1) Take out a sheet of lined paper. 2) Write your first & last name in the top margin of your paper, on the left. 3) Write “Éponge” on the top margin, on the right. 4) Skip a line. 5) Write the date in French: le 31 août. 6) Do today’s “Éponge” activity (see below). Éponge le 31 août Answer this question in at least 5 complete sentences. Use as much detail as you can. Why did you choose to study French? Éponge le 1 septembre In this classroom, we all have to work together. In order to keep us all on the same page, it helps to have some ground rules to follow. Please write at least 5 rules that we can follow in the class to ensure our success. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Éponge le 2 septembre Pretend that we are welcoming a new student, Bobby into our class. Bobby isn’t sure what he has to do when he comes to French class. Write a short note to him telling him what he needs to do and what he needs to bring with him when he enters French class. Éponge le 7 septembre Welcome back from your four day weekend! Please remember to start a new sheet in the “Éponge” section of your binder with your name and date on the top of the page. In your own words, write what each classroom rule means. Try not to repeat the words that Mr. Sherrow used and try to come up with your own words. (EX: what does respecting yourself and others mean to you?) Éponge le 8 septembre Think back to the alphabet song that we learned yesterday. What English letter does each French letter sound like? 1) G 2) J 3) I Éponge le 10 septembre For each classroom command, draw a quick sketch of what the command looks like. Stick figures are ok! 1) 2) 3) 4) Lève-toi! Assieds-toi! Saute! Promène! Éponge le 13 septembre Practice spelling your first name in French SILENTLY in your head. For example, if my name was Cierra, I would say the letters C-I-E-R-R-A in my head, using the French alphabet. Éponge le 15 septembre Using the vocab sheet that you received from Mr. Sherrow, unscramble the following numbers: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) qnic zone edux step teoqruaz Éponge le 16 septembre Complete the sequence: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) un, _______,trois trois, ________,neuf cinq, _________,sept vingt-et-un, ___________,vingt-trois seize,__________,dix-huit Eponge le 17 septembre Write the following numbers in French. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 27______________________ 18______________________ 8___________________ 30_________________ 49___________________ 55_____________________ Eponge le 21 septembre Explain how numbers above 69 work in French. In other words, how do we form the numbers 70-79, 80-89, 90-99? Eponge le 22 septembre Write all of the ways you can think of to say hello and goodbye to somebody in English. Make one column for Hellos, and make one column for Goodbyes. Follow the example below. Hellos 1) What’s up? 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Goodbyes 1) See you later 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Eponge le 23 septembre Write all of the ways you can think of to say hello and goodbye to somebody in FRENCH. Make one column for Hellos, and make one column for Goodbyes. Hellos 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Goodbyes 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Eponge le 24 septembre Pretend we have a new student in class, Alicia. The following are sentences you can use to introduce yourself and learn information about her. Translate them into French. Hello_________________ What’s your name?_____________________ My name is______________________________ Nice to meet you___________________ How are you?____________________ I’m well___________________________ Thank you________________________ See you later________________________ Eponge le 27 septembre Put this conversation in the correct order. A tout à l’heure ! Comment t’appelles-tu ? Bonjour mademoiselle! Merci Ça va comme ci, comme ça, et toi ? Je m’appelle Mr. Sherrow Eponge le 28 septembre Translate the conversation that you wrote in French for your rough draft into English. Eponge le 29 septembre Copy and complete the following conversation: A: _______soir. ______ t’appelles-tu? B: _______ Natalie. ¿Et toi? A: Je m’appelle Juliet. ¿Quoi _______? B: Rien. Comment ________? A: Très _____. ¿Et toi? B: Bien. Au ______! A: _________ demain ! Eponge le 30 septembre What are three different ways to say goodbye to someone? _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ How would you address: an older woman____________________ a man__________________________ a little girl________________________ Eponge le 1 octobre What do the following French expressions mean in English? 1) Comment vas-tu ?_____________________ 2) Comment ça va ?______________________ 3) Ça va?___________________________ 4) de rien ____________________________ 5) merci (beaucoup)_____________________ 6) Comment allez-vous ?___________________ Eponge le 4 octobre Try to figure out what these French words means. Take a guess! 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) un monsieur___________________ un professeur___________________ une mère_____________________ un pere______________________ une grand-mère_________________ Eponge le 5 octobre Cut out your beans and put them in the Ziploc bag that Mr. Sherrow gives you. Eponge Le 6 octobre Make a list of all of the different kinds of family members we talked about yesterday. 1) mom 2) dad 3) grandma 4) grandpa 5) son 6) daughter 7) cousin 8) sister 9) brother 10) uncle 11) aunt 12) parents 13) grandparents Eponge Le 7 octobre Complete the following sentences in French. 1) 2) 3) 4) Le père de ma mère est mon_____________________ Le fils de ma mère est mon______________________ Le frère de mon père est mon____________________ La fille de ma tante est ma_______________________ Eponge le 8 octobre Write the French word for each family member on the worksheet that Mr. Sherrow gave you. Eponge le 11 octobre Copy and complete these sentences about your own family. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Ma mère s’appelle ______________. Mon grand-père s’appelle _____________. Ma tante s’appelle ______________. Mon père s’appelle _____________. Mon cousin s’appelle ____________. Eponge Le 13 octobre Translate in French. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) I have a sister. Her name is Isabelle. I have a brother. His name is Frédéric. I have an aunt. Her name is Marie. I have a dad. His name is Jean. I have a cousin. His name is Pierre. Eponge le 14 de octobre Unscramble these words. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) acnpio nheci oprf imea tcah