Fuller, Richer Lives 2012 Annual Report

2012 Annual Report
Serving vulnerable
children and families
since 1899
Fuller, Richer Lives
Our Mission
What We Do
Our mission is to preserve,
protect, and when needed,
provide families. Motivated by
compassion and in partnership
with the community, we make
positive lasting differences in
the lives of those we serve. We
provide high quality, innovative
services to children and their
families that advance social,
educational and emotional
development and well-being.
Children’s Aid and Family Services is one of northern
New Jersey’s leading nonprofit providers of human
services and child welfare programs. We help children
who don’t have families able to care for them, and we
support children, young adults, the elderly and their
families through the everyday challenges and transitions
in life. Since 1899, we’ve been helping the most
vulnerable people in our community improve their lives.
Our services include:
n A full range of adoption and foster care services for
infants, children and teenagers with special needs.
n Case management, specialized clinical services,
educational, medical and behavioral support for
vulnerable children, teens, frail elderly and their
n Support services and community homes for children
and young adults with developmental disabilities.
n Early childhood education and child care.
n Free nutritional formula and diapers for low-income
n Community and school-based prevention and
education programs about substance abuse, and
advocacy for responsive prevention and treatment
The Year in Review by the President and Board Chair
Thanks to you, our donors and
volunteers, our children are having
much better todays than yesterdays. And they now look forward to
brighter tomorrows. Because of
you, their lives have improved on so
many levels: physically, academically, emotionally and socially. You
will read in these pages the stories
of some of those we serve and, how
together, we are helping them to
live richer, fuller lives.
It is because of your generosity
that Children’s Aid and Family
Services has been able to evolve
throughout our long history to continually offer the quality and intensity of services that the children and
families we serve absolutely need.
Robert B. Jones, Ph.D. (left) and Bruce M. Brady, Esq.
In 2011, we began offering in-home support services to children with developmental disabilities.
This has been a natural extension of our work with children and families and has helped fill a great
need in the northern New Jersey area. In 2012, we further expanded our services for children
with developmental disabilities by opening two community homes in Bergen County. This has
allowed children with severe special needs in our area to stay close to their families, who can visit
often and be involved in their children’s lives.
We are committed to helping these children and teenagers, and have recently opened a
third community home in Park Ridge. To meet the tremendous need in the communities we serve,
our goal is to open two additional community homes per year for the next five years.
We also remain deeply committed to helping our children in foster care live fuller, richer lives.
Our Medical Services & Advocacy Center, the first of its kind in New Jersey, was expanded this
year to offer direct care to our children. Many of the children come to us with little or no medical
records and, because of their histories of severe abuse, are understandably anxious when going to
health care providers. Our medical staff has had great success in forming trusting relationships
with the children. They have also been piecing together the children’s medical histories, reversing
incorrect diagnoses, identifying previously overlooked conditions and helping the children establish
healthy habits early in life.
A quality education for our children remains a top
priority, as we believe education is the cornerstone of
their success. Many of our children come to us two or
more grade levels behind in school. We engage an
education specialist who ensures they receive the
appropriate services at school and oversees our tutoring program. Because of your generosity, we are one
of the few agencies that offer professional tutoring
It is because of your generosity that
Children’s Aid and Family Services
has been able to evolve throughout
our long history to continually offer
the quality and intensity of services
that the children and families we
serve absolutely need.
services and scholarship assistance to the children in our
care. We’re seeing remarkable results from this vitally important
investment in their futures.
A critical time for teenagers in foster care is their 18th birthday, when they “age out” of care, usually without family support. This can be a frightening and lonely time for our teens. In
addition to the support of our youth services staff, we recently
began offering affordable housing (in partnership with a developer) for former foster children, teens and young adults who
have left foster care to live independently. Five beautiful, new
apartments are located in Morris County, and their occupants
are provided with case management support by our staff. We
are thrilled to provide this opportunity to help our teens successfully achieve independence and self-sufficiency.
We recently began offering affordable housing
(in partnership with a developer) for former foster
children, teens and young adults who have left
foster care to live independently.
As many of you know, a great number of our children have been born drug-involved or
have been the victims of a substance-abusing adult. That is why our commitment to substance
abuse prevention is so strong. Our Center for Alcohol and Drug Resources continues to make
a real difference in raising awareness and providing evidence-based prevention programs that
help children, teenagers and families to make safe, smart and healthy decisions. Last year,
the Center helped 11,750 people in Bergen County.
Early childhood education remains a strong
commitment. We are proud that we provided
scholarships to approximately half of the families
whose children attend Turrell Child Care & Early
Learning Center. We are one of the few child care
centers in the area that provides this kind of help to
low-income families, who are in tremendous need
of safe, reliable, and affordable child care and early
education for their children.
We’re delighted to tell you that since
2009, 100% of high school seniors
have graduated while in our care. The
national average for children in foster
care is about 50%.
We are excited about the continued growth of our services and the impact we’re having
on the lives of some of the most vulnerable children, young adults and families in our
community. We couldn’t do it without you. Thank you for your support.
Robert B. Jones, Ph.D.
President & CEO
Bruce M. Brady, Esq.
Chair, Board of Trustees
2012 Memorable Moments
Baby Basics is made possible thanks to the
support of our many dedicated volunteers, such as the
adorable children from Archer Cooperative Nursery School
pictured here. They collected diapers to help low-income
families served by our Baby Basics program.
To serve even more families, we have expanded the Baby
Basics program’s distribution centers to include Garfield, an
extremely high-need area, as well as Carlstadt, Hackensack,
Paramus, and Ridgewood. In 2012, we provided more than
200,000 diapers to low-income families.
In 2012, we further expanded our
services to children and teenagers
with developmental disabilities by
opening two community homes, where
nurturing, round the clock care is provided. The
children learn life skills, such as proper hygiene,
laundry, cooking and cleaning up after a meal.
There is a tremendous need for homes in northern New Jersey. They allow parents to remain
close to their children with special needs and to be active in their lives. The homes are
warm and inviting and include sensory rooms, where the children can engage and explore
their senses. Here is Eli in one of the sensory rooms.
Our Medical Services & Advocacy Center staff began providing direct
care to our children in foster care in 2012. This has been a huge boost in
helping us provide the best possible care to our children. Our staff is diagnosing previously unknown medical conditions, piecing together medical histories from little or no
records, coordinating care with other providers, and most
important, forming trusting relationships with the children.
Our program for medically needy infants and
toddlers continues to provide outstanding care to babies
whose birth parents are unable to care for them. Since its inception 27 years ago, it has one of the highest rates of successful
adoptions and family reunifications in the country. Here is Eli,
who was fostered and eventually adopted by the Hinchen family.
The Woodlea group home transitioned to our third Path
to Permanency home for girls ages 5 – 12. There are eight girls
living in the home, who are receiving the therapeutic support
and nurturing care they need to help overcome past trauma.
The difference we make with your support
Poised for success
Just a few years ago, Carlotta was in foster care. Today, with the support of
Children’s Aid and Family Services, she has recently graduated from a university
with a bachelor’s degree in business management. She plans on attending graduate
school to earn her M.B.A. after she gains more management experience in the
food services field. “Carlotta has always worked hard,” says her foster mother, Pat.
She is determined to succeed and wants to own a restaurant franchise eventually.
When she was 13, Carlotta came to one of our therapeutic group homes. She
quickly became involved in the community and wanted to give back. She
attended a local high school and joined the Interact Club. Carlotta worked on
food drives to help low-income families. “I really enjoy volunteering,” Carlotta
says. “I made friends and felt good about helping people.”
Three teenagers
graduated with
bachelor’s degrees.
One young woman
is going to graduate
Children’s Aid and Family Services matched Carlotta with a
volunteer mentor when she was 15. “I love Bernice,” says
Carlotta. “Our relationship is special to me. I know I can always
count on her.” Bernice is one of Carlotta’s proudest supporters,
and was cheering her on during her commencement ceremony.
At 16, Carlotta went to live with Pat and Ricardo, one of our
foster families. During college, she spent school breaks and
holidays with them and is back living with them since graduating. “I like living with Pat and Ricardo and their son,” she says.
“They’ve been great and have told me I can stay as long as I
need to.”
“Children’s Aid and Family Services is a good agency,” says
Carlotta. “The staff is caring and they work hard to help the
children. I’m very grateful for all of the help I’ve gotten from
the agency.”
Our Thomas R.S. Burgin Parents Fund
helps teenagers who “age out” of foster
care by providing scholarships for
school expenses, and emergency funding for any former client of one of our
foster care programs. In 2012, there
were 15 recipients of scholarship
funding. It is also one of the sources of
philanthropic funding for our tutoring
program for children in foster care.
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The difference we make with your support
Celebrating Strong Families
The Strengthening Families Program, facilitated by
The Center for Alcohol and Drug Resources, is a
14-week program that helps parents learn more effective
parenting skills and enhances communication within
families. Research indicates that compared to teens who
have five to seven family dinners per week, those who
have fewer than three family dinners per week are twice
as likely to say they expect to try drugs (The Importance
of Family Dinners VIII A CASA Columbia White Paper).
One of the key messages of this program is family is
important—spend time with them.
Gladys is a single working mother with four children,
ages 11 years to 10 months. Between working full time,
maintaining her home and caring for her family, she was
feeling overwhelmed and becoming more impatient with
her children. “I loved the program,” she says. “I learned
(l. – r.): Alex, Ashley, Gladys and Brandon at the “Strengthening
skills that really helped me, such as how to properly
Families” graduation celebration.
assess a situation that could become tense, change the
tone of my voice toward my children to get them to listen and
how to keep calm and cool. It’s all about positive parenting.”
Families are encouraged to gather weekly for a family meeting,
where they talk about their feelings, problems and concerns.
“I talk to my mom now more than I ever have,” says Elijah,
who is 12 years old and attended Strengthening Families with
his mother, Takiyah. A single mother, Takiyah was feeling overwhelmed and frustrated after working and attending school
full-time, and felt that she and Elijah weren’t communicating well.
“The program gave me a lot of helpful ideas to be a better parent,” says Takiyah “If Elijah does something wrong and it’s small,
I let it go. If he does something right, I praise him.”
Martha joined the program after her daughter, Britney, was
bullied. “I learned my weaknesses and strengths as a parent and
ways to help me be a better parent,” she says. “Britney and I
began having dinner together regularly and we talk more. We’re
closer than glue now.”
Takiyah and her son Elijah at the graduation celebration for “Strengthening Families.”
The difference we make with your support
There’s a birthday party for one of the teenagers living in our community
home for children with developmental disabilities. Peter, who is 18 years
old and autistic, asks one of the guests, “Do you want some more juice
or another cookie?” In the year that he’s lived in the home, Peter has
become the life of the party, enjoying his role as “host” and making sure
all the guests have enough to eat and drink.
In 2012, Children’s Aid and
Family Services opened
two community homes for
children with developmental
disabilities. Nurturing care is
provided 24 hours a day.
When Peter first moved into the home, he was largely non-verbal. He
didn’t go out much because he had challenging behaviors which were
triggered by loud noises. He kept to himself and wouldn’t eat at the
same table with the other boys.
With the consistent, firm yet loving guidance of our staff, Peter has
made tremendous strides socially. He greets staff members by name
and will tell them he likes “hanging
out with them.” He goes to the
grocery store, to restaurants with
his parents and to the town library
where he’s become an avid member. He bowls, does arts and crafts
at the recreation center in town and
participates in special activities
such as swimming and therapeutic
horseback riding lessons. At first,
he didn’t listen well to his swimming or riding instructors; but now
he listens, follows directions and
communicates his needs. He loves
“his” horse, Big Rascal, and proudly
tells the staff that he is an expert equestrian.
These lessons, funded by philanthropy, help to increase Peter’s
muscle tone, balance, hand/eye coordination and fine motor skills, as
well as gain a sense of self-control and self-confidence.
Peter has become much friendlier with the other boys. He eats meals
with them, and even helps them enhance their cuisine by suggesting
they put butter on their waffles or ketchup on their French fries. “Peter
is very lovable and smart,” says Donna Kennedy, Senior Vice President,
Community Services. “We have high expectations for Peter and we are
thrilled that he’s exceeded them. He’s blossomed in so many ways.”
Thanks to your generosity, we can provide therapeutic
activities such as water and equine therapy to help the
children lead richer, fuller lives.
“We knew Peter had it in him,”
says his mother, Wendy. “It just
took the right group of people to
find out what motivates him.
We are so thankful for Children’s
Aid and Family Services.”
The difference we make with your support
Hope and Healing
We opened our Medical Services & Advocacy
Center two years ago to better meet the increasingly complex medical needs of our children in
foster care. Many of our children have been in six
to ten placements before coming into our care.
They usually have little or no medical records,
medical conditions that have been undiagnosed or
misdiagnosed, and they have rarely been to the
same doctor with any kind of consistency.
Our medical
The medical team
team has been
serves more than 150
making great
Pictured above at the opening of the Medical Services & Advocacy Center
children each year.
strides in ensuring
(l. – r.): Bergen County Freeholder John Felice; Kathy Courain, Assistant
Director; Anne Armstrong-Coben, M.D., Medical Director; Bergen County
the children
Freeholder John Mitchell and the Honorable Nicholas R. Felice.
receive the best possible care. They are piecing
together the children’s health histories, coordinating their care
with medical providers and building trusting relationships with
the children, who are often terribly frightened to visit a doctor.
For example, two girls came into our care and both had obvious
skin conditions which had been overlooked by other caregivers.
Our medical staff examined them. One of the girls was scared to
speak, but our medical team was gentle with her, and patiently
coaxed her to tell them how she was feeling. She finally told
them she had a sore throat. After examining her further, the
team diagnosed her with strep throat, which
can lead to serious complications if left
untreated. They also arranged for both
girls to see a dermatologist to get proper
The waiting room is decorated
treatment for their skin conditions.
with fabulous art that has been
Sometimes children come to us with
diagnoses that could negatively affect their
adoptability, as in Ryan’s* case. He had
been diagnosed with Neurofibromatosis,
or “Elephant Man’s” disease, before coming into our care. Because this was in
Ryan’s case history, it severely diminished his chances for
adoption. Most prospective parents would not want to even
meet a child with this condition. Upon examination, the medical
staff seriously doubted this diagnosis and they arranged for him
to see a neurologist. An exam revealed that Ryan did not have
the condition and he was perfectly healthy. His chances for
finding a loving family have greatly increased.
*Name changed to protect client confidentiality.
donated. The children love it!
In 2012, this program was one of
just eight awardees of a Federal
Healthy Tomorrow’s Partnership for
Children grant that will run for five
years. Aside from this, the Center is
supported entirely by philanthropy.
The difference we make with your support
Finding loving families for our children
Growing up in a large family, Pamella always wanted to be a
mother. As she was approaching age 50 and didn’t have children, she started looking into adoption. A friend told her about
the children waiting to be adopted at Children’s Aid and Family
Services, and she came to an information session to learn about
the process. “I was very excited; I wanted the opportunity to
make a difference for a child,” she recalls.
At first, Pamella wanted to
In 2012, we provided
adopt a younger child, but
for 179 foster
that changed after she
children and teenagers
became a foster and adoptive
our group homes
parent with us. One of our
and with our loving
staff told her about Tanya*,
foster families.
a sweet 14-year-old girl from
the south who needed to stay
with a foster family for a few months. “I was concerned about
caring for a teenager but figured I would try,” she says.
“I fell in love with Tanya immediately. I learned I could
handle a teenager, and I had the ability to coach and
influence older children.”
Pamella and Sandya with Zoe
and Chief.
Tanya stayed with Pamella for four months and then
moved back to her home state. Pamella flew to visit her,
advocate on her behalf with her home state foster care
and make sure she was well. “I love being a foster mother
and feel like I was able to provide a deep level of service
to Tanya.”
About one year later, Pamella met Sandya at one of our
parties to match children eligible for adoption with
adoptive parents. They had lunch and talked and laughed
together. “Sandya is grounded, confident, sweet and funny,”
Pamella says. “We hit it off immediately.”
Shortly after, Sandya went to live with Pamella. Her adoption
was official in November 2012. “We’ve had to work on things
together, and I’ve learned that I need to be flexible, open and
willing to let Sandya grow in her own
way,” says Pamella. “She’s brought me
so much joy and a sense of family. I
We have a constant need to recruit
absolutely adore her and I’m trying to
more foster and adoptive families
her to live a fulfilling life.”
for our children. We welcome help in
raising awareness of this need in the
community through print, radio and
online advertising and highway and
bus billboards.
*Name changed to protect client confidentiality.
Annual Gifts 2012
Our donors make the difference
Children’s Aid and Family Services would
like to thank the following donors for gifts
made from January 1 – December 31, 2012.
We also gratefully acknowledge those
donors that wish to remain anonymous.
Champion ($100,000.00 +)
The Copper Beech Foundation (11)
Leadership Circle ($50,000.00 +)
Marion and Robert B. Jones (20)
Sustainer ($20,000.00 +)
Anne and John Oros (12)
Tavoso Family Charitable Fund (10)
Sue and David Viniar (17)
Redlich Horwitz Foundation (10)
Sponsor ($10,000.00 +)
Ann and Bruce Benedict (16)
The Bronfin Family (17)
Grace and Frank Burr/The Burr
Family Foundation (11)
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Cleary (12)
Dr. Anne Armstrong-Coben and
Mr. Harlan F. Coben
Bernadette and Michael Davis (10)
The Davis Family Foundation (10)
Danielle and Enrico Gaglioti
The Kravecas Family
Joanne Mandry and Donald
Ramesdorfer (11)
Elizabeth and David Mason (11)
Catharine and
James Napolitano (18)
Audrey I. Newman and
John M. McKendry (18)
Todd Ouida Children’s
Foundation (11)
Cheryl and David Sabath (10)
Andrea and Jordi Visser
Patron ($5,000.00 +)
The Sidney and Beatrice
Albert Foundation
June and Thomas Bonville
Lesley and William Collins
Jason Cosimano
Brenda J. and Frank P. Gallagher
Tracey and David Gerber
The David P. and Tracey L.
Gerber Family Foundation, Inc.
Leanne and Stuart Hinchen
The Houston Family Foundation
Nina and Ken Hovey (14)
William Huisking
Kim Loos
Marybeth and John* Lyons (19)
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan C.
McCurrach (11)
The Honorable John Molinelli
Brigid and Kevin O’Brien (11)
Joyce and Donald Snider
Marjorie and Robert G. Sommer
The Huisking Foundation, Inc
Stephanie B. Tormey, Ph.D.
Eve and Emile van den Bol (10)
Jen and Jeff Westphal
Benefactor ($2,500.00 +)
Susan and Harvey Braun (15)
Judith and Thomas Bruinooge
Mr. and Mrs.* Richard B.
Covey (16)
Anne Goheen Crane and
Thomas R. Crane, Jr. (19)
Douglas H. Dittrick (12)
Jane and Michael Gerald
Doris M. and Ralph E.
Hansmann (19)
Victoria and Frank Howard
Ellen and Michael Jacobs (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Jadrosich (15)
Donna Kennedy
Maribeth and Tom Lane (17)
Jacqueline and Chris Laurita
James Malloy
Susan and John Manley (17)
Kacey and John O’Brien (18)
The Robert & Ilse Prosnitz
Foundation (16)
Mr. and Mrs. Denis J.
Salamone (19)
Elva and Peter Scanel (13)
Nancy and Amory Slott
Cornell and Erik Sorenson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E.
Swanson (14)
Kathryn Taylor
Marty Tiani
Lisa and William Torpey (11)
Jessica and David Trokel
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M.
von Autenried (17)
Carol and James Whaley (15)
Jeannette and Paul Wiener (10)
Lisa G. Williamson
Friend ($1,000.00 +)
Elaine and Myron Adler (14)
Kara and John Arnold
Kevin Backus
Patricia and Harry Barile
John Barmeyer
Bayne and Scott Belair (13)
Erna Biesenberger
Carol Bradbeer
Barbara G. and Bruce M. Brady (15)
Lolly and Tom Burgin (19)
Betsy Chamberlin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Coviello (18)
Mary Debel
Dee and Frank DeBernardis
Trudi and Douglas Dial
Emily Fredericks
Sal Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. George F.
Haase, Jr. (11)
Samantha Harries
Cecily and Brian Healy (15)
Mr. and Mrs. George H.
Heilborn (19)
Conrad Hirzel (18)
*Denotes Deceased
Please note: A number in parentheses following donor’s name denotes those who
have donated 10 or more years and are members of the President’s Giving Circle.
Marci and Raymond Hopkins
Dana and Peter Hopper (10)
Karen and James Hovey (14)
Patricia and Christopher Jansen
John Kandravy (19)
Christine and Declan Kearney
Evan King
Edward Klaskow
Suzanne Kleiner
Phyllis and Daniel Kletter (17)
Knip Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Kraynak, Jr. (18)
The Lipane Family
Millie and Timothy Long
Marlene Lyons
Marie and Anthony Malloy
The Matanle Family
Mary and Bill McNamara (15)
Karen and James Miner (11)
Cheryl Moss
Dr. and Mrs. Michel Mouravieff (10)
Patrice M. Napoda
Anne and Chris Nettleton
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Newman
Catherine Brefach Newman (10)
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin O’Shea (12)
Bill and Wendy Paquin
Michelle and Carlo Pascetta
Bernadette and Patrick Reilly
Michele and David Rubenstein
Chris Salamone and Troop #7
Marilyn and Edward* Schotz
Joni and Christopher Seeger
Nina and Ajay Sharma
Jack G. Sinagra
Carol and Mark Smith
Barbara and Robert Stillwell
Blanche A. Townsend
Kate Armstrong and Pieter
van der Heide
Kathleen Van Duren and
Wade Schwartz
Rose Zeltser (16)
Grandparent ($500.00 +)
Judith and Robert Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. David Andrews
Effie, Felicia and Michael Angus
Susie and Alan Antaki
Tracy and Michael Autera (18)
Lynn Ballerini
Caroline and John Barr (10)
Krisi and Drew Behrens (17)
Jack Bemporad
Marjorie and Egon Berg
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Bernhardt
Lili and Jerry Binney (12)
Julie and Stanford Brown
John Callandrillo
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Chersi
Marcia and Michael Corrigan (18)
Carol D’Auria
Mrs. DeAnni
James Dial
Ann Dickinson and
Richard Purington
Delight and Paul Dodyk (15)
Patricia Duarte
Lisa and Christopher Duff
Antonietta and Richard Durso
Ellen Elias
Jennifer and Stephen Errico
Stephen and Jennifer Errico
Family Foundation
Faber Future Foundation
The Honorable and Mrs.
Nicholas R. Felice (11)
Patricia and Robert Felice (11)
Tina and Kevin Felix (10)
Ellen and Vincent Forlenza (12)
Whitney and Kevin Forster
The Frank and Brenda Gallagher
Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Grossman
Susan and Michael Haviland
Jeanne A. LaChapelle and
Joseph M. Healy
Rita and Timothy Henkler (10)
Kathy and Paul Higbee (15)
Diane and Kenneth Hipkins (15)
Jacqueline Hollywood
Susan and Kevin Howard
Sara Huisking
Barbara P. Hyslop (11)
Elizabeth and Glenn Jorgensen
Marina Karounos
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.
Koppel, Sr. (13)
Kerri and David Luftman
Laura and John Marcy
Claribel Martinez
Suzanne and Michael McCarthy
Nancy and Richard McCune
Patti and Robert McKillip
Laura and Arthur Metzler
Lois Monahan (11)
Mary-Wallace L. and
Russell A. Moody (13)
Moira McBride Murphy (12)
Kimberley Myles and
Geoff Ramsey
Dotti and Richard Oswald (18)
Delia and Stephen Perretta
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Peters
Mrs. Harlan C. Peterson (14)
Emil Joseph Piel (17)
Frank J., Katie, and
Ryan Plateroti (12)
Nancy and John Poli
Carol and Michael Rasovic (14)
Susan and Ian Ratner
Erilyn and John Riley (10)
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Risko
Stacey and Jack Sandler (11)
Beata and Frank Santora
Judith H. and Robert E. Saydah (16)
Dan Shiver
Marion L. and Peter* R. Stark (20)
Ida and Steven Steiner
Patricia Sturt
Sudie and Mark Throdahl (12)
Joanne and Matthew Trattner
Ms. Lynn D. Carter and
Dr. Lynn H. Vogel
Dawn and Charles Walter
Katherine and Steven Warden
Patricia A. Warner
Anita and Russ Warnet (12)
Erica J. West
Ms. Linda M. Zarnett (10)
Parent ($250.00 +)
Geraldine and Brian Abdoo
Claire and Timothy Abel
Leslie and William Adler
Heidi and Thomas
Ahlborn (10)
Annual Gifts 2012
Kathleen and John Altieri (15)
Kim and Joel Ansch
Mr. and Mrs. Logan Asnis
Kathy and Mike Azzara (14)
Penelope G. Baker
Amy Berkowitz
Marie and John Bicks
Barbara Abney Bolger (20)
Dawn and Paul Calvetti
Patty and William
Patricia and Frank
Jessie Chang
Christine and David Chanley
Nancy and John Citti
Maureen and Raymond Clarke
Jennifer Corley
Suzette and Mark Corrado
Deborah and V. Barry
Corridon (13)
Elizabeth and Robert Criqui
Meghan and Paul Cummings
Susan and James Curtis
Deanna and Dominick
Deanna D’Arrigo and
Geoffrey Butler
Jean DeCicco
Marianne and Robert Dill
Karen and Donald Dillon
Elinor and Christopher
Christine and John Dunn
Barbara B. Eaton (13)
Kerry and James Egan
Gail and Jay Fayerweather
Michelle and Jeffrey Feagles
Carla and Richard Fels (10)
Maureen and Richard
Ferrara (12)
Martha Fickinger and
Jeff Deutsch
Virginia and Robert
Flaherty (18)
Ms. Maura Fleming and
Mr. Daniel A. Etna
Janet and Richard Fricke (10)
Dr. and Mrs. Rajinder P.
Gandhi (17)
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Given (10)
Sharon and Frank Gomez
Rosemary and Barry Gordon
Robert Greulich
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E.
Gritman (13)
Mr. Arthur P. Groom
Elizabeth and Pat Hamel
Melanie and Greg Harold
Nilda Haywood
Diana and W. Fletcher Hock
Karen and Michael Hofstetter
Dr. Robert W. Honsinger (17)
Tammy Hudak
Stacy and Brian Hughes
Laura Huisking
Kim and George Jamgochian
Soobean Jo
William J. Johnson
Lorene and John Jorgensen
Patricia and George
Janine Ley-King and
Marshall King
Mary Lynch and
Andrew C. Korinis
Sharon and Michael Laforge
Jan Lee and John Lescroart
Jane and Michael Levine
Bobbi Lewis (13)
Sally Lewis
Lee Anne and Timothy Luing
Our donors make the difference
Elisabeth Mannschott (10)
Barbara and Arthur
Masarky (13)
Dawn Massa
Kiecha McCrae
Mr. and Mrs. John McElroy
Holly and James McIver
Alexandra Medina
Farryn and Gary Melton (11)
Andrew Meo (11)
Janine and Peter Micera
Alyse and Steven Millstein
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Moody
Lindsey and Richard
Moynihan (14)
Erin and Gene Napolitan (18)
Audrey and Lawrence Nelson
Sally and Norm Nelson (17)
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Neri
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B.
Noonan (14)
Nancy and Jacob Nouel
Bernadette and Richard Orso
Robin Palmeri
Carol and Michael
Patterson (14)
Mary Ann and Richard Pearson
Gina and David Pfund
Georgia C. Piekart
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Pierce
Susan and Barry Poskanzer
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Post
Ilona M.* and Dr. Donald O.
Quest (13)
The Head Start Family
Andrea and Claus
Carol and Tom Rakowski (10)
Jennifer Ratner and
Gary Edelstein
Carol and Lynn Herbert Ratner
Sarah and Joseph Ricca
Paula and Darren Rice
Frank Riggio
Steve Rogalinski
Vionnette Rogers
Donna and Alan Rosenzweig
Carolyn* and David
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M.
Sandler (11)
Grace and John Schaus (15)
Rose Marie and Rod
Schutt (19)
Timothy Schwartz (16)
Joyce and Vincent Sharkey (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard
Sheplin (16)
Becky and Paul Simpson
Christina and Andy Sippel
Drs. Grace and Fred Sisto (16)
Katherine and Sidney Smith
Laura and Marc Spada
Mary Aileen and Charles
Starkey (13)
Joan E. Stearns
Maureen E. Tierney
Amparo Torres
Kristy and Dan Valentino
Barbara and Mark Vermylen
Mary and Rob Vermylen
Chad Viglianti
Denise and John
Vollkommer (10)
Alison and Peter Von Halle
Jeanette and Douglas Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Wilson
Joan and Thomas Wilson
Diana and George R.
Wing, Jr. (16)
Noeline and Robert Woolrich
Pat and Wayne
Yankus, M.D. (17)
Luz Zembriski
Jennifer and Rod Zilenziger
Sibling ($100.00 +)
Kathryn M. Adorney and
Neil Rindlaub (15)
Linda and Murat Aktar
The Albes Family
Linda and Jerry Altomare
Ellen J. Anderson
Karen and Paul Arilotta
Carley Aroldi
Shahan Avedian
Lileana Ayende
Lateefah Aziz
Margot Leary
Badenhausen (12)
Rosemary and Kenneth Bair
Robert V. Balchunas
Mr. and Mrs. Bardack
Gordon Bardack
Caitlin Bargmann
Nancy and Jeb Bargmann
Martha Bauer and Rick Guild
Mrs. Robert W. Bechtel* (14)
Amy Becker and
Steve Bartsch
Anna Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest R.
Behrens (17)
Elyse Beidner
Kathleen and Noel Belli
Dr. Annette Beyer-Mears
Mr. and Mrs. Hervey E.
Maxine Tanzman-Bock and
Jack Bock
Team Glick
Henrietta Borst (19)
Anita Boyapati, Ph.D.
Lynn Brehm
Sheila Brogan (10)
Janet S. Brown (17)
Kay and Bob Brundige (15)
Victoria and Jim Bruni
Geraldine Ann Brunner
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas* L.
Bryan (14)
Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Bulger
Linda and Gregory Bullock
Lynda and Jonathan Byer
Lynn and Robert Byrne
Mindy Byrnes
Sara M. Calvert
Karen and Don Campbell
Deborah and Antonio Campos
Andria Carloni Trinidad
Betsy* and Paul Carter (10)
Mr. E.D. Challis
Peter T. Cheng
Geraldine and Lee
Christensen (13)
Stephen K. Churchill
Sally and Bill Clark
William J. Cobb (15)
Joanne and Gary
Cogswell (14)
Patricia and Lewis Cohn
Catherine and Herbert Cooke
Cathy and Warren Cooke (10)
Julie Copeland
Dana and Albert Costello
Beth and Michael Coughlin
Rebecca and James
Kimberly, Michael and
Elizabeth Crimmins
Debra and Thomas Curley
Paula and Martin Cutler
Eleanor and Salim Dallal
Corinne and Leslie Davies
Daryl and Edward Davis
Enrica DeGennaro
Gwen and Anthony DellaPelle
June Valerie Demisch
Erin and John Dewan
Lesley and Robert Dial
Anne DiGiacomo
Susan and Joseph DiGiacomo
Barbara and Fred Ditmars
Wendy Dockray and
Robert Trobe
Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Donohue, Jr.
Onnie N. Duffie (12)
Kelly Dumpson
Wilfred M. Dunne
Catherine P. Duryea
Corey and Terry Duvall
Rosemary and Gary
Cathy Eastman and Family
Mrs. Kenneth Edelson (15)
Jennifer and Vance Edelson
Carol and Richard Ekman (16)
Mrs. Margaret B. Faath (11)
Lynne Fagles (14)
Margaret and Ted Farinella
Tan Feng
Nancy, William & Robert N.
Ferer (13)
Jill and Ed Fischer
Marcia and Glenn Fisher
Donna Flagg (13)
John H. Flathmann, Jr. (16)
Jennifer Flores
Olivia Frazier
Mark Freado
Mary Jane and Ronald
Frey (15)
Jessica G. Galinski
Maureen and Lawrence
Tovah Gidseg
Maria and Richard Gilosa
Elizabeth Givner
Ludmila Golad
Cathy and Paul Goldberg
Kenneth F. Goldstein
Barbara and Dan Goodman
Marfy Goodspeed
Beth and Glenn Gorab
Philip Grappo (11)
Carol and Leon Greff
Ellie and Marty Gruber (12)
Jennifer Gruszka
Annelies and Eric Guglberger
Ruth and John Guthery (10)
Madaline and Missak
Haigentz, Jr.
Christopher Haines
Kristin and John Halvey
Charlotte Hansen
John and Peggy Harney
Elizabeth Harper
Annual Gifts 2012
Our donors make the difference
Bridget and Mark Hartnett
Jean and William Hawley
Christina and Michael Hayes
Jeff He
Sandy and Jim Healey (15)
Betsy Hershberger (11)
Susie and Chip Hider
Mrs. and Mr. Hider
Mary Hiel
Jim Higgins
Janine Hochegger
Alice M. Holl
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Holland (11)
Lois D. Horowitz
Heidi Hurley
Michael and Jacqueline
Denyse and Kenneth
Hydock, Esq.
Tracey and Don Ingrasselino
David and Lori Israeli
Barbara and Joseph Jankunis
Joseph Jankunis
Sharon and Dennis Javer
Denise Fabiano and
Alexander Johnson
Dan Johnson
Tae J. Terumoto and
Bernard Josefsberg
Eloise Keane and Family
Alison Keep
The W. & M. Kennedy Private
Family Foundation (18)
Lisa and Barry Kessler
Linda and Stephen Kimler (10)
Jacqueline and
Jonathan King
Mr. and Mrs. H. Ralph
Kirby (14)
Marla and Randy Klein
Lynn and Paul Knight
Cara Mia and James Konzel
Anita Kratchmarov
Melissa and Charles Krause
Barbara and Michael Kunisch
Linda S. Lyons and
Christopher M. Kunkel
Susan and Bruce Kurland
Betty and Tom Lade (11)
Joan R. Lalonde
Cathy and Daniel LaMothe
Robert Lange
Amy Lawlor
Patricia and Frederick
Ledlow (12)
Michele and Michael Lenhard
The James Liati Family (13)
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Lieser
Judith C. P. Lilley (13)
Jennyrose Lisena
Molly Lockwood
Mr. and Mrs. Stephan Loyka
The Lynch Family
Claire Macaluso
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Maher
Deana Maietta
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Malley
Sharon and David Manzo
and Family
Dr. and Mrs. Earl A. Marsan
Bonita and Ronald Matan
Estelle Maychark
Celeste and Frank Mazzeo
Elizabeth Mazzurco
Monica and Ed McCabe (13)
Barbara and Francis H.
Schott (18)
Jeffrey Schotz
The Schwartz Family
Foundation (14)
Susan Scimone-Bellini
Katie and William Scully
Lois and Marty Sechehay (18)
Jeffrey A. Sheppard
Ian Shore
Judy and Ed Silver (11)
Kathleen Simmons (10)
Harold Simon
Audrey Vliet Simpson
Sandra Snow
Dana and Alan Sobel
Harold Sobel
Jonnie Sofer
Carol Komenda-Sprague
The David Spungen Family
Sheila and Evan Steinberg
Barbara J. Steuert (10)
Rosie and Bob Stubbs (14)
Pat and Denis Sullivan (10)
Janice C. Sullivan
The Sumner Family
Alia and Isa Suqi
Nadine and J. Michael
Roberta and Eugene Svarre
Marilyn Terhune (14)
Dr. George P. Tierney
Marianne and Russ Titus
Kathleen Egan Tomai
Mr. and Mrs. James J.
Michael Tozzoli and
James M. Blasi
The Valente Family (13)
Joselynn D. Van Siclen
Gerry and Rod Verblaauw (16)
Ms. Mary E. Vojnik and
Ms. Lynn A. Daisey (14)
Bethany Ward
Mr. and Mrs. William Ward
John B. Wefing (16)
Susan and Bob Wei
Ann White
Carla Widman
Alyssa and Adam Wiegand
Michelle and Troy Williams
Nancy and Marty Willick (14)
Douglas and Missy Yates
Cecilia and Alan Zalkind (11)
Anne McCarthy
Susan and Neil McDevitt
Nancy and Andrew
McDonough (12)
Mima McFadden
Molly and Thomas McGee
Jeanette and Eugene*
McGuire (10)
Elaine McKay
Buffy and Tom McKay (11)
Barbara G. McLaughlan (12)
Maria and Martin McLaughlin
Pat and Peter McMahon
Ellen and Todd McNamara
Ann and Carl Melone (11)
Patricia and Hugh Middleton
Gladys and Dennis Miller
Sharon and Richard Miller
Kathy Minarik
Ginine Mohamad-Cilenti
Cheryl Byk Montemurno and
Robert Montemurno (10)
Mary Morgan
Nancy and Norman Morley
Lucy R. Morris
Brad Muniz
Sheila and Joseph Nadler (16)
Darryl Neier
Ms. Arlene Nelson
Christine Nichols
Ann and Drew Nieporent
Amy and Rob Nightingale
Mary and John O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. James O’Connell
Roberta C. Oliphant
Karen Olsen
Donna and Scott Olsen
Christine and Edwin Ordway
Denise Ott
Dr. and Mrs. Charles S.
Papier (14)
Mr. and Mrs. William
Patterson, Sr.
Margaret and Scott Pearson
Pamela Pearson
Nancy and Paul Pellegrine
Helgard and Louis
Perretta, Jr.
Beatrice Podorefsky
Ellen and Leonard Polaner (15)
Barbara and Gerry
Popovsky (10)
Annette and Robert
Wendy Preis
Deborah Primiano
Cindy and Bob Probert (10)
Lucy and James Probert
Karen and Hugh Rae
Patricia and Stewart Range
Laura and Vernon Reed
Barbara and Charlie
Reilly (11)
Janet and William Riina
Katherine Roelke
Dorothy P. Romaine
Daniel Rothner
Ellen and Ronald Roxby
The Roy Family
Karen and Marc Sackstein
Katherine and Ari Safai
Leila Safai
Lynn and Thomas Scerbo
Judy & Ted Schatzberg
Philanthropic Fund (12)
Cousin ($1.00 +)
Joan and Bob Abelson (17)
Rhina A. Acevedo
Norris Allman
Joshua R. Alpert
Deborah and David Archer
Grace H. Armour
Neil Arther
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Averna
Kenneth Bagner
Marian and Dominick Baldino
Mr. J. Peter Ban
Tony Banger
Rosemarie Barone
Leslie and Paul Bazzini
Joanne Berardinelli
Lorraine and John Bernich
Jeanne Biehler
Carol Billet-Fessler
Debby Birrer
*Denotes Deceased
Please note: A number in parentheses following donor’s name denotes those who
have donated 10 or more years and are members of the President’s Giving Circle.
Joe Black
Pat and Bill Blaylock
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Bougas
Linda and Brent Boyer
Daryl and
Matthew* Boylan (14)
Barbara Bradley (10)
Ellen Breger
Jane and David Brockhaus
Ed Brodkin
Susan G. Brooks (15)
Donna Brovero
Monica and David Browne
Iwona and Kriss Brunngraber
Benica Bulluran
Jacquelyn M. Burrows
Cindy and John Caiafa
Natalie and Anthony Candela
Elaine and Warner Canto
Kathy and Alexander Carver
Mr. and Mrs. Art Caughlan
Theresa and Terrence Checki
Marc Chery
Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Chesler (17)
Danielle Chuplis
Susan and Keith Clifford
Judy and Grenardo Comitto
Kimberly Cooney
Heather and Steven Costabile
Jasmin Cruz
Catherine M. Curley
Nancy and Ralph Currey (11)
Sue and Brian Curtiss (13)
Carol Davis-Grossman and
Stephen Grossman
Suzanne De Lucia
Terry and Carl Dell’Olio (11)
Anne Raftery Denyeau
Carole DeRoberto
Frances DeVita
Rose Ann and Paul Donohoe
Doris and William Dopf
Cynthia and Gerard Duffy
Tiffany Elias
Cheryl Ellis
Joanne Ellis
Maureen Emrich
Karyn and Ahmet Erkal
Phyllis Ettinger (16)
Marcia Faber
Julienne and William Farnan
Bella S. Fellig
Erika Fiedler
Susan and Daniel Fishbein
Rebecca Fitzhugh
Jennifer and Jeffrey Fletcher
Beverly and Richard Flint (16)
Kimberly and Kenneth Ford
Elizabeth and Lawrence Forte
Irene Fortunato
George Frankola
Dana Woods Fried
Janice Friedman and
Doug Seiferling
Christita and Henry Fry (11)
Mr. and Mrs. Frank G.
Fuchs (17)
Frances and Anthony
Furino (13)
Melissa and James Furrer
Barbara and Chris Garand
Mary Clare Garber
John and Sandy Gaul
Lee Gay
Steven Geismar
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony J.
Diana and Anthony Gentile
Jay I. Gerard
Yvonne and Gary Gerber
Theresa and W. F. Gilligan
Seymour Gillman (18)
Barbara and Sol Goldberg
Lorraine Goldwasser (11)
Laurie and Paul Goodman
Richard Gordon
Audrey Goring
Melissa D. Goring
Vanessa and Kenneth
Julie Grapin
Angela and Walter Griffin
Morris I. Grossman
Joan and Thomas Hagan
Natalie Hamilton
Patrick Hanly
Marilyn and Rodney Hara
Charles Lee Harp, Jr. (16)
Carole M. Harper (13)
Brenda Harries
Brett Harris
Gale and Kenneth Harris
Gail Hart
Helen and Martin Hayes
William A. Heberer (16)
Marc Hirschberg
Lee Holmberg
Elizabeth Huisking
George H. Hull
Annual Gifts 2012
Kerry Huntington
Kathleen and Robert Hutton
Dana and Steve Imbasciani
Carol D. Isermann (15)
Suzanne Ishii
Howard and Jason Jacobs
Stacey Jacobs
Eileen and Thomas
Jankunis (13)
Lisa Jenny
Judy and Nick Joannidis
Holly Johnson
Jacqueline and Gordon
Mary Jolda
Joan and Kevin Jones
Marjorie and Thomas Jones
Anita and Richard Jones
Peggy and Ed Kabakow
Mr. Allan J. Kaplowitz, Esq.
Marilyn and Elihu Katzman
Charna and Merle
Katzman (13)
Heidi and E. Gerald Kay (18)
Robert S. Kay (18)
Christina Kedra
Laura Kelly
Jill Keoppel
Henry D. Keough
Carol and Mark Kiernan
Erica and Jonathan King
Janet Kline
Lois and Raymond Kohan
Florence F. Konner
Sharon Kornstien
Miriam and Esko Koskinen
Anita and Stephen Kossar
Paulette and Claude Kranik
Sandra and Edward Kreger
Roger M. Kriete, D.M.D. (12)
Patricia Kruger and
John Bykowsky
Ruth and Richard Kuder
Li Ming Kuhns
Jane Kurek
Kathleen Kwasnik
Mary Ann and Richard
Laura Labetti
Anthony and Joan Lacosta
Erika Lake
Dennis Lamb
Susan Langway
Candace Latham
Mr. and Mrs. David S.
Leferman (10)
Joan Alice Lehman (11)
Brenda H. Leonard
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P.
Leone (18)
Marsha Levine
David Lewin
Nina Lewin
Louise and Tom Lewis
Theresa Wiss and George
Mr. and Mrs. S. Liebowitz (10)
Ann K. Lindenfeld
Joan Lipkowitz
Kathleen Logan
Carol and Frank Loscalzo
Roy Lucas
James Lynch
Susan Macgreevey
Colleen and Scot Maclay
Nancie and Robert Malone
Diane and Thomas Mangam
Jacqueline Manzo
Elizabeth and John
Mardirosian (13)
Sonya Margarian
Eve Marsan
Robert Marsh
Mya and Kevin MartinezPollard
Holly Maschio
Laurie Masterson
Leonaro Genoble and
Rocco Mastrodomenico
Patrice and William
Gary Mauro
Joyce Mayeresky
Lynn and Joel McCabe (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C.
McClanahan, Jr. (16)
Our donors make the difference
Kathryn and Derek McGrath
Sally and John McGrath
Elizabeth Mclaughlin
Marie McVeigh
Toni and George Mehler (17)
Thomas Melchioo
John Mellage
Sydney Meller
Melissa Merchant
The Meyers Family
Phyllis and Robert Meyers
David Miller
Monica and Henry Millin
Patricia Montegari
Christine Morales
Amy Jo Morris
Judy and Charlie Morton
Maryjane and Martin
Mrs. and Mr. Muller
Marty and Ken Mulligan
Mary Ellen Mundy
Lori and Rob Murphy
Arlene Nemeth
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Nicoletti
Allman Norris
Karen and Joseph Norton
Barbara S. Noto
J.A. and Linda Nyberg
Kathleen OBrien
Godwin O. Ohen
Brinn and Peter O’Rourke
Behnaz Pakizegi
Wendi Parson
Ruth and Allan Penner (16)
Kara and Matthew Perry
Rosemarie and David Perry
Brett Peskin
Cara Peskin
Shelley and Jeffrey Peskin
Susan and John Pettenati
Celia and Jorge Pimenta
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Ponti
Albert L. Potter
Mary B. Potter (11)
Therese and James Powers
Mr. and Mrs. Fred W.
Pracht (17)
Sheila Rabinowitz
Tom Rall
Donna and Raun
Rasmussen (15)
Velma S. Reardon
Sheila Riccardi
Sandra M. Richards (15)
Madeline Riehle
Bernadette and Charles
Amanda Rocha
Zachary Roschelle
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Roselle
Barbara and Hy
Rosenberg (17)
Arlene Rubenstien
Mrs. and Mr. Ruggiero
The Salvatore Family (11)
Doris and Bob Sarokin
The Sason Family
Brietta and Edmond Savoie
Judith T. Scanlan
Kathleen Scheiner
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Schloerb
Elizabeth and George
Schlowsky (12)
Kerry and Leonard Schmitt
Maybelle Schneider (14)
Marieanne and Karl
Schroeder (17)
Maria and Ricardo Schwartz
Catherine and Alex Scotti
Anne Marie Scully
Linda and Frank Sepulveres
Frederick and Mary D Shaver
Lisa Simcic
Norma Ribeiro Simoes
Ludlow and Bill Smethurst
The Smith Family
Jean and Chuck Smith
Bernard Sobel
Phyllis S. Sohn (18)
Dr. Gene Solomon
Mukesh Somani
Anastasia Sophias
Elizabeth Murphy Sparrow
Marguerite St.John and
Smith Sebastien
Valentyna Stanton
Jane and Richard
Steinkopf (16)
Jean Strickholm (13)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Strotbek
Trudi Goheen Swain
Judy Swanson
Pamela and George
Swede (16)
Richard and Elaine Tabakin
Steven Tanis
Ann Taylor
Carol and Glenn Taylor
Stephen Terracciano and
Mohan Krishna Vinjamuri
Labhshankar V. Thakor
Gloria B. Thomas, Ph.D.
Mrs. Elsie M. Tilstra* (16)
Gail and Matt Tittle
Denise and Timothy Smith
Luis Torres
Lisa Tortorello-Gilligan
Linda Trignano
Debbie M. Tucker
Ms. Ann Turrin
Catherine Tutrone (15)
Genevieve Vaughn
Maryann Veytsman
Marcia M. Victor (13)
Kristina and Emilio Vitolo
Meriam and Paul Voigt (10)
Erna and Guido
von Autenried (15)
Sheryl Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Walker
Joyce and Michael Wallstein
Ann Walsh (10)
Carole and John Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Eamon Walsh
Pennie Waltz
Anne and Jack Warner (15)
Robert and Jeanette Weber
Janet and John Weis
Gerald Weissman
Heather and Arthur Weissman
Betty and Raymond Wells
Norma and William Weston
Albina Wetzel (14)
Sharron A. Wilkinson
Mr. and Mrs. Leo L.
Winiarski, Jr.
Ms. Elaine Wolf (11)
Anna and Frank Woolf
Gunnel and Walter Wuehler
Sharon and Joe Yacura (10)
Nancy Yonaya
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar M.
Ms. Louise Zapotosky
Maryann N. Huddleston and
Leonard Zazverskey
Annual Gifts 2012
Our donors make the difference
Gifts from Corporations, Foundations and Organizations
Champion ($100,000.00 +)
The Depot (20)
The Copper Beech Foundation (11)
Leadership Circle
($50,000.00 + )
Dave Thomas Foundation
for Adoption
Sustainer ($20,000.00 +)
BD (18)
Carlson Family Foundation, Inc. (11)
The Frances L. and Edwin L.
Cummings Memorial Fund
The Edward W. and Stella C.
Van Houten Memorial Fund
Goldman Sachs Gives
The Horizon Foundation for
New Jersey
ICAP North America, Inc.
Morgan Stanley Smith
Barney GIFT, Inc.
Orange Orphan Society (15)
Redlich Horwitz Foundation (10)
The Gertrude E. Skelly
Charitable Foundation (13)
Turrell Fund (17)
Woodlea/Path I Advisory Council (15)
Yaw Paw Foundation
Sponsor ($10,000.00 +)
American International Group, Inc.
Fred J. Brotherton Charitable
Doherty Enterprises, Inc.
Dorothy B. Hersh Foundation
Greater Newark Holiday Fund (18)
HAPI Foundation
Hudson City Savings Bank (15)
Rodman Media Corp
TD Charitable Foundation (15)
Todd Ouida Children’s
Foundation (11)
Toy Lending Library of Bergen County
Toys“R”Us, Inc.
UBS Financial Services, Inc.
United Water Foundation, Inc.
Patron ($5,000.00 +)
Boiling Springs Savings Bank
Crane Fund for Widows and Children
The Giants Foundation
Gift of Life America Fund
JHP Pharmaceuticals, LLC
The John and Margaret Post
F.M. Kirby Foundation, Inc. (17)
Mutual of America Foundation (11)
PNC Foundation
Ronald McDonald House
Charities New York Tri-State Area
Ronald McDonald House
Charities - Global
Lillian Pitkin Schenck Fund (12)
TJX Foundation
Benefactor ($2,500.00 +)
The Barclays, PGA Tour
Bogota Savings Bank
Buck, Seifert & Jost, Inc. (10)
Goldman Sachs
Nordstrom, Inc.
Otterstedt Insurance Agency
Hasbrouck Heights Branch
PNC Bank
Sobel & Co., LLC
St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church
United Water (12)
West Side Presbyterian Church
Professional Fitness Consultants
The Prudential Foundation
Matching Gifts Program
Rotary Club of Ridgewood
Smith Promotions
St. Peter’s University
Wendpar, LLC
Friend ($1,000.00 +)
Atlantic Stewardship Bank (11)
Bank of America Charitable
Beth Haverim Shir Shalom
The Community Church of
Community Thrift Shop
Equinox Fitness Clubs
Ernst & Young LLP
First Franchise Capital Corporation
Jewish Communal Fund
Kaplen Foundation
Logical Source
North Jersey Media Group
Samsung C & T America Inc.
The Theodore And Ruth
Baum Foundation
United Way of Bergen County (13)
The Valley Hospital (10)
Wells Fargo Foundation
Woman’s Club of Franklin Lakes
Woman’s Club of Ridgewood (13)
Wyndham Worldwide Corporation
Sibling ($100.00 +)
AIR Insurance
Baby Rock Apparel
Bank of America United Way
Bergen County Model Railroad Club
Dawn’s Catering & Services
The Fireplace Restaurant
Glen Rock Cooperative Nursery
Green-Way Irrigation, Inc.
Harmony Lodge No. 8., F. & A. M.
Institute Of Management
Jonathan Rose Companies
Just Give.org
Liz Claiborne Foundation
Merck Partnership For Giving
Network for Good
OppenheimerFunds Matching Gifts
United Way of Northern New Jersey
Upper Ridgewood Community
USA Toy Library Association
Valley Home Care, Inc.
The Womans Club of Ho-Ho-Kus
Cousin ($1.00 +)
Angelic Element
Beacon HR, LLC
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Caring Capital
Chapter 11 Support Services
Charles J. Becker and Bro., Inc.
CR Fitness, LLC
Gotham Technology Group
Institutional Investor, Inc.
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
Marron Gildea Donohue Realtors
Morris County Child Care Director’s
St. Paul’s Catholic Church
Target Take Charge of Education
TGS Landcare
Grandparent ($500.00 +)
Avenue Collision Specialists Corp.
Barbizon & Gage Talent Inc.
Columbia Bank
General Mills Box Tops for Education
Greek Orthodox Ladies’ Philoptochos
Society of St. Nicholas
Harleysville Insurance
Invest in Others
Michael Felice Interiors
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation
Paramus Sunrise Rotary Club
Pfizer United Way Campaign
Ramapo College of New Jersey
The Michelle Mitzvah Group
Wells, Jaworski, & Liebman, LLP (18)
West Bergen Mental Healthcare, Inc.
Parent ($250.00 +)
Affinity Federal Credit Union
Argo Turboserve Corporation
Atrium Pharmacy
Burke Video Productions
Chestnut Family Dentistry
Coler Consulting Group
CR Fitness
Cutler Financial Services, LLC
Do Good Marketing, LLC
Eric S. Smith School
Feeney Funeral Home
Groome Industrial Service Group
LaMendola Associates, Inc. (11)
Medco Employee Giving Campaign
Morgan Stanley Community Affairs
OritaniBank Charitable Foundation
Paul’s Volvo
*Denotes Deceased
Please note: A number in parentheses following donor’s name denotes those who
have donated 10 or more years and are members of the President’s Giving Circle.
Pinnacle West Capital Corporation
Pleasantdale Presbyterian Church
Prestige Lexus of Ramsey
Purchasing Management
Associates, LLC
Ramsey Board of Education
Saint Pauls Catholic Church
Scura, Mealey, Wigfield, and
Heyer, LLP
Sietsma Landscape
Operations, Inc.
Style Venture Inc.
The NJ Head Start Association
Ulrich, Inc.
Second Century Circle
Membership in the Second Century Circle is for all agency friends who have made a
planned gift to benefit Children’s Aid and Family Services.
Anonymous (5)
Dr. Ozell K. Beatty
Jean Bechtel*
Elizabeth W. Bell*
Barbara Abney Bolger
Mary Pat Boron
Barbara G. and Bruce M. Brady
Sarina Monast and
Kenneth Bronfin
Gilbert Brown*
Thomas R. S. Burgin and
Lolly Burgin
Helen S. Cheel*
Anne Goheen Crane
Barbara S.* and Douglas H. Dittrick
Geraldine V. Ely*
Phyllis Ettinger
Filomena and Angelo P. Ferrara*
Ferrara Family Fund
Ronald H. Grafe*
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Greek
Doris M. and Ralph E. Hansmann
Julia G. Hoffman*
Nancy G. Honsinger
Dr. Robert W. Honsinger
Norma and Paul Hunter
Ellen and Michael Jacobs
Marion Jones and Robert B. Jones
Janet and Frank* Kireker
Els* and Gys B. Kooy
Maribeth and Tom Lane
Dorothy E. Lang*
Judi and Al* Lilley
Elizabeth and David Mason
Audrey I. Newman
Brigid and Kevin O'Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Reynen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Schubert
Rose Marie and Rod Schutt
Marcy* and Bruce Slater
Marjorie and Robert G. Sommer
Ethel G.* and Arthur B.* Toan
Richard F. Townsend
Ann and Henrik Tvedt, Jr.
Jonelle and Ronald M.
von Autenried
Dr. William M. Willis, Jr.
Wayne A. Yankus, M.D.
If you wish to make a bequest, ask your attorney to consider the following suggested language:
I give and bequeath to Children’s Aid and Family Services, Inc., of Paramus, New Jersey ____ percent; or the
sum of _____ from my estate; or all the rest, residue, or remainder of my estate. This bequest is designed for
the Endowment Fund, to be used by Children’s Aid and Family Services wherever the need is greatest.
“In Honor” Gifts
Baby Rock Apparel
Dr. R. Asnes - Tenafly Pediatrics
Ellen Asselmeyer
Catherine Bartley
Mrs. Diane Brown
Lolly Burgin
Shea Campbell
Bernice Carr-Wirth
Anne Armstrong-Coben, M.D.
Harlan Coben
Anne and Tom Crane
Anne Goheen Crane
Cynthia Eakins
Marion and Bob Jones
Bob Jones and his Executive Staff
Kristian Joseph Karl
Dan and Donna Keoppel
Jacqueline Laurita
Elizabeth Lech and John Piel
Brenda Leonard
Frank Malatesta
Mr. David Martinak
L.G. McAuley
Dominick V. Meo
Nancy Noonan
Dr. Rachelle Parker
Sandra Richards
Herman and Barbara Rosenberg
Michael Sutcliffe
The Snyder grandchildren Sara,
Kate, and Morgan
Patricia A. Warner
Judi Youngman
Rose Zeltser
Stephanie Zheng and Family
“In Memory” Gifts
Catherine Bartley
Mr. Benedetto
Thomas Bryan
Elaine “Kiki” Brodkin
Elizabeth Campbell
Jane K. Covey
Madinah Grier
Thomas Hand
Mark Hurley
Gregory Jankunis
Geraldine Karl
Eugene Kay
Els Kooy
Frances R. Leach
Elizabeth Lenihan
John Lyons
Margaret Mason
Joseph Mazzeo
Catherine McKiernan
Ida Murray
Tecla F. and John F. Nemeth
Eleanore S. Nissley
Huge O'Keefe
Bernie Oleyer
Bertha Polak
Philip Pflaum
Ilona M. Quest
Joshua Rall
Tish Redlund
Wayne Roelke
Irene and Edwin Rothman
Mary Schlivek
Peter Stark
Richard Townsend
Hermine Wernikowski
Note: If your name is not listed or misspelled, we apologize for the oversight.
Please contact our office at 201.261.2800 so we can correct the error.
We also gratefully acknowledge those donors who wish to remain anonymous and our many
volunteers for their invaluable help and support for the agency programs throughout the year.
*Denotes Deceased
Please note: A number in parentheses following donor’s name denotes those who
have donated 10 or more years and are members of the President’s Giving Circle.
Financial Report
For the 12 months ended December 31, 2012
Program Fees
Annual and Endowment Gifts
Investment & Miscellaneous Income
100% Total Revenues
Excludes unrealized gain of $203,199
Adoption and Foster Care Services
Community and Clinical Services
Addiction Prevention
Developmental Disabilities Services
Support Services
100% Total Expenses
Excludes unrealized loss on swap
Funding shortfall is covered by cash reserves
Board of Trustees 2013
Bruce M. Brady, Esq.
First Vice-Chair
Robert G. Sommer
Carol A. Smith
Treasurer & CFO
Joanne E. Mandry, C.P.A.
President & CEO
Robert B. Jones, Ph.D.
Marie Adler-Kravecas
Jerrold B. Binney, Esq.
Harvey D. Braun
Kennneth A. Bronfin
Gregory J. Bullock
Trudi Ann K. Dial
Patricia Duarte, C.P.A.
Hon. Nicholas R. Felice
Tracey Gerber
Barbara Hyslop
Peter Jadrosich
Christine Kearney
J. Christopher Nettleton
Anne W. Oros
William Paquin
Frank Plateroti
David Sabath
Nina A. Sharma
Dan Shiver
Nancy Slott
Andrea Visser
Carol Whaley
Senior Leadership Team
Robert B. Jones, Ph.D.,
President & CEO
Ellen Elias, M.A., C.P.S,
Vice President, Prevention
and Addiction Services and
Director, The Center for
Alcohol and Drug Resources
Jennifer Flores, L.C.S.W.,
Vice President, Child Welfare
Donna Kennedy, L.C.S.W.,
Senior Vice President,
Community Services
Joanne Mandry, C.P.A.,
Treasurer and C.F.O.
Rose Zeltser, L.C.S.W.,
Senior Vice President,
Child Welfare Social Policy
Planning and Program
Liz Mason, C.F.R.E.,
Executive Vice President and
Chief Development Officer
The artwork in the annual report was created by the children at Turrell Child Care & Early Learning Center.
U.S. Postage
Paramus, NJ
Permit No. 50
Change Service Requested
200 Robin Road
Paramus, NJ 07652
T 201.261.2800
F 201.634.3672
Children’s Services
240 Frisch Court
Paramus, NJ 07652
T 201.226.0300
F 201.262.9262
Family Services Center
148 Prospect Street
Ridgewood, NJ 07450
T 201.445.7015
F 201.652.4034
Adoption and Adoption
Specialty Services
76 South Orange Avenue
Suite 209
South Orange, NJ 07079
T 973.763.2041
F 973.378.9575
The Depot
An All-Volunteer
Handicraft and Gift Shop
22 Prospect Street
Midland Park, NJ 07432
T 201.444.6120
F 201.444.4666
The Center for Alcohol
and Drug Resources
241 Main Street
Suite 600
Hackensack, NJ 07601
T 201.488.8680
F 201.488.8724
Group Homes for
Ridgewood (2)
West Orange (2)
Turrell Child Care &
Early Learning Center
200 Robin Road
Paramus, NJ 07652
T 201.261.5970
F 201.261.6019
Developmental Disability
200 Robin Road
Paramus, NJ 07652
T 201.261.2800
F 201.634.3672
Community residences:
• Fair Lawn
• Maywood
• Park Ridge
Elder Care Services
Midland Park