M I NUT E S OF THE BOARD OF PENSION COMMISSIONERS MEETING OF AUGUST 25, 1988 The Board of Pension Commissioners of the City of Los Angeles met in Room 700, 360 East Second Street, Brunswig Square Building, on Thursday, August 25, 1988. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Ken Staggs, President Dellene Arthur Kenyon Chan Sam Diannitto Dave Velasquez COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Sherman L. Andelson Bert Cohen DEPARTMENT OF PENSIONS: Gary Mattingly, General Manager James J. McGuigan, Assistant General Manager Allan Moore, Assistant General Manager Dennis Sugino, Chief Investment Officer CITY ATIORNEY'S OFFICE: Siegfried O. Hillmer, Assistant City Attorney Eudon Ferrell, Deputy City Attorney President Staggs called No. 1 on the Agenda. o I S C U S S ION the meeting to order at 9:50 a.m. and referred to Item I T EMS INVESTMENTS The General Manager, Mr. Gary Mattingly, referred to the communications before the Board, stating that two of them require motions. Alliance Capital Management had no trades to report; Amerindo U.S. Advisors sent a transmittal reporting a trade through August 19, 1988; BMI Capital sent a letter reporting trades through August 19, 1988; The Boston Company had no trades to report; Frontier Capital Management sent a transmittal reporting trades through August 22, 1988 and a memo requesting Board approval to add National Computer Systems to the Prudent Man stock list; Husic Capital Management sent a transmittal reporting trades through August 22, 1988 and a letter requesting Board approval to add Clorox Co., The Kroger Co., Sherwin-Williams, and Time Inc., to the common stock list and Golden Valley Microwave Foods, inc., to the Prudent Man stock list; Loomis, Sayles & Company sent a transmittal reporting trades through August 19, 1988; Magten Asset Management had no trades to report; Security Pacific Investment Management Managers, Inc., sent letters reporting equity trades through August 19, 1988 and fixed-income trades through settlement date September 8, 1988; Solomon Asset Management sent a transmittal reporting trades as of August 22, 1988; Target Investors sent a transmittal reporting PAGE 2 AUGUST 25, 1988 trades through August 19, 1988; and Wright reporting trades through August 23, 1988. Investors' Services sent a letter STOCK PURCHASE Resolution No. 89026 2530 SAFETY MEMBERS SERVICE PENSION After discussion by the Board it was moved by Commissioner Chan that the Board amend Resolution No. 89004 by adding: National Computer Systems to the Prudent Man Universe, which motion was seconded by Commissioner Arthur and adopted by the following vote: ayes, Commissioners Arthur, Diannitto, Chan and President Staggs - 4; noes, none. STOCK PURCHASE Resolution No. 89027 2525 NEW SYSTEM GENERAL PENSION FUND After discussion by the Board it was moved by Commissioner Chan that the Board amend Resolution No. 89005 by adding: Clorox Co. Kroger Co. (The) Sherwin-Williams Time Inc. to the Common Stock Universe; and Golden Valley Microwave Foods, Inc. to the Prudent Man Universe, which motion was seconded by Commissioner Arthur and adopted by the following vote: ayes, Commissioners Arthur, Diannitto, Chan, Velasquez and President Staggs - 5; noes, none. The Board asked staff why they are not including descriptions of new stocks that do not appear on any other advisor's lists. Since the hiring of so many small cap managers the description lists have gotten so voluminous staff has not been including them. The Board's concerns surround the matter that if too many money managers have been hired that the Board does not have the time to read all the information, this could be a potential problem. Mr. Mattingly said he will include the description lists in the future. At this point in the proccedings, Commissioner Velasquez entered the boardroom during the above discussion. The vote for the above motion was taken after this discussion. PAGE 3 AUGUST 25, 1988 COMMITTEE REPORTS There were no Committee Reports today. ATTENDANCE AT THE PUBLIC SAFETY EMPLOYEES PENSION & BENEFITS CONFERENCE RESOLUTION NO. 881027 Commissioner Diannitto moved that two additional Board members be authorized to attend the Public Safety Employees Pension and Benefits Conference which will be held in Palm Springs, October 16-19, 1988, which motion was seconded by Commissioner Chan and adopted by the following vote: ayes, Commissioners Arthur, Chan, Diannitto, Velasquez and President Staggs - 5; noes, none. ADDITIONAL CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES IN REFERENCE TO THE PROPOSITION H LAWSUIT During this reporting period, the City Clerk has received three additional claims for damages in connection with the Proposition H lawsuit. In accordance with the City Council rules, claims from the below people wre referred to the City Attorney for disposition or a report back to the City Council. The City Attorney's Office has investigated these claims. The City of Los Angeles is in the process of appealing a decision of the Superior court to the Appellate Court. It is the advice of the City Attorney that these claims be denied. 1. 2. 3. Charles C. Hudson Wayne H. Jepson Donald W. Weston RECOMMENDATION That the Board of Pension Commissioners deny these claims on the advice of the City Attorney. Commissioner Chan made a motion to adopt the recommendation, which motion was seconded by Commissioner Arthur and adopted by the following vote: ayes, Commissioners Arthur, Chan, Diannitto, Velasquez and President Staggs - 5; noes, none. AUDITING SERVICES The contract for outside auditing services expired, and a new contract is required for services beginning with the fiscal year ended June 30, 1988. The proposed contract shall be for a period of three years and shall specify that an examination of the department's books and records shall be performed in order to prepare audited financial statements, and that a letter to management shall be prepared noting any control deficiencies or opportunities for cost reduction. On June 17,1988, the staff sent Requests for Proposal to twelve auditing firms requesting proposals for auditiing services to begin July 1, 1988. From the twelve proposals sent, two firms responded. The two firms are Simpson and Simpson, CPA's, and Touche Ross & Company. Other firms did not respond due to their current workload or the apparent financial loss for performance of this type of audit. After a review of the written proposals, a meeting with the two companies who submitted RFP's was held. Each company was asked the same series AUGUST 25, 1988 PAGE 4 of questions by a panel consisting of Ken Staggs, Audit Committee Member; Allan Moore, Assistant General Manager Fiscal; and John Morea, Chief Accounting Employee. Following this meeting the interviewers agreed to recommend Touche Ross, our current auditor. They have provided excellent services for the past six years and have helped our Department phase in a number of system improvements. This recent experience will facilitate the department's transition to the new investment accounting system acquired at the end of last year. Their ability to support their opinion against legal actions and their broader base of experience in all phases of accounting were important to the committee's higher rating. The committee thought this higher rating was warranted even though Touche Ross & Company's bid is higher by $4,275 for the three-year period. Both firms stated they would take a financial loss on the performance of the audit. Simpson & Simpson wanted to gain the experience and prestige associated with the audit; whereas, Touche Ross & Company stated that this was non-peak year business and they wanted to perform a service for the community. Staff recommends that the Board: 1. Select Touche Ross & Company to be the department's independent auditor for the three-year period beginning July 1, 1988; 2. Direct the General Manager to prepare a contract for such services, and 3. Authorize the President of the Board to execute it on behalf of the Board, subject to the approval of the City Attorney. Commissioner Chan made a motion to adopt the above recommendation, which motion was seconded by Commissioner Diannitto. Commissioner Diannitto queried staff as to why only two firms responded, out of twelve proposals that were sent. Mr. John Morea, Chief Accounting Employee, explained to the Board why there was not a higher percentage of returns to the RFP's that were sent to prospective auditors. Motion was adopted by the following vote: ayes, Commissioners Arthur, Chan, Oiannitto, Velasquez and President Staggs - 5; noes, none. LEGISLATIVE ADVOCATE REGISTRATION The City Clerk's Office furnished each department in the City with a list of city legislative advocates. Mr. Mattingly told the Board that he is submitting this list to them for information only. DISABILITY PENSION APPLICATION OF CARL E. ALGEE Mr. Mattingly made reference to the report received from the City Attorney's Office notifying the Board that the City Attorney's Office has lost the Algee disability case in the Courts. Mr. Don Ferrell, Deputy City Attorney, reported on this matter to the Board. After his report, Mr. Mattingly said he will reschedule this matter on a future agenda. AUGUST 25, 1988 PAGE 5 ARTICLE XXXV MEMBERS - PURCHASE OF SERVICE CREDIT Police Officers Belinda Richie, Wayne C. Blandin and Kellie Matson; Paramedics Art Morin and Timothy Wilson, members of the Safety Members Pension Plan, have requested that the Board of Pension Commissioners allow them an extension on the length of time allowed to elect to purchase service credit for time spent in basic training. It is recommended that the Board grant all five members time extension to elect the purchase of service credit, whereby Commissioner Chan made a motion to approve the recommendation, which motion was seconded by Commissioner Arthur and adopted by the following vote: ayes, Commissioners Arthur, Chan, Diannitto, Velasquez and President Staggs - 5; noes, none. PUBLIC COMMENTS Ken Buzzell, Representative from UFLAC, stated that Mr. Conrad Melton, who will be appearing before the Board today on the Berringer disability case, will not be appearing on behalf of UFLAC, but on behalf of Berringer. Mr. Mattingly introduced the Board to Nona Tobin, the Assistant Director of Personnel for the City of San Jose, who is here to study the Department's processing of disability cases. Ms. Tobin stated that the City of San Jose experiences a ninety percent disability rate for the fire and police. President Staggs suggested that a reception be held sometime in the near future so that the Fire and Police Chiefs and their respective Commissions be introduced to our Commission. The Board asked Mr. Siegfried O. Hillmer, Assistant City Attorney, if the Board has authority to arrange such a reception. Mr. Hillmer responded that if there is no expense to the pension fund, then it is perfectly okay to hold such a reception. Mr. Mattingly next week. reminded the Board that there is no Board meeting scheduled for Mr. Mattingly reported that the Personnel & Labor Relations Committee met yesterday and voted to receive and file the communication from the Chief of Police regarding an amendment be made to the City Charter excluding surviving spouses and dependent children from the Workers' Compensation reimbursement requirement. Mr. Mattingly stated that the communication had been received in error, as the City Charter does not require surviving spouses and dependent children to pay back Workers' Compensation. CONSENT ITEMS DISCONTINUE PENSIONS - ARTICLE XVII - 1 Hazel B. Steckel Po 1 ice Widow DISCONTINUE PENSIONS - ARTICLE XVIII Raymond R. Cooper James P. Wampler Retired 11-01-50 Died 07-05-88 Retired 09-01-68 Retired 06-01-78 Died 07-25-88 Died 07-25-88 2 Police Service Police Service AUGUST 25, 1988 PAGE 6 SERVICE PENSIONS - ARTICLE XVIII - 1 FIRE Engineer Christopher C. Cook Appt'd Eff: 02-20-60 07-31-88 28 Years, 161 Days NPB: $3,979.47 65.3233 $2,599.52 ELIGIBLE SURVIVING SPOUSE'S PENSION - ARTICLE XVIII - 2 Member's Class Normal Pen. Base Rate Name Patricia A. Cooper (Raymond R. Cooper) Police Service $ 914.50 42% 07-26-88 t~ember's ClL Total $ 384.09 779.69 $1,163.78 lee R. Wampler (James P. Wampler) Police Service $2,622.18 55% 07-26-88 Member's C/l Total $1,442.20 1,442.10 $2,884.30 % Effect ive Date Monthly Amount The above consent items were approved. Motion made by Commissioner Chan, seconded by Commissioner Diannitto and adopted by the following vote: ayes, Commissioners Andelson, Arthur, Diannitto, Velasquez and President Staggs - 5; noes, none. Commissioner Chan mentioned that there Investing Committee meeting next Thursday. will be an International At this point in the proceedings, President Staggs recessed the meeting short while. for a DISABILITY CASE - REQUEST FOR REHEARING - ARTICLE XVIII - 1 Edward l. Cook Continued. President Staggs directed that the request for rehearing will be taken under submission and will be rescheduled for Board resolution. Doctor M. Ray Rogers, treating physician, testified regarding Mr. Cook. Mr. Cook was present and was represented by his attorney, Thomas J. Wicke. DISABILITY CASES - REVIEW - ARTICLE XVIII - 3 Robert l. Noel Continued. President Staggs directed that this case be continued in order for the applicant to obtain additional documentation concerning the disability retirement granted by the U.S. Postal Service. Mr. Noel was present and represented himself. AUGUST 25, 1988 PAGE 7 Ronald E. Richmond No change. Remain at 65%. Motion made by Commissioner Diannitto, seconded by Commissioner Arthur and adopted by the following vote: ayes, Commissioners Arthur, Chan, Oiannitto, Velasquez and President staggs - 5; noes, none. Mr. Richmond was present and was represented by Ken Buzzell, Director, United Firefighters of L. A. City. Ray A. Noetze 1 Adjusted to 65% or $2,591.12, plus $216.60 cost of living for a total of $2,807.72. Motion made by Commissioner Arthur, seconded by Commissioner Velasquez and adopted by the following vote: ayes, Commissioners Arthur, Chan, Velasquez and President Staggs - 4; noes, Commissioner Diannitto - 1. Lt. Edmund Gagnon, Medical Liaison, Police Department, testified regarding Mr. Noetzel. Mr. Noetzel was present and was represented by his attorney, Michael T. Roberts. DISABILITY CASES - NEW - ARTICLE XVIII - 3 Gary J. Petrilla Continued. President Staggs directed that this case be rescheduled when more Commissioners are present. (Original motion to deny was made by Commissioner Velasquez, seconded by Commissioner Arthur and failed by the following vote: ayes, Commissioners Arthur, Chan and Velasquez - 3; noes, Commissioner Diannitto and President Staggs 2.) Lt. Edmund Gagnon, Medical Liaison, Lt. Eugene LaBriola, Sgt. H. G. Dublin, Officer Michael Pytel, Police Department and Doctor Gail Taucher, treating psychologist, testified regarding Mr. Petrilla. Mr. Petrilla was present and was represented by his attorney, Michael T. Roberts. Leslie F. Pellicano Withdrawn. The application was withdrawn at the hearing at the request of the applicant's attorney. Mr. Pellicano was not present but was represented by his attorney, Michael T. Roberts. Brian B. Berenger Prior Board action of March 3, 1988 granting Mr. Berenger a service pension is rescinded and a service-connected disability pension granted, effective February 14, 1988, in the monthly amount of $2,380.17 or 57.2849% of $4,154.97. Motion made by Commissioner Chan, seconded by Commissioner Arthur and adopted by the following vote: ayes, Commissioners Arthur, Chan, Diannitto and President Staggs - 4; noes, Commissioner Velasquez - 1. Captain John P. Miller, Medical Liaison, Mr. Aldred D. Brekke, Retired Fire Captain and Captain Gilbert Ramelli, Fire Department, testified regarding Mr. Berenger. Mr. Berenger was present and was represented by Conrad Melton, United Firefighters of L. A. City. AUGUST 25, PAGE 8 1988 At this point in the proceedings, meeting adjourned at 2:20 p.m. President Staggs called for adjournment. Manag. The