12/04/2012 Quantum Physics versus Classical Physics The Thirty-Year War (1900-1930) Models of the Atom • Democritus, Dalton and Mendeleïev Interactions between Matter and Radiation • 1897 Thomson’s Plum Pudding Model and the Discovery of the Electron • Models of the Atom • 1911 Rutherford’s Model and the Discovery of the Nucleus • Bohr’s Model of the Atom • 1913 Bohr’s Planetary Model and Spectral Lines • Planck’s Blackbody Radiation • 1926 Schrödinger’s Cloud Model and the Probability Wave Function • Einstein’s Photoelectric Effect • Compton’s Effect • De Broglie’s Matter Waves • Quantum Mechanics Democritus, Dalton, and Mendeleïev 1897 Thomson’s Plum Pudding Model and the Discovery of the Electron Josepf James Thomson Nobel Prize 1906 Democritus ca. 460 BC – ca. 370 BC John Dalton 1766-1844 Experimental Set-Up Mendeleïev 1834-1907 Plum Pudding Model 1 12/04/2012 Bohr’s Model of the Atom 1911 Rutherford’s Model and the Discovery of the Nucleus • Classical Model of the Atom • Atomic Spectra Ernest Rutherford • 1913 Bohr’s Planetary Model Nobel Prize 1908 (Chemistry) • Bohr’s Atom • Atomic Spectra Explained • Bohr’s Correspondence Principle • Energy-Level Diagrams Classical Model of Atom Atomic Spectra absorption spectra dark lines emission spectra bright lines Why do atoms of a given element exhibit only certain spectral lines? Why do atoms absorb only the frequencies (wavelengths) that they were emitting? Why is the number of lines of the emission spectrum not always equal to the number of lines of the absorption spectrum? 1913 Bohr’s Planetary Model Niels Bohr Nobel Prize 1922 • What is the arrangement of the electrons around the nucleus? • What keeps the electron from falling into a positive nucleus by electrical attraction? • Why do elements exhibit different atomic spectra of discrete lines? 2 12/04/2012 Atomic Spectra Explained Bohr’s Atom 1900 Planck’s Blackbody Radiation Energy-Level Diagrams Max Planck Nobel Prize 1918 Thermal Radiation • Thermal Radiation • Blackbody • Blackbody Radiation • The UV Catastrophe • Planck’s Quantum of Energy • Blackbody Explained by Bohr’s Atom Blackbody 3 12/04/2012 Blackbody Radiation Formative Quiz • Power (area under curve) increases with T Stefan’s Law P=AeT • 4 Peak wavelength decreases as T increases The temperature of your skin is approximately 35 0C. (a) What is the peak wavelength of the radiation it emits? (b) What is the total power emitted by your skin. Assume that the area of your skin is 2.0 m2. (c) Why don’t you glow as bright as a lightbulb? Wien’s Law max T = 0.002898 m K Blackbody Explained by Bohr’s Atom The UV Catastrophe Our Universe is a Blackbody (Cosmology and Quantum Physics) 1905 Einstein’s Photoelectric Effect Albert Einstein Nobel Prize 1921 • Experiment • Classical Physics • Experimental Results • Einstein’s Interpretation • Applications 4 12/04/2012 Experiment Einstein’s Interpretation Kmax = h f - Kmax maximum kinetic energy of elected electrons (photoelectrons) h Planck’s constant f frequency of light work function of the metal Applications Classical Physics vs Experimental Results Formative Quiz The maximum electron energy in a photoelectric experiment is 3.4 eV. When the wavelength of the illuminating radiation is increased by 25%, the maximum electron energy drops to 2.6 eV. (a) What is the original wavelength of the illuminating radiation? (b) What is the work function of the emitting surface? Medicine Automatic Door Openers 5 12/04/2012 Film Photomultiplier Tube Automatic Camera 1923 Compton’s Effect Arthur Compton Nobel Prize 1927 Smoke Detector • Experiment • Classical Physics • Experimental Results • Compton’s Interpretation • Applications Experiment Classical Physics vs Experimental Results 6 12/04/2012 Compton’s Interpretation Formative Quiz Photons have momentum p = h / X-rays of wavelength = 22 pm are scattered from a carbon target and the scattered x-rays are detected at 850 to the incident beam. (a) What is the Compton shift of the scattered x-rays? (b) What percentage of the initial x-ray energy is transferred to an electron in such scattering? Compton Shift = ’ - 0 = (h / (me c)) (1 – cos ) Compton’s Wavelength of Electron C = h / (me c) = 0.00243 nm Peak at 0 Photons interact with electrons tightly bound to the atom (effectively they collide with the atom itself) leading to a Compton shift too small to be detected. Application Photons and Electromagnetic Waves Dental X - Rays Matter Waves 1923 De Broglie’s Matter Waves Shortest doctoral thesis on record De Broglie’s wavelength = h / p = h / (m v) Louis De Broglie Nobel Prize 1929 • Matter Waves • Davisson-Germer Experiment • Electron Diffraction and Interference Patterns frequency of a particle f = E/h Equations contain both particle (p and E) and wave ( and f) quantities. • Application: The Electron Microscope 7 12/04/2012 Electron Diffraction Pattern 1927 Davisson-Germer Experiment First experimental evidence of the wave nature of particles (electrons). The Electron Microscope Quantum Mechanics • 1925 Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle • Barrier Tunnelling • Applications Penguin Feather magnified 1500 times • 1926 Schrödinger’s Cloud Model and the Probability Wave Function • Probability Density and Electron’s Orbitals • Schrödinger's Cat • 1928 Dirac’s Equation Head of an Antarctic Mite magnified 1500 times 1925 Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle Barrier Tunnelling Werner Heisenberg Nobel Prize 1932 x px h / 4 E t h / 4 8 12/04/2012 Applications Scanning Tunnelling Microscope • Alpha Decay • Nuclear Fusion • Scanning Tunnelling Microscope Probability Density and Electron’s Orbitals 1926 Schrödinger’s Cloud Model and the Probability Wave Function Erwin Schrödinger Nobel Prize 1933 Schrödinger’s Cat 1928 Dirac’s Equation • Dirac’s equation describes the evolution of the wave function of a relativistic particle. It includes quantization of energy. Paul Dirac Nobel Prize 1933 • Dirac predicted the existence of antimatter (positron). The positron was first observed in 1933. First positron track observed in a cloud chamber. 9 12/04/2012 Summary • • • • • • • • • • • 1897 Thomson Discovery of the Electron 1900 Planck Blackbody Radiation 1905 Einstein Photoelectric Effect 1911 Rutherford Discovery of Nucleus 1913 Bohr Quantum Model ofAtom 1923 Compton Effect 1923 De Broglie Matter Waves 1925 Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle 1926 Shrödinger Wave Function 1927 Davisson-Germer Experiment 1928 Dirac Equation 10