Student Self-Assessment

The Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat
The Capacity Building Series
is produced by The Literacy and Numeracy
Secretariat to support leadership and
instructional effectiveness in Ontario
schools. The series is posted at:
Why student self-assessment?
“Self-assessment by pupils, far from being
a luxury, is in fact an essential component
of formative assessment. When anyone
is trying to learn, feedback about the
effort has three elements: recognition of
the desired goal, evidence about present
position, and some understanding of a way
to close the gap between the two. All three
must be understood to some degree by
anyone before he or she can take action to
improve learning … If formative assessment
is to be productive, pupils should be
trained in self-assessment so that they
can understand the main purposes of their
learning and thereby grasp what they need
to do to achieve.”
(Black & Wiliam, 1998, p. 143)
Assessment practices have started to change over the last several years with teachers
building a larger repertoire of assessment tools and strategies. There is a greater
understanding of the importance of timely assessments for learning as well as regular
assessments of learning.
One type of assessment that has been shown to raise students’ achievement
significantly is student self-assessment (Black & William, 1998; Chappuis & Stiggins,
2002; Rolheiser & Ross, 2001; White & Frederiksen, 1998).
Confidence and efficacy play a critical role in accurate and meaningful self-assessment
and goal-setting. Rolheiser, Bower, and Stevahn (2000) argue that self-confidence
influences “[the] learning goals that students set and the effort they devote to
accomplishing those goals. An upward cycle of learning results when students
confidently set learning goals that are moderately challenging yet realistic, and then
exert the effort, energy, and resources needed to accomplish those goals” (p. 35).
By explicitly teaching students how to set appropriate goals as well as how to assess
their work realistically and accurately, teachers can help to promote this upward cycle
of learning and self-confidence (Ross, 2006).
Terminology of Assessment
Clear and concise definitions of key terms help to ensure that everyone understands
the nature of student self-assessment and its role in student achievement.
Assessment is the process of “gathering information … from a variety of sources that
accurately reflects how well a student is achieving the curriculum expectations in a
subject” (Ministry of Education, 2006d, p. 15).
December 2007
ISSN: 1913 8482 (Print)
ISSN: 1913 8490 (Online)
Student self-assessment is “the process by which the student gathers information
about and reflects on his or her own learning … [it] is the student’s own assessment
of personal progress in knowledge, skills, processes, or attitudes. Self-assessment
leads a student to a greater awareness and understanding of himself or herself as a
learner” (Ministry of Education, 2002, p. 3).
Benefits for students
• development of metacognitive skills –
students become more skilled at adjusting
what they are doing to improve the quality
of their work (Cooper, 2006)
• increased responsibility for students’ own
learning as a result of more opportunities
for self-reflection (Cyboran, 2006)
• positive effects for low achievers –
reducing achievement gaps (Black &
Wiliam, 1998; Chappuis, & Stiggins, 2002)
• development and refinement of students’
capacity for critical thinking (Cooper, 2006)
• increased mathematics problem-solving
ability (Brookhart, Andolina, Zuza, &
Furman, 2004)
• improved academic results in narrative
writing (Ross, Rolheiser, & Hogaboam-Gray)
• reduction in disruptive behaviour
(Ross, 2006)
Evaluation is an informed professional judgment about the quality of a child’s work
at a point in time. This judgment is based on the student’s best, most consistent work
or performance, utilizing established criteria. In kindergarten, evaluation is largely a
description of what the teacher has observed in the classroom whereas, in Grades 1–8,
it is tied to the levels of achievement described in the Ontario Curriculum documents
(Ministry of Education, 2006d, p. 15).
Reflection is an essential component of effective self-assessment; it occurs “when
students think about how their work meets established criteria; they analyze the
effectiveness of their efforts, and plan for improvement” (Rolheiser, Bower, & Stevahn,
2000, p. 31).
Metacognition is “thinking about thinking” (Rolheiser, Bower, & Stevahn, 2000, p. 32).
Developing reflective processes can lead to improved metacognition. Rolheiser and
colleagues note that when students develop their capacity to understand their own
thinking processes, they are better equipped to employ the necessary cognitive skills
to complete a task or achieve a goal. They also note that “students who have acquired
metacognitive skills are better able to compensate for both low ability and insufficient
information” (p. 34). Developing reflective processes can lead to improved metacognition.
Goal-setting is a key component of the self-assessment process, as well as a significant
learning skill. In particular, setting goals “helps students who have negative orientations
toward learning or who do not have realistic views of their strengths and weaknesses.
Teachers can help these students by establishing appropriate goals, selecting effective
learning strategies to reach those goals, committing effort toward those goals, and
celebrating the results of their performances” (Rolheiser, Bower, & Stevahn, 2000, p. 77).
Steps to Self-Assessment
There are a number of steps that teachers can take to ensure that their students learn
how to self-assess effectively (adapted from Rolheiser & Ross, 2001). Students and
parents need to understand not only what self-assessment is, but also why and how it is
being used to support student learning.
Getting Started
• Model/intentionally teach critical thinking skills required for self-assessment practices.
• Address students’ perceptions of self-assessment, and engage students in discussions
or activities focused on why self-assessment is important.
• Anticipate that students will respond differently to opportunities for self-assessment;
some may welcome them, while others may question their worth.
• Allow time for learning self-assessment skills.
• Provide students with many opportunities to practise different aspects of the selfassessment process as they gradually assume more responsibility for their own
learning (e.g., brainstorming possible criteria for assessment, applying these criteria to
their own work, receiving timely feedback on their self-assessments and developing
goals and action plans).
• Have students self-assess familiar tasks or performances using clearly identified criteria.
• Ensure that parents/guardians understand that self-assessment is only one of a variety
of assessment strategies that you use and why you use it.
The Process
Dunning, Heath and Suls (2004) observe that “accurate self-assessment is … crucial for
education to be a lifelong enterprise that continues far after the student has left the
classroom” (p. 85), and Williams (as cited in Dunning et al., 2004) has found that “the
ability to ‘know thyself’ can be assessed, trained, and improved, resulting in worthwhile
increases in performance” (p. ii).
Benefits for teachers
• increase in student engagement (Bruce,
Students need to learn how to assess their own progress by asking themselves some
key questions about where they are in their learning: Where am I now? Where am I
trying to go? What do I need to get there? How will I know I have accomplished what
I set out to do?
• students begin to internalize instructional
goals and apply them to future efforts
(Herbert, 1998)
To help students determine where they are now, teachers can ...
• ensure that students understand the criteria for quality work, so that they are able to
assess themselves as fairly and accurately as possible
• help students gradually assume more responsibility for their own learning, as they
practise using self-assessment tools such as checklists, rubrics and student-led
conferencing forms
• provide students with opportunities to discuss their self-assessments in light of peer
and teacher assessments
• ensure that all stakeholders provide specific anecdotal feedback rather than scores or
grades to identify explicit next steps for student learning
Tip for teachers ...
“Work with a peer or colleague in
experimenting with self-assessment. Such
experimentation will enhance personal
assessment literacy. The constructive
dissonance, social comparison, synthesis,
and experimentation that occur when
working with others will have a significant
effect on your learning, and ultimately,
on your students’ learning. Collaboration
will help you more effectively link student
learning and instructional approaches for
the purpose of continuous improvement.”
(Rolheiser & Ross, 2000, p. 36)
To help students determine where they intend to go, teachers can ...
• develop with students clearly articulated learning targets and provide concrete
exemplars of student work; students need to understand what they’re “aiming for”
• define good work using language that is meaningful for the learners; ideally, involve
students in determining the language that is used
• establish what language or symbols will be used for the purposes of reflection and
self-assessment, depending on age level and development
• model goal-setting for students
• monitor the goals that students set for themselves (i.e., that they are meaningful
and manageable)
• ensure that goals are recorded for future reference
• access to information, otherwise
unavailable, about student effort and
persistence (Rolheiser & Ross, 2000)
To help students determine what they need to do to get there, teachers can ...
• collaboratively identify strengths and gaps in student learning through the analysis of
a variety of data
• help students to develop realistic action plans that are practical and directly linked to
the goals that have been selected
• monitor students’ progress as they implement action plans
To help students determine whether they have accomplished what they had set
out to do, teachers can ...
• have students revisit long-term goals periodically to reflect on their relevance and to
make any necessary adjustments
• talk with each student about his/her goal(s)
• have students write a specific reflection about their goal(s) and what they did to
achieve them – students may need guidance to identify their strengths and areas
for improvement
Reflective questions for teachers ...
• Is my assessment inclusive of all my students?
• How can I share/co-create the criteria for
assessment with my students?
• How will my students demonstrate their
understanding of the assessment process?
• How will I involve my students in the
assessment process?
• How can I help students to understand how
the assessment process helps them?
• How can I provide opportunities for students
to determine next steps for
their learning?
• How does this assessment build on my
students’ metacognitive skills? (The Literacy
and Numeracy Secretariat, 2006, p. 25)
Communicating with Parents
• Students benefit from self-assessment as part of routine practice.
• Grades on report cards are determined by the teacher only, and are based on a range
of assessments (e.g., projects, performance tasks, quizzes).
• Teachers use a variety of assessment instruments – student self-assessment is part of
a broader array of formative feedback that informs instruction.
• The accuracy of students’ self-assessments has been shown to improve when they
are taught how to self-assess in a systematic way (Rolheiser & Ross, 2001).
School Leadership Support
• Collect data about your school’s current assessment practices.
• Have teachers complete a gap analysis survey regarding current use of student selfassessment (“Self-Assessment: A Growth Continuum for Teacher Reflection” on page 7
can be used for the purpose of gap analysis).
• Conduct an audit of assessment tools used by teachers, and then develop a
schoolwide assessment literacy plan with common assessments for various grades.
• Facilitate the sharing of assessments where teachers come together and compare
assessment tools and strategies.
• Ask the question: Can your students articulate (to teachers, parents) their own
strengths and areas for improvement needed in reading, writing and/or mathematics?
• Build on the expertise of teachers in your school who are currently utilizing
student self-assessment and have them share ideas through mentoring, coaching
opportunities, divisional meetings or on a professional learning day.
Making the Most of Student Self-Assessment
Ross (2006) has summarized the research on the reliability, validity and utility of selfassessment. Below are the key findings of this research together with suggestions for how
teachers can help make student self-assessment practices more effective and accurate.
The outcome for teachers, according to Ross, is that it will contribute to higher student
motivation, confidence and achievement.
Do students self-assess accurately?
Student self-assessments tend to be higher than assessments undertaken by the teacher.
For example, young children may over-estimate “because they lack the cognitive skills to
integrate information about their abilities and are more vulnerable to wishful thinking”
(Ross, 2006, p. 3). Inflation is more likely to occur for older students if they believe that
the self-assessments will directly affect their grades (see also Dunning, Heath & Suls,
2004, p. 88).
Actions teachers can take ...
• intentionally teach students how to self-assess using criteria and provide many
opportunities to practise
• involve students in jointly constructing rubrics, so that they may deepen their
understanding of the criteria they are using to self-assess
• ensure that students understand that self-assessments are formative, and help to
improve their overall performance
• create opportunities for learners to compare their self-assessments to those of their
peers and teacher(s)
• collect self-assessments at various times (i.e., not always immediately
following instruction)
Do students’ self-assessments align with those of their peers and teachers?
Evidence about validity is mixed; most studies base their conclusions on the correlation
between student self-assessment scores and teacher-rated scores or peer appraisal.
There are many possible reasons for the variation in self-teacher agreement, especially
“student inability to apply assessment criteria, interest bias, and the unreliability of
teacher assessments” (Ross, 2006, p. 4). However, the alignment of teacher and student
assessments is “higher when students have been taught how to assess their work” (p. 3).
Actions teachers can take ...
• provide frequent opportunities for students to receive and use feedback over time
• communicate to parents/guardians that the power of student self-assessment lies
in its impact on student learning and achievement, as well as student confidence,
motivation and engagement
If student self-assessment cannot be used for grading purposes in Ontario, why
should I devote class time to teaching my students how to do it?
Self-assessment has been shown to impact both increased student achievement and
improved student behaviour. Involvement in the classroom assessment processes can
increase student engagement and motivation (Ross, 2006).
Actions teachers can take ...
• provide opportunities for students to discuss what is expected of them and to
negotiate expectations for an assignment
• understand that even though they are involving students in the assessment process,
they are “not surrender[ing]control of assessment criteria”; rather they are setting
up a process in which “students develop a deeper understanding of key expectations
mandated by governing curriculum guidelines” (Ross, 2006, p. 8).
How do I ensure that students who perceive themselves as unsuccessful do not
assess themselves harshly and inaccurately?
When students self-assess positively, they set higher goals for themselves and commit
more personal resources or effort to them (Rolheiser, 1996). Students may self-judge and
self-react to achievement results regardless of teacher input. “A stream of negative selfassessments can lead students to select personal goals that are unrealistic, adopt learning
strategies which are ineffective, exert low effort and make excuses for performance”
(Stipek, Recchia, & McClintic, 1992, cited in Ross, 2006, p. 7).
“We can’t buy assessments that will
circumvent teachers’ need for deeper
assessment expertise. Off the shelf
assessments may be marketed as formative
assessments, but they don’t help teachers
understand or apply the strategies that have
been proven to increase student learning
… They do not show teachers how to make
learning targets clear to students or how
to help students differentiate between
strong and weak work … They do not help
teachers show students how to assess their
own strengths and weaknesses, nor do they
emphasize the motivational power of having
students track and share their learning.
They cannot substitute for the professional
development needed to cause changes in
assessment practice in the classroom.”
(Stiggins & Chapuis, 2006, p.13)
Rethinking Classroom Assessment with
Purpose in Mind
In this webcast, Dr. Lorna Earl highlights
three purposes of assessment – assessment
as learning, assessment for learning and
assessment of learning – and describes how
they require different planning, use and
reporting to promote student learning.
View the webcast at:
Actions teachers can take ...
• identify a focus and/or next steps based on identified gaps in student understanding
• encourage students to focus on concrete data rather than past performances or
patterns of achievement; self-assessing analytically versus holistically may assist with
this process
• when responding to students’ self-assessments, give feedback that motivates
students to continue their learning; ask them what they think, what helped them, and
how they deal with challenges; focus on the positive (Rolheiser et al.,2000, p. 65)
Tools and Strategies to Engage Students
The ability to self-assess effectively develops over time and with experience (Cassidy, 2007). With this in mind, it is helpful for
teachers to select tools and strategies that can be used in all divisions. The tools and strategies suggested below should be adapted
by teachers to suit the various needs of their diverse student population. Teachers need time to learn these tools and strategies as
they promote a shift away from quantitative to qualitative learning. Each allows for self-assessment of both process and product,
and focuses on assessment for learning. Each demands that students revisit their own work, engage in reflection and set goals
for improvement.
Suggestions for Getting Started
• Start by developing checklists with students before
moving on to rubric development, as checklists are easier
to construct and use.
• Use checklists when a process or product can be broken
into components; they are quick and useful in situations
involving a large number of criteria.
• Align checklists closely with tasks.
Suggestions for Getting Started
• Rubrics are more powerful when used in conjunction with
samples of student work or exemplars.
• Consider ready-made rubrics only as starting points –
constantly modify them with student input.
• Consider having students assess a model piece of work
using a rubric.
• Use rubrics as guides during the writing process.
• Create rubrics with students about a familiar topic, ensuring
that you take into account various cultures, developmental
stages and background experiences (e.g., an ideal birthday
party, an excellent school, a great teacher, the best
playground, a friend, classroom behaviour, etc.).
• Work with students to put rubrics into student-friendly
• Allow students to highlight or checkmark rubrics, using
them as a visual guide while completing assignments.
Resources: Cleland (1999); Ministry of Education (2005)
(Appendices 3 & 6).
“Tools for self-assessment may include surveys, interest
inventories, checklists, reader’s notebooks, conferences, and
sentence stems to guide reflection.” (Ministry of Education,
2006b, p. 27)
Suggestions for Getting Started
• Model/create an exemplar to support student
• Display student-/teacher-generated exemplars in
your classroom.
• Use exemplars with accompanying rubrics.
• Have students sort exemplars into levels according to a
rubric and give reasons for their choices.
• Have students compare their own work with exemplars.
Resources: EQAO Exemplars.
“You could make schools better if you show us what good work
looks like and help us see what comes next.” (Booth, Green &
Booth, 2004, p. 159)
“One theme that emerges from our review is that the road
to self-accuracy may involve information from or about other
people … For example, in educational settings, benchmarking
has been shown to improve self-evaluation accuracy” (Dunning
et al., 2004, p. 99)
Resources: Saddler & Andrade (2004).
“Without careful instruction, rubrics can become the students’
destination rather than a road map for helping them reach that
destination. Rubrics are tools designed to provide constructive
feedback for students through self-, peer, or teacher assessment
in order to further develop skills or knowledge.” (Creighton,
2000, p. 38)
“Good rubrics embrace what we value most deeply ... a rubric
demands reflecting on and describing performance with some
precision; creating a rubric teaches us to think.” (Spandel,
2006, p. 16)
Suggestions for Getting Started
• Have students read orally into a digital voice recorder and
reflect on their own fluency and use of cueing systems.
• Video tape students during oral presentations.
• Tape small group discussions.
• Use a rubric or checklist for students to guide their selfassessments while viewing or listening.
• Create audio/visual exemplars.
Resources: Brevig (2006).
Suggestions for Getting Started
• “Start small” (e.g., focus on one curricular area).
•Review critical dates (e.g., if student-led conferencing is
going to occur).
•Inform parents early regarding the purpose and plans for
the portfolio.
•Have students set goals early and revisit them periodically.
•Have portfolios readily available for students to access.
•Practise using the “language of reflection.”
•Ideally, model self-assessment and goal-setting by
maintaining a professional portfolio that you share with
your students.
(adapted from: Rolheiser, Bower, & Stevahn, 2000)
Suggestions for Getting Started
• Record what students say and do as you interview.
• Transcribing may be required to complete surveys.
• Consider tape recording student responses.
• Create opportunities for students to practise student-led
conferences with their peers and/or older students, before
they conduct them with their parents/guardians.
Resources: Ministry of Education (2005) (Appendix 7.3); Ministry
of Education (2006b pp. 47–49); Ministry of Education (2006c,
pp. 12–18); Ministry of Education (2003, p. 43).
“The real contents of a portfolio are the child’s thoughts and
his or her reasons for selecting a particular entry ... We need to
discover the ever growing metacognitive voices of our children
– voices that we (teachers) train to become competent and
thoughtful tellers of the stories of their learning.” (Herbert,
1998, p. 584)
Resources: Ministry of Education (2005) (Appendix 7.1); Ministry
of Education (2006b) (Appendices 1 & 9); Ministry of Education
(2006c) (Appendices 12-10 & 12); Ministry of Education
(2003, p. 43).
Getting Started
• Use sentence stems to guide entries.
Resources: Ministry of Education (2005) (Appendix 6.5); Ministry
of Education (2006, 3, 4, &5); Ministry of Education (2003, p.
44); Ministry of Education (2006) (Appendix 12-5);
Self-Assessment: A Growth Continuum for Teacher Reflection
Key Stages and Conditions
Getting Started
Gaining Momentum
Consolidating and Extending
Establishing Criteria
Students respond to teachergenerated criteria.
Students select criteria from a
menu provided by teacher.
Teacher and students
negotiate criteria.
Teaching Students How
to Apply Criteria
Examples of application of the
criteria are provided.
Description of how to apply
criteria is provided.
Modelling: examples and
description of application of
criteria are provided.
Giving Feedback to
Students on Their
Some feedback is provided by
teacher and/or peers.
Comprehensive feedback is
provided by teacher
and/or peers
Comprehensive feedback that
is explicitly linked to criteria is
provided by teacher and peers.
Feedback is given on more
than one dimension of the
student’s self-assessment.
Feedback is specific; strengths
and areas for growth
are identified
Multiple sources of specific
feedback are available.
Student has opportunity to
respond to feedback.
Student has chance to justify
self-assessment to teacher
and/or peers.
Teacher and/or peers engage in
dialogue about self-assessment.
Goal Setting
Teacher prescribes goal that is
appropriate to student.
Teacher provides menu of
possible goals (based on
data) that are appropriate for
the student.
Student constructs goals from
data; goals are appropriate both
to student and task.
Classroom Norms
Students self-assess
Students self-assess regularly,
sporadically, usually at the end usually at the beginning and/
of instruction.
or end of instruction.
A Growth Continuum is adapted from Rolheiser (2006).
Students self-assess regularly
throughout the course of
instruction, using a variety
of instruments.
Black, P., & Wiliam, D. (1998). Inside the black box: Raising standards
through classroom assessment. Phi Delta Kappan, 80(2), 139–148.
Booth, D., Green, J. & Booth, J. (2004). I want to read! Reading, writing
and really learning. Oakville, ON: Rubicon.
Ross, J. A. (2006). The reliability, validity, and utility of self-assessment.
Practical Assessment Research & Evaluation, 11(10), 1–13.
Ross, J. A., Hogaboam-Gray, A., & Rolheiser, C. (2002). Student selfevaluation in grade 5–6 mathematics: Effects on problem solving
achievement. Educational Assessment, 8(1), 43–58.
Brevig, L. (2006) The Reading Teacher, 59(6), 522–530.
Saddler, B., & Andrade, H. (2004). The writing rubric. Educational
Leadership, 62(2), 48–52.
Bruce, L. B. (2001). Student self-assessment: Encouraging active
engagement in learning. Dissertation Abstracts International, Vol.
62-04A, 1309.
Spandel, V. (2006a). Assessing with heart. Journal of Staff
Development, 27(3), 14–18.
Chappuis, S., & Stiggins, R. J. (2002 ). Classroom assessment for
learning. Educational Leadership, 60(1), 40–43.
Cleland, J. (1999). We can charts: Building blocks for student led
conferences. The Reading Teacher, 52(6), 588–595.
Cooper, D. (2006). Collaborating with students in the assessment
process. Orbit, 36(2), 20–23.
Spandel, V. (2006b). In defense of rubrics. English Journal, 96(1),
Stiggins, R. (1999). Assessment, student confidence, and school
success. Phi Delta Kappan, 81(3).
White, B. Y., & Frederiksen, J. R. (1998). Inquiry, modeling, and
metacognition: Making science accessible to all students. Cognition and
Instruction, 16(1), 18–31.
Creighton, D. (2000). What do rubrics have to do with teaching? Orbit,
30(4), 37–39.
Cyboran, V. (2006). Self-assessment: Grading or knowing? Academic
Exchange Quarterly, 10(3), 183–186.
Dunning, D., Heath, C., & Suls, J.M. (2004). Flawed self-assessment:
Implications for health, education, and the workplace. Psychological
Science in the Public Interest, 5(3), 69–106.
Hart, D. (1999). Opening assessment to our students. Social Education,
63(6), 343–345.
Herbert, E. (1998). Lessons learned about student portfolios. Phi Delta
Kappan, 79(8), 583–585.
Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat. (2006). Faciltator’s handbook:
A guide to effective literacy instruction, Grades 4 to 6, Volume Two:
Assessment. Toronto, ON: Queen’s Printer for Ontario.
Ministry of Education. (2005). A guide to effective instruction in
writing, K–3. Toronto, ON: Queen’s Printer for Ontario.
Ministry of Education. (2006a). A guide to effective instruction in
mathematics, K–6, Volume 4. Toronto, ON: Queen’s Printer for Ontario.
Ministry of Education. (2006b). A guide to effective literacy instruction,
4–6, Volume Two: Assessment. Toronto, ON: Queen’s Printer for Ontario.
Ministry of Education. (2006c). A guide to effective instruction in
reading, K–3. Toronto, ON: Queen’s Printer for Ontario.
Ministry of Education (2006d). The Ontario curriculum, Grades 1–8:
Language. Toronto, ON: Queen’s Printer for Ontario.
Ministry of Education (2002). The Ontario Curriculum unit planner.
Toronto, ON: Queen’s Printer for Ontario.
Ministry of Education. (2003). Early math strategy: The report of the
Expert Panel on Early Math in Ontario. Toronto, ON: Queen’s Printer for
Rolheiser, C. (Ed.). (1996). Self-evaluation: Helping kids get better at it.
Ajax, ON: VisuTronX.
Rolheiser, C., Bower, B., & Stevahn, L. (2000). The portfolio organizer:
Succeeding with portfolios in your classroom. Alexandra, VA: American
Society for Curriculum Development.
Rolheiser, C., & Ross, J.A. (2000). Student self-evaluation – What do we
know? Orbit, 30(4), 33–36.
Rolheiser, C. & Ross, J. A. (2001). Student self-evaluation: What
research says and what practice shows. In R. D. Small & A. Thomas
(Eds.), Plain talk about kids (pp. 43–57). Covington, LA: Center for
Development and Learning. Retrieved October 26, 2007
Additional Resources
Brookhart, S. M., Andolina, M., Zuza, M., & Furman, R. (2004). Minute
math: An action research study of student self-assessment. Educational
Studies in Mathematics, 57(2), 213–227.
Bruning, R.H., Schraw, G.J., & Ronning, R.R. (1995). Cognitive
psychology and instruction (2nd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: PrenticeHall.
Cassidy, S. (2007). Assessing “inexperienced” students’ ability to
self-assess: Exploring links with learning style and academic personal
control. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 32(3),
Cyboran, V. (2006). Self Assessment: Grading or knowing? Academic
Exchange Quarterly, 10(3), 183–186.
Earl, L. & Katz, S (2006). Rethinking classroom assessment with
purpose in mind. Western and Northern Canadian Protocol for
Collaboration in Education. Retrieved October 26, 2007
Hargreaves, A., & Fullan, M. (1998). What’s worth fighting for out
there? Mississauga, ON: Ontario Public School Teachers’ Federation.
Jorissen, K. (2006). 3 skillful moves to assessment for the busy
principal. Journal of Staff Development, 27(1), 22–26.
Learner-Centered Work Group of the American Psychological
Association’s Board of Education Affairs (1997). Learner centered
psychological principles: A framework for school reform. Retrieved
October 26, 2007
Ministry of Education. (2006). A guide to effective instruction in
mathematics, K–6. Volume Four: Assessment and home connections.
Toronto, ON: Queen’s Printer for Ontario.
Ross, J. A., Rolheiser, C., & Hogaboam-Gray, A. (2000). Effects of
self-evaluation training on narrative writing. Assessing Writing, 6(l),
Stiggins, R., & Chapuis, J. (2006). What a difference a word makes:
Assessment FOR learning rather than assessment OF learning helps
students succeed. Journal of Staff Development, 27(1), 1.
Tan, K. (2004). Does student self-assessment empower or discipline
students? Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 29(6),