Fr1501/fall09PB 1 French 1501 – Automne 2009 Instructor: Pirayé

French 1501 – Automne 2009
Instructor: Pirayé Bahmanyar
Telephone: 713-743-0927
Office: 415 Agnes Arnold Hall
Office Hours: Tuesday 12.00-2.00pm or by appointment
Languages Main Office: 613AH tel: 713-743-3007
Objectives of the course:
The goal of French 1501/1502 is to learn the major structures of the French language. Focus
will be placed on all aspects of the target language: speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
1501 and 1502 are divided into lectures and labs. Both lectures and labs are an integral part of
the course and attendance is obligatory. Structures and vocabulary are taught and reinforced in
various ways; dialogues, exercises, dictations, short readings, oral question and answer sessions
based on the readings, short compositions, basic phonetics etc. The aim of these various
activities is to help the student to develop oral skills, comprehension, good pronunciation, and
also accuracy in the written form of the target language. The cultural aspect of a language is also
of the utmost importance and instructors strongly suggest that students take the initiative to
attend/participate in French activities outside the classroom. These will reinforce grammar and
teach culture. Students are also encouraged to use the language acquisition center.
Communicative goals of first year French:
1.Asking questions
2. Describing and comparing
Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to converse with a little help when dealing with most
routine tasks and social situations that require an exchange of basic information related
to daily schedule, work, school, recreation and particular interests.
1. Texte: Campus 1, by Jacques Pécheur, Edvige Costanzo, Muriel Molinié
2. Cahier d’exercices pour accompagner le texte
3. CD d’étudiant
- Homework will be assigned daily. Assignments will be based on readings and chapters in the
textbook and the workbook, and should be done regularly. Certain passages will have to be read
before class. The homework grade will be adversely affected if passages have not been read
carefully, worksheets not completed etc.
- All assignments have to be completed on time. Late homework will not be accepted except
in extenuating circumstances.
- It is crucial to organize your study time for a given class over two or three consecutive class days
rather than concentrating on a single class at a time. Always begin a study session by reviewing
materials from the previous lesson. Clarify doubts in class or office hours.
- Several writing passages will be assigned for homework during the course of the semester.
These need to be completed on time as they are tied in closely with the material in the
- Students are expected to maintain a “cahier de vocabulaire”.
There will be in-class quizzes, a mid-term exam and one cumulative, three-hour final. Students
are required to be present on quiz and exam days as there will be no make-ups.
Language Acquisition Center:
Students are strongly encouraged to work on Systeme D activities in the lab. For further
information please contact the language acquisition center, 3 rd floor 311 AH. There are also
numerous other computer activities available in the language acquisition center that would be very
beneficial to students.
Students are required to attend class every day. Students will be dropped after three absences.
After the university deadline for dropping students, for every absence beyond the initial three, the
student’s final grade will be reduced by 1%. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to
obtain information about what was covered in the lesson, the assignments and homework you may
have. Therefore you are advised to obtain telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of some
classmates. Two tardies constitute an absence. If a student decides not to take the class, it will be
his/her responsibility to drop the class. If his/her name appears on the registrar’s final roll, he/she
will receive an automatic grade of “F”.
Students are requested to arrive on time and to not leave the classroom once class has begun.
Students are asked not to bring any food or drinks in the classroom.
Disability policy: Any student with either a physical impairment or learning disability who
requires accommodation in this course should immediately consult with the instructor and contact
the Office of Students with Disabilities at 713 743-5400. The office is located in the Student
Service Center.
Cell phone policy:
Cell phones are to be turned off during class time and put away.
Final Grade Computation: Important. You have 3 authorized absences after which
you will be dropped from the course. Your grade in this course will be calculated in the
following way:
30% scale
Exams (mid-term and final) 30%
Homework (including preparation for class) 20%
Oral exam/presentation 20%
Note to students: Please make sure to update the destination address
for your uh email address on people soft so that you will receive
emails that I might send out. Please review the University’s policy on
the enrollment cap, the 6Ws and plagiarism.
Below 60
Emploi du temps
French1501- automne 2009
Il faut apporter le livre Campus ( livret de civilisation inclus) et le cahier à chaque classe. Les
étudiants sont encouragés à commencer à étudier sérieusement dès le premier jour car nous avons
un programme chargé! La première semaine sera réservée essentiellement à une revue rapide des
éléments grammaticaux déjà appris et une courte introduction de nouveaux éléments. Tous ces
éléments seront évidemment repris le long du semestre. Le programme subira de temps en temps
des changements.
Week 1 : Découvrir la langue française
Lundi 24 août : Introduction, syllabus…
Unité 1 : se présenter, s’appeler,
Mercredi 26 août : le verbe être (présent), négation, phonétique, les voyelles,
Week 2 : suite unité 1
Lundi 31 août : les articles, genres, complément déterminatif« de »
Mercredi 2 septembre : dictée préparée, exercices
Week 3 : suite
Lundi 7 septembre : pas de classe labor day
Mercredi 9 septembre : Quiz 1, la grammaire, c’est facile page 16/17
Devoir à rendre le lundi : bilan page 18
Week 4 : Unité 2 : Faire connaissance
Lundi 14 septembre : verbe avoir, Interrogation, conjugaison présent
Mercredi 16 septembre : les nombres, Les professions, les adjectifs
Week 5 : Unité 2 suite
Lundi 21 septembre : verbe connaître, parler, etc….,
c’est/il est
Mercredi 23 septembre : QUIZ 2, villes francophones, je voudrais, les nombres
Devoir rendre le lundi : le bilan page 32
Révision pour l’examen
Week 6 : Unité 3 : Organiser son temps
Lundi 28 septembre : EXAM I
Mercredi 30 septembre: dire la date, l’heure
- Conjugaison : commencer, finir,….page 37,
Week 7 : suite
Lundi 5 octobre : verbe « aller » et « venir », futur proche (aller+infinitif), les pronoms
Mercredi 7 octobre : verbes vouloir, pouvoir, devoir,
interroger p.43
Devoir à rendre lundi : le bilan page 46
week 8 : Unité 4 Découvrir son environnement
Lundi 12 octobre : QUIZ 3,
adjectifs démonstratifs,
Mercredi 14 octobre : un logement idéal ; verbes acheter, vendre, louer
week 9 : suite unité 4
Lundi 19 octobre: les adjectifs possessifs
Mercredi 21 octobre : les verbes pronominaux, l’impératif
Devoir pour lundi : le bilan page 60
week 10 : Unité 5 : S’informer
Lundi 26 octobre : QUIZ 4, travail au laboratoire
passé composé ; la négation p. 68
Mercredi 28 octobre : EXAM II
week 11 :
Lundi 2 novembre : Vidéo + faire un résumé du film visionné
Mercredi 4 novembre : exercices et lab.
Devoir pour lundi : le bilan page 74
week 12 : Unité 6 : Se faire plaisir
Lundi 9 novembre : choisir un cadeau/ faire des achats : écrire un dialogue (travail en
Mercredi 11novembre : QUIZ 5
les adjectifs et leurs emplacements
les articles : définis, indéfinis, partitifs p. 82
week 13 :
Lundi 16 novembre : suite unité 6
Mercredi 18 novembre : : Examen oral
week 14 : Oraux et révisions
lundi 23 novembre : Examen oral
Thanksgiving 25-28 novembre 2009
Lundi 30 novembre : examen oral/Révision
Mercredi 2 décembre : Révision finale
Final: Thursday 10 décembre2009
P S: During the semester the syllabus can be changed at the discretion of the instructor