All individuals interested in becoming a tutor at Cuyamaca College.
Tutoring Center Specialist
We appreciate your interest in helping your fellow students’ succeed in the pursuit of education, here at Cuyamaca College. Many tutors find that in addition to helping other students in their subject area, they also gain self-confidence, deepen their understanding of course material, improve communication and study skills, and develop the leadership abilities that employers seek. Tutoring is a rewarding experience for both the tutor and tutee.
Please complete all sections and get a Faculty recommendation for each subject you wish to tutor. Please keep in mind that you are required to have a grade of B or better in the subject you wish to tutor in order to be considered for this position. You must enroll in the 1 unit tutor training course (ED-151). You will then schedule an interview with the Tutor Center Specialist to discuss the requirements, expectations, and commitment of this position.
If you are hired you will be required to fill out the District paperwork for hiring, including verification of identification, right to work, and tax liabilities. You are asked to commit at least 6 hours a week for tutoring.
Tutors are hired on an “as needed” basis.
Tutor starting pay is $9.50 per hour.
Thank you for your interest in the Tutoring Program of Cuyamaca College. If you have any questions please call (619) 660-4556 or come by the Tutoring Center (C-102) located in the library on the 1 st
floor (LTRC).
January 2015
Name: ________________________________ ________________________________
Last Name First Name
Zip Code Street City State
Contact Phone: ________________________________
Email: _______________________________________
Have you tutored before? If so where? _____________________________________
If yes Date(s) ___________________ Subject(s) ___________________________
Are you currently registered at Cuyamaca or elsewhere? __________________________
If yes Where ___________________________ How many units __________
Are you a Work-Study Student? __________________________________
How many hours a week would you like to tutor? ____________________
What languages are you fluent in? _________________________________
Please list all courses you would like to tutor in order of preference:
Subject Course
Instructor you took the course
Grade obtained Date taken
January 2015
Why are you interested in becoming a tutor?
What do you hope to learn as a tutor?
What skills would you like to further develop through tutoring?
What is your philosophy on tutoring?
Educational Background: please list all courses, degrees, and relevant education in your subject area.
Please list any work experience you have had and/or any prior tutoring experience for the past three years, if applicable.
Position/Duties or subjects Supervisor's Name/phone
January 2015
Phone (619) 660-4556 ~ Fax (619) 660-4493
In order to consider a tutor applicant for hire, we request proof of competence in the subject area with a grade of B or above and a recommendation from a faculty member. Please help us by evaluating this prospective tutor. We greatly appreciate your assistance and support. RETURN THIS FORM
DIRECTLY TO THE TUTORING COORDINATOR (do NOT give it back to the student ).
Student to complete this portion
Student’s Name :
Instructor’s Name:
What course(s) have you taken from this instructor?
Instructor to complete this portion
Do you recommend this applicant to be a tutor at Cuyamaca College?
What course(s) is this applicant most qualified to tutor?
Please rate this applicant on his/her knowledge of the subject matter, ability to explain concepts, and sense of responsibility.
Additional Comments:
Signature Date
January 2015
Phone (619) 660-4556 ~ Fax (619) 660-4493
Department Liaison to complete this portion (if applicable)
Department Liaison Signature
Tutoring Coordinator to complete this portion (if applicable)
January 2015