonight's Menu...
— Hand Passed Hors d'oeuvres —
Scallops Wrapped in Bacon - Assorted Stuffed Mushrooms - Shrimp Cocktail Italian Spring Rolls - Lollipop Lamb Chops
— Tableside —
Tuscan Table: Cured Meats - Mediterranean Cheese - Roasted Vegetables Country Style Olive Assortment - Bruscettas and Crostini
— Pasta —
Fettuccine Bolognese with Peas
— Entrees —
Filet Mignon Au Poive or Chicken Marsala or
Fire Roasted Black Ruffy and Crabmeat
Served with Wild Mushroom Risotto and Yellow Squash, Zucchini Medley or
Sautéed Broccoli Rabe and Roasted Potatoes
— Dessert —
Chocolate Fountain - Miniature Pastries - Assorted Cakes and Pies Espresso with After Dinner Liquors - Anisette - Frangelico Sambucca - Kahlua - Amaretto in Chocolate Cordial Cups
— Beverages —
Five (5) Hour Open Bar
Stoli - Stoli Orange - Kettle - Grey Goose - Dewars - Jack Daniels Tangurey - Captain Morgan - Bacardi - VO - Crown Royal - Triple Sec Sweet and Dry Vermouth - Southern Comfort - White Zinfandel - Pinot Grigio Merlot - Corona - Miller Lite - Coors Light - Heineken - Michelob Ultra
Policemen's Benevolent Association
Local No. 11
Executive Board
George Dzurkoc
John Delli
Matthew Halaycio
David Civale
Noel Santiago
Executive Vice President
Alternate Delegate
Gaetano Ponticiello
John Avanzato
Kenneth S. Lugo
David Venslavsky
Vice President
Financial Secretary
Peter Grehan
Drew Astbury
Thomas Tumillo
Russel Derricot
Recording Secretary
State Delegate
Corresponding Secretary
Jose M. Acosta
Miguel A. Acosta
Yusuf A. Addar
Robert S. Albanowski
Wilfredo Alicea
Porsche M. Ames
Domenico T. Amoroso
Christopher Angelini
Thomas J. Armitage
Robert E. Arnwine Jr.
Luis Baez Jr.
Frederick Bender III
Marc W. Berkeyheiser
Aaron J, Bernstein
Daryl D. Berry
Matthew R. Beldsoe
Nathan B. Bolognini
Israel Bonilla
Angel L. Bradberry
Patrick J. Brady
Gary D. Britton
Thomas L. Brophy III
James E. Brown II
Alexander J. Brown
Ryan D. Burger
Alvin Cadlett
Michael M. Capasso
John T. Carrigg IV
Alexander Cartagena
Nelson Cartagena
Carlo Cavalli
Anthony M. Cerrone
Douglas R. Charles
Maria L. Chell
Celia Cheverez
Johnny E. Coe
John Collins
Nidia E. Colon
William Colon
Luis E. Cosme
Regina Cousar
Jerry L. Cox Jr.
Maurice Z. Crosby Jr.
Antonio Cruz Jr.
Edward Cunningham II
Joseph M. D'Ambrosio
Lawrence M. Davis
Wilfredo Delgado Jr.
Yem Delgado Jr.
David Depue
Mark A. Dinatale
Brian S. Doherty
Alexis B. Durlacher
Taja J. Durling
Kenneth W. Edwards
Brian K. Egan
Erwin T. Elsey
Thomas J. Ertel
Alphonse Ferdetta Jr.
Joseph S. Finney
Herbet T. Flowers
Ryan Forster
Christopher Franicevich
Lisette Franicevich
Joseph F. Gachetti
Sean E. Gaither
Waldemar Garcia
Robin E. Gittens
David R. Godbold
Christopher Goehrig
Hector Gonzales Jr.
Samuel Gonzales
Michael J. Goydan
Vincent M. Gribben
Frank Guido
Randall N. Hanson
John T. Harbourt
Cynthia Hargis
Thomas Hartnett
Shonda D. Hayes
Gregory Hollo
Edwin T. Holmes
Kenneth A. Hunter
Christopher Hutton
Mark W. Ice II
Faheem Amir Ja-Bree
Nathaniel Johnson Jr.
Samuel Johnson
Brian S. Jones
Quinton O. June
George A. Kasony
Thomas J. Keegan
Aaron Kelsey
Ronald Kinnunen II
Craig D. Kirk
Jeanne Klawitter
Christopher R. Kmiec
Christopher Kolodziej
Brian J. Kopczynski
Brian Kowalczyk
Thomas Kriegner
Michael Kruchinsky
Robert T. Kuc
Christopher Kurfuss
Charles A. Lamin
Timothy P. Larkin
Edward P. Leopardi
James E. Letts
Kevin J. Linico
Timothy P. Long
Ronald B. Lopez
Michael A. Lucchesi
Syvelle Madison
Robert Malagrino Jr.
Jeremia Maldonado
Ahmed Mansur
John J. Mansure
Tomas Martinez
Robert J. Mathes Jr.
Travis D. Maxwell
John P. McGinley
Kenneth J. McGuire
James E. McMillan Jr.
Jose V. Medina Jr.
Luis B. Medina Sr.
Javier Medina
Mary L. Melendez
Robert G. Meyer
Sheehan D. Miles
Timothy D. Miller
Victor L. Miranda
Vincent S. Mistretta
Manuel Montero Jr.
Manuel A. Montez
Douglas W. Moreland
William Mulryne Jr.
Christopher G. Munn
George P. Muschal
Michael Nazario
David E. Neiderman
Pedro Nieves
Anthony J. Nutter
Anita O'Neal
Stanley Olschewski
Donald Olszewski Jr.
David A. Ordille
Joseph Ortiz
Lisandro Otero-Ortiz
Stewart J. Owens
Thomas Paccillo Jr.
Robert J. Paccillo
Daniel Pagnotta III
Michael Palinczar
Gene D. Palumbo Jr.
Jose A. Pantoja
Russell Paoline II
Charles A. Parrish
Marlon T. Parrott
Joseph Pasela
Thomas D. Peck
Pedro L. Perez
Philip W. Peroni
Lutisher Peterson
Scott M. Peterson
Albert J. Piepszak
Ronald R. Pope Jr.
Michael D. Preston
Matthew Przemieniecki
Daniel F. Rajeski
Eliezer Ramos
Luis M. Reyes
Joseph Richardson Jr.
Edgar Rios
Ismael Rivera Jr.
Enrique Rivera
Joseph Rivera
Marshall F. Rivera
Walter Rivera
Armestead Robinson
Debra A. Robinson
Gairy Robinson
Wilfredo Rodriguez
Laurel B. Rogers
Maricelis Rosa-Delgado
Frances L. Rosario
Lino A. Rosario
John S. Rossetti Jr.
Nelson Ruiz
Michael A. Runyon
Robert J. Russo
John F. Ryel
John C. Sangillo
Samuel Santiago Jr.
Cathiria Santiago
Michael Schiaretti
Michael Schiaretti III
Joseph N. Schiaretti
Marvin C. Shaw
Luke Sherrill
Derek P. Simpson
Frederic J. Simpson
Jason E. Snyder
Tomika L. Sommers
David J. Stanczak
Kevin B. Starkey
Charles Steever Jr.
Tara M. Stefano
Bethesda R. Stokes
David P. Swan
Darryl K. Swinson
Stephen E. Szbanz
Jessia A. Szostak
Richard J. Takach
James Taliaferro III
Sheila A. Tatarek
Michael R. Terman
Eric R. Thomson
Ricardo E. Tibere
Jorge I. Torres
Robert S. Toth Jr.
Frank Tulli Jr.
Thomas P. Tumillo
Michael P. Turner
Tamika Veal-Johnson
Luis A. Vega II
Elsie L. Vega-Medina
Victor L. Vega
Ellena Verasco
Javier Verdejo
Bobby Villa
Howard L. Watkins Jr.
Steven G. White
Richard E. Williams
George L. R. Wilson
Otis L. Wood
Jason P. Woodhead
Jonathan P. Woodhead
Ryan P. Woodhead
Bryan J. Wyszynski
Russell H. Young
John R. Zappley Jr.
Trenton Police
Superior Officers Association
Executive Board
Capt. William F. Seaman
Lt. Joseph G. Valdora
Vice President
Lt. Edelmiro Gonzalez, Jr.
Capt. Ernest T. Parrey
Capt. James C. Scaringelli
Lt. John A. DeHart
Lt. James A. Nemeth
Lt. Michael E. Flaherty
Capt. Brian D. Amantia
Sgt. Christopher A. Doyle
Lt. David Maldonado
Lt. James Slack
Capt. David G. Armitage
Sgt. Charles Fackenthall
Sgt. Anthony J. Manzo, Jr.
Sgt. Gary J. Sondej
Sgt. Phillip W. Ashbock
Lt. Donald A. Fillinger
Sgt. Michael E. Martin
Sgt. Brian J. Suschke
Sgt. Luddie H. Austin
Sgt. Richard M. Fink
Sgt. Thomas M.
Sgt. Leonard K. Sutton, Jr.
Lt. Leonard Aviles
Sgt. Paul E. Gendron
Sgt. Peter Szpakowski
Sgt. Benito R. Bello
Sgt. Richard R. Girman
Sgt. Robert F. McGuire
Capt. Robert K. Tedder
Sgt. John C. Breece
Sgt. Leopoldo Gonzalez
Sgt. Pedro Medina
Sgt. Timothy R. Thomas
Lt. Joseph F. Brunner
Sgt. Theodore Hanasewych
Sgt. Mark D. Miller
Lt. Richard Tramontana
Sgt. Robert M. Capone
Sgt. Bernard Hill
Lt. Thomas F. Murphy
Lt. Stephen C. Varn
Sgt. Robert W. Carrier
Sgt. James E. Ingram
Sgt. Richard Nicholson, Jr.
Sgt. Jose R. Vazquez
Sgt. Martin Chell
Capt. Joseph S. Juniak
Lt. Anthony Pasqua
Lt. Donald Kevin Waters
Sgt. Brian J. Cipolloni
Lt. Mark W. Kieffer, Jr.
Sgt. Rolando Ramos
Lt. Peter Weremijenko
Lt. Karen M. Cooper
Sgt. Jason D. Kmiec
Capt. Fred W. Reister
Sgt. Steve E. Wilson
Sgt. David Cruz
Sgt. Frank S. Korchick
Lt. Barbara Rios
Lt. Donald C. Winters, Jr.
Sgt. Jim A. Dellaira
Sgt. James Kriegner
Sgt. Roberto Rios
Sgt. Kenneth W. Zahn
Sgt. Abert Dinatale, Jr.
Lt. Richard C. Lucherini
Sgt. Carmelo Rodriguez
Sgt. Darren R. Zappley
Trenton Police Department
Patrolmen's Benevolent Association
1907 Executive Board
William T. Adams
Vice President
William J. Mullen
John H. Butterer
Financial Secretary
Harry Girton
Recording Secretary
Samuel Meyers
John DeVinney
Samuel B. Stout
William P. Walters
Hamilton Crisp
1908 White Steamer
In 1908 the Trenton Police Department purchased their first motorized police wagon. Unlike other police
departments in the country, Trenton decided to make the wagon a dual purpose vehicle and had it equipped to
function as an ambulance as well as a prisoner transport wagon. At the time of purchase the city and the press
heralded the vehicle as the first Police-Ambulance in America.
Once a full head of steam was generated, the vehicle was capable of traveling 50 miles per hour. For night travel
the vehicle was equipped with five kerosene lanterns that the chauffer would light before driving. The back of the
wagon was finished in birds-eye maple and could hold up to three stretchers. One particular innovation that was
touted by the department were the presence of straps in the rear which could be used for "strapping down the insane."
Patrol Drivers, 1911
Fredrick J. Henry (Top Left)
Abner B. Braun (Top Right and photo above)
Wesley Wooley (Bottom Left)
William A. Haney (Bottom Right)
A Trenton Police Department 1st
On April 1, 1916, Trenton hired its newest officer. Hannah
S. Long's official designation was "Patrolman 113." Despite the
obvious misnomer, Mrs. Long has the distinction of being the first
Policewoman in Trenton. Officer Long, a Civil Service appointee,
was "equipped and armed the same as her brother officers with all
the responsibilities and privileges" of other Patrolman.
Additionally, Patrolman Long's annual salary was $750.00 a year,
the same as her male counterparts.
In August 1915 Public Safety Director George B. La Barre,
citing special needs, proposed that the city should hire two
Policewomen. In a published letter to the City Commissioners La
Barre detailed some of the duties of the policewomen. The duties
• Supervising public dancehalls and enforcing the laws and ordinances that governed them.
• Frequenting cafes and restaurants where alcohol was served and "enforce the laws relative to the sale
to minors, particularly female minors."
• Patrolling the streets at night and "observe girls and women who frequent the streets for immoral
In closing his letter to the City Commissioners, Public Safety Director La Barre explained, "youthful first
offenders [would soon] be placed in detention rooms instead of police cells, and if they could be given the
attention of a firm but sympathetic woman, doubtless many could be saved from further degradation."
During an interview shortly after being hired, Officer Long thanked the City Commissioners for creating
the position of Policewoman. Officer Long also told the Trenton Evening Times that she "... will appreciate
anything done of assistance to me and my work as the first policewomen of New Jersey."
When Policewoman Long retired on April 20, 1936, her annual salary was $1,200.00 (The same as her
male counterparts.)
Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, Local 11:
By-Laws Article IV: Membership
Section 2:"Any policewoman being a member of this Association is hereby prohibited from attending any
regular meeting of this Association or holding any office in this Association, but may attend all open
meetings without vote."
By-Laws approved by State Patrolmen's Benevolent Association January, 1935.
Metro Unit, 2006
(L-R) Police Officers John Harbourt, Jorge Torres, Russell Young, Alvin Cadlett,
Kenneth Hunter, Sean Gaither, Christopher Hutton
Unidentified Officer, c. 1900
1931 PBA Baseball Team
(Top L-R) Lt. Lewis Sigafoose, Ptl. John A. Gress, Ptl. Andrew Bacovin, Ptl. Forst, Ptl. William J. Baxter,
Ptl. Charles E. Tettemere, Ptl.Frank Scymanski, Ptl. Louis F. Neese
(Bottom L-R) Ptl. Roy F. Denson, Ptl. Huddy, Ptl. Burns, Ptl. Frederick A. Price, Ptl. Runca, Ptl. Paul J. Keegan
1962 PBA Basketball Team
(Back L-R) Fire Chief George Weigand, Ed Gore, Ptl. Ed Tomaszewski, Ptl. Mickey Vandeleur, Police Chief Louis F. Neese
(Front L-R) Ptl. John Clowar, Jack Armantia, Ptl. Charles Halscak, Ptl. John Girman
St. Francis Medical Center
Congratulates thes
Local No. 11
on their
100th Anniversary!
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Newton-Richboro Road
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Italian Restaurant
Jimmy Kamies
600 Chestnut Avenue
Trenton, NJ 08611
Phone: 609-396-6300
Fax: 609-396-3926
West Windsor
Local #271
Community Food Market
2 Sawhican Drive
Trenton, NJ
Attorney at Law
(609) 587-1199
(609) 587-0550
4020 Quakerbridge Road
Lawrenceville, New Jersey 08619
Show Your PBA Card & Get 5% Discount
Auto Service
& Towing
1450 Prospect Street (rear)
Trenton, New Jersey 08638
Repair Hours
8-5 Monday - Friday
Repair Shop #
PBA 11
Chaz Eardley