February 17, 2015 edition - Hillcrest Church of Christ

Weekly Bulletin
Vol. 61 No. 7 February 17, 2015
A Pregnant Man
John Deffenbaugh
Wayne Douthitt
Glen Honeycutt
Rick Hyder
Bill Reiboldt
Pete Babb
Carl Cobb
Alan Cook
Barry Flint
Casey Flint
Josh King
Mike Kidwell
Tim Murray
Bryan Reiboldt
Jim Scott
Peter Wald
Local Evangelists:
Danny Boggs
Luke Yates
Worship Assemblies
10 a.m. Sunday
6 p.m. Sunday
Bible Classes
9 a.m. Sunday
7 p.m. Wednesday
(417) 451-2724
The 1994 movie Junior drew a million laughs.
Arnold Schwarzenegger played a scientist who
carried a pregnancy in order to test the fertility
drug he helped to create.
David knew a pregnant man 3,000 years ago.
“Behold, the wicked man conceives evil and is
pregnant with mischief and gives birth to lies. He
makes a pit, digging it out, and falls into the hole
that he has made. His mischief returns upon his
own head, and on his own skull his violence
descends” (Psalm 7:14-16 ESV). No laughing
matter was this pregnancy.
Dogged by a slanderous enemy, David agonized over the abuse but trusted God to do right
(Psalm 7:9-13). His impenitent nemesis would
get his just deserts. David sang, “I will give to the
Lord the thanks due to his righteousness, and I
will sing praise to the name of the Lord, the Most
High” (Psalm 7:17).
This psalm became integral to the Feast of
Purim that originated with the escape of the Jewish people from massacre in Persia. Queen Esther
bravely foiled the plot of wicked Haman who
intended to exterminate the Jews. He constructed
a gallows to hang righteous Mordecai. In the end,
Haman himself hung there. The Jews saw in
Haman the prototypical conceiving, pregnant,
and birthing evil man. His evil fell on his own
head. We can trust God, as they did, to handle the
offense of those who sin against us.
Psalm 7:12-16 highlights the fertility and futility of evil. Its conception in a person’s heart is
momentous. Its growth is prodigious. Its birth is
disastrous. Its punishment is certain and grievous.
Don’t get pregnant with sin. If you are already
heavy with that child, repent. It’s not funny.
Danny Boggs
Speaking of movies, we have much to lament
after the way Americans flocked to celebrate
sexual immorality in Fifty Shades of Grey last
weekend. Hollywood will keep cranking out filth
as long as they find that people
will pay to watch it.
This weekend will see the
arrival at the local theater of a
movie titled McFarland USA.
It is based on the inspirational
true story of a high school
cross country team turned into
champions by a man who is our brother in Christ.
I have been told that ours is one of the smaller
markets in the nation that gets to see this kind of
movie locally. That’s due to past performance.
Why not keep showing Hollywood that this is
what we appreciate as entertainment?
Our tenth annual ladies’ seminar is little more
than two weeks away–March 6-7!
Becky Blackmon and Janie Craun will help us
celebrate being Christian women, wives and
mothers who celebrate salvation and heaven.
Pray for an upbuilding weekend. Be here, and
bring someone with you!
His own people, eager to do what is good – Titus 2:14
In our
Kay Anderson, Ken Babbitt, Glen Crumbliss, Glenda Daniels, Emily Enfield,
Wilma Fair, Jerry Faules, Louise Faules, Joe Freund, Teresa Freund, Faye
Haught, Phyllis Goins, Larry Jones, Cecile Kimbrough, Guy Lewis, Lauretta
McLain, Pearl McLeary, Phyllis Middleton, Max Naramore, Price Naramore,
Cindy Patton, Leslie Prier, Michael Shinkle, Orian Smith, Glenn Strickland,
Brenda Strohl, Helen Swem, Bobbie Tuggle, Sue York, Darren Wilson, and
Treva Wolgamott.
● Glenn Stickland is in Freeman Neosho Hospital recovering
from surgery.
● Jean Hanger in in Freeman Neosho Hospital following a
● Glen Crumbliss is back home after spending last week in
the hospital.
● Sherry Merrill is scheduled for heart valve replacement this
● Pam Babb will have hip surgery next Monday in Dallas.
● Wilma Hill anticipates back surgery March 5.
● Brenda Strohl is scheduled for cancer surgery March 18 in
● Charles and Susan Phillips would appreciate your prayers
for his father, Bob Phillips, who is in serious condition in a
Springfield hospital.
Welcome to God’s family! Mark and Brenda Strohl put on
Christ in baptism Tuesday morning. Their address is: 579
Barton Place, Neosho, MO 64850, and their phone number is
570-578-9558. Remember to keep Brenda in your prayers as she
is fighting cancer.
Bob Holland has moved to the Veterans’ Home in St. James,
Missouri. You can reach him at (417) 265-3271 ext. 236.
Youth Devo: This Saturday at the home of Casey and Amanda
Flint at 6 p.m. Boys bring drinks, girls bring desserts, and
everyone bring your Bible, camp songbook
and a friend!
Youth Rally: The Dexter church of Christ will
host a youth rally March 6-7 with Jeff Miller
providing scientific confidence in creation.
We will take the van for all fifth graders through college students
who want to go. We will take the van at 1:30 that Friday and
return Saturday night. The only cost is food. Please sign up
before next Wednesday, February 25.
Winter Fellowship Lunch: This Sunday, after
morning services, stay for a chili and soup potluck lunch! If your last name begins with A-L,
bring chili and soup, and if your last name begins
with M-Z, bring desserts and other fixings.
Welcome Baskets will be given to the two speakers for the Ladies’ Seminar at Hillcrest. You may
help with this by donating money for items for the
two baskets. Please give cash donations to Brenda Kimbrough.
Lads to Leaders this Sunday: Lads practice session at the
building begins at 4:30 to work on speech and song leading.
Leaderettes: All girls involved in the L2L program will meet this Friday at 6 p.m. In the fellowship room to sew pillowcase dresses to send to
Honduras. Anyone who has pillowcases, trim,
ribbon, and elastic, and would like to donate,
please give them to Jennifer Daniels.
Note of Thanks:
John and Bette Sinden wish to thank each and every one for the
lovely welcoming cards to the family of Hillcrest church. And to
all others, we feel so loved and welcomed to this church. It is
God’s blessing.
AM: He Would Do That for Me?
(Danny Boggs)
PM: Luke Yates
Prayers Sunday, February 22
•AM Opening: Tony Flint
•AM Closing: Dale Privett
•PM Opening: Matt Hayes
•PM Closing: John Deffenbaugh
Scripture Reading Sunday, February 22
•Psalm 65:1-4, Todd Murray
Prayers Wednesday, February 25
•Opening: Wayne Douthitt
•Closing: Danny Boggs
Bible Study
AM Worship
PM Worship