Business Administration MBA Online

Unit Assessment Report - Four Column
University of Mississippi
Program - Business Administration MBA Online
Program - Business Administration MBA
Online - Demonstrate skill in constructing
elements of a business plan. - Students will
demonstrate skill in constructing and
presenting elements of a business plan for
launching a successful business enterprise.
Outcome Types:
Learning 9/1/2006 - 8/31/2008
Learning 9/1/2008 - 8/31/2010
Learning 9/1/2010 - 8/31/2012
Start Date:
Current Outcome Status:
Currently Assessing
Means of Assessment & Criteria / Tasks
Assessment Method:
A panel of UM MBA alumni will evaluate the
merits of a complete business plan
encompassing all of the necessary
components to launch a successful and
financially viable business. The student
group presentations will involve preliminary
research, data gathering and analysis, and
preparation of a professional-quality report
and presentation explaining the details of
given company and strategy. The panel of
alumni reviewers will be asked to provide
ratings ordinal scale (Poor [1]; Fair [2]; Good
[3]; Very Good [4]; Excellent [5]) on the
extent to which the business plan
presentations address the necessary
components to launch a successful and
financially viable business.
Use of Result & Follow-Up
10/31/2012 - For the 2011-2012 cohort, 92% of
the students met or eceeded the standard of good,
very good or excellent.
Result Type:
Criteria Met
Result Status:
No Action Required
Data will be collected from the electronic
presentations submitted by the Professional
MBA students enrolled in the MBA 622:
Business Planning and Entrepreneurship
class. Digitized recordings for each group
presentation will be posted online for the
alumni evaluators to review during a 30 day
period after the conclusion of the course.
The alumni reviewers will enter their ratings
online on a secure website.
Assessment Method Category:
Research Paper or Presentation
It is expected that 75% of the student groups
will perform at the level of "Good",
Very Good", or "Excellent" concerning the
extent to which the business plans address
the components to launch a successful and
financially viable business.
10/31/2012 1:02 PM
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
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Means of Assessment & Criteria / Tasks
Use of Result & Follow-Up
Assessment Method:
A panel of UM MBA alumni will evaluate the
merits of a complete business plan
encompassing all of the necessary
components to launch a successful and
financially viable business. The student
group presentations will involve preliminary
research, data gathering and analysis, and
preparation of a professional-quality report
and presentation explaining the details of
given company and strategy. The panel of
alumni reviewers will be asked to answer the
question: "In your opinion, is it likely that
this business would still be operating and
profitable 5 years after launch?".
Data will be collected from the electronic
presentations submitted by the Professional
MBA students enrolled in MBA 622:
Business Planning and Entrepreneurship.
Digitized recordings for each group
presentation will be posted online for the
alumni evaluators to review during a 30 day
period following the conclusion of the
course. The alumni reviewers will enter their
ratings online on a secure website.
Assessment Method Category:
Capstone Assignment/Project
It is expected that 75% of the student groups
will receive an aggregate "yes" grade to this
Program - Business Administration MBA
Online - Demonstrate skill in analyzing a
business situation or problem. - Students
will demonstrate skill in analyzing an actual
business situation or problem within an
organization and presenting the results of
the analysis to organizational personnel.
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Assessment Method:
The final semester of enrollment requires all
students to participate in an application
project involving an actual business or
organization, preferably the student's place
of employment. The project is intended to
demonstrate the student's ability to
synthesize their knowledge of the functional
areas of business to address an
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
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Outcome Types:
Learning 9/1/2006 - 8/31/2008
Learning 9/1/2008 - 8/31/2010
Learning 9/1/2010 - 8/31/2012
Start Date:
Current Outcome Status:
Currently Assessing
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Means of Assessment & Criteria / Tasks
actual business problem within the
organization. Students will submit a written
report analysis of the problem to a
committee of reviewers. The committee of
reviewers will include at least one member
of management personnel from the
organization, the instructor of MBA 624:
Project Analysis and the MBA Program
Director. The committee of reviewers will
provide ratings on an ordinal scale (Poor [1];
Fair [2]; Good [3]; Very Good [4]; Excellent
[5]) on the extent to which the student
successfully addressed the problem at
Assessment Method Category:
Capstone Assignment/Project
It is expected that 90% of the students will
perform at the level of "Good", "Very Good",
or "Excellent" concerning the extent to which
they analyzed the business situation.
Assessment Method:
The final semester of enrollment requires all
students to participate in an application
project involving an actual business or
organization, preferably the student's place
of employment. The project is intended to
demonstrate the student's ability to
synthesize their knowledge of the functional
areas of business to address an actual
business problem within the organization.
Students will submit a written report analysis
of the problem to a committee of reviewers.
The committee of reviewers will include at
least one member of management
personnel from the organization, the
instructor of MBA 624: Project Analysis and
the MBA Program Director. The company
representative(s) will offer a simple "yes/no"
evaluation of the question: "Is there a high
likelihood that your company would have
Use of Result & Follow-Up
10/31/2012 - of the 201102012 cohort, 15 out of
18 (83.3%) received a yes vote from company
representatives regarding implementation of the
Result Type:
Criteria Met
Result Status:
No Action Required
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
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Means of Assessment & Criteria / Tasks
Use of Result & Follow-Up
implemented this recommendation if this
team worked for you?
Assessment Method Category:
Capstone Assignment/Project
We expect that at least 70% of student
teams will receive this "yes" rating from
company representatives.
Program - Business Administration MBA
Online - Demonstrate skill in composing and
transmitting presentations. - Students will
demonstrate skill in composing and
transmitting an electronic audio and visual
presentation addressing a topic in
corporate, managerial, or organizational
Outcome Types:
Learning 9/1/2006 - 8/31/2008
Learning 9/1/2008 - 8/31/2010
Learning 9/1/2010 - 8/31/2012
Start Date:
Current Outcome Status:
Currently Assessing
Assessment Method:
All Professional MBA students submit an
audio narrated PowerPoint slide
presentation as part of MBA 601:
Managerial Communication, typically taken
during the 2nd semester of the online
curriculum. A panel of MBA program alumni
will evaluate student skills as evidenced in
the narrated PowerPoint presentations. The
panel of MBA alumni will evaluate the skills
demonstrated by MBA students on identified
performance criteria. Each alumni reviewer
will complete an evaluation instrument that
will allow him/her to numerically evaluate the
students' performance on a four-point
ordinal scale (Poor [1]; Fair [2]; Good [3];
Excellent [4]. Digitized recordings for each
group presentation will be posted online for
the alumni evaluators to review during a 30
day period. The alumni reviewers will enter
their ratings online on a secure website.
Assessment Method Category:
Research Paper or Presentation
It is expected that 90% of the students will
perform at the level of "Good" or "Excellent"
on skills demonstrated in the audio narrated
PowerPoint slide presentation.
Assessment Method:
All Professional MBA students submit an
10/31/2012 1:02 PM
10/31/2012 - For the 2011-2012 cohort, 100% of
the students were graded as good or excellent by
the panel.
Result Type:
Criteria Met
Result Status:
No Action Required
10/31/2012 - For the 2011-2012 cohort, 16 of 18
students recived a yes vote (89%) which exceed
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
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Means of Assessment & Criteria / Tasks
audio narrated PowerPoint slide
presentation as part of MBA 601:
Managerial Communication, typically taken
during the 2nd semester of the online
curriculum. A panel of MBA program alumni
will evaluate student skills as evidenced in
the narrated PowerPoint presentations. The
panel of MBA alumni will evaluate the skills
demonstrated by MBA students on identified
performance criteria. Each alumni reviewer
will complete an evaluation instrument that
will allow him/her to answer the following
overall assessment: "Based solely on the
presentation skills exhibited, would there be
a high likelihood you would hire this
individual to work in your company?"
Digitized recordings for each group
presentation will be posted online for the
alumni evaluators to review during a 30 day
period. The alumni reviewers will enter their
ratings online on a secure website.
the standard.
Result Type:
Criteria Met
Result Status:
No Action Required
Use of Result & Follow-Up
It is expected that 70% of students will
receive a vote of "yes" here based on the
presentation abilities demonstrated in the
audio narrated PowerPoint slide
10/31/2012 1:02 PM
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
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