SMART Notebook


Ch 9 Classification.notebook

Domain Eukarya

All organisms that have cells with a nucleus may be unicellular or multi-cellular


Four Eukaryotic Kingdoms

Fungus Plant Animal

March 09, 2014

Ch 9 Classification.notebook

Domain Eukarya- Kingdom Protista

Single or simple multicellular

Includes: protozoans (animal-like) , algae (plant-like) , euglena (plant/animal) , slime mold

Slime molds

March 09, 2014

Ch 9 Classification.notebook

Domain Eukarya- Kingdom Fungi multicellular with cell walls do not eat other organisms or make their own food use digestive juices to breakdown substances

March 09, 2014

Ch 9 Classification.notebook

Domain Eukarya- Kingdom Plantae have cell walls and chloroplasts make glucose by photosynthesis important to most other life

> food for animals and fungi

> produce oxygen

> provide habitat

March 09, 2014

Ch 9 Classification.notebook

Domain Eukarya- Kingdom Animalia multicellular do not have cell walls must eat other organisms usually move and have special senses sponge is the simplest form

March 09, 2014
