Geofusion OVERVIEW • Geomarketing solution commercialized in SaaS model, used by Insert application screenshot here companies of all sizes and sectors • Leader in Geomarketing solutions in Brazil. • Supports Burger King expansion Process (Case Study) CHALLENGES / OPPORTUNITIES • Provide security, as clients data are stored and manipulated • Ensure scalability and high availability • Fast query response times for large datasets • Provide mechanism for frequent data update • Rich spatial features needed to address all different uses SOLUTIONS • Oracle Database 11c Enterprise Edition • Spatial&Graph with Network Data Model • Oracle Fusion Middleware • MapViewer 11g • Oracle Weblogic • Apex RESULTS • Oracle technology allows Geofusion to deliver geomarketing solution, in SaaS model, for over 300 clients at a feasible price. • The good user experience is supported by fast and stable architecture. • Advanced Features for spatial analysis (such as isochrones, clustering, heat maps) support a very complete solution used by companies of different sizes and sectors. May 2014 Oracle Spatial Summit May 21, 2014 Walter E. Washington Convention Center Washington, DC USA Marta Duarte Teixeira SW Development Manager Geomarketing in the Cloud A Case Study with Geofusion and Burger King Program Agenda • Geofusion Introduction • OnMaps Introduction • Burger King Case • Oracle Benefits We help our clients make better decisions in business by adding Location Intelligence. COMPANY FACTS Leader in Loca+on Analy+cs solu+ons in Brazil 320% GROWTH MAIN PRODUCT CLIENTS +250 clientes +2500 users Expansion strategy 18 years of experience 2011-2013 Investors Partnership Brazilian Franchise Associa+on OnMaps Main interface Adding layers Predefined layers Create new ones Upload new data Reports How many people live in this area? How much money do they make? How many people spend the day in this area, between residents and workers (dayKme populaKon)? How much money they spend in each product category? Query tool CiKes with a • populaKon over 50,000 people, • high concentra+on of the target public (A, B ) • Compe+tors have stores and I don´t. Over 250 sources of information Demographics Detailed database of demographic informa+on, updated on a yearly basis using our projec+on model. ConsumpKon PotenKal Consump+on Poten+al for over 100 categories of products, per social class. Partnership with iPC Marke+ng. Shopping Malls Main shopping Malls in Brazil, 60,000 stores. Direct MarkeKng Partnership Grupo Abril OnMaps clients can purchase mailings according to their target public, and for an specific area. Points of Interest A large database of over 400,000 frequently updated POI. Collected in partnership with other content suppliers and using automated internet searches / robots. Macro & micro OnMaps brings macro (State, municipali+es) and micro (blocks, census tracks) informa+on. Points of Interest A large database of over 400,000 frequently updated POI. Collected in partnership with other content suppliers and using automated internet searches / robots. Consumption Potential +100 product categories, by social class Direct Market 15mi individuals mapped (Abril Group) OnMaps is used by large Industries such as Prices are determined by the predominant social class in the surrounding area OnMaps is used by large Industries such as Millions of POS, updated in a daily basis. And also used by small Franchisors as Problem All stores located in low-­‐income areas had a bad performance MarkeKng Strategy Since the company founda+on was driven to mid and low-­‐income public. And also used by small Franchisors as Results: -­‐ Expansion strategy redirected to hi and middle classes areas. And by big franchisors as Largest Brazilian Franchisor, over 3500 stores Leader in perfume products in Brazil And by big franchisors as CompeKKve Analysis: Prices decreased in all stores located near a specific compe+tor stores. Query: All O Bo+cário stores located within 500 m from the compe+tor stores Burger King Case Study OnMaps supporting Burger King’s Expansion Strategy Burger King in Brazil BRAZIL SUBWAY MCDONALD'S BOB'S GIRAFFAS HABIB'S SPOLETO BURGER KING PIZZA HUT KFC 2011 # Restaurants 2012 2013 2014 Ranking Cresc 560 618 407 338 279 233 101 76 11 767 663 442 370 304 252 140 64 17 1050 730 485 407 331 276 224 70 19 1400 807 523 396 338 319 318 75 21 2.216 3.019 3.592 4.197 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7th largest fasVood chain in Brazil The highest growth over the past 3 years in Brazil. 150% 31% 29% 17% 21% 37% 215% -­‐1% 91% 189% Burger King in São Paulo The State is the focus of growth São Paulo SUBWAY MCDONALD'S HABIB'S BURGER KING GIRAFFAS SPOLETO BOB'S PIZZA HUT KFC Ranking 2 1 3 7 4 5 6 8 9 2011 168 287 157 41 111 90 78 27 1 882 # Restaurants 2012 2013 229 321 307 332 163 181 60 100 119 126 101 107 87 96 26 31 4 6 1.096 1.300 2014 Ranking 413 1 370 2 181 3 166 4 117 5 117 5 100 6 39 7 8 8 1.511 4th largest fasVood chain 3 ranking positions in 3 years! Searching for new markets Analyzing customers distribution Searching for new markets Potential Market Analysis Household Income Ea+ng out consump+on potencial Workers density Compe+tors Presence Sales Forecasting Dimensioning the future investment Business Informa+on -­‐ Sales transac+ons -­‐ Seats, parking lot spaces -­‐ Store size, etc. Predic+ve Model for Sales Forecas+ng OnMaps Informa+on -­‐ Consump+on Poten+al -­‐ Household numbers -­‐ Workers number -­‐ Etc $$ “OnMaps has supported Burger King's expansion strategy, helping us to evaluate sites for opening new restaurants. We can quickly and easily analyze relevant informa+on from the surroundings of our restaurants and use it to evaluate the demand of new prospec+ng points. OnMaps market informa+on is an essen+al input for the predic+ve model which forecasts sales of new restaurants, giving us more asser+veness for new investments. We are con+nuously improving the process and the next steps is to use isochrones, instead of radius, to calculate influence areas. With more realisKc influence areas, we will be able to do a befer esKmate of the number of potenKal consumers for our restaurants, which will help us to fine tune the predicKve model“ Patrícia Romancini, Market Intelligence Manager at Burger King Isochrones Better precision for forecasting sales Oracle Spatial & Graph Isochrones and ProporKonal Sum Oracle Spa+al and Graph: 20% • NetworkAnalyst.withinReachingCost Polygon e NetworkAnalyst.withinCostPolygon for genera+ng the stores’ influence areas. • SDO_AREA, SDO_INSIDE, SDO_INTERSECTION, SDO_ANYINTERACT for calculaKng proporKons of each census tract. Geofusion Goal Market InformaKon Customer Data Advanced tools Service and Support Large amount of validated and frequently updated informa+on Analyze a specific area, compare areas, combine market data and customer data, search for spa+al characteris+c, etc. Client can upload their data: their stores, points-­‐of-­‐sale, customers, prospects, compe++on, etc. Highly qualified and trained team, with a focus on loca+on analy+cs and geomarke+ng SaaS PlaVorm -­‐ Cost effec+ve across small and large business OnMaps & Oracle Spatial and Graph Why Geofusion chose Oracle? Benefits of Oracle SpaKal & Graph and Mapviewer • Fast response +mes for querying large datasets (Oracle Database) • Fast response +mes for map requests (MapViewer) • High availability (Mapviewer, Oracle DB and Weblogic) • Security • Flexibility for customized reports (APEX) • Support frequent data updates • Advanced Features for spa+al analysis (such as isochrones, clustering, heat maps) SupporKng Geofusion’s offer OnMaps Architecture + 3000 users • 800 layers/min • 400ms per layer + 1.500 layers Q&A